10 Best Essential Oils for Healing and How to Use Them! (2024)

Used medicinally for thousands of years, the potency behind these 10 best essential oils is their ability to support your natural healing systems. Just one drop can provide amazing health benefits, and these are some of the best essential oils for healing that you can find!

Table of Contents

  1. Essential Oils for Healing Through History
  2. Essential Oils Meet the Modern Era
  3. 10 Best Essential Oils for Healing

Essential Oils for Healing Through History

Truth be told, the best essential oils as we know them today are very new on the scene of plant-based therapies. Extracted directly from the bark, flower fruit, leaves, nut, resin, or root of a plant or tree, and just one drop can provide the amazing health benefits that each oil provides.

To be fair, ancient civilizations did employ crude distillation techniques, but the essential oils that were extracted centuries ago were a far cry from the potent, filtered, and pure compounds that we see available to us today. The same is true with extracts, salves, and poultices that were made from healing plants. They all contained essential oils and were, thus, very effective at preventing and managing disease. However, they definitely lacked the medicinal strength of the best essential oils that we use today.

Be that as it may, a vital component of ancient culture spanning at least 3,000 years, it appears that essential oils were enjoyed by those in ancient Cyprus, Egypt and Pompeii who first made extensive use of herbs with distillation methods dating back 3,500 B.C. This wisdom sailed across the Mediterranean and evidently reached Hippocrates, who utilized aromatherapy to enhance massage techniques a few centuries before the coming of Christ. Somewhere in the midst of this knowledge transfer, China and India also started to employ herbal remedies, and Ayurvedic medicine embraced essential oils extensively.

As civilizations transferred world power, the technique of using the best essential oils for healing from Greece traveled to Rome, who favored aromatherapy and fragrances. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Persia picked up these healing techniques and perfected the essential oil distillation process.

Sadly, the Dark Ages brought with it a disdain for Hippocrates’ holistic approach. However, because the Catholic Church viewed bathing as sin, high esteem was given to aromatics – which coincidentally are also antibacterial – to keep foul odor at bay. Little did they know that their perfume was also helping stave off sickness and disease!

During this era, it is believed that Monks continued the healing tradition of using the best essential oils and secretly kept herbal medicine alive in the halls of their monasteries. Unfortunately, folk medicine was viewed as “witchcraft,” and many herbalists were either burned at the stake or persecuted. Thankfully, the Renaissance resurrected herbal medicine, and physicians such as Paracelsus challenged his medical colleagues with testimonials of successful treating life-threatening concerns like leprosy.

Essential Oils Meet the Modern Era

What we know as modern “aromatherapy” was not introduced formally until French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse first coined the phrase in 1937. Although he wasn’t necessarily a natural health advocate, he became interested in essential oils after a 1910 accident where he badly burned his hand, and used the first available salve in his laboratory: a pure, undiluted lavender oil compound that not only immediately eased the pain, but healed his injury without infection or scar.

Because of Gattefosse’s work, Dr. Jean Valet used the best essential oils to treat injured soldiers in the second world war, and this led to Marguerite Maury being the first person to “individually prescribe” an essential oils healing combination using a Tibetan technique for back massage that treated nerve endings along the spine.

Since then, the best essential oils for healing have become a staple in alternative medicine across the world. (1)

10 Best Essential Oils for Healing

The best essential oils for healing are comprised of a complex network of molecules that each carry different effects to the body. Their power to beat disease is so effective that, under the supervision of a natural health expert and herbalist, you may be able to avoid the having to use needless drugs or have unnecessary surgeries.

The list is long, but after careful research I’ve narrowed the top 10 best essential oils that can help you the most! (Note – Of course your favorite essential oils may be different than this list, but this is a great start!) You can learn more about how to use these and other fabulous essential oils in my book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils.

1. Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata)

Clove essential oil is often considered one of the best essential oils to use as an antiseptic for oral infections and to kill a wide spectrum of microbes to keep disease at bay. To evaluate the effectiveness clove has as an antimicrobial agent, researchers from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took a look at which bacteria are most sensitive to clove’s potency. According to their study, clove has the greatest anti-microbial ability over E. coli and also exerted considerable control over Staph aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two bacteria that oftentimes lead to pneumonia and skin infections. (2)

Learn more about clove oil here.

2. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus)

Used copiously by the Aborigines for most maladies in their villages, eucalyptus is a potent antibacterial, antispasmodic, and antiviral agent. Like clove essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil has a profound effect over Staph infections. Quite amazingly, recent research from VIT University in India showed (real-time) that when Staph aureus comes into contact with eucalyptus oil, the deadly bacterial completely lost viability within just 15 minutes of interaction! (3) It’s also considered one of the best essential oils for respiratory distress and has a familiar fragrance that most people love.

Learn more about eucalyptus here.

3. Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri, Frereana & Sacra)

Overshadowed the past several hundred years by its role in the “Christmas Story,” frankincense, one of the best essential oils, is finally getting the attention it deserves as one of the most viable healing agents on the planet. The journal Oncology Letters published an article late last year that highlights the ability of this Biblical tree to kill cancer cells; specifically the MCF-7 and HS-1 cell lines, which cause breast and other tumors. (4) Frankincense essential oil has also been used with much success to treat issues related to digestion, the immune system, oral health, respiratory concerns and stress/anxiety.

The healing benefits of frankincense have traditionally centered on disease prevention and anti-inflammatory properties, and researchers have been able to confirm that boswellic acids contain a potent ability to modify the immune system as well. (3) Part of having a more efficient immune system is the regulation of inflammation, as well, which can have effects topically or systemically. (4)

Learn more about frankincense oil here.

This is why it’s important to supplement with Boswellia resins. Formulated by my friend Sunil Pai, MD Integrative Medicine expert and medical director of Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health & Lifestyle Center, Bosmeric-SR™ is the strongest natural supplement for pain and inflammation support. Here are the specs:

  • Clinically tested, this unique sustained release formulation of patented ingredients delivers superior absorption and release over an 8 hour period.
  • Each bi-layered caplet delivers the highest dosages available of Curcumin C3 Complex® (curcumin longa) [250 mg]; Boswellin® PS (Polysal) – 35% boswellic acids + 10% AKBBA + 35% Polysal™ (boswellia serrata); and Ginger Extract (zingiber officinale) 20% Gingerols. In addition BioPerine® (piper nigrum) is added to further enhance bio-availability.
  • These ingredients support inflammatory physiological response mechanisms which are critical to the health of the entire body and have been shown to play a crucial role in supporting cardiovascular, immune, neurological, gastrointestinal, joint and connective tissue systems.
  • Research now suggest that most, if not all disease, begins with inflammation.

Check out Bosmeric-SR™ for yourself HERE!

4. Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia)

Well-known for its soothing, calming properties, lavender is wonderful for accelerating healing time for burns, cuts, stings, and other wounds. It is jam-packed with antioxidant power, which is why researchers from Tunisia evaluated its ability to treat diabetes and oxidative stress in rats. It’s one of the best essential oils for soothing and relaxation but it is more than that.

Published in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease, the article tells us that lavender essential oils “significantly protected against the increase of blood glucose as well as the decrease of antioxidant enzyme activities.” Ultimately, scientists discovered that lavender essential oil treatment helped induce a decrease in oxidative stress, which is known to cause heart disease and a slew of other health concerns, as well as increase antioxidant enzyme activities. (5)

Can this be the new diabetes and heart disease treatment? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it’ll be fun to watch the research come out on this topic!

Learn more about lavender here.

5. Lemon (Citrus limon)

Various citrus essential oils are widely used to stimulate lymph drainage, to rejuvenate sluggish, dull skin and as a bug repellent. Lemon oil stands out, however, as research has recently discovered that it carries useful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. (6) Lemon, along with a number of other widely used oils, is now being praised for its ability to combat food-borne pathogens! (7)

Learn more about lemon oil here.

6. Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Several research studies have demonstrated the improving effect on performance, changes in blood count, antibacterial, antifungal and immunomodulating abilities of oregano oil. It’s actually quite amazing – the health benefits of oregano seem limitless. To give you a sample of its wide-spread potency, WebMD reports,

“Oregano is used for respiratory tract disorders such as coughs, asthma, croup, and bronchitis. It is also used for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as heartburn and bloating. Other uses include treating menstrual cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, urinary tract disorders including urinary tract infections (UTIs), headaches, and heart conditions.

“The oil of oregano is taken by mouth for intestinal parasites, allergies, sinus pain, arthritis, cold and flu, swine flu, earaches, and fatigue. It is applied to the skin for skin conditions including acne, athlete’s foot, oily skin, dandruff, canker sores, warts, ringworm, rosacea, and psoriasis; as well as for insect and spider bites, gum disease, toothaches, muscle pain, and varicose veins. Oregano oil is also used topically as an insect repellent.”(8)

Learn more about oregano oil here.

7. Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)

Pleasantly suitable for an abundance of oral and topical uses, peppermint may be the most versatile essential oil in the world. Literally, there are few issues that it can’t help. Possibly the most fascinating aspect of peppermint is that recent research suggests that it is literally antibiotic resistant. According to an article published in the journal Phytomedicine in 2013, “Reduced usage of antibiotics could be employed as a treatment strategy to decrease the adverse effects and possibly to reverse the beta-lactam antibiotic resistance,” due to the powerful effects of peppermint oil. (9)

This is absolutely groundbreaking because antibiotic-resistant bacteria have been a major cause of concern for many Americans who are simply ruining their health by taking too many of these dangerous drugs. Can you imagine a world where your doctor prescribes peppermint essential oil for the common cold and flu instead of antibiotics? We can! And we hope that more research like this reaches mainstream media to get the word out.

Learn more about peppermint oil here.

8. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

One amazing healing effect of rosemary that many people are unaware of is its ability to normalize blood pressure. Used for centuries to improve everything from memory and brain function to relieving common aches and pains, rosemary even has a history of stimulating hair growth. But most people don’t think of rosemary mimicking their blood pressure pills!

In one of the few human studies evaluating this phenomenon, researchers from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid took 32 hypotensive patients and measured how their dangerously low blood pressure fared under rosemary essential oil treatments for 72 weeks. The results? Simply astounding! In addition to observing that rosemary could raise blood pressure to normal limits in a vast majority of the volunteers, it was discovered that overall mental and physical quality of life was drastically improved, which highlights the far-reaching healing effects that this ancient oil has on health and wellness. (10)

Learn more about rosemary oil here.

9. Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Oftentimes used to soothe and heal sore throats, sandalwood is a gentle bactericide that is more potent than most give it credit for. According to research published last year, sandalwood essential oil also has an uncanny ability to inhibit both tyrosinase and cholinesterase, which affects several physiological processes from melanin production to proper nervous system function. The results were so significant that scientists concluded that, “There is a great potential of [sandalwood] essential oil for use in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease!” (11)

Learn more about sandalwood oil here.

10. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Last, but certainly not least, tea tree is one of the healing essential oils with a rich history of use as a local antiseptic for burns and cuts as well to treat a wide spectrum of bacterial and fungal infections (including athletes foot and jock itch). Known in the science community as “volatile” because of its sheer power in killing microbes, a study was actually conducted to determine whether it could be damage your DNA. Don’t worry, thousands of years of use wasn’t done in vain. According to the study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, researchers finally put this criticism to rest last year by proving that tea tree oil is not toxic and is completely safe for use. (12)

The way I see it, if an essential oil is so powerful that scientists need to test if it can cause damage to your genes, it has got to be doing something that is turning heads! It’s one of the best essential oils for all around use!

And it’s not just tea tree oil. All of these oils are super-healers and should be in medicine cabinets all over the world.

Learn more about tea tree oil here.

Uses & Applications of Healing Essential Oils

Because they are so potent, you must also dilute the best essential oils in one way or another. The following are some common ways to use them appropriately:

  • Baths: 10 drops mixed with 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1 cup of salt makes fantastic aromatherapy for circulatory, muscular, respiratory, skin and sleep problems in addition to calming your nerves. Generally, it is advisable to avoid potent oils that could irritate the skin such as cinnamon, oregano or clove; instead, use soothing oils like eucalyptus, lavender, and sandalwood.
  • Compresses: 10 drops in 1 Tbsp of 190 proof alcohol added to 4 oz. of water. Soak a cloth and apply for bruises, infections, aches and pains.
  • Inhalations: 5 drops in a diffuser or in hot water for sinus or headache relief. Choose your more soothing oils for hot water inhalations usage, like in steam bowls, as hot oils could become quite irritating to the nasal passages used this way!
  • Salves: A 2% dilution is recommended, which is 12 drops per 1 ounce of oil, for relaxation and to alleviate joint/muscle soreness.

10 Best Essential Oils for Healing and How to Use Them! (2)


10 Best Essential Oils for Healing and How to Use Them! (2024)


What is the most powerful healing oil? ›

Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia carterii) is one of the most powerful and deeply spiritual essential oils available.

What oil has the best healing properties? ›

Tea tree oil has enormous healing potential due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal effects. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of tea tree oil may accelerate the wound-healing process. It also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the strongest anti-inflammatory essential oil? ›

Thyme essential oil had the most effects, reducing COX-2 levels by nearly 75 percent . The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy also lists many oils that may reduce inflammation, including: roman chamomile. ginger.

What are the 7 healing oils in the Bible? ›

7 Healing Oils Found in the Bible
  • Cedarwood. Egyptians used cedarwood to embalm the dead as a means of preservation for the afterlife. ...
  • Cinnamon. Although cinnamon is most commonly used as a spice in food, the Bible notes cinnamon is both an anointing oil and an attractive scent. ...
  • Frankincense. ...
  • Hyssop. ...
  • Balsam Fir. ...
  • Myrrh. ...
  • Myrtle.

What oil did Jesus use to heal? ›

Ruck believes that Jesus may have anointed those he healed with cannabis oil, which is referred to in Aramaic as kaneh-bosem (Exodus 30:22-36). Traditionally, this was thought to be the herb calamus.

What oil heals the skin fast? ›

Coconut oil. Coconut oil contains the substance monolaurin, a fatty acid with antimicrobial properties. Fatty acids found in vegetable oils play a large part in helping wounds heal. A person can use coconut oil on a wound to help reduce the risk of contracting an infection.

What essential oil is spiritual power? ›

Here are some of the essential oils most commonly used to promote spirituality: For cleansing and purifying: Angelica, anise, balsam fir, cedarwood, cypress, eucalyptus, juniper, lemon, lemon tea tree, myrrh, opoponax, peppermint, spearmint, and white sage.

What is the most spiritual essential oil? ›

Frankincense is one of the most sacred essential oils for spirituality. It has been used in different spiritual rituals and ceremonies – for healing, cleansing and enlightenment – in many different cultures, for thousands of years. It helps to increase our faith and connection to higher self.

What essential oils cannot be mixed together? ›

The combination of Peppermint and Thyme may lead to stomach irritation. There is also some evidence that skin irritation may be caused by the combination of Peppermint and Ylang Ylang, or Grapefruit blended with Lemon.

Where is the best place to put essential oils on your body? ›

You can gently rub oil into places such as your neck, forehead, temples, wrists, chest and stomach. This also includes extremities like your arms, legs and the bottoms of your feet. In fact, the bottoms of your feet are one of the safest places to apply essential oils topically.

What essential oils fight inflammation? ›

Here are some of the best essential oils for inflammation:
  • Lavender: Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils for its ability to relax both mind and body. ...
  • Peppermint: Peppermint oil is another go-to choice for its cooling effect which helps reduce swelling and redness from inflammation.
Apr 5, 2023

What essential oil helps fight infection? ›

Essential oils of peppermint, orange or lemongrass kill most strains of fungal and bacterial infections.

What is the best essential oil for everyday use? ›

  • Lemon. Lemon has antiseptic properties and can be used to make an all natural house hold cleaner by adding 4-5 drops , 1/2 cup vinegar and 1-2 cups filtered water to an empty spray bottle. ...
  • Neroli. This essential oil can be used to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. ...
  • Peppermint. ...
  • Rosemary. ...
  • Sage. ...
  • Vanilla.
Jul 22, 2017

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