10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons (2024)

Everyone wants to save money on their grocery bill. Cutting your grocery budget is one of the quickest ways to see instant savings. Everyone wants to know how to save money on groceries, so let’s talk about 10 easy ways to cut your grocery bill – without using coupons!

Let’s face it. We all know coupons can save us a lot of money, but sometimes, time doesn’t allow us to use coupons. I’ve been a huge coupon shopper for years but my coupon use has changed a lot over the years. I used to buy the paper and clip paper coupons weekly. Now, I mainly use digital coupons and an occasional printable coupon. Even though I use coupons less, I still manage to save a lot!

All of the strategies I’m going to share below take little time or effort but still result in big grocery savings. As a bonus, if you DO use coupons in addition to these strategies, you will boost your savings even more!

There are so many ways to cut your grocery bill, but I am focusing on the ones that you can quickly implement to see the biggest savings. Ready to learn more?

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read more in my disclosure policy.

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Here is how to cut your grocery bill without using coupons.

1. Shop the sales.

This is such an important tip! If you take only one thing away, make it this one. Shop the sales and buy the sale items – so you don’t have to pay full price.

For example, if peanut butter is on sale this week for $1.50 instead of $2.50, buy it! Think of how much peanut butter you use, and buy more than just the one jar you need. Follow the simple practice of buying 1 for now and 2 for later. I personally have decided to keep a minimum of 3 to 6 of any given item in my pantry at all times. I do this by stocking up when there are sales.

The more items you buy on sale for your pantry, the less you are buying at full price.

To make this work, think ahead and make a plan. If you eat pasta at least once a week, the next time you see a good sale on pasta, buy enough to last you 2 months instead of 2 weeks. Yes, it will seem like you are spending a bit more money initially, but because you are buying items on sale, the savings will quickly add up!

Watch your grocery ads every week and stock your pantry with the best sales. Every sale item purchased will save you money in the long run.

2. Buy produce in season.

Here is one of the simplest ways to save on your grocery bill. Look for the seasonal deals on produce – and eat those.

Yes, we are fortunate to have fresh produce of all varieties available to us year round. Still, when buying fresh produce, you will find the best deals on seasonal produce. Eat lots of zucchini in the summer and apples in the fall. Then, watch for deals on frozen and canned produce for variety.

Canned and frozen vegetables are processed at the peak of freshness, so you are guaranteed a high quality vegetable without the high price of a fresh one. Your kids may love grapes, but if they aren’t on sale, find a different fruit to eat this week.

3. Look for “Buy 1, Get 1 Free” deals.

If you aren’t interesting in using coupons but want to see savings in your grocery bill, look for “Buy 1, Get 1 Free” deals. Most grocery stores have a couple of these deals every week.

By seeking out these B1G1 deals, you are actually saving 50% on the purchase of these items. Anytime you can avoid paying full price, do so! My goal is to buy very few things on full price and taking advantage of B1G1 sales is one of the easiest ways to do so.

For example, Meijer recently had ground beef on sale as “B1G1”. Ground beef was $4.99 a pound, but with a free package, that averaged out to $2.50 a pound – which is an amazing deal! Anytime you can find a good B1G1 deal on something you use regularly, take advantage of the half price sale and stock up.

10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons (2)

4. Shop for mark-downs.

Items are regularly marked down at the store for a variety of reasons. Sometimes perishable items are close to a best by date, but that isn’t a problem if you will use it right away or freeze it. Other times, items are marked down because the packaging is damaged or dented. Sometimes, products are seasonal and no longer being sold, so will be marked down.

Make it a habit to look for mark downs whenever and wherever you shop. Some stores have a specific aisle and others mix them in among regular aisles. Learn what your store does and start paying attention to the mark downs.

I recently bought a giant box of diapers for half off (only $9.99) because the end was smashed in. They also had organic juice pops marked down from $4 to $0.99. I don’t buy mark downs every week but I do look for them every time I shop because you never know what you will find marked down.

Start looking for mark-downs at your grocery store but remember, it’s not a great deal if you won’t use it!

5. Bakefoods from scratch instead of buying them.

Yes, there is a time trade-off here but I often find that the money saved is worth my time. I bake my own delicious bread (for less than $0.50 a loaf). I make homemade yogurt in our slow cooker ($1 or less for 8 cups of yogurt). I bake our cookies, muffins, brownies and many other treats from scratch, too. The more you bake and cook from scratch, the more you can save.

This is also true for purchasing a fully prepared meal. Those fully prepared meals that you just have to pop in the oven are handy, but the less of them you buy – the more you will save. It is almost always cheaper to make the food yourself instead of buying it ready-made.

If you want those ready made meals, learn about freezer cooking so you can make those ready to go meals yourself. Here are 13 easy ground beef freezer meals to get you started.

6. Buy fewer convenience foods.

This is similar to the above but worth mentioning on its own. Convenience foods are a convenience. There is a time and place for those items.

When you buy convenience foods you are paying more for the convenience of it. For example, have you noticed the prices on the individual bags of chips recently? A box of 50 bags of chips is almost $20 now! I can buy a lot more big bags of generic chips for $20 and put them in lunches that way.

If you are going to buy convenience foods, buy the big bags and divide them into smaller portions yourself. Here are some more ideas to get you started thinking.

  • Grate your own cheese.
  • Peel and chop your own carrots.
  • Cut your own lettuce.
  • Dice and freeze a whole bag of onions at once for cooking.
  • Slice blocks of cheese into slices instead of buying cheese sticks.
  • Buy big bags of chips and divide them into small bags for lunches.
  • Buy one big container of yogurt and divide it into small containers for lunches.
  • Use reusable food pouches and fill them with applesauce instead of buying applesauce pouches.
  • Bake homemade cookies and freeze them for quick lunch treats.
10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons (3)

7. Buy cheaper cuts of meat.

Meat can quickly take up a large portion of your grocery budget. One of the ways to save money on meat is to buy cheaper cuts of meat – focusing on the ones that are on sale!

Hamburger is cheaper than steak. Chicken is cheaper than hamburger. Pork is cheaper than chicken. And so on and so on. How can you substitute cheaper cuts of meat in your menu?

Another way to save money on meat is by using less meat than a recipe calls for. For example, if your recipe calls for 1.5 pounds of hamburger, try using only 1 pound instead. This is very easy to do in casserole and crock-pot dishes without noticing the difference.

Bonus points for eating at least one meatless meal a week to help you cut your grocery bill!

8. Build a stockpile.

Anyone who has read my blog before knows I’m a firm believer in realistic stockpiling. A stockpile saves our family thousands of dollars every year. Having a stockpile is one of the best ways to prepare for inflation.

My stockpile is the main reason I save our family as much as I do on our groceries. I believe every family – no matter their size or where they live – can and should have a stockpile.

The concept of stockpiling is simple. Buy what your family uses when you see it at its lowest price – and buy enough to last you until the next sale. This principle applies to food as well as household products and toiletries.

Learn more about my baby steps of stockpiling, and then focus on building a stockpile that saves your family money.

A stockpile is an amazing way to save money and also serve as a practical emergency fund for your family. Learn lots more about stockpiling here.

10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons (4)

9. Plan your meals around the sales.

This is another great way to save without coupons! If chicken is on sale this week, eat chicken meals. If you find a great deal on pasta, try some new pasta dishes.

I do this every week, planning our meals around the meat and produce sales. The rest of items I try to fill in from our stockpile. It is a different mindset of menu planning because most of us are used to eating what we want, whenever we want it. By planning your meals around sale ingredients, you will quickly see the savings accumulate.

To get started doing this, start by making a list of your family’s favorite meals that use different meats / protein elements. Once you have that list, it will make it easier to come up with ideas based on the sales. This should also give you incentive to stock up on meat when it is on sale so you can have more flexibility with your meal planning.

10. Use coupon apps to earn free money on items you’re already purchasing.

My last tip for saving money on your grocery bill is to start using free coupon rebate apps.The premise of these rebates is simple. After you shop, scan through your receipts to see what matches up with the items listed on the app. You will earn anywhere from $0.25 to $2 for purchases you have already made! The money you make with receipt apps can easily be added back into your grocery budget or set aside for something special like Christmas shopping.

If you are just getting started with coupon apps, try Fetch. Fetch is the easiest coupon app because you simply take pictures of your grocery receipts and it will give you points for purchasing various brand items. I love Fetch because they do all the work for you, and it is easier than Ibotta to use. (You’ll get a bonus 2000 points when you sign up with my Fetch link here.)

Read more about Fetch and Ibotta here, and how to use them to earn extra money.

Now you should have some more ideas for how to save money on groceries – without coupons! What other ideas would you add to this list?

Want to know even more ways to save money on groceries? If so, check out Crystal Paine’s Grocery Ebook! It is the best grocery guide around (and a cheap one too!) that describes my process exactly. Seriously, I could have written this book! It is that similar to what I do. If you want to find the best deals to build your stockpile on a budget, read Crystal’s ebook and watch the savings stack up!

10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons (2024)


How to cut your grocery bill in half without coupons? ›

Rachel Cruze: 12 Ways To Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half
  1. Check Out Grocery Store Apps. ...
  2. Plan Your Meals. ...
  3. Buy Generics. ...
  4. Shop for Inexpensive Protein Sources. ...
  5. Avoid Buying Unnecessary Grocery Items. ...
  6. Get In-Season Produce Items. ...
  7. Take Advantage of Breakfast Foods. ...
  8. Save With Bulk Items.
Dec 29, 2023

How to significantly reduce your grocery bill? ›

But there are still some ways you can save money on your weekly grocery bill - it just requires a bit more planning and preparation.
  1. Meal plan. ...
  2. Buy seasonal produce. ...
  3. Use supermarket rewards programs. ...
  4. Avoid recipes that use a special ingredient. ...
  5. Don't be a brand snob. ...
  6. Check your fridge and pantry before going shopping.

How to live off $150 a month for food? ›

But for the most part, we stick to the $150 grocery budget and shop twice a month or every two weeks.
  1. A Snippet of Our Grocery Spending.
  2. Get Organized and Plan Accordingly.
  3. Take Your Time.
  4. Buy Ingredients, Not Meals.
  5. Alternate Snacks.
  6. Stop Being So Loyal, Hunt For Sales.
  7. Use Savings Apps.

How to make your grocery bill cheaper? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

The 6-to-1 Grocery Method is a basic calculation (we're talking elementary-level math, basically counting), to plan your weekly grocery shop. Here's the system: Fill your grocery cart with six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one "fun" item for yourself.

Can you survive on $50 a week for food? ›

Planning out your meals so you use all of the ingredients, both raw and cooked, plus pantry staples and frozen goods means you can make a week's worth of dinners for around $50 in groceries.

How can I live on $20 in groceries a week? ›

Your Shopping List
  • 1 bag of dried beans: $1.49.
  • 2 pounds of chicken breast: $3.76.
  • 1 jar of peanut butter: $1.98.
  • 1 jar of jelly: $1.79.
  • 1 loaf of whole wheat bread: $1.63.
  • 1 dozen eggs: $1.26.
  • 1 container of oatmeal: $1.35.
  • 1 bag of dried lentils: $1.39.

How much does the average person pay for food per month? ›

Average grocery cost per month for 1 person in a household

Considering the Thrifty and Liberal plan averages, the monthly grocery cost for an adult male falls between $275.63 and $434.33, while the average for an adult female ranges from $238.46 to $384.93.

What is a realistic grocery budget for 2 people? ›

By Family Size

The more people in the household, the higher the monthly food budget. Single-person households, as you might expect, spent the least on food: $5,235 in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Two-person households spent $9,363, up from $8,242 in 2021.

How to cut food costs at home? ›

If you've been wondering how to reduce your food bill, consider these 8 strategies.
  1. Limit Eating Out. ...
  2. Plan Your Grocery Shopping. ...
  3. Reduce Food Waste. ...
  4. Buy in Bulk. ...
  5. Set a Food Budget. ...
  6. Plan for Leftovers. ...
  7. Meal Prep. ...
  8. Brew Your Own Coffee.
Dec 14, 2023

How do I reduce my food bill? ›

Learn tricks to cooking on a budget

Tins, and dried foods such as pasta, rice, noodles and oats should feature heavily on your shelves. Replace fresh fish, veg and fruit with frozen. Choosing frozen salmon rather than fresh, as in these salmon and pesto parcels, can save you over 55 percent.

How do you pay for groceries when you have no money? ›

Tips on How to Get Groceries – No-Money-Needed Options
  1. SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) ...
  2. WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) ...
  3. National School Lunch Program. ...
  4. Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program. ...
  5. Emergency Food Assistance Program. ...
  6. Turn to Local Food Pantries.

How can I halve my food bill? ›

Learn tricks to cooking on a budget

Tins, and dried foods such as pasta, rice, noodles and oats should feature heavily on your shelves. Replace fresh fish, veg and fruit with frozen. Choosing frozen salmon rather than fresh, as in these salmon and pesto parcels, can save you over 55 percent.

How can I cut my grocery bill by 90 percent? ›

There are several ways you can slash your grocery bill by up to 90% — whether it's by shopping at discount stores, planning your meals around sales, using coupons, or buying in bulk. Raise your hand if you feel like your food budget is out of control… like, every. single.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.