10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (2024)

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By Lisa Bedford / November 19, 2023 / 34 Comments

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Blankets aren’t only to pile on top of a bed or cuddle under while watching TV. They are useful for far more than just bedding. Here are some reasons you should keep a supply of blankets and quilts on hand for emergencies.

10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (1)

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  • 10 Reasons to Stockpile Blankets
  • Final Thoughts
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10 Reasons to Stockpile Blankets

  1. Warmth. Let’s start with the obvious. Blankets keep us warm, and in an emergency situation, sitting underneath and on top of blankets when there’s no or little heat can quite literally keep us alive.
  2. Share with others. Having more than enough on hand means we can care for extra people as well – the elderly neighbor, extended family and friends who come to visit, or those suffering catastrophic loss.
  3. Frost Protection in the Garden. Keeping a garden is an important part of the homesteading lifestyle and a late spring or early fall frost can destroy our plants quickly. Keep extra blankets in the garden shed or garage for frost protection. When the weather forecast looks ominous, toss the blankets over sensitive plants to protect them from the damaging effects of a light frost.
  4. Window Insulation. Add a pocket to one edge of a quilt and hang it from a tension rod in windows, to add an extra layer of warmth during frigid cold spells. This helps keep the cold out from drafty windows or even just large windows that get cold from sheer size. These window quilts can help keep cold out and heat in, helping us use less wood or other forms of heat energy.
  5. Makeshift Beds. A few blankets piled on a floor add padding and a slightly more comfortable sleeping space. It’s not as comfortable as a bed, but for extra guests in an emergency situation, it would be appreciated. In fact, it used to be the norm for a lot of kids when visiting relatives.
  6. Makeshift Tents. Toss blankets over a dining room table to create cozy, insulated nooks. These smaller spaces are easier to keep warm. You could also use real tents indoors for this same purpose.
  7. Animal bedding. Pets and livestock occasionally need bedding beyond just wood chips or straw, and your spare blankets can be a just as much a lifesaver for them as they are for humans. Keep a pile in the barn or outbuildings specifically for animal bedding. At worst, they get destroyed and can’t be used again, but most likely they can be washed and re-used multiple times.
  8. Scrap Fabric and Sewing. Receiving blankets and other thin cotton and wool blankets can make great scrap fabric. Hold onto these to repair thicker quilts that get torn or for piecing together larger quilts and throws. Depending on your sewing skill level, they can often be fashioned into coats, pants, pajamas, and more.
  9. Hypothermia and Shock. Blankets play a crucial role in retaining body heat and helping individuals maintain their core temperature. Wrapping a person suffering from hypothermia in a blanket helps to conserve body heat and prevent further heat loss, which is particularly important in situations where the individual may be exposed to cold temperatures. In cases of shock, the body’s vital organs may not receive enough blood, which can lead to a drop in body temperature. While blankets alone cannot address the underlying causes of shock, they play a supportive role in maintaining body temperature and providing a sense of security during critical moments before professional medical assistance is available.
  10. Psychological Comfort. Being covered by a blanket can have a calming effect. Emergencies and traumatic events create physical and emotional distress, and the security and warmth provided by a blanket can help reduce anxiety and stabilize the person’s mental state.

Final Thoughts

While I advocate decluttering to make space and to be able to organize your preps so you can find them for fast access, certain items, like blankets, warrant a stockpile. Blankets serve many purposes, from providing warmth during emergencies to offering comfort and makeshift solutions. A well-managed blanket stockpile ensures readiness for various situations, striking a balance between minimalism and preparedness in a practical and comforting way.

Do you have any favorite uses for old blankets?


Where can I find inexpensive blankets?

For practical purposes, there is no need to buy anything expensive, not when there are always older, maybe even oddly colored, blankets at thrift stores and yard sales. Those cheap blankets can serve many purposes and can easily be tucked into corners until needed.

Can I make my own blankets?

Absolutely, you can easily make your own fleece blankets or even repurpose t-shirts into quilts.

How do I store blankets?

To keep your blankets in good shape, store them in plastic bags, space bags, or tubs to keep them clean. (Space bags are especially useful if you have limited storage.) This also helps keep away bugs and mice, especially if you store them outside. I use cedar balls to keep bugs away from my blankets.

Originally published September 19, 2017.Save

34 thoughts on “10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets”

  1. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (2)


    August 16, 2014 at 1:26 am

    My husband and I have pet two pet rabbits and one dog. Blankets are not only cheaper as bedding and padding for our tiled floor but they actually help keep the house cleaner. We change them out about once a week, wash them and put them away for next time. It keeps the amount of hair around the area down and is much easier to clean and replace than dog or pet beds.

    Also, when litter box training our rabbits, our fleece blankets were amazing. We would put them down under the other, regular ones and they worked great as a water resistant barrier.

    I’ve also recycled old fleece blankets and worn out flannel sheets to make diapers.


  2. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (3)


    August 16, 2014 at 6:49 am

    You can also store them under your mattresses. They literally take up no room that way.


  3. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (4)


    August 16, 2014 at 9:05 am

    My husband thinks I am a crazy pack rat! I have totes of Unneeded blankets all over the house. He thinks they are wasted space. (He is also a minimalist) I keep because I know they will come in handy one day! I keep a couple in the back of my SUV as well. If you have car trouble and need to lay down under your vehicle or anywhere on the ground, It will keep you from getting dirty. How about a spontaneous picnic? Hauling feed or hay, blankets keep my truck a little cleaner. My daughter is cold in the car easily, she has one she snuggles in on the early commutes to my work with me. You can also pass them out if you see someone in need. One year an overnight trip had us sleeping on the side of the road, unexpectedly. TaDah! Momma has got you covered!


  4. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (5)

    Paula Weisal

    August 16, 2014 at 11:03 am

    I keep a few in the truck in case I am stuck in the cold weather or need to pad something I just bought. The best use is a baby sitter. Letting the kids make tents.


  5. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (7)


    August 17, 2014 at 2:35 am

    My grandmother used light blankets instead of batting in quilts.


  6. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (8)

    Barbara Dougherty

    August 17, 2014 at 5:28 pm

    Such good ideas! As a quilter, however, if you want to keep handmade treasured quilt nice, please store them in old pillow cases. 🙂


  7. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (9)


    August 18, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    We have aluminum single pane windows. In the Fall we put the storm windows in, seal the seams with rope caulk, close the inside window and seal it’s edges with rope caulk and then install plastic window film that you shrink w/a hair dryer. I use a fleece blanket (purchased at a thrift store!) as additional insulation over each window that we don’t need to see out of, like the bedrooms.


  8. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (10)

    Sarah simoneau

    September 3, 2014 at 11:46 am

    I have always saved blankets… thanks for giving me something to point to when my also prepper spouse asks me to thin my collection


  9. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (11)

    Thomas Xavier

    September 13, 2014 at 5:53 pm

    Couldn’t agree with you more, after losing electricity for 5 days in the middle of winter in Canada I appreciate blankets to a whole new level!


  10. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (12)


    September 13, 2014 at 11:35 pm

    Old, but clean, blankets can be used if you come across a car accident in the boonies. It will help the victims keep warm, just don`t move them, put the blanket ontop. Then when the ambulance finally comes ( I`ve waited over an hour at times ), the EMS folks can just keep patient covered up, and you won`t be out a favorite one. BTDT.


  11. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (13)


    September 14, 2014 at 12:17 am

    We plastic our windows every winter, but also cover them with blankets/sheets…we also keep at least one in each vehicle just in case…use them to insulate over our air matresses when we need to concentrate heat/energy…can insulate an emergency shelter outside or inside…in better weather, can be used for bandages, shelter, privacy, etc…can’t ever have enough blankets/sheets, IMHO!


  12. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (14)


    September 14, 2014 at 5:00 am

    I buy used fleece blankets at re sale stores for my dogs bedding, at 3-4 dollars each I can fold it into 4ths and put it on top of his dog bed, he gets a clean side each week for 4 weeks, then I take them to the laundromat and wash it up in the “Horse Bedding” washing machine (yes there is such a thing here!) If it gets too nasty I dont feel too bad throwing it out after a few months since I paid next to nothing for it


  13. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (15)


    September 14, 2014 at 6:46 pm

    I use blankets for so many things! Every single use listed here, but also as makeshift rugs, on tile or unfinished floors, draft dodgers (roll up a small blanket and stuff along the bottom edge of a window or door to block drafts), covers for pet cages (like our bunny hutches!), we keep a couple in each vehicle for emergencies too, and to make “walls” for when our house s full- especially during the holidays- and people have to share bedrooms but want privacy too, or as padding when hauling furniture etc… just to name a few uses… and we give out blankets to people in need, such as fire victims and homeless people. I am always on the prowl for good blankets, yard sales are a great way to find them (or the facebook yard sale groups), and many people moving will outright give away older blankets to anyone who asks, and goodwill is another great place to find them. We aren’t worried about size or thickness, we are worried about where we’ll store the ones not in use lol… but we manage quite well and it never seems to fail that someone will be in need, just when our stash gets too cluttered to store nicely lol…


  14. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (16)


    October 7, 2014 at 11:49 pm

    Receiving blankets also can make a “flat” cloth diaper in a pinch. I also cut some cheap ones that shrunk into little square to be used as cloth wipes.


    1. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (17)


      September 21, 2017 at 8:00 pm

      I hadn’t thought of that.


  15. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (18)

    Louise Cross

    December 21, 2014 at 4:37 am

    A hole in the middle of an old blanket and you have a camping poncho, great for sitting around the fire. Blanket sewn into sleeping bag shape, then put regular sleeping bag inside for extra warmth that wont fall off slippery sleeping bag, under bottom sheet on bed they act as a mattress protector, old clothes can be sew together haphazardly and overlapping onto a sheet to make a blanket, use old blankets etc to make a ‘haybox’ cooker – heat up your stew or similar in pot on stove for 10 mins then remove from heat and wrap in blankets – it will continue to cook without using power,


  16. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (19)

    roxanne vitai

    June 29, 2015 at 8:26 pm

    Blankets between stored items such as furniture keep it from being scratched up. Also helpful when moving. My parents always cautioned me to keep extra blankets in car for a possible emergency, (we were living in Michigan at the time). I have kept this advice and find them handy for unexpected picnics on the ground or tablecloth on outdoor tables, lying on to read at the park, something to place under anyone needing to crawl under a car. Also seat covers to keep upholstery clean. I keep old sheets for this purpose as well.


  17. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (20)

    Paula Morgan

    August 21, 2015 at 2:59 am

    Those pillow cases for quilts are a great idea, but nowadays, I prefer using the zippered Pillow Protectors for keeping folded quilts and blankets in. They can still breath, but by zipped shut, you don’t have to worry about any Moths, Spiders or other vermin getting inside. Also, by staying zipped, your blankets will stay cleaner longer, and no need to worry about Bed Bugs getting into them.


  18. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (21)

    Tina Cooley

    December 24, 2015 at 4:31 am

    I had a wonderfully warm quilt when I was little. It was a patchwork one with heavy threads at each corner, tied up through all the layers. We couldn’t afford batting so we used two old woollen blankets between the cotton patchwork sides. It was heavy and warm, great for those cold mornings when I waited in bed for my grandfather to get the woodstove fired up.


  19. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (22)

    Brandon Awadis

    June 9, 2016 at 2:25 am

    You can also store them under your mattresses. They literally take up no room that way.


  20. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (23)


    September 19, 2017 at 6:39 pm

    Slings. I have used so many throws as medical supports. Great for immobilization in a pinch.

    A weirder use (one that is very hard on the blankets) if your vehicle is stuck and cannot gain any traction in sand, mud, or snow… lay folded blankets down in front of the tires. The tires can catch, the blanket helps displace a little bit of the load, and sometimes it is the tiny extra bit of traction needed to get you free.


  21. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (24)


    September 20, 2017 at 5:57 pm

    When my car had little heat for 2 winters, I used old receiving blankets (and a hot water bottle) over my lap. They were small enough that they didn’t interfere with my feet. We’ve also used them for winter bedding for the barn cats. My mother-in-law used old blankets as batting for quilts, as someone mentioned above. We hang a heavy blanket over an unused outer door in the winter. It’s made a world of difference to the hallway that leads along that side of the house.


  22. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (25)


    September 21, 2017 at 7:37 pm

    I grew up in a drafty house. Since getting married I have been collecting blankets. I will never be cold again is my reason for buying or making them.


  23. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (26)


    September 22, 2017 at 9:25 am

    I have for several years been buying the rather cheap seasonal fleece throws at Walmart, right after whichever seasonal holiday. They usually sell them for 2 for $5 or $6 and then half that right after the holidays. I know they have them for Halloween and Christmas, and i stock up. Use them for the pets and for plenty of other purposes. Used to volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter and we always used them with the puppies and kittens we got in, for bedding and just extra warmth, which the little ones would have normally gotten from their mamas. Kept many of them alive. They are very easy to wash and dry really quick as well.
    Another good time to buy is right before school starts in the fall. Walmart and Amazon often have Back to College sales and offer linens and other supplies for dorm life at the best prices they will have them all year. You can pick up a lot of other things at that time also – small appliances, various furniture items, that are good for the home as well as college dorms, at rock bottom prices.


  24. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (27)

    Paul Tuttle

    September 22, 2017 at 1:35 pm

    If someone is exposed to a bad chemical, they will need to be stripped, washed and covered with blankets. The clothes are disposed.

    If someone leaves a burning house at night they will need a blanket.


  25. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (28)

    caroline m.

    October 7, 2017 at 10:34 pm

    I love wool blankets. I only buy them at thrift shops and have paid anywhere from 3$ to 10$ for each. Using cut off branches of cedar freshens your storage box and keeps the moths away the natural way, just like my grandma used to do :).


  26. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (29)


    August 23, 2018 at 12:37 am

    to sleep warmer put a blanket under you fitted bottom sheet.


  27. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (30)


    October 16, 2018 at 12:37 am

    Kathy Lapcevik, I am in NW Montana also. I am a bit of a blanket collector myself. And yes, my family thinks it is a little strange. Send me a note, if you care to. We could meet for lunch or a coffee and compare notes. Mary


  28. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (31)


    December 9, 2018 at 10:00 pm

    I prefer a large heavy comforter for the beach or park because it provides some cushiion and stays put better than sheets.


  29. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (32)


    February 18, 2019 at 10:43 pm

    The smaller fleece throw blankets can be pinned or sewed to make a cocoon jacket or bed jacket, giving you an extra wearable layer that keeps your hands free. You can also use them fabric and make hats, scarves, mittens, baby blankets, etc. Little hearts or penguins can be cheerful in an emergency when you need all of the cheer you can get.


  30. 10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (33)


    December 13, 2021 at 2:30 pm

    I have handmade blankets ,shop brought one , for winter for the home plus blankets for the car . Blankets the grandchildren ask for . Blankets ready to make for family and friends for when the go camping etc: . So yeah they come in handy for a lot of occasions .


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10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom (2024)


10 Survival Reasons to Stockpile Blankets - The Survival Mom? ›

Temperature regulation: Blankets help regulate our body temperature while we sleep. Blankets help trap heat and keep us warm as our body temperature drops during sleep. Comfort: A blanket provides a sense of comfort and security that can help us relax and fall asleep faster.

Why are blankets important? ›

Temperature regulation: Blankets help regulate our body temperature while we sleep. Blankets help trap heat and keep us warm as our body temperature drops during sleep. Comfort: A blanket provides a sense of comfort and security that can help us relax and fall asleep faster.

How many blankets should I own? ›

For most people, one to two blankets on the bed will suffice. A single blanket can trap enough warm air close to your body while adding another layer, perhaps a decorative quilt, creates extra insulation for those colder nights during the winter.

Why is blanket important in emergency? ›

The Role of Emergency Blankets in First Aid

Emergency blankets are particularly useful in preventing or treating hypothermia in cold or adverse weather conditions. It acts as a barrier against wind, rain and moisture, providing insulation and preserving body temperature.

Why do humans want blankets? ›

Some experts believe that this particular sleeping habit is hardwired to our brains since childhood when we're swaddled to prevent us from moving in the middle of the night as babies. They think we sleep with blankets since they help synch our circadian rhythm or internal body.

Is it OK to sleep with 2 blankets? ›

Having separate blankets can be beneficial when partners have different temperature preferences or toss and turn during the night, preventing blanket-hogging disputes. It allows each person to choose a blanket that suits their warmth needs.

Should I sleep with 2 blankets? ›

Sleepers Can Regulate Their Body Temperature

View Source Individual bedding allows people to adjust their body temperature exactly as they need without having to impact or negotiate with their sleep partner. Using two duvets allows each person freedom over their temperature while sleeping.

Is it good to sleep with 2 blankets? ›

“Some individuals may have a preference when it comes to body temperature at night, and using separate blankets can help with that,” she says. “Or you might sleep with a partner who is a blanket hog, therefore having your own blanket could be beneficial.”

What happens if you sleep without a blanket? ›

“We lose the ability to regulate temperature — so a blanket, sheet, or duvet can help keep your temperature from dropping too low and disrupting sleep,” Cralle explained. So, no matter how hot you sleep, warmth is always going to be an essential part of getting a good night's rest.

Why do blankets comfort us? ›

A sensation like no other, feeling secure under blankets has a scientific explanation. Oxytocin, the "love hormone," is released when our brains react to the physical pressure and warmth of being tucked in. This triggers a feeling of safety and relaxation. Our brains are designed to seek comfort and protection.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.