10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (2024)

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10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (1)

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It’s a new year, which means new goals emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and FINANCIALLY! Most people are looking for new ways to cut back on their spending habits this year. We are for sure! There are always ways to improve that checking and savings account of yours. So let’s see how we can do that and share some things we did as well!

  1. Bring Lunch From Home. The average amount spent on lunch out during the work week is about $10 per day, which is about $50 a week, (if you work Saturdays, $60) which totals to about $240 per month. That can be your car payment, insurance, phone bill, cable bill, etc. That’s alot! Add it up for the 52 weeks in a year, that’s $3,120 that could be in your savings account which for 10 years can end up as $31,200. Now most people don’t think 10 years ahead, but in 5 years, you can have $15,000 in your savings all from just making a little extra food at dinner time to bring with you the next day! Same goes for doing take out. Invest in a slow cooker or instapot, crockpot, and cook a really good meal for the week that way you’re not tempted to order in all the time!
  2. Skip the Starbucks. Now I don’t know about you but I love my Starbucks in the mornings. However, they are a bit pricey! A typical Latte cost about $5 and change. Getting that everyday will be $100 per month. Again, that can be money in your pocket! Get yourself a Keurig, or a simple coffee maker and just make your own coffee at home and save the latte’s for a treat here and there. There are so many cute tumblrs for you to carry coffee in. Try to wake up a few minutes earlier and have your coffee, or make it to go.
  3. Cut out Cable. What do you pay in cable? $150-$200 a month? A little more because of extra channels? Now if you’re like us, we cannot be without cable. My Husband and I love our tv time and our shows. However, we switched companies and lowered our package by a handful, which then lowered our bill by a lot per month. We don’t need the extra sports channels when we can watch them on the regular FOX5, CBS, NBC, & ABC Channels just like everyone else does lol. So if you can, see where you can cut costs in your cable bill.
  4. Use Coupons. Obviously don’t clip every coupon you see. There are plenty of places you can get your couponing on! Besides the paper coupons, take advantage of the digital apps on your smartphone to help you save as well – Groupon, grocery store apps, 7/11 app, BP gas app to save money on gas even! You’d be surprised at which areas you can use coupons to become a more saavy shopper this year. Once you start couponing, it becomes a lifestyle where you form habits centered around saving on almost everything that is purchased.
  5. Buy in Bulks. If you don’t have a Costco, BJ’s, or Sam’s Club membership by now, you’re really missing out! Buying in Bulks can really save you a lot of money and that’s the point of stores like BJ’s, Costco, & Sam’s Club. So buy items that will last you for a while and save you money in the long run. Being a family of 4, buying in Bulk really helps us a TON! We’re saving money per UNIT which adds up to real savings over time. So if you have a big enough family and space to buy in bulk, I’d say give it a try!
  6. Get rid of all credit cards and have only ONE! If you’re able to, really make an effort to pay off all your credit cards and narrow it down to just ONE MAJOR CARD! Easier said than done but when you think about it, the more credit cards you have, the more you’re gonna be tempted to use them with the same ole excuse, “I’ll pay that transaction right back.” That may be true and you may be really good with that, but in the long run think about how much money you can be saving not having to pay a credit card bill every month and interest, even if it’s the minimum amount. If you have like 5 credit cards and are paying a minimum balance on all of them, that’s still money that can be in the bank. We knocked out ALL credit cards at the end of 2019 and left only ONE for EMERGENCIES! We love nice things, but it feels great when you can get your nice things out of your OWN hard earned money and not credit! So cut those bad boys up and keep an emergency credit card.
  7. Dine Out Intelligently. You don’t always have to go to the fanciest restaurants and spend $400 each time. Granted, we all have our favorite restaurants we like to eat from the “hole in the wall” spot to the high class Bobby Flay owned restaurants. I remember when we would go out with our other married friends and it would be the most expensive places suggested to go to. We had a blast, and of course everything was delicious from top to bottom. But at the end of the night the bill is flippin $600 between all of us! After a while it was like okay, enough of this lol. It becomes a lot after a while and then you realize how much you can actually be saving limiting the high end restaurants. So now, each month, and each week(date night)we do go out to eat, but we go to the less expensive restaurants where our bill is no more than $50 total for two of us, and we keep the high end restaurants limited to ONCE a month or a very special occasion(anniversary, so forth) Restaurants are a fun treat that no one really wants to cut out of their budget, so dine out SMART!
  8. Cancel Subscriptions/Memberships. Have a gym membership and barely go? Magazine subscriptions, streaming videos, food services, the whole nine. I was only paying $10 a month at Planet Fitness and never went. Even though it was JUST $10, it was still adding up and being completely wasted when it could have been in my pocket. Go through every subscription you have even from the app store on your phone. Every dime counts! It’s pointless to pay for services you aren’t using. So eliminate them because that money would be of better use in your savings account!
  9. Build Your Savings Account Each Week. Let’s start with the bare minimum amount that you can take from each paycheck and put it in your savings. So if you transfer $25 a week, (which most of us can probably do) to your savings account from each paycheck, by the time you’re at the end of the year you’ll have $1300.00. In 5 years you’ll have $6500. If you can increase it, great! $50-$100 each week of course it’ll be more. Discipline yourself and set up your bank account to automatically transfer funds to your savings account each week or even a good chunk each month.
  10. Save Change and Dollar Bills. Get yourself a big water cooler jug, or just a big jar and put all your change or dollar bills from the end of each day and put them in the jar and wrap some black duct tape around the entire thing so you can’t get in it or even see it. Put a big enough slot at the top to put the change and bills in and that’s it. My Husband and I did this when we had a big event planned, and when we opened it, we had $4,000! I was surprised at how easy it was, and that was over the course of two years. So it CAN be done! Also, for those that don’t carry cash or change on them, there’s digital apps(acorn, digit, and so forth) for these things.

So hopefully you all can try these 10 ways to save money this year and be a wise economist. A penny saved is a dollar earned!

Look everywhere you can to cut a little bit from your expenses. It will all add up to a meaningful sum.” – Suze Orman

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  1. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (2)Amber Myers says

    I always love to save! Coupons are some of my favorites, and the money saving apps. I hate buying items full price. I also try to watch how often we eat out even though I hate to cook.


  2. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (3)Lauren says

    I am all for cutting cable to save money. I did this a few years back and just kept Netflix and it was all I needed. Now there are so many streaming services and options that you don’t really need cable. It saved me so much money. I also love the one credit card tip, although this is so hard for me to do!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (4)amberl.hurley says

      Yes exactly! Hulu Live, a lot of others!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (5)amberl.hurley says

      Thank you for reading!


  3. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (6)Amber says

    We are pretty good at all of these except subscriptions and memberships. Those start getting out of hand! Need to go through them all and see what we can cancel. All those little $10 subscriptions add up real quick.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (7)amberl.hurley says

      Yes same here! Lol I subscribed for the free trial and before I knew it skyrocketed lol


  4. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (8)Cristina Petrini says

    Any idea of ​​how to save, how to do it and how to do it is absolutely a wise idea to copy, and put into practice. Thanks for your advice.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (9)amberl.hurley says

      Thank you for reading!


  5. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (10)Tara Pittman says

    The little things add up quickly. It makes sense to cut back on small items like coffee


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (11)amberl.hurley says

      Yes so true!


  6. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (12)Jen says

    Packing lunch from home is the biggest money saver for us. I also totally agree with cable! We don’t even look at TV that often so why do we have it lol! Have to work weekly savings in 2020 😁


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (13)amberl.hurley says

      Lol yes! Thank you for reading!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (15)amberl.hurley says

      Yes same here lol


  7. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (17)Jennie says

    We need to look through all of our subscriptions to see if there are any we can/need to get rid of. And we love using Qapital for saving money every week. They have lots of different options to set up a savings plan that works for you.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (18)amberl.hurley says

      Oh wonderful, thank you for reading!


  8. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (19)Marie Phillips says

    I have already done most of these and don’t even miss them! I will be canceling all extra subscriptions this month. Even thinking about giving up Netflix since we really just aren’t watching much anymore. Great list!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (20)amberl.hurley says

      That’s awesome! Thank you for reading!


  9. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (21)Cindy Ingalls says

    These are GREAT tips and I’ve used many of them. I financed a trip to Hawaii with the change I put into a huge change jar!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (22)amberl.hurley says

      Oh that’s great, see! I love that!


  10. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (23)Krysten Quiles says

    My husband and I are trying to be healthy and so we aren’t eating out anywhere near as much and it’s saving a TON of money for us! Who knew? Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (24)amberl.hurley says

      That’s great Krysten, thank you for reading!


  11. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (25)Jessica Joachim says

    I am all about saving money! We ditched cable about 7 years ago and have never looked back! Coupons and bargain shopping are so important too and have really saved us so much.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (26)amberl.hurley says

      That’s great to hear, thank you for reading! Keep up the great work!


  12. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (27)Tamara says

    We’ve been working on this here – with cable bills and also the way we heat our house. In New England, it can be a problem!
    One funny thing is that I totally skip Starbucks to save money, but never in January, because I still have so many gift cards there from Christmas. That’s the only way I can afford it!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (28)amberl.hurley says

      Oh I hear that! Gift cards are the best!


  13. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (29)Kay says

    We have saved loads of money since working from home, no travel costs and no coffee/ lunch out!


  14. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (31)Marissa says

    These are great, practical tips! Along with coupons, I use several rebate apps, like Ibotta, Fetch, ReceiptPal and more to get cash back almost every time I shop. Sometimes it’s a little rebate, but it all adds up!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (32)amberl.hurley says

      Yes for sure. Those are really good!


  15. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (33)Adriane says

    GREAT tips! I started skipping the starbucks probably two years ago and wow does my tummy feel better as well as my wallet. I didn’t realize how much I was spending per month! And I started buying in bulk although the price tag up front scares me sometimes. It sure pays off though!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (34)amberl.hurley says

      Hahah glad to hear it and thank you for reading!


  16. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (35)Cindy Nico says

    I am always looking for ways to save money. Thanks for these incredible tips.


  17. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (36)Candace Hampton says

    This made my heart happy! I love business and finance, so this speaks to me. I love how attainable these are, and they will really work. You just have to have a little discipline 🙂


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (37)amberl.hurley says

      Yes absolutely, thank you for reading!


  18. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (38)Alvern Success Unscrambled says

    These are awesome tips to save money. I really don’t like eating out anyway as I feel that I don’t always get good value for money from most restaurants. Only as a birthday treat and even then I get the most food for my money.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (39)amberl.hurley says

      Thats okay! You’re saving money lol. Thank you for reading!


  19. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (40)Grace Jakobsen says

    A penny spent is definitely a dollars earned. Thank you so much for these awesome tips.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (41)amberl.hurley says

      Thank you for reading, Grace!


  20. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (42)Maria Yakimchuk says

    Great tips. I have to say when we cut cable 5 years ago, I was so against it. But now, I don’t miss it at all. We have streaming services and I don’t waste my time randomly watching something. And definitely going through and eliminating subscriptions that are not in use is a great way to save money.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (43)amberl.hurley says

      That’s great! Thank you for reading, Maria!


  21. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (44)Dana Brillante-Peller says

    I urge my husband to save his change whenever he goes out. It’s important and little goes a long way.


  22. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (45)Milica says

    Skip the Starbucks hahah Lucky for me we don`t have it where I live. Truth to be told their coffees are a bit overpriced.


  23. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (46)Lily says

    Great savings tips. its all about money management and making sure you are putting finances away in a savings account.


  24. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (47)Angela Campos says

    These are all great tips! I need to cancel some of my subscriptions that I waste money on.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (48)amberl.hurley says

      Thank you for reading!


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (50)amberl.hurley says

      Yea they’re pretty easy to do. Thank you for reading!


  25. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (51)Madi Rowan says

    These are great tips! And I’m happy to see that I’ve already been implementing quite a few of them! I find the biggest way to save is to cut down on dining out! It’s definitely nice to eat out every once in a while, but SO much cheaper to cook at home! Thanks for sharing!

    -madi xo | http://www.everydaywithmadirae.com


  26. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (52)Cyndi Buchanan says

    I really need to get better about doing these things. The little things really add up. Time to go cancel my gym membership I never use.


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (53)amberl.hurley says

      Oh yes! Lol thank you for reading!


  27. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (54)Christine says

    Great tips! Cutting out cable and buying in bulk have been huge money savers for us


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (55)amberl.hurley says

      Yes I believe it!


  28. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (56)Krizzia Scollon says

    Thank you so much for your tips! I’m really trying hard to save money this year!!!


  29. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (57)Rikki Ridgeway says

    I already do most of these tips, and they really did help save so much money. My goal this year is to pay off as much debt as I possibly can. I’ve already paid off one HUGE account, now I’ve just got a couple smaller ones to pay off.


  30. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (58)may palacpac says

    Love this practical list! Lots of relevant ideas, like cutting off subscriptions and the cable. (We just did that!) So hard to get rid of Starbucks, though, but I seldom visit nowadays. But you are sooo right about that one.


  31. 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (59)ivana says

    I should stop with oshopping every week, that is the only way i will save money. Btw, love your tips xoxo


    • 10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (60)amberl.hurley says

      Lol the shopping is a killer. Thank you for reading!


10 Ways to Save Money in 2020 (2024)


What are 3 ways to save money when you do decide to spend? ›

Make a budget.
  • Set a savings goal. ...
  • Set up direct deposits to go into savings. ...
  • Buy generic. ...
  • Stay out of “that store.” ...
  • Cancel some subscriptions and memberships. ...
  • Join gas rewards programs. ...
  • Meal plan. ...
  • Use cash-back apps and coupons.
Jun 13, 2024

What are the fastest ways to save money? ›

Canceling unnecessary subscriptions and automating your savings are a couple of simple ways to save money quickly. Switching banks, opening a short-term CD, and signing up for rewards programs can also help you save money. Making a budget and eliminating a spending habit each day can help lead to long-term savings.

What are the 5 steps to save money? ›

5 simple steps to start saving
  • Set one specific goal. Rather than socking away money into a savings account, set specific goals for your savings. ...
  • Budget for savings. Just because you decide to save doesn't mean it's going to happen. ...
  • Make saving automatic. ...
  • Keep separate accounts. ...
  • Monitor & watch it grow.

How can I save money 100 ways? ›

100 Ways to Save Money
  1. Move bank accounts to take advantage of perks and earn more interest. ...
  2. Turn off the television. ...
  3. Stop collecting, and start selling. ...
  4. Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can. ...
  5. Make your own gifts instead of buying stuff from the store. ...
  6. Master the 30-day rule.

What is the 30 day rule? ›

The premise of the 30-day savings rule is straightforward: When faced with the temptation of an impulse purchase, wait 30 days before committing to the buy. During this time, take the opportunity to evaluate the necessity and impact of the purchase on your overall financial goals.

What is the 3 saving rule? ›

This model suggests allocating 50% of your income to essential expenses, 15% to retirement savings and 5% to an emergency fund.

What is the 10 rule for saving money? ›

Key Takeaways:

The 60/30/10 budgeting method says you should put 60% of your monthly income toward your needs, 30% towards your wants and 10% towards your savings. It's trending as an alternative to the longer-standing 50/30/20 method. Experts warn that putting just 10% of your income into savings may not be enough.

What is the secret to saving money? ›

Track Your Expenses

The first step to saving more money is to know your spending habits. Track every dollar you spend throughout the month and categorize them based on the type of expense. Once you know how much you spend in each category, it'll be easy to identify areas for improvement.

How can I save $1000 fast? ›

Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a lot of ideas on the subject, and here are some of the most practical ways to save your first $1,000 quickly.
  1. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  2. Bring Your Own Lunch. ...
  3. Avoid Coffee Out. ...
  4. Re-Sell Old Items. ...
  5. Shop at Cheaper Grocery Stores With Rewards Programs. ...
  6. Buy Generic. ...
  7. Join a Carpool.
Dec 28, 2023

How do I save money daily? ›

12 ways to save money every day
  1. Join loyalty programs to reap rewards.
  2. Shop with a cash-back credit card.
  3. Cancel subscriptions you aren't using.
  4. DIY when you can.
  5. Set up automatic bill payments.
  6. Switch bank accounts.
  7. Look for extra cash in your budget.
  8. Carefully scrutinize your spending.
Mar 31, 2023

What are 3 ways you can spend money wisely? ›

In this article:
  • Create and Stick to a Budget.
  • Prioritize Needs Over Wants.
  • Use Your Credit Card—but Pay It Off Each Month.
  • Know Your Values—and Your Triggers.
  • Reduce Spending Where It Makes Sense.
  • Consider Long-Term Costs.
  • Limit Your Payment Options.
Mar 23, 2024

What are 3 key ways to manage your money? ›

These seven practical money management tips are here to help you take control of your finances.
  • Make a budget. ...
  • Track your spending. ...
  • Save for retirement. ...
  • Save for emergencies. ...
  • Plan to pay off debt. ...
  • Establish good credit habits. ...
  • Monitor your credit.

How do you decide to spend your money? ›

The easiest way to differentiate is by making a budget. A budget is a way for you to determine how much money you need to spend per month on necessities such as rent and food, decide how much you wish to save, and then understand how much money you have left over to spend.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.