105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (2024)

Table of Contents
What Can You Do Without Spending Money? 105 Fun Things To Do With No Money 1. Make A Bucket List 2. Head To The Library 3. Check Your Local Community Calendar 4. Listen To A Podcast 5. Explore Like A Tourist 6. Check Your Local Sports Community 7. Volunteer 8. Get Outside 9. Reduce Your Bills 10. Play Board Games 11. Bring Your Own Food Party 12. Meet Your Neighbors 13. Learn How To Juggle 14. Call A Friend 15. Go Through Your Media Collection (Books, DVDs, CDs) 16. Do Puzzles 17. Create A Walking Tour 18. Take Photos 19. Start A Blog 20. Visit A Museum Or Zoo 21. Go Hiking 22. Movie Marathon 23. Go On Free Tours 24. Calculate Your Net Worth 25. Take A Ride On Your Bike 26. Have A Picnic 27. Teach Yourself How To Knit 28. Check Your House For Maintenance 29. Read A Book 30. Learn Something New 31. Go For A Run (Or Walk) 32. Cook A Meal 33. Have A Movie Party 34. Play Football (Soccer) 35. Photography 36. Do A Photoshoot 37. Create Your Own Greeting Cards 38. Make Your Own Time Capsule 39. Write A Letter 40. Do Some Yoga 41. Check Out Your Local Gym 42. Make A Budget 43. Swap Items 44. Declutter 45. Neighborhood Cleanup 46. Do A Paper Airplane Competition 47. Reorganize Furniture In A Room 48. Call A Friend Or Family 49. Play With A Pet 50. Start A Journal 51. Bubble Blower 52. Take A Nap 53. Go For A Swim 54. Use The Water Sprinkler 55. Research Your Genealogy 56. Get Your Financial Paperwork Organized 57. Get A Copy Of A Free Newspaper 58. Delete Apps From Your Phone 59. Volunteer 60. Meditation 61. Exchange Massages With Your Partner 62. Watch A Documentary 63. Plan Your Summer Holiday 64. Have Your Own Yard Sale 65. Have A Dance Party 66. Head To The Playground 67. Read A Blog You Like 68. Exercise Your Mind With Puzzles 69. Start A Compost Bin 70. Learn A New Language 71. Watch A Sunrise Or Sunset 72. Talk About Your Goals 73. Meal Plan 74. Take a Survey To Earn Some Quick Cash 75. Post Skills And Make Money 76. Cancel Unused Subscriptions 77. Set Goals 78. Start Using A FREE Budgeting App 79. Get Rid Of Your Debt 80. Bake 81. Worst Gifts Ever 82. Make Your Own Fort 83. Gather Your Favorite Recipes 84. Go To The Local Market 85. Check Out Free Apps 86. Text Your Friends 87. Check Out Open Houses 88. Play Frisbee 89. Take A Bath 90. Follow Free Classes At Your Local College 91. Free Classes at Stores 92. Clean Out A Closet 93. Get A Grip On Your Finances 94. Make A To-Do List 95. Watch Your Favorite TV Show 96. Free Trials 97. Practice Gratitude 98. Go To A Dress Rehearsal 98. Check Out New Music 99. Make Extra Money 100. Play Some Favorite Video Games 101. Go Bird-Watching 102. Start A (Indoor) Garden 103. Pick Up Networking 104. Scavenger Hunt 105. Teach Yourself A Card Trick Fun Things To Do Without Spending Money FAQs
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Do you want to have fun without spending any money? That’s possible! Here are 105 fun things to do with no money.

Many think that you have to spend money to have fun.

That’s just something many people think.

I believe that having fun doesn’t have to cost any money.

I am living proof that you can have fun without spending money. Why? I do it with my friends and family all the time!

There are hundreds of things you can do when you have no money to spend. You will have a lot of fun doing these no-money experiences and creating memories with these no-money activities. Perhaps you will even have more fun because you’re creating memories and being creative.

These are fun things to do when you’re broke or running short on cash. If you’re not broke, you could be living a frugal life by choice, with these frugal living tips.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re building up your emergency fund, saving for retirement, or paying off debt. You will save money in the process that you can use towards your (financial) goals.

Table of Contents show

What Can You Do Without Spending Money?

Nowadays, there are free activities available everywhere. The most important thing is a mindset shift away from spending money and into creativity. These no-spend activities will keep your cash in your pocket. You can use that towards your financial goals and living your ideal life. Win-win!

To do no-money activities, you have to be open to trying something like a no-spend weekend or a no-spend challenge.

All that you have to do is break your spending habits, which can be quite challenging. If you’re open to that, the world will open for you. The world of finding another fun thing to do with no money.

To get your creative juices flowing, I have listed things to do that don’t cost money. This will reset your desire to spend money and makes it much easier for you to save money. Who doesn’t want that?

One side note: everyone is different. This means that not everything on this list will be fun for you. That’s why I’ve made a huge list so everyone can find ideas for a money-free weekend, week, or even month.

Pick the things you like and try them out!

Let’s go straight into the 105 fun things to do with no money!

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money

Here are 105 wonderful things to do without money. These unique and amazing ideas will keep you entertained without spending any money. Your cash will stay in your pocket, and you will still have loads of fun!

1. Make A Bucket List

A bucket list should be the number 1 thing that you do. Think about what you want to do in your life.

You can create different lists for one month, one year, five years, or even your entire lifetime. The sky is the limit!

What are the things in life that you really want to do?

Don’t worry if some of these things will cost you money, that’s something you can figure out later.

The fun part is thinking about what you want to do and making your list.

2. Head To The Library

Frugal lifehack: when in doubt, go to the library.

Libraries are incredible sources of fun and free things. You can find (e)books, music, videos, and games, and they may also host some events.

Many libraries have movie nights, author readings, and many more events you may want to attend. Check at the library what they have to offer.

3. Check Your Local Community Calendar

This is a great source of free activities in your town or city. Every city will have some kind of free activity throughout the year. Check the website of your town for free activities.

To have more options, you can check the ones from cities or towns nearby. You will be surprised how many free things you can do in your area.

Invite your local friends and have fun!

4. Listen To A Podcast

Podcasts are a great way to learn about a topic in a fun and engaging way for free. I personally love and devour them.

Listening to podcasts on your commute, while you’re doing things around the house, or just sitting around relaxing and listening to podcasts.

Check out these amazing personal finance podcaststhat will teach you everything about finances, money, and investing.

5. Explore Like A Tourist

Often we go to explore other parts of the country or even other parts of the world. It may be good to find fun things to do close to home.

Have you ever explored your home city as a tourist? When you are traveling, the way you explore is very different. Grab a tourist guide or check online for any no-money activities available.

6. Check Your Local Sports Community

Your local sports community often has sports games and leagues that are going on throughout the year.

Watch a game or two when you are feeling it. When you feel like you want to be involved more, check to participate or join as a volunteer.

7. Volunteer

Find something that you get excited about and approach your local organization for some volunteering.

Many great organizations are always looking for people who can help and support their cause.

8. Get Outside

Getting outside is one of the major things we do to get both movement and fresh air.

When you’re looking for ways to save money, this is one of the top tips for a frugal life.

Pro tip: if you want to get fit while outside, try this 30-day beginner plank challenge. You will feel strong and motivated afterward. The best thing? It’s completely free.

9. Reduce Your Bills

Find a couple of hours and reduce your bills. Lowering your monthly expenses will be something that you will benefit from very far into the future. It means that you have to save less for retirement, you have to have a lower emergency fund, and you spend less money for the same service.

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (1)

How can you lower your bills? Check out how I live on half my income.

It will be something very few people look forward to now. I assure you that you will be thrilled once you invest some of your time and save $100 on your monthly bills.

Tip: there is an app for that called Trim. Trim is an internet assistant that helps you save money. It cancels your subscriptions and negotiates bill reductions for you. You may see our full Trim review for more details of the platform.

10. Play Board Games

Playing board games is something that I enjoy a lot. We have a lot of them, mostly received as gifts.

Classic games we play are Monopoly or Risk. Other favorites include Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, and a recent favorite is Stone Age.

Check your closet, and you will probably find some board games that you didn’t know you had. Open it and have fun!

11. Bring Your Own Food Party

When you want to have a frugal night with friends, tell them to come over for the night. The only thing is that they can only bring snacks, drinks, and games from their house.

Now enjoy your time together!

12. Meet Your Neighbors

Introduce yourself to your neighbors if you don’t know them very well. Invite them over for a cup of coffee and connect with them.If you gave up caffeine, decaf or tea would do.

It is always great to be friends with people who live so close by. Besides that, they are always able to help with the plants when you are on holiday or keep an eye out.

13. Learn How To Juggle

When you learn how to juggle, you’re way more fun at parties. Believe me, people will be amazed.

All you need is three balls (or something else that is round and can fall multiple times) and someone who teaches you how to do it. Watch this 2-minute YouTube video, and you’re set.

14. Call A Friend

When I was younger, we were talking 10 years ago, I was constantly calling my friends. I mean, like hours on end talking. With the friends that I had been in school with for the entire day.

Pick up your phone and call a friend.

They will love it. Plus, you will come up with some other fun things to do rather quickly!

15. Go Through Your Media Collection (Books, DVDs, CDs)

Over time you have probably collected a great amount of media. Books, DVDs, and CDs that you loved at the time you bought them.

Ask yourself: am I still using them? Are they still giving me joy?

Keep the ones that make you smile, and get rid of the rest. You can sell them online or donate them to local libraries or thrift stores.

Don’t want the hassle of selling them yourself? List them on Decluttr and get a fixed price immediately. They take care of everything, and you don’t even have to pay for shipping! You simply print the shipping label, post the items, and receive the money as soon as you receive it.

16. Do Puzzles

Think about it, when is the last time you have done a puzzle? It is a great calming activity, and it will also keep you mentally engaged.

Ask your friends if you can borrow some puzzles or check your local Facebook group.

17. Create A Walking Tour

Do you know how many big cities have a walking tour available when you visit them? You can do that yourself!

Check the historical and cultural highlights in your city and walk around to see them. Do some research on the history, and you will be much wiser at the end of the day.

When the weather is good, pack your lunch and go for a picnic in the park.

18. Take Photos

Unleash your creative self and take your camera or phone to take pictures. Take pictures of anything and everything that you think is interesting. Plus, take lots of them.

You can check later if you have taken anything beautiful or compelling.

You can use those pictures for any crafts projects, phone wallpaper, or make your own cards. The options are endless!

19. Start A Blog

When you want to start a blog for free, you can use services like Blogger or WordPress. This will make your URL something like yourname.blogger.com or yourname.wordpress.com.

Start with such a service and start a blog.

It will be a ton of fun, you will meet many great people with the same passion and improve your writing skills. Perhaps you will earn some income later on as well (crazy, I know!).

20. Visit A Museum Or Zoo

Check your local museum or zoo. Many of them will be free.

If there are no free museums or zoos that you like, a couple of them will probably have free entry days. They will often be free a fixed day per week or have a free day more often.

Another great tip: check your local library. They could have museum passes that they loan out.

There are many options to enjoy museums or zoos free of charge!

21. Go Hiking

Have some free local fun and go hiking! Find a hiking trail near you and simply go.

Don’t forget snacks, water, and sunscreen.

22. Movie Marathon

Do you have a favorite movie series? Have a movie marathon!

If you don’t have cable, check out these alternatives to cable TV.

If you want to do this without spending money, there are a couple of ways:

  • Start a free trial on Amazon Prime Video – just cancel it after you’re done.
  • Go to your library.
  • Get some movies from friends.

23. Go On Free Tours

Visiting a big city with no money? Free tours are the way to go!

24. Calculate Your Net Worth

If you have always wondered what your net worth is, calculate your net worth. Regardless of the outcome, it’s good to know where you stand.

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (2)

Use a free tool like Empower to do the math for you!

Track Your Net Worth For FREE

25. Take A Ride On Your Bike

Do you own a bike? This would be the perfect time to take it outside and go for a bike ride.

Riding your bike is a great way to get some exercise without going to the gym.

Alternatively, biking could be a great way to get some daily movement in if you’re normally driving to work. For me personally, I bike to work for around 40 minutes every day. It wakes me up, and it gets me some daily exercise.

When you’re using your bike a lot, there may be some maintenance costs. However, I can assure you that maintaining a car is more expensive.

26. Have A Picnic

This one is great! You change up your meal (lunch or dinner) and eat it at a different spot.

Pack your meal, find a nice spot where you want to eat your meal and have fun! Whether you get there on foot or on your bike doesn’t matter. The thing that matters is that you eat your food at a location that you enjoy.

This is a great hack. You have to eat your meal anyway, why not in a location you enjoy?

27. Teach Yourself How To Knit

Want to learn something new? Teach yourself how to knit.Ask your parents or grandparents if they have the knitwear lying around, they probably have something you can use for your newfound hobby.

It doesn’t have to be as difficult as it sounds. Check out this 20-minute video for beginners!

28. Check Your House For Maintenance

Check your home monthly for small maintenance tasks. If you find something that is not working correctly, write it down, and you can assess all of those at the same time.

This will be great to make sure your home is still functioning optimally and you will be enjoying it.

29. Read A Book

There are thousands of books out there, and I bet you have some favorites in your house. Pick one and read it!

If you want to read something new, ask a friend or go to your local library. If that doesn’t work out, try a free trial on Kindle.

Are you looking for free books for kids, try out these genius methods!

30. Learn Something New

Nowadays, it is super easy to learn about a new topic.

Go to MIT Open Courseware, where you can find any topic you’re interested in and download the online class. You can listen to it while doing groceries or riding your bike. They offer anything, from Introduction to Programming in Python to Microeconomics.

Other great resources where you can learn something online are Coursera, edX, and Open Yale Courses.

If you would rather watch something shorter online, TedX Talks are great. On average, these are inspiring talks from experts on the topic, around 15-20 minutes long.

31. Go For A Run (Or Walk)

If you’re looking for the ultimate no-money activity, going for a run or walk can be just the right thing to do.

Getting out of the house and getting some fresh air will help you for the rest of the day.

You could even train for something like a 10K if you want to level up.

32. Cook A Meal

Do you already have some basic foods on hand? Great, you can make some meals.

If you’re hungry now, you can make food for now. If you’re not hungry, you can make food for later. Store it in your freezer.

I’m sure your future self would be thrilled to have some pre-made meals!

33. Have A Movie Party

Invite some friends over and let them bring their favorite DVD. Get comfy with whatever snacks you happen to have in the house, and enjoy it!

Having a lazy day with your friends and just watching movies together is a great way to spend the day. You’re having loads of fun without spending anything!

34. Play Football (Soccer)

Gather your friends, go to an open field, and bring a ball – that’s truly all you need to have an afternoon of fun playing soccer.

How easy is that?

Just kick the ball around, run over the field, and you have your free activity.

If you’re thinking now, ‘But I can’t play, I’m terrible’ – who cares? As long as you’re having fun doing it, that’s what matters.

35. Photography

Dust off your old camera, if you have any, and renew your photo skills.

If you don’t have a camera, honestly, your phone pictures’ quality is probably enough.

When you want to learn more about photography, check out YouTube for some videos on it, or head to your local Apple store for a free class.

36. Do A Photoshoot

There is nothing more fun than doing a photo shoot. Whether it’s with your friends, partner, or family – fun is guaranteed.

Bring out your inner top model and go posing in front of the camera.

When you rather be on the other side of the camera, take pictures of your kids or your friends. That will save you tons of money in the long run by not having to buy any school or sports photos for your family, for example.

37. Create Your Own Greeting Cards

Do you think the photo fun is already over? I’m just getting started!

When you have taken photos of your family, your dog, or the outdoors, do something with them! You want the world to see them, right?

You can make:

  • Homemade birthday cards
  • Get well soon cards
  • Thank-you cards
  • Christmas cards

Well, how the heck do I do that?

You can use whatever you have lying around.

This can be:

  • Card stock or cheap blank cards
  • Photographs or a printer

Craft your own greeting and holiday cards from these photos.

For more fun and fine-tuning, check out any magazines you have laying around for other fun elements to add to your cards.

38. Make Your Own Time Capsule

Wander around the house and gather things that remind you of what’s going on right now. This could be:

  • Photos
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Cards you got (like greeting cards)

Put it in a box, write the date on it, and what date you’re allowed to open it. This can be 6 months from now or 5 years from now.

39. Write A Letter

Think about it: when did you last write an actual letter? You know, one with a pen and paper. Of course, writing it on your computer is also possible, as long as you’re sending it to someone.

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (3)

In line with the time capsule, you can write the letters ahead of time and give them when the time is there.You can also give them during a romantic date night at home with your partner!

40. Do Some Yoga

Yoga is a straightforward thing to do anywhere.

Set up a yoga mat if you have any. Otherwise, a blanket will do.

There are thousands of yoga videos on YouTube. Personally, I enjoy Yoga with Adrienne a lot. She has a lot of different types of yoga that you can try.

Generally, yoga is great for your body and your mind. You can increase stamina, concentration, and flexibility.

Don’t underestimate yoga as a workout!

41. Check Out Your Local Gym

99% of the local gyms have free classes or even a free week for someone who wants to try their gym.

Sign up for that and try out spinning, body pump, pilates, or boot camp. There are so many gyms in every city and town that it may take a while before you check them all out.

42. Make A Budget

If you want to save more money or take control of your finances, now is the time to make a budget.

The important thing to remember during the process: a budget is not something that restricts you. A budget lets you spend money on what you find valuable, and it lets you cut back on the things you don’t value.

Manage your money and work towards financial independence!

If you’re having a hard time knowing your income, or you need to create a payslip as proof of income, be sure to use a paystub maker.

43. Swap Items

Do you know the saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure?

That is exactly why swapping items is such a great idea!

You get to shop through someone else’s stuff, and you can exchange the things that you no longer are using.

44. Declutter

While we are at it, start decluttering!

It is such a hard thing to do, but it will fulfill you like nothing else.

Why would that be?

When you get rid of the stuff you no longer use in your house, you will get so much in return. Space, time, and peace of mind.

Clutter is taking up more time and space than you realize.


  • Clutter means that you need to clean more.
  • When you have clutter, it means that you need to organize more.
  • When you have clutter, it means that you are constantly around stuff, which can be stressful.

It can be tough to declutter because you have once spent money on this item. However, wasted money is no reason to keep items that do not give you joy.

Living with less, decluttering, and minimalism means living life with less stuff. You focus on what matters.

45. Neighborhood Cleanup

While we’re decluttering our house, why not declutter our neighborhood?

This can be very simple: walk through your neighborhood and pick up the litter (you may want to take a pair of gloves with you).

You leave the area beautiful, and clean, and everyone can enjoy it!

46. Do A Paper Airplane Competition

I don’t know about you, but I loved making paper planes in high school.

After school, we did a game of whose paper plane would fly the furthest and which one was the fastest.

Why not do this now? IMO, you’re NEVER too old for a paper airplane competition.

Decide what the contest will be, make your paper airplane, and have some fun in the backyard!

Whoever wins gets to pick the next activity.

47. Reorganize Furniture In A Room

Do you ever get a random moment where you just want to move all your furniture and give your room a new look?

Nope, just me?

When you rearrange the furniture you have in a room, it will look so different!

Think about how you can rearrange in a way that fits the room.

Can you put your couch against another wall? Can you turn your bed? Perhaps you can change the position of your closet?

Get creative and give your room an entirely new look by just moving the furniture around!

48. Call A Friend Or Family

Call your friends or family that you haven’t spoken to in a while. They would love to receive a call from you, and they would be very grateful for that!

Working on your relationship with friends and family is always fun to do!

49. Play With A Pet

Pets are amazing to spend time with. Playing with them, petting them, playing fetch with a dog, or cuddling with a cat.

If you don’t have a pet, no worries.

You can always spend some quality time with pets from your friends or family. There are many shelters as well that need people to volunteer to play with the pets. That could be a great opportunity.

If you want to make money playing with pets, you can start a side hustle on a place like Rover, where you look after pets and get some extra cash at the same time.

50. Start A Journal

Journaling is such a powerful tool that can help you with a LOT of things.

Journaling will help you to:

  • Get clarity.
  • Organize your thoughts.
  • Makes you feel calmer.
  • Solve your problems by thinking them through.
  • Increase creativity.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means. There are many more benefits of journaling. These are simply the ones that I noticed over time.

Grab an old notebook and a pen, and start your journal today!

Here are my tips on how to start your gratitude journal.

51. Bubble Blower

While we’re at the creative things, let’s make our own bubbles!


Wait, how do we do that?

You mix 1 part of liquid soap (simple dish soap will do) with 15 parts of water. If you have a water filter, try to use that – the softer the water, the better.

After you’ve mixed that, take a wire coat hanger and make it into two small loops. You’re ready to go and blow some bubbles!

52. Take A Nap

I’m not sure why this is number 52 on the list, but better late than never, right?!

Who doesn’t love taking naps??

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (4)

Naps are a great way to take a step back and take care of yourself. Naps are great for spending your time, and they do make your life a whole lot better.

Plus, it’s hard to spend money while you’re asleep. Win-win!

53. Go For A Swim

After your nap, you’re ready to wake up again and go outside for a bit.

What is better than going swimming? Most towns have a public swimming pool, a public pond, or anything of the like.

It is a great way to spend time with friends and loved ones. Swimming is the best thing to do for fun, plus it’s often free.

54. Use The Water Sprinkler

If you’re not fond of going outside of the house to go swimming, turn on the water sprinkler.

This is a great way to enjoy yourself on a hot day. Running around in the garden and jumping through the cold water.

It’s a great activity for kids, parents, and anyone in between!

55. Research Your Genealogy

Do you want to know more about your family’s history? Check out your genealogy!

There are dozens of websites online that you can check out. The most popular ones include:

On these websites, you can find everything about your ancestors. If you know your family has been in the same local community for a long time, you can also check out your local library for more information.

If you have any great-grandparents or grandparents, ask them what they remember from their family.

56. Get Your Financial Paperwork Organized

This doesn’t sound too fun but think about the outcome. The peace of mind and the relaxed feeling that you will have afterward.

Plus, doing your finances doesn’t have to take long.

Organize your bank statements, bills, and anything that isn’t digital yet. If you’re feeling energized, try out going electronic on these statements and paperwork.

Almost all institutions offer digital financial paperwork nowadays, saving you a huge amount of work going forward.

57. Get A Copy Of A Free Newspaper

Most of the towns and cities have their own newspaper. They will be delivered, or you can take them to the grocery store or at your local library.

Fun fact: I used to deliver these when I was around 13 years old.

Anyways, they’re free to read, and it keep you informed about what’s happening in your local town. Plus, they will often have free activities in your area listed. Win-win!

58. Delete Apps From Your Phone

Take a minute to check your phone: what applications are you not using anymore?

Delete them!

This will help increase your phone battery, and it is get rid of any digital clutter that is distracting you.

59. Volunteer

Many volunteer projects just need some of your time. Spending a day helping your local community will leave you fulfilled and happy that you could contribute.

Volunteering is one of the many acts of kindness you can do to help others while learning and expanding your skillset.

60. Meditation

In today’s world, everyone is constantly in a rush. Many people are stressed out and find it hard to relax.

Meditation is a great way to center and come back to yourself. Let go of any stress and relax your body + mind.

Clear out your thoughts and just focus on your breath.

Meditation can be a part of your morning ritual. It is a great stress management technique that does not cost a diner if you practice it regularly.

61. Exchange Massages With Your Partner

Do you want to enjoy a relaxing massage without spending the money? Agree with your partner to exchange messages.

Spend 15 minutes massaging each other, and you will find that you’re both relaxed.

62. Watch A Documentary

Watching a documentary can be super interesting. There are many documentaries available for free on YouTube or other websites.

Be sure to check out:

Documentaries will give you different perspectives and will often teach you something new.

63. Plan Your Summer Holiday

Spending time planning trips can be a lot of fun!

Think about where you want to go, what you want to do, and most importantly, where you want to eat.

Look up some pictures of the places you want to visit and start dreaming about what you want to be doing during your holiday.

If you’re starting to plan your summer holiday ahead of time, this can save you a lot of money!

I’d say go for it!

64. Have Your Own Yard Sale

Ready for some family fun?

Have your own yard sale!

It is a great way to involve the entire family, get rid of the excess clutter in your home, and have a couple of days of fun. Plus, you will get something extra at the end of the ride.

Turn everything that you have laying around in the house, and you don’t use anymore into cash. That’s the ideal activity to do.

65. Have A Dance Party

Everyone likes dancing! At least everyone I know does.

Bring the party to your home, blast your favorite music, and start dancing.

If you want to turn it up a bit, dress up and invite your friends or do it with your kids. It’s a great and cheap indoor activity for kids.

66. Head To The Playground

Head to the local playground and have fun with your kids, a family member, or a friend.

If you have already checked out several playgrounds in your neighborhood, go to a new spot and find your new favorite playground.

Family fun is guaranteed!

Try to mix it up; instead of only watching your child play, participate yourself. You will have the best time going down the slide and swinging in the swings. Plus, your kid will love it!

67. Read A Blog You Like

You’re reading this, which means you probably read blogs.

Most blogs have a big archive with blogs that can teach you something and are fun to read.

Think about what you want to learn. Perhaps you can start with this blog. Learn about:

  • Saving Money
  • Making Money
  • Financial Independence
  • Investing

Browse through the blog and click on anything and everything that seems fun!

68. Exercise Your Mind With Puzzles

When you’re doing puzzles, there are many different types that you can do. If you check online, there are many sudoku puzzles and crossword puzzles to do for free.

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (5)

If you search online, you will find dozens of options.Brain teasers likesolitaireare also a great way to take a break and give your brain a workout.

You will exercise your mind and spend time enjoying yourself. What’s there not to like?

69. Start A Compost Bin

If you’re living in an apartment without a garden, just like me, all you need is an indoor compost binyes, it is odorless.

I’m not going to put smelly things in my kitchen, nope!

If you’re living in a house with a garden, you can have a simple outdoor compost bin.

If you’re living in the country, a bit of open space will do.

What can I put in the compost bin?

You can put your coffee grounds, vegetable waste, fruit waste, eggshells, leaves, and small branches. Don’t put in meat, fish, or dairy products – this will attract rats, foxes, and more unwanted guests.

What you need to do is simple: move it around regularly. When the compost is almost black, you can use it as the perfect homemade fertilizer for your garden.

How cool is that?!

70. Learn A New Language

Learning a new language doesn’t have to be expensive. I have learned Spanish entirely for free. When you speak a foreign language, you will have a much easier time traveling. Or you can do it just for fun, of course.

You can use:

Using these resources, you will learn a new language within no time without any costs.

71. Watch A Sunrise Or Sunset

What better way to start your day than to watch the sunrise? You can see the beautiful colors in the sky and soak up the day’s first sunshine.

If you’re not a morning person, watching a sunset can be magical as well. Sunsets are amazingly colorful, and they are always unique.

Combine your adventure with a short hike, breakfast, or dinner – depending on the time of day.

72. Talk About Your Goals

Talking with your partner about your goals can be very beneficial for your relationship. It is important to both be on the same page in your relationship and know what the other person wants.

Share with your partner what you want out of life. Ask your partner to support you.

After that, ask to discuss the goals of your partner. What do they want out of life? How can you support them?

If you have some overlapping goals, you can even make a plan and work towards it together.

Talking about your goals can help your relationship, just knowing where you both want to go and what you want out of life.

73. Meal Plan

Meal planning is a great life hack that saves you tons of money and tons of time.

Personally, I love meal planning. I don’t enjoy cooking, so preparing 2-3 meals per week and enjoying healthy foods is the perfect solution.

Do you have a hard time coming up with meals? Try the $5 Meal Plan service.

It is a service that I would recommend to everyone, and I have tried it out myself.

With a $5 Meal Plan, you will get their weekly meal plans sent to your inbox. All their meals cost LESS than $2 per meal.

Not sure if this is for you? Try their 14-day FREE trial here.


If you’re still not sure, check out more tips on how to meal plan here.

74. Take a Survey To Earn Some Quick Cash

Make some quick money by taking surveys in your spare time. It is fast, easy, and doesn’t cost you anything.

The best survey sites to check out:

  • Swagbucks – make money by completing surveys, watching videos, or getting cash back. Get $5 free when you’ve earned points. Read our entire Swagbucks review here.
  • Inbox Dollars – free $5 sign-up bonus. Make money by watching videos, shopping online, or completing surveys.
  • MyPoints – a survey platform that gives you $5 free after filling in 5 surveys.
  • Survey Junkie – make up to $45 per survey.
  • American Consumer Opinion – available worldwide.

75. Post Skills And Make Money

Do you have a marketable skill that you can offer?

Post them online and start to make money!

You can post them on:

  • Fiverr
  • TaskRabbit
  • FlexJobs
  • Upwork

76. Cancel Unused Subscriptions

If you want to up your game, check out subscriptions that you’re not using.

They need to go!

No use in paying for something that you’re not using!

If you want to cancel unused subscriptions? Check out Trim Financial Manager.

Trim is a FREE personal finance bot that will cancel FOR YOU all the subscriptions you are not using anymore.

Plus, Trim will negotiate the prices for your cable TV, internet, and any other subscription that you ARE USING.

Trim helped people save over $8,000,000!

77. Set Goals

Do you want to up your long-term game without spending any money?

Start by setting goals for yourself.

What are the things that you always wanted?

Start by setting money goals and go from there.

78. Start Using A FREE Budgeting App

This is going to change your life.

After you’ve set the goals that you want to reach for yourself, put them into action.

ACTION is one of the most important things to get where you want to be.

Stop living paycheck to paycheck and start a budget.

Here are some great and FREE budgeting apps:

  • Empower
  • YNAB
  • MoneySpire
  • Empower Finance

Here’s a YNAB vs Mint comparison if you need some more info!

79. Get Rid Of Your Debt

Getting rid of debt is a money goal of many. When you’re in debt, it can be hard to get out of it again.

Use Tally to help you stay on top of your monthly payments and get rid of your debts ASAP.

Tally is an app that helps you pay off your credit card debt faster and have all your cards in one place. Check our full Tally App review for more information.

Tally saves its members an average of $5,300 per person!

Want to start saving money? Sign up with Tally today!


80. Bake

What else is there to do than bake?

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (6)

Probably you have the majority of the things you need for backing already on hand. Try something new or check out an old recipe that you didn’t make in years!

81. Worst Gifts Ever

Ask your friends to come over for a small get-together. They should bring the worst gift they have ever gotten, and then you can exchange them. Perhaps there is something that someone likes?

While this is not likely to be the case, it will definitely be an afternoon of fun!

82. Make Your Own Fort

Gather all the blankets in your house and make a fort. Whether you have kids or not, I assure you this is going to be fun!

Put the chairs together and start building your own fort!

83. Gather Your Favorite Recipes

Do you make your favorite recipes for a couple of weeks only to completely forget about them later on? This is why you need to make a list of your favorite recipes.

On the days when you are not sure what you want to eat and have no inspiration AT ALL, you don’t need to wander around on the internet anymore. You can simply look into the list of your favorite recipes and put something on the table that you enjoy!

84. Go To The Local Market

Going to the local market is always a lot of fun! Chat with the farmers there and see what kinds of fruits and vegetables are in the season. Plus, you will see where the vegetables you are eating are coming from. How cool is that!

85. Check Out Free Apps

There are many free apps available that can teach you something, help you with a problem, or make more fun in your life.

86. Text Your Friends

Texting your friends is always fun. Go through your messages and find a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Ask them how they are, have a conversation, and invite them over for a long walk or just a cup of coffee at home.

87. Check Out Open Houses

Looking at houses can be a lot of fun! Whether you are thinking about moving, want to remodel, or simply want to see how other houses are decorated, check out open houses. These can bring you great ideas and inspiration on what exactly it is you want!

Every week there are many open houses throughout the city or town where you live. This is a great way to get some inspiration other than Pinterest and check out houses without spending any money.

88. Play Frisbee

Convince a friend that throwing a frisbee at the park is just what they need right now. If your friends are not up for it, try to find a cute dog that wants to join you. They often need a little convincing.

Throwing around a frisbee is a great way to get in some movement, go outside, and have fun with your friends. All of that while not spending a penny, wow!

89. Take A Bath

Are you looking for a moment of relaxation in an otherwise busy week? Take a long bath. Taking a bath is one of the many things that I do to treat myself without spending money, and I LOVE it.

Fill up the bathtub with warm water, take a book with you, and relax.

The hot water will do wonders for your stress, and it will wash all your worries away!

90. Follow Free Classes At Your Local College

Check out what free classes your local college is offering. There are probably quite a few that opened up the upcoming semester. Wanted to learn something but never got the opportunity? Now is your chance; go for it!

91. Free Classes at Stores

Besides your local college, several stores may also have free classes. Normally people sit there and buy things, which is why they offer these classes. You can go for the free project because you’re a great money manager and can easily resist that!

92. Clean Out A Closet

Find a random closet in your home that has not been checked in a while, and go through it. Our house has certain spaces where we tend to accumulate all kinds of stuff. Stuff we often don’t need.

It’s often a small thing to do, and the benefits are big! Check out the closet and see what kind of things you have lying about in there that you don’t need anymore.

I’m sure you will find some awesome items that you totally forgot about. Plus, you will probably find some junk that you can get rid of.

You will feel great when you’re done!

93. Get A Grip On Your Finances

I am not sure why this has not occurred to me before, but getting a grip on your finances is extremely important. It is important to not get into significant debt you cannot report, you should know what you’re spending your money on, and you should be aware of how much your net worth currently is.

Getting your finances in order is something that often gets put away for someday. I think that someday might be today. Get your finances in order and improve the quality of your life dramatically.

94. Make A To-Do List

If you want to do something without spending money, what else can you do then go through your to-do list? Some items will be on there for months already, and it will feel SO GOOD when you finally can cross them off.

Today you can focus on the things on your list that don’t cost any money or that don’t require you to purchase anything. If you think you may need to purchase something, think about it: can I be creative? Can I use something else instead of that?

Cross off just a couple of things, and you’re golden!

95. Watch Your Favorite TV Show

Are you trying to do a no-spend day (weekend or week), but the weather is not cooperating? Watch your favorite TV show!

You can watch TV without commercials if you already have a Netflix or Amazon Prime subscription.

You don’t have them?

Do you want to try Amazon Prime with its 30-day FREE trial? Start it today!

96. Free Trials

When you’re checking out fun things to do when you have no money, free trails are the way to go! Companies let you try out their service or product for free for a limited period of time. The only thing you should keep in mind is to cancel before the free trial ends!

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (7)

You can check out things like:

97. Practice Gratitude

When we go about our normal day-to-day life, we can forget how blessed we are. We can take everything so great about our life for granted. Practicing gratitude can change that.

Write down all the things that you are grateful for in your life. Count your blessings.

Bonus: practicing gratitude lifts you up and makes you feel great! That’s why I love keeping a gratitude journal and practicing this regularly.

98. Go To A Dress Rehearsal

Many great shows hold a dress rehearsal before they officially go into the theaters. These dress rehearsals are free to attend, and you can go to them if you call in advance. Especially if you have young children, they are very open to you attending.

Call your local theater and ask if they have any open dress rehearsals. That makes sure you can enjoy the theater at no cost to you!

98. Check Out New Music

With free music services like Spotify or Amazon Music, if you give their free trial a go, you can listen to the newest music.

The thing I love about Spotify is that it gives suggestions based on the current music you like. Try out these songs, and you’ll be sure to find some new gems.

If you want to go the old-school way, check out YouTube. When I was younger (damn, that makes me feel old), I was constantly roaming around YouTube looking for new songs. You run into some gems over there as well.

99. Make Extra Money

Great things to do instead of spending money? Making money! It will make sure you are doing something, it has a potential upside, and make sure that you will feel like you’ve done something at the end of the day.

Check out these Side Hustles To Make Money Fast.Or, if you need money now, you can check out these under-the-table jobs that will pay cash.

100. Play Some Favorite Video Games

Check out your closet and see if there is an old game console in there that you had totally forgotten about. Many people have one of these lying around.

Play the games you used to play a couple of years ago and see if you’re still as good as you were back then. We did this a couple of weeks ago and found Zelda plus Mario kart, old classics.

101. Go Bird-Watching

Going outdoors is always great, especially if you can do it for free!

When you’re not a bird expert, this can be something fun you can do every once in a while without spending money. All you need is binoculars and an (online) bird book that will show you what you’re actually looking at.

Check out how many different kinds of birds you can see in your town!

102. Start A (Indoor) Garden

Always wanted to have a little garden? Now is the time to start!

You can plant anything. Seeds from the peppers and tomatoes you can use to plant your own. If you have spring onions, you can leave the last 2 inches and put them into soi.

All fun ways to start your own garden and watch the seeds grow.

103. Pick Up Networking

Want to know what your network is up to? Draft a couple of quick emails to your professional contacts. Let them know what you’re up to and see what they’re up to.

To keep the professional touch, send them out on a Monday morning.

It may not sound fun to you now, but doing this regularly can do a lot for you. It helps you maintain relationships, builds new ones, and perhaps even gives you an opportunity in the future.

104. Scavenger Hunt

Kids and adults alike enjoy a good scavenger hunt! Check out google for a couple of great scavenger hunt ideas, and you’ll have an entire afternoon of fun!

105. Teach Yourself A Card Trick

Want to impress and entertain people? Teach yourself a card trick.

A fun way to check out card tricks is to roam around YouTube and see what they have here. It’s a great way to have fun at parties or impress your friends.

Fun Things To Do Without Spending Money

We have gotten very deep into things to do with no money. With this list, you will have enough ideas about what to do when you have a no-spend week or month.

If this list teaches you anything, I hope it’s this: you can have the best time without spending any money. You don’t need to spend money to have fun. Saving money is easy and fun.

What are your favorite things to do with no money?

Like this post? Save it for later! 📌

105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (8)

Marjolein Dilven

Founder of Spark Nomad, Radical FIRE, Journalist

Expertise: Personal finance and travel content
Education: Bachelor of Economics at Radboud University, Master in Finance at Radboud University, Minor in Economics at Chapman University.
Over 200 articles, essays, and short stories published across the web.

Experience: Marjolein Dilven is a journalist and founder of Radical FIRE, a personal finance platform, and Spark Nomad, a travel platform. Marjolein has a finance and economics background with a master’s in Finance. She has quit her job to travel the world, documenting her travels on Spark Nomad to help people plan their travels. Marjolein Dilven has written for publications like MSN, Associated Press, CNBC, Town News syndicate, and more.

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105 Fun Things To Do With No Money [Updated for 2024] (2024)


What to do when bored with no money? ›

30 things you can do this weekend without spending money
  • Play board games with friends.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Learn to meditate.
  • Sell things you don't use.
  • Read a book.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Create a budget.
  • Rearrange furniture at home.

Have fun without spending money.? ›

Whatever your situation, here are 13 fun things to do that don't cost money with friends and family:
  • Go on a picnic. ...
  • Go to no-cost museum and zoo days. ...
  • Give geocaching a try. ...
  • Leverage your chamber of commerce. ...
  • Take a historical city tour. ...
  • Visit a farmers market. ...
  • Go camping. ...
  • Do a photography challenge.
Feb 14, 2024

How to get out of the house without spending money? ›

7 Free Ways to Get Out of the House
  1. Visit Friends. It doesn't cost a dime to spend some time visiting friends! ...
  2. Go Hiking, Biking, or Walking. ...
  3. Go on a Picnic. ...
  4. Visit a Park. ...
  5. Go to the Library. ...
  6. Go to a Free-Admission Museum. ...
  7. Go to Free-Admission Festivals.

How to be happy without spending money? ›

How To Be Happier Without Spending a Lot of Money
  1. Strengthen Bonds With Family and Friends. ...
  2. Create a Gratitude Journal. ...
  3. Go for a Walk. ...
  4. Define 'Fun' for You. ...
  5. Start a Pay-It-Forward Line. ...
  6. Say 'No' ...
  7. Smile Even If You Don't Feel Like It. ...
  8. Strive for Serenity and Security.
Sep 29, 2020

What can I do if I have no money? ›

I need money now. Where can I borrow from fast?
  1. Emergency credit. We do not recommend payday loans or other forms of high-cost credit. ...
  2. Credit unions. Credit unions are local, member-owned alternatives to banks. ...
  3. Grants. ...
  4. Trust funds. ...
  5. Help from your local council. ...
  6. Track down money you have missed out on.

How can I survive a day without money? ›

Can we live without money?
  1. Offer service instead of cash.
  2. Share and swap.
  3. Don't waste anything.
  4. Grow your own food.
  5. Live like your grandparents.
  6. It's OK to ask for help.
Apr 20, 2023

What to do when you're house broke? ›

What To Do If You're Already House Poor
  1. If you're feeling house poor right now, the best way to get yourself out of that situation is to lower your expenses or raise your income. ...
  2. Refinancing your mortgage is one way to potentially lower your monthly mortgage payment.
May 23, 2024

How can I free up money from my house? ›

Downsizing is an option that could free up the money you need so should always be considered as an alternative option if you'd be happy to move home. If you've paid your mortgage off, selling your home and buying a smaller, cheaper property outright could mean you free up money from the sale.

How to get out of the house when you have no money? ›

Tips for Moving Out with No Money
  1. Plan how much you need to spend on transportation, food, and rent.
  2. Move to a place that offers a relocation package.
  3. Sell your unwanted belongings.
  4. Set up a fundraising page to get extra money for your move.
  5. Get free moving supplies wherever you can.

How can I be social and not spend money? ›

  1. Open up to your friends.
  2. Focus on doing things for free.
  3. Ring-fence money for nights out.
  4. Dress up for less.
  5. Be more strategic on nights out to save money.
  6. Make the most of special offers.
  7. Join events late and leave them early.

How can I relax without money? ›

Exercise is one of the best and least expensive ways to relieve stress. Just going for a daily walk is a cheap and easy way to take a break from the stress of work. According to the National Institutes of Health, yoga can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and is a great way to relax and calm your mind.

How to survive with less money? ›

These seven tips may be able to help.
  1. Understand your current financial habits. Not sure how to start spending less? ...
  2. Create an effective budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Look for ways to reduce spending. ...
  4. Set financial goals for future success. ...
  5. Save for emergencies or major purchases. ...
  6. Pay down debt. ...
  7. Stay aware of lifestyle creep.

How can I pass time without money? ›

Here are a few no-cost options for things to do with your downtime:
  • Play outside. Play isn't just for kids. ...
  • Take a nature walk or hike. Look up free parks and trails near you and go explore. ...
  • Swim. ...
  • Read. ...
  • Check out free museums. ...
  • Play a computer or video game. ...
  • Puzzles and tabletop games. ...
  • Live out your artist dreams.
Jul 5, 2024

How can I spend time alone without money? ›

Make it About Relaxing
  1. Take a long bath or shower.
  2. Light candles.
  3. Listen to music.
  4. Take a nap.
  5. Read books you already have or download free eBooks on an electronic device.
  6. Try yoga or meditating.

What to do when there is no income? ›

Here are five steps to take immediately if you've lost your income:
  1. Do a financial review.
  2. Apply for unemployment benefits.
  3. Look for ways to cut expenses.
  4. Find extra ways to supplement your income.
  5. Start looking for a new job.
Jan 16, 2023

What to do on a day off alone? ›

Things to do alone outside:
  • Drive out to a beautiful vista.
  • Take a day trip to the beach.
  • Join a walking tour around your city.
  • Go people watching in a buzzy public area.
  • Scout out future date spots.
  • Go for a hike in the mountains.
  • Look for wildflowers.
  • Watch the sunset from your roof.
Jan 16, 2023

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6111

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.