11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (2024)

There is no need to depend on those store-bought products to be healthy and have a balanced meal. A simple plant growing in our garden can also help. The blue hyacinth herb benefits our health in various ways. Hyacinth, a popular herb known for its healing properties, is mostly used in the folk medicine of England and is associated with the Greek hero Hyacinthus. It originated in the eastern Mediterranean, but it is native to Turkmenistan and Northeast Iran. The blooming season of this plant is during the spring, heralding the end of winter. Hyacinth bean shoots and pods can offer an array of health benefits. The leaves of this plant are heart-shaped. That said, hyacinth is considered toxic by many. It may trigger some allergic reactions in some people. You may find them with both yellow and white floral components. But the common variant grows with purple pods and petals. If the pod is matured, the seeds can be extracted easily and consumed (and the pods discarded). However, the young pods can be consumed directly by removing the rough edges.

Some may grow it for consumption, while some grow it for forage. Hyacinth beans especially are used in making many delicacies around the world. These beans are also termed Indian beans, Hyacinth beans, and Calavance. These hyacinth bean plants also serve as ornamental plants. In some areas, along with the beans, the flowers are also consumed. They are added to some delicacies to enhance the flavor of the dish. Even the roots of this plant are edible. However, these are not so popular – but as per anecdotal evidence, they offer an array of health benefits. This essential oil is extracted from the flowers of its plant. It is a therapeutic oil widely used in aromatherapy. Read on to know more about this interesting herb, whether it can be considered safe for consumption, the benefits it offers, and its potential side effects. Continue reading.

11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (1) Know Your Ingredient: Hyacinth Herb

What Is It?
A purple, red, or pink flower that has a sweet, spicy, and floral aroma.

What Are Its Benefits?
It may help combat eczema, soothe a sore throat, and treat cholera and diarrhea.

Who Can Consume It?
It can be consumed by all individuals.

How Often?
You can consume hyacinth beans once daily

Avoid consuming it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a cold. Excessive consumption may cause gas, bloating, weakness, or vomiting.

In This Article

Nutritional Value Of Hyacinth Beans

A 100 grams of raw hyacinth beans contain (1):

Protein (g)23.9
Total lipid (fat) (g)1.69
Carbohydrate, by difference (g)60.7
Energy (kcal)344
Calcium, Ca (mg)130
Iron, Fe (mg)5.1
Magnesium, Mg (mg)283
Phosphorus, P (mg)372
Potassium, K (mg)1240
Sodium, Na (mg)21
Zinc, Zn (mg)9.3
Copper, Cu (mg)1.34
Manganese, Mn (mg)1.57
Selenium, Se (mcg)8.2
Thiamin (mg)1.13
Riboflavin (mg)0.136
Niacin (mg)1.61
Pantothenic acid (mg)1.24
Vitamin B-6 (mg)0.155
Folate, total (mcg)23
Fatty acids, total saturated (g)0.288

Note: Remember that the Hyacinth herbs and flowers are inedible.

Benefits Of Hyacinth Flower Herb

Almost all the plants have some medicinal as well as nutritional value to offer, so does Hyacinth!

Skin Benefits Of Hyacinth:

1. Treats Eczema:

The leaf extracts of this plant can be mixed with rice flour and turmeric to treat skin problems like eczema.

2. Makes Skin Healthy:

Many skin care products contain blue hyacinth. The use of Hyacinth and its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties make it the perfect choice for treating many skin disorders. Hyacinth, with its natural healing properties, is a great addition to any skincare routine that requires natural therapeutic remedies.

Hair Benefits Of Hyacinth:

3. Imparts A Great Fragrance To The Hair:

Though hyacinth is not known for its hair care benefits, adding it to shampoos and conditioners results in the amazing fragrance of a fresh hyacinth flower.

Health Benefits Of Hyacinth:

4. Treats Cholera:

The stem of this plant can be used to treat cholera. Symptoms like nausea and vomiting can be reduced with the help of stir-fried hyacinth beans.

5. Heals Sore Throat:

The juice extracted from the pods of the hyacinth plant can be used to heal an inflamed throat as well as ears.

11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (2) Trivia

The hyacinth bean plant (genus Lablab) is different from the hyacinth plant (genus bulbous), grape hyacinth (genus muscari), and water hyacinth (genus Pontederia). The confusion occurs because of similar common names and similar color of the flowers.

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6. Treats Snake Bites:

A poultice, prepared with the extracts of the hyacinth bean leaves, can be used to treat snake bites.

7. Works To Treat STIs:

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrheai XA sexually transmitted bacterial infection that may affect both men and women and lead to infertility, if left untreated. , can be treated with the help of infusions prepared with the leaves of the hyacinth plant.

8. Works As An Anti-inflammatory Agent:

In the Philippines, the combination of lemon juice and hyacinth juice is to treat abscesses. It is applied topically to heal the inflammation..

Related: Skin Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment

9. For Healthier Digestion:

Stir fried hyacinth beans can really make digestion smooth! Traditional Chinese Medicine uses the beans to keep the spleen healthy. The herb is also known to treat diarrhea, nausea, distended stomach, intestinal, worms, and flatulence.

Related: 15 Home Remedies For Digestive Problems And Prevention Tips

10. Controls Cholesterol:

The hypocholesterolemic propertiesi XIt describes a compound's ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of heart-related disorders. of hyacinth beans control cholesterol levels in the body.

11. Great For Women:

Women can really make use of this plant to get a healthier body! In Kenya, some tribes use this herb to promote lactation. A new mother can consume boiled hyacinth beans to make the most of it. Its flowers, on the other hand, can help women who suffer from irregular periods.

12. Other Benefits:

Sunstroke, low immunity, fever, obesity—all these and more can be treated with the help of hyacinth beans.

11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (3) Did You Know?

In China, hyacinth beans (seeds) are called Bai Bian Dou and typically dried and baked before using in herbal remedies meant for strengthening the spleen and promoting appetite.

Recommended Dosage

Hyacinth beans can be made a part of your regular diet. Or you can use it as an herbal extract. Hyacinth bean dosage is determined by a number of variables, including the user’s age, general health, and a number of other situations. A suitable dosing range for hyacinth bean cannot yet be determined due to a lack of sufficient scientific data. Prior to use, make sure to read and follow all applicable instructions on product labels and speak with your pharmacist or doctor.

A Word of Caution

  • Hyacinth beans should never be ingested uncooked. Raw hyacinth beans are considered toxic and can cause stomach problems. So, it is advised to boil dry hyacinth bean seeds so that the poison inside it is removed and is safe for consumption. Also, ensure to change the water used for boiling. This will further help to drain out the toxic content of the beans.
  • People suffering from cold or flu should avoid using this plant in any of its forms.

Drug interactions of hyacinth with other medication and herbs are not known. So, consult your doctor before you start using the plant or any of its parts. If nothing else, plant the beautiful hyacinth plant in your garden—it does look beautiful! And later, when the beans are ready to be plucked, you can reap its health benefits too! Hope you found this article helpful! Do share your feedback with us in the comments section.

Infographic: 6 Ways Hyacinth Herb Can Make Your Life Better

Hyacinth is a popular herb used in English folk medicine. It is mostly grown as an
ornamental plant and is also used in many delicacies. While its young pods are edible, its flowers are used to enhance the flavor of foods. Incorporating this herb into your lifestyle can offer various advantages. In the infographic below, we have listed the most important of those. Check them out.

11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (4)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

The benefits of hyacinth are many. It is loaded with nutrients like antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that are beneficial to the body. It may help soothe a sore throat and improve digestion. Hyacinth may lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation as well. You can also use it to keep your hair and skin healthy and rejuvenated. However, excessive use can trigger allergic reactions in some. If you experience any adverse effects, limit its use and seek medical advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are hyacinth herbs edible?

Hyacinth bulbs and herbs are inedible and can lead to stomach upsets, high blood pressure, and an irregular heartbeat.

Can hyacinth herbs be eaten raw?

No. While their bulbs are inedible and should be avoided, hyacinth beans should be cooked before consumption due to the presence of cyanogenic glycosidesi XThese are toxic compounds present in several edible plants, which may lead to tissue damage and other neurological issues if consumed. .

Does hyacinth make you sleepy?

Anecdotal evidence suggests the scent of hyacinth flowers can be calming or relaxing, which may make you sleepy. However, limited data is available to prove this claim.

Is hyacinth a lucky plant?

In some cultures, hyacinth is considered a lucky plant as it symbolizes felicity and fruitfulness.

What does hyacinth smell like?

The scent of hyacinths is often described as floral with fresh greenery, and honey notes.

Can you put hyacinth in water?

Yes, hyacinth bulbs can be grown in water. Fill the vase or container with water until it reaches the bulb’s base.

Is hyacinth herb safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women to use?

There is a dearth of information on the safe use of hyacinth herb during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before using this herb to avoid any side effects.

What are the active compounds in hyacinth herb that give it its health benefits?

The ethanolic extract of hyacinth herb contains alkaloids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, phenols, flavonoids, and glycosides (2).

What are the different forms of hyacinth herb available for consumption?

It is available in oil, water, extract, and dried forms for consumption.

Key Takeaways

  • Mix hyacinth leaf extracts with natural ingredients like turmeric to soothe skin conditions like eczema.
  • The consumption of hyacinth juice may help soothe an inflamed throat or ear.
  • Consume stir-fried hyacinth beans to treat digestive problems like diarrhea, nausea, and flatulence.
  • Make hyacinth beans a part of your regular diet to treat low immunity, fever, and obesity.
11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (5)

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Discover the nutritional values, health benefits, and delicious recipes of hyacinth beans! Learn how to incorporate this nutritious food into your diet to live a healthy life. Check out the following video!


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  1. Nutrition Facts Hyacinth beans mature seeds raw
  2. Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms: Uses, Challenges, Threats, and Prospects

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11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health (2024)


11 Amazing Benefits Of Hyacinth Herb For Skin, Hair And Health? ›

Hyacinth bean is a climbing plant that produces seeds (beans). The seeds, pods, leaves, flowers, and roots are eaten. The seeds are used as medicine. People take hyacinth beans by mouth to prevent pregnancy and for diarrhea and stomach disorders.

What is the medicinal purpose of hyacinth? ›

Hyacinth bean is a climbing plant that produces seeds (beans). The seeds, pods, leaves, flowers, and roots are eaten. The seeds are used as medicine. People take hyacinth beans by mouth to prevent pregnancy and for diarrhea and stomach disorders.

Is hyacinth good for skin? ›

Makes Skin Healthy: Many skin care products contain hyacinth. The use of Hyacinth and its antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial properties make it the perfect choice for treating many skin disorders.

What are the healing properties of grape hyacinth? ›

Grape hyacinth are known for their sedative effect, so it is widely used for neurosis, depression and insomnia. Grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum) essential oil is widely used in massages, inhalations to treat colds, bronchitis, and is also used in gynecology in case of an unstable cycle.

What is water hyacinth used for? ›

Continued control is required. As water hyacinth has some water quality benefits, a management approach that maintains it over a portion of the pond may bring the most benefits. The water hyacinth that is collected can be used to feed animals, or processed to improve the soil, as compost or biochar.

What are the powers of the hyacinth? ›

  • Past Manipulation: Hyacinthus could presumably manipulate or alter the past.
  • Retro-cognition: Hyacinthus could presumably discern events that happened in the past.
  • Mnemokinesis: As history and memory are intertwined, Hyacinthus could presumably control and manipulate memories.

What is the spiritual meaning of the hyacinth flower? ›

Hyacinth Symbolism

Due to its association with Apollo, the flower is sometimes linked to the themes of power, pride, and beauty. However, the story of Hyacinthus' tragic death also lends the hyacinth connotations of sorrow and mourning.

Is hyacinth bad for you? ›

Hyacinth bulbs pack a hidden punch with calcium oxalate crystals and a toxic alkaloid, lycorine. These substances are no joke—they can cause real harm if ingested or if they come into contact with skin or mucous membranes.

Why do hyacinths make you itch? ›

The narcissus causes lily rash, a dermatitis rarely caused by sensitization. The hyacinth evokes itching in practically everyone: an irritant reaction caused by calcium oxalate crystals.

Can you sleep with hyacinth? ›

In particular, strongly fragranced flowering specimens such as hyacinth, narcissus (daffodils are part of this family) and jasmine are thought to have the capacity to disturb sleep with their overwhelming floral aroma. For this reason, it is a good idea to choose cut flowers for the bedroom carefully too.

Why is water hyacinth illegal? ›

Water-hyacinth blocks waterways and limits boat traffic, recreation, flood control and wildlife use. By producing a dense canopy at the water surface, this exotic pest plant shades out native submersed plant species and can uproot native emergent species that are important to wildlife.

What are the negative impacts of water hyacinth? ›

Water hyacinth has a variety of negative impacts once introduced into a freshwater environment. it forms dense, impenetrable mats which clog waterways, making boating, fishing and almost all other water activities, impossible. It also reduces biodiversity by crowding out native plants at the water's surface and below.

What is hyacinth water treatment? ›

In the water hyacinth treatment plant, the experiment resulted in a reduction in pollutants/nutrients, odour, and colour. It is also cost effective when compared to the traditional approach of wastewater treatment in water treatment plants.

Are hyacinths edible for humans? ›

Hyacinth bulbs pack a hidden punch with calcium oxalate crystals and a toxic alkaloid, lycorine. These substances are no joke—they can cause real harm if ingested or if they come into contact with skin or mucous membranes.

What are the benefits of hyacinth scent? ›

In addition to its pleasant scent, hyacinth absolute also has some therapeutic benefits. It is known to be soothing and calming, making it ideal for use in products designed to relieve stress and tension. Additionally, the fragrance can also help to boost energy levels and improve mood.

What is the myth of the hyacinth flower? ›

The story of Hyachinthus is a story of death and rebirth. Apollo, mourning for his friend's lost youth, created a hyacinth flower in his place. This flower was a beautiful lily and had the letters "AI" on the petals as a memory of the tragedy.

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