11 Best Real Estate Text Message Scripts for Agents Who Don’t Like Calling Leads (2024)

Real estate text message scripts can increase your ability to convert your leads. Why? Because many of your prospects prefer text as their primary method of communication. And let’s face it, it might be yours too.

Having an arsenal of great text message scripts saved in your phone and in your customer relationship manager (CRM) can boost your results and decrease your response time with leads. We’ve gathered several types of text message scripts for you to have ready for practically any situation. We also included a six-day new lead text campaign and script download that you can start using today.

Use these scripts in your CRM or shoot out responses on the go. Create a text message campaign to coincide with your email and phone call efforts, and most importantly, build up your confidence.

1. New Buyer Lead Text Message Script

When a new lead comes in, it’s important to remember the number one rule of sales communications: Get them to engage with you. The quicker your response, the greater your chances of getting that coveted engagement. We love Beverly Ruffner’s script that encourages new leads to respond with something they’re already interested in.

Text: Hi {lead first name}, this is {agent first name} with {brokerage name}, and I am looking forward to talking with you about your home search. I will try calling as soon as I can, but in the meantime, are there any homes you want to take a look at? {auto-login link}

Send this one out as soon as the lead comes in to get the highest response rate. For a more automated system, add this to your CRM. You can store text message scripts and keep track of everything you send inside many CRM platforms. If you’re looking for an SMS-enabled CRM to check out, try LionDesk for two weeks and see if it improves your productivity.

Give LionDesk a Trial Run for 14 Days

2. New Seller Lead Script

It’s important to remember that your goal is not to close a real estate deal via text message. Your goal should be to get to the next step in the process. That means that when a seller lead comes in, your text message script should aim to schedule an appointment to meet in person.

You can use this next text message script on seller leads generated via a home valuation lead magnet.

Text: Hi {lead first name}, this is {your name} with {your brokerage}. Thanks for reaching out about your home valuation. I’m excited to help you. I’ll be sending results to your email within the next 24 hours.

Send the next text immediately after the previous one.

Text: I would also love to schedule a quick 10- to 15-minute meeting to explain what’s going on in the market right now. Is {day and time} good for you? Or would {day and time} be better?

Use this script to get in your prospect’s door. Once you’ve secured the appointment, that will be your chance to show them your true value and score the listing.

Related Article 19 Proven Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads

3. Referral Lead Script

Who doesn’t love getting a great referral from a past client or someone in your sphere? Those are the easiest real estate leads to convert and usually great clients to work with. When you prepare to reach out to referrals, you want to come across as attentive, authentic, and professional. Having a great text script saved will help you hit all those points with ease.

Text: Hi, {lead first name}. This is {your name} from {your brokerage}. {Referring person’s name} shared your information with me and suggested I reach out to you. {Referring person’s name} mentioned you are interested in {buying or selling} a home. I would love to schedule a time to meet up with you and talk about what that process looks like for you. Is {day and time} convenient for you? Or would {day and time} work better?

4. FSBO Lead Script

FSBOs (for sale by owners) are a great source of seller leads because you already know they are in the market to sell their homes. With that being said, they’re not the easiest leads to convert. It takes plenty of finesse, confidence, and practice to learn to convert these leads into clients.

Here’s a great text script to try to get your foot in the door with some FSBOs in your area.

Text: Hi! My name is {your first name}. I’m a Realtor with {your brokerage}. Is your home at {home’s address} still for sale?

Wait for their response. If they say “yes,” then move to the next step. If they say “no,” thank them for their time and offer your congratulations if it sold.

Text: Awesome! Are you working with buyer’s agents?

Wait for their response. When they say, “I’m not working with agents” or “What do you mean?” move to the next step. If they say “no,” you can use the next step to clarify what you mean.

Text: Oh, what I mean is if I have a buyer who wants to make an offer on your home, are you willing to pay the buyer’s agent commission?

Wait for their response. They may need more clarification on this point. But if they say “yes,” move on to the next step.

Text: Great! Can you tell me a little more about your home?

Let them tell you as much about their home as they’re willing to share in a text.

Text: Wow! That sounds great. Do you mind if I come by and preview it in person? It shouldn’t take more than 10 to 15 minutes. That way I can see it in person, take some notes, ask any questions I have about it, and see if it’s a match for any of my buyers.

Next text. Don’t wait for their response or pushback. Just send this one immediately after the previous text.

Text: I’ve got some time {day and time} or {day and time}. Which works best for you?

If they say they’re not working with buyer’s agents or they’re not willing to pay the buyer’s agent commission, move to the next text.

Text: I totally understand. Can you tell me a little more about your home?

Wait for their response. If they start talking about the home, keep them talking. If they give you pushback, you can simply say, “I understand,” and then ask them a question about the house. Once you’ve gotten some information about the house, go to the next step. If they don’t tell you anything and say they are not working with agents, thank them for their time.

Once you’ve scheduled the appointment, come prepared with market materials and a comparative market analysis. Ask the seller a lot of questions about their home, find out their motivation for moving, and uncover ways that you can help.

But you can’t convert through text, so don’t try. The main goal of the text conversation is to get in the door. Set the appointment and then, once you’re face-to-face with the seller, make your move.

Establishing your value proposition is how you convert FSBO leads. Remember, the most likely reason they are going it alone is to save money. If you can show them how you can make them more money, you will likely land them as a new client.

Most FSBOs look at agent commission as an expense. It’s your job to show them that it’s an investment. Show them how they’ll earn a substantial return and you’ll have a shiny new listing and a satisfied client.

Related Article The 10 Best FSBO Scripts (+ Why They Work)

5. Expired Listing Lead Script

Expired listings can be a sweet source of seller leads. You know they’re interested in selling their home, but didn’t have luck with the previous agent who listed it. Like FSBOs, they may be more difficult to convert. But while these conversations take practice, if you can master prospecting for expired listings, you will never go without lucrative leads ever again.

Text: Hi! Is this the owner of {home address}?

Wait to get an affirmative answer.

Text: Great! This is {your name} with {your brokerage}. I was checking the market and noticed that your home is no longer available. Are you still interested in selling?

Wait for their response. If they are still interested in selling, move on to the next text.

Text: Great! I would love to apply for the job of listing your home and getting it sold for you. Want me to stop by briefly to share some information with you about your neighborhood?

If they agree, book the appointment.

Text: Would {day and time} work for you? Or does {day and time} work better?

If they say they’re not interested in selling right now, find out their future plans with the next text:

Text: I’m sorry to hear that! Do you think you’ll sell in the next 12 months?

Wait for their response. If they say “possibly” or “probably,” offer to bring market data. If “no,” thank them for their time.

Text: That’s great! Want me to stop by briefly to share some information with you about your neighborhood?

If they agree, book the appointment.

When you get to the appointment, ask the homeowner about the marketing the previous agent did for their home, what the agent did that they liked, and what they feel was the reason the home didn’t sell. This will be a great opportunity to share how you might be a better fit.

One tip to keep in mind is that when a home first expires, the seller will be inundated with agents calling and stopping by trying to get the listing. The savvy agent won’t jump in that pool. Instead, they’ll reach out to homeowners whose listings expired at least two months prior. You can even go as far back as 12 months when it comes to expired listings. Many times those homeowners are still interested in selling their home and the competition will be next to nothing.

Related Article The 26 Best Expired Listing Scripts + Objection Handlers

6. Downloaded Content Follow-up Script

If you’re not using lead magnets in your online marketing strategy, you’re leaving money on the table. Lead magnets are downloadable resources you offer prospects in exchange for their contact information. That contact info should flow directly into your CRM and trigger an immediate response.

When someone signs up for one of your lead magnets, you’ll deliver the download in an email and thank them for sharing their information. Try sending a text message response, like this script from Zurple, in addition to the email.

Text: Hi {lead’s first name}, this is {your first name}. Thank you so much for downloading the {lead magnet title} from my website, {your URL}. This guide is full of great information, but it can be overwhelming. So, feel free to call or text me if you have any questions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

This script is simple and clearly outlines next steps for your lead. It works because it’s not salesy—it’s simple and easy to understand.

If you’re looking for a great system to manage your list with a wealth of preprogrammed text messages that can be sent from inside the platform, give Zurple a try. They have campaigns that include text and email scripts that work hand in hand to help you stay on top of your list so no lead ever goes cold.

Try Zurple’s Integrated Text + Email Campaigns

7. Reaching Out to Your Cold Leads

Not all leads will be new. Be honest—you most likely have a wealth of leads right in your own list. We’ve all been there, letting leads go cold, or not having a good follow-up system in place to keep them warm. If it’s been a while since you reached out to some of your leads, you might consider a friendly touch to bring them back into your funnel. Zurple has several options for cold leads on your list. I love several of them, but here are my two favorites for reaching out to buyer leads.

Text: Hi {lead’s first name}, this is {your first name}. I haven’t heard from you in a while and was wondering if you’re still in the market to buy a home in {your area}. I’d love to chat with you if you are. Let me know!

Here’s another one to try.

Text: Hi {lead’s first name}, this is {your name}. I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if you were still interested in purchasing a home. Please let me know if you are, but if not, feel free to reach out to me when you are ready. Wishing you all the best.

Both of these are short, simple, and get right to the point. Remember, you’re not trying to let the text message do the heavy lifting. You’re only trying to get to the next step. What you really want is engagement that leads to a phone call or an in-person meeting. Let these text messages guide your leads naturally through that process.

8. FOMO Circle Prospecting Script

If you have access to data in a neighborhood you’re farming, this is a great script from Top Producer to get in front of some potential leads.

Text: Hi {first name}, this is {your first name} with {your brokerage}. A bunch of homes just sold in your area. Want me to send a report that tells you what’s going on in your neighborhood?

I love this script. It uses FOMO, or fear of missing out, to instill a sense of urgency in your prospect. You can follow up with a few options for days and times to schedule an in-person meeting or a phone call to discuss the specifics and keep them on the hook.

Visit Top Producer
Related Article How Circle Prospecting Got One Tampa Realtor 200 Leads in ONE DAY

9. Video Intro Text Script

Video is the best and fastest way to establish rapport and build that “know, like, and trust” factor with someone who doesn’t know you. Use a service like BombBomb to create short, compressed videos and send them to your prospects.

You can use any of the real estate text message scripts on this page with video instead of just text, but I love it as an introduction strategy. It allows you to say more, use inflection, and use your bright, beautiful smile in a video.

You can personalize your message, show your authentic personality, and save multiple videos from inside BombBomb. It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of this platform. It’s a great all-in-one tool that lets you respond to leads on the go as they come in. I just hop on my phone, shoot a quick personalized “hello” video, and send it right out. You can also create and save videos to send via email as a follow-up. I usually include videos in my drip campaigns, as well.

Best of all? No credit card is needed for the free trial.

Check Out BombBomb Free for Two Weeks

10. Just Wanted to Reach Out Script

We all let leads slip through the cracks from time to time. We’re human. Reaching out to say hello and check in with people can turn a cold lead into a warm one.

Text: Hi {lead’s first name}, it’s {your name} from {your brokerage}. I just wanted to reach out and see how things are going. Are you still interested in {buying/selling} a house in {your area}? If so, how are things going? Anything I can help you with?

You may not get a response the first time you reach out to a colder lead, but a friendly reminder every so often will keep you top of mind. When the time comes for the lead to reach out, you’ll be conveniently right there in his or her text message inbox.

11. Script Asking Your Sphere for Referrals

You know the adage, “The fortune is in your list.” The reason that saying is so popular is because it’s true. You should reach out to everyone on your list from time to time and ask for referrals.

You don’t have to make a big deal out of it, and you don’t have to be pushy. Keep it simple. Use a good text script to let people know you’re more than just their Realtor. You’re truly concerned for their well-being.

Text: Hi {person’s first name}, it’s {your first name}. How are you? Hope things are going well. Anything I can do to answer your questions about the market right now?

Wait for their response. If they do have questions, try to give them a quick answer. If it’s more involved, you might consider inviting them to a coffee meeting. After you’ve answered their questions, send the next text.

Text: Awesome! I also wanted to ask if you know of anyone who might be interested in buying or selling in the near future?

If they say “no,” send the next text.

Text: Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me. Will you do me a favor and let me know if anyone comes to mind later?

If they say “yes” to the referral question above, send this text instead.

Text: That’s very interesting. Do you think you could introduce me or share their information and let them know I’ll be reaching out?

Always thank people for helping you grow your business.

Text: Thank you so much. I appreciate that.

Build Confidence With Real Estate Text Message Scripts

Using real estate text message scripts will increase your conversion rate and help you stay in touch with your prospects and leads more effectively and efficiently. Take some of these great scripts and start building your swipe file, which is a fancy way of referring to a list of things you copy and paste. Keep them in the “notes” app on your phone so you’ll have them on the go.

If you really want to make the most of these scripts, use them in your CRM. You can often send them directly from inside your CRM, use them in conjunction with your email campaigns, and easily double or triple the number of touches with little effort. Texting is definitely a great way to communicate with your prospects quickly, easily, and in a way that allows you to be more authentic and personal.

Most importantly, remember why we use scripts in the first place: to build confidence. Once you get the hang of using these scripts, you’ll be able to respond without copying and pasting because you’ll already know exactly what to say. These scripts will help you start building those sales muscles. But they’re like training wheels—eventually, you won’t need them anymore.

Your Take

Do you have some great real estate text message scripts that you’re using in your business? Do you use text messaging scripts in a different way than I mentioned? I would love to hear about it. Drop me a comment and share what you’re doing differently so we can keep this conversation going.

11 Best Real Estate Text Message Scripts for Agents Who Don’t Like Calling Leads (1)


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11 Best Real Estate Text Message Scripts for Agents Who Don’t Like Calling Leads (2024)


How to sell real estate without cold calling? ›

So long, cold calling! 8 other ways to list more FSBOs
  1. Send an email. ...
  2. Send a voicemail broadcast (not a call) ...
  3. Send a video of yourself. ...
  4. Reach out on social media. ...
  5. Add them to a direct mail campaign. ...
  6. Attend their open house—preferably with a potential buyer. ...
  7. Call them not to list their home, but to offer a free resource.

Should you call or text real estate leads? ›

Call first

Texting real estate leads is not meant to replace good old-fashioned connections in person and over the phone. If you try to text before making a more personal connection: You are 40 percent less likely to receive a response. You are 4.9 percent less likely to close the deal after getting a response.

How to text a real estate agent example? ›

As you can bet, other realtors are as busy as you are, so text is an easy, effective way to communicate with them too. Example: Hi [name], it's [your name]. I will be listing [property address] soon. I'd love to get your feedback on the home and the listing price during an agent showing on [time and date].

What do you say when calling a buyer lead? ›

Buyer Lead Script
  1. Get them off their guard by mentioning the specific property details they inquired about.
  2. Ask if they're already working with an agent.
  3. Learn about their requirements on location, price, budget, timeline, etc.
  4. Figure out where they are in the home buyer's journey to purchase.
Feb 2, 2021

How many cold calls should a realtor make a day? ›

The more the more likely you will be successful. It's super difficult to do every day for hours at a time, but if you can, I would start with 100 calls a day and see how many contacts you have made in a month. You may want to skip some of the big holidays.

How do I get better at cold calling real estate? ›

5 Cold Calling Tips for Real Estate Agents
  1. Research Your Cold Call Prospects. ...
  2. Practice Your Cold Call Pitch With Another Agent. ...
  3. Focus on Expired Listings First. ...
  4. Avoid Negotiating Price or Commission. ...
  5. Create a Real Estate Cold Calling Script. ...
  6. Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts for Agents.

Can realtors send unsolicited text messages? ›

Can realtors send unsolicited text messages? Generally, real estate agents can't send unsolicited text messages, according to U.S. consumer protection laws. You must get your recipients' permission before sending them marketing texts.

Is it OK to text a real estate agent? ›

As long as you keep the conversation genuine and concise, you'll be fine.

Can realtors cold text? ›

Cold texting is common in the real estate industry, and for good reason. It only takes a few minutes to buy a list of leads and a couple of seconds to write and send a mass text message. It's an easy, cost-effective way to close more deals. But here's the deal: Cold texting is illegal.

What is the best voice message for a realtor? ›

Hi, you've reached [Your Name] with [Your Real Estate Agency]. I'm either out helping clients or enjoying some much-needed downtime, but I promise to get back to you soon! Please leave me a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for calling [Your Real Estate Agency].

What is a powerful quote about real estate? ›

1) Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world. 2) Buy land, they're not making it anymore. 3) Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.

What are the 4 pillars of real estate cold calling? ›

The four pillars of real estate cold calling are preparation, rapport building, value proposition, and follow-up.

What is an example of a calling script? ›

Hello (Prospect's name), This is (your name) from (your organization's name). I am calling to discuss our product (product name) with you, and how it can help you with the current challenge (the challenge they're facing). I wanted to get in a quick call with you to explore this further.

How to introduce yourself as a real estate agent sample script? ›

Script: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a local real estate agent. I noticed that many homes had been sold in your neighborhood recently, so I wanted to introduce myself. I have a lot of experience working in this area, and I would be happy to help you buy or sell a property here.”

Can you be successful in sales without cold calling? ›

Inbound leads are great because you don't need to manufacture a reason to talk to them. You have a ready made reason: “What did you think of the content your saw/downloaded.” Other great attributes of inbound leads include: they tend to progress through the sales process more quickly than cold calling leads.

Do you have to cold call to be successful in real estate? ›

57.7 percent of real estate agents say that telemarketing is the best lead gen strategy. Cold calling is the second most effective prospecting method for realtors. 68 percent of real estate professionals are able to follow up after a cold call successfully.

What is a silent sale in real estate? ›

In this context, the term means that the property is up for sale, however it hasn't been listed on a public service like the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or other real estate websites. So, it's a silent sale that isn't available to the public but is available to a select group of people.

Do you have to cold call in sales? ›

Though it's not always considered the most effective, cold calling is an important technique in any salesperson's arsenal. In its truest sense, a cold call is cold – not merely the initial call in a chain, but one that comes entirely out of the blue.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.