123 Side income ideas to make extra money. Start today (2024)

Table of Contents
1. SNUUK 2. Dog walking 3. Tour guide 4. Friend for hire 5. Start a blog 6. Teaching 7. Gardening 8. E-bike conversion service 9. Rent your space 10. Cooking 11. Baby boomer / elderly support 12. House Sitting 13. Selling belongings 14. Babysitting 15. Fiverr yourself 16. Carwash detailing 17. Vlogging 18. Clinical trial 19. Cleaning 20. Baking cookies 21. Photography 22. Uber-Lyft driver 23. Treehouse building 24. Snow shoveling 25. Cell phone repair 26. IKEA furniture assembly 27. Modeling 28. Personal trainer 29. Real estate agent 30. House painting 31. Resume writing 32. Handmade Jewelry 33. Personal assistant 34. Writing an e-book 35. Design T-shirts 36. Translator 37. Sell old jewelry 38. Watch movies 39. Bookkeeping 40. Handyman 41. Podcasting 42. Freelance writing for blogs 43. Amway 44. Airbnb 45. Food delivery 46. Sell digital designs 47. Rent your stuff 48. Rent your land 49. Windows Cleaning 50. Food truck 51. Crepe stand 52. Bartending 53. Paid surveils 54. Hair cutting 55. Dog grooming 56. Stylist 57. Nail, manicure pedicure service 58. Flyer distribution 59. Valet parking 60. Recycle 61. Extra in movie or TV show 62. Be a billboard 63. Rent Textbooks 64. Be hired by the hour 65. SEO services 66Transcribing 67. Mary Kay and Avon 68. Rent your car 69. App building 70. Test websites and apps 71. Google tracking 72. Donating plasma 73. Data entry 74. Airport pickup 75. Become a notary 76. Wedding planner 77. Tax Preparer 78. Garage sale 79. Party planner 80. Magician 81. Grocery shopping 82. Deliver newspaper 83. Train dogs 84. Event DJ 85. Refurbishing 86. Singing/voice lessons 86. Online Jurors 87. Lemonade stand 88. Housekeeping 89. Nielsen rating 90. Brand ambassador 91. Rent your Motorcycle 92. Be a barista 93. Street sign spinner 94. Car trading 95. Telemarketing 96. Pool cleaning 97. Casino dealer 98. Be an artist 99. Moving and Hauling 100. Junk removal 101. Yoga lessons 102. Get paid to lose weight 103. Sell eggs from your chickens 104. Sell your vinyl record collection 105. Donate or sell hair 106. Get paid for book reviews 107. Deliver for Amazon 106. Sell your old cloth 108. Teach skiing 109. Street sales Passive income 110. Rounding up 111. Invest in stocks 112. A credit card that pays back 113. Monitor your credit 114. Work overtime 115. Collectibles 116. Buying royalties 117.Unclaimed money 118. Coupons (Couponing) 119. Save on your electric bill 120. Groupon 121. Automatic bill pay A few bonus ideas 122. Put your drone to good use 123. Sell unused baby gear In conclusion FAQs

Making an extra income is rewarding and often necessary for many people. A single mom? A student on a budget? Retired? Or you simply want a bit more “Mula” at your disposal? I tried to avoid listing suggestions that are far fetched and misleading. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Value your time and don’t forget to market yourself. Don’t be afraid to say NO if someone tries to take advantage of you. Treat your endeavor as a business by keeping track of hours spent, contacts forged, and materials used.

123 Side income ideas to make extra money. Start today (1)

How to get paid for your work? As much as possible ask for cash. Alternatively, Paypal offers a convenient credit card swiper you can plug into your smartphone. Sure, you will have to relinquish some of your earning towards transaction fees, but, the convenience of having money in your account is worth gold. There is a slew of other credit card processors you can easily find on the internet.
Tip: Most of us are a bit timid when asking for a tip. It is a proven fact, you will earn 45% more tips if you ask for it. I guess its human nature not to be pushy, but, give it a try. Conduct an “A” “B” test. You’ll quickly learn what’s best for you.

Before we dive into some of my curated suggestions I would like to urge you to get involved. Let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback to augment this list of extra income opportunities.

Here we go:


123 Side income ideas to make extra money. Start today (2)

Snuuk, thefreelance / job marketplatform that does not rip you off. Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork are all interested in taking a good junk out of your hard work. Not only that, but money is also kept in an escrow. All too often this results in you been stiffed by unethical buyers. SNUUK also lets you offer your services for local work. Are you a gardener, or do you fix computers, list your services for free. You can offer your skills across the world as a programmer, SEO expert, marketer, and slew of other services. List your freelance services and work out a payment that is fair to you and the buyer. You are in full charge of your freelance work.

With Covid-19 many people have lost their jobs. Not having to pay commission is welcoming to millions of people.


2. Dog walking

I think this is such a great gig, especially if you love dogs. Naturally, your location will determine your potential income. Dog lovers are everywhere, but densely populated metropolitan areas will benefit you the most. Professionals with little time on their hands will appreciate your service. New York? Perfect. Chicago, Miami, Seattle… Yes! Your upfront investment is very little. What are some of the requirements besides loving our four-legged friends? Punctuality, timing and good bookkeeping. Keep a business card handy with all your pertinent information. Yes, that is a small investment that will walk the extra mile for you (no pun intended). Some dog owners treat their friends as equals and they expect you to be extra professional.


Potential income: $14-$24 per dog per hour

3. Tour guide

You know your way around your home town like your back pocket. Prepare a script that is worthy to reside. Pepper it with interesting titbits about your home town. As a traveler, it’s a joy to have a local person make the stay interesting and entertaining. What is required? Good upbeat personality, knowledge about landmarks and their history in your town and good sneakers. Perhaps you want to start your own website to get additional clients. There are also portalsto facilitating your extra income gig. Quite a few people make a healthy income showing what they know like their back pocket.



Potential income: Groups of 6 $40-60 /h

Tour guide business card suggestion.

4. Friend for hire

At first, I was hesitant about this one. Then I researched and indeed it makes sense. Someone looking for great company when visiting your town. A golfer needs a buddy on short notice. A businessman needs a “Wingman” “Wingwoman” for the next meeting. I entered my zip code at Rent a Friend and received 180 pages of potential “Friends”. Sure, this can also make for some awkward encounters. I suggest researching the person before any meeting. And, always make the rules clear up front. When in doubt have a “real” friend spot you the first time. Very interesting, but, be careful, please.

https://rentafriend.com/ site looks a bit dated. But give it a try.


Rent a friend: over $2000/week, $15-$50/h

5. Start a blog

This suggestion needs to be taken with a grain of salt. There are about 150 million blogs (and growing).

You have a true potential to blog stardom if you have something interesting to tell or teach the world. Everybody and I mean everybody has a talent. The pen is mightier than the sword. Write about your passion. Lucrative themes are:


How to monetize with your blog? Place google adds on your site. As your site gains in domain authority (DA) so will the value of your content which in turn boost your guest articles. For blog mentioning sell your service on Fiverr. Try affiliate programs to connect with your audience. Expect to see slow steady growth.

Potential earning $100 - $1million+

6. Teaching

This is such an obvious proposition I’m surprised not more people do it. Do you speak Spanish? Si? Well, teach me. Giving kite surfing lessons? I’m game. Now that we are spoiled with Skype and Facetime we can get closer than ever. Teaching math? That works wonderful face to face over the internet. There are also platforms where you could create your own tutorial-course and make a pretty penny. Make sure you do a bit of research and possibly create a niche market for yourself.

Let me give you a few suggestions that work great from the comfort of your home:

Language, SAT-ACT-GRE preparation, math, chemistry, biology, anatomy. Programming, knitting etc.







Potential earning: from a few $100 - $100’000+

Suggested business card: Teacher - Tutor

7. Gardening

This side hustle works for all ages. There are platforms to connect you with potential clients. But, you could as well place a simple add on craigslist. Gardeners are always indemand but for larger projects, you might have to invest in equipment. In any case, I suggest having a business card as a minimum for your marketing efforts. How about door hangers? Have a batch printed and test the waters. You will be surprised how a small investment will make a huge difference.



Potential earning: $10-$30/h

Gardening business card

8. E-bike conversion service

New e-bikes are expensive. A great alternative is to take an existing bike and convert it. Starting Kits can be purchased for around $500 with all the required parts (battery included). Offer your service to convert any sturdy bike

Visit eBay for parts https://www.ebay.com/b/E-Bike-Components/177814/bn_1862389

Learn how to build an e-bike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLoQg27Y24E

Potential earning: $200- $500 per bike

Check out this E-Bike conversion business card suggestion

9. Rent your space

Do you have an extra room or a parking space? Why not rent it? Clear the space, make someone happy, sit back and see the cash roll in. Well, it's not that easy. After all, you should have a proper contract drawn up. Make sure you have an exit strategy with a cancellation clause.


Potential earning: depends on location and space, $50-$2000+

10. Cooking

Do you possess culinary prowess? Start by cooking meals for your neighbors. To begin offer lunch in Styrofoam containers, all neatly packed. Ask for a nominal fee so you are covering your expenses plus your profit. Always hand out a bunch of business cards. Ask your clients to pass on your card. In return, you might offer one free meal for every new client.

Potential earning: $6profit per meal per person

The cooking business card here

11. Baby boomer / elderly support

There is an audience of 74.9 million baby boomers. They make up about 40% of the nation’s population. Many of them are affluent individuals and require your help. Driving them to and from activities. Taking care of their housing, delivering food and making purchases for them.

As a minimum marketing tool get yourself a set of good-looking business cards. How about postcards with an outline of your services? Make yourself memorable on professional

Potential earning: $10-$30/h

Suggested business card for Elderly and care support

12. House Sitting

At one time or another, we all traveled and wondered if everything is shipshape back home. What about your plants? Did you forget to cancel your mail and feed the goldfish? This is where you come in. Lots of professionals who travel would appreciate your services. Obviously, it’s based on trust and you need to make sure you have a well-presented business card.

Potential earning: ~$20 per house visit

13. Selling belongings

First get rid of your old stuff on OfferUp, eBay or craigslist. Anything you did not use in 5 years is game. Snap clear well-lit photos and describe the goods well. Secondly, visit garage sales. People planning on moving are always willing to part with old belonging for little money.



Potential earning: ~$100-$2000/month

14. Babysitting

This seems to be such an obvious gig. But, what is the major hurdle? Trust. The best way is to introduce yourself. Hand your business card and any credentials or recommendations you have.

You can also check out the internet for appropriate platforms.


Potential earning: ~$11-$30/h

15. Fiverr yourself

Fiverr is a popular online market place where you can be hired for your talent. Whether you are good at graphics, writing, singing and lots more, this is where you can earn some cash.


Potential earning: $5-$300+/per gig

16. Carwash detailing

This extra income business requires a bit of an investment. At a minimum, you’ll need all the cleaning utensils. Print your own business cards. Maybe add postcards (with your services) to your marketing arsenal.

Potential earning: $20-$60/per car

You can find this Automotive detailing card here

17. Vlogging

Video + Blogging = Vlogging. Create short videos and publish them on YouTube. Find your niche market. Whether you like to knit or have an ant farm, document it. YouTube allows each video to be monetized. Important is patience and consistency. Try to make your videos entertaining and about 5-10min max. There are quite a few vloggers making a healthy living.

Potential earning: $5-$1’000’000+

18. Clinical trial

I do not condone this. Frankly, I would never have the stomach for it. But, I still would like to list this gig as an option (last one if possible). Basically, you are renting out your body for science. These trials may test susceptibility to drugs, flavors, medicinal creams and a slew of other experiments. Some trials require you to have a preexisting condition.

Search the internet for many clinical facilities.

Potential earning: $30-$2000+

19. Cleaning

Housework can’t kill you – but why take a chance? What a great slogan to put on the back of your business card. If you are meticulous, on time and trustworthy you’ll never run out of work.

Potential earning: $12-$30+/hour

Suggested Cleaning business card

20. Baking cookies

Remember Famous Amos? He started with one cookie recipe and built an empire (which he later lost). Follow his story for inspiration. He lives in Kailua, Hawaii, and now makes muffins which are sold in over 5000 stores.

Potential earning: $200+/month

21. Photography

You need talent in order to snap appealing photos. In no way do I want to belittle a professional photographer. There is a reason why many of them went to school to learn the craft. If you have what it takes you can sell your work as stock photography. Be armed with a proper business card.


Suggested photography business card

22. Uber-Lyft driver

This is a very popular gig these days and some drivers even work full time as Uber – Lyft drivers. Requirements are a clean dependable car. Most drivers these days print their own business cards. Ask for repeat business and maybe advertise your sight seeing side business. That’s right, offering tours can be very lucrative.

Potential earning: $12-$17/per ride average

We have a slew of great Uber and Lyft designs. We realize that many drivers work for both companies (which is absolutely legal). Therefore we created business cards to accommodate accordingly.

Uber business cards

Lyft business cards

23. Treehouse building

This side hustle requires skill, but, the payout can be very lucrative. Some build professionally and charge a premium for masterfully built “dwellings”.

Check out the Nelson family which builds houses for several hundred thousand dollars.


For some ideas:


Potential earning: $1000 - $300000+per house

24. Snow shoveling

Sure, this gig is seasonally restricted, but worth mentioning nonetheless.

25. Cell phone repair

If you are technically inclined give it a try. There are plenty of videos on YouTube. Advertise your service on craigslist.

Parts you can get here (among many): http://www.mycoolcell.net


26. IKEA furniture assembly

Malm, Kullen, Tarva? Yes, you assemble it for me. Advertise your services in the trusty craigslist, or slide your business cards under the windshield wipers of Ikea customers.


Potential earning, average: $120 - $150 per furniture

27. Modeling

For this side-hustle make sure you don’t wind up with the wrong people. Investigate you, potential clients, first. But, demand is high for jewelry, fashion, trade shows, photo shoots, promotional events, and household products, you name it.

Search the internet for an appropriate platform such as https://www.backstage.com

Potential earning, average: $50 - $150/h

28. Personal trainer

I once hired a trainer off a sign I saw at the local intersection. He was top notch and very helpful. It took him a minimum investment into some good-looking business cards and a great smile. Obviously, you need to be in great physical condition for this job.

Potential earning, average: $40 - $60/h

Personal trainer blue business card

Personal trainer magenta business card

29. Real estate agent

Ideally, you are a full-time agent. But, you might not know, it can take a year until you make some money. You’ll need to sacrifice many weekends. The flipside is, you could be handsomely rewarded with lots of cash in your pocket.

The official printerof ReMax.

A few real estate companies to consider (among many):







ReMax business cards

Century 21 business cards

Colwell Banker business cards

Prudential business cards

General Realtor section

Potential earning, average: $30000-$120000+/year

30. House painting

You’ll need to invest in a few tools. Preferably a pressure cleaner. Such a versatile machine will also allow you to offer driveway, patio, deck and walkway cleaning.

You’ll get jobs via craigslist. Make sure you get great Yelp ratings after a few clients.

Potential earning, average: $50/h

31. Resume writing

If you are mighty with the pen why not offer this service? Use the usual portals to get work.


32. Handmade Jewelry

Make jewelry for a living. There is a growing market for handmade jewelry and a fast platform to sell on Etsy. Fire Mountain is an excellent place where you can buy the supplies. There are also plenty of helpful learning videos on YouTube




Potential earning: $50 - $3000+/m

33. Personal assistant

There is always demand for this job. You can assist remotely or locally. Your hours are flexible, and you can take on several clients.


Potential earning, average: $15h/h

34. Writing an e-book

If you have something to teach or entertain, and you have a decent writing style, give it a try.

Use Grammarly to compose clear, mistake-free documents. Sell on Amazon or Shopify.




Potential earning, average: $10 -10,000+

35. Design T-shirts

Try Printify to design your own t-shirts. Using Shopify you will not have to worry about all the nitty-gritty. They will Print and ship for you. Even a modern e-commerce store is at your disposal. Not good at designing? If you are witty, why not invent catch slogans or phrases.



Potential earning: $18/per t-shirt

36. Translator

If you are fluent in a second (or third) language, why not monetize on it? Everyday business and individuals need such a service.


Potential earning: $0.08/per word

37. Sell old jewelry

What good is old tarnished jewelry stuck in a drawer? Sell your old bling for extra cash in your pocket. But be careful. To truly know the value or your treasures visit the suggested websites below. Use caution when selling online. Check the better business bureau first. Selling your jewelry to a local store might still be the best and safest approach.




38. Watch movies

Be prepared to watch all the shows in a specific playlist. What better way to make extra hard-earned cash from the sofa. Get a $5 signup bonus https://www.inboxdollars.com/members/signup/landing28a-fff/0/0


Potential earning: $225/m

39. Bookkeeping

QuickBooks is great accounting software, even better if you know how to use it. There are plenty of small businesses using it. Ask around, armed with your well-designed business card and offer your services.


Potential earning: $200-$2000+/m

Modify the target business card to match your profession. Click here for your bookkeeping business card

40. Handyman

If you are interested in this gig you’re most likely the owner of a toolset. There is plenty of work out there. Many handymen present themselves unprofessionally. That is where you come in, with a clean shirt, spotless car, a smile, and a snazzy business card.

Potential earning: $200-$500+/day

41. Podcasting

Starting your own internet radio show requires dedication. But the earning potential can be great. Yes, the market has become rather competitive. To be successful you’ll need a theme people are interested in. Be an expert and know your audience and guests. Try to get sponsors and affiliate to augment your income.

Potential earning: $5-$10000+/per episode

42. Freelance writing for blogs

If you are good, I’ll hire you. Apply within (mention this blog). Please include some of your work in the application. You see, successful websites are not overnight successes. It takes hard work and dedication. Every website needs good content. That is where you come in.

Potential earning: depends on the length of the blog. $35-$70 for average wordcount

43. Amway

I’m a bit skittish about this one. Amway is a reputable company though. With a small investment, you are on your way to sales bliss. Once you get involved and make the right connections you’ll see your income grow. Some called it a pyramid scheme, and in a way, it is. It is more like starting a business than a side income.


Potential earning: $5-$30’000+/year

44. Airbnb

If you have a spare room, and you rarely use it, why not rent it out on a short term basis.


Potential earning: $20-$300+/night

Upload an image of your own retreat or us our design. Airbnb business card

View all Airbnb business card templates.

45. Food delivery

You don’t necessarily need a car. Postmate is great for large cities like New York, where a bike would be sufficient. Ubereats is making inroads with a great service that is hitched on its Uber service.



https://deliverydudes.com(A rapidly growing Florida delivery service)

Potential earning: $20-$300+/night

46. Sell digital designs

Cafepress lets you sell your designs online.


47. Rent your stuff

Do you still have your wedding dress? Why not rent it out? A pressure cleaner that sits around rusting quietly? Rent it. Anything, your drone, camera, bike etc. FatLlama is a site to get you going.

fatllam123 Side income ideas to make extra money. Start today (24)a.com

48. Rent your land

If you own a piece of land, why not rent it out to a camper? Gamping is a great website to connect campers with landowners.


Potential earning: $20-$100+/night

49. Windows Cleaning

You are quick in business with this gig. As a marketing tip, place printed door hangers with your services. Also, don’t forget a great business card to hand out

Potential earning: $2-$8+/per window

50. Food truck

Delivering pre-cooked food to construction sites, office buildings, sports events, parks etc. You’ll need to comply with local laws though. Maybe this could be your weekend gig, or it could become your full-time job. Down the road franchise your brand. Think big, why not? As with every endeavor, at a minimum, you need some decent business cards.

Potential earning: $200-$1000/per window

51. Crepe stand

Test the waters with a small stand. You can buy an inexpensive stove for around $37. This business has the potential to expand into a franchise.

Potential earning: $2.5 - $4/per crepe

52. Bartending

This can be a flexible gig where you work and socialize at the same time.

Potential earning: $10 plus tips /h

53. Paid surveils

Go some time on your hands. You could make an extra $1000 a year by testing products and filling out online surveys.




Potential earning: $50 - $1000+/year

54. Hair cutting

If you have the talent and you had a few “victims” to practice on, why not offer this service to your friends. How about cutting kids hair? Most of us need a trim sooner or later. There are numerous YouTube videos If you need to brush up on your hair cutting technique.

Potential earning: $10 - $60/per cut

55. Dog grooming

I think this is a great side hustle. Practice on your own dog first. Then, offer this service to your friends. You can charge extra depending on the services, such as teeth cleaning, nail clipping or flea treatments. You could also print postcards with your listed services. All you need is a great online printing service to print your marketing material

Potential earning: $20 - $90/per cut

56. Stylist

Turn your hobby into a side gig. You have a knack for fashion. Photographers, campaign events and film need you. You can also document your talent on YouTube (create your own channel). In fact, you can expand into blogging and have affiliate links on your site. Exposing yourself in such a way can lead to product representation. At a minimum get some cool looking business cards to hand out.

Potential earning: $200 - $100,000+/year

Catchy printed business cards are essential to your business. How about this Stylist business card?

57. Nail, manicure pedicure service

Practice on your own nails first (I have the feeling you already do that). Be creative and check out today’s incredible trends. People will comment on your nails, that is when you have your business card ready.

Potential earning: $20 - $70/per service

Nail Specialist business card.

58. Flyer distribution

Print advertising is making a comeback. The reason is the constant shower of online advertising. Guerilla marketing is on the rise, and firms need people to distribute the flyers. For example, a new pizza business opens, and you are the person to help spread the word. Work independent (make more money) or apply for one of the many opportunities.


Potential earning: $.20+/per flyer

59. Valet parking

This job is easy to apply to your local restaurant, events, operas etc. The key is to be polite, in turn, you will earn more money.

Potential earning: $10 - $26/h

60. Recycle

Did you know scrap bare copper is worth $2.35 per lbs.? Some states pay for every recycled bottle. It might not be much, but it adds up quickly. Aluminum cans are worth $1.60/lbs. Clear#1 plastic bottles $1.28, glass bottles 0.10 per bottle.

61. Extra in movie or TV show

Check your news for movies being filmed in your area. This could be really fun for you and meet interesting people. Basically, you are paid for your presence, and, you might even get a free meal.

Potential earning: $8/h

62. Be a billboard

Get paid to place advertising on your car. This is a truly passive way of making money if you don’t mind the exposure. Then again, a little red bull sticker on your car could look cool. Check the internet for companies willing to connect you, or contact any of your local businesses.


Potential earning: $50-$400/month

Need a car Magnet?

63. Rent Textbooks

College books are rather expensive. At one point or another, you won’t have much use for them. Keep them clean for greater earnings.

Potential earning: $50-$1200+/year

64. Be hired by the hour

Check out Snag. Depending on your area there are lots of businesses looking for a helping hand. Some of these jobs could result in full time employment.


Potential earning: $10-$50+/h

65. SEO services

SEO (search engine optimization) is a skill you can learn from numerous online courses. It requires a lot of attention to detail. There are a lot of companies looking for skilled people. Blogs need to be written, analytics installed, connections (links) to be built and lots more. To offer your services you can try Fiverr. However, I would recommend you start your own website/blog and build your side income into a full-time business.



Potential earning: $100-$100000+/m


Convert your typing skills into hard cash. You can make anywhere from $24-$50 an hour. Most of the time you have flexible hours.


67. Mary Kay and Avon

If selling is your strength you are in good company with these highly rated firms. Earn 40% on sales with Avon. Be your own boss and enjoy flexible hours.



Potential earning: $500-$100000+/y

68. Rent your car

Earn great money by renting out your car. Create a free listing by describing your vehicle. Upload photos and you are ready to go.


Potential earning: $500-$100+/day

69. App building

Sure, you need serious technical knowledge to build an app. If you have the time, there are great courses to be taken at Udemy. Make sure you find a promotional code and you can take full-fledged courses for as little as $10. You personal investment is about 1 month of your time. Well worth it if you have a great idea. Angry birds here we come…


Potential earning: $500-$200000+/y

70. Test websites and apps

Thorough testing is required before launching a website, or when new updates are implemented. This is where your skills are in demand. Your feedback is vital to those companies.




Potential earning: ~$10- per 20min test

71. Google tracking

Install the Google Screenwise app and make money. If you don’t mind being tracked. You’ll help Google improve products


Potential earning: ~$100/y

72. Donating plasma

This is a great way to help people and make some money.


Potential earning: ~$240/m

73. Data entry

There is plenty of data entry work. It's not glamorous and a bit tedious, but it will put some money in your pocket.


Potential earning: ~$14/h

74. Airport pickup

Maybe you start this extra income business while driving for Uber and Lyft. Hand out your business cards to all your potential clients. This way profits flow to you, the woman/man doing all the hard work.

Potential earning: $100-$200/day

75. Become a notary

A service that is in demand. Advertise your service if you work in an office building. Soon people will come to you for that coveted seal. To become a notary may cost you around $85.


Potential earning:$5-$40/per notary

76. Wedding planner

You’ll need a website to advertise your services. This is a great and rewarding way to make an extra income. Hook up with a talented photographer you may recommend. You will collect a referral fee for every event.

Potential earning: $30-$75/hour

77. Tax Preparer

Get comfortable with TurboTax and help people prepare their income taxes. Who knows, this side income might lead to an accounting job.


Potential earning: $170-$300+/hour

78. Garage sale

This is an obvious side income but often overlooked. You get rid of your stuff much faster than eBay, Craigslist or OfferUp. I have helped my friend sell his “goodies” and was amazed he walked away with $4200 at the end of the day.

79. Party planner

Birthday, bachelor, baby shower, corporate, kids, and event parties all need planning. Advertise on craigslist and have a great business card along with a proper website. Create a tri-fold brochure or postcard to outline your services.



Potential earning: $170-$300+/hour

Party planning business card

80. Magician

Use your talent as a magician to entertain people. Start with kids’ parties and progress to corporate events. You should really have a well-designed website along with snazzy business cards.

$50 – $400+/per event

81. Grocery shopping

Busy people with little spare time appreciate this service.


Potential earning: $20+/hour (also depends on tips)

82. Deliver newspaper

Newspapers are still delivered. Hard to believe in our digital age. Still, it keeps you in great shape and you make some extra cash.

Potential earning: $10+/h

83. Train dogs

Armed with door hangers and business cards go onto your quest to train unruly dogs.

Potential earning: $120+

84. Event DJ

Put your sound equipment to good use, or be hired as a DJ

Potential earning: $200-1000+ per event

85. Refurbishing

Give old furniture, trinkets, clocks etc. new luster. You can acquire objects in antique shops, OfferUp or garage sales. In turn, sell them on eBay. Furniture may be sold at second-hand stores in your area.

Potential earning: $50-$1000+/m

86. Singing/voice lessons

Stop singing in the shower and put your golden voice to good use. I for one could use it. As a vocalist

Potential earning: $10-$35/1/2h

86. Online Jurors

Lawyers need the practice to prepare for their case. You will review interesting legal cases. Provide feedback through an online questionnaire.


Potential earning: $20-$60 for 20-60min of your time

87. Lemonade stand

Funny, many of us have done this in our youth and made a pretty penny. I know of this guy close to our park. Every weekend he parks his modified van and sells lemonade through a window of the side. Yes, he makes a full time living from this.

Potential earning: $10-$200+/day

88. Housekeeping

Whether regular house maintenance of just helping after the mess of a party, this gig is in demand.

Advertise on craigslist or submit your info to one of the platforms



Potential earning: $15-$35/h

89. Nielsen rating

Nielsen is one of the oldest TV usage tracking companies. Now they offer an app to track your internet usage. In return, you get paid and you’ll automatically be entered in a monthly $10,000 drawing.


Potential earning: depends on usage

90. Brand ambassador

Represent a brand and show how great the product is. Use Vloging, blogging, Facebook, Instagram or any other marketing approach. Check indeed for job openings or approach a company directly


Potential earning: $15-$100000+/y

91. Rent your Motorcycle

Airbnb for motorcycles. Motorcycles are ridden less than 2,000 miles per year, compared to 12,000 for cars. There are over 30 million licensed riders and just 10 million motorcycles in the USA. It is much more affordable to share then to rent.


Potential earning: $40-$100/day

92. Be a barista

If you love (who does not?) coffee this is the side gig for you. You get to meet interesting people and savor the sweet coffee smell. Check indeed for openings.


Potential earning: $9-$15/h

93. Street sign spinner

I don’t know if this is the correct terminology. But, you know the person holding a big sign with bold “Mattress Sale” letters (or whatever the business). It’s brilliant guerilla marketing because you can’t help but stare. Some of these guys are rather talented, so I tip my hat.

Potential earning: $15-$30/h

94. Car trading

A friend of mine is purchasing old VW bugs from South America and selling them as antiques in the US. You can also buy off people trying to get rid of an old clunker. With a bit of skill, you can breath new life into the vehicle and sell it on


95. Telemarketing

You may be hired by the hour for this gig. Solicit donations, orders for goods, outbound sales or services over the phone. You’ll have flexible hours so you could make an extra income after your daytime job.


Potential earning: $11-$18/h

96. Pool cleaning

Certainly, this depends on your location. Florida is one of the prime locations for this gig. There are pool water measuring kits you can buy in Home Depot, or, you simply bring a sample to one of the pool supply stores. It’s a free service and they will tell you precisely how much chemicals, such chlorine to add to the water. The rest is simple. Brush the pool and clean the filter.

Potential earning: $50-$90+/ per month, per pool. (Also depends on size)

97. Casino dealer

You can learn all the games from online tutorials and YouTube. Poker, blackjack, craps etc. Dress professionally and present yourself at the local casino.

Potential earning: $9-$14/h

98. Be an artist

Turn your passion into cash. Attend local arts and craft shows to investigate how other artists go about doing business (yes, art is a business). Renting a booth could be between $200 and $300. Bring a nice selection of the art and test the waters. There are also ways to sell your art online.

eBay art category



99. Moving and Hauling

A great service to help people and make money at the same time. Do you own a truck or van? Advertise your service on Craigslist, ask friends

Potential earning: $20-$40/h

100. Junk removal

Similar to the moving and hauling gig

101. Yoga lessons

You could always get a side gig at your local yoga studio. I for one could never teach it, you need the talent of course.

Potential earning (private): $50-$100/h

Potential earning (at a studio): $12-$20/h

102. Get paid to lose weight

I was skeptical about this extra income opportunity. After further investigation, I think it’s a true opportunity. Many people have high goals of losing weight only to give up after a few weeks. So, if you stay the course you have a true shot at making money. Stay strong!


Potential earning (private): $0-$4000+

103. Sell eggs from your chickens

Do you have space in your backyard? Build a comfortable chicken coupe for your new best friends (the chickens). Treat them with love and good food. You will be rewarded with fresh new eggs every day. Everybody with a sensibility towards organically grown food will pay you a premium (I would).

Potential earning (private): $.60-$1/per egg

104. Sell your vinyl record collection

You might want to hold a bit longer to your collection as prices are going up (not so much for CD’s). But if you need cash, sell them at a premium if they are in mint condition. A Beatles (white album) sold for $35,000. David Bowie for $3500. Of course, these are very rare albums with special serial numbers and cover art. Still, give it a try.

Potential earning (private): $1-$50+/per record

105. Donate or sell hair

This is more of a noble cause than a steady income. There are several places where you can sell your locks. Check online for more places. Donating your hair to help a person with cancer makes you feel truly rich.

Some more information can be found at this excellent blog: https://localadventurer.com/where-and-how-to-donate-hair/


106. Get paid for book reviews

This is not going to make you rich. But combining your love for books with a bit of cash is a win-win situation.


Potential earning: $5-$60/per review

107. Deliver for Amazon

This is a great way to make an extra income. With Amazon you know you’ll be paid on time and you are independent.

Click here Amazon driver application

Potential earning: $18-$25/h

106. Sell your old cloth

Donate your old garb to goodwill or make some cash selling it on Letgo. Sometimes its hard to part from your belongings. If you haven’t used it in a few years, get rid of it.


108. Teach skiing

A seasonally restricted job. With the growing Chinese economy so is the number of millionaires. They pay well and love the sport. Did you know, Miami will have a huge indoor ski slope?


Potential earning: $35-$50/h

109. Street sales

Apply yourself with courage and sell fresh bottled water, fruits, roses etc. at a local intersection.

Potential earning: $10-$50/h

Passive income

The followingsuggestions are making you money indirectly

110. Rounding up

Not strictly a side gig but a way to see your money grow. Start an investment account with Acorns. Place spare change in a fund for your future.


111. Invest in stocks

Investing in stocks can be done with minimal investment. Etrade has excellent tools at your disposal to make smart decisions. I don’t recommend investing when you need money now. Look at is as a long-term venture for your future. Read the Motley Fool articles for interesting investment tips.



112. A credit card that pays back

Only apply for a credit card that gives you something in return. Amazon gives a whopping 5% when you purchase at their site. Shop around and get the card with the best term for you.



113. Monitor your credit

Good credit is very important. A low score is a losing proposition when the time comes to lease a car or buy a house. By making sure your credit score is high you are in effect saving money.


114. Work overtime

Maybe your boss lets you take work home, or you simply put in the extra hour. Seriously, this might be an easy way to supplement your income.

115. Collectibles

Here is a list of products I think will appreciate over time and give a great return on the investment.

Comic books

Vinyl records

Collectible cars VW bug for example

Postage Stamps

First gen video game consoles and games


Baseball cards

Hot Wheels

Watches (remember the swatch craze?)

116. Buying royalties

I was surprised to run across this business model. All music is managed by royalties. Royalty Exchange lets you bid on such commodities. Remember “Last Christmas” by Wham? Its payoff is over $500k a year


117.Unclaimed money

Make sure there is no unclaimed money in your name. There is an estimated $40 billion sitting with the government. Long forgotten Inheritances, safe deposits, bank accounts, and insurance money. It might be a long shot, but maybe Uncle Fred left you a fortune and you don’t even know about it



118. Coupons (Couponing)

It seems such a pain to collect coupons. Unsurprisingly, they serve a purpose to turn you into a brand loyal person. However, you’ll be surprised how much money you could save for grocery alone. Don’t stop with physical coupons. Always check online for coupons before making a purchase. Suddenly that Udemy online course is $9.99 instead of



119. Save on your electric bill

Install an inline water heater to save up to 60%. While you are at work your conventional water heater keeps on heating.

Install a Nest or other smart thermostat

Seal windows and doors to avoid drafts.

Control your humidity with a dehumidifier (especially in the south).

120. Groupon

Always check Groupon before you book a cruise, go for an oil change, buy flowers and so much more. You are sure to save.


121. Automatic bill pay

Many companies offer this service with a discount. Pay your cell phone (save $10 every month with T-Mobile), internet etc.

A few bonus ideas

122. Put your drone to good use

Work with real estate agents. Theyneed aerialphotography and video to embellish their listings.

We have prepared a nice selection of drone business cards.

Potential earnings: $100 - $300/h

123. Sell unused baby gear

Its hard to part from memories. But think of the good that extra money can give you.

In conclusion

I set out to write this blog with lots of enthusiasm. At around 60 suggestions I had writer's block. At 80 my hair set on fire. At 100 I was airborne. Yet, here we are. Ideas keep on coming after a good night sleep. It’s human nature to reinvent, and so can you. With will power (and lots of Cuban coffee) we could write another 100 suggestions with your help. Please feel free to drop a line. Thank you!

123 Side income ideas to make extra money. Start today (2024)


How can I make extra money immediately? ›

How to make money fast
  1. Find out if you have unclaimed property. $200.
  2. Sell unused gift cards. $200.
  3. Trade in old electronics. $200.
  4. Take surveys. $40.
  5. Sell clothes and accessories online. $200.
  6. Become a rideshare driver. $600.
  7. Make deliveries. $1,000.
  8. Perform handy tasks. $1,600.

How to make extra $1,000 per month? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the #1 side hustle? ›

1. Freelancing. Freelancing is a tried-and-true way to earn extra money and deserves a top spot on any list of easy side hustle ideas. Freelancers deliver work on a per-project basis for one or more clients and you can schedule it in your spare time.

How can I make $1000 immediately? ›

How to make $1,000 fast
  1. Sell stuff you already own.
  2. Deliver food.
  3. Pick up a part-time job.
  4. Rent out unused space.
  5. Start freelance writing.
  6. Try affiliate marketing.
  7. Drive for a ridesharing service.
  8. Find odd jobs.
Jan 17, 2024

How can I make $100 fast today? ›

12 simple ways to make $100 fast
  1. Return unused items.
  2. Drive for Uber or Lyft.
  3. Sell your unused gift cards.
  4. Do food delivery.
  5. Rent out your parking space.
  6. Tutor.
  7. Sell your stuff online.
  8. Find freelance gigs online.
Jun 25, 2024

What side gig pays the most? ›

25 High-Paying Side Hustle Jobs
  • Social Worker Jobs.
  • Software Developer Jobs.
  • Technical Writer Jobs.
  • Translator Jobs.
  • Travel Agent Jobs.
  • Tutor Jobs.
  • Video Editor Jobs.
  • Web Designer Jobs.

How to make $150 a day side hustle? ›

If you don't have a job that pays that much , you could start your own side hustle . You could monetize a hobby , offer services like pet sitting or tutoring , or do freelance writing or web design . You could also look for online gigs like completing data entry tasks or taking surveys.

What is the best side hustle to start with no money? ›

The majority of side hustles that require zero upfront investment typically tend to be brain-related work; for example, they could involve coaching, consulting, design, and other virtual work.

How to make 2k per day? ›

Tips on how to earn 2000 per day online through affiliate marketing:
  1. Choose the Right Products: Promote products that are relevant to your audience and have high demand.
  2. Create Quality Content: Write reviews, create tutorials, and share personal experiences to build trust and encourage purchases.
Jul 22, 2024

How to get $2000 right now? ›

To sum up, there are several ways to obtain a $2000 loan in your pocket today quickly. Consider taking on gig work, selling items online, offering freelance services, borrowing from friends or family, applying for a same-day loan, or seeking emergency assistance programs.

How can I double my monthly income? ›

How to Increase Your Income
  1. Get a side hustle. Lean into the power of a good side hustle. ...
  2. Ask for a raise. Okay, this one sounds a little forward, and it won't work for everyone. ...
  3. Work overtime. ...
  4. Find a better-paying job. ...
  5. Sell stuff. ...
  6. Freelance. ...
  7. Check your tax withholdings. ...
  8. Pay off your debt.
Mar 22, 2024

76 Ways to Make Extra Money Fast - My ...My Millennial Guidehttps://www.mymillennialguide.com ›

Wondering how to make money fast? Check out our list that'll help you start earning extra cash. Start making money online today!
interviews with over 500 side hustlers entrepreneurs; feedback from the 50,000-member Side Hustle Nation community. Just a few of the ideas have helped me earn ...
On Wallet Squirrel it is our job to find the most creative ways to make money and test them. We have tried most of the ways below, and what we haven't, we r...

How to make $150 a day? ›

The easiest way to earn $ 150 a day is to find a job that pays that amount . If you don't have a job that pays that much , you could start your own side hustle . You could monetize a hobby , offer services like pet sitting or tutoring , or do freelance writing or web design .

How to make $100 dollars a day fast? ›

So, if you're ready to take control of your earning potential and add some excitement to your income sources, read on.
  1. Launch An Ecommerce Store.
  2. Become A Freelancer.
  3. Create and Sell Online Courses.
  4. Become An Influencer.
  5. Become An Uber/Lyft Driver.
  6. Online Tutoring.
  7. Become An Airbnb Host.
  8. Pet Sitting.
Jun 6, 2024

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.