16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease - Agape Investing (2024)

16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease

Renting a property for the first for the tenth time can be exciting. A new place to call home can be a sign of new and fresh beginnings. But there are a lot of things you will need to do before you move into your new place. In fact, there are things you need to do, or rather ask, before signing a lease.

In this article we will go over 16 questions to ask your landlord before signing a lease as well as why each question is important. Some of the questions may not pertain to your specific situation, but could in the future. It’s always helpful to get the whole picture of what being a tenant will be like under your new landlord.

So before you sign that lease, make sure to ask these questions!

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16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease - Agape Investing (1)

9 Essential Things to Do Before Signing a Lease

16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease - Agape Investing (2)
  1. Confirm that the property meets all of your needs
  2. Determine if you need a cosigner
  3. Inspect the property, and document the move in condition with photos
  4. Negotiate the rent if you haven’t yet
  5. Figure out if the security deposit needs to be a cashier’s check/money order or not
  6. Find out how many keys and garage remotes you will be getting
  7. Read the lease terms thoroughly
  8. Confirm that the names and terms are listed correctly on the lease
  9. Ask these 16 questions to make sure you understand what you’re getting into

16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease

1. Is renter’s insurance required?

Many landlords require that their tenants carry renter’s insurance while occupying their property. While I would recommend being covered by renter’s insurance whether your landlord requires it or not, it is good to know if your landlord requires proof of insurance.

Renter’s insurance is typically very low cost, and can usually be added on easily by your insurance provider.

2. What is the maintenance procedure?

Find out what the maintenance procedure is before you have a maintenance issue! Is there someone you need to call to put in a work order and how long does it typically take to get approved?

Related: The Ultimate Preventative Home Maintenance Checklist

3. Who is responsible for paying the maintenance bills?

Once you have figured out how to put in a work order for any maintenance needed in your rental, a good follow up would be to determine who has to pay for the maintenance.

It is typical for a landlord to pay for maintenance in which you did not specifically damage something. However, if they determine that an appliance failed due to a tenant mistreating it, the bill may fall on you. Be aware of how they determine who pays for the work.

4. Is painting and updating allowed?

How much can you make your new place feel like home? Is painting allowed or making minor updates like changing the showerheads or curtains?

Understand the rules when it comes to making updates so you don’t run into any trouble down the road. In some cases, if you change something, you may be responsible to have it changed back.

16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease - Agape Investing (3)

5. What is the policy on subleasing?

If you are renting a property with roommates, I always recommend finding out whether or not subleasing is allowed. That way, if you or a roommate has a big life change (like getting married) you will know whether or not you can replace that person with a new roommate. Otherwise, one person may be left finishing out the lease all on their own.

If your landlord does allow subleasing, figure out what the process is like and if there are any fees associated with the change to your lease.

6. What’s the penalty for breaking the lease?

Things happen and sometimes you need to get out of a lease early. It is always a good idea to know what the penalties are for breaking a lease. Your landlord may have fees associated with breaking the lease. If you do ever need to break it, it is a good idea to see if the fees outweigh continuing to pay rent normally until the lease is completed.

7. Are there renewal fees for extending the lease?

As your lease comes to an end, you may be offered to extend it. However, some landlords do charge a renewal fee to modify your lease. The fee to do so is typically less than it would cost you to move to a new property, but it would be best to know beforehand so you can plan for the expense in your budget.

8. Who is responsible for lawn care?

If you are renting a property with a lawn, you will need to find out if you are responsible for the up keep. If you are responsible for the lawn you will need to be prepared with a lawn mower, sprinklers, etc. Or, you could plan to add a lawn care service to your budget if you don’t want to do it yourself.

I recommend making a plan now, because if a lawn dies, it can be expensive to replace and you don’t want to get stuck with the bill.

9. How are utilities handled?

In Colorado, it is pretty common for a landlord to cover the water and sewer bills, while the tenants are responsible for the other utilities as well as taking care of the lawn. But utilities can differ per property and it is up to the landlord to determine who’s responsibility they are.

Before signing a lease, find out what you will be responsible for because this will ultimately affect how much it will cost to live at the property.

10. Is there an HOA and what are the rules and regulations?

If you are renting a house, or condo that is governed by an HOA, your landlord should provide you with the rules and regulations for the community. You don’t want to accidentally break any of the rules and get fined for it.

You also should find out if the HOA forbids certain things that may hinder your own quality of life while living in the property. For example, some HOAs do not allow vehicles to be parked in the street overnight, or allow RVs to be parked on the lots or driveways.

11. When and how is rent paid?

When is rent due each month? Is it on the 1st of the month or a different day? Find out when you need to pay rent and how rent needs to be paid.

Some landlords will require rent to be dropped off at a specific place, while others are cool with taking rent payments over Venmo. Figure this out before rent is due so you are prepared for that first payment.

12. Are there any late fees?

I know that you probably plan to always pay your rent on time, however, we all come across instances where that might not be possible. Find out what kind of late fees your landlord changes.

Some landlords will charge a flat fee if the rent is late, while others may charge a percentage of the rent.I would also recommend understanding your state laws on late fees. Make sure your landlord isn’t illegally charging too much when the rent is late!

13. What is the pet policy?

If you have pets or are considering getting pets in the future, figuring out the pet policy in advance should be important to you. It would be a shame to sign a lease and find out that you can’t adopt Spots down at the local animal shelter.

If pets are allowed, find out if there are any fees associated with having that pet. It is common for landlords to charge pet rent or ask for an extra deposit.

14. When does the notice to vacate need to be given?

Before signing a lease, you will want to ask your landlord how far in advance do you need to give notice before moving out. It may be weird to think about moving out before you even move in, but knowing this information will help set you up better for when you are ready to move on to the next place.

It is typically for landlords to want 30 to 60-day notices before moving out. Make sure you know what your landlord’s policy is.

15. What are the move out policies?

Aside from figuring out when you need to give notice of vacating the property, you should also find out what is required of you during the move out process. Do you need to pay for the carpets to be cleaned? Are you responsible for patching the walls from nail holes?

Some landlords will want to schedule a final walkthrough of the property the moment you move out. Be prepared to work that out with your landlord when you are moving out.

16. Is the security deposit refundable?

Security deposits can be used for a lot of different things once a tenant has moved out. One of those things could potentially be your last month’s rent. If so, then your security deposit wouldn’t be refunded.

Determine whether or not your security deposit is refundable, up to how much of it is refundable, as well as how they determine how much to refund back to you. This will hopefully prevent unnecessary disputes in the future.

Take The Time to Ask These Questions

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

It never hurts to be prepared. These questions to ask your landlord before signing a lease are important. The answers to these questions will help you to determine if living here for the next several months or years is truly worth it.They answers can dramatically change your quality of life one way other the other, as well as impact how much you are spending on housing!

Some answers may reveal that living here will be more expensive than you originally anticipated. The policies that are in place may prevent you from becoming a parent to a new fur baby, adding a new roommate, or changing the color of your bedroom. It is better to know now rather than signing a lease a finding out later when it is too late.

What other questions would you add to this list?

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16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease - Agape Investing (4)

16 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Signing a Lease - Agape Investing (2024)


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Questions to Ask Your Potential Landlord
  • When is the rent due?
  • What are the one-time fees? (This may include the security deposit, pet deposit, and move-in fees.)
  • Are the deposits refundable?
  • How do I pay for the rent? (online, by check, cash only)
  • What is the policy for late rent payments?
Jan 13, 2022

What factors should be considered before signing a lease or rental agreement? ›

The landlord's rules: Review the rules and conditions the landlord will enforce during the lease term. Tenants may also want to review local landlord-tenant laws to ensure the agreement does not violate their renters' rights.

Should I do a final walkthrough before signing a lease? ›

It is a good idea to do a “walk through” with the landlord to determine the condition of the living area, and to note in writing, any dings, holes, or repairs that need to be made. This will assist you when you move out, because damages not noted at the time of move-in may be charged against your security deposit.

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5 Things You Should Never Say When Renting an Apartment
  • 'I hate my current landlord' Every potential landlord is going to ask why you're moving. ...
  • 'Let me ask you one more question' ...
  • 'I can't wait to get a puppy' ...
  • 'My partner works right up the street' ...
  • 'I move all the time'
Nov 20, 2023

What questions Cannot be asked on a rental application? ›

California landlords cannot ask about color, race, sex, religion, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, national origin, familial status, genetic information, or disability [6] .

What is the most important thing he needs to consider before agrees to a lease? ›

Make sure you know all of the expectations — things like when and where the rent should be paid, late fees, and what can and cannot be altered in the unit. This goes for renting with a roomie, as well — all tenant signatures on the lease are equally subject to any legal ramifications if the contract isn't fully upheld.

What are the factors that must be considered before signing a contract? ›

Critical Factors to Consider Before Signing a Contract
  • The Details of the Trading Company. Contracts are legal documents that are bound by the law. ...
  • The Law of the Land. ...
  • The Terms during a Disaster. ...
  • The Terms on Settling a Conflict. ...
  • Penalty for Non-Compliance. ...
  • Risk Mitigation.

Which of these is an obligation of the landlord? ›

Landlords' responsibilities

The law requires landlords to keep the premises safe and in good condition and to: Fix water leaks from the roof, doors, windows, or walls. Repair plumbing, gas, heating, and electrical problems.

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Whether you decide to lease or buy is dependent on several factors, such as the type of item (real estate, equipment, or vehicle), the fair value of the asset, the company's expected financial position over time, and the amount of capital your business currently possesses.

How much money does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in California? ›

But, your landlord can still require you to move out for one of the “no-fault” reasons listed in the law. If your landlord evicts you for one of these reasons, they must first give you one month's rent or waive one month's rent to help you move out.

What to look for on an apartment walkthrough? ›

Apartment Walkthrough Checklist
  1. Inspect each room. Check electrical outlets and make sure they work. ...
  2. Inspect Bathroom and Laundry. Check for mold and water leakage near toilets, sinks, and showers. ...
  3. Inspect Kitchen. Test every appliance to ensure it works correctly. ...
  4. Security and Safety.
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Is it normal to give SSN for apartment application? ›

A rental application may require you to provide any of the following information: Current and past addresses of where you have lived, your employers, your personal references, and your previous/current landlords. Your Social Security Number (SSN) and driver license or state ID number.

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Disruptive tenants, unpaid rent, and property damage are common fears for landlords.

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Proof of ability to pay.

Landlords will often accept a recent pay stub showing your current income, the prior year's tax return, or a current bank statement as proof of your ability to pay the rent. If you're about to start a new job, bring a copy of your offer letter reflecting your anticipated start date and income.

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Start with a friendly introduction and a brief self-presentation. Express your interest in the property and its location. Emphasize the importance of spelling and maintaining a formal yet friendly tone. Be responsive and reply promptly to messages (within 72 hours).

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  • Do you have a good credit score?
  • Is the place you can afford safe?
  • Do you have enough money and income to pay for all the costs?

What makes me a great tenant question? ›

There are four basic traits that describe an ideal tenant. The ability and willingness to: pay rent, care for the rental property, avoid creating disturbances, and avoid drama. Good tenants care enough to at least try to make a good impression.

What questions would you ask to evaluate a potential tenant's requirements what questions would you ask the property owner? ›

Tenant Screening Questions to Ask Potential Renters
  • Do you currently rent? If so, where?
  • What date are you planning to move out of your current home?
  • What date are you planning to move into a new home?
  • Why are you moving at this time?
  • What do you like about your current home?
  • What are you looking for in a new home?

What are two things you can do to be an ideal candidate on a rental application and tenant? ›

If you're wondering what types of qualities landlords look for in an ideal tenant, here are some of the basics.
  1. Good Credit.
  2. Sufficient Income.
  3. Positive Rental History.
  4. Clear Criminal Background Check.
  5. Professionalism.
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.