17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify (2024)

17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify (1)

In This Article

The first time someone breaks your trust is devastating, especially when you give your heart to that someone. If your ex-partner couldn’t be trusted, you’d probably look for signs of a loyal woman in your next relationship.

Dating can be challenging. It seems like the next best thing is right around the corner, which makes having a loyal girlfriend an irreplaceable find.

The internet has made it especially easy for a partner to have an emotional or physical affair, ride the line of cheating, and keep secrets from their spouse.

So, what are the signs of loyalty in a woman? How can you tell what a loyal girlfriend looks like? And what should you do if you realize your girlfriend isn’t trustworthy? Find answers to all your questions and get to the bottom of your relationship concerns.

7 questions to find out if she is loyal

If you’re wondering how to tell if you’re in a loyal relationship, why not do a little test? These 7 questions are designed to help you get to know your partner better while taking a sneaky dive into her thoughts about loyalty.

1. What do you want out of our relationship?

You can consider it a romantic equivalent of the “Where do you see yourself in five years?” conversation. If she sees you in her future, she’s letting you know she cares about your relationship and is committed to seeing where time takes the two of you.

2. Are you a good secret keeper?

Is she loyal? Test her with your secret and see if it ever gets out to either of your friends. Let the secret be small and silly (e.g., “I once had a crush on Bab’s Bunny”) so you aren’t too embarrassed if word gets out.

3. Have you ever been unfaithful to an ex?

Being faithful is one of the most significant signs of a loyal woman. Knowing about her past indiscretions will let you know how seriously (or not) she feels about cheating on a partner.

It will also let you know what she views as infidelity. She may view intercourse as a no-no, but sexual dancing and even kissing may not be off-limits in her mind.

4. What kind of relationship do your parents have?

Kids mostly model what they see growing up in their future romantic relationships. If her parents have a good marriage, she has a reasonable basis for being loyal and kind to you.

5. What does loyalty mean to you?

Being loyal doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. Some people think loyalty is about not cheating, but loyalty also involves showing support, backing a partner’s decisions, and showing trust.

Research highlight: According to research, loyalty is considered a crucial element in long-term relationships. A study conducted in 2019 highlighted that loyalty and commitment are key factors leading to stable and lasting marriages.

6. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts in a relationship?

Exploring her approach to resolving disputes reveals much about her loyalty and commitment.

A partner who values the relationship will communicate and understand rather than avoid issues or seek solace outside. Her response can illuminate her dedication to maintaining stability and working through challenges together.

7. Do you believe in keeping friendships with exes, and how do you manage those relationships?

Understanding her stance on maintaining connections with past partners and the boundaries she sets with them can indicate her commitment to safeguarding the trust within your relationship.

A loyal partner recognizes the importance of clear boundaries with exes to prevent any harm to the current relationship. How she manages these friendships, if at all, offers insight into her dedication to ensuring that her actions do not undermine the relationship’s security and trust.

7 potential signs your partner isn’t loyal

One obvious sign she is not a loyal girlfriend is if she has already cheated in your relationship. Having an emotional affair, kissing someone, or going further sexually with another partner during your relationship are clear signs she’s not committed to you.

However, here are some other flags to look out for to see whether you’re looking at signs of a faithful woman or are destined to be heartbroken.

  • She avoids calling you her boyfriend
  • She isn’t regularly available
  • She can’t wait to spill secrets
  • She undermines your decisions
  • She openly flirts with others
  • She gets weird about her phone
  • She’s cheated on you before

If your girlfriend has done one or more of these things, it may be time for you to reevaluate how serious your relationship is.

17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify (2)

17 signs of a loyal woman

If you are perplexed about whether your partner is loyal to you, worry not, as there are some effective ways to confirm your partner’s loyalty. Read these 15 signs of a loyal woman and see if she is the one for you:

1. Your relationship is a priority to her

A loyal girlfriend commits to her relationship in body and mind. She isn’t just passing the time with you. She wants to spend her time building something unique with you. If your girlfriend prioritizes your relationship and makes you feel loved, she is likely a keeper.

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2. She follows through

You have something important coming up. You’re nervous about it, but your girlfriend promises to be there. Do you doubt her? If not, it’s likely because she’s proven you can trust her.

She’s had a history of following through on her promises, which can leave you feeling safe and secure, knowing that is what a loyal girlfriend looks like.

3. She’s respectful

Love and respect go hand in hand. One of the biggest traits of a loyal woman is someone who respects your boundaries and your opinions. She speaks thoughtfully to you, even when upset, values privacy, and does sweet things to show you she admires you.

Researchers conducted a study with 277 participants and examined how different ways of managing emotions (such as suppressing, comparing, using humor, etc.) are connected to relationship satisfaction. Six out of eight strategies showed positive relationships with satisfaction, with valuing being the most influential.

4. You’re in her inner circle

One of the signs of a loyal woman is that she is bringing you into her inner circle of trusted friends and family. Asking you to spend time with her best friends lets you know she isn’t leading a double life or trying to hide anything from you.

Meeting the family is another great honor that lets you know she’s serious about your relationship.

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5. Her friends all tell you she loves you

Her friends know her better than anyone – maybe even better than you do! If her friends are crazy about you and love to gush about how much she loves you, your relationship is off to a great start.

6. She often talks about your future together

One of the signs of a loyal woman is that she is someone who isn’t afraid to talk about the future. Commitment doesn’t scare her. She isn’t worried about your relationship. She’s planning her future with your love as one of the main features.

7. Her phone is an open book

One of the telltale signs of a loyal woman is that she is not afraid to leave her phone with you when she leaves the room.

Being in a relationship with a woman doesn’t mean you should have access to her private conversations and socials. Still, the fact that she isn’t worried about leaving her phone in your presence says that even if you snoop, you won’t find anything wrong.

17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify (3)

8. She isn’t afraid to communicate

Couples who communicate are more satisfied and optimistic in their relationships.

The importance of communication in relationships is primarily supported by cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies that examine how communication at a one-time point predicts future marital satisfaction.

If your girlfriend is a healthy communicator who isn’t afraid to tell you things, even when they’re stiff, your relationship will be solid and ready to take on anything. Having open and honest communication is a trait of a loyal girlfriend.

9. She thinks of you as a partner

One of the signs of a loyal woman is that she thinks of you as her partner, not just her boyfriend. A boyfriend is someone you have fun with, but a partner is someone you grow up with.

A partner is someone with whom she plans a future and makes decisions. You are someone she loves and respects.

10. You know about her past relationships

If she is willing to share about her past, it’s one of the positive signs of a faithful woman. She isn’t squeamish about revealing her past relationships to you because no matter what happened in her past, she wants you to know her completely.

11. You’ve built up a healthy trust

It isn’t surprising that couples who trust each other enjoy happier and more fulfilling relationships. One of the signs of a loyal woman is being trustworthy.

It means that she avoids telling others private things about your relationship (such as that last couple’s squabble you had), and she isn’t quick to spill her friend’s secrets, either.

12. She’s never cheated before

One of the most prominent signs of a faithful woman is a record of monogamy. The most significant predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so if your girlfriend has never cheated in other relationships, odds are she’s not thinking about straying with you, either.

13. She has cheated before and learned a valuable lesson

If she is someone who has learned from her past mistakes, it is one of the signs of a loyal woman. Cheating in the past doesn’t mean she isn’t going to be a loyal girlfriend to you.

It may have just taken her a few hard lessons to learn that she doesn’t ever want to hurt anyone again like she’s hurt others in past relationships.

Talk to her about past indiscretions without judging or fearing she will repeat those bad decisions. Ask her what led to the cheating, where her heart was at the time, and what she learned from the experience.

14. She loves to show physical affection

One tip to understand how to know if your girlfriend is loyal is to see if she takes every opportunity to show you physical affection.

That’s not to say someone more reserved about public displays of affection is being unfaithful. Some people might not be into holding hands.

But if your girlfriend loves snuggling, kissing, and walking arm in arm, she is building emotional intimacy with you and showing signs of loyalty in a relationship.

15. She’s there for you when times are tough

A loyal girlfriend is around for all the challenging moments: sickness, loss of loved ones, arguments. These signs of loyalty show that she is happy to build something with you and be someone you can rely on.

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16. She actively listens to you and remembers the little details

A woman who pays close attention to what you say, remembers the small things about your preferences or stories and brings them up later shows she truly cares.

Such a level of attentiveness is a hallmark of loyalty, as it demonstrates that she values your thoughts and experiences, making an effort to engage with and understand you on a deeper level.

Femi Ogunjinmi, a certified life coach, helps you understand how you can tell if someone truly loves you in this TED Talk:

17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify (4)

17. She defends you to others, even in your absence

Loyalty means standing by your partner, in their presence, and when they’re not around.

If your partner defends your character, decisions, or actions when you’re not there to do so yourself, it’s a powerful sign of her commitment and loyalty to you. This indicates she respects and believes in the relationship enough to protect it, even when it might be easier not to.


Loyalty is a cornerstone of strong, lasting relationships, and one can have various questions about it. Below are some commonly asked questions about loyalty in a partner:

  • Which personality type is most loyal?

ISFJs (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) are often highlighted as the most loyal among the Myers-Briggs personality types. Valuing stability and deep commitment, ISFJs prioritize their loved one’s well-being, demonstrating steadfastness and high regard for long-term relationships.

  • How do you check loyalty in a long-distance relationship?

Evaluating loyalty in a long-distance relationship involves observing communication frequency, commitment to shared plans, and efforts to sustain emotional closeness.

Regular, honest discussions and eagerness to share life’s minutiae signal loyalty. Consistently prioritizing the relationship and making future plans together also showcase a trustworthy partnership despite physical separation.


Making your relationship a priority, inviting you into her friend group, and time and again proving her love and trust are all signs of a loyal woman.

On the other hand, signs she is not a loyal girlfriend include hiding her phone from you, being suddenly unavailable, and being quick to spill the tea about your and her friend’s biggest secrets.

Talk to her if you don’t see any signs she is loyal. Communicate about your relationship and see what her heart wants. If she isn’t ready to be serious about you, it may be time to move on to someone who truly appreciates you.

17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify (2024)


17 Clear Signs of a Loyal Woman and How to Identify? ›

Cheating body language cue #1 – No eye contact

Too little eye contact in a conversation can be a hint your partner is having an affair. A cheater will always look away when they're asked a direct question. This is especially true when quizzed about their whereabouts.

How to determine if a woman is loyal? ›

10 Signs your significant other is loyal to you
  1. They prioritize you. ...
  2. They don't argue with or badmouth you in public. ...
  3. They delete dating apps off their phone. ...
  4. They're aware you both have weaknesses. ...
  5. They do things for you without being asked. ...
  6. They set clear boundaries with friends.
Nov 22, 2023

How do you test if someone is loyal? ›

Open communication is often the most reliable way to resolve doubts.
  1. Consistent Behavior and Attitude. A loyal partner exhibits consistency in their actions and attitudes. ...
  2. Open and Honest Communication. ...
  3. Time Investment. ...
  4. Reliability. ...
  5. No Unexplained Absences. ...
  6. Respect for Boundaries. ...
  7. Mutual Trust. ...
  8. Listening to Your Gut.
May 13, 2023

How to tell if she's the one? ›

Signs she's the one: 10 key ways to know if she's it for you
  1. She brings out the best in you. ...
  2. She actively listens to you. ...
  3. She includes you in her plans, present and future. ...
  4. You feel safe being vulnerable with her. ...
  5. It's more than just sex with her. ...
  6. You trust her. ...
  7. You know how to resolve your relationship conflicts.
Nov 22, 2023

How to test your girlfriend if she loves you? ›

  1. Ask her to buy something to share. When your woman really loves you, she will be willing to share with you what she has purchased. ...
  2. Talk to her. ...
  3. Listen to her comments about you. ...
  4. Try to hold her hand when walking. ...
  5. Constantly check on her. ...
  6. Abruptly check her phone. ...
  7. Give her some money. ...
  8. Come back in the house late.
Apr 8, 2023

What to check to catch a cheater? ›

You can catch a cheater by:
  1. Using a GPS device. ...
  2. Checking your phone statement. ...
  3. Checking the back of your closet. ...
  4. Planting a bug device in your cars. ...
  5. Creating a comprehensive report with your PI. ...
  6. Downloading the Netwa app on your phone. ...
  7. Recovering phone and tablet data. ...
  8. Hiring a private investigator.
Aug 5, 2020

What is the body language of cheating? ›

Cheating body language cue #1 – No eye contact

Too little eye contact in a conversation can be a hint your partner is having an affair. A cheater will always look away when they're asked a direct question. This is especially true when quizzed about their whereabouts.

How do you know if someone is secretly cheating on you? ›

Signs of cheating include a partner who improves their appearance, guards their phone, changes their schedule, and fades away emotionally. Someone could display several signs of cheating and still be faithful. Regardless, any such "signs" point to a breakdown in the relationship.

What behaviors show loyalty? ›

Loyalty means being consistent in your treatment, behavior, and regard for another—being the person they can always count on. Loyalty also involves consistently treating the other person with kindness, fairness, and generosity of spirit.

How to test someone's trust? ›

Want to Know If Someone Is Trustworthy? Look for These 15 Signs
  1. They are consistent. ...
  2. They show compassion and humility. ...
  3. They respect boundaries. ...
  4. They compromise and don't expect something for nothing. ...
  5. They're relaxed (and so are you). ...
  6. They are respectful when it comes to time. ...
  7. They show gratitude.
May 1, 2018

What is the symbol for loyalty? ›

24 Wolf. The wolf is often used as a representation of loyalty, guardianship, strength, independence and freedom.

How do you treat a loyal girl? ›

Show your girlfriend you're committed to her no matter what.

True loyalty is all about cherishing each other and establishing a deep sense of trust. Remember that commitment is an obligation, not a choice—try to stick with her during difficult times and avoid talking about her behind her back.

Is it OK to test someone's loyalty? ›

"[A loyalty check] can be toxic in a relationship because it can create a power struggle or rupture between two people where one partner can't trust and the other one would like to be trusted. It is also embarrassing and shaming for the partner who is put through the loyalty check," says Dr. Phillips.

Which country has the most loyal girls? ›

These governments have a solid emphasis on commitment and loyalty.
  • Brazil. Brazilian ladies are generally considered to be among the most faithful ladies in the world. ...
  • Mexico. Mexican women are household- oriented and place a great worth on fealty. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • China.
Jan 24, 2024

What is loyalty test in a relationship? ›

A “loyalty check” is an act of manipulation that a person does to see whether their partner is “loyal”, i.e. not, open to infidelity or cheating.

How to tell if your girlfriend is hiding something on her phone? ›

Here are some signs that may indicate the need for a conversation:
  1. Change in Behavior: - Noticeable changes in your spouse's behavior, such as increased secrecy, guardedness, or emotional distance.
  2. Protective of Their Phone: ...
  3. Unusual Texting Behavior: ...
  4. Secrecy About Social Media: ...
  5. Excessive Screen Time:
Nov 27, 2023

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.