17 Ways To Make Money While Living Off Grid (2024)

Here’s how you can make money while living off grid. This list is designed to give you some ideas and inspire some creative thinking on ways to make a living from home while living off grid. There are many reasons for this, the first and perhaps most important is it frees you up to move just about anywhere you want. No more being tied to a certain location, city, county, state, etc just to be close to your job. The only other issue is schooling for your kids if you have any, and access to food, supplies, and entertainment.

This article assumes you pick an off grid homestead location which is close enough to a populated area to generate revenue through local sales and services you offer to local residents.

The Internet –You can also do a large portion (if not all) of your business on the internet by selling products and services on your website. This is an extremely powerful marketing method and opens up many avenues and income opportunities. As such an entire book can be written about the many different ways to make money online, and in fact they have. Which is why this article will focus on the local sales, with some emphasis on internet sales and online marketing of your tangible products as well as digital products.

Ok, so without further ado, here are 17 things you can do to make money from home while living off the grid.

1) Selling Food Fruit & Veggies – Farming & Gardening

Growing your own organic food, fruits and veggiesis perhaps one of the most sensible and lucrative ways to make money off grid. Not only will you be able to feed yourself and your family, but if you grow enough, you can turn it into a small business by selling fresh produce to your neighbors and at your local farmer’s market. If there’s no farmer’s market in your area, you can start one.

Or, you can also do what Curtis Stone does by sellingfruits and vegetablesto higher-end restaurants in nearby towns and cities. There are certain health regulations that govern this kind of business, but it is doable and worth the extra effort.

Curtis Stone, founder ofGreen City Acres, grosses $80,000 to $100,000 per year working 3 seasons out of the year, while taking winters off. The most amazing part of this, is that he farms on only about 1/3 of an acre.”

2) Cabin Rental

You can build small cabins on your land and rent them out to vacationers and outdoorsman and nature enthusiasts. Even in the “off-season”in the winter, many resorts, lodges and cabin campgrounds rent out their cabins for $35 to $50 per night. In peak season small one room cabins can rent for as much as $250 per night or more, and I’ve seen some 2-3 room cabins rent for over $500 per night. One good seasoncould provide enough income for you and your family to live on the rest of the year.

As with anything it takes money to build something like a campground, and there’s regulations and ordinances that you have to consider. All in all, it’s a great way to make a good income, even part time if you only open for business part of the year.

3) Hiking & Camping (tourism)

You can cater to the hiking world if you have quite a bit of land. Or if you don’t have lots of land, if you pick a property that bordersa National Forest or National Park it opens up all kinds of adventure types of outings that you can sponsor and sell.

4) Hunting & Fishing (tourism)

Outdoorsman and nature enthusiasts number in the millions. If you have a property that’s located near good hunting and fishing areas, or your land is large enough to support hunting and fishing, then it’s can be a nice income during huntingseasons. Fishing is pretty much years round, but will slow in winter.

5) Educational Workshops – Organic Growing, Primitive Survival Skills, Off Grid Lifestyle, Natural Building, etc.

Workshops are basically miniature “How To” courses where you teach someone a skill in exchange for small (or large) fee. Now this could be very fun and if you’re knowledgeable and know how to teach people, enjoy speaking in front of groups of people, or like the one on one type teaching environment, educational workshops have the potential to make you a good solid supplemental income.

6) Hosting Events – Weddings, Reunions, Parties

If you own a sizable property or land in a picturesque area then hosting events and parties might be another way you could make some extra income.

7) Permaculture Classes

If you’re into permaculture and are very knowledgeable you can host permaculture workshops.

8) Aquaponics

Aquaponics is the growing of fish and veggies together in a closed loop system. The fish provide nutrients to the plants, and the plants act as natural filters for the water. Once you perfect the growing system, you can build and sell moreaquaonics systemsthemselves, or sell the fish and veggies grown in the systems. Either way it’s a good way to make a little extra money.

9) ATV/Snowmobiling (tourism)

Renting ATVs and snowmobiles is pretty lucrative. Though he snowmobiles sit still in the summer, and the ATVs are pretty useless in deep snow. This said, the costs of purchasing multiple ATVs and snowmobiles to rent out might be beyond the scope of what most people can do financially. However if budgeted properly it could provide some income in a couple few years once the initial investment in equipment is recouped through rentals. There’s also liability insurance you must have, and you must be licensed and bond with your county/city. Renting vehicles like this is expensive upfront, but very lucrative in the tourism seasons and can bring in a healthy revenue stream.

10) Horseback Riding

Riding horses is an old pastime that many people love. It’s also a great experience for the kids to ride a horse for the first time. Renting our horseback rides is a good business if you’re into horses. You could also combine it with a nature trail ride and some camping to spice up the adventure.

11) Arts & Crafts

If you’re good at and love arts and crafts why not sell them? many people will buy your products and artat craft shows and art exhibits. You can even sell these items on the internet in your online store on your website.

12) Clothing

Everyone needs clothes so selling clothing to locals and online might be an option for you. Especially if the clothes are made from materials you grow on your own land.

13) Organic Soaps & Cleaning Products

I know many people who have made a good extra income 9and who’ve made a full time job of it) by making their own soaps and cleaning products from natural non-toxic ingredients. Also, soap is something people need to buy a lot of over and over, so the potential for return customers is high.

14) Woodworking & Making Furniture

If you’re handy with wood, you can make decorative and practical items from wood. Furniture is always in need. Small chairs, tables, and rustic rocking chairs are all things that can be made from the materials on your land if you have lots of trees. I’ve seen handcrafted wooden chairs go for hundreds of dollars each, and full dining room sets for a couple few thousand dollars.

15) Blacksmithing (yes this is still an art form)

Yes! Blacksmithing is still a thing. It’s more of an art form nowadays but it does have it’s practical purpose and you can hire out your skills to local ranchers and farmers. If you’re an artist you might consider taking up blacksmithing if you like working with metal and making sculptures. Many metal sculptures bring in hefty price tags.

16) Art – Drawing, Sculpting, Painting, Pottery

Everyone likes a pretty picture or sculpture. These are itemsyou can sell locally and online. Pottery is a big one, as is digital art. Don’t forget about the online aspect of making money. You need not be tied to a local area when there are millions of people online who might buy your work. Just make sure you have a back up plan, because the phrase “starving artist” is cliche for a reason. It;s a tough field to break into, but it can generate some good revenue if you have talent.

17) Write &Sell DigitalBooks

This is by far one of the best ways to bring in some extra (and possible full time) income. Seriously, if you are knowledgeable in an area of expertise, and you can put words to paper (or laptop computer) you can write a book about your career field or hobby. Marketing your book online is easy through places like Amazon Kindle, iTunes, and other online digital distribution companies. Selling a digital book is very lucrative because if you content is good, and you write well, then once you cover the initial cost of producing the book and publishing it on some distribution sites like Amazon, then each copy you sell is nearly pure profit. A digital book that costs you $1000 to produce can be sold to an unlimited number of people. Say you sell only 1000 copies at $9.99, that’s $9,990.00 in revenue. Subtract your initial investment of $1000, and that’s $8990.00 in gross profits. Not to bad for a couple months worth of work.

Making Your Own Way

Keep in mind you will have to check with and comply with local, state, and federal laws governing running your own business from home whatever you choose to do. But, owning your own business, doing your own thing, being independent and self sufficient. The freedom to make your own way is a great feeling. I know because I do it everyday.

It’s hard work an will take a lot of effort on your part to make it a success. Strong will power and the right motivation, yourfreedom and self sufficient independence is the reward. Making a living doing what you love and loving what you do every day will make you and your family much happier in the long run.

And that’s what it’s all about.

17 Ways To Make Money While Living Off Grid (2024)


How can I live off the grid and still make money? ›

How To Earn Money From Your Off-Grid Home
  1. Starting an Online Business. So many jobs can be done online these days. ...
  2. Market Gardening. If you're planning to start a garden, you could take it up a notch and garden for other people as well. ...
  3. Farming With Animals. ...
  4. Homemade Products. ...
  5. Tourism. ...
  6. Working Away From Home.

How much money do you need a year to live off the grid? ›

The cost of living off the grid can differ depending on various factors. However, Tory Jon, Founder of CamperFAQs and an outdoor expert specializing in camping and off-grid living, said people can expect to pay an average of $500 to $2,000 per month to live off the grid.

How can I make a lot of money without a real job? ›

Here are some of the ways you can make more money outside of traditional employment:
  1. Launch an ecommerce store. ...
  2. Sell stuff you already own. ...
  3. Start a blog. ...
  4. Pick up odd jobs. ...
  5. Produce online courses. ...
  6. Sell print-on-demand products. ...
  7. Write an ebook. ...
  8. Rent out unused space.
Jan 17, 2024

How do people off the grid get food? ›

If you choose to live off the grid, you'll need to grow your own food and properly store it. You can grow fruits and veggies as well as raise livestock for meat and eggs. Hunting is another strategy for meat but may only be an option a few times a year, depending on where you live.

What states is it illegal to live off the grid? ›

While living off the grid is generally not considered illegal across all states, some specific laws and regulations must be adhered to. To start with, you may need permits to build your off-grid property or to live in a recreational vehicle (RV).

How to survive alone in life without money? ›

How to live off the grid with no money
  1. Do a work exchange. If you're new to the off-grid life, a great way to start is through Worldpackers. ...
  2. Join an off-grid community. ...
  3. Find low-cost or free land. ...
  4. Construct a cabin or tiny house. ...
  5. Grow your own food. ...
  6. Fish responsibly. ...
  7. Forage for edible plants. ...
  8. Collect and filter water.

How to make $5,000 dollars fast without a job? ›

Here are ten ways you can make $5,000 per month without having a full-time or part-time job.
  1. Introduction. ...
  2. Start a Blog. ...
  3. Offer Freelance Services. ...
  4. Invest in Stocks or Cryptocurrencies. ...
  5. Sell Products Online. ...
  6. Rent Out Your Property on Airbnb. ...
  7. Teach Online. ...
  8. Become an Affiliate Marketer.
Mar 5, 2024

How can I make $500 fast without a job? ›

Make $500 Fast Selling Your Stuff
  1. Sell Unused CDs, DVDs, and Other Tech Online. Look around you. ...
  2. Sell Your Jewelry. Do you have any old jewelry that you want to get rid of? ...
  3. Sell Gently Used Clothing. Having old stuff clutter up your space is NEVER fun. ...
  4. Sell on Online Marketplaces. ...
  5. Flip Items on Social Media.

How to make $300 without a job? ›

How to Make $300 Fast: 21 Quick Financial Solutions
  1. Volunteer to work overtime or ask for it. ...
  2. Sell unused items. ...
  3. Take online surveys. ...
  4. Monetize your skills and talents. ...
  5. Drive for Uber or Lyft. ...
  6. Deliver for food apps. ...
  7. Rent out a spare room. ...
  8. Rent out your car.
Jan 9, 2024

How to live untraceable? ›

Get off the Internet completely.
  1. Get off social media. You can't stay off the government grid if you have a social media presence. That's just the bottom line. ...
  2. Even privatized accounts can be accessed. Don't friend or follow people you know or you can be traced. Don't shop online or bank online.

How much land do you need to live off the grid? ›

There is a huge debate about how much is enough. I say, you make do with what you have. But in order to produce enough to truly live off the land, you will need at least 5 acres. This allows for enough space to produce for your family and your animals.

Is living off grid worth it? ›

A lot of the pros of making the off-grid move are well known and rather obvious: utility bills lowered or erased, a greatly reduced environmental footprint and an increased sense of independence.

Do people who live off-grid pay taxes? ›

Whether you live off the grid or attached to it if you reside on a piece of legally owned property you will need to pay property tax.

How to live on under $1,000 a month? ›

How to Live on $1,000 a Month
  1. Assess Your Situation. You can't really learn how to manage your money better if you don't know where you're starting from. ...
  2. Separate Needs From Wants. ...
  3. Lower Your Housing Costs. ...
  4. Get Rid of Your Car. ...
  5. Eat at Home. ...
  6. Negotiate Your Bills. ...
  7. Learn to Barter and Trade. ...
  8. Get Rid of Debt.

How to make money while living in the woods? ›

Relatively passive ways to make money off the land
  1. Lease of rangeland or cropland. ...
  2. Sale of timber rights (someone else does the logging) ...
  3. Rental of housing or buildings (either short or long term) ...
  4. Farming commercially (vegetables, animals, tree crops, mushrooms, etc.) ...
  5. Foraging commercially. ...
  6. Running events and/or retreats.

Is living off-grid worth it? ›

A lot of the pros of making the off-grid move are well known and rather obvious: utility bills lowered or erased, a greatly reduced environmental footprint and an increased sense of independence.

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.