19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (2024)

Real estate negotiation sounds easy on paper, but in practice even small mistakes can sink deals. You need to understand psychology, strategy, and a shifting market to get the best outcome for your clients. Not easy!

That’s why we decided to update this guide to real estate negotiation. We worked with The Close’s resident real estate coach Trevor James, Ryan Serhant, and top agents from across the country to add their best negotiation strategies for 2023. Since we know you’re busy, we only included actionable tips you can start using today. Let’s dive in.

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (1)1. Master the 3 Ps of Real Estate Negotiation: Push, Pull, Persist

Ryan Serhant, broker, CEO and founder, SERHANT

“For negotiations, we follow the 3 Ps: push, pull, and persist. This helps us have options as the discussions progress or regress. For example, we push information, data, proactive help, understanding and listening. We persist, relentless in our pursuit of getting to yes. And we can pull: yes … pull the deal away.

“Whether I’m selling a home for $1 million or $130 million, the minute the buyer likes it, every other agent would run to write the offer. Sometimes being the boldest pays off with the biggest successes for your clients and your business.

“It’s important to remember that, in negotiations, the one with the power is the one who will walk away. So we can sometimes use ‘pull’ in our strategies. This works with buyers and sellers and in any market. In addition to that, it’s always good as a broker to demonstrate you don’t just want to rush to do any deal for clients—you want the best deal for them. So taking the deal away can be effective to create urgency for getting the deal done and for your relationships with clients as well.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (2)2. Set Realistic Expectations

Sean Moudry, The Close Contributor, broker and real estate coach

“During negotiations, one of the most effective strategies I use is a combination of managing expectations and practicing discretion. For my buyers, I like to run through scenarios to anticipate the seller’s moves, staying one step ahead in the negotiation. I keep details about the buyer and seller to a minimum to avoid tipping our hand or becoming biased about the property.

“Similarly, for my sellers, I prepare them for the reality of lower-than-expected offers and potential inspection issues, especially in this shifting market. I include these considerations in the net sheet to set reasonable expectations. This way, both sides are better equipped to handle the twists and turns of the negotiation process, leading to more successful outcomes for all parties involved.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (3)3. Keep Your Emotions in Check During Negotiations

Josh Altman, co-team leader, The Altman Brothers Team at Douglas Elliman

“Emotion, especially anger, is a weakness at the negotiating table, and if you can’t find your poker face, buying and selling real estate is going to be hard for you. Don’t whine, don’t bitch, don’t pout, don’t curse, don’t get angry, don’t pace, and don’t storm out. Things happen. If you want to become a stronger negotiator, you need to learn how to keep your poker face—no matter what the other side throws at you.

“Not everyone is as respectful as they should be. Know this going in and be prepared to let it roll off your back with a smile. It’s the job.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (4)4. Base Your Negotiations on Market Value, Not Just Asking Price

Bruce Ailion, associate broker, attorney and team leader, RE/MAX Town & Country in Atlanta

“My strategy is to calculate the value of a property. This, rather than the asking price, is the starting point for negotiation. It may require an offer above present market value in hot markets to get a home under contract.

“Many people want to lowball, making an offer that will never be accepted. I advise against this. It does not reveal anything about the seller’s position. I like to offer just below the minimum the seller is likely willing to accept. The seller is forced to decide to accept just a little less than their minimum but, if not, will be forced to counter aggressively not to turn away a strong buyer. The analogy I use is tennis: It doesn’t matter how hard your first serve is. If you do not get the ball in play, that first serve is wasted.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (5)5. Keep Records of Fellow Agents in Your CRM

Trevor James, staff writer and real estate coach, The Close

“Since listing agents can have very different negotiating styles, it’s crucial to keep notes on each listing agent you work with so you can adapt to their working style when you do another deal with them. Did they prefer phone calls or texts? Were they responsive? How long did they take to respond to your emails? This is all useful data you should be noting in your customer relationship manager (CRM).”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (6)

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19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (7)6. Use an Escalation Clause for More Competitive Offers

Michael Nourmand, president, Nourmand & Associates

“An escalation clause is a great way to give your client the best chance to win a multiple-offer situation. Here is the language we use in our counteroffers: We hereby instate an escalation clause. ‘Bob Smith’ is willing to pay $10,000 more than your highest written offer, but not to exceed $1,500,000. A copy of the highest written offer must be sent along with acceptance.”

📌 Pro Tip

Of course, check with your managing broker on using escalation clauses, since every market is different.

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (8)7. Present Multiple Offers in Person

Trevor James, staff writer and real estate coach, The Close

“Multiple offers can be a headache for your sellers—make it as easy as possible for them. And look, it might be easy to just email over the offers to your sellers as they come in. But if you know this is a hot listing and you’ve got more than three or four good offers, set a deadline with your sellers and schedule a time to sit down with them. Make a spreadsheet of the offers and the terms, and explain each of them to your sellers.

“If you’re unable to do that, a Zoom meeting or a phone call is still better than a lengthy email chain with PDF attachments cobbled together. Share your screen or make sure your client is in front of their computer and able to walk through the spreadsheet with you so you can answer any questions and help them understand the offers. ”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (9)8. Negotiate by Phone Before Committing Anything to Paper

Sarah Richardson, founder & CEO, Tru Realty

“Negotiate deal points over the phone with the cooperating broker before taking it to paper. A counteroffer could get messy when there is a lot of unnecessary back and forth. If you are negotiating with an agent over the phone, it’s helpful to write up the contract as you speak to keep things more straightforward. Multiple counteroffers create confusion and make for a less-than-favorable real estate buying or selling experience. Keep it simple!”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (10)9. Arm Yourself With Data for Stronger Negotiations

Ayoub Rabah, president, Coldwell Banker Realty’s central west region

“The adage in real estate is location, location, location. When it comes to negotiation, it is data, data, data. Let the data drive your negotiations and decisions. Gather information and leverage it to your advantage. The key is to have more information than the other side.

“The person armed with the most amount of information is more likely to win the negotiation. You should also have an understanding of the best alternative to a negotiated agreement. If negotiations fail, what are the other options for your buyer and seller?”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (11)10. Negotiate With a Win-Win Perspective

Kevin Ward, real estate coach, YesMasters

“Many new agents make the mistake of starting every negotiation as if they were going into battle. Not only will this annoy the agent on the other side of the deal, with whom you will likely need to work again, but it can actually hurt your client’s interests as well.

“Instead, learn to focus on solutions instead of turning everything into an adversarial crisis. Your clients and fellow agents will thank you.”

Here’s coach Kevin Ward with a quick story to highlight this crucial point:

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (12)11. Make Them Believe the ‘Yes’ Was Their Idea

Josh Flagg, Beverly Hills Realtor and founder, Flaggship.com

No one likes to be coerced into doing something. That’s why smart negotiators often subtly encourage the other party to think they’re in control. A great way to do this is to offer them a quick out. Studies have shown that using affirming language like “You’ll probably refuse, but…” leads to increased compliance.

“Million Dollar Listing” star Josh Flagg has an example of how you can apply this technique in a negotiation with a seller:

“The buyer is asking for you to pick up the closing costs to seal the deal. You’re free to say no to that, of course, but would you be willing to consider it?”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (13)12. Master the Power of ‘No’

Trevor James, staff writer and real estate coach, The Close

“In real estate, many agents underestimate the power of ‘no,’ especially while they’re under contract. I see this a lot with newer agents in their first few deals. It’s natural to worry about pushing back on clients, but they trust you to guide them through the process.

“Let’s say you’ve got a buyer under contract. They want to request a new roof, but the inspection report says the roof is probably all right for another five to 10 years. Instead of automatically saying ‘yes’ to your client and potentially blowing up the deal, consider a strategic ‘no.’ You could counter by asking for a $10,000 price concession.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (14)13. Learn What the Other Party Really Wants

Kathryn Bishop, Realtor, Beverly & Company Luxury Properties

“Learn what the other party needs—not really why they are selling or buying, but what’ll satisfy them that they have a win-win sale. Ask the agent questions and praise the good points of the property or the nice character of the buyers if you’ve met them. Put together the best deal so that the closing is smooth and successful. I’ve closed many deals using this mindset.

“Here’s an example: I call the listing agent to say that we are writing an offer. Are there any terms the seller needs? Fast close? Contingency to find a new home? I don’t really ask why the seller is selling, but I will often pose a leading question to find out why they are selling (perhaps I see they’ve owned this home for many years via the title profile, or did they raise their kids in it? Or was this an investment rental?). I take this opportunity to tell the agent about my buyer’s story and the lender involved so far.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (15)14. Focus on Timing

Melissa Engel, salesperson, Douglas Elliman in Connecticut

“When I got into real estate, it was explained to me that one of the most important factors in negotiating with buyers or sellers is the timing. Too fast and everyone feels like it was too easy; too slow and one side may lose confidence or get cold feet. The key to managing the cadence of a deal is communication. Let the other side know what to expect and when. Communicate with the other agent—don’t just leave them in the dark for a day or two.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (16)15. Offer the Buyer a Credit on Their Mortgage

Karan Chopra, broker, Douglas Elliman in New York City

“Our current market is impacted by higher interest rates, which have decreased buying power. As a listing agent working with a buyer’s agent or buyer who is getting a mortgage as part of their purchase, one strategy is to offer the buyer credit they can use to buy down points on their mortgage.

“A point may cost $10,000, but that $10,000 will offer compounded savings to the buyer over the term of the loan. It will position them to achieve a rate closer to 5% (depending on how many points are purchased), which will be a win in our current market where rates are hovering between 7% and 8%. Instead of going back and forth over the purchase price, change the conversation and repackage those dollars in a thoughtful way.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (17)16. Use a Framework for Your Negotiation

Trevor James, staff writer and real estate coach, The Close

“In many real estate MBA programs, you might hear a concept called the four Cs. It’s easy to remember and applies to just about every transaction. It starts with a checklist to make sure you’re hitting every step in every transaction (including a follow-up for reviews once you’ve closed) for every transaction. Then, think about what your client can compromise on. Help them see what you have in common and where both sides just won’t budge. Keep this in mind to make things simple: checklist, common interest, conflicting interest and compromise.

Criteria: If you don’t yet have a checklist or a process for how your transactions should go, you’re doing yourself a disservice. There’s over a dozen steps for every transaction. Make a checklist that you use for every deal so you can eliminate potential potholes that might slow things down.

Common interest: Identify the mutual benefits. A small concession from you can lead to a much smoother transaction from the other party.

Conflicting interest: Knowing where both sides won’t budge helps you think strategically about moving forward. If a buyer’s lease is up next month but the seller isn’t motivated to move, you might find it tougher to move things along.

Compromise: Your expertise in real estate gives you the authority to find a middle ground. Remember that you’re the guide here. Sometimes that $400 bathroom fan isn’t worth losing the condo over. Help your buyer to see the big picture.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (18)17. Live Conversation Beats Texts & Emails Every Day of the Week

Tom Hume, Realtor with The Hume Group, Windermere Real Estate

“I remember a transaction with an agent who returns all of my voicemails with text. I have the sense she is making a point that the new generation uses technology. I definitely get that, but I’d like to make a counterpoint: She is missing so much information by communicating only electronically. There is a natural back-and-forth in a conversation where way more information and understanding come out, and those things can be essential in getting to a win-win.

“You might learn, for example, that a seller is very nervous because they are buying a home and trying to close both sales and move the same day. If you are in a multiple-offer situation, your client now has a card to play. Perhaps they can offer the seller a one-week lease after closing. This may win the day.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (19)18. When Things Get Personal in Negotiations, Sleep on It

Georgia Kaporis, associate broker, Douglas Elliman in New York City

“Brokers should not make negotiations personal. Both sides want to get the deal done. If it’s getting personal, I recommend slowing down the negotiation and communicating that both sides should sleep on it before moving forward.

“Communicating and reminding the other side to not take negotiations personally is very important to keep both parties happy and interested in continuing. Focus should always be on the clients and not the brokers.”

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (20)19. Boost Your Negotiation Skills With a CNE Designation

Trevor James, staff writer and real estate coach, The Close

“If you’re serious about boosting your negotiation skills, you might consider getting your Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) designation. It’s hands-on training to help you understand how people make decisions and can help you build trust with clients.

“It’s usually flexible and you get to do role-playing and active learning with other agents. If you’re really looking to up your negotiation game, check it out.”

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FAQs: Mastering Real Estate Negotiation for Agents

What persuasion techniques can help agents during negotiations?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (21)

One technique to consider is “anchoring,” where your first offer sets the tone for the negotiation. You can also offer something valuable to the other party, like throwing in staging furniture, to get something in return like extending the closing date.

How should agents handle multiple offer scenarios?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (22)

To keep things organized, list all offers in a spreadsheet with key details like price, contingencies, and closing dates. Set a deadline for receiving offers and inform all the interested buyers. When it’s time to discuss the options with your seller, don’t just send the offers over one by one—sit down and have a comprehensive discussion about the pros and cons of each offer.

How can agents project confidence in negotiations?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (23)

Building trust is crucial. Be honest, transparent, and provide helpful advice to your clients. One way to show you’re trustworthy is to have testimonials from past clients. People will look you up online and those positive reviews can go a long way. Plus, a glowing review can really help bolster your confidence. Kind words from clients can stay with us for years to come. But keep in mind we all started somewhere. Lean on your network and believe in yourself.

How can agents better understand the other side?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (24)

Knowing who you’re working with can really help you during the transaction. Look up the other agent on the MLS. Research their past deals and ask open-ended questions during discussions. For example, you can ask them, “How long has this been the seller’s primary residence?” You might learn that this property isn’t owner-occupied, and the seller is in another state. Just remember, the other agent isn’t an opponent. You’re trying to create a win-win situation for everyone!

How can agents handle price objections effectively?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (25)

Look, sometimes two parties are too far apart to close the deal. But keep in mind that this is also an opportunity for you to showcase your expertise. If a buyer or seller questions the price, don’t get defensive. Instead, back up the reasoning with recent comps and home improvement projects. Always try to steer the conversation back to the property’s value, rather than its cost. And if it’s not meant to be, that’s OK. Remind your client that everything happens for a reason.

How can new agents keep their excitement in check when negotiating?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (26)

Practice being mindful of how you speak and what you say. Remember, less is more. It’s also a good idea to pause and let the other person talk. If you get too flustered and the deal is spiraling, don’t be afraid to ask for help—this is where all those networking events with other agents come in! Listening to other agents swap old horror stories is a great way to learn. If you’re looking for more help as a new agent, check out our Ultimate New Real Estate Agent Checklist.

What are some common pitfalls that agents should avoid in negotiations?

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (27)

Sometimes agents make mistakes like revealing key details about their client, giving their bottom line (or top line) too early, or just being overly eager to close the deal. And, of course, always check yourself to ensure you’re representing your clients’ best interests, not your own.

Overall, make it a point to listen more than you talk and ask questions that help you figure out what they really need.

Over to You

Have a great negotiation strategy we didn’t cover here? Add your thoughts to the comments below.

19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (28)


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19 Clever Real Estate Negotiation Strategies From the Pros (2024)


What are the five 5 negotiation techniques strategies that you can use to negotiate positive outcomes? ›

5 Key Principles of Effective Negotiation
  • Preparation is Key. Thorough preparation is crucial for successful negotiation. ...
  • Build Rapport and Trust. ...
  • Focus on Interests, Not Positions. ...
  • Be Willing to Make Concessions. ...
  • Remain Adaptable and Open-Minded.

Which negotiation style is the best for ensuring a win win outcome answer? ›

"Principled negotiation" is a common win-win strategy, devised by Roger Fisher and William Ury, that can help you to negotiate an agreement in a civil way.

What is the most effective negotiation style? ›

Most research suggests that negotiators with a primarily cooperative style are more successful than hard bargainers at reaching novel solutions that improve everyone's outcomes. Negotiators who lean toward cooperation also tend to be more satisfied with the process and their results, according to Weingart.

What is the best strategy to negotiate? ›

5 Good Negotiation Techniques
  • Reframe anxiety as excitement. ...
  • Anchor the discussion with a draft agreement. ...
  • Draw on the power of silence. ...
  • Ask for advice. ...
  • Put a fair offer to the test with final-offer arbitration.
Aug 7, 2023

What are the 5 C's of negotiation? ›

In fact, there are five different negotiation styles: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding and accommodating.

What are the 4 C's of negotiation? ›

Cross-Cultural Business Negotiations identifies the four Cs of negotiation: common interest, conflicting interest, compromise, and criteria. These are common to all business deals regardless of cultural nuances.

How do you make your negotiations end up in a win-win outcome? ›

How can you ensure a win-win outcome in negotiations?
  1. Prepare well.
  2. Build rapport.
  3. Focus on interests, not positions.
  4. Generate options.
  5. Negotiate fairly.
  6. Follow up. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  7. Here's what else to consider. Be the first to add your personal experience.
Sep 5, 2023

How to win a negotiation with a narcissist? ›

Be specific and use evidence: Narcissists tend to rely on generalities and broad claims rather than specific evidence or facts to improve their negotiating position. Use concrete examples and data to support your points, and challenge any claims they make that lack evidence.

What is the number one rule of negotiation? ›

Golden Rule One: Information Is Power – So Get It

You need sufficient information to set aggressive, realistic goals and to evaluate the other side's goals. With this information in your pocket, you've got the power. Without it you will be scrambling.

What are the big 5 in negotiation? ›


The five major personality types are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. If you're someone who leans toward agreeableness, you might feel that it's a weakness.

What is the #1 factor to a successful negotiation? ›

Communication: Listen first, then speak their language

If people cannot communicate effectively, they cannot exchange information, and without the ability to exchange information there is nothing to negotiate.

What is the quivering pen technique in negotiation? ›

The Quivering Pen:

The quivering pen is more or less the same as the nibble, but the difference is that the quivering will be done before you shake hands on the deal, or before the deal is signed rather than after. This technique is a little bit dodgy (geslepen) but not dishonest.

How do realtors negotiate? ›

Start Close to the Market Value

For your purchasing client, your initial offer should be slightly above the market value, but below the asking price. This way, you'll have more room to negotiate and hopefully stay below your client's asking price.

What is the flinch tactic in negotiation? ›

In negotiation, the nuanced art of 'flinching' can be a game-changer. It's a physical reaction, typically showing surprise at a proposal, hinting to the seller that their offer might be too steep. This tactic is a silent yet effective way of negotiating without outright disagreement.

What are the 5 common negotiation styles? ›

The ways in which people manage situations of conflict can reflect how they negotiate. In general terms there are five different styles of managing conflict: avoidance • competition • accommodation • compromise • collaboration. Most people use two different styles, but tend to favour one.

What are the big 5 negotiations? ›

The “Big 5”

When studying personality in negotiation, psychologists generally focus on five main factors that are believed to encompass most human personality traits: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.

What are the five 5 stages of negotiation? ›

What are the five stages of the negotiation process?
  • Strategy.
  • Planning.
  • Execution.
  • Evaluation.
  • Delivery.

What are the 5 tools of negotiation? ›

5 Best Negotiation Tools
  • Negotiation Situations. ...
  • ZOPA.
  • ZOPA, or the zone of possible agreement, is key to negotiating and one of the central tools that you need to understand to be an effective negotiator. ...
  • Positive Bargaining Zone of Possible Agreement. ...
  • Negative Bargaining Zone of Possible Agreement. ...
  • BATNA.
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.