20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (2024)

Do you use baking soda for plants? Baking soda in the garden can be used in lots of different ways.

Many of us think of baking soda in conjunction with various indoor “green cleaning” techniques. It has so many uses in the house, that it makes sense that it will work outdoors too.

We all know that we should keep a carton of baking soda in the fridge to take away odors. but there are so many other uses for it too, even in the garden!

From tool cleaning to acting as a fungicide, baking soda is every gardener’s friend.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (1)

Anyone with kids has likely seen baking soda being used used in science classrooms. The scientific term for it is sodium bicarbonate.

This product has specific chemical properties that make it a useful tool in the garden, too.

If you are a homemaker who likes to use kitchen hacks, you’ll likely have a box of baking soda in the back of your fridge to absorb odors and keep your fridge smelling great.

Not only does it curb unwanted smells, it’s useful as a cleaner, as well. I included baking soda in my list of ways for removing cooking oil stains from clothing. Be sure to check the article out!20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (2)

Baking soda is not just for absorbing fridge odors. There are lots of ways to use it in the garden. Head to the Gardening Cook to find 30 creative ideas. #bakingsoda #weedkiller #fungicide Click To Tweet

What Is baking soda?

Baking soda is a simple, natural product that is made of sodium bicarbonate, which is highly alkaline. When it is combined with something acidic, it will produce carbon dioxide gas.

In cooking, this action causes the ingredients to rise which is why it is used for making bread.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (3)

The baking soda is also known to be a good all around cleanser with mildly abrasive properties. It is great at absorbing odors. There are many ways that baking soda can be put to use in the home.

Even though baking soda is made of just one ingredient – sodium bicarbonate, that ingredient is a combination of carbon, sodium, hydrogen and oxygen. (57.1 percent sodium, 27.4 percent oxygen, 14.3 percent carbon and 1.2 percent hydrogen.)

The compound isa white powder that sometimes forms lumps. It is odorless and has a bitter, but slightly salty taste. It is solid at room temperature, and is able to be dissolved in water.

Uses for baking soda

The properties of the baking soda lend themselves to many uses around the home.

One only has to look on line and ask what baking soda is good for to come up with all sorts of ways:

  • Baking soda deodorizes and absorbs odors.
  • It acts as a natural cleaner.
  • Many people use baking soda for health reasons.
  • It is often used for personal hygiene and care.
  • Baking soda can be used asa fire extinguisher!
  • USe baking soda to soak fruit and veggies.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (4)

Baking soda for plants – clever ways to use baking soda in the garden

Not only can baking soda be used in cleaning and other ways in the home, it there are also many baking soda garden uses, as well. Here are some ways to use baking soda effectively in your garden.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (5)

These are some of best uses for baking soda in the garden that we will discuss in the article below:

  • Treating fungal and other diseases
  • As a natural outdoor cleaner
  • Deodorizing garden tools
  • To make weed killers
  • Testing soil for pH
  • Insect repellents
  • Reviving plants and flowers
  • Treating sunburn
  • Precautions about use of baking soda

Each of these techniques can be used in several ways. Read on for more details.

Baking soda on plants for fungus

There are several plant diseases that attack both flowers and vegetable plants. If this happens, use baking soda on plants for fungus. Some remedies use baking soda in combination with other ingredients and sometimes it is used on its own.

Let’s see what happens when we use it as a natural fungicide.

Using baking soda for rose black spot fungus

The compounds in baking soda are thought to have the ability to prevent fungal spore flare ups on roses. However, it is likely that baking soda will not kill the spores themselves.

To use sodium bicarbonate for plants as a fungicide, mix 4 teaspoons of baking soda with a gallon of water. Baking soda diminishes the effects of fungal diseases on common ornamental and vegetable plants.

Use the mixture on roses (for black spot fungus) and also on grapes and vines when the fruit first begins to appear.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (6)

The solution works on black spot by helping to change the pH level on the leaves which makes it harder for the fungus to infect the plants.

Use baking soda to treat powdery mildew

Baking soda has long been used to treat powdery mildew on plants. It will act more as a preventative than a solution once the plant has been affected.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (7)

Powdery mildew can cause major problems in gardens with high humidity. It affects many types of plants. Zinnias, impatiens, squash and cucumbers are often badly affected.

To use baking soda for powdery mildew, mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 gallon of water,
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid.

Mix well and put into a spray bottle. Use weekly. It is best to use it when the weather is not too sunny.

As a fungicide, baking soda works by disrupting the ion balance in fungal cells. One does need to be careful using it around plants in case the leaves burn.

Make sure that the solution is very well diluted before use.

Baking soda mixed with Neem oil, onion and garlic is also considered by some gardeners as a way to get rid of squash bugs.

Baking soda as a fungal spray for tomato plants

Tomato plants are prone to all sorts of fungal diseases. Leaf spot and early blight are a couple of common ones.Mix baking soda with vegetable oil to make an organic tomato spray to help fight tomato fungal disease.

It also works on powdery mildew on tomatoes. Baking soda and tomato plants are a great match!

To make the spray, combine these ingredients:

  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoons of castile soap

Mix well and pour into a spray bottle. The vegetable oil will help the spray adhere to the leaves of your tomato plant.

Spray this solution on the foliage of tomato plants until the fungal disease disappears.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (8)

Be sure to test this on one or two leaves first and wait 48 hours before spraying your whole plant. The spray changes the pH level of the tomato plant and makes it harder for the fungus to take hold.

Using baking soda as a garden cleaner

Baking soda has long been used for general cleaning purposes. It absorbs odors and can be used alone or with other products as a cleaner in the garden and outside the home.

Baking soda is mildly alkaline which can cause dirt and grease to dissolve easily in water so that you can remove it effectively. Here are a few of my favorite ways to use it as a cleaner in the garden.

Baking soda to freshen garden recycle bins

I use large garden recycling bins to hold my yard waste for our trash pick up day. The city collects it and turns it into mulch.

The bins can turn pretty smelly after a week especially if the weeds that are put into the bins are moist. 20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (9)

A thick layer of baking soda in the bottom of the bins goes a long way towards getting rid of the odors in garden bins and my normal garbage bins as well.

Make a baking soda hand cleaner/odor absorber

If you love to garden, you know how grimy and smelly your hands can get, even if y0u wear garden gloves.

Clean your hands in warm soapy water and then rub baking soda on them after a day in the garden. Rinse well.

The baking soda will help to absorb the odors. Use it indoors, as well, to get rid of kitchen odors on your hands.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (10)

Baking soda to clean garden furniture

Moisture and UV sunlight rays can make resin or wood garden furniture look drab and dingy over the course of the summer. Use baking soda to breath new life into your outdoor furniture.

Mix a half cup of baking soda with a tablespoon of dish washing soap and a gallon of warm water. It will clean your garden furniture so that it looks like new!

You can also use it on large plastic garden planters to clean them up, as well.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (11)

For really dirty outdoor items, make a mix of baking soda and castile soap into a paste and use it to clean the furniture. Don’t use baking soda on metal furniture, since it can cause corrosion.

Cleaning clay pots with baking soda

Get rid of stubborn salt marks on clay pots by making a paste of baking soda and water. Add just enough water so that the mixture is the consistency of hand lotion. 20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (12)

Rub the solution on the salt marks and leave for 20 minutes and rinse. For more tips on cleaning clay pots, see this post.

Note on using baking soda for compost piles:I have seen other articles that suggests using baking soda to take away odors from a compost pile.

Properly done, with the proper amount of browns and greens, a compost piles should not be full of odor.

Be very careful about using baking soda anywhere near or in your compost pile. The compounds in the baking soda can essentially break down the pile and make composting much slower.

Cleaning your potting bench with baking soda

Soil and used plant pots can transfer diseases from one plant to another. Many people do a lot of their work re-potting and planting on a potting bench.

Over time this can have the potential to harbor disease.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (13)

Give the potting bench a good scrub down once a month. Combine four tablespoons of baking soda with a quart of warm water.

Scrub down the top of the potting bench and then give it a good rinse.

Clean a bird bath with baking soda

Baking soda is a very effective cleaning tool indoors and can also be used in the bird bath. It won’t harm birds and other wildlife since there are no toxic chemicals in it.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (14)

To clean the birdbath, just make a mix of baking soda and castile soap into a paste and rub it onto the bird bath surface. Use a scrubbing brush to get rid of dirt, grime, and other debris.

It has a mildly abrasive effect to peel off stains, but won’t scratch surfaces.

Rinse the birdbath well and fill it with clean water. There will be no harmful residue absorbed by birdbath so it’s safe for birds after cleaning.

Also see my articles on cleaning a cement birdbath and using copper and alka seltzerto clean a bird bath.

Use baking soda to make a plant fertilizer

Baking soda on its own can’t be used to fertilize plants, but you can use it with other products to make a good replacement for Miracle Gro garden fertilizer.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (15)

Just combine 1 tablespoon of epsom salt with a teaspoon of baking soda and a half teaspoon of household ammonia. Put this mixture into a gallon of water and still well.

Use it once a month on your plants by mixing a 1/8 -1/4of the concentrate with 4 cups of water in a watering can.

Check out this article for other natural plant fertilizers.

Use baking soda to get rid of weeds in the garden

Many people like to use natural ways to control weeds. Laying down newspaper to deter weeds, and using vinegar are tried and true methods. Baking soda also can be used to prevent weeds.

Baking soda is effective as a weed killer, but it not permanent since it does not have a residual effect the way weed killing poisons do.

Baking soda weed killer – (preventer)

Use baking soda full strength on weed in cracks on a patio or walkway.This will kill any small weeds sprouted and prevent new ones from growing.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (16)

For weeds in garden beds, moisten the weeds with water from a hose. Measure out a teaspoon of baking soda and sprinkle it evenly right on top of the foliage of the entire weed, not just in the center the center.

Repeat for other weeds.

Will baking soda safe kill plants? In the same way that baking soda will kill and prevent weeds when used full strength, it will also kill plants. So be careful not to get the baking soda on desirable plants nearby or your lawn.

Baking soda as a crabgrass killer

Crabgrass can grow on lawns, in garden beds and in driveways. This weed killing trick works well for those times when crab grass is growing in your driveway.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (17)

To kill crabgrass, wet the weed and pour a heavy dusting of baking soda on it. The crab grass will die back in a few days. Avoid the surrounding grass, since it will also kill the grass in your lawn.

Make your own soil testing kits

Soil pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity level present in soils. Soil pH levels range from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, below 7 acidic and above 7 alkaline. Theideal pH range for most plants isbetween 5.5 and 7.0.

There are soil testing kits available for purchase, but you can simply test your soil pH with baking soda and water. While the test is not totally accurate, it will give you some indication of your soil content and pH level.

You will need both vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda tests the soil for acidity and vinegar tests for alkalinity.

For both tests, take a sample of soil about 6 inches below the surface of the garden. Remove any sticks and place 1 cup of the soil in two clean cups. Add enough water to turn the soil to mud.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (18)

To test for alkalinity, add 1/2 cup of vinegar to one of the cups and stir. If the soil fizzes, foams and bubbles, the soil is likely alkaline with a soil pH above 7.

To test for acidity, wet the soil and take a small amount of baking sodaand sprinkle it onto soil. If thebaking sodabubbles, your soil is acidic with a PH level under 7.

If neither soil fizzes, the pH of your soil is likely in the neutral range – 7.0. For more accurate test, contact your State Department of Agriculture. Many state departments will test your soil for free.

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Baking soda bug repellents

Natural pest control methods are far less expensive than the purchase of pesticides, and they much safer for your garden and wildlife.

Many garden pests do not like the smell and taste of baking soda and will avoid it. This means that we can put it to good use to discourage pests in the garden.

Baking soda for garden pests

Ants, silverfish and co*ck roaches are just a few of the insects that don’t like baking soda.Sprinkle baking soda on the soil in your garden. The insects that do not like it and will stay away.

Kill slugs by putting it right on the pest. Be careful not to get it on the plants.

If you have ant mounds in your yard, dampen them with water and then sprinkle about 2 cups of baking soda on top of the mound.

Wait for a half hour or so and pour a cup of vinegar on the mound, as well. This combination will kill most ants.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (19)

You can also make a bait using half baking soda and half sugar to control ants and roaches. If you place this mixture around your plants (not too near to them) it will kill any slugs that might crawl through it.

When baking soda is eaten by insects, it releases carbon dioxide bubbles in their system that will kill the pests.

Killing cabbage worms

Theselittle caterpillarsdon’t just feast on cabbage leaves, they also love to eat other brassicas such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale in your vegetable garden, as well.

To kill cabbage worms, make a mixture of 50% white flour and 50% baking soda.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (20)

Photo credit WikimediaCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 2.5 Genericlicense.

Put this mixture into a shaker container or a powder dispenser and dust the plants that are infested. The leaves of brassicas are thick and the mixture will not do damage to them but the caterpillars will eat it and soon die off.

Baking soda plant insect spray

Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of canola oil and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap together.

Pour the mixture into a bucket with 2 gallons of water. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir well.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (21)

Pour the mixture into a hand help sprayer. Mist the undersides and tops of plant leaves to control insects such as sap-sucking insects like aphids, mealybugs and scale.

Baking soda for plants

Is baking soda good for plants?

Anyone who gardens knows that flowers and other plants can sometimes feel the heat the way we do. Baking soda has a couple of uses to help in this regard.

Make cut flowers last longer

There are many household items that will help cut flowers to last longer in water. (Aspirin and vinegar are also good for this use.)

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (22)

Add a tablespoon of baking soda in two quarts of water. Change the solution every few days for best results and make a fresh cut on the stem end.

You’ll find that your cut flowers last longer than in just plain water.

Rejuvenate your rose bushes and other plants

Are your plants suffering from the heat?

Mix together these items:

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon of clear ammonia
  • 1 teaspoon Epsom salt
  • 1 gallon of water.

Mix well and use on your plants. One gallon of the mixture will treat four rose bushes that have lost their luster.

It can be used on many types of plants. This coleus is the perfect candidate!

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (23)

This spray will work on plants that also are suffering a bit from the summer heat helping them to perk up and flower better.

Natural treatments for poison ivy

Anyone who spends a lot of time out in the garden has likely gotten a poison ivy rash. Have you heard the term “leaves of three, let them be?”

Sometimes, a gardener can find themselves in a patch of it unknowingly. 20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (24)

If this happens, one effective home remedy uses baking soda. To treat poison ivy, mix 1/2 cup of baking soda to some bath water and soak in it.

You can also make a paste by combining baking soda with apple cider vinegar or water and applying it to the rash to soothe the itch.

For other poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac remedies, check out this post.

Treating sunburn with baking soda

Gardeners are often out in the sun for hours at a time and sunburn can take some of the pleasure out of the hobby, for sure. Even if you wear a sunhat and sunglasses, you may end up sore and burned.

If you have suffered from too much sun and have a sunburn that hurts, try treating it with baking soda.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (25)

To enjoy the benefits of its sunburn relief, add ½ cup of baking soda to some warm bath water and soak in it for about thirty minutes.

Adding some baking soda to your favorite after sun lotion will allow you to continue the relief after the bath is finished.

Another way to enjoy the heat relief benefits is to mix baking soda with water into a paste and apply it directly to your skin.

Place one half-cup of baking soda in a bowl, and add cool water until the mixture is thin enough to spread on your skin.

Apply the mixture on the sunburn, and leave it on for around 15 minutes, then wash it off with cool water.

Things to consider when using baking soda for plants

Use baking soda home made remedies carefully. Although they have been used by many with success, using the product in careless ways could actually harm your plants.

Before you use a home made remedy for the first time in your garden, always test it on a small part of the plant first to make sure that it will not cause any harm.

If the mixtures seem too strong, dilute them and try again until you find the right strength. Each garden is different.

Be sure to protect any outdoor heating elements, wiring and metal from being exposure to baking soda, since this could cause corrosion of the metals.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (26)

Also, don’t use home remedies on hot or really sunny days or this could lead to burning the foliage of the plants.

Don’t rely on home remedies as an excuse to be lax with garden maintenance. If you allow plants to become heavily infected with pests and fungal diseases, no amount of baking soda in the world will help them!

Have you found other uses of baking soda in the garden? Please leave your tips in the comments section below. I’d love to add them to the article with a shout out to you!

Pin these tips for using baking soda for plants

Would you like to be reminded of these tips for using baking soda in the garden? Pin this image to one of your gardening boards on Pinterest for easy access later.20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (27)

Admin note: This post first appeared on the blog in June of 2013.

I have updated the post with all new photos, and additional information with tips for using baking soda in the garden, a project card for powdery mildew fungicide, and a video for you to enjoy. I hope you find the updates useful.

Yield: 1 gallon

Baking Soda Fungicide for Powdery Mildew

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (28)

Baking soda has long been used to treat powdery mildew on plants. It will act more as a preventative than a solution once the plant has been affected.

Prep Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes

Estimated Cost$5


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid


  • Large container
  • Spray bottles


  1. Pour all of the ingredients into a large container.
  2. Mix well and then place into spray bottles.
  3. Be sure the solution is well diluted and shake before using.
  4. Use weekly on plants to prevent powdery mildew.
  5. Best used on overcast days rather than when it is sunny.
  6. Baking soda disrupts the ion balance in fungal cells to help prevent powdery mildew on plants.


Test on a few leaves before using on the whole plant. If the mixture is too strong, it can burn the leaves.

This fungicide is a preventative rather than a treatment for existing cases of powdery mildew.

20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda in the Garden - Make Life Easy! (2024)


Why should I put baking soda in my garden? ›

Keep Pests Away

Sprinkle baking soda on your soil with a flour sifter to keep ants, roaches and slugs away from your garden. (Be sure to avoid your plants!) It's a safe way to keep beneficial insects around and say sayonara to the ones you're tired of seeing.

What plants benefit from baking soda? ›

Baking soda as a fungal spray for tomato plants

Leaf spot and early blight are a couple of common ones. Mix baking soda with vegetable oil to make an organic tomato spray to help fight tomato fungal disease. It also works on powdery mildew on tomatoes. Baking soda and tomato plants are a great match!

What does drinking baking soda water do? ›

The primary benefit of drinking baking soda is for the temporary relief of indigestion or heartburn. There is also evidence to suggest that it may reduce muscle fatigue during athletic training. One 2020 meta-analysis found that sodium bicarbonate supplementation does improve muscle endurance but not muscle strength.

What do farmers use baking soda for? ›

Baking soda as a fungicide does appear to diminish the effects of fungal diseases on common ornamental and vegetable plants.

Why put baking soda around tomatoes? ›

By spritzing a baking soda solution on your tomato plants, the surface becomes more alkaline, creating an unsuitable environment for blight to take hold. You'll prevent any blight from growing or stop any spread dead in its tracks.

Is baking soda good for tomatoes? ›

Although it seems silly, this simple garden trick really works. The baking soda absorbs into the soil and lowers its acidity levels giving you tomatoes that are more sweet than tart.

Is baking soda good for hydrangeas? ›

Enjoy Thriving Hydrangeas!

The plants begin to produce fuller and healthier blooms. If your hydrangeas just aren't wowing you like they should, give baking soda a try. And while you're at it, try baking soda in the rest of your garden!

What can baking soda not be mixed with? ›

The other thing to be careful of with baking soda is combining it with something acidic, like vinegar or lemon juice. As the chemicals combine with that satisfying fizz, they form a gas. If you combine them in a sealed container, like a soda bottle, it could potentially explode and harm you.

Does anything else react with baking soda? ›

When baking soda is used in a recipe, it reacts with acidic ingredients, such as chocolate, sour cream, or honey, to produce the carbon dioxide gas that helps fluffs things up. Baking powder has baking soda and an acid, cream of tartar, which react when they get wet.

How do you clean your legs with baking soda? ›

If you decide to use baking soda, only use a small amount (2-3 tablespoons) in a full footbath of warm water for 10-20 minutes. After your soak, gently use a pumice stone or foot brush using the method mentioned above to remove dead skin. Apply plenty of moisturizer after.

What happens when baking soda is mixed with lemon juice? ›

When baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) is mixed with lemon juice(citric acid), bubbles are formed. These bubbles are formed due to the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. This is a chemical change.

Can baking soda whiten teeth? ›

Baking soda is good for teeth whitening because it is a very mild abrasive, which helps remove stains from the surface of your teeth. In addition, baking soda is alkaline and salty, which helps lighten acid-based food stains – such as those from coffee, tea, and red wine – on teeth.

Does baking soda prevent weeds? ›

Baking soda makes an incredible weed killer especially when it is mixed with other kitchen staples, like vinegar or lemon juice. Just dissolve 1 ½ cup of baking soda and a tablespoon or two of vinegar in a gallon of water. Transfer the concoction in a spray bottle and spritz away!

What does Epsom salt and baking soda do for plants? ›

Epsom salt is a very effective nutrient for plants. The reason is that it contains a good amount of magnesium. Next, you'll need baking soda to act as an anti-fungal. Household ammonia is the third and last ingredient.

What happens when you water plants with soda? ›

Multiple studies have shown plants can derive carbon from the CO2 in carbonated water. A few studies also reported watering with carbonated water increased levels of calcium, magnesium and zinc present in the leaves, compared to the control plants watered with plain water.

What is baking soda and hydrogen peroxide good for? ›

Studies have shown that baking soda and peroxide together can kill some of the bugs that cause gum disease, reduce plaque and reduce gum inflammation. Did you know that it can also whiten teeth? Stir mixture into paste-like consistency. Make sure it's not too gritty!

What happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda? ›

A chemical reaction between the vinegar and the baking soda produces bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. The dish detergent in the vinegar helps the bubbles last longer than they would with just vinegar and baking soda.

What does toothpaste and baking soda do? ›

Neutralize Plaque Acids More Effectively

Without proper care, plaque acids can weaken and erode your enamel. No other ingredient neutralizes those harmful plaque acids better than baking soda — and ARM & HAMMER™ Toothpastes are powered by the most effective levels of baking soda*.

Does baking soda raise blood pressure? ›

High blood pressure: Sodium bicarbonate might increase blood pressure. People who already have high blood pressure should avoid sodium bicarbonate. Low potassium levels in the blood: Sodium bicarbonate might lower potassium blood levels.

Can baking soda help with weight loss? ›

There is no scientific evidence that baking soda is effective for weight loss. In fact, there are many potentially dangerous side effects of ingesting baking soda in large amounts on its own or with water. Poison Control say that people should not consume baking soda unless a healthcare provider recommends it.

What happens if you eat a tablespoon of baking soda? ›

Early after an ingestion of too much baking soda, vomiting and diarrhea are common as the body tries to correct the high sodium concentration by pulling more water into the digestive tract. After absorption, high sodium concentrations can cause seizures, dehydration, and kidney failure.

What did pioneers use for baking soda? ›

Made from lye and wood ashes, or baker's ammonia, pearlash consisted mainly of potassium carbonate, which also produces carbon dioxide quickly and reliably.

Is baking soda good for plant fungus? ›

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an effective and inexpensive antifungal agent that is readily available at a supermarket. It is an organic and eco-friendly remedy for black spots and fungal diseases such as powdery mildew. Fungus can quickly damage plants and cause plants to wilt and die.

Can you use baking soda for flowers? ›

Any of the fungicide products (bleach, baking soda, vodka) combined with soda or sugar and some form of acid do a good job of keeping flowers fresh.

What happens when you add baking soda to vegetables? ›

This is a bad practice, however, and you should avoid adding baking soda when boiling any type of vegetable. It has various unwelcome effects, such as softening the vegetable, altering the vegetable's flavor, destroying thiamine content, and hastening the loss of vitamin C.

What does soaking vegetables in baking soda do? ›

The US Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture and other scientists agree: use a cold water soak with baking soda to effectively help remove dirt, chemical residue, and other unwanted materials from your fresh vegetables and fruits.

Why do you put Epsom salt on tomatoes? ›

Use Epsom salts to restore the micronutrient levels in the soil, and your tomato plants will grow taller and produce more fruit – every tomato gardener's ultimate goal.

How often do you put baking soda on plants? ›

Apply the spray one time each week on a cloudy or overcast day to avoid plant burning. Spot-treat a few leaves as a test before widespread use. Another preventative option is a spray made with four teaspoons of baking soda in one gallon of water.

What happens when you mix tomato sauce and baking soda? ›

Great tomato flavor is all about balancing acidity and sweetness. Too much of either can leave you with asauce that tastes one-dimensional. Many sources recommend adding a pinch of baking soda to a sauce that's overly tart, which raises the pH and makes it less acidic.

What does co*ke do for tomato plants? ›

Soda Pop as Fertilizer

Club soda or carbonated water contain the macronutrients carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorous, potassium sulfur, and sodium that are essential for healthy plant growth. The absorption of these nutrients encourages more rapid growth in the plant.

Can too much baking soda hurt plants? ›

Technically, yes. But practically speaking, it's not ideal. Because high concentrations of sodium are toxic to plants, if you dump a bunch of dry baking soda onto a small plant, it will probably die. Also, because sodium is soluble, it's likely to hurt or kill nearby plants that you didn't want to harm.

What does Epsom salt do for hydrangeas? ›

Hydrangea macrophylla, ones with pink and blue ones, are affected by the pH of the soil. A pH below 6 is best for blue flowers; above 6 encourages pink ones. Adding Epsom salts to your plant increases the amount of magnesium in the soil.

Is soaking your feet in vinegar and baking soda good? ›

Put equal parts of vinegar and warm water in a small tub. Soak your feet in the vinegar soak for about 15-20 minutes. Make sure you clean your feet with gentle soap after soaking. Baking soda soak: Baking soda soak is an effective home remedy to relieve itchy feet.

Can you put baking soda in your socks? ›

Baking soda – Just like talcum powder, sprinkling it over your feet can help dry up any moisture, making it difficult for bacteria to grow. It also helps to neutralise odour. You can even sprinkle some baking soda in socks before wearing them and in your shoes overnight to help them dry out.

How can I detox my feet at home? ›

Dissolve 1 cup of sea salt and 1 cup of baking soda in a warm footbath. Soak the feet in it for 30 minutes.

Can you mix Dawn and vinegar and baking soda? ›

Try this: Vinegar Cleaner: 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp Dawn dish soap 1 tbsp white vinegar Directions: Fill spray bottle with water. Add Dawn. Add baking soda. Add Vinegar.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda? ›

By reacting together, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda produce carbon dioxide and chemicals which are excellent in removing bleaches. And thus, they make a fantastic couple together!

What happens when baking soda touches skin? ›

Skin is meant to be slightly acidic, with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5, but baking soda has a pH of 9. Increasing the pH of your skin can lead to dryness, irritation, and other side effects.

Can I use baking soda on my body everyday? ›

For acne breakouts, baking soda can help soothe inflammation and mild pain. It can be used as an exfoliant or added to current acne treatments to boost effects. However, it's not recommended for everyday use.

Do baking soda make you lose weight? ›

There is no scientific evidence that baking soda is effective for weight loss. In fact, there are many potentially dangerous side effects of ingesting baking soda in large amounts on its own or with water. Poison Control say that people should not consume baking soda unless a healthcare provider recommends it.

Who should not drink baking soda? ›

Don't take baking soda within 2 hours of other medications. When the baking soda lowers stomach acid, it can slow the rate at which your body absorbs some medicines and change the way others work. Don't give it to a child under 6 unless your pediatrician tells you to.

Why put baking soda under your eyes? ›

"Baking soda can help remove excess oil from the skin, which may contribute to prominent pores and shine," says Zeichner. "Any real benefits for undereye bags will likely be only modest." Sorry, guys: It looks like you're better off skipping the natural recipes and sticking to tried-and-true eye creams.

Can baking soda remove dark spots? ›

Does baking soda help remove dark spots? A. Owing to its bleaching properties, baking soda can help fade away black marks and spots on the skin. However, it's important that you mix baking soda with other natural ingredients as it can be harsh on your skin if used topically.

Can you get yellow teeth white again? ›

Yes, most stains can easily be lifted from the teeth with professional whitening treatments. The strength of our treatments help patients transform their smile to a dazzling white! It is important to note that internal stains are more difficult to remove.

How can I make my teeth white instantly? ›

A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide has been proven to work in some cases for instant results in a pinch. Combine two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Mix it until it becomes a paste and use it to brush your teeth.

How do celebrities get their teeth so white? ›

Porcelain Veneers

These are very popular amongst celebrities because of their incredible results. Veneers are thin, strong shells that are custom-made from dental porcelain to cover the front surface of your teeth. They can fix small cracks, chips, gaps, and discoloration all at once.

Is baking soda good for aging skin? ›

Baking soda works to remove dead skin cells, soften your complexion, and tighten pores. Used as part of a wrinkle-fighting beauty routine, exfoliating with baking soda can lead to visibly smoother, firmer skin.

Can baking soda remove dark spots on legs? ›

Baking Soda And Water:

Using a mixture of baking soda and water can help discourage hyper pigmentation on the skin. It helps to remove the dark spots from the skin easily. Take two spoons of baking soda and add some water to it. Mix together and apply the paste on the dark spots.

What can baking soda do for your nails? ›

Nail smoother.

"Combine three parts baking soda and one part water to create a gentle yet effective scrub to buff and exfoliate nails," says Julie Kandalec, the creative director at Paintbox in New York City. "Rub gently in circular motions over hands and fingers to seriously smooth the nail surface."

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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