20 Genius Things Mark Cuban Says To Do With Your Money (2024)

Net Worth / Business People

By Valencia Higuera

20 Genius Things Mark Cuban Says To Do With Your Money (1)

You might have heard this billionaire’s name, but who is Mark Cuban and how did he make his money? It’s possible you know him as one of the sharks on the hit show “Shark Tank,” but Cuban is more than just a TV personality — he’s also the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a successful investor. In fact, Cuban’s companies are so successful that he made his first million in 1990 after selling his business to CompuServe and then earned a $5.9 billion paycheck after he sold his online streaming audio service to Yahoo in 1999.

Cuban knows how to be rich and successful, and he isn’t afraid to share his insight. Check out Mark Cuban’s advice, so you can learn how to budget money andthink like a billionaire.

Be a Little Bit of a Risk Taker

Talk to any self-made millionaires or billionaires and they might preach the importance of taking calculated risks. Sometimes, risks and rewards go hand-in-hand, as Cuban pointed out in a 2017 interview with Money magazine while discussing the value of investing your savings.

He explained that it’s possible to save a million dollars, but only if you’re disciplined and take risks. Many who achieve higher levels of financial success aren’t afraid to invest for the betterment of their future — whether they’re investing in the market, a business or their education.

But Invest Only Up To 10% in Risky Investments

If you do take risks in the investment realm, limit the amount you contribute.

“If you’re a true adventurer and you really want to throw the Hail Mary, you might take 10% and put it in bitcoin or Ethereum, but if you do that, you’ve got to pretend you’ve already lost your money,” Cuban told Vanity Fair. “It’s like collecting art, it’s like collecting baseball cards, it’s like collecting shoes — something’s worth what somebody else would pay for it. I’d limit (risky investments) to 10%.”

Make Your Money Work Better for You

Put It in the Bank

In an exclusive interview with Young Money, a personal finance education and media company, Cuban offered this general investing advice and then followed the statement by saying, “The idiots that tell you to put your money in the market because eventually it will go up need to tell you that because they are trying to sell you something. The stock market is probably the worst investment vehicle out there.”

Although some investors believe the stock market is the ticket to wealth, others believe the market is too risky and volatile. Your stock can be profitable one day, yet it only takes one downturn to lose it all. Rather than put all your eggs in the stock market, Cuban encourages keeping some money in a savings account for a rainy day so you’re protected if something goes wrong. In his own words, “Buy-and-hold is a sucker’s game … Those who put their money in CDs sleep well at night and definitely have more money today than they did yesterday.”

Save 6 Months of Income

Aim to have six months worth of income saved in that bank account, Cuban told Vanity Fair.

“If you don’t like your job at some point or you get fired or you have to move or something goes wrong, you’re going to need at least six months income,” he said.

Find a Way To Invest Inexpensively in the Market

If you want to dabble in the market, Cuban advises doing so safely to minimize your risk. In his conversation with Money, he suggested investing in a low-cost mutual fund. These are investments that let you pool your assets with the assets of other investors, which provides a cheaper way to diversify your portfolio. As Cuban puts it: “If you can find a way to invest inexpensively in the market, you can start to build your net worth.”

Make Your Money Work Better for You

If You Don’t Fully Understand the Risks of an Investment You’re Considering, It’s OK To Do Nothing

Cuban gave this advice in a blog on his site titled “The Best Investment Advice You Will Ever Get.” Although investing can build your net worth and put you on the path toward financial freedom, there’s no guarantee that an investment strategy will pay off.

Before investing, make sure you know the risks and prepare for the possibility of losing money. If you have doubts — or if there’s too much uncertainty surrounding an investment — there’s nothing wrong with holding onto your cash until the right opportunity comes along.

Don’t Let Fear Be a Roadblock

Cuban shared this statement in his book “How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It.” Fear is a natural feeling, but it’s also one of the worst enemies to success. If you want to get ahead, get out of your own way and stop hiding behind fear — it keeps you stuck in the same place and stifles growth.

If investing is new to you, fear and apprehension are normal. Rather than let it hold you back, educate yourself on different investment strategies to build your confidence — when you are ready, start with cheaper, safer investments.

Be a Smart Shopper

There’s a definite connection between being a smart shopper and a savvy investor. In one ofMark Cuban’s blog posts on the best investment advice,he explains how cash creates transitional returns. He encourages analyzing how much you spend over the course of a year and then suggested taking advantage of cash, quantity and discounts to get a better return on your money. In other words — it’s best to buy in bulk.

“Saving 15% on $1,000 worth of items you know you will absolutely spend money on is a better return on your money than making 15% in a year on a $1,000 investment because you don’t pay taxes on it,” said Cuban.

Rarely Take Third-Party Advice on Investments

Cuban isn’t afraid to march to the beat of his own drum, particularly when it comes to his money and investing. In an interview with Forbes, Cuban stated he rarely takes third-party advice on his investments, thus underscoring an important point: Don’t put all your trust in someone else.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek guidance from financial advisors. Their insight is invaluable when you’re just starting out and have limited investment knowledge. At the same time, don’t give someone complete control over where your money goes. Learn the ins and outs of investing for yourself so you can have a say in how you invest your money. If you’re just starting out, pick up a book to start learning.

Make Your Money Work Better for You

Go To the Cheapest School Possible for Your Freshman — and Maybe Sophom*ore — Classes

College can be an excellent investment in your future and provide the skills and knowledge you need to improve your financial outlook — but acquiring said knowledge isn’t without costs. Cuban offers a cheaper approach: Enroll in a local or community college for the first couple of years of your undergraduate education. Some might argue for the benefits of attending a prestigious school, but Cuban encourages young people to go to a school they can actually afford.

The most important criteria when choosing a college is affordability,” he tweeted in May 2019. “A community college that offers transferable credits is always smart.There isn’t a lot of value add from big-name schools for freshman or sophom*ore classes, particularly when a motivated student can augment their studies with free online courses from the big names.”

Have Disciplined Spending

Cuban knows a thing or two about being disciplined and living frugally — after college, he moved into a house with five roommates, lived off macaroni and cheese, and drove an older vehicle. Rather than invest in expensive belongings, he invested in himself and his future goals. Likewise, a frugal mindset can propel you toward your goals. If you make money and build a nest egg, you’ll have the resources needed to make smart investments.

Live beneath your means and reduce spending to help build your savings. Consider driving an older car, buying secondhand goods, living with your parents a little longer or getting a roommate to lower housing expenses.

Pay Off Credit Cards After 30 Days — or Don’t Use Them at All

Credit cards serve a useful purpose, but they can also lead to debt if you don’t manage them responsibly, which is why Cuban gave this advice to consumers. He doesn’t discourage using a credit card, but he does encourage paying off balances in full every month to avoid wasting money on interest.

“Using a credit card is OK if you pay it off at the end of the month,” Cuban said in an interview with Money. “Just recognize that the 18% or 20% or 30% you’re paying in credit card debt is going to cost you a lot more than you ever could earn anywhere else.”

Make Your Money Work Better for You

If You Have Credit Card Debt — or Any Debt — Pay It Off Before Making Other Investments

“The best investment you can make is paying off your credit cards, paying off whatever debt you have,” Cuban told MarketWatch. “If you have a student loan with a 7% interest rate, if you pay off that loan, you’re making 7%, that’s your immediate return, which is a lot safer than picking a stock, or trying to pick real estate, or whatever it may be.”

Negotiate Using Cash

Cuban has long preached that cash is king, and he told Vanity Fair that having cash available can ultimately save you money.

“I tell people all the time, if you’re out, you’re going to take a yoga class, and they want to charge you $30, say, ‘Look, I got $20.’ You know what? They’re going to take it,” he told Vanity Fair. “Negotiating with cash is a far better way to get a return on your investment.”

Books Are Always a Good Investment

Although Cuban is an advocate of living cheaply and saving as much as possible, he believes that a good book is the one thing that’s always worth the money.

“I used to love to walk through bookstores when there were bookstores everywhere, and if there was something that caught my eye, and I thought it could give me one idea, to spend $30 to get one idea that could help propel me, make my businesses better — it was a bargain,” he told Vanity Fair.

One book that got Cuban “all fired up” is “The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need” by Andrew Tobias, he said. “I’ll read hours every day because all it takes is one little thing to propel you to the next level.”

Make Your Money Work Better for You

Keep Your Money to Yourself

Cuban doesn’t seem to believe the old adage, “Sharing is caring.” In an interview with The Dallas Morning News, he advised potential lottery winners to think twice before lending money to anyone. His advice is applicable to anyone who comes across a financial windfall.

“Tell all your friends and relatives ‘no,'” Cuban said. “They will ask. Tell them ‘no.’ If you are close to them, you already know who needs help and what they need. Feel free to help some, but talk to your accountant before you do anything. And remember this: No one needs $1 million dollars for anything. No one needs $100,000 for anything. Anyone who asks is not your friend.”

Don’t Make Rash Money Moves Based on Market Fluctuations

The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the markets — but Cuban said that this is not a time to panic.

“Remember the market is where it was less than a year ago,” he shared on LinkedIn. “No one freaked out when it went up too fast. No reason to freak out when it goes down quickly. Remember, I follow the No. 1 rule of investing: When you don’t know what to do, do nothing.”

Avoid Taking Out Bank Loans

Cuban is passionate about avoiding debt, whether it’s credit card debt or a loan from the bank. If you want to start your own business, he recommends doing it without relying on bank loans.

“If you take a loan, you are no longer the boss,” he told Dave Ramsey. “And your customers are no longer the bosses. Your banker is the boss. And if you hit any adversity, like every startup does, the priority becomes taking care of your banker… You’re no longer in a position to do whatever it takes to survive.”

Make Your Money Work Better for You

Use Your Money To Buy Time

“I value my time a lot more than my next dollar,” Cuban told Barbara Corcoran on her podcast, “888-Barbara.”

That’s why he doesn’t mind spending his money on “things that buy time” — which for him meant buying a private jet, but for the average person, this can mean paying extra for little conveniences such as pre-chopped vegetables or hiring a cleaning service so you have more time to spend with family.

“I can make things happen more quickly by paying a little bit more,” he said. “And that’s important, because time is the one asset you can’t own, buy or get back.”

Refinance Debt When Interest Rates Are Low

Although there are numerous downsides to a recession, one of the silver linings is low interest rates. In a Twitter Q&A, Cuban said that one of the best things to do during a recession is to take advantage of these low rates.

“Refinance your student loan and any other debt you have,” he said.

For financial advice on money and investing, seek out those with a successful track record. Your chances of a one-on-one session with Mark Cuban are probably slim to none, but this doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from his wisdom. Between his blogs, interviews and Q&A sessions, he’s proven that he’s more than willing to share his money tips with others.

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Gabrielle Olya contributed to the reporting for this article.

20 Genius Things Mark Cuban Says To Do With Your Money (2024)


What does Mark Cuban say to do with your money? ›

Save 6 Months of Income

Aim to have six months worth of income saved in that bank account, Cuban told Vanity Fair. “If you don't like your job at some point or you get fired or you have to move or something goes wrong, you're going to need at least six months income,” he said.

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But there are some ideas that, when taken together, can put you in good financial standing and set you up for success over the long term.
  • Open an interest-bearing account. ...
  • Build up your emergency fund. ...
  • Pay down your debt. ...
  • Set aside money for large upcoming purchases. ...
  • Consider investing what's left over.
Mar 13, 2024

What investments does Mark Cuban have? ›

One notable example is Tower Paddle Boards, a company Cuban invested $150,000 in during the show's third season. As of 2024, the company had paid Cuban over $1 million in royalties, making it one of his most lucrative "Shark Tank" investments to date.

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Billionaire Mark Cuban amassed his fortune in several ways: a savvy bet on the early internet, cryptocurrencies, and even owning a professional sports team.

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Everyone has got the will to win; it's only those with the will to prepare that do win. In business, to be a success, you only have to be right once. Never settle. There is no reason to rush.

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Build an Emergency Fund Before You Build Wealth

The first half of Ramsey's top investing rule is to get out of debt. The second is to fully fund your emergency savings before you try to grow your money on the market.

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One of the simplest ways to make $5000 in a day is by selling items online. This could be done through a platform like eBay or Amazon, or through a personal website or social media page. To maximize profits, consider selling items that are in high demand, such as electronics, fashion items, or collectibles.

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Pay off debt

One of the best things you can do for your finances is to pay off all of your debt. To get started, focus on your most expensive debt—the credit cards and loans that charge you the highest interest. Once you have paid off all of these debts, focus on paying off your mortgage.

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In the mid-1990s, she invented a plastic earring organizer, patented it and launched her first company. The earring organizer was an immediate hit at JCPenney, which allowed Greiner to expand her business into other product categories, such as travel, electronics and household items.

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Mark Cuban bought a $40 million Gulfstream V jet online in 1999, setting a Guinness World Record. Cuban, known for his Shark Tank deals, researched the jet online and quickly decided to purchase the type. Owning the private jet has given Cuban more time with family and a significant boost in productivity.

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Cuban started the Fallen Patriot Fund to help families of U.S. military personnel killed or injured during the Iraq War, personally matching the first $1 million in contributions with funds from the Mark Cuban Foundation, which is run by his brother Brian Cuban.

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While he personally believes in crypto and owns some himself, he also calls it a “Hail Mary.” In a January ask-and-answer session on X, Cuban said that his crypto portfolio includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon and Injective, and that his NBA team the Dallas Mavericks still accepts Dogecoin as payment.

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Contact Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks) mcuban@gmail.com (Personal) mark.cuban@dallasmavs.com (Dallas Mavericks)

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Nevertheless, appearing on “Shark Tank” had benefits. Within a month of the show airing, the couple sold some $1 million worth of products. Then, in 2022, they sold their entire company. “We still owned 100 percent of it,” said Coddou, “which means that we got 100 percent of the purchase price.”

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Crypto is a mainstay with younger and independent voters. Gensler HAS NOT PROTECTED A SINGLE INVESTOR AGAINST FRAUD. All he has done is make it nearly impossible for legitimate crypto companies to operate, killing who knows how many businesses and ruining who knows how many entrepreneurs," Cuban posted on X.

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Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.
  1. Start Saving Early. ...
  2. Avoid Unnecessary Spending and Debt. ...
  3. Save 15% of Your Income—or More. ...
  4. Make More Money. ...
  5. Don't Give in to Lifestyle Inflation. ...
  6. Get Help If You Need It.
Apr 11, 2024

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"The reality is in order to become a billionaire, the one thing you have to have is luck. Any billionaire who tells you they could just do it again.... no," he says at the start of his edition of Wired's "Tech Support" video series, where top experts answer questions from the internet.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.