20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (2024)

Rabbits like to munch on anything they can get their teeth on. This means garden plants and potted house plants can often fall prey to a curious rabbit. Despite these leaf-eating behaviors, not all plants are completely safe for rabbits to eat. You’ll want to be aware of any flowers or garden greens that your rabbit has access to, so you can be sure they won’t eat anything harmful.

If you’re trying to grow these safe garden plants or potted flowers, you may want to keep them away from your rabbit anyway. Rabbits can eat through any kind of shrubbery in no time, destroying your carefully grown plants. But if one of these unfortunate events does occur, you can at least know that your rabbit’s health is not at risk.

Learn about plants and flowers that are poisonous to rabbits.

How worried should you be about poisonous plants?

While there is some cause for concern about plants that are potentially poisonous to pet rabbits, it’s usually not quite as dangerous as we are led to believe. While there are some exceptions, most plants that are toxic for rabbits are only mildly poisonous. If your rabbit only eats a small amount of those plants, they likely won’t suffer from significant negative side effects.

Most of the time when rabbits have enough safe plants to munch on, they’ll ignore other unsafe plants because these don’t taste as good. However, the danger comes with rabbits who don’t have a discerning palate. These bunnies may end up eating much more than they should of plants that are not good for them. Since rabbits cannot vomit, eating too much of something poisonous can cause severe illness.

Indoor potted plants can be a particular danger to rabbits. When rabbits only have limited access to plants, their natural curiosity can take over causing the rabbit to nibble on whatever is available. If that happens to be a poisonous plant, they may end up eating a lot before you even notice. It’s best to make sure any indoor potted plants are safe for rabbits, or to keep them completely away from your rabbit’s reach.

Plants that are safe for rabbits

Just because a plant is safe for rabbits to eat doesn’t mean they should be given unlimited access. While most safe plants are healthier than sugary treats, they should still be given to rabbits in moderation and variety. We still want to make sure hay is the largest part of a rabbit’s diet, and it’s best to give our bunnies a mix of leafy greens every day. Safe flowers can be given in moderation, but shouldn’t make up a large portion of a rabbit’s diet.

It’s also very important to pay attention to any fertilizers or pesticides that are used with the plants your rabbit is eating. Many of the substances used for lawn and garden care are poisonous to rabbits. They can be much more toxic than poison plants, so be sure to pay attention to any chemicals you use to keep your garden and plants looking nice.

20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (1)

1. Roses

Rose bushes are safe for rabbits to chew on. This includes the leaves, twigs, branches and flowers. Rose petals can actually be a very yummy treat for many rabbits. You can offer them fresh or even dried.

There are some herbal loose leaf tea mixes that include rose hips or rose petals that can actually be very yummy to use as foraging treats for rabbits (check all the ingredients in the mix before giving it to your rabbit). Simply spread the mixture in with your rabbit’s hay to give them some yummy pieces to find. It can also encourage your rabbit to eat more of that healthy hay.

2. Daisies

While not incredibly nutritious, daisies can be a yummy treat for your rabbit. The whole plant is completely safe and nontoxic for rabbits. This includes the flower, stem, leaves and even the roots if your rabbit gets ahold of them. The leaves can even provide some extra protein for your rabbit.

Daisies can have a tendency to pop up all over a lawn. They spread easily and are difficult to get rid of, but luckily there is no need to go weeding daisies out of your yard. If your bunny has access to an outdoor run, you can feel safe knowing that this fast growing plant won’t harm your rabbit.

3. Dandelions

Dandelions are actually nutritious for rabbits. The leaves, in particular, contain a high amount of vitamin A, which makes them a very healthy part of a rabbit’s diet. The other parts of a dandelion plant, including the flower and stem are also completely safe for rabbits. They can be a very yummy treat that rabbits will happily gobble up.

If your lawn erupts with dandelions every year, go ahead and pick some to give to your rabbit (as long as your lawn uses safe fertilizers!). If your rabbit has an outdoor run or time outside on a leash, you don’t have to worry about them foraging around and munching on these yummy plants.

4. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are another type of flower that is safe for bunnies to eat. These flowers are so yummy to rabbits, that many homeowners struggle to find ways of keeping wild rabbits away from them.

The whole plant is safe for rabbits, including the flower, leaves, stem, and even the seeds. Just be sure to practice moderation, especially with sunflower seeds. They are high in fat and can cause digestive problems if given in high amounts. So it’s best to only give the seeds to your rabbit as if they were treats, and not as a common source of food.

20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (2)

5. Mints

Mints are all safe for rabbits to eat. This also includes spearmint, chocolate mint, peppermint, and more. Of course, this doesn’t include mint flavored candies or gum, but the plants are all safe for rabbits to eat. The leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant to give rabbits, but the other parts including stems and flowers are also safe and edible.

The mints that we’re talking about here are all in the genus Mentha. There is another species of plants called perilla mint (also called beefsteak mint or Japanese basil) that is toxic for rabbits. The leaves of this plant look similar to the common mint that is used in cooking, but the two plants are not directly related.

  • Read more: Learn more about the types of herbs that have health benefits for rabbits

6. Bell flowers

Bell flowers, also called campanula are safe for rabbits to eat. Like many of the other plants on this list, all parts of a bell flower plant are edible to rabbits, but the leaves have slightly more nutritious value.

Whether you keep them potted inside or grow them in a garden, you may not want your rabbit to get ahold of these flowers because of how beautiful they are. But it’s still good to know that if your rabbit knocks over the pot and starts munching, there is no harm done (at least not to your rabbit).

20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (3)

7. Willow

The wood from willow trees is commonly used in toys for rabbits. This type of wood is completely safe, and can often be a lot of fun for rabbits to dig their teeth into. But did you know that the other parts of willow trees are also perfectly safe for rabbits to munch on. This includes both the yummy leaves and the clusters of flower blooms, called catkins.

What’s even better is that clippings from willow trees don’t need to be dried like many other types of wood. Fallen branches and twigs can be a fresh and yummy treat for bunnies. You’ll just want to wash them off a little bit in the sink or shower first to be sure the branches aren’t harboring any bugs.

8. Jasmine

True jasmine plants are known to be non-toxic for rabbits. The flowers, leaves, and stems are all safe for rabbits and completely edible. While you may want to keep your rabbit away so they don’t eat up your lovely potted jasmine plant, you can at least know it won’t do any harm to your rabbit.

Just be careful that you don’t have a false jasmine plant. These plants, called carolina jasmine or yellow jasmine, are toxic to rabbits. These plants look like true jasmine, but they are characterized by yellow flowers and are actually unrelated.

9. Nasturtium

Nasturtiums are tasty flowers for rabbits to snack on. These are really beautiful flowers, coming in vibrant warm colors. The whole plant is safe for rabbit consumption, including flowers, leaves, stems and even seeds. These flowers are tasty enough that even humans might like them!

Nasturtiums usually grow in a bush, but they can also grow vine-like along a fence or wire. In fact, that can be ideal because your rabbit can have access to some of the tasty flowers along the bottom of the vine, without completely filling up on them.

10. Hollyhock

Hollyhocks are lovely flowers that are completely safe for rabbits to eat. Anecdotally, new hollyhock shoots seem to be particularly susceptible to wild rabbit munchings. They can eat through a whole plant in no time flat. This is unfortunate for any flowers that you are trying to grow, but it means your domestic rabbits are not in danger of poisoning themselves by eating these delicious plants.

11. Cotton

I included cotton on this list to give you some peace of mind about those rabbits that like to chew on clothing. If you have any cotton plants or trees, they are safe for your rabbit to chew on and eat. But more likely the cotton that you have in your house is made up of blankets and clothing. If you’re worried about your rabbit chewing on materials in your home, then try to make sure they are made of natural fibers, like cotton.

20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (4)

12. Pot marigolds

Pot marigolds are also safe for rabbits to eat. Also called english marigolds, these big, bright orange or yellow flowers don’t have to be grown in a pot. They can also take up space in an outdoor garden. Whether you allow your rabbit to eat some or not, you can rest easy knowing that these plants won’t harm your rabbit.

There are two other types of marigold, however, that are toxic for rabbits. Marsh marigolds and french marigolds (also called african marigolds) are mildly toxic and should not be given to rabbits. The french marigolds are slightly less toxic and are likely to only cause some skin irritation, but it’s best to be on the safe side and keep them away from rabbits.

13. Lavender

Lavender is among the plants that are completely safe for rabbits to eat. You can give lavender to your rabbit fresh or even dried, allowing your rabbit to forage for the yummy pieces of lavender. Some evidence suggests that lavender can even act as a relaxing agent for rabbits, helping them to calm down and chill out.

Though lavender is safe and good for rabbits, many bunnies actually don’t like it too much. This plant often left alone in a garden, even when rabbits have access to it. This is likely due to lavender’s strong scent and prickly texture. But every once in a while, you’ll come across a rabbit who’s not picky and is happy to eat anything, including lavender.

14. Nettle

Stinging nettle and dead nettle are both safe for rabbits to eat. This includes the flowers, leaves, and stems. You may not want to go out and collect stinging nettle for your rabbit though, since it can actually cause a rash on humans. It’s perfectly safe for rabbits though, and does not appear to cause any kind of skin irritation.

Horse nettle (also called bull nettle) is a different kind of plant and is not safe for rabbits to eat. This unrelated type of nettle has high amounts of a chemical called solanine. It can potentially cause digestive issues with rabbits, especially if eaten in large amounts. All parts of horse nettle are potentially toxic for rabbits, but be especially wary of the berries and the leaves.

15. Chamomile

Chamomile is a completely safe herb for rabbits to eat. It may even have some medicinal properties that can help calm a rabbit down. Rabbits can eat chamomile both fresh and dried, and it is often a very yummy treat for rabbits.

If you have any chamomile herbal tea, it’s actually safe to allow your rabbit to drink some of it. Allow the tea to cool so you don’t risk your rabbit burning their mouth. Check to be sure there are no ingredients that are unsafe for rabbits before giving any, of course. Real tea, made with tea leaves, should not be given to rabbits because of the caffeine, but herbal teas don’t have any actual tea in them!

16. Clover

Clover is a wonderful treat for rabbits. They can eat the stems, leaves, flowers, and even the sprouts. If any clover pops up in your rabbit run, they are sure to munch it up. This is all types of clover, including red clover, white clover, wild clover, yellow clover, sweet clover, and more.

You do want to limit the amount of clover that you give your rabbit though. Like alfalfa hay, clover is a legume plant. It has a high amount of protein and can cause digestive upset or weight gain in high amounts. So it’s better to only give your rabbit clover as the occasional yummy treat.

20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (5)

17. Grass

It’s perfectly safe to allow your rabbit to eat as much grass from out on your lawn as they want. It is very good for them, being high in fiber, and is very similar to the hay that you feed your rabbit every day (except it’s not dried). Just remember to avoid using any poisonous fertilizers or pesticides out on your lawn.

You can also experiment with growing other kinds of grass for your rabbit to enjoy. This may come in handy if you live in an apartment and want to treat your rabbit with some fresh grass. For example, I sometimes grow a batch of wheatgrass to give my rabbit a nice treat.

  • Related Reading: Learn more about how grass can be added to your rabbit’s regular diet

18. Violets

Violet leaves, flowers and stems are safe for rabbits to eat. Some rabbits will really love these flowers and gobble them up, while other rabbits will completely ignore them. Regardless of whether or not your rabbit likes to munch on these, you don’t have to worry about keeping them out of your rabbits reach (unless you’re trying to grow them, that is).

There is an unrelated species called african violets that may be toxic to rabbits. This is a plant that is usually only found as an indoor potted plant and has fuzzy leaves. There is no clear evidence that these other violets are actually toxic, but it’s possible that they are mildly poisonous and should be kept away from rabbits.

19. Pansies

Pansies are cute, unique flowers that make nice potted plants or garden plants. This plant can also grow as wildflowers, so there’s no need to be worried if your rabbit happens to come across them on your lawn. The whole plant is safe for rabbits, including the flower, leaves and stem.

Pansies are so tasty that even some people (who have fewer taste buds than rabbits) sometimes add it to a salad. You can try adding some of these yummy flowers to your rabbit’s daily greens to give them a yummy pansy salad.

20. Fuschia

This is another plant that is perfectly safe for rabbits to eat in moderation. The flowers, leaves and stems are all edible and are not poisonous to rabbits. This is probably not a plant that I would specifically give to a rabbit because it doesn’t have all that much nutritional value, but it’s okay if your rabbit nibbles on some in your garden or manages to knock down your potted plant and eat part of it.

Tips and Tricks Newsletter

If you are new to caring for rabbits, check out the Bunny Lady bimonthly newsletter. Right after you sign up, you’ll receive a FREE pdf rabbit care guidebook. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know you’ll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit.


Recommended Products and Brands

Important: These are Affiliate links. As an associate to Amazon, Small Pet Select, and Chewy.com, I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases.

The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. These both have high quality rabbit products and are companies that care about the health of our small animals. If you are purchasing anything fromSmall Pet Selectuse the codeBUNNYLADYat checkout to get 15% off your first order.

20 Plants That Are Safe For Rabbits | The Bunny Lady (2024)


What is the best thing to plant for rabbits? ›

Broccoli – Broccoli is a perfect veggie to grow for yourself and rabbits. Since bunnies should only eat leaves and stems, you can feed them leaves all summer while your broccoli head grows. They grow best in traditional garden beds. Carrots – This is another great vegetable to grow for bunny and yourself.

What leaves can rabbits eat? ›

Benefits and Options
  • Leafy green lettuce (Romaine, butterhead, Bibb)
  • Red or green leaf lettuce.
  • Arugula.
  • Endive.
  • Turnip Greens.
  • Dandelion Greens.
  • Chicory.
  • Raspberry Leaves.
Apr 21, 2020

Which plants are toxic to bunnies? ›

The most poisonous plants for rabbits include Azalea, Bittersweet, Buttercups, Daffodils, Deadly Nightshade, Figwort, Foxglove, Hemlock, Meadow Saffron, Poppies, and Ragwort.

What plants can rabbits eat daily? ›

Plants that are safe for rabbits
  • Roses. Rose bushes are safe for rabbits to chew on. ...
  • Daisies. While not incredibly nutritious, daisies can be a yummy treat for your rabbit. ...
  • Dandelions. Dandelions are actually nutritious for rabbits. ...
  • Sunflowers. ...
  • Mints. ...
  • Bell flowers. ...
  • Willow. ...
  • Jasmine.

What can I put in my rabbits habitat? ›

What Does a Rabbit Need in Their Cage? Provide 1-2 inches of high-quality paper-based bedding in their main enclosure. Other items needed are a litter box in the corner with paper-based products, a cardboard hide box, a hay rack, a water bottle, a small pellet dish, and toys.

Can rabbits eat lavender? ›

Safe Herbs

Some herbs are safe for rabbits, and many are found in local stores or backyard gardens. These include basil, oregano, parsley, dill, cilantro, caraway, rosemary, sage, tarragon, lavender, peppermint, lemon balm, comfrey and clover.

Can rabbits eat tomatoes? ›

Can rabbits eat tomatoes as an occasional treat? Yes, but there are a couple things you should know first. Tomatoes do have some health benefits (they're a great source of vitamins A and C) — but they're also high in sugar. As a result, as with all fruits and vegetables, a small amount is key.

What greens can rabbits eat daily? ›

Particularly good vegetables include the dark leafy greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, mustard greens, carrot tops, cilantro, watercress, basil, kohlrabi, beet greens, broccoli greens, and cilantro.

Can rabbits eat cucumber? ›

Yes, it is safe for rabbits to eat cucumber! Most rabbits will love the fresh taste. Rabbits can also eat cucumber leaves. Before feeding cucumber to your rabbit, wash it in cold water to remove pesticides.

What greens are poisonous to rabbits? ›

While there are several varieties of dark, leafy lettuces (like romaine and green leaf) that make wonderful staples in a well-balanced rabbit diet, light-colored lettuces, like iceberg, contain a chemical called lactucarium that can be harmful to rabbits if ingested in large quantities.

Is bunnies Pee toxic? ›

However, some rabbit pee does contain a microorganism fungus called E. cuniculi. Many rabbits will be carriers of this and shed spores in their urine. While technically possible, infections from this for people with healthy immune systems is extremely rare.

Are house plants toxic to rabbits? ›

All house plants should be considered toxic. There is such a huge variety it's impossible to list them all. Few are safe, and it's far better to consider them all dangerous and not to allow your rabbits to eat any of them.

What house plants can rabbits eat? ›

Safe plants for rabbits include Chickweed, Clover, Daisies, Dandelion, Nasturtiums, Nettles, Roses, Pansies, Pot Marigolds, and Sunflowers. Safe garden vegetables for rabbits include Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Bok Choy, Carrot Tops (carrots themselves are high in sugar so give these sparingly), Basil, and Broccoli Greens.

What can rabbits eat unlimited? ›

As grazing animals, rabbits need to have an unlimited supply of fresh hay daily. You'll want to feed your rabbit grass hays. Good types of grass hay for bunnies are timothy, orchard grass, brome and oat hay. You can feed your bunnies either one type or a mixture of different grass hays.

What foods make rabbits happy? ›

Just like people, bunnies enjoy a good meal. A nice mix of hay, vegetables, pellets, as well as fresh water will make your rabbit healthy and happy.

What do rabbits need at night? ›

Placing a cardboard box in their hutch will do the trick. Stuff this box with hay, and your pet will feel safe and secure. If your rabbit doesn't sleep in their hutch at night, you should still provide this dark area. Rabbits are light sleepers, and will be disturbed by any change in illumination.

What should rabbits sleep on? ›

A rabbit's bedding must keep them safe, comfortable, and warm. Rabbits often eat their bedding, so it cannot be toxic. Shredded paper, Aspen shreds, specialist litter or pellets, and hay are all safe options.

Do rabbits need salt licks? ›

Contrary to popular belief, rabbits do not need salt licks, vitamins, or hard wooden objects to wear their teeth down. Teeth are kept worn to a proper length by the silicate and lignin content of grass and grass.

Can bunnies eat mint? ›

Mint is a healthy herb that can be fed to rabbits in small amounts. Not only is it tasty, but it has many health benefits. All parts of the mint plant can be eaten, including the leaves and stems. While the roots aren't toxic, they aren't nutritious either.

What scents are toxic to rabbits? ›

Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and pocket pets are also at risk.
Essential Oil concentrates that are known to be Pet Poisons include:
  • Cinnamon, Citrus (d-limonene), Clove, Eucalyptus, Pennyroyal.
  • Peppermint, Pine, Sweet Birch, Tea Tree, Wintergreen.
  • Ylang-Ylang.
Mar 12, 2018

Can rabbits eat cucumber peels? ›

Cucumber peel is more nutritious for rabbits than the soft flesh inside. It has a lower water content and is high in fiber. It also contains higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals than the flesh. You can feed rabbits cucumber skin as long as it has been washed.

Can rabbits eat pineapple? ›

Adult rabbits can eat pineapples, however, it is only recommended in moderation as pineapples are high in natural sugars and could lead to painful and trapped gas or bloating. It is best to feed your rabbit pineapple as a sweet surprise as it is full of nutrients, but also tastes like a special treat!

Can bunnies eat grapes? ›

Grapes aren't toxic to rabbits, and you can feed them to your rabbit occasionally. “Grapes contain a small amount of fiber, B vitamins and vitamin K, which may be beneficial to rabbits,” Dr. Burch told The Dodo. The fiber and water content of grapes can help your rabbit's digestion.

What is the best fruit for rabbits? ›

Treats should be healthy foods too, and only given in very small amounts, such as when training (e.g. teaching your bunny to use the litter box). Good treats are small amounts of fruit such as strawberries, bananas, raspberries, pineapple pieces, apples without seeds, and melons.

Can rabbits have bananas every day? ›

Rabbits should not be given more than 2 tablespoons of banana per 5 pounds of their body weight, 2-3 times a week. As a general rule, you should never feed a rabbit a piece of banana that's larger than the size of your thumb.

Can rabbits eat cabbage everyday? ›

I think we've answered the question — can rabbits eat cabbage — with a resounding yes! Leafy green vegetables should be a daily part of your rabbit's diet, and cabbage is an easy inclusion. Try to give your rabbit dark green loose-leafed varieties like savoy or cavolo nero.

Can rabbits eat potatoes? ›


Although potatoes won't necessarily poison rabbits, this human-favorite vegetable isn't ideal for them. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and starch, both of which can cause issues for your bunny's digestive system.

Can rabbits eat onions? ›

Avoid foods in the onion family such as leeks, chives and onions because eating these foods could cause blood abnormalities. A good amount of “other” vegetables (non leafy greens) to feed your rabbit would be about 1 tablespoon per 2 lbs of body weight per day in one meal or divided into two or more.

Can rabbits eat cheese? ›

Rabbits need high fiber diets, with very little fat, making cheese unsuitable for them to eat. Secondly, cheese has lactose in it, which rabbits cannot digest properly, and this is likely to cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, and possibly gas buildup.

What causes sudden death in rabbits? ›

RHDV2 is a highly contagious virus that can spread quickly among rabbit populations. But poses no human health risk. RHD causes sudden death in rabbits and spreads through direct contact between live rabbits or exposure to contaminated materials (carcasses, pelts, food, water, and forage, etc.)

What vegetables do rabbits avoid? ›

Plants rabbits tend to avoid include:
  • Vegetables: asparagus, leeks, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes.
  • Flowers: cleomes, geraniums, vincas, wax begonias.
  • Herbs: basil, mint, oregano, parsley, tarragon.

Can rabbits eat raw broccoli? ›

Do not give broccoli to rabbits. It will give them painful gas. Never give your rabbit kale or spinach. Kale and spinach can cause health problems over time, due to the high amount of oxalates and goitrogens.

Is rabbit poop toxic? ›

Is Rabbit Poop Harmful? While rabbits can carry parasites like tapeworm and roundworm, their waste is not known to transmit any diseases to humans.

What colour is rabbit sperm? ›

According to [65], the colour of rabbit sem*n is white with the intensity dependent on the concentration of the sperm.

Why is my rabbits pee milky? ›

Cloudy/white urine

Whereas dogs and cats will only absorb the amount of calcium their body needs from their diet, rabbits absorb all of the calcium within their diet and excrete the excess through the urinary system. This is why rabbit urine is often observed as being cloudy or white in colour.

Is rabbit pee and poop good for plants? ›

Potassium helps plants to digest the other nutrients and produce their own food. Rabbit manure contains two percent nitrogen, and one percent each of potassium and phosphorus. This makes it very, very nutritious for your plants.

Is bunny Pee good for plants? ›

Rabbit urine can be used as a pesticide or fertilizer for your crops. Using rabbit urine in farming is a great way to reduce farming expenses. Rabbit urine is cheap and you can harvest it if you rear rabbits on your farm. You can also sell it to farmers who practice organic farming.

Can rabbits eat succulents? ›

Deer and rabbits usually don't eat them.

While no plant is truly deer or rabbit proof, it appears they tend to go for other plants before munching on succulents.

Can bunnies eat basil? ›

Basil is okay for rabbits if it is fed to them in limited quantities. It is safe enough for them, but like all vegetables, fruits, and herbs, it must not be given to the rabbit too often or in excessive quantities.

Can rabbits eat peppers? ›

All bell peppers are healthy for rabbits. This includes red and green peppers. These vegetables have a tangier flavor than their yellow or orange equivalents. The House Rabbit Society places these peppers on their approved list of rabbit vegetables.

Do rabbits prefer fresh grass or hay? ›

Fresh grass is preferable, but hay is a very good substitute and it's available all year round. You can also buy kiln-dried grass.

What vegetables are good for rabbits daily? ›

Particularly good vegetables include the dark leafy greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, mustard greens, carrot tops, cilantro, watercress, basil, kohlrabi, beet greens, broccoli greens, and cilantro.

Do rabbits prefer grass or hay? ›

Grass is more nutritious than hay as hay is dried, causing some of the beneficial vitamins & minerals to fade over time. Just as their wild counterpart, a domestic rabbit will always opt to eat fresh grass over hay, and eat it with fervour too!

How can I attract more rabbits to my yard? ›

Plant bushes and evergreens along the edge of the yard, or add brush piles for the rabbits to hide in. Build brush piles by placing sticks on the ground, with smaller twigs and leaves on top. Rabbits are also attracted to weedy areas and tall grass, so allow an area to grow, and do not mow it.

What bedding is best for rabbits? ›

We recommend a good quality soft straw as the ideal bedding for warmth and comfort, particularly for outdoor rabbits. It's warm because the hollow strands trap warm air and it's also absorbent. It's important to understand the difference between hay and straw.

Should rabbits sleep on hay? ›

Bedding for rabbits

Bedding should be provided to give your rabbit extra insulation, somewhere to hide and something to nibble on. It should be clean and dry and should also be safe for your rabbit to eat. Hay and straw can be used. Wood shavings are not suitable as bedding material.

What is rabbit Favourite vegetable? ›

Once they've committed to eating their daily hay, your rabbit will be ecstatic to eat green, leafy vegetables like lettuce and escarole. The tops of several vegetables, such as radishes or carrots also make great treats.

What is toxic to rabbits? ›

Likewise buttercups, foxgloves, primrose, delphiniums/larkspur, columbine (aquilegia) hellebore, comfrey, poppy, periwinkle, monkshood, nightshade, ivy, privet, holly and yew are all reasonably common garden plants and all are toxic.

Do rabbits prefer day or night? ›

Nope! Another question that people often ask is whether rabbits sleep mostly during the day or at night. And the answer is neither. They are crepuscular, meaning that they are most active at dusk and dawn.

Where do rabbits prefer to sleep? ›

Sleeping area

Rabbits spend a lot of time sleeping, mostly during the day. The perfect sleeping area for rabbits is a place which approximates a burrow i.e. a roof over their heads and an entrance and exit route. Therefore, house rabbits tend to like sleeping behind sofas or under tables or beds.

What do rabbits hate in a garden? ›

Try sprinkling dried sulfur around or on your plants. Rabbits also dislike the smell of onions, so try planting these around your garden to further deter the furry creatures. To discourage pesky rabbits, try dusting your plants with plain talcum powder.

What smells attract rabbits? ›

Try using fruit.
  • You could use dried or fresh red apples to try to catch a rabbit. Either version should work. Rabbits also like bananas. ...
  • Spray apple cider with a spray bottle throughout the inside of the rabbit trap. The rabbit will be drawn by the apple scent, but the spray will also cover up human scent.

What food is irresistible to rabbits? ›

What Makes the Best Rabbit Bait? The best bait for rabbits includes brussel sprouts, carrots, lettuce and apples; you can also spray the inside of the trap with apple cider. Unusual rabbit baiting tips include crumbling up cheesy biscuits and placing them inside the trap.

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

Last Updated:

Views: 6267

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.