21 Insurance Sales Tips For Young or Inexperienced Insurance Agents (2024)

​Selling insurance is different from selling everything else.

Insurance is one of the most expensive things people buy and they can’t see it, touch it, or hold it.

You’re selling ideas. You’re selling trust. You’re selling promises.

You’re selling yourself.

This is such a huge challenge that most insurance salespeople quit in the first 2 years and many agents are afraid to hire inexperienced salespeople.

hate to see young producers fail and even more, I hate seeing agents miss out on the largest pool of cheap, passionate, and open-minded talent.

That’s why I created this resource. To help young insurance salespeople be successful and encourage hiring agents to consider young and inexperienced applicants.

If you know a young insurance salesperson please pass this article along to them. And if you are one:

Follow these 21 tips to be an inexperienced but insanely successful insurance salesperson:​

1) Dress More Professionally

Obviously, if you dress more professionally clients are more likely to take you seriously. I don’t need to convince you of that.

But when you’re the sharpest dressed person in the office your coworkers and your boss will take you more seriously and most importantly, you’ll take yourself more seriously!

Sometimes confidence comes from the outside in. If you look the part everyone, including yourself, will start to believe it.

2) Avoid Using “Young” Slang

Have you ever told a client or prospect that you were “all about” customer service?

Do you express agreement by saying things like, “Gotcha”, “Right on” or “For Sure”?

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in being yourself and not apologizing for it, but when you’re trying to sell, the more you speak like your prospect the better success you’ll have.

If your prospect doesn’t use those terms it’s harder to earn their trust when you do.

3) Find Common Ground

Regardless your prospect’s age or background there’s always something you have in common.

Find it.

Did you grow up in the same neighborhood? Like the same baseball team? Shop at the same grocery store? Do you both love your family?

Ask questions and figure it out so you can focus on the commonalities and skip over the rest.

4) Ask Prospects About Their Kids

If you’re trying to sell to someone much older than you, try to find out if they have a child or grandchild your age and ask a lot of questions about him or her.

You’ll prime their brain to think about their loved one. This makes your prospect more likely to buy from you since they would want someone else to do the same for their child.

Plus, while you may be young and inexperienced, if you’re more polished than their child you’ll come off as a real professional by comparison.

5) Reference Combined Experience

Remind prospects that they’re not buying only from you.

“I passed my licensing exam 3 months ago and I’m so lucky because our office has over 45 years of insurance experience! In fact, every single policy I write is double-checked by the owner of the agency.”

If experience may be an issue for your prospect, make sure they know you’re up to your ears in it.

6) Learn From Experienced Coworkers

Technology has created a very unusual situation in the business world.

It makes younger people think they’re smarter than they are.

As a tech guy myself, I know it’s hard to take advice from someone you just watched peck away at a keyboard to write a one sentence email.

But I also know more multi-millionaire insurance agents than almost anybody and I have found almost no correlation between their tech abilities and their success.

That’ll change for your generation, but learn everything you can from those who’ve been around.

​7) Be Enthusiastic

Have you ever seen an infomercial without enthusiastic people?

Everybody likes enthusiasm and as a young salesman, you can display unbridled enthusiasm without looking like an idiot.

People will just think you’re young and have a lot of energy.

They’ll like it. And they’ll buy into it.

8) Follow the Markets

If want to relate to a more mature and professional audience, follow the stock market.

You don’t have to be an expert, just know enough to ask questions that don’t make you sound stupid.

After you’ve qualified someone by asking if they follow the market, ask something like, “What sectors do you think are going to do the best in the next quarter?”

And don’t turn into one of those Cramer wannabees who think they always know the sleeper stock. It’ll make you look inexperienced to someone who has followed the market for years.

9) Listen to Your Phone Voice

​Record your voice on the phone while talking to some clients.

Do you sound smart?

Do you sound confident?

Do you sound like a little kid who picked up the phone in Daddy’s office?

10) Sell to Other Young People

There’s one group you have a huge advantage with in selling… other young people!

And guess what…

There’s millions of them!

Millions buying homes, millions getting married, starting businesses, having kids, buying expensive stuff!

Go get them!

11) Don’t Ignore Sales Fundamentals

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but Facebook, Twitter, Text Messages and QR Codes don’t sell insurance.

People do.

Of course there are tools that can make things easier and more effective for agents, but social media will never replace the basics.

Read “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. It was written in 1936 and teaches you how Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin and a lot of other old people become successful long before Mark Zuckerburg.

Everything in that book is just as relevant today as it was 75 years ago.

12) Speak Less, Listen More

As a young or inexperienced salesperson, there’s always an impulse to demonstrate your knowledge.

You want prospects to see you know your stuff because you’re a bit worried about it yourself.

The more you talk or explain things they didn’t ask about, the more obvious it is how much you don’t know.

And the more likely you’ll elicit a question you can’t answer!

13) Bring Up Age First

The best way to avoid an objection is to bring it up and overcome it before the prospect has a chance to.

Make a joke about your inexperience and be open about it.

Once you’ve brought it up, you have the excuse to explain why your prospect shouldn’t be concerned.

(you’re well-trained, you’re licensed, you ask questions when you don’t know answers, etc)

Here’sthe greatest example ever.

14) Be Better Prepared

If your inexperience makes you feel inadequate as a salesperson then find a way to get around it.

Work harder, work longer, learn more about your products. Have an answer for every possible question.

Read books about sales, listen to sales audio tapes, go to seminars about sales.

Get in front of a mirror, a colleague, or a friend and practice your sales scripts, practice your rebuttals, your closes.

Nothing comes to you. Prepare yourself and go get it.

15) Expect to Live In the Trenches

Selling insurance is hard, hard work.

Insurance agents you see with big houses and nice cars playing golf around the world didn’t get there overnight.

They sold and sold and sold.

And sold more.

It’s the only way to become super successful in this business and if you want to be successful you’re going to have to do it too.

​16) Become a Marketing Expert

You can’t rely on the agency or carrier you work for to come up with all the marketing ideas and generate leads.

Here’s a few marketing resources to get you started:

  • Free Marketing Book for Insurance Agents
  • 100 Insurance Agent Marketing Ideas
  • 100 Insurance Social Media Marketing Ideas
  • 100 Insurance Lead Generation Ideas
  • Insurance LeadFinder Tool

You’re not just a salesperson, you are a marketer.

17) Don’t Spew Features

When you’re new to selling it’s common to focus on product features rather than benefits.

At some point you learned all 10 features of a product and you’re anxious to prove your knowledge by telling customers about all 10 of them.

Unfortunately they don’t care about all of them.

There’s maybe one or two features that interest them and you’re better off asking questions to identify the client’s needs so you can explain how your products will satisfy those needs than trying to explain everything.

Don’t spew features on your clients; identify their needs and satisfy them.

18) Don’t Use Jargon

Nothing says “bad salesperson” more than using jargon to someone that doesn’t understand it.

There is no better way to show prospects you don’t give a %&#! about them than by using terminology no one outside your industry should know!

When you’re new, you have a unique advantage of being able to relate to clients as an outsider. People will actually relate better to you if they feel like you’re still on their side. You haven’t crossed over to the “insurance salesman” side.

Don’t use jargon, it only makes you look like you’re hiding something.

19) Recognize and Act on Buying Signals

I’ve witnessed a lot of new salespeople shoot themselves in the foot because they didn’t know when to shut up.

When someone is ready to buy, let them do it.

If it’s that important to explain everything then go ahead and do it… after you get their signature and a check!

20) Don’t Sell on Price

I get it… people are shopping on price, they’re comparing on price, and they’re buying on price.

You buy everything on price too, right?


Here’s the bottom line:

If you honestly believe people only buy on price then quit today. You’re in the wrong business and the industry doesn’t need you.

We’re not going to survive with a bunch of price-checkers. The entire industry will suffer if you don’t get out now.

Need some ideas for selling value? Read this.

21) Embrace Your Youth

Be crazy. Be reckless. Be passionate. Be young!

No one ever had a mid-life crisis and became an insurance salesman. Don’t be afraid to breathe some life into this business!

Smile. Laugh. Be fun.

Who would you rather spend an hour talking about insurance with?

Don’t Just Read This Article:

  1. Make a list of strategies that are going to help you.
  2. Develop an ACTIONABLE plan to follow through.
  3. Share this resource with every insurance school classmate or young co-worker so they’ll owe you a favor.
  4. And click “Like” to show me you want more material for new salespeople.

Good Luck!

21 Insurance Sales Tips For Young or Inexperienced Insurance Agents (2024)


21 Insurance Sales Tips For Young or Inexperienced Insurance Agents? ›

An agent who is only out to earn a commission, regardless of the needs of the client, is not likely to last long in the business. Agents and brokers who listen carefully to what their clients and prospects say will be able to earn their trust, which is the hardest part of their job.

What is the hardest part of being an insurance agent? ›

An agent who is only out to earn a commission, regardless of the needs of the client, is not likely to last long in the business. Agents and brokers who listen carefully to what their clients and prospects say will be able to earn their trust, which is the hardest part of their job.

Why do so many insurance agents fail? ›

Insurance agents succeed when they prioritize their customers' needs over their own profits. The most commonly cited reason insurance agents fail is that they fail to listen to their customers and take the time to find the best product to suit their needs.

How do I become an effective insurance sales agent? ›

Strong customer service skills are essential for an insurance agent to succeed. Timely responses to inquiries, emails and phone calls are a must. Customers want their insurance agents to help them resolve issues quickly and easily. Having a strong work ethic works hand-in-hand with having good customer service skills.

Is insurance sales difficult? ›

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal covered the state of the Insurance industry in California. Brian Harper, a Californian insurance agency owner who has been selling for 18+ years, called the job “soul-crushingly tough.”

Which branch of insurance pays the most? ›

High Paying Insurance Jobs
  • Health Insurance Specialist. ...
  • Insurance Broker. ...
  • Liability Claims Representative. ...
  • Insurance Adjuster. ...
  • Insurance Manager. ...
  • Final Expense Agent. ...
  • Life Insurance Actuary. Salary range: $79,500-$98,500 per year. ...
  • Insurance Loss Control Surveyor. Salary range: $79,500-$98,500 per year.

What kind of insurance agent gets paid the most? ›

While there are many kinds of insurance (ranging from auto insurance to health insurance), the most lucrative career in the insurance field is for those selling life insurance.

How many insurance agents quit in the first year? ›

Dear Friends, Somewhere around 80% of new insurance agents hired by independent marketing organizations fail and quit within their first 12 months of getting their license. And then within 5 years, 80% of the remaining new insurance agents will struggle and quit! That is a 90% failure rate for new agents.

Why are insurance agents so rich? ›

One of the primary reasons insurance agents can accumulate wealth is their commission-based income structure. Unlike salaried employees, agents earn a percentage of the premiums they sell to clients. As they build a client base and generate more sales, their income potential increases.

What is one of the biggest challenges in selling insurance? ›

1. Understanding Client Needs. One of the biggest challenges for insurance sales agents is understanding client needs.

How do you master sales in insurance? ›

Understanding customer needs, setting realistic expectations, and providing exceptional customer service are essential for successful life insurance sales. You must understand the different types of life insurance products available, including term life, whole life, and universal life.

What skills do insurance agents need? ›

Important Qualities
  • Analytical skills. Insurance sales agents must evaluate the needs of each client to determine the appropriate insurance policy.
  • Communication skills. Insurance sales agents must listen to clients and be able to clearly explain suitable policies.
  • Initiative. ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Self-confidence.

How do I become a closer in insurance sales? ›

7 Insurance Sales Techniques
  1. Tell a Good Story. Storytelling is a powerful way to influence the human psyche. ...
  2. Solve a Problem. ...
  3. Prioritize Loss Over Reward. ...
  4. Show Value Beyond Price. ...
  5. Quickly Address Objections. ...
  6. Ask Questions. ...
  7. Follow Up.
Sep 28, 2022

What is the failure rate of insurance agents? ›

In fact, many agents new to insurance are fearful, knowing they face a high risk of failure. How many agents quit selling insurance? There isn't an exact number. But we figure somewhere between 90% and 95% of agents quit in their first 12 months of receiving their license.

How fast can I make money selling insurance? ›

Most businesses don't make any profit in their first year of operating. It could take anywhere from 18 to 24 months for your insurance sales to actually provide profit. Don't feel discouraged. Every small business owner has to clear this hurdle.

How to answer why sales? ›

Avoid generic or cliché answers.

Share your genuine reasons for choosing a sales career, whether it's your love for building relationships, your competitive nature, or your desire to help others succeed. Authenticity is key to connecting with your interviewer and standing out from the competition.

What is the hardest part of selling life insurance? ›

Life insurance is a very difficult product to sell. Simply getting your prospect to acknowledge and discuss the fact they are going to die is a hard first step. When and if you clear that hurdle, your next task is creating urgency so they buy right away.

What is the disadvantages of being an insurance agent? ›

Unpredictable Income

While the insurance industry is stable and the income is lucrative, it can sometimes be hard to plan ahead and know where your next paycheck will come from, since your income may be solely based on sales made. To succeed in this field, you must be a go-getter.

Is selling insurance a stressful job? ›

Selling insurance can be stressful. It requires long work hours. You can also experience constant pressure to meet different quotas and targets. The highly competitive nature of the profession can create a work environment that often leads to stress and burnout.

What percentage of insurance agents succeed? ›

Dear Friends, Somewhere around 80% of new insurance agents hired by independent marketing organizations fail and quit within their first 12 months of getting their license. And then within 5 years, 80% of the remaining new insurance agents will struggle and quit! That is a 90% failure rate for new agents.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.