23 Signs A First Date Went Well (2024)

First dates are always exciting and intimidating. Whether you met your partner directly or online, you may only wonder whether the date went well. What are the signs the first date went well? Before you start a conversation with your friends about your first date and the compatibility you share with him, ask yourself how you felt in his presence and how you feel the date went. If you are still unable to figure out, check the list of signs we have covered here. These 23 signs can tell you if your first date went well as expected. Read on.

In This Article

23 Signs Your First Date Went Well

1. You Shared A Lot Of Laughs

If you both were laughing and generally having a good time, the date definitely went well. Even when something awkward happened, you both laughed it off instead of sitting there in silence. This means you both have a good rapport.

2. Easy Conversation

A good sign on a first date is when both people converse equally and eagerly. You both take turns asking each other things to get to know the other person. Sometimes, you both may speak at the same time, leading to fun and laughter. Instead of it becoming quiet, you both fall into easy conversation, almost like you have been friends for ages.

23 Signs A First Date Went Well (1) Quick Tip

Your first date went well if you felt comfortable discussing deep topics with some lighthearted teasing.

Related: 101 Things To Talk About With A Girl For A Great Conversation

3. Eyes Locked And Loaded

One sign of a date going really wrong is if your date didn’t look directly at you. We all know that you can have unspoken conversations with your eyes. Just by looking at someone, you can feel an instant connection. If your date looked at you eye-to-eye, you guys have a good thing going. When your partner looks directly into your eyes, you can feel the heat. And when you look into their eyes, there’s a playful sparkle. Things are looking good!

4. The Date Went On For Longer Than Expected

When you first set the date, you may have thought it would last an hour or two. Cut to three hours later, and there is still laughter and talking. This is a good sign. Some dates end badly, with one or both parties trying to stage an early exit. But if you spent longer than expected on the first date, it’s a clear sign that you both had fun.

Alan MacPherson, a blogger, shared his experience about how his first date in 10 years from a dating app went longer than he had expected. They started by sharing how their day went and some common chit-chat about work, which then moved to discussing their common interest of listening to true crime podcasts. His date was able to keep him transfixed all along with her banter and quick wit. The conversation moved on to further rounds of drinks, a game of darts, and a whole lot of personal conversation. He writes, “We had completely lost track of time. We packed up our things, called it a night, and both independently drove off to our homes, each stopping for McDonald’s on the way (in which I also told the girl at the drive-thru window that it was my first date in ten years. She said ‘great.’) (i).”

5. There Were No Awkward Pauses

You set up a date, and you’ve got your trusty list of questions in case there are any awkward pauses. But this time, it felt like you didn’t need any help from the list. A date where conversation flowed easily definitely went well. It also means that both of you are open to getting to know each other.

6. You Both Clicked

Maybe at first, it was a tad awkward and silent, but as you hung out more, you both just clicked. Maybe it’s because you both have similar interests. It could also be the mysterious spark everyone chases when they meet someone for the first time. Whatever it is, if you both instantly connected on the first date, it’s thumbs up all the way!

7. They Called You After The Date

After the date, if you immediately get a call or message from your date, it is a clear sign that things went well! You left a good enough impression on them to not have to wait for a few days before hearing from them.

8. You Got To Know Each Other

Usually, first dates are tough. You never know how much to share. But if you both were comfortable enough to ask each other deep questions and provide answers on the first date, it’s a good thing. Maybe once you reached home, your date messaged you asking even more questions so they can get to know you better. There is definitely a connection here!

Related: 721 Good Questions To Ask And Get To Know Someone Better

9. Positive Body Language

Body language is key in knowing if your date was interested in you. Did they lean in close to you? Did they try to sit closer to you? Were they having conversations with you while looking you in the eye? Maybe you both even played a flirtatious game of footsie under the table and gave each other compliments. All these are signs that you both have chemistry and are interested in each other.

10. No Distractions

When we hang out with our closest friends, we always have our phones out. But if you both were so engrossed in each other that no gadgets made an appearance on your first date, not only is it a sign that the date went well, it’s a miracle.

11. They Made Sure That The First Date Goes Well

Say you have this amazing friend, and finally you both decide to take things up a notch and go out on a date. If they took the time to find out what food you like, which is your favorite restaurant, what you like to do, what music makes you happy, etc., they clearly like you. Either they asked you or your close friends for that information. It shows that they are serious about you. And if your first date was filled with everything you love, clearly things look good!

12. They Paid Attention To You

Was your date paying attention to you? Not just the conversation – did your date look at you while talking? Did they answer your questions and ask questions in return to show interest? If yes, then your date went well. If someone is not interested in you, they will seem distracted when talking to you. They will look elsewhere and maybe even yawn. So if your date was focused on you, it’s all good!

23 Signs A First Date Went Well (2) Quick Tip

It can be a sign that they were interested in continuing the conversation and getting to know you more if they remembered the minor details you shared or brought up any previous exchanges you have had.

Related: 25 Unspoken Signs That Say He Cares About You

13. You Hit Each Other Up On Social Media

Honestly, if a date didn’t go well, they won’t make an effort to add you on social media. Did your date try to friend/follow you on any social media? If yes, they are definitely interested in getting to know you more.

14. You Already Made Plans For The Next Date

While on your first date, were you both already making plans for where to go the next time you meet up? This is a definite sign that the date is going well. If your date calls you to make plans for future dates, it’s on!

15. They Called You To Confirm The Second Date

While on your first outing together, did you both joke about doing something on a second date? If they call you to confirm that second date, they are definitely interested in you. Sometimes, plans for a second date are made, but nothing really materializes afterward. So if they are calling to confirm that second date, it is on, girl!

16. They Cancelled Other Plans

There may be cases where you both had a spark on your first date but whenever you try to make plans to go out again, nothing materializes because your schedules don’t work out. If your date is willing to cancel something from their schedule to meet you again, they clearly thought the first date went really well.

17. Walking You To Your Door

So the date is done and your partner is dropping you home. Did they walk you to the door? Maybe even lean in for a hug or a kiss? It’s clear they are attracted to you, which obviously is a good sign. On the other hand, if they dropped you home and drove off once you got out of the car, the date may not have been that great.

18. What Do Your Friends Say?

We all do this! Once the date is done, we sit and talk to our friends about everything that happened. Often, by their reactions, we can tell if a date was good or not. If your friends are giving you the thumbs up, then it’s a good sign.

19. Sexual Chemistry

You do not have to sleep with your date on a first date, but you most certainly will be able to tell if you were attracted to each other. Maybe there was a light touching of hands or brushing of shoulders here and there. Maybe there were some not-so-sneaky stares at each other. If there were sparks, the date can be considered a success.

Related: 17 Signs Of Chemistry Between Two People

20. They Took You Home

A first date can go really well, with both parties feeling an instant attraction to each other. The entire date may have become a long game of foreplay with sneaky touches and playful kicks. You both didn’t want the night to end, so you went to their place (or vice-versa) for a nightcap. Clearly, it went great. While most societal norms dictate that you shouldn’t sleep with someone on a first date, you should really do whatever feels comfortable to you. If you both were willing and consenting, there is no shame in having slept with someone on a first date.

21. Vulnerability

Most first dates are not very personally eye-opening. But if your date was comfortable with talking about their family and other aspects of their personal life, it can be a good sign. If they openly revealed or discussed intimate details of their life with you, they are interested in taking things further.

22. They Liked The Disastrous Date

Look, not everything is under our control. You may have wanted the date to go perfectly, but no matter how hard you tried, it was a colossal disaster. Maybe you both got food poisoning, or you dropped wine all over your date. Basically, your first date was bad, and you got home thinking, “Well, that’s the end of that!” But then your crush called or texted you and laughed about the entire thing. Clearly, they are still giving you a fighting chance, and despite the terrible night, they thought the date went well because they like you.

23. They Introduce You To Their Friends

If, after a first date, they call you over to hang out with their friends, it’s a big deal. Most people don’t introduce someone they are not serious about to their close friends. This shows that the date went so well, and the chemistry between you both is so strong that they want you to meet their friends.

Infographic: 10 Tell-Tale Signs A First Date Went Well

They paid complete attention to you, the communication flowed, and you had a lot in common – these are some great signs that a first date went well. But often, these are not enough. It is especially true if you were more anxious than usual. Before you discuss your situation with your friends, check the infographic below to find out if your first date went as well as expected.

23 Signs A First Date Went Well (3)


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23 Signs A First Date Went Well (5)

First dates can be stressful; after all, you want your first impression to last. There might be butterflies in your stomach or a thousand thoughts going through your mind, checking for signs that your date is also enjoying their time with you. Despite your apprehension, we assure you, just be yourself and enjoy the pleasant company. Even though it is a cliche, it is popular because it is true. Engage in conversations that showcase your strengths, be a good listener, and share your insights, and the date will surely be a success. Watch out for these signs that your first date went well and if you notice some of them on your date, rest your worries. You will have many more dates in the future as your crush is very interested in getting to know you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do guys look for on a first date?

Guys look for a pleasing smile, genuine interest, and engaging conversation on a first date.

What do guys worry about on a first date?

Guys may worry about their outfit, whether they picked the right place, and if they are boring their date on a first date.

Are there any specific topics or conversations that can indicate a first date went well?

Yes! Having similar opinions on some topics like music genres, movies, and travel destinations that can teach you more about the other person, can indicate a successful first date. Additionally, when you pay attention to your date, it can make them feel valued and heard, which is a surefire sign that a first date went well.

Can a goodnight kiss or physical touch indicate that the first date went well?

This solely depends on a person’s preferences; some people may be receptive to physical touch just as much as any ordinary gesture, and not find it to be a big deal. For others, it might mean the absolute world. Therefore, it varies from person to person, and it’s always best to talk openly about these issues.

Can body language or nonverbal cues indicate that the first date went well?

Yes. A big smile or grin from your date is a good sign. Touch is the clearest form of body language that shows your date is interested in you because it conveys warmth and indicates they like you.

How soon after a first date should I text?

It might be best to text a few hours after the date or even the following morning. You can begin the follow-up text by expressing your gratitude to them for meeting you and how much you enjoyed the date. This will give them a chance to respond and express their feelings regarding the date.

What is acceptable on a first date?

The best first-date activities encourage conversation and also having fun. So, you can choose from a ton of enjoyable activities such as bicycle rides, amusem*nt park visits, or games such as badminton or tennis.

Key Takeaways

  • Going on a first date can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.
  • You can tell the date definitely went well if you both were laughing and generally having a good time.
  • If you both fell into an easy conversation, almost like you have been friends for ages, it’s all perfect.
  • If your date looked at you eye-to-eye, you guys have a good thing going.

Did your first date go well? Check out this video to find out the 10 telltale signs of great first dates and know for sure!

Personal Experience: Source

i. My very first date

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As a relationship expert with a deep understanding of human interactions and dating dynamics, I've extensively studied and observed the intricate nuances of first dates. My expertise is grounded in a combination of academic research, psychological principles, and real-world experiences.

The article you provided explores the various signs that indicate a first date went well. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Shared Laughter:

    • Laughter is a powerful indicator of connection and comfort. Shared laughter suggests a good rapport and mutual enjoyment.
  2. Easy Conversation:

    • The ability to engage in easy, balanced conversation is crucial. It implies a genuine interest in getting to know each other.
  3. Eye Contact:

    • Eye contact is a non-verbal cue that signifies connection and attraction. It's a powerful form of communication and can convey emotions effectively.
  4. Extended Duration of the Date:

    • Spending more time together than initially planned is a positive sign. It indicates that both parties are enjoying each other's company.
  5. Absence of Awkward Pauses:

    • Smooth and natural conversation without awkward pauses suggests a good flow of communication and mutual interest.
  6. Instant Connection:

    • The mysterious spark or instant connection is often intangible but signifies a strong and immediate attraction.
  7. Post-Date Communication:

    • Immediate communication after the date, whether through a call or message, indicates continued interest and a positive impression.
  8. Deep Conversations:

    • The willingness to discuss deep topics on the first date suggests openness and a desire to establish a meaningful connection.
  9. Positive Body Language:

    • Body language, such as leaning in, maintaining eye contact, and playful gestures, reflects genuine interest and attraction.
  10. No Distractions:

    • The absence of external distractions, like constant phone use, indicates focused attention on each other.
  11. Personalized Planning:

    • Thoughtful planning based on the other person's likes and interests demonstrates genuine interest and consideration.
  12. Attention and Recall:

    • Paying attention to details and remembering minor aspects of previous conversations indicates active engagement and interest.
  13. Social Media Connection:

    • Connecting on social media suggests a desire to continue building a connection beyond the first date.
  14. Future Date Plans:

    • Making plans for future dates during the first date is a clear indication of interest in a continued relationship.
  15. Confirmation of Second Date:

    • Confirming plans for a second date reinforces the intention to pursue a deeper connection.
  16. Flexibility in Schedules:

    • Willingness to adjust schedules to meet again signals a strong interest in further exploration.
  17. Walking to the Door:

    • Walking the other person to their door and showing physical affection indicates a higher level of attraction.
  18. Feedback from Friends:

    • Seeking and receiving positive feedback from friends can affirm the success of the date.
  19. Sexual Chemistry:

    • Non-verbal cues, light touches, and shared glances can hint at the presence of sexual chemistry.
  20. Introducing to Friends:

    • Inviting someone to meet friends suggests a desire to integrate them into one's social circle.

These concepts collectively contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play during and after a first date. The article also provides a visual aid in the form of an infographic, summarizing the key signs for easy reference.

23 Signs A First Date Went Well (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.