25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (2024)

25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (1)

Did you know Etsy has an Instant Digital Download feature? Etsy has become well known as the handmade marketplace.

But it has also become a popular place for all kinds of printables. You can sell these printables as passive income products.

While this doesn’t mean you can just set it and forget it but it does mean you can start earning extra money with less effort once you create your initial digital products.

25 Passive Income Products
You Can Sell On Etsy

With the Instant Download feature, you can upload your product right into your listing. This makes Etsy great for passive income!

Now you just need some awesome products to sell. So here are 25 popular ideas that buyers are constantly searching for on Etsy.

Printable Planners

Etsy has a big market of shoppers who love all things planners. You can sell entire planner kits, or just individual pieces. Planners can range from everyday planners to specialty planners.

Here are some ideas:

  • Monthly Calendars
  • Weekly Planners
  • Daily Sheets
  • Wedding Planner
  • Blog Content Planner
  • Budget Planners
  • Meal Planners
  • Fitness Trackers

This list could go on. You could create some kind of planner or organizational worksheet for most any interest.

Art And Decor Printables

Wall decor printables have become popular on Etsy. People love quotes or unique decor they don’t mind printing themselves.

Wall printables range from beautiful illustrations, to simple word art. Here are some popular examples:

  • Inspirational Wall Quotes
  • Bible Verses
  • Funny Quotes
  • Nursery Artwork
  • Bathroom Artwork
  • Laundry Room Art
  • Kitchen Art

25 Popular Passive Income Products You Can Sell On Etsy #passiveincome #etsy #etsyshopsClick To Tweet

Creative Templates

These are templates that buyers can fill in themselves. Sometimes people just need a starting point. Or they want to save time with something that they can just fill in the banks with.

With programs like Photoshop, or Adobe Reader, you can make editable templates.

  • Resumes
  • Invitations
  • Holiday Cards
  • Announcement Cards
  • Photo Albums
  • Marketing Material

Other fantastic printable ideas include:

  • Wedding Signs
  • Party Signs
  • Greeting Cards
  • Coloring Pages

There are so many ways you can take one of these ideas and fit it into your own niche. Just think about a way you can help or inspire someone with a planning or organizational tool or a quote that people in your niche or hobby would love.

Which one of these ideas makes you excited? What is holding you back from getting started?

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"]

My Tips for Choosing What Digital Product t0 Sell on Esty:

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_blurb title="Brainstorm Things You Wold Enjoy Creating and Selling" image="https://katedanielle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/1-1.png" icon_placement="left" content_max_width="943px" _builder_version="4.16" header_font="||on||||||" body_font="||||||||" body_line_height="1.3em" custom_padding="0px||0px|||" global_colors_info="{}"]

Get a blank sheet of paper and your favorite drink. Then start wiring any idea that comes to mind. Then pick one to start and stick with it.

[/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb title="Stick to What You Know" image="https://katedanielle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2-1.png" icon_placement="left" content_max_width="943px" _builder_version="4.16" header_font="||on||||||" body_font="||||||||" body_line_height="1.3em" custom_padding="0px||0px|||" global_colors_info="{}"]

If you already have an established niche online create some downloadable tools that compliment that. If you have a blog that targets mom’s think about tools or creative prints that your audience would love. If you love essential oils create some essential oil cheatsheets or recipe cards.

[/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb title="Do Some Research" image="https://katedanielle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/3-1.png" icon_placement="left" content_max_width="943px" _builder_version="4.16" header_font="||on||||||" body_font="||||||||" body_line_height="1.3em" custom_padding="0px||0px|||" global_colors_info="{}"]

Once you have a few ideas in mind do some searching on Etsy and Pinterest. If you find something like your idea that’s a good thing! Let me repeat… it is good to find listings for the things you want to create because that means there is likely a demand for it.

[/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.21.2" global_colors_info="{}"]

This post may contain affiliate links with my honest opinion.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure="1_2,1_2" _builder_version="4.16" background_color="RGBA(0,0,0,0)" background_enable_image="off" width="90%" max_width="1003px" custom_margin="55px|auto||auto|false|false" custom_margin_tablet="" custom_margin_phone="" custom_margin_last_edited="on|desktop" custom_padding="18px|0px|24px|11px|false|false" border_width_all="2px" border_color_all="#333334" use_custom_width="on" custom_width_px="1003px" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="1_2" _builder_version="4.16" custom_padding="|||" global_colors_info="{}" custom_padding__hover="|||"][et_pb_image src="https://katedanielle.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/ebook-templates.png" title_text="ebook templates" _builder_version="4.16" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_2" _builder_version="4.16" custom_padding="|||" global_colors_info="{}" custom_padding__hover="|||"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.16" text_font="Open Sans||||||||" text_font_size="18px" text_letter_spacing="1px" text_line_height="1.3em" header_font="||||||||" header_2_font="glam||||||||" header_2_text_color="#A11891" header_2_font_size="46px" header_2_line_height="1.3em" header_3_font="Open Sans||||||||" header_3_font_size="40px" global_colors_info="{}"]


Design Printables
in Canva

Packed full of tutorials, Pretty Printables is what you need to tap into your creativity, develop your own style, master creating opt-ins, workbooks, and other printable products.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url="https://katedanielle.com/pp/" button_text="Learn More Here" _builder_version="4.16" _module_preset="default" custom_button="on" button_text_color="#333334" button_bg_color="#D4FF00" button_border_width="0px" box_shadow_style="preset1" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

  1. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (3)

    Rhodaon June 6, 2017 at 5:25 pm

    Love this post!! I sell graphics on Etsy, but I want to freshen up my shop and start offering other items. This might just be the kick I need to get that started 🙂


      • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (5)

        Rhoda Toynbeeon October 22, 2018 at 11:06 pm

        Sorry it took so long. I was never notified of your response 🙂 My shop is Rhoda Design Studio (http://etsy.com/shop/rhodadesignstudio) and I have started a printables shop since my last comment!! Lemony Fizz (https://etsy.com/shop/LemonyFizz).
        I was reading posts on your blog today to figure out how to boost my printables traffic. I have a collection now…I just need to get it selling!!


    • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (6)

      Rebecca Sheltonon July 29, 2020 at 2:10 am

      Please somebody help me understand the copyright idea so many people are selling almost the exact same pictures on. Canvas and stuff if your ideas include Alice in wonderland do you have to contact someone for permission what about the quotes if the quoter is dead you can use it for free and if they are alive you should pay them That is a question I hope you understand what I’m asking and can help me I’m am currently making 0$ off anything because I don’t really know the rules of what is allowed and not aloud I love photography and pictures of the universe I would love to make planners and things with those kinda photos can I


      • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (7)

        Bethon October 31, 2020 at 10:43 am

        Hi Rebecca, What you’ll see on Etsy unfortunately is a lot of sellers ripping off other sellers or copyrighted material, from characters to slogans to cartoon graphics. Yes permission should be sought however, as it’s unlikely a multinational would give approval to an Etsy seller, the seller doesn’t bother – knowing they are doing wrong but also knowing it’s unlikely they’ll be stopped. A random example that i just looked at was a seller who was bundling cartoon type donut images…it’s not difficut to find the true creator and source of the item along with a ton of sellers who have ripped the same person off…not took inspiration from a design, but actually used the exact same design and promoted it as their own. Looking at the site of the creator they have images to use for personal or commercial use, neither of which allows a buyer to re-sell the item, in addition there’s no credit given. Additionally Etsy requires sellers to list if they outsource anything (Print on demand partners for example) however many don’t do this. I create some items myself and use print on demand for other items and note this in every listing and on my shop page. When buying from Etsy, particularly if buying digital products, I always search to see if the item is for sale anywhere else, if it is then i don’t buy from either store – tough as possibly the creator is one of those stores however it’s very hard to tell so neither get my business. Additinally if i locate the image offsite and note the Etsy seller is not the original creator I also don’t buy from them.


      • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (8)

        Pauline Kingon November 1, 2020 at 9:19 am

        I had this issue too but the crux of the situation is yes, you need permission of the person who designed, or who owns the copyright, of the item. Many copy the designs of other Etsy sellers which is a real shame, best to just not buy from them.


      • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (9)

        Gon November 21, 2020 at 9:28 am

        Rebecca, always check TESS to see if a phrase is trademarked. For images, if you’re in canvas just click the 3 dots in the corner and it’ll say if you can use that image commercially.


  2. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (10)

    Elizabeth le Rouxon June 12, 2017 at 10:40 pm

    Fantastic post, thank you! I’ve been wanting to get into the digital download-market for a while now, and this great post has just given me the confidence to do it!


  3. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (11)

    Deanne Marieon June 28, 2017 at 9:02 pm

    This is great! I had no idea digital even existed on etsy! I have a few holiday-specific planners that I can dust off and pop up there. Why not leverage the power of their huge platform? Thank you!


  4. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (12)

    Dorothyon August 31, 2017 at 11:20 am

    If I already put my design on Zazzle, can I also post on ETSY?
    Thanks for the list of goodies. I love graphic design and now that I have retired from teaching, this would be a fun way to supplement income.


    • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (13)

      Katie Hardinon September 14, 2017 at 3:48 pm


      I am not sure if Zazzle has any kind of clause about this but I know on Etsy you can list and sell in multiple places. I use to sell on both Amazon Handmade and Etsy. Most Platforms are the same but I have never sold on Zazzle so I cannot say for sure.


    • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (15)

      Katie Hardinon September 19, 2017 at 12:05 pm

      I personally use the Adobe Design Suite for my work but I do teach using Canva for Printables.


    • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (17)

      kavinduon October 26, 2020 at 1:06 am

      I have visited Your store. It’s Amazing. What is the tool do you use to create those printable artwork? Canva or Photoshop?


  5. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (18)

    Amyon November 17, 2017 at 11:39 pm

    I’m so excited that I happened to stumble upon this amazing idea. Thank you so much! I am revamping my business and I found so much inspiration from reading your post!!! I can not wait to start creating my interior design planners and worksheets! You are the best!!!


    • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (19)

      Katie Hardinon November 30, 2017 at 3:02 am

      Amy, thank you so much for commenting! Your planners will be great. If you haven’t yet you should check out my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/creativeincome/ Be sure to say hi!


  6. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (20)

    Roseon December 4, 2017 at 12:40 am

    Thanks for the post! I’m definitely inspired. My only question is, what are the rules associated with using fonts on your designs? I’ll most likely use Photoshop or Sketch, but I’m not much of a font designer. Are Google fonts ok to use on products you make a profit on?


    • 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (21)

      Katie Hardinon December 5, 2017 at 3:20 pm

      You need to check to see if commercial use is allowed. I believe all of the Google fonts are but you should double check. You can also buy fonts for commercial use, mu favorite place is Creative Market: http://www.creativemarketing.com/?u=kate.danielle


  7. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (22)

    Amanda Jane Ogdenon December 12, 2017 at 9:32 am

    This has really set me thinking. I list my downloadable quilt patterns on Etsy, but they take a very long time to make (both the quilt and the pattern!), so I love the idea of creating pages from some of my fabric design art-work for a slightly quicker win, hopefully. Thank you for a really helpful suggestion and a good post. Much appreciated


  8. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (23)

    Tusharon January 8, 2018 at 8:21 am

    how’s the premade logos market on etsy?


  9. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (24)

    Lauraon February 22, 2018 at 3:19 am

    Great idea! I don’t know why I never thought of doing this myself. I already do direct to garment printing for my self and other t-shirt sellers here on etsy, so it will be a nice additional income stream


  10. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (25)

    Nashet Yakoubon May 15, 2018 at 10:43 am

    Thank You so much for this amazing post !! I am a new seller on Etsy and just created my shop last week. I am a graphic designer by profession and was planning to create and sell Photoshop Mock-ups exclusively for Etsy, but this post made me think there is a lot more I can do !!

    Please have a look at my shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/NYCreatives


  11. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (26)

    Kerryon June 15, 2018 at 8:26 am

    Hi Kate, thanks for the great list. I am fairly new to Etsy and was looking to add more listings and now I surely will. If you have more advice about selling on Etsy, I am all ears.

    Please check out my shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheHandwritingStudio


  12. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (27)

    Juju Sprinkleson December 25, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    I wish I had read this before I started! In the beginning I tried selling a wide assortment of digital downloads from clipart sets to patterns to party and cards printable. Not all sell so overtime I just let the renewal expire and limit the shop to the best selling items. I think the key is to find your niche and have unique search words that will match your product to your customer =)




  13. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (28)

    Annaon January 9, 2019 at 1:04 am

    Thank you for a great post! I have an etsy shop but I needed more digital products to sell and this post opened up some new ideas for me to create.


  14. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (29)

    Ccpixarton September 15, 2019 at 7:10 pm

    Awewome, thanks for the advice!!! Looking to off more at my art store.


  15. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (30)

    Meganon February 28, 2020 at 12:01 pm

    This is fantastic! I’ve been trying to come up with ideas for printables because I absolutely love graphic design. Your list has been very helpful 🙂 Thanks!


  16. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (31)

    Chafai yassminon April 3, 2020 at 5:34 am

    Hello, thank you for this useful article but I want to ask if I can sell affiliate products???


  17. 25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (33)

    Christine Marks Jefferyon July 18, 2021 at 6:24 am

    Great info. So can I have my Etsy handcrafted jewellery shop and digital ‘ D.I.Y printable necklace etc patterns’?? all in one shop. (Preferably). Or should I have separate Shops. My idea is to have a design that can be sold complete OR download digital instructions to make your own Thank you
    ChristelleCreations jewellery🌸


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25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative (2024)


25 Passive Income Products To Sell On Etsy - Kate Danielle Creative? ›

While starting an Etsy shop is easy, building it into a profitable business that generates consistent passive revenue takes work and strategic planning. However, with the right techniques and strategies, it is completely possible for Etsy sellers to earn $10,000 or more per month through passive income streams.

Does Etsy passive income work? ›

While starting an Etsy shop is easy, building it into a profitable business that generates consistent passive revenue takes work and strategic planning. However, with the right techniques and strategies, it is completely possible for Etsy sellers to earn $10,000 or more per month through passive income streams.

How much does the average person make selling on Etsy? ›

Some sellers bring in over $50,000 a year, while others only make a couple of grand. The truth is it depends on how much effort you want to put in and the products you sell. So, if you're looking for something new to sell on Etsy, let these top-selling products inspire you.

What printables sell best on Etsy? ›

To help you out, here are some best-selling printable ideas on Etsy:
  • Wedding printable.
  • Colouring pages.
  • Party banner.
  • Party printable decor.
  • Printable games.
  • Menu template.
  • Resume templates.
  • Sewing patterns.
Feb 25, 2024

Can you really make money selling printables on Etsy? ›

The Etsy marketplace is the ideal platform to sell designs in digital form. And with millions of active buyers, selling printables on Etsy can fast-track a stream of passive income into a full-fledged side (or even full-time) hustle.

Is it possible to make $1000 a month on Etsy? ›

At least in my experience, it is pretty hard. I currently have a revenue of about $1000 every month on Etsy (sometimes more, sometimes a little less). And let me tell you, it is not from selling products priced at $3. Let me share the five pricing strategies I use to price products and maximize revenue.

Can you make $10,000 a month on Etsy? ›

By selling digital products on Etsy, I'm able to make $10,000 per month on average. Of course, this didn't happen overnight. It took me a lot of time and effort to create my products, set up my shop, and grow my audience. But it was totally worth it.

Who is the highest paid Etsy seller? ›

Alicia Shaffer, often referred to as Etsy's richest seller, made numerous headlines for raking in $70,000 a month in sales. In 2015, her Etsy shop, Three Bird Nest, earned nearly $1 million on the platform.

What is the most purchased digital product on Etsy? ›

30 Most Popular Digital Products On Etsy
  • Recipe Cards. ...
  • Meal Planning Cards. ...
  • Colouring Books (Adults Or Kids) ...
  • Clip Arts. ...
  • Digital Papers. ...
  • Zoom Background. ...
  • Excel Templates. ...
  • Website Templates. For buyers who are looking to build their own website, website templates and themes are a quick way to get started.
Feb 25, 2024

Can I use Canva to sell on Etsy? ›

Yes. You can sell Canva designs on Etsy. There are two main ways to use Canva to sell designs on Etsy: selling completed designs as PDF, JPG, and PNG files and selling Canva template files.

How to make passive income with Etsy? ›

7 Proven Ways to Make Passive Income on Etsy
  1. 1.1 1) Pick a niche that sells. 1.1.1 Related post>>>
  2. 1.5 4) Know Etsy SEO. 1.5.1 More Articles of Interest>>>
  3. 1.6 5) Make it easy for the customer. 1.6.1 Latest posts>>>
  4. 1.8 7) Practice good graphic design. 1.8.1 Related Posts.

Can I use Canva to create printables to sell on Etsy? ›

Yes, you can absolutely sell digital products created on Canva on Etsy. However, it's important to understand that you can't sell any pre-made Canva designs that are currently available on their site. You can only sell digital products that you create yourself using the tools and resources available on Canva.

How to start a printable side hustle? ›

Mom who makes 6 figures through Etsy side hustle: 5 steps to start your own printables shop
  1. Consider, 'what do people need? ' ...
  2. Use Google Docs, Excel or Canva to make your product. ...
  3. Create 'beautiful listing images' ...
  4. Use smart keywords. ...
  5. 'Price right in the middle'
Sep 6, 2023

Is an Etsy side hustle worth it? ›

Verdict: An Etsy Side Hustle could be a good way to make extra money and you can even do drop-shipping using Etsy to sell the products also. But rest assured it won't be easy, you will need to stay dedicated. Personally I believe there are better alternatives for making money online than Etsy.

How realistic is it to make money on Etsy? ›

Profit. On average, our Etsy shop owners priced their products at a 68% markup to cost. I found those numbers staggering and expected them to be raking in major profits. But with the exception of a few high volume shops, after Etsy fees and costs, the median shop brought in $291 of profit a month.

Does selling on Etsy count as income? ›

As a seller on Etsy, you're considered to be a self-employed person by the IRS, so you'll have to pay self-employment taxes as well as income tax. Depending on where you live or where you're selling goods, you might also have to collect sales tax on each sale you make.

Does Etsy count as income? ›

Etsy typically reports your gross income to the IRS on Form 1099-K, but even if you don't receive a 1099-K, you still have to report your Etsy sales income on your tax return. If your state has income tax, you'll need to pay state income taxes on the net income from your Etsy sales as well.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Views: 5891

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.