25 Telling Signs the Relationship Is Over for Him (2024)

Table of Contents
How do you know when a man is done with the relationship? How to know if a man is unhappy in the relationship 25 telltale signs that the relationship is over for him 1. He’s asking for too much space; it doesn’t make sense 2. You feel it deep within 3. You are also losing interest in the relationship 4. Communicating with him is like talking to a statue 5. He no longer initiates sex 6. Having sex with you feels like a chore 7. The people that matter to you are beginning to notice 8. He sighs a lot when he is around you 9. It suddenly feels like you are the one putting all the effort into the relationship 10. He’s cheated on you more than once 11. He no longer tries to argue with you 12. He now spends little or no money on you 13. He’s always super angry 14. He is no longer interested in remembering significant dates 15. He no longer talks to you about his long-term plans 16. He now wants to fight with you over everything 17. At some point, he may have let it slip 18. You’ve stopped having fun with him 19. The lack of trust is becoming more obvious 20. Your needs are no longer met 21. He no longer shows interest in your life 22. He is becoming abusive 23. He no longer takes you along when he’s going to hang with mutual friends 24. He’s avoiding you 25. His presence drains you FAQs How to initiate a conversation about ending a relationship? What are common mistakes to avoid when deciding to end a relationship? Is it possible to salvage a relationship once these signs appear? How can one cope with the emotional challenges of ending a relationship?** What role does self-reflection play in recognizing the end of a relationship? Conclusion

25 Telling Signs the Relationship Is Over for Him (1)

In This Article

There is arguably nothing worse than knowing that a guy you are into doesn’t hold the same feelings you have for him. What does he want out of the relationship? How does he start acting when a man is done with you? What are the signs he wants to leave the relationship?

These and more are some of the questions you may begin to have when it feels like your man is no longer satisfied in your relationship.

If you aren’t exactly sure what to look out for, we will discuss the signs the relationship is over, for sure.

With these in mind, you will be equipped to make the best decision for yourself, whether to continue pushing for the healing of your relationship or to just let him go and embrace self-care.

So, what are the signs the relationship is over? Read on to learn more.

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How do you know when a man is done with the relationship?

Men are pretty much interesting humans. With approximately 31% of all relationship breakups (including divorces) being initiated by men, it can sometimes feel overwhelming when you begin to notice subtle changes in how your man relates with you.

With this in perspective, it is sometimes important to be able to know how to tell if he’s over you. This is because if you don’t know, you may end up grasping at straws for a long time while he keeps showing the signs he is done with you.

How do you know when a man is done with the relationship? He simply begins to put up some telltale signs to show you that. He may not come clean about it, but if you’re observant enough, you’ll notice the signs.

We will discuss some of these signs he wants to leave the relationship in a later section of this article.


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How to know if a man is unhappy in the relationship

Recent research revealed that about 29% of men in a committed relationship with one partner (including marriages) are not completely happy with their relationship.

Some reasons for this unhappiness include (but aren’t limited to) low sex/sexlessness in the relationship, poor communication skills, and other personal challenges themselves/their partners may be experiencing.

Bearing this in mind, it is vital to know what to look out for, the signs that your man is becoming unhappy in the relationship. Some of these signs include;

  1. He becomes easily irritable and lashes out at every small thing, especially if he used to be a calm person.
  2. He’s closed off emotionally from you. You feel as though reaching him for a heart-to-heart has become an impossible mission.
  3. He tries to stay away from anything that reminds him of the relationship. This could be the house, public functions that require you two to go together as a couple, or even sleeping in the same bed as you.
  4. He simply stops taking care of himself and doesn’t make much effort toward taking care of you, either.

If your man begins to show these signs in the relationship, you may want to pay closer attention and be sure that he isn’t beginning to feel unhappy and unexcited as far as the relationship is concerned.

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25 telltale signs that the relationship is over for him

Over time, when a man is unhappy in a relationship and nothing is done to fix things, he gets to a place where he gives up on the relationship. Here are 25 signs that the relationship is over for him.

1. He’s asking for too much space; it doesn’t make sense

Does your man suddenly want to be anywhere but with or near you? Has it started feeling as though he isn’t just looking to be ‘alone,’ but he’s looking to be ‘away from you?’ If you feel that way, it could be one of the signs he’s over you.

2. You feel it deep within

In your moments of deep and sober reflection, a tiny voice in your mind also tells you something along those lines that your man is carefully getting over the relationship. It may not be the voice of cynicism.

If you are looking for signs the relationship is over, it could be your guts giving a name to all the crazy stuff that’s happening in your life at the moment.

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3. You are also losing interest in the relationship

This may be one of the rather difficult points to admit, but one of the things that happen when you begin to notice these signs a man is done with the relationship is that his coldness may begin to rub off on you as well.

It may not be instantaneous. It may take a long time, but once this sets in, you may want to take it as your cue to let the relationship move in whatever direction makes the most sense.

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4. Communicating with him is like talking to a statue

If your man is no longer interested in communicating with you (that is, he shuts down every time you try to reach him on an emotional level), that could be one of the signs the relationship is over for him.

If he won’t converse with you or confide in you again, you may want to pay closer attention to what that could mean. This is one of the telling signs he wants out of the relationship.

5. He no longer initiates sex

Research has revealed that under normal circ*mstances, men initiate sex more than 3 times more often than women do in a long-term, heterosexual relationship.

This implies that in heterosexual relationships, the man is more likely to make the first sexual move. If this changes (that is, the man suddenly doesn’t seem so interested in sex, especially over an extended time frame), it could be one of the signs he’s done with the relationship.

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6. Having sex with you feels like a chore

When he finally gets it up for you, does it feel like he’s just going through the motions and praying to be over and done with the sexual activity? If it suddenly feels like having sex with your man is a chore, it may be because he is tired of the relationship.

7. The people that matter to you are beginning to notice

When your closest friends and family begin to ask (or maybe wonder because they don’t want to pry), it could be a sign that they know something’s up. Open your eyes up for the silent cues they leave.

Do they get suddenly (and suspiciously) quiet when you talk about him? Do they give you those long, foreboding stares when you walk into social gatherings with him? If they do, you may want to probe a bit further.

It is possible they know something you don’t.

25 Telling Signs the Relationship Is Over for Him (2)

8. He sighs a lot when he is around you

The thing is, you tend to sign when you are bored, pained, or peeved at something. If your man suddenly develops an inexplicable habit of sighing a million times when he is with you, that could be one of the signs the relationship is over for him.

9. It suddenly feels like you are the one putting all the effort into the relationship

Take a quick trip down memory lane. Can you recall how much effort he used to put into the relationship at the beginning of the relationship? Can you remember how he did everything he could to make you feel special and loved?

If the tables suddenly turned for no apparent reason and it feels like you are now the one putting in all the effort into the relationship, that could just be how to know he’s over you. This is one of the important signs he’s done with you.

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10. He’s cheated on you more than once

This is painful, but if you know that your man has had an external affair more than once, it could be his non-vocal way of telling you he wants out of the relationship. He might be doing that to annoy you into dumping him or simply because he’s just over the relationship.

In any case, this is one clear signs he gave up on you and the relationship, so it might be time to end things.

11. He no longer tries to argue with you

While it is easy to take this as a victory sign, this is anything but.

If your man suddenly stops arguing with you or trying to make you see things (at least, the relevant things) from his point of view, it could be because he is over the relationship, and arguing with you right now would be a waste of his precious time and energy.

12. He now spends little or no money on you

This is one of the clearest signs a relationship is over for men.

If your man is suddenly unable to buy you anything, even when he has little or no responsibilities, just got a salary raise at work, or received some massive financial breakthrough in his business, it could be one of the signs the relationship is over for him.

As controversial as this may sound, people spend money on the things that matter to them. If he’s not spending some money on you, it may be because he doesn’t think you are important.

13. He’s always super angry

You will notice this immediately if the guy you used to be with was a happy soul.

When a guy constantly keeps you on edge because he is always angry, it is a sign that you may want to pull the trigger on the relationship immediately because it is no longer a safe space for you, emotionally and mentally.

14. He is no longer interested in remembering significant dates

If he has always been a keen and observant man, these lapses will stand out for you. Do you recall how he used to remember all important anniversaries and even be the first to send you hampers on your birthday?

If you suddenly have to remind him that it is your anniversary today, that may just be how to know when the relationship is over for him.

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15. He no longer talks to you about his long-term plans

There’s almost nothing that screams “I am so done with you” as loud as when the man you used to make plans with suddenly starts treating you like an outsider.

16. He now wants to fight with you over everything

When everything seems to be a pet peeve for your man, it could be his way of telling you that he now finds you annoying, overbearing, or repulsive. This is one of the telling signs that he is over you.

25 Telling Signs the Relationship Is Over for Him (3)

17. At some point, he may have let it slip

Maybe in the heat of anger, he let it slip that the only reason why he is still with you is because of factors like obligations, your children, his ego, or maybe his family.

If this has ever happened to you, you may want to pay extra attention to the relationship because he may have just said exactly what he has in his mind.

His actions would inadvertently echo what he said to you with his words.

18. You’ve stopped having fun with him

Do you recall how you used to spend so much time together and how these times used to be full of fun and laughter?

If it suddenly feels like all the fun in your relationship made a beeline out of your life, it could be because he is tired of you and the relationship.

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19. The lack of trust is becoming more obvious

At first, you convinced yourself that it was all in your imagination. However, if he can’t get the suspicion away from his head and eyes (and you can’t seem to stop that nagging feeling that he’s up to no good), it could be one of the signs the relationship is over for him.

A lack of trust is usually a sign that something bigger is happening underneath the surface.

20. Your needs are no longer met

We understand that relationships are all about compromise, but this doesn’t mean that you have to stifle yourself in the name of compromise. When he is no longer interested in giving you what you want in the relationship, physically, emotionally, and mentally, it is a clear sign that he’s over you.

21. He no longer shows interest in your life

Remember how he used to drive you to work, ask about your day, and even balk when you told him that someone was checking you out at work?

If he suddenly stops doing these and even stops showing interest in the big details about your life, rest assured that his attention is shifting somewhere else.

22. He is becoming abusive

This could be emotional, mental, or even physical. When a guy is over with a relationship, he may resort to becoming verbally abusive, or he may even start laying his hands on his partner.

Abuse is one completely unforgivable thing, one thing you should never make excuses for.

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23. He no longer takes you along when he’s going to hang with mutual friends

One of the classical signs the relationship is over for him is that he begins to exclude you from everything, even the previously frequent hangs with mutual friends.

If you try to confront him when he does this, he will make flimsy excuses or make you feel as though you are overthinking things for nothing.

24. He’s avoiding you

If he suddenly prioritizes external activities like spending way too much time at work over you, that may be a sign that he wants out of the relationship. The person who truly loves and values you would make it a point of duty to spend as much time with you as possible.

Watch this video to learn more about how to act when someone ignores or avoids you:

25 Telling Signs the Relationship Is Over for Him (4)

25. His presence drains you

A relationship is supposed to be happy, joyful, and something that makes you both feel fulfilled. If, after spending a relatively long time with him, you feel spent and irritated, it could be a sign that something about him is telling you that the relationship is over.


Going through the complexities of relationships involves understanding when to initiate difficult conversations, recognizing warning signs, and addressing emotional challenges. Here are brief insights:

  • How to initiate a conversation about ending a relationship?

To initiate a conversation about ending a relationship, choose a private setting, be honest about your feelings, and express your thoughts calmly. Focus on your needs and listen actively to your partner’s response.

  • What are common mistakes to avoid when deciding to end a relationship?

Common mistakes to avoid when ending a relationship include impulsiveness, blame-shifting, and lack of communication. Ensure clarity, respect, and empathy during the process to minimize emotional distress.

  • Is it possible to salvage a relationship once these signs appear?

While challenging, it’s possible to salvage a relationship when signs of trouble emerge. Open communication, therapy, and mutual commitment to change can help address issues and rebuild trust.

  • How can one cope with the emotional challenges of ending a relationship?**

Coping with the emotional challenges of ending a relationship involves seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist. Allow yourself time to grieve, engage in self-care, and focus on personal growth.

  • What role does self-reflection play in recognizing the end of a relationship?

Self-reflection is crucial in recognizing the end of a relationship. Assess your needs, values, and happiness. If you find fundamental misalignment, it may be time to acknowledge the need for change and communicate openly with your partner.


When a guy wants out, he begins to show the signs that a relationship is over for him.

Some guys may come clean to you from the start. Others may not. However, it is up to you to read between the lines and ensure that you don’t spend your life trying to make a dead relationship work.

If you aren’t sure how to go about things when he makes it clear that the relationship is over for him, you may need the services of relationship experts/therapists.

To get started, you can find trusted relationship/marriage therapists here.

25 Telling Signs the Relationship Is Over for Him (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.