25 Ways to Exercise Without Breaking the Bank | Couponing 101 (2024)

If you madehealth and exercise goals for 2019, you may find yourself frustrated at how much a gym membership costs.Do not lose heart, though! You can be a frugalista and still get your daily workout in.

I am an avid exerciser. I do something every single day, and all of it is on a very strict budget. Over time, I’ve found a variety of ways to get my daily workout in without paying a pretty penny.

25 Ways to Exercise Without Breaking the Bank | Couponing 101 (1)

1. RUN
I know, I know. Not everyone is a runner. I beg you to give it a try, though. If someonetold me 5 years ago that I would be an avid runner one day, I would have laughedout loud in disbelief. Yet here I am, thriving on my weekly runs. I can’t imagine a life without running. It’s a mental release for me. I get to soak up the sunshine, take a break from life, let my mind wander, listen to music, and clear my head. Start with the FREE C25K app on your smart phone. It’s incredible (and a completely FREE workout)!

2. Buy a workout streaming subscription
Find a workout you love on DVD, make the initial financial investment, and commit to doing it. Working out at home is so much easier than going to a gym, plus it’s cheaper in the long run without the gym membership fees. I have used 21 Day Fixin the past, and I currently am doing LIIFt4. It was a bit more expensive than I would normally pay for a workout, but I can use it for as long as I’d like! I also feel the strongest and healthiestI’ve ever been in my life.

SPECIAL CONTENT: Check out our posts on how to thrive during COVID-19!

3. Go outside and have fun.
Just get out! Do something. Enjoy nature, have fun, and feel free. Exercise doesn’t always have to be so rigorous. It can be spending a day climbing a mountain, walking the beach, running through the sprinkler with your children, going shopping with friends, and much more.

4. Garden.
I used to think gardening was a really ridiculous form of exercise. I would see it on exercise lists and think to myself, “Yeah right. Like that does anything for you.” Boy, was I ever wrong! Have you ever spent an hour weeding a vegetable garden? It is exhausting! Plant some vegetables or flowers, get a workout each week tending to your garden, develop a green thumb, and reap the benefits! Bonus: you have something edible and/or beautiful to enjoy.

5. Wear a pedometer. Challenge yourself.
Get a pedometer. It doesn’t matter what kind. Just buy one and wear it. You will find yourself becoming competitive and trying to beat your own walking goals each day! “Only 4,000 steps? How is that possible?! I need to walk around the block before I make dinner.” 😉

6. Take the stairs and park far away at work.
If you work a desk job, it’s important to find ways to boost your metabolism in small doses. Purposely parking far away each day or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can both be great ways to ensure you get some sort of exercise each day, even if it’s just something small.

7. Get up and take physical work breaks.
To go along with the previous suggestion, be sure to get up and take breaks from work. Move around a little bit, or even usethe stairs to get a drink or take a bathroom break.I once knew someone who would walk 5 flights of stairs down to the first floor when she had to go to the restroom, and then she would walk back up afterwards. That’s a great little workout a couple times each day.

8. Dance!
Confession: I love dancing. If you are at a wedding with me, you’ll know where to find me — in the middle of the dance floor. Dancing is so much fun, and it burns so many calories! There are many options for dancing. Many cities offer free community dance events, such as ballroom or swing dancing. You could even sign up for classes, if you’re really serious about learning a specific type of dance. Personally, I love to put on some great music at home and dance while I cook or clean! You can involve your kids in this one, too.

9. Participate in monthly Instagram challenges.
There are many fitness bloggers and experts who run monthly fitness challenges on Instagram. You can follow along as they post a new challenge each day. You participate in the challenge, post a photo, and even have the chance to win fun prizes! I personally love participating in the yoga challenges. I sometimes end up spending an hour each night trying to get the yoga pose correct and snap a great photo. It’s a serious workout! You could probably just use the search feature to find a specific type of fitness challenge you’re looking for.

10. YouTube Channels.
If you can’t afford to buya full workout DVD, turn to YouTube! You can find all kinds of great workout videos on YouTube. Here’s a Top 10 List of YouTube workout videos.

11. HIIT Workouts.
Going along with the YouTube suggestion, HIIT workouts have changed my life. HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training. There are tons of YouTube videos for HIITworkouts. You can search by the equipment that you have, ortype in “bodyweight” for workouts with no equipment. Body Rock TVandMelissa Bender Fitness also have tons of resources you can use.

12. Join an intramural sports team.
This is a great way to get a workout in, meet new people, and have fun all at the same time! If you are not a member of a church, school, or community group that offers sports, definitely be sure to check out the MeetUp website to find groups in your city with similar interests!

13. Go swimming.
If you live in a neighborhood with a pool, this is a great way to get your daily exercise in during the warmer months. It’s also great for low impact cardio, if you have any joint problems.

14.Do push-ups,sit-ups, or pull-ups while watching television.
If you spend quite a bit of time in front of the TV each week, this is a great way to get your exercise in. Just do these while you watch (or during commercials). For pull-ups, you’ll need a pull-up bar and maybe a pull-up assistband (a lifesaver for me).

15. Yard games with friends.
If you don’t like the idea of joining a random intramural sports team, just have friends over for a day of yard games! Set up a volleyball net. Kick a ball around. Play horse shoes or corn hole. There are so many options!

16. Play with your kids.
Engage in active play with your children, and I promise you will be out of breath. 😉 Bonus: Your children get more of your time and it’s a rewarding experience for you as a parent.

17. Do Pinterest workouts.
Search for any kind of workout you’re looking for on Pinterest, and you’re sure to find all kinds of at-home exerciseideas! I like to use Pinterest to discover new waysto work on target problem areas (like my back or abs). One of my favorites I did recently was this monthly ab challenge. Boy was it difficult, but I loved the results!

18. Go rock climbing!
If you have an indoor rock climbing facility in your town, I highly recommend going as a family or with friends. I did this a couple weeks agowith a group of friends.It was such a fun time, and the next day I was more sore than I’ve ever been in my entire life!

19. At-home workouts frommagazines.
If you receive magazines in the mail, be on the lookout for those workout ideas. Tear them out and give them a go!

20. Try a stairsworkout.
Google, YouTube, Instagram, or Pinterest the “stairs challenge” or “stairs workout” and you will see a huge variety of fun challenges! All you need are the stairs in your own home. I’ve tried a couple of these, and WOW. You are hurting afterwards! It’s an amazing workout.

21. Take an evening walk with a loved one.
Make it a priority to take a 30 minute walk with your significant other or family each evening at a designated time. It’s a great way to reconnect with the people you love, catch up on the day’s events, and get some exercise in at the same time.

22. Get a bike.
There are so many fun things you can do if you own a bike. Ride to the farmer’s market, take a bike ride on the beach or riverside, bike with your kids around the neighborhood, or go on a bike ride through nature trails. Buying a bike is such a great investment, and they last for such a long time!

23. Roller skating or ice skating.
Take your kids out for a fun night of roller skating or ice skating! Instead of sitting on the sidelines, join in! It’s such an awesome cardio workout and it’s a blast. If you really enjoy it, you could always buy a pair of roller blades to exercise in your neighborhood with.

24. Wii or Xbox Workouts.
If you own a Wii or Xbox 360, you have a great exercising resource at your fingertips. Both of these systems have some amazing workout DVDs. (And even some of the “games” provide an excellent workout!) The dancing games are some of my favorites.

25.Take a hike. Enjoy nature.
Hiking is so peaceful. If you enjoy being outside, find a local park or preserve to hike at regularly. It’s a great way to get a workout in and escape the day to day grind.

What about you?How do you exercisewithout breaking the bank? We’d love to hear in the comments! 🙂

Disclaimer: This information is not professional healthcare advice. Please always consult your doctor before engaging in physical activity, especially if you have any medical concerns.

Written by contributing author Meg, who is a total book worm, animal lover, neat freak, vegetarian foodie, and wannabe world traveler. She is passionate about hiking, writing, exceptional coffee, yoga, and good music. She is also a self-labeled nerd and thoroughly enjoys all things Star Trek and Harry Potter.

25 Ways to Exercise Without Breaking the Bank | Couponing 101 (3)

25 Ways to Exercise Without Breaking the Bank | Couponing 101 (2024)


What time is best for exercise? ›

Studies have shown that working out at 7 a.m., compared to later in the afternoon or evening, may help individuals get more quality sleep at night. One more argument making the case for a workout first thing in the morning is that exercising on an empty stomach could burn more fat.

How to exercise with no money? ›

Exercising on a budget
  1. Walk the dog.
  2. Walk with your kids, family, or friends.
  3. Do a mall walk in bad weather.
  4. Walk to work, or get off the bus or subway early and walk part of the way.
  5. Take a walk at lunch or on your work break.
  6. Walk to errands and appointments.
  7. Join a walking club.
May 12, 2022

How to exercise when busy and tired? ›

Busy at work
  1. Join a lunchtime walking or running group. ...
  2. Depending on your building facilities, you may be able to do yoga, swim or gym workouts before or after work, or in your lunch break.
  3. Ask your boss if you can get a standing desk. ...
  4. Meet outside so you can walk while you talk.
  5. Take regular breaks from your computer.

How many types of exercise are in the gym? ›

Research has shown that it's important to get all four types of exercise: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Each one has different benefits.

Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach? ›

Exercising in a fasted state (especially if it's a pattern) can leave you feeling sluggish and low energy while stifling or regressing your fitness progress. Your body will always perform and recover better if you're fed—especially for longer, higher-intensity workouts.

Is it better to exercise in the morning or before bed? ›

Your physical performance might improve: Research shows that most people function better, physically speaking, later in the day. Muscle strength, flexibility, power output and endurance are all better in the evening than they are in the morning.

What does 7 days without exercise make? ›

However, if you go beyond a week without activity, you begin to experience the effects of “detraining” (also called deconditioning), a phenomenon in which you lose the beneficial effects of training. As opposed to rest and recovery, detraining is an extended rest interval that results in reduced physical fitness.

Which physical activity is the least expensive? ›

The least expensive physical activity among the given options is bowling. While yoga and ice hockey may require specific equipment or a membership to a studio or rink, bowling can be done at a local alley with minimal cost. All you need is a pair of bowling shoes and the cost of renting a lane.

How do I start exercising from nothing? ›

Start slowly and build up gradually.

Give yourself plenty of time to warm up and cool down with easy walking or gentle stretching. Then speed up to a pace you can keep doing for 5 to 10 minutes without getting overly tired. As your energy improves, slowly add to the amount of time you exercise.

How to be active all day at home? ›

Consider these other tips regarding physical activity at home.
  1. Set a Routine. Establish a schedule and location for exercising. ...
  2. Stretch First. ...
  3. Use Equipment. ...
  4. Count Chores. ...
  5. Take it Easy. ...
  6. Just Dance. ...
  7. Lift Weights. ...
  8. Exercise in a Chair.

What must you do if you plan to exercise every day? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. You should set aside a time each day that you will devote to your health and fitness and stick to this routine. However, the most important thing is you to be comfortable with this time arrangement and not to be stressed.

What is the best exercise to make you tired? ›

If you deal with insomnia, then cardio workouts, also called aerobic exercise, such as swimming, biking, jogging, or walking, may help you sleep. You may also see some improvement in sleep apnea symptoms. Some studies suggest moderate-intensity cardio is better than more intense exercise for sleep health.

What exercise burns the most belly fat? ›

Some great cardio of aerobic exercises for belly fat include:
  • Walking, especially at a quick pace.
  • Running.
  • Biking.
  • Rowing.
  • Swimming.
  • Cycling.
  • Group fitness classes.
Apr 25, 2023

Is it better to workout in the morning or PM? ›

The researchers noted that muscle strength is typically highest in the afternoon and evening. 7 Exercising later in the day may build upon this strength and improve muscular endurance. May relieve stress: Some evidence suggests that working out after school or work can help you unwind.

What is the healthiest time of day to exercise? ›

Afternoon workouts are almost as good

Morning workouts are ideal for burning fat and losing weight, but afternoon workouts may give your performance a boost, since you'll have eaten a meal or two by the time you get going. “Any time you eat, your blood sugar levels rise,” Hackney says.

What is the ideal workout time? ›

The ideal workout duration can vary significantly depending on the person, their goals, their preferences, and the exercise type. For weightlifting and bodyweight strength training, 45–60 minutes per session may suffice. Meanwhile, cardiovascular and calisthenic training may be better if performed for 30–60 minutes.

Is it better to run in the morning or at night? ›

Conclusion. Running, in general, is extremely advantageous for your health no matter when you do it. But a morning run has a slight edge over the evening run because of its higher fat burning capacity. Therefore if you want to lose weight, opt for a morning run.

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.