29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (2024)

Using funny real estate memes in your content — instead of simply posting listings, open houses, and market reports — can bring personality to your brand. The best memes are a combination of humor and a representation of how you and your clients are feeling at a given moment in time. Plus, Realtor memes can be used strategically within your social media or email marketing plan to build your authority and help you further connect with clients.

Here are 29 of the most relatable real estate memes to help create laughter and generate real estate leads:

Real Estate Memes To Encourage Referrals

Every member of your sphere of influence can be a valuable source of leads to grow your business, so make sure to actively seek out referrals. About 38% of buyers and 63% of sellers found their agent from a friend or family member. Since memes are funny and lighthearted, they are an ideal way to connect with clients and ask for referrals.

Pro tip: For more details about how to get real estate referrals, read our guide about .

1. Cute Animal Meme To ‘Keep an Ear Out’

This example uses a few strategies in addition to humor. A cute animal will attract animal lovers and has a direct call to action, asking clients to “keep an ear out.” Agents can post this on their Instagram or real estate Facebook page to remind their sphere of influence to spread the word about their services.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (1)

Cute puppy asking for real estate referrals (Source: Lighter Side of Real Estate)

2. How Agents Feel When They Get a Referral

Agents who actively ask for referrals from their sphere of influence can build a successful career on those leads alone. This meme could be used on social media or sent by text or email for you to express appreciation for past referrals and prompt your previous clients to send new referrals.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (2)

Kermit getting a real estate referral (Source: Lima Real Estate Group)

Keep in mind, the best way to ask for a referral lead is through email or text marketing because those are more personal connections. However, you can efficiently send these messages with a client relationship manager (CRM) and marketing tool like Real Geeks.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (3)

Automated email workflow drip system (Source: Real Geeks)

Real Geeks is an all-in-one real estate marketing platform that provides automated email and text message marketing. By using this platform with the right memes, you can connect with previous clients and generate leads easily.

Visit Real Geeks

3. Funny Earth Day Referral Prompt

There are so many unique ways to ask for referrals, so you shouldn’t feel like you’re repeating the same question over and over again. This simple meme card takes advantage of Earth Day to present clients with an opportunity to refer you to others. Remember that building a successful business and a successful online following doesn’t have to be complex—you can stand out with simple, creative ideas like this.

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Earth Day real estate referral card (Source: Pinterest)

Another unique way to prompt clients for referrals is by sending pop-by gifts. Get 28 top real estate pop-by ideas and tips in our guide.

Memes About the Housing Market

The real estate market is always changing, and it affects the success of your business drastically. It also impacts anyone who wants to participate in a real estate transaction, even if they don’t understand the details of how it works.

Using house market memes can help you appeal to potential buyers and sellers who are confused or frustrated about the market but aren’t interested in reports.

4. Volatile Housing Market Meme

When real estate inventory is low, it’s hard on you and your homebuyer clients. Using a funny home-buying meme can bring some much-needed levity to the situation. This meme, in particular, focuses on the fast-paced nature of a seller’s market and can prompt the client to ask for more information about how to successfully find a home during this time.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (5)

Low inventory real estate market meme (Source: Phoenix Area Real Estate Information)

5. Our Real Estate Market Is on Fire

This meme is relatively common, but the real estate market context makes it unique and gives it a wide appeal. By saying the “real estate market is on fire,” it displays a specific topic without naming the actual problem. This allows you to use it in a seller’s market, buyer’s market, or when other unusual things are happening in the local or national real estate industry.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (6)

Real estate market on fire meme (Source: Pinterest)

6. Property Pricing Meme

Every client wants the best deal, but sometimes their expectations are not realistic. For example, a client may feel that there is not enough inventory within their price range when in reality, their budget is too low. Sharing a funny meme like this one on social media can be a lighthearted way to share the current pricing trends in your farm area.

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Property values and client budgets (Source: Merlo Realtor)

7. Jokes About Home Valuation

Many sellers will do their own research when selling their homes, but the internet is not always right. This meme about selling a house is a way to share your expertise with your clients and shows you understand the market better than an online calculator.

A great moment to share this meme with prospective seller clients is during pricing conversations. This type of real estate humor can also be used on social media to create awareness around housing prices calculated online to prospect for seller leads.

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Zillow home valuation image (Source: Powersite Blog)

Starting the Conversation About Real Estate

Memes are commonly used online because they provide humor and often generate more engagement—one study found that memes get 10 times more reach than other marketing images. For this reason, memes are an invaluable tool to promote your business in a humorous way that doesn’t feel off-putting to followers.

The following memes communicate a simple message—that you love real estate and want to talk about it—in a relatable and lighthearted way.

8. Modern Family Real Estate Meme

Since memes are more casual by nature, they are often combined with pop culture references, like movies, events, or music. This meme is taken from the popular TV show Modern Family and allows you to talk about your passion for real estate with something relatable and hilarious.

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Residential real estate love (Source: Pinterest)

9. Eager to Talk About Real Estate Meme

When you love being a real estate agent, you naturally want to talk about it. This meme reflects a feeling that many agents have, which makes it highly relatable. It can also be used to prompt your audience to come to you with any questions or thoughts about the real estate market.

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Excited about talking real estate (Source: Tampa Homes Sold)

As a real estate professional, learning how to promote yourself is vital to growing your business. Memes are an ideal way to bring attention to yourself, your services, and your strengths without appearing arrogant or self-centered.

10. Benefits of Hiring You as a Real Estate Agent

Confidence is key to developing a successful real estate business, and combining it with a funny real estate meme is a great way to attract potential clients. This realtor meme is straight to the point and advocates that your presence as an agent is the one thing clients need during a real estate transaction. Since most clients are unsure of what to expect when they enter the home buying and selling process, having confidence in yourself can inspire confidence in your clients.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (11)

Benefits of hiring me as your agent card (Source: Lighter Side of Real Estate)

11. Funny Real Estate Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is designed to prompt an immediate response from interested prospective clients. It’s important to consistently provide CTAs with your content on social media, through email, text, and even direct mail so that leads come further into your sales funnel.

This photo is a direct call-to-action for leads, but it doesn’t feel overly sales-y or off-putting because it’s presented as a real estate funny meme. Make sure to follow the example of this realtor and add your real estate branding and contact information to the photo.

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Circle graph real estate agent meme (Source: John Hamilton)

12. For Sale by Owner Listing Meme

If you focus on converting for sale by owner (FSBO) leads, this meme is a perfect real estate marketing idea. Although FSBO listings can be sold successfully, they can be sold more easily and for higher prices with the right agent and listing marketing strategy. Sharing this meme can present an opportunity for you to address some of the questions that FSBOs often have.

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Real estate agent FSBO listing (Source: Haijova Realty Group)

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (14)

REDX lead management system (Source: REDX)

If you choose to focus on working with FSBO sellers, using the right marketing tools is key to finding, contacting, and converting leads. For example, REDX provides daily FSBO leads and contact information that has been verified against the most high-quality data sources. It also includes a built-in lead management system that prioritizes leads and tracks all communication automatically. Start using REDX to gain more FSBO leads today.

Visit REDX

For other tips in generating FSBO listings, check out our article listing the best sources of FSBO leads.

13. I Found a House for You Meme

Listings are one of the most common things that real estate agents post on social media. Even though you should share your listings online, it’s important to provide variety in your social media content. This meme could be a fun way to bring attention to a listing without simply posting a link to Zillow or photos of the home. Thinking of creative ways to share information will help you stand out from other agents in your area.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (15)

Dogs selling a real estate listing (Source: Pinterest)

Educational Real Estate Memes

Another great way to leverage real estate memes and move the needle in your business is by using them educationally. Think specifically about your target audience and choose a meme that addresses their questions and concerns. For example, the following memes are educational or can be used to naturally address important topics for your audience.

14. Educating First-time Buyers

Part of your real estate social media strategy should include educating your audience. This buying a house meme is a funny way to present the steps of buying a house for the first time. By sharing social media content like this, you can ensure that you and your clients are on the same page as you move through the process.

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First-time home buyer meme (Source: BNTouch)

To attract first-time homebuyers when sharing this meme on social media, use real estate hashtags like #firsttimehomebuyers, #stepstobuyahouse, and #firsttimebuyeragent to bring clients to your page who are interested in learning more about the process.

15. No Buyer Preapproval

One of the most common mistakes real estate agents make is spending their time on buyers before they get prequalified to buy a home. This includes preapprovals, financials, credit history, and home preferences. Many clients aren’t aware that this is important or necessary, so this funny meme is a perfect way to introduce that concept with a lighthearted tone.

Spending your valuable time and energy on clients who aren’t ready for a real estate transaction is a common reason why agents get burnt out. However, there are simple ways to prevent this from happening. Learn more about the top nine reasons why agents fail and what to do about them.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (17)

Pug sad over homebuyer preapproval (Source: ACESocial)

This meme, in particular, would be ideal in an email campaign or even in materials you use to educate homebuyers. To help you make the prequalifying process easy for you and your leads, use a marketing automation tool like Market Leader.

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Market Leader CRM mobile app (Source: Market Leader)

Market Leader is ideal for nurturing leads because it provides a customizable website, email marketing, and CRM software that tracks every contact. Send emails, texts, and newsletter campaigns to efficiently share this information without having to spend hours personally talking or meeting with every new lead. Learn more about Market Leader today.

Visit Market Leader

16. Bad Real Estate Listing Descriptions Made Funny

This real estate listing meme shows a painful yet funny example of bad home descriptions. This is a commonly understood problem for current home buyers or anyone who’s bought a home in the past, so it has a wide audience appeal. It could even be directed toward sellers, educating them on how you use descriptive real estate words to make a property listing appealing without being dishonest or misleading.

You can use a meme like this to show your real estate humor and address the way that you handle these situations. Explain how you always do your due diligence and see the property in person without taking the description at face value.

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Bad real estate listing description meme (Source: Perrella & Associates)

If you’re looking for more keyword options to improve your listing description, visit SE Ranking. The SE Ranking platform uses search engine optimization (SEO) tools to find the most relevant and competitive words to use in your descriptions. By doing this, you will attract a larger online audience and, therefore, more potential buyers for your listings.

Visit SE Ranking

17. Agency Representation Meme

With popular real estate platforms like Zillow, some home buyers will look for homes online before finding an agent. In some cases, they may contact a listing agent on a home they’re interested in. This real estate meme is a perfect way to introduce this concept and explain the benefits of having your own agent representation.

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Buyer’s agent representation meme (Source: Dwelling Well)

If you work with buyers, make sure to think about common misconceptions they may have. For instance, some buyers may assume the listing agent is working in their best interest when their allegiance is to the sellers. You can also share information on the disadvantages of dual agency to drive buyer leads. Subsequently, buyers will view you as an agent who will advocate for their best interests.

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Zillow agent finder (Source: Zillow)

Another way to target buyers is by reaching them on Zillow. As a Zillow Premier Agent, you can get a high volume of ready-to-purchase buyer leads directly from the platform. It includes a CRM with communication tools and a mobile app to communicate manually with leads on the go. You also get featured placement on the agent finder page, making it more likely for buyer leads to reach out to you.

Visit Zillow

Learn more about becoming a Zillow Premier Agent in our review.

18. Renter vs Homeowner Meme

This meme is another example of using pop culture to attract a wider audience. At the same time, the text on the meme markets specifically to renters, which is ideal for agents who focus on renters as their real estate niche. This meme could also be customized for almost any niche, bringing attention to a problem you can help your audience solve.

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Renter real estate clients (Source: Pinterest)

To learn more about marketing to specific types of audiences, read our guide to the 10 Most Profitable Real Estate Niches.

Real Estate Celebration Memes

One of the most rewarding feelings for a real estate professional is when they can congratulate their clients on completing a home sale. Whether it’s a buyer who closed on their first home or a seller who is moving out of the area and completed the sale process, it is a moment to celebrate.

Posting memes to commemorate this moment is two-fold for real estate agents. You are taking the opportunity to celebrate your current clients, but also showing your potential clients that you are a caring agent who gets the job done. Take a look at examples of these types of memes below.

19. Too Many Decision-makers Meme

During a real estate transaction, there are often multiple parties involved in making a decision. Navigating the personality dynamics between couples, roommates, parents with children, or others can be difficult because they may have different ideas of what they want in a home.

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Real estate decision-making between couples (Source: HumorNama)

This buying a house meme showcases your expertise in dealing with groups of clientele. For example, if you’ve worked closely with roommate clients and have tips to make a rental transaction work seamlessly, this is a way to target these clients.

20. Celebrating a Client Win

As a real estate salesperson, one of the best parts of your job is helping your clients find the perfect home for their family or sell their home for a great price. This meme shows that you are your client’s biggest cheerleader, regardless of financial gain on your end. Clients want to work with someone who wants the best for them and is capable of helping clients secure a home.

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Cheering when clients find their dream home (Source: InboundREM)

Realtor memes like this one can be a fun and effective part of a thorough social media strategy. However, posting memes alone or random posts when you feel like it will prevent you from successfully generating real estate leads online.

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Real estate marketing example (Source: Lyfe Marketing)

To help build a stronger online social presence, consider working with a management company like Lyfe Marketing. Lyfe Marketing provides social media management services for real estate professionals, which include strategy, original content for multiple platforms, consultations, and monthly performance reports. Learn more about how Lyfe Marketing can help grow your business.

Visit Lyfe Marketing

21. Celebrating a Dream Home

This is another good meme to celebrate a client win. Although these memes are similar on the surface, each of them will appeal to different members of your audience. It’s ideal to use various types of content and memes at every opportunity to maximize your reach and attract your target audience.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (26)

Agents helping clients find their dream home (Source: Pinterest)

22. Closing Real Estate Success

Celebrating your wins is important, and it can be an opportunity to boost your authority online. This meme uses lyrics from a popular song and a simple graphic to celebrate a real estate closing. Use this on social media to mention a few recent client wins.

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Closing real estate card (Source: Pinterest)

23. The Relief of Closing on a House

When your clients have met all the requirements to close on the mortgage, it’s an exciting moment for both you and them. You can share this closing on a house meme with your clients to celebrate the victory of moving forward with the closing process. It is also an effective way to toot your own horn on social media so prospective clients know that you are busy in the field making transactions happen regularly.

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Celebrating a real estate closing
(Source: Pinterest)

Connecting with clients through small victories along the buying process can help you develop deeper relationships with them. Sharing these stories and real estate memes on platforms like Instagram can create engagement and connect deeper with your followers. You can also share these moments on Instagram Stories to highlight each of your clients and their journey to homeownership to generate Instagram leads.

Real Estate Agent Camaraderie Memes

Real estate memes are not exclusive to just an agent-client relationship; you can also use them to relieve stress and build rapport with other agents and professionals. The following memes could be used within a social media strategy, but they’re primarily focused on common feelings and problems within a real estate career. Always make sure to think about your audience before posting anything online.

24. Buyers With Multiple Agents

It can be extremely frustrating for an agent to devote time and effort to a client, only to find out they already working with another agent. While we don’t recommend sending this meme to your clients, it accurately reflects how smart agents feel. Make sure you address the situation openly and kindly with your clients, telling them that they need to choose one agent to work with.

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A buyer with multiple agents meme (Source: ACESocial)

25. Frustration With the Seller’s Agent Meme

This is a perfect meme to use with other agents if you’re struggling to get a response from the seller’s agent. Most agents who have worked in the industry will know the feeling and appreciate real estate humor. Additionally, you can share this with your clients to let them know you’re waiting on a response. A little humor can go a long way as agents navigate closing deals and advocate for their clients.

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Real estate agent frustration meme (Source: Pinterest)

26. Realtor Work Schedule Meme

Many people have misconceptions about what it’s like to be a real estate agent because you’re not working typical 9-to-5 hours, and your salary is based solely on commission. Sharing some insight into your life as a real estate agent can help you connect with your network.

When people see real estate agent memes like this, they may develop a newfound respect for your line of work, be drawn to your work ethic, and understand how much time you put in for your clients. Sharing memes with insights into #realtorlife humanizes the process and helps prospective clients see you beyond a transaction.

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Real estate work schedule (Source: Lighter Side of Real Estate)

27. Clients Who Cannot Make a Decision Meme

Real estate agents always want to make sure their clients are happy with their new homes, but some clients’ requirements are very difficult to meet. Using this funny real estate meme to share the indecisiveness of clients can bring light to picky client issues and can help eliminate further issues. It can also provide some insight to your social media followers into the pain points that you encounter as an agent.

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Picky real estate clients (Source: Inman)

Real Estate Investor Memes

In addition to traditional residential buyers and sellers, investors are a lucrative niche market for many real estate agents. If you work with landlords, humor is an excellent way to attract their attention and bring light to their common stressors. Look at a few of the funny memes here for inspiration.

28. Not Normal Wear & Tear

All properties experience wear and tear over time. However, landlords and property owners know all too well how difficult it can be to communicate to tenants what is and is not considered normal wear and tear. This meme perfectly reflects the frustrations that investors frequently feel when their tenants are moving.

Share this meme on social media or in an email to current or future tenants to talk about this topic. Since there is often conflict surrounding this concept, using a meme to approach the situation in advance is a great way to successfully build a strong landlord-tenant relationship.

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Tenant wear and tear meme (Source: Property Me)

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (34)

Buildium property manager dashboard (Source: Buildium)

As a landlord or property owner, managing tenants is a massive responsibility. To simplify the process of finding tenants, vetting tenants, establishing expectations, and managing rental finances, make sure you use a property management tool like Buildium. Buildium is an all-in-one software for property managers, with tools to screen tenants, accept payments, and manage maintenance requests. Plus, you can try Buildium for free!

Visit Buildium

Get more details about wear and tear with checklists and pictures in the .

29. An Interesting Investment Opportunity

Real estate investing is an exciting wealth-building strategy and career with an endless number of unique opportunities. However, becoming a successful real estate investor means knowing how to find investment properties and evaluate their profit potential accurately. Experienced investors know that there are many interesting investment opportunities that seem appealing but are not wise financial decisions.

This meme reflects the decisions that investors often have to make. It would be great to share online a message about the types of investment opportunities that commonly arise for investors.

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Real estate investing decisions (Source: Property Onion)

For more tips, read our guide with the Top 10 Tips for Investing in Real Estate.

There are a wide variety of social media tools for real estate agents that help with strategizing, creating, posting, and managing content online. Although you can find and share memes that are already created, the best way to drive as much attention to your social platforms is to create your own memes. These realtor memes will be original to your business, gain exposure as others share them, and showcase your unique real estate branding and personality.

It’s easy to create or customize memes with tools like the following:


29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (36)

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (37)

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (38)

Key features

  • Easy photo touch-up tools
  • One-click background remover
  • Millions of stock photos
  • Social media templates for every platform
  • Large library of photos and design elements
  • Available on Mac, PC, iOS, and Android operating systems
  • Can customize memes
  • Sharing available to social platforms
  • Animated meme templates available

Starting price

$7.99 per month



Read more

For additional social media marketing tips, take a read through 15 Key Real Estate Social Media Marketing Tips.

Bottom Line

Using real estate memes in your marketing strategy will help you gain influence, target a larger audience, and connect with social followers and clients through laughter. By sharing funny real estate posts, you’ll show your personality and sense of humor even in stressful real estate transactions. Use this list of the best realtor memes to communicate a clear message to potential leads and clients.

29 Relatable Real Estate Memes To Generate Laughs & Leads (2024)


What is its free real estate meme? ›

So, what does the free real estate meme mean? Speaking, the meme talks about real estate or any area that's “free” or vacant. In general, the meme is used for situations hinting that something is low-hanging fruit, free to take, or a good opportunity one can take advantage of—so it's free real estate.

What is the definition of real estate? ›

Real estate is a form of real property, meaning that it is something you own that is attached to a piece of land. It can be used for residential, commercial or industrial purposes, and typically includes any resources on the land such as water or minerals.

How to use free real estate? ›

Activate the cheat console and type in “FreeRealEstate On” to move into any residential lot no matter the cost. To disable this simply activate the cheat console and type in “FreeRealEstate off”.

Is real estate meant for me? ›

If you are comfortable with these realities—and you enjoy hard work, are a self-starter, and like the idea of making your own schedule—a career in real estate might be right for you. If you sell enough properties, you can earn a very comfortable living.

Who owns the most real estate? ›

The largest landowner in the world currently is King Charles III of England. How much land does the Royal Family own? He and the British Royal Family own more than 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world. They technically own many territories around the globe, amounting to 1/6 of the surface of the planet.

Who is the real estate rich guy? ›

On the brighter side, Donald Bren of Orange County, California, is the reigning champ of real estate billionaires with a net worth of $18 billion.

What is the oldest real estate company? ›

The oldest real estate brokerage firm was established in 1855 in Chicago, Illinois, and was initially known as "L. D. Olmsted & Co." but is now known as "Baird & Warner".

What is a good real estate quote? ›

Don't wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.” - Will Rogers, actor. “Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.” - Marshall Field, entrepreneur. “The best investment on Earth is earth.” - Louis Glickman, real estate investor.

What type of real estate makes the most money? ›

Commercial properties are considered one of the best types of real estate investments because of their potential for higher cash flow. If you decide to invest in a commercial property, you could enjoy these attractive benefits: Higher-income potential. Longer leases.

What are the three most important things in real estate? ›

To achieve those goals, the three most important words in real estate are not Location, Location, Location, but Price, Condition, Availability.

What is Tim Heidecker doing? ›

Since 2016, Heidecker has hosted the podcast and web series Office Hours Live along with Vic Berger and Doug Lussenhop. It features phone and video calls with fans, comedians, musicians, and political commentators. The duo's anthology horror series, Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories, aired on Adult Swim from 2014 to 2017.

Why do we say real estate? ›

The word “real” is derived from Latin, meaning existing, actual, or genuine. The word “estate” is an English translation of the Old French word “estat,” meaning status. Now, estate is the word we use to describe owned property consisting of houses or land.

Does real estate only appreciate? ›

Key Takeaways. Home values tend to rise over time, but recessions and other disasters can lead to lower prices.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.