3 Ways You Might Tithe in Retirement (And a Tip for Saving BIG on Taxes) (2024)

Posted by Jessica Hinks | Dec 19, 2019 | Retiring Well

Many retirees wish to continue their charitable gifting habits for as long as they are able. It is a noble goal!

Some people may gift regularly to their local church, which is known as tithing. Traditional church values suggest that you should tithe 10% of your income. I am not a theologian and am not likely to properly explain how 10% became “the number.” If you want to know more about the origination of the Christian principle of tithing, The Gospel Coalition has a helpful article.

For sake of simplicity and clarity, this blog post is directed to those who currently tithe 10% of their income and want to extend that practice into retirement.

Here are my thoughts on how to tithe on different types of retirement income:

1. Tithing On Your Fixed Income

When you retire, you may have various kinds of fixed income like social security, a pension, or rental income. A simple solution is to tithe 10% of your total fixed income.

From my experience, most tithers base their giving on their gross (before-tax) income. In retirement, you may wish to continue this practice.

However, you may have a different conviction and want to tithe on your net (after-tax) income. If you have tax withheld from your fixed income, you can check what arrived in your bank account that month and calculate your tithe based on that value.

2. Tithing on your portfolio income

In addition to fixed income, many retirees have investments that generate dividend income (money companies pay you for owning their stock).

There are 2 main conflicting opinions on this matter:

A. You should tithe 10% of your portfolio income just as if they were wages you earned. A true “first fruits” approach.

B. You already tithed on this money before you invested it. Therefore, you are not expected to tithe on money that it earns.

My opinion is that you should tithe based on personal conviction. I cannot say which is correct for you.

However, I expect that when you read the two opinions, one felt more “right” to you than the other.

3. Tithing on your retirement account distributions

Retirees often distribute from a retirement account. This is different than a taxable account with dividend income, as part of this account was likely withheld from their paychecks during their working years.

Reference the image below: this person worked to earn wages, tithed on that wage, and paid tax on that wage.

3 Ways You Might Tithe in Retirement (And a Tip for Saving BIG on Taxes) (1)

Over time, he was able to have $30,000 deducted from his pay and put into a retirement account (Original Contributions). Then, the original $30,000 earned $70,000 more from dividends and capital gains. The now-retiree tithed on the original $30,000 but has not tithed on the $70,000 of earnings.

Throughout your retirement, you will take money from your retirement account. Hopefully, you can just take Earnings. However, it is very possible that you will need to pull Original Contributions towards the end of your retirement. How should you view this income?

Here are a few perspectives on how you can tithe (or not) on this money:

A. As you distribute money, you should tithe 10% of it, even once you get down to Original Contributions you already tithed on.

For example, if you take $2,000 per month from your IRA, you should tithe $200. This is easy to calculate and requires no record keeping.

B. You already tithed on this money. Therefore, you don’t need to tithe on what it earned (like point #2).

C. You can review your statement to find out what your Original Contributions are, in order to calculate and tithe only on the Earnings.

You tithe 10% of each distribution you take, while your account is still full of Earnings. Years later when your account might be down to your Original Contribution level, you stop tithing on the distributions. This is still fairly easy to calculate but will require a bit of record-keeping.

How to save BIG on taxes (no matter how you choose to tithe)

Generally, when people tithe or make donations to charities, they give money that they already paid taxes on. This becomes a big deal for retirees.

A retiree may wish to donate $10,000 each year to a charity. They do not have enough fixed income to cover this, so they distribute $10,000 extra from their IRA.

Now they have to report $10,000 of additional taxable income, and they owe $2,000 more in taxes (estimated). So, they are really giving away $12,000 instead of $10,000… But only $10,000 is making it to the charity.

If you are over age 70 ½ and give to charity DIRECTLY from your IRA, YOU OWE NO TAX. This is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution.

If you are of that age and tithe to the church from money in your checking account, you will NOT get this benefit. It MUST come directly from your IRA. Talk to your custodian or financial advisor to get the right paperwork to make this happen. It is so worth it!

Be sure to check out what the IRS says about properly reporting this on your taxes as well. I have other tips on tax efficient giving HERE.


I am very interested in hearing other perspectives on tithing! I hope this at least gives you things to consider as you approach retirement and want to maintain your habit of giving.

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3 Ways You Might Tithe in Retirement (And a Tip for Saving BIG on Taxes) (2024)


How do you tithe in retirement? ›

In either case, this is an easy calculation by applying 10% to an income amount. Many retirees choose to tithe similarly to how they did in their working years. They simply tithe on whatever income they receive. This can be a simple solution.

How do you tithe on taxes? ›

The taxpayer must claim charitable contributions as itemized deductions using Schedule A of IRS Form 1040. There is an annual limit on the charitable cash contributions a taxpayer can make to their church in the form of monthly or annual tithes. This limit is 60% of the taxpayer's AGI for tax years 2023 and 2024.

What are acceptable ways to tithe? ›

Tithing can be done by giving cash, check, or other forms of payment like stocks and bonds. This means that you don't necessarily have to give 10% of your entire salary; rather, you can take 10% of any money that you make, including bonuses or gifts.

What are the three benefits of tithing? ›

Ten Benefits of Tithing
  • God is pleased by your obedience. ...
  • God is honored by your faithfulness. ...
  • Tithing helps to keep your priorities straight. ...
  • You are eligible for a blessing. ...
  • Guards Christians from selfishness. ...
  • God loves a cheerful giver. ...
  • Tithing supports the Great Commission.

How to do tithes and offerings? ›

A tithe is a specific amount (10% of your income) that you give first, and an offering is anything extra that you give beyond that. Start budgeting with EveryDollar today! So, after you've tithed and paid all your bills and expenses for the month, you can use any extra money in your budget to give even more!

What does the Bible say about saving money for retirement? ›

In 2 Thessalonians, Paul gives us perspective on why it is important to be in a position to support your own household now and in the future. He uses himself as an example and warns against idleness. Saving for your future retirement is not just a benefit to you and your spouse.

What are the tax benefits of tithing? ›

Tithes can often be deducted: This can mean that tithing ultimately lowers your total taxable income. However, it's important to remember that tithing must be qualified as a deductible contribution, which means that the church you tithe to must be qualified as a tax-exempt charitable organization.

What is an example of a tithe tax? ›

Tithes Today

For example, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints requires all Mormons to pay 10% of their income to help support day-to-day operational costs of the church, to fund mission work, and to pay for the salaries of members of the clergy.

Can I give my tithe to the poor instead of church? ›

As Christians, making a decision on where to give should align with the same goal. Therefore, if you have a passion to help the poor, go for it! So did Jesus! Just keep in mind that beyond the food and shelter, they also have deep spiritual needs that only Jesus can meet.

What are the three types of tithes? ›

The Three Tithes of the Old Testament
  • A number of years ago the editor of one of our church papers sent me a letter in which a troubled brother raised some questions about the proper use of the tithe. ...
  • The Levitical, or sacred tithe (Num. ...
  • The tithe of the feasts (Deut. ...
  • The tithe for the poor (Deut.

What are the three types of giving? ›

The 3 types of giving in the Bible: 1. Tithes 2. Offerings 3. Extravagant Offerings 🔥 #wearevictory.

Is it a sin not to tithe? ›

As a result, you can never be under a curse, you can never rob God because there is no longer a requirement or a necessity to pay a tithe. God cannot accept the payment of tithes because of what Jesus has done. But God will accept you GIVING A TITHE. He will not punish you if you do not give a tithe.

Do you tithe on your social security? ›

This is applicable to us today. Because of inflation, we've seen very large Social Security increases happen recently. If you are tithing on your Social Security, make sure that you're giving the full 10%. This means your tithe should be 10% of the gross amount of Social Security you're receiving.

Can you tithe without giving money? ›

So, yes, God wants you to serve by giving your time. But He also wants you to put your faith in Him instead of money by tithing—especially since 100% of our money is His, and He only asks us to give 10% of it back. Now, tithing isn't a salvation issue, and God won't condemn you if you don't do it.

What do you say when giving tithes? ›

Confession: “Father, today I bring my tithe and my gift into your storehouse. I believe in your word where it says that you will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing. I stand on it, I have faith in it, and I act on my faith today!”

How to calculate tithe correctly? ›

Tithe 10% on your total check before taxes or any deductions, not after. If you would like, add up to ten percent of every individual bill that comes in and then tithe that amount monthly on whatever day works best for your schedule.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.