30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (2024)

  • September 20, 2019
  • /ByLiz Isenburg

Quality cashier training is an essential step in your business running smoothly.These cashier training tips will help you equip your staffto handle the day-to-day interactions with your paying customers.

It goes without saying that cashiers play a vital role in your business. A well trained cashier can make or break the customer experience. As a business owner, you want to pursue excellence as a business and reflect that in every interaction. This attitude tells the employee & customer alike, “We are glad you’re here and we are ready for you!”

30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (1)

It might seem like a given, but hear me out. A business that has a culture which values their employees inherently values their customers. It’s no secret that an employee who feels important and empowered will make your customers feel valued as well. After all, healthy trees are deeply rooted and grow from within. Healthy employees start with good business practices and managerial skills. So ask yourself, how do you value your employees? Start from the very beginning with great training – here are some tips to help you and your new employee.

What exactly do cashiers do? What is the role of a cashier?

A cashier is the person who coordinates the sale between your business and the customer. They will ring up the customers’ products on the cash register or point of sale (POS) system, bag or prepare the purchases, handle payments (cash, credit cards, debit cards, and checks), count back change, issue receipts (whether they are paper receipts or mobile), and interact with the customer. Part of a cashiers job might also include helping with inventory management.

The basic cashier job description is the same whether he works for a food truck, grocery store, retail business or over the phone. While there are subtle differences between roles depending on the type of business, most employees in retail sales will have to handle angry customers and be equipped in how to deal with them.They should have basic math skills, good interpersonal skills, and have been trained adequately on whatever POS system you are using.

30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (2)

What training is needed to become a cashier?

Whether your cashier is just beginning or is an experienced cashier, an understanding of basic math skills and good communication are really all that is needed to get started. Anything else, like operating the register and customer service training, will be learned on the job.

Why is great training needed?

You want to have a confident, knowledgeable cashier who is competent, friendly & trustworthy and that ultimately reflects positively on your business. Work on developing your employee to become an experienced cashier who knows how to handle a variety of scenarios from basic transactions to handling customer issues.

Training Tips for a Great Cashier

30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (3)

It Starts With You

A Great Cashier is Valued. Here are some tips on making your employee know that they are valued.

  • Treat your employee like part of the team immediately. Do this by learning their name, asking about their life, etc.
  • Introduce them to the other employees and people they will be working with, including their new role and any prior experience they have.
  • Give them an employee handbook on their first day.
  • If you require a uniform, but don’t have one that is the correct size- order one immediately.
  • Check in with them often during their initial training and the months that follow. Ask them for their feedback. If they offer insight on things that need to change, listen- they are closer to the “ground” than you are.
  • Encourage them as they are learning their new job – learning something new and working retail jobs can be stressful. Let them know you are on their side.
  • Repeat yourself – Be prepared to repeat yourself often, your language will help solidify your business culture and philosophy.

Set Clear Expectations

This can really set your new cashier up for success whether they are entry level or experienced. Everyone appreciates clear direction.

  • Be clear on what you expect and ask for feedback to make sure they understand. Don’t just hand them the employee handbook and tell them to read it. Go over it with them.
  • Set up their orientation shifts and make sure they know where to go – whether it’s onsite or somewhere else.
  • If you use orientation materials, make sure they are ready and available.
  • If your employee will be shadowing at the register, are they paired with someone who is a good teacher?
  • Does your trainer know that they will be mentoring someone? Tell them beforehand, trust me on this.
  • Be specific – For example, is there a certain time they are expected to clock in? Do you have a dress code they need to follow? Who should they report to when the come on shift? How do lunch breaks work? Who should they call if they are sick? What if they have a problem with their direct manager, who should they go to?

A Great Cashier Is Competent

Increase competence in your employees by giving thorough cashier training from a variety of resources.

Usevideocashiercoursesoronlinecashiertraining programs. This can help prime your new employee with the mindset on how you’d like them to interact with each customer and co-worker before they ever hit the floor.

Simulations are a great, safe way to teach skills and take the pressure off. Online training programs are great, but they are one-sided. This is a chance for your new cashier to interact with you & really show you what he knows. This is a great time for coaching, too! Think of different scenarios that your new employee might encounter. Role play to demonstrate, and provide feedback and coaching.

  • Demonstrate the proper way to handle cash and give the correct amount of change (pro-tip, place the ingoing cash sideways or in a designated spot in the till so that way you know the amount of cash that was given – you can correct it the next time you open the drawer)
  • For instance- your barcode scanner broke and now items have to be keyed in manually. How would you like them to act in that instance? What SKU do they input to ensure they are being accurate?
  • An angry customer comes in and demands that you issue a refund? Walk through each step of this customer interaction with your new employee

Pair them with an experienced cashier as amentor. Nothing beats hands on training, so when it’s slow (or even when it’s not), have a more experienced cashier train them. Make sure it’s a good fit for both your new cashier and the more experienced one.

Have achecklist of competencies that you would like your new employee to complete by the end of their orientation. Be sure to include more complex scenarios such as issuing or redeeming a gift card, inputting a price correction or override, handling returns, etc.

A Great Cashier Is Accurate

Train your new cashier to become competent in working the cash register. An accurate cash drawer and transaction record can help you track and maintain your inventory. This can give a clear picture of the health of your business.

  • Ensure they know how to use all the equipment & software- the cash drawer, the barcode scanner, the manual input, and point of sale or mobile POS system
  • They can count back change accurately and know what do to if there is a discrepancy
  • Make sure they know which barcode to scan, knows which number to put into the POS system in case the barcode scanner is inoperable
  • Ensure they know how to void an item that was entered by mistake
  • Train your employee on how to process different types of card payments – how to accept credit cards, debit cards, checks or cash.
  • If you issue gift cards, make sure they know how to do that.
  • Ensure they know how to return an item and know the store policy on returns.

A Great Cashier Is Friendly

Each customer is valued and should be treated with dignity and respect.

Make sure your business culture is reflected in every single interaction with every customer.

Some customer service skills include a cashier that will:

  • Greet customers and make eye contact.
  • Be an active listener and anticipate customers’ needs
  • Be polite and maintain composure with each customer, especially if the customer is angry
  • Sincerely apologizes if a customer becomes angry and utilizes customer service training to defuse a situation.
  • Don’t take the customer’s anger personally. Whatever emotional outburst happens, know that it was bubbling under the surface well before the customer walked into your store. This just happened to be the incident that made them boil over.
  • Works to recover the sale and make things right for the customer, while maintaining the store policy and guidelines
  • Goes above and beyond for each customer – offering suggestions and using basic sales techniques without seeming too pushy.

30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (4)

Why is a great cashier vital to your business?

A great customer experience can be ruined by a crummy check out process. Just think of the times when you’ve been in line and the cashier was slow or did not know what to do. Great training and great management support decrease frustration in your employees. It will also increase their own confidence in their skills and build trust with you & their leaders. This support will empower them to give a great experience to your customer. An employee that you can trust to do a great job is invaluable.

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30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (5)

Anthony says October 22, 2020

You mentioned about Cash Register – Videos . Do you know where I can find resources like that ?


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (7)

Zita says December 5, 2020

Try youtube


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (8)

Akah Clement O. says December 15, 2020

I will be grateful to learn more about cashier job. Thanks


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (9)

Adriaan Wessels says December 21, 2020

I the senior manager in a franchise, our cashiers got a inhouse training by me or one of my assistant managers. We use the sympos system, quit easy to learn to operate the system.
Our problem at the moment is that the cashiers do not go that extra mile to promote sales y selling extra items from the menu, although we ask them to do so on a daily basis. Accuresay on the till is vital important to the business and controlling of stocks and the cash. Our cashiers is either over or short on the dayend cash up and this is a huge problem, we have a in house rule and regulation that if they are short or over they will be kept liable for the shortage and over, some of them are union members and they think because they members we can do them nothing, the argument at the moment is…..according to the union we can not make them pay the shortage in(yes I do agree , our labor law forbid that,but this is huge losses to the company, they argue that the money they over we can use for the shortages, but we do not agree with this as the over is money they steel from our clients or products sold without record it on the till, so we need to place a cashiers responsibility rule and regulation in place to stop this shortage and over on the tills….please if you can help us …email me on adriaan2wessels@hotmail.com


    30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (10)

    AMC says January 21, 2022

    You want to check your spelling before posting it is hard to take you seriously.
    I look to myself to make sure the employee can handle the job. More training? Cashiers aren’t stealing from you. I can see your attitude is a problem. There are performance reviews use them. I am not a big fan of unions but see what they can help you with.


    30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (11)

    nikko pangilayan says November 30, 2022

    monitoring your crew/register position. or pair the register person to one of your crew that have more knowlegde and experience , you need time and set a side specificaly for your employee, for them to gain/learn more idea and to know their jobposition….
    and if it still dont work ..
    accept tips from your customers.

    so ever u get short ,maybe tips can cover for the shortage


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (12)

Richard Fofie says January 10, 2021

I’m very grateful for this introduction, but please where can I get the website or which website should I go, thanks


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (13)

emmanuel robert says August 3, 2021

i want to be cashier


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (14)

Mark Austin says November 5, 2021

It’s seems the author assumes the cashier to be female. Definitely not very fair or encouraging


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (15)

AMC says January 21, 2022

A great cashier trainer is a vital key. You get out what you put in. There are hours of video to sit through. Smart Serve tests. You have to be able to read very small print on a produce roll showing codes. There is a lot to memorize. Need to recognize credit cards and debit cards 3 feet away. You need to know the prices on products outside the store and all the water products. There is usually a upc code book at your cash which is badly set up in the book. Lots of standing which is very hard on the back. Your breaks are 15 minutes long which ends up being 5 because you have to go to the back of the store then up a long flight of stairs then back down and to the front of the store to go outside and then back in, to the back of the store, up & down the stairs and back to your cash. Some store have a digital screen for produce which helps a lot to recognize the produce especially if you are not familiar with some of them. Try recognizing an under age person with a mask on when they are buying alcohol. You have to learn how to run a lottery ticket machine.
Businesses would be better off if they used methods used by many other businesses where they have a closed store and do roll playing training and business specific video interactive training. You would think with all the high tech tools out there that these businesses would be on top of that. Training hasn’t got better over the 25 years. I used to love being a cashier 25 years ago but the responsibility that is put on cashiers now and you only get about $6 bucks more an hour isn’t worth the pain.


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (16)

Oliver Bamubinzemu says May 13, 2022

Excellent explanation
Thanks for the great work


30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (17)

Esther-Joy Callender says July 15, 2022

This may not have been a consideration but it starts from who you interview. While anyone can be trained to develop great sales skills and customer service, not everyone has that “above and beyond” type of personality.


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30 Cashier Training Tips for your new Cashier | Shift Processing (2024)


What are the 5 most important skills and qualities of a cashier? ›

Cashier Qualifications/ Attributes:
  • Friendly and positive attitude.
  • Excellent customer service.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to make change.
  • Basic math skills.
  • Attention to detail.

What are the standards of a good cashier? ›

What makes a good Cashier? A great Cashier is attentive to detail, customer-focused, and knowledgeable about the products available in the store. They also have to maintain composure in the face of angry, frustrated, or flustered customers.

What are cashier skills? ›

Key cashier skills include:
  • Basic math. You must be good at counting, adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying to carry out your job well. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Paying attention to detail. ...
  • Punctuality. ...
  • Ability to work under pressure. ...
  • Interpersonal communication. ...
  • Efficiency. ...
  • Knowledge of the products.
Jun 21, 2021

What are hard skills for a cashier? ›

Hard Skills for Cashiers:
  • Accuracy.
  • Computer Skills.
  • Mathematical Skills.
  • Product Knowledge.
  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems.
  • Loss prevention techniques.
Nov 4, 2022

How do cashiers avoid mistakes? ›

Check out these tips to avoiding cashier cash handling mistakes so you can keep more money in your pockets.
  1. Manage Your Cash in a Timely Manner. ...
  2. Make Sure Your Employees Are Accountable. ...
  3. Instill Proper Transaction Practices. ...
  4. Place Someone in Charge of Cash Management. ...
  5. Update Your Cash Management System.
Jun 15, 2015

How can I be a less boring cashier? ›

We're here to help!
  1. Hone your people skills. Keep your mind occupied. ...
  2. Hone your people skills. Try engaging with your customers. ...
  3. Keep your mind occupied. Try and memorise product codes and touch-typing the SKU or barcode number. ...
  4. Create challenges with your coworkers. ...
  5. Learn about the business. ...
  6. Chat with your coworkers.
Aug 18, 2017

What not to do as a cashier? ›

10 Common Errors that Cashiers Make and How Employees Can Avoid Them
  • Switching Cash Registers Mid-Shift. ...
  • Not Checking for Counterfeit Money. ...
  • Ringing in the Wrong Total. ...
  • Giving Too Much Change. ...
  • Not Giving Enough Change. ...
  • Counting Change More than Once. ...
  • Being Confused about Policies.
Sep 26, 2021

What is a smart goal for cashiers? ›

Reasonable customer service performance goals for a cashier include using strong communication skills during interaction with customers and employees, and maintaining up-to-date knowledge about the company's products and services.

What is the most important thing as a cashier? ›

Some companies consider the cashier's role as customer service, hence having customer service skills may be important for this role. Customer service skills such as attentive listening, friendliness and decision-making skills are vital skills that cashiers may apply in carrying out their day-to-day activities.

How do cashiers greet customers? ›

How to greet customers
  1. Dress professionally. It's important to dress professionally so customers know you care about your job. ...
  2. Be friendly. ...
  3. Acknowledge customers quickly. ...
  4. Make eye contact. ...
  5. Ask questions. ...
  6. Take your time. ...
  7. Remember customer preferences. ...
  8. Show customers to products.
Feb 8, 2021

What do you say as a cashier? ›

Cashier Transactions: Language
  • Do you have a discount card today?
  • Are you using any coupons today?
  • I will need to see some ID to sell you a lottery ticket. ( ...
  • I'm sorry but your card has been declined. ...
  • Will there be anything else for you today?
  • Is this everything today?
  • And how was everything today? (

What is cashier training like? ›

Cashier training teaches the cashier about their on-the-job responsibilities and how to handle customer service situations. Cashier training requires concentration on the basics, including cash handling, security measures, store policies, and procedures.

What are some soft skills for a cashier? ›

Cashier Skills for a Resume—Examples
  • Attention to Detail.
  • Active Listening Skills.
  • Customer Service.
  • Building Customer Loyalty.
  • Positive Attitude.
  • Teamwork.
  • Time Management.
  • Interpersonal Skills.
Dec 8, 2022

What is cashier responsibility? ›

A Cashier, or Retail Cashier, is responsible for processing cash, debit, credit and check transactions using a cash register or other point-of-sale system in a retail environment. Their duties include balancing the cash register, making change, recording purchases, processing returns and scanning items for sale.

What are three common errors from cashiers? ›

5 Incredibly Common Mistakes Cashiers Make Every Day (Updated 2020)
  • Keeping Too Much Cash on Hand. How often do your cashiers call for pick-ups from their till? ...
  • Transactional Errors. ...
  • Manually Counting Cash. ...
  • Checking for Counterfeit without the Right Equipment. ...
  • Switching Cash Registers.
Feb 21, 2020

How would you handle an angry customer as a cashier? ›

7 Steps For Dealing With Angry Customers
  1. Remain calm. ...
  2. Don't take it personally. ...
  3. Use your best listening skills. ...
  4. Actively sympathize. ...
  5. Apologize gracefully. ...
  6. Find a solution. ...
  7. Take a few minutes on your own.
Aug 2, 2013

What are the hazards as a cashier? ›

The many occupational hazards faced by cashiers
  • Threats of working with money. ...
  • The threat of armed robberies. ...
  • Exposure to illnesses. ...
  • Musculoskeletal disorders. ...
  • Repetitive strain disorders. ...
  • Overexertion. ...
  • Sleep disorders. ...
  • How will you cope with injuries?
Feb 23, 2019

Why is cashiering so stressful? ›

Working as a cashier can be difficult, tiring work because cashiers have to endure repetitive motions, and mental fatigue - sometimes things just aren't as straightforward as they should be, so when those kind of customers come in, it makes their job even harder. Everyone knows what those kind of customers are.

Is a cashier position easy? ›

Being a cashier is challenging because it requires a person to utilize a combination of physical, mental, and emotional skills to be successful. The person holding the role needs to be flexible to quickly switch between tasks. This is hard and requires the cashier to think and make decisions quickly.

Where do cashiers make the most money? ›

Highest paying cities for Cashiers near United States
  • New York, NY. $14.76 per hour. 404 salaries reported.
  • Los Angeles, CA. $13.98 per hour. 606 salaries reported.
  • Philadelphia, PA. $13.41 per hour. 231 salaries reported.
  • Dallas, TX. $13.25 per hour. 493 salaries reported.
  • Houston, TX. $12.98 per hour. ...
  • Show more nearby cities.

What happens if a cashier forgets to scan an item? ›

A cashier might forget to scan an item that was sitting in front of them on a table but out of sight behind the register. They may think an item scanned, but it might not appear on the receipt. In all of these cases, the right thing to do, if you catch the error, is to let the cashier know.

How long does cashier training take? ›

If they have no retail experience, cashiers generally receive between one and four weeks of on-the-job training when they begin their positions. Cashiers who earn their position as a role change or an advancement from a bagging or stocking position may require less training.

What are 3 goals for your money? ›

7 Examples of Personal Finance Goals
  • Start an Emergency Fund. Life is unpredictable, and it's important to be prepared. ...
  • Pay Off Debt. Paying off debts is one of the most common financial goals. ...
  • Save for Retirement. ...
  • Strive for Homeownership. ...
  • Pay Off the Car. ...
  • Invest in a College Education. ...
  • Plan for Fun.

What are the 5 key words for smart goals? ›

The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

What 3 qualities should a goal possess? ›

Goals must be challenging, focused, measurable and relevant.

How do you say goodbye to customers? ›

How to Say Goodbye to Customers
  1. Effectively Handle the Request. To say goodbye to your customer after you've handled his last sales request, recap the points you've discussed so he feels confident in the sale and confirms his acceptance. ...
  2. Make a Referral. ...
  3. Show Sincere Appreciation. ...
  4. Help the Customer Relax.

What do you say to customers when they walk in? ›

So an effective greeting would be, “Well, Hello! It's nice to see you again.” Customers return to secure, friendly environments. Show that you recognize them, and they'll want to come back.

What do you say to greet customers? ›

Part 1: Customer service greetings
  • “Nice to meet you!”
  • “How can I help you today?”
  • “I hope you're doing well.”
  • “I hear what you're saying.”
  • “I'm sorry you're facing this <issue>.”
  • “Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me.”
  • “I need a little more information to understand what's going on.”
Jun 11, 2021

What should a cashier not do? ›

10 Common Errors that Cashiers Make and How Employees Can Avoid Them
  • Switching Cash Registers Mid-Shift. ...
  • Not Checking for Counterfeit Money. ...
  • Ringing in the Wrong Total. ...
  • Giving Too Much Change. ...
  • Not Giving Enough Change. ...
  • Counting Change More than Once. ...
  • Being Confused about Policies.
Sep 26, 2021

What is the hardest part about being a cashier? ›

It is also hard because they need to stand for long periods, perform repetitive motions, and lift inventory. Finally, the hardest part of being a cashier can be navigating emotionally charged situations with customers. Customers often question store policy or become frustrated when what they want is not available.

How do I pass time as a cashier? ›

Some cashiers make a game of checking out items. Try decreasing your scan time, or compete with other cashiers at measurable outcomes for small prizes - like a packet of crisps or chocolate or a drink on a night out. Your management team may also incentivise fast work with challenges and games too.

How can I improve my cash handling? ›

5 Brilliant Ways to Improve Your Cash Handling Process
  1. Analyze Your Process. Acknowledging that you could improve your cash management process is the first step. ...
  2. Start Documenting and Communicating Proper Procedures. ...
  3. Maintain Custody of Cash for Accountability. ...
  4. Invest in Cash Management Automation. ...
  5. Seek Advice.
Mar 24, 2016

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.