30-Day Money Cleanse (2024)

30-Day Money Cleanse (1)

Get out of debt fast and start a budget with the tiny daily tips in this easy financial plan from our money guru, Beth Kobliner.

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Start a Financial Plan

30-Day Money Cleanse (2)

Think of this four-week program as the money equivalent of a fat-busting juice cleanse. It's meant to shock you out of your financial rut and put you on a path to better spending habits that'll last forever. Pick a Sunday to get started. You'll use weekends to tackle long-range goals, and complete doable, satisfying challenges on the weekdays. By the end of the month, you'll have a solid budget, way less money stress, and a healthier bank balance. Like any cleanse, you'll see results fast. And you can eat whatever you want... except maybe caviar.

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Day 1:

30-Day Money Cleanse (3)

The "weigh in": Know what you owe. Make a list of all your debts, along with the interest rate you're paying for each and your monthly payments. Do you have a mortgage? Student loans? A balance on credit cards? Did you buy a sofa on an installment plan? Owe any back payments to the electric company? Write them all down on a sheet of paper or in a Google document.

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Day 2:

30-Day Money Cleanse (4)

Now, tally your other monthly expenses. Figure out how much it costs to keep your household running, from groceries to Girl Scouts dues. Add this amount to your debt sheet from yesterday.

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Day 3:

30-Day Money Cleanse (5)

Name your main money goal. If you've got high-interest debt, like on credit cards, your plan should be to pay it down, because it's costing you big. (For example, if you owe $3,000 on a card with 16 percent interest, you'll end up paying more than $4,000 if you're making only the minimum payments.) No high-interest debt? Aim toward beefing up your emergency or retirement funds, then saving for a trip or giving more to charity.

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Day 5:

30-Day Money Cleanse (7)

Financial date night! Get your partner on board: A recent study found that feeling like a spouse wastes money boosts the risk of divorce by 45 percent. Show him the numbers you've worked up, and agree together on how much you'll put away each month toward your goal. If you're single, write out a contract with yourself, and sign on the dotted line to make it official.

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Day 6:

30-Day Money Cleanse (8)

Wrangle your paperwork. Pull out all the receipts, tax returns, bills, and insurance claims you have lying around in various folders, drawers, purses, or envelopes. Stack 'em in a neat pile--you'll need them tomorrow.

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Day 7:

30-Day Money Cleanse (9)

Set up a financial filing system. Grab all the stuff you compiled yesterday and organize it. Designate one folder for receipts to get you ready for next year's tax deductions, one for unpaid bills, and others for any categories that make sense for you. If you get some or most of your bills electronically, use the free site manilla.com to organize all of your paperless statements in one place, to keep you on top of bill paying.

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Day 8:

30-Day Money Cleanse (10)

Start tracking your spending. An easy way to stick to the budget you set up on Day 4 is to sign up for a free account at mint.com or another budgeting site. Or you can opt for an old-fashioned notebook and use that to log all your expenditures.

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Day 9:

30-Day Money Cleanse (11)

Spend nothing today. Your first week was all about getting a grip on exactly where you stand with your bills and out­standing debts. Now, it's time to start being more mindful about your purchases with a one-day money "fast." No eating out or ordering in. No quickie trips to Walgreens--and bring your coffee from home. You'll see just how much you could be banking after you detox from all that unconcious spending. (Cash saved: $30--$50)

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Day 10:

30-Day Money Cleanse (12)

Go cash-only. An MIT study found that people spend up to twice as much when they pay with a credit card instead of cash, perhaps because handing over cash is more viscerally painful. Leave the cards at home. (Cash saved: $15--$25)

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Day 11:

30-Day Money Cleanse (13)

Check your credit. Your credit score is like a report card for your financial life. A high number (anything above 720) typically means you'll be able to get low-interest loans for things like a house or a car, while a low one means you'll have to pay more to borrow money. You're allowed one free report a year from the three major credit-reporting companies at annualcreditreport.com. Or use creditkarma.com for a pretty accurate estimate of your number.

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Day 12:

30-Day Money Cleanse (14)

Shop for the best credit card. Pull out that debt list you made on Day 1 and see if any of your credit cards have interest rates over 16 percent (the national average). If so, think about getting a new one with a lower rate, minimal fees, and easy-to-redeem rewards. If you have a lot of debt, look into a card with a zero-percent rate for balance transfers. More on that tomorrow....

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Day 13:

30-Day Money Cleanse (15)

Move some debt around. If you're carrying big credit card balances, consider transferring them to the one with the lowest rate (or to the new one you may have applied for yesterday). If you're debt-free, call all of your card companies and ask for a lower rate. Hey, you're a good customer!

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Day 14:

30-Day Money Cleanse (16)

Automate! Accidentally missing a bill's due date can cost you $25 in late fees. Sign up for automatic bill pay for everything from your student loans to your cell-phone service to make sure it never happens again. Bonus: Consistently paying on time is one of the best ways to raise your credit score. Also, set up bank transfers to move a set amount from your checking account into a savings account each month. Since you'll never see this, you'll barely miss it. (Cash saved: $25)

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Day 15:

30-Day Money Cleanse (17)

Shop for your lunches for next week. You don't have to brown-bag it forever, but do it five days in a row, to get yourself in the habit. Transfer the money you would've spent (the average is $7.50 a day) to your savings account, and put it toward your main money goal. (Cash saved: $38)

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Day 16:

30-Day Money Cleanse (18)

Get cable for less. The average monthly cable bill is about $70, but a few major providers are experimenting with scaled-back packages for about half that. So call yours and ask. And look into HuluPlus or Netflix, which stream a selection of shows and movies for around $8 a month. You'll need a device like a Roku ($99) or Xbox ($199) to connect these services to your TV, but it'll pay for itself in a few months if you're switching from cable. (Cash saved: up to $62)

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Day 17:

30-Day Money Cleanse (19)

Give shopping bookmarks the boot. The easier it is to shop, the likelier you are to do it. Comb your web browser's bookmarks folder and remove all those tempting shopping links to sites like Gilt and Overstock. And "un-like" too: A 2010 survey found that more than a third of people who follow a brand on Facebook say it makes them more inclined to purchase that brand.

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Day 18:

30-Day Money Cleanse (20)

Try a D.I.Y. mani. If you're a fixture at your nails place, try alternating pro polishes with at-home touch-ups. Stick to a simple color and no one will spot the difference. (Cash saved: $240--$480 a year)

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Day 19:

30-Day Money Cleanse (21)

Slash your phone bill. Eight out of 10 people overpay for cell- phone service, meaning they're locked in to a pricier plan than they really need, according to research by billshrink.com. Check your last bill to see how many minutes or texts went unused. If it's a lot, downgrade your plan. (Cash saved: $30)

30-Day Money Cleanse (2024)


How to do a money cleanse? ›

Financial detox: money saving tips
  1. Cut discretionary spending – no coffees, takeaways, haircuts etc.
  2. Stop using your credit card.
  3. Download your banking app and check your bank balance daily.
  4. Draw up a detailed budget or download budgeting apps such as Cleo or Emma to help you.
  5. Get a handle on your debt.
Dec 12, 2023

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the meaning of money cleanse? ›

By passing money through complex transfers and transactions, or through a series of businesses, the money is “cleaned” of its illegitimate origin and made to appear as legitimate business profits.

How to go 30 days without spending money? ›

Keep Yourself Busy During Your 30-Day No Spend Challenge

The best way to pass the time without spending is to stay busy! Find things you love to do that don't cost a thing and you'll be able to stay on track with your challenge.

How to manage money spiritually? ›

Live on Less Than You Make and Save

That means living on less than you make—so you'll have money left over to save. The Bible talks about the importance of saving in Proverbs 21:20 (NIV84), which says, “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.”

What is a ritual money? ›

Residual income is the income an individual has left after all personal debts and expenses are paid in personal finance. Residual income is the level used to help figure out the creditworthiness of a potential borrower.

How to budget $5000 a month? ›

Consider an individual who takes home $5,000 a month. Applying the 50/30/20 rule would give them a monthly budget of: 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,500. 20% to savings and debt repayment = $1,000.

How to budget $4000 a month? ›

making $4,000 a month using the 75 10 15 method. 75% goes towards your needs, so use $3,000 towards housing bills, transport, and groceries. 10% goes towards want. So $400 to spend on dining out, entertainment, and hobbies.

How much savings should I have at 50? ›

By age 50, you'll want to have around six times your salary saved. If you're behind on saving in your 40s and 50s, aim to pay down your debt to free up funds each month. Also, be sure to take advantage of retirement plans and high-interest savings accounts.

What is money healing? ›

It is a healing process. Money blockages occur due to unhealed traumas and by a web of negative energy in and around you which obstructs the flow of money. Getting money reiki will help to heal and remove those blockages and make a way for financial prosperity and abundance.

What is dirty money and clean money? ›

Money laundering is an illegal activity that makes large amounts of money generated by criminal activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty, and the process “launders” it to look clean.

Is money a spiritual energy? ›

Money, like energy, flows throughout the universe. It represents the exchange of value and the interconnectedness of all things. Viewing money as a spiritual energy allows us to recognize the abundance that exists within and around us.

How to do the 30-day money challenge? ›

The goal of the Challenge is simple: save $100 in a 30-day time period through a series of gradually increasing deposits. November has 30 days so every day is a savings day. As shown in the picture below, daily savings deposits start at $1 a day for five days followed by $2, $3, and $4 each for five days.

What is the 30-day cash challenge? ›

One way to make saving money easier is to try the 30-day savings challenge. Here's how it works: When you have the urge to make an impulse purchase, wait for 30 days and give yourself time to think about it. While considering the purchase, deposit the money you need for it into a savings account.

How can I save $5,000 in 100 days? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

Is the 50 30 20 rule outdated? ›

But amid ongoing inflation, the 50/30/20 method no longer feels feasible for families who say they're struggling to make ends meet. Financial experts agree — and some say it may be time to adjust the percentages accordingly, to 60/30/10.

What is the disadvantage of the 50 30 20 rule? ›

It may not work for everyone. Depending on your income and expenses, the 50/30/20 rule may not be realistic for your individual financial situation. You may need to allocate a higher percentage to necessities or a lower percentage to wants in order to make ends meet. It doesn't account for irregular expenses.

What is the 40 40 20 budget rule? ›

The 40/40/20 rule comes in during the saving phase of his wealth creation formula. Cardone says that from your gross income, 40% should be set aside for taxes, 40% should be saved, and you should live off of the remaining 20%.

Does the 50 30 20 rule still apply? ›

If the 50/30/20 budget was once considered the golden standard of budgeting, it's not anymore. But there are budgeting methods out there that can help you reach your financial goals. Here are some expert-recommended alternatives to the 50/30/20.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.