31 Best Passive Income Ideas for Gen Z to Earn More (2024)

Passive income ideas for Gen Z to earn more and build wealth. Well, Gen Z means generation Z which starts from 1995. I feel Gen Z has more exciting opportunities to earn passive income.

If you belong to Gen Z group then count me in! Even I belong to generation Z and now I’m in my early 20s. Nowadays Gen Z can just earn passive income on social media. I feel this is like a million-dollar opportunity for our generation. So don’t miss such passive income streams where you can earn a lot of money with less efforts.

The most important thing which I’ve realised in my life is that saving money and earning money both are equally important. In my 20s I’m exploring some passive income streams which are helping me to grow financially. In my current blog now I’ll share my personal experiences about earning money and many passive income options for Gen Z.

31 Best Passive Income Ideas for Gen Z to Earn More (1)

31 Best passive income ideas for Gen Z

Gen Z is lucky that we all have technology and in these years we have made progress. So there are many creative passive income ideas for Gen Z. You don’t need to take stress to earn more money. These ideas are very practical which will boost your income.

1. Share your knowledge on Udemy to make passive income
2. Earn an immense passive income from blogging
3. An easy method to make passive income through ebooks
4. Design the T-shirts and make money online
5. Start to invest money in as a youngster to make passive income
6. Use social media to earn money
7. Know how to make passive income from stock photography
8. As a Gen Z earn money by selling affiliate products
9. Gather information about share market to make passive income
10. Earn money on Instagram
11. Create your own mobile app and start earning money passively
12. Make money through podcasting
13. Know how to earn recurring revenue online
14. Upload informative videos on YouTube to earn pennies
15. Ask questions and earn passive income!
16. Know the concept of compound interest to make passive income
17. Rent out the things which you don’t use
18. Earn passive income on Pinterest
19. Sell stock music and make money
20. Publish your own book to earn royalties
21. Use payment apps to get cashback
22. Apply the concept of passive saving in your daily life
23. Apply for government schemes to get monetary benefits
24. Invest money in good business to make passive income
25. Join the reference programmes
26. Start your own small business to generate passive income
27. Have your own bank account and deposit money
28. Earn money from real estate
29. Provide services and earn well
30. Sell scripts and earn immense money
31. By making stock videos you can earn money online

To earn passive income sometimes you don’t need any efforts but sometimes you should invest a little time or a small amount of money initially. So you must decide your passive income stream which will generate income for you.

In reality, there is no upper limit to earn money through passive income streams. You can earn as much as you want through your smart work.

“How much money can I earn from passive income streams?”- Has this question popped up in your head? Well, you can really earn immense money through passive income ideas. But for this, initially, you must put your efforts to earn more money in the long run.

Passive income ideas for Gen Z to be wealthy

As a Gen Z if you really want to reach financial freedom then passive income streams play an important role. We all have 24 hours in a day but we can do only a single job from 9-5 to make money, but to earn more money you can’t opt for two full-time jobs, right! And if you are a student then you should attend school or college.

You can’t do a full-time job to earn more money. So in this situation, passive income ideas will boost your earning. The day you start to explore different passive income streams that will be your first step towards financial freedom.

31 Best Passive Income Ideas for Gen Z to Earn More (2)

1. Share your knowledge on Udemy to make passive income

Now the world is moving towards digital learning. So don’t miss this opportunity to show your talent and make a passive income. Have you observed the students who are learning many things from the internet? Now it’s time to create such educational courses and help those students to learn better. In return, this opens the door of passive income for you.

Procedure to create an educational course to earn money

Have you heard about Udemy? Well, Udemy is an online platform where many educational courses are available. So if you have knowledge in any particular subject then you can create a course which will help others to learn something.

You can sell any type of courses there such as video, audio, presentation etc. Creating such courses take one-time effort, then every time when someone buys your course you will earn money. This is how you can build wealth by earning passive income just by selling educational courses.

You can choose any topic about which you want to create the course. For example, English speaking, basic maths, personal finance, drawing and painting and much more. I’m sure you can create such courses easily. So now start to create your educational course and make passive income.

Well, I’m curious to know which topic is there in your mind and on which topic you want to create an educational course. Just drop your ideas in the comment box. I’ll be happy to guide you further to create more passive income through your ideas.

2. Earn an immense passive income from blogging

By just writing articles you can earn passive income. I’ve seen that many people love to write. So if you are passionate about writing then grab this opportunity to make passive income. Start to write and publish your articles on WordPress.

If you can share your experiences and knowledge with the public through your writings then you will be amazed at your passive income earnings.

How I’m earning money from blogging?

I suggest you to first use the free version of WordPress, then see how things work for you. Even I’ve used the free version of WordPress and now I’ve launched my own blog Frugal Beat. There are many ways to monetise your articles or blogs. For example- affiliate marketing, Google Adsense and much more.

You will get more than 50 options to monetise your articles to make passive income. If you are really interested in blogging and want to learn about blogging then drop your all queries in the comment box. As a blogger, I would like to guide you further.

3. An easy method to make passive income through ebooks

I’ve earned money by selling my own books. It needs initial efforts to write an ebook but this is a one-time effort. Actually, after my graduation, I was preparing for competitive exams. So I was reading the newspaper and I was aware of all current affairs.

Then I created an ebook which was about current affairs quiz. I opened my account on Instmojo for free and listed my ebook. Then I shared the link of my ebook on my FB page, Instagram page etc. This is how I earned passive income from my ebook.

4. Design the T-shirts and make money online

Here you don’t need to invest any money. There are websites which allow you to create logos and designs on T-shirts online. Then if anyone buys that T-shirt you will earn the profit. Well, I’ve come across the website called Teeshopper where you can register yourself and create designs. This is the simple and practical passive income ideas for Gen Z.

5. Start to invest money in as a youngster to make passive income

Well, I believe in frugal living which helps to save money. When I joined the job, I used to save 70% of my monthly salary. Then I figure out ways to make money from money. I advise you to learn the art of making passive income by investing money.

Well, as a beginner, I have read a book called Learn to Earn. This book is very helpful if you want to learn the basics of investment to make passive income.

Then I came to know about mutual funds. And the best thing is nowadays as a Gen Z we don’t need any paperwork to invest in mutual funds. I personally used Groww app to invest in mutual funds and I’m earning passive income.

6. Use social media to earn money

All most all of you are using social media, right? So, instead of just scrolling on social media start to make passive income. This sounds exciting, right? Well, just become a social media influencer and earn money from promotions, sponsorships. For this, you just need a social media page and try to gain a lot of followers.

7. Know how to make passive income from stock photography

Just by clicking pictures from your smartphones you can make passive income. This is the magic of Gen Z! But you don’t need to be a professional photographer for this. Just click pictures like nature, animals, waterfalls or anything which you like. Then sell them on stock photography websites like Shutterstock, Getty Images etc. By this, you can earn passive income.

8. As a Gen Z earn money by selling affiliate products

I have personally tried many affiliate programmes like Amazon affiliate programme, Flipkart, Blue Host, Cluelinks etc. These are all popular brands so you can also sign up for such affiliate programmes and earn passive income in the form of commission.

I suggest you to join Cluelinks because there you will get all the popular brands like Amazon, Big Basket, Flipkart and almost all the affiliate programmes are available at the same place. Here you just need to log in and share the unique link of the products. When people buy those products then you will earn a commission on that.

9. Gather information about share market to make passive income

Very few people think about the share market. But if you see the successful people then all of them are very good at business and investment. Well, I can understand that there is a lot of risk in earning passive income through the share market.

But I think one must take calculated risks to make passive income. You must analyse your risk-taking capacity and start with a small. Take simple steps to make passive income. Don’t invest immediately first gather information from the right sources.

10. Earn money on Instagram

There are two methods to earn passive income on Instagram. You can share the affiliate links on Instagram to make passive income. And you can also earn money from sponsorships. I suggest you to increase your followers and be honest with your followers. Then only you can earn a lot of passive income in the long run.

11. Create your own mobile app and start earning money passively

Nowadays creating app is actually easy. You know what, there are some apps which will help you to create your own app like gaming app or any other app. So this requires a minimum investment of money.

But once you upload your app on the Google Play Store then you can earn passive income through Google Adsense, sponsorships and even you can sell your own info products. My cousin has created a simple game app. So If you are interested then you can think to make passive income by creating app.

12. Make money through podcasting

Podcasting is all about sharing audios. You can create podcasts like storytelling, educational audios, motivational or anything which is very useful for people. You can do your own research that which type of podcasts are in demand. Most of the people listen to podcasts during travelling and nowadays there is more potential in earning passive income from podcasts.

13. Know how to earn recurring revenue online

Recurring revenue can also be considered as passive income. For example, if you are a middle man and help to rent out a house then the owner of the house will give you a commission.

But if you do a deal with the owner that whenever that client pays a monthly rent then you want some commission. Then is called as recurring revenue. Getting a good client is a one-time effort but every month you will earn passive income.

Like this, there are some online affiliate programmes which are based on recurring revenue. So figure out such recurring revenue-earning opportunities and make passive income as a student.

14. Upload informative videos on YouTube to earn pennies

Well, millions of people watch YouTube videos daily. So as a Gen Z you can use this opportunity to earn money. You can choose any topic in which you are interested and start to upload videos.

Creating a YouTube channel is totally free. Even I’ve created my YouTube channel. So go for it and monetise your videos by Google Adsense and even sell affiliate products to earn passive income.

15. Ask questions and earn passive income!

This sounds interesting, right? Well, this is actually a very easy source of passive income but this needs initial hard work. Here I’m talking about Quora. I’m assuming you know about Quora which is a Q&A online platform. Here you can sign up and first build your followers by answering good questions.

If you really do good then in future Quora may invite you to join their partnership programme. Where you will be making passive income by simply posting good and valuable questions.

16. Know the concept of compound interest to make passive income

In simple words, compound interest means interest on the interest. Actually, mutual funds also work on the compound interest. And there are some schemes in banks where you can earn more passive income through the concept of compound interest.

So figure out such schemes and save money through such schemes. Even if you are a student then also you can save money and deposit money in such schemes.

17. Rent out the things which you don’t use

This may look very simple option. But you can earn passive income from this idea. You can rent out your books, laptop and even your bike or bicycle. There are many people who use such things on rent. Especially students look for such things. So find out such people and make passive income.

18. Earn passive income on Pinterest

On Pinterest, I’ve seen that many people sell T-shirts, craft and also many affiliate products. Do you know, this month I’ve got around 100k views on my Pinterest account. That means you can imagine how much people are active on Pinterest and see the potential of earning passive income there.

Well, all this type of passive income ideas for Gen Z are very simple to implement. So don’t underestimate such passive income streams.

19. Sell stock music and make money

As I told about stock photography, in the same way, this is about music. Many YouTubes use background music for their videos. And many people sell their music on stock music websites. So if you like playing the guitar or piano or anything then comose your music and sell on stock music sites to earn passive income.

20. Publish your own book to earn royalties

There are many popular authors whose books are being sold worldwide. Even I’ve read some popular and very helpful books like “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “The Richest Man in Babylon”.

These are very informative books which help people. So if you think you can also publish a good book then publish it and earn passive income. There are some opportunities where you can publish your book for free. Let me share some websites which will help you with this- Scholargram, BooksFundr etc.

21. Use payment apps to get cashback

As we belong to Gen Z, we have many facilities like digital transaction. So I suggest you to use apps to make payments where you get cashback and offers. Well, I feel this is also a kind of passive income because you don’t need to do any work here. Just use payment apps and earn money in the form of cashback. I personally use Google Pay app to make payments.

22. Apply the concept of passive saving in your daily life

Well, saving electricity, saving water and other resources all this can be called as passive saving. Here you don’t need to put any extra efforts to save money. Just switch off lights, fan and other things when you are not using them. All this saving helps to save money indirectly. So I feel passive saving is also equal to passive earning.

23. Apply for government schemes to get monetary benefits

There are many government schemes where you can get monetary benefit. My aunt lives in the state of Goa(India) and there is a government scheme where housewives get monthly monetary benefit. She also applied for that scheme and every month she gets some money in her bank account. So this is also passive income. Be aware of such government schemes where you can get financial support.

24. Invest money in good business to make passive income

Well, there are some companies which look for private investments. So if get such opportunities then you can invest money to earn passive income. But you must be sensible while choosing the right business where you won’t lose your money. Actually this is a risky idea. But if you invest in a good business then you can really earn a lot of passive income.

25. Join the reference programmes

Nowadays just by ‘referring programmes’ you can earn passive income. So I suggest you build your network more. Well, now you can easily connect with many people online. So build a good network and also join any reference programme where you can earn money just by referring. This can be any service reference or any product reference or even it can be ant mobile app reference.

26. Start your own small business to generate passive income

Do you think that you want a huge amount of money to start your business? In reality, you can even start some business with zero investment. So just try to be more innovative and figure out new business ideas which you can start with zero investment or with very less money.

In my real life, I’ve come across the small business stories like making art and craft, baking cake and cookies. All these business ideas require less investment and you can even start them at home. So implement such small business ideas and earn passive income in the long run.

27. Have your own bank account and deposit money

In counties like India, I’ve seen that some students and even some women do not have their own bank account. So I advise you to have your own bank account. When you save money in the bank you will earn interest on your money. This may be a very small amount but this is also a passive income. Remember every single penny is valuable. So have your account and start to save money.

28. Earn money from real estate

This is the oldest passive income stream. Crack a good deal by purchasing land which you can sell later. Here you must look for a good deal which provides you good income. You can even invest in farmland which helps to generate more passive income.

29. Provide services and earn well

By providing services also you can make passive income. For example – Car washing service. Here you can hire someone and start your car washing service centre. You don’t need much money to invest here. Just you need some space where you can provide this service. In the long run, you will be earning more passive income from this.

30. Sell scripts and earn immense money

I’ve seen that nowadays there is more demand for event blogging. For example- Sending wishes on festivals. And all these wishes are like animated effects. You may have seen that on festivals you get wish links when you click on the links you get festival wishes.

So create such scripts and sell. But this requires a little bit of knowledge of coding. So if you are interested in this then you can earn passive income by selling such a script.

31. By making stock videos you can earn money online

This idea is similar to stock music and stock photography. Many YouTubers and other video creators want some video clips. So you can create some video clips like rain, waterfalls or any good videos which you can sell on video stick websites.

Even you can make animated videos and sell on stock videos websites. Here you will earn 20% to 70% commission. So this is also the practical ways to make passive income.

Mind-blowing passive income ideas for Gen Z

I’ve seen that most of the youngsters just focus on their studies and they think about getting a 9-5 job which generates monthly income. But as a Gen Z have you ever realised there are so many other income sources? Do you know, even if you are a student then also you can start to earn passive income.

I feel that youngsters should think about making money even if they are still students. This will help you to be financially independent. Don’t you want to sponsor your trip with your friends with your own earned money?

Well, it does not really matter whether you are busy with your regular job or busy with your studies as a student. Passive income means it requires little efforts. Who does not like to make money with a little effort right? So initially put your efforts and start to earn money multiple times.

Let me explain you with an example if your dad is having a car then he can rent out it and earn monthly rent. Finding a good client is just an initial effort then your dad will be earning money without any effort. This is how all passive income streams work. But don’t worry I don’t advise you to buy a new car for you to rent it out!! I have many other ideas which are very simple and easy for you to implement and earn passive income.

So these are all practical passive income ideas for Gen Z. Implement these ideas in your life to make more passive income. Now analyse which passive income streams can be good for you and start to explore them.

31 Best Passive Income Ideas for Gen Z to Earn More (2024)


How to generate $1000 a month in passive income? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

How can I make $5000 a month in passive income? ›

If you like the idea of earning passive income, one idea to make $5,000 per month is to rent out things for money. This is probably the best option if you're very busy with your job and don't have time to start a new side hustle. You can essentially let your assets make money for you so you're earning on autopilot.

How to make $2,000 a month passive? ›

Ways to make $2,000 a month passive income
  1. Earn commissions with affiliate marketing. ...
  2. Teach people through an online course. ...
  3. Make passive income from ad networks like Google Adsense. ...
  4. Grow your social media following and do influencer marketing. ...
  5. Sell e-books on Amazon and other platforms.

How to generate $100,000 in passive income? ›

But you could also purchase a property, renovate and resell it. Or if you're looking to invest $100,000 for passive income, you might buy real estate and rent it out. While rental income is considered passive income, being a landlord often requires considerable work, which can make it feel like a more active endeavor.

How to turn $10,000 into passive income? ›

Investing in stocks or dividend-paying funds is a strategy to generate passive income through regular dividend payouts. By investing in dividend-paying stocks or funds, you can build a source of passive income that provides regular cash flow while potentially benefiting from capital appreciation over the long term.

What passive income makes the most money? ›

Dividend stocks

Dividends are paid per share of stock, so the more shares you own, the higher your payout. Opportunity: Since the income from the stocks isn't related to any activity other than the initial financial investment, owning dividend-yielding stocks can be one of the most passive forms of making money.

How to create multiple streams of income in your 30s? ›

Six Places to Look for Multiple Streams of Income
  1. Consult with Clients. The easiest starting point for additional income is to share your expertise by offering consulting or coaching services, said Clark. ...
  2. Author a Book or Start a Blog. ...
  3. Start a Podcast. ...
  4. Speak Professionally. ...
  5. Host Live Events. ...
  6. Invest in Real Estate.

How can I make $200 a day passive income? ›

How To Make $200 A Day
  1. Online Freelancing.
  2. Deliver Food.
  3. Make Money Blogging.
  4. Use Microtask & Survey Websites.
  5. Start An Ecommerce Business.
  6. Invest.
  7. Become A Pet Sitter.
  8. Find Cash Gigs With Steady.
Jul 22, 2024

How do you make massive passive income? ›

17 passive income ideas for 2024
  1. Dividend stocks.
  2. Dividend index funds or ETFs.
  3. Bonds and bond funds.
  4. Real estate investment trusts (REITS)
  5. Money market funds.
  6. High-yield savings accounts.
  7. CDs.
  8. Buy a rental property.
Jul 27, 2024

How to turn 100.000 into 1 million? ›

Buy a low-cost index fund that tracks the S&P 500; your $100,000 could grow to $1 million in about 23 years. You'll get there even faster by investing additional funds. Add $500 monthly and reach $1 million in just 19 years. Of course, past results don't guarantee future outcomes, but history is on investors' side.

How can I earn $1,000 dollars per month? ›

Job ideas for how to make an extra $1000 a month
  1. Freelance writing. Becoming a freelance writer is a lucrative way to produce extra income. ...
  2. Virtual assistant. If you're an organized person, then you could excel as a virtual assistant. ...
  3. Online English tutor. ...
  4. Data entry. ...
  5. Proofreading. ...
  6. Blogging. ...
  7. Social media manager. ...
  8. Resume writer.
Mar 19, 2024

How to make $3 000 a month passive income? ›

6. Invest For $3,000 In Passive Income
  1. Investing in income-generating real estate with companies like Arrived.
  2. Buying assets to rent out for profit.
  3. Investing in mutual funds and index funds.
  4. Investing in an online business or brick and mortar business that you hire help for.
Jul 25, 2024

How to turn $100 dollars into $1,000 in a month? ›

10 best ways to turn $100 into $1,000
  1. Opening a high-yield savings account. ...
  2. Investing in stocks, bonds, crypto, and real estate. ...
  3. Online selling. ...
  4. Blogging or vlogging. ...
  5. Opening a Roth IRA. ...
  6. Freelancing and other side hustles. ...
  7. Affiliate marketing and promotion. ...
  8. Online teaching.
Apr 12, 2024

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.