37+ Odd Ways to Make Money in 2023 (2024)

I have talked about a ton of ways to make money, both online and offline. While many of them are self-explanatory and make sense, some make you say “hmm…”

So, in today’s post, I wanted to round up and talk about the manyodd ways you can make money.

Yes, it’s 100% legal, and, yes, most of you can do it as soon as today. They are just a bit more creative than most of the options you may have already researched.

If you like the thought of the weirdest ways to make money, then you will like this post, I promise.

Sell Breast Milk

Of course, this will only work if you’re currently breastfeeding. While it seems controversial, it’s not illegal, at least yet.

If you breastfeeding, did you know breast milk can sell for up to $2 per ounce?

If it’s something of interest, a quick search can yield many marketplaces online. You just need to supply.

Put Ads on Your Car

Yes, companies will pay you to advertise on your car as long as you’re willing to either wrap it or install an LCD screen.

As a fair warning, it can be hard to find an advertiser in your area, but it is possible. You will just have to work hard to find someone willing to take you on.

As long as you drive about 1,000+ miles per month and live in a city where cars will always see you, then I don’t see why you can’t at least qualify.

To learn more about this opportunity, refer to a post I made in the past.

Clean up Dog Poop

When you think of making money with a dog, most think about dog sitting and/or walking.

Well, one option most people pass up is the one we want to avoid — dog poop.

Believe it or not, but many dog owners are willing to pay you weekly to pick up their dog’s mess in their yard, often up to $15+ per visit. Find 10+ houses and it’s an easy, yet messy, $150+ a week.

To find these opportunities, I would start with Rover, Thumbtack and Craigslist.

Be Part of a Focus Group

Companies will often pay consumers to attend a meeting for about an hour to discuss new products or even share your thoughts on a new idea.

If you don’t mind setting aside about an hour of your day and mingling with other like-minded consumers, then it could be a quick way to earn $100 to $150+ for the time invested. Just show up, sit around and answer some questions for about an hour.

I have talked about the many focus group opportunities available out there, particularity in my $100 per survey guide. Check it out to see the many companies that want to pay you right now.

Be a Friend to Someone

Out of all the options I note here, this could be the oddest one.

Did you know people will actually pay you to be their friend for the afternoon? And, no, it’s nothing romantic, I promise you that.

From going to the movies to walking in the park, there are a ton of people who just want a companion for the day.

If you don’t mind being a friend to someone and making up to $150+ a day, consider checking a post I wrote in the past, how to get paid being a friend.

Buy Beer and Get Paid

Yes, it is possible to buy beer and get paid for it.

Known as a beer auditor, it will be your job to visit stores while undercover to see if they ask for your ID. Most gigs may ask you to be underage, where some may ask you to be in the 21 to 25 years old range. It depends on the company you want to work with.

Similar to that of mystery shopping, you will often get to work whenever and wherever you want. Refer to my beer auditor post to learn more about this opportunity.

Sell Your College Notes

If you’re still in college or maybe you have some college notes laying around from your previous college years, then there could be money to be made.

There are a ton of websites that are willing to buy your notes, including Course Heroand Nexus Notes, to name a few. Check out my full list as I did write about this topic in the past.

Your notes will have to be of value and legible, but hey, it’s an odd way to make money.

Competitive Eating

If you think you can down more hot dogs or any food faster than someone else, consider joining a competitive eating contest that pays cash.

The larger ones, such as the Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest, held every Independence Day, pays out more than $10,000 to its winners, whereas your smaller town eating contest may only pay out a few bucks. Usually, searching Google can yield some good results.

Nonetheless, this could be an awesome way to earn a few bucks while doing something you may enjoy doing — eating.

The Craigslist “Gigs” Section

To me, Craigslist doesn’t have the greatest reputation. I mean, if you take the time to view some of the postings on there, especially the “Gigs” section, it would make you question humanity.

While most of the “gigs” found in this Craigslist section are 100% legit and make sense, there are some that make you wonder.

For instance, while I was writing this, I found people who would pay you to send pictures of your feet, while another organization was looking for a surrogate mother. There were a ton!

To find these jobs, head to your local Craigslist section and look for the “Gigs” section on its own near the jobs. It will look something like this…

As a fair warning, there’s a lot of oddness here. If you decide to take advantage, be sure to use your instincts before meeting. This could include meeting in a police parking lot or well-lit busy area. The same can be said about scams as well. Never hand over any sensitive data online or offer your time until a contract is agreed upon. As long as you’re smart with your choices, you shouldn’t have a problem finding something “odd.”

Nonetheless, there are a lot of odd jobs here posted everyday that are definitely different than your 9-5 paycheck.

Become a Cuddler

CuddleComfort.com and a few other like-minded websites will find people who want to pay you to cuddle with others.

No, it’s not sexual nor is there any funny business. It’s simply cuddling.

If you like the idea, consider creating a profile to see if anyone wants to hire you.

Become a Dorm Mom for College Students

Every year, thousands of students move away from home for the first time.

Since college is stressful enough, many students can’t find the time to do laundry or even clean their dorms. Some don’t do it by choice, however.

This is where you can come into the picture as a dorm mom.

The website, DormMom.com, works with hundreds of colleges, mostly providing laundry services, but they offer other cleaning services as well.

To learn more about this cool opportunity, you can do so via the company’s official “work with us” page.

Do Someone’s Homework

Similar to that of tutoring, there are a ton of websites out there where you can lend your expertise to help others with their homework.

From math to essays, you won’t be doing all of the work. Rather, you will be helping them complete whatever project they may have.

Depending on the topic, you could easily make $30+ for your time. Be sure to check out my favorite 15+ websites that pay you to do homework for others.

Dumpster Diving

You know that old saying, “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure,” right? This couldn’t be truer in the dumpster diving world.

If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty and diving into some nearby dumpsters, you never know what you can find. Take a look at this great subreddit to see what people have found as of late.

To learn more about this odd way to make money, check out a few of these highly-rated eBooks on Amazon that teach you the in’s and out’s of the dumpster diving world.

Entertain on the Streets

Many people, from Las Vegas to New York City, make quite the living on the streets entertaining. I read reports that some people make $800+ a day doing this.

From playing the guitar to dressing up as a mascot, this odd way to make money could really work to your advantage if you live near popular, touristy city.

If you have a skill and know it will work on the streets, test your luck to see how much you can make.

Feet Pictures

This one is geared more toward the women, but it’s one I have to list here.

Many men out there, for one reason or another, love feet, so much so that they are willing to buy pictures of yours.

If you don’t mind snapping a pic, then it could be the easiest $10+ you ever make.

Consider selling on eBay or creating a post on Craigslist. Beware, however, you will receive a lot of creepy messages!

Check out Fiverr for Ideas

I have talked about Fiverr a ton of times. By far, it’s one of my favorite ways to make money online.

In short, it’s a marketplace where you can sell any service you want, as long as it’s legal, of course. From singing to drawing, there’s something for all. While they used to only let you sell services for $5, you can sell for much more than that now.

Take a look at the website and see what others are doing to make money. You may be surprised. If you see anything that you think you could do, but maybe even better, consider setting a service up to make some cash.

It can take some time to make some cash on this massive platform, but it can be done. You just need patience as with any business that’s taking off for the first time.

To learn more about how Fiverr works and how you could even become a six-figure power seller, I always recommend people to check out one of my favorite books, The Fiverr Master Class: The Fiverr Secrets Of Six Power Sellers.

Live in a House Temporarily

If you say the word “babysitting,” most people think about kids. This isn’t always the case, however.

Did you know that some people will leave for some time and need someone to watch their home? And, they are willing to pay you?

From simply watering plants to making sure the house is in working order and taking care of pets, there are quite a few people every day looking for someone like you. All job descriptions vary, but let it be known that there are people out there right now who want to hire you.

I talked about house sitting in my many ways to make money to travel if you’re interested in making money watching someone’s home.

Serve Jury Duty Online

Many people often frown upon the idea of getting a jury summons in the mail. I mean, I get it. You only get paid $10 per day, if that, and sometimes have to waste days driving downtown to the court case.

However, if you’re one of the few that actually want to serve on a jury, then it can be done online, wherein you can get paid to review a case. You just need to apply and get accepted.

There are quite a few options online, but I would start with the more popular ones such as JuryTalk.com, eJury.com and OnlineVerdict.com.

Lose Weight

Yes, you can get paid to lose weight, and, no,it’s not a scam.

One popular app, known as HealthyWage, will actually pay you if you meet your weight loss goals. I talked a lot about it, as well as other options, in my get paid to work out post. I also wrote a review if you want to see how it works in detail.

In short, you set a goal, and if you meet it, you win the bet.

You won’t make a ton in doing it, but it could pocket you a few hundred bucks if you’re disciplined enough to meet your goals.

Mystery Shop

If you like the idea of being undercover, then mystery shopping might be right up your alley.

The cool thing about mystery shopping is that you can work at your own paceandchoose the jobs you want. Some pay quite well.

If you’re not familiar with the concept, I talk about it in depth in my 75+ best mystery shopping companies, but in short, you will shop while undercover, usually answering questions in relation to your shopping experience. For instance, you may have to buy a pizza and take a picture of it before eating as well as answer questions in regards to your customer service experience.

Most mystery shopping jobs can pay anywhere from $5 to $50+ and can really add up if you do a few a day.

Offer Your Body for Science

If you have the time to spare, do your part for science and consider participating in a clinical trial, some of which pay more than $10,000.

Every day, there are thousands of clinical trials looking for people who meet specific criteria, most often a medical condition. Healthy people can apply as well, too!

During these trials, doctors will want to test a new treatment and/or see how you react to certain situations. All of these studies vary, but be prepared to test something out for the time being. I have talked about the highest paying clinical trials in the past if you don’t mind helping the medical community.

If considering this route, be sure to talk with both your doctor as well as the organizer to know your risks as you may be asked to take medicines not available to the public yet.

Pet Sit

While you can pet sit a dog or cat, I’m not talking about this here as this option is pretty obvious.

Instead, I’m talking about finding pet owners who own a not-so-average pet, such as a horse, turtle, ferret or something of that nature.

If you have the experience to watch these types of pets, consider using the many resources I mentioned in my how to pet sit post to find an owner who needs help near you.

Write a Poem

If you have a knack for writing poems, there are many ways to make money writing them online. In fact, there are more than 76+ websites that may want to use your work.

Like freelancing writing, it could take off and become part-time gig, maybe even a full-time opportunity,butit will take some time before you start to see money rolling in.

Pose for Art Classes

Did you know that many art classes often need someone to sit still for a few hours while they paint/draw you?

Yes, some opportunities do require that you take your clothes off, so be prepared for that, but it isn’t always necessary.

To find these opportunities, search Indeed or even the Craigslist “Gigs” section for something along the lines of “pose for art class,” etc.

Rent out Your Car

If you have a car that’s just sitting around, consider renting it out to others who may need it for the afternoon.

Popular car-sharing services, such as GetAround and Turo, allow you to set your rates, the time your car is available as well as who you want to rent out to. They even include liability insurance in case something goes wrong while your car is out.

I know the idea may sound silly and maybe even dangerous, but from my experience, people who rent directly from a person, rather than a corporation, tend to treat a car much better since they know who the car belongs to.

Rent Out a Room

Who says you need a house to rent out in order to make money?

If you have a room to spare, consider listing it on Airbnb or SpareRoom.com, to name a few.

Some people may want to rent your room for a day or two, whereas some people may want to rent it out for the next year. It’s really up to you what you want to do, but just let it be known that money can be made, especially if you live in a touristy city!

Recycle and Make Money

From collecting scrap metal on garbage collection days to collecting aluminum cans where you can get a deposit, there are many ways to make money recycling. You won’t only make money, but you’re helping the environment as well.

I wrote about a few methods, particularly recycling batteries and cans, but let it be known there many other ways to make cash as well while recycling.

Review Music

Do you like to listen to music?

If so, SlicethePie will pay you to listen to all sorts of music and write a simple review.

The website doesn’t pay a whole lot, but it’s a fun way to earn a few bucks in your spare time.

Sell Your Body

No, I’m not talking about selling your body parts.

Instead, consider selling your plasma or even your hair. Both of these options are 100% legal and can make you $50+, depending on how much hair you have or how often you donate.

I wrote about the many ways to donate your plasma in the past but have yet to create a hair donation guide, at least yet. Check it out to see how you can start making cash as early as today.

Send in Your Junk Mail for Cash

A company by the name of the Small Business Knowledge Center will pay you if you send them any junk mail you receive.

From junk mail in your mailbox to spammy emails, the company will pay you about $20 every six weeks.

You definitely won’t get rich, but hey, it’s an odd way to earn enough cash for a lunch once in a while.

Sleep and Get Paid

Similar to that of being a human guinea pig, did you know that you can get paid to sleep as well?

While you won’t be able to make a full-time living in doing so, it’s not too hard to make $200, $400 or even $1,000+

I wrote about this very topic in depth in the past, so I highly recommend you check it out if it’s something of interest.

Donate Sperm

Like donating your plasma or even hair, sperm banks need donations as well.

If going this route, do keep in mind that many banks are quite strict in who they accept, so don’t expect instant cash. For example, one bank I was researching while writing this wanted a very specific demographic that had a college degree, 3.5+ GPA and even a certain blood type. Yes, many banks are this strict, so keep this in mind.

To find a bank near you, searching for “sperm banks + your zip code” can yield some great results.

Stand in a Line

A lot of times, you can purchase a ticket online right when the event opens up,butthis isn’t always the case.

For instance, in New York City, some Broadway shows only sell tickets in person, whereas movie theaters can do the same for special events.

Since a lot of people don’t want to stand in line for hours, they often pay someone like you to do this. From finding this sort of job on TaskRabbit to websites built just for this purpose like LineAngel.

You would be surprised as to how many people are willing to pay you $10+ an hour just to stand there and buy tickets.


This one takes more luck than anything,butif you enter a few a day, you’re bound to win eventually. I mean, check out all of these people who posted their winnings.

From a cash sweepstakes to winning a car, this option is a lot better than testing your odds at the local casino.

Again, it’s an unconventional way, I understand,however,it can pay off if you stick to it.

Get Paid to Get a Tattoo

This optioncouldnet you thousands if you find the right person, but it’s going to be hard, I will warn you right now.

In the past, I wrote about how one man made $200,000, so it’s entirely possible. It’s just going to take a pinch of creativity and hard work on your part.

As long as you don’t mind getting some ink, more than likely in a prominent place, then consider researching the topic more via the post linked prior.

Take Pictures of Help Wanted Signs

A very popular money-making app, known as the Job Spotterapp, will pay you to take pictures of any help wanted sign you find. It’s operated by the very popular job search engine website, Indeed.

How much you make depends on which sign you take a picture of as a corporation store hiring will often pay out much less than a local cafe.

Regardless, you will always get credited, as long as you follow the guidelines, usually anywhere from one to 100+ points, with each point worth a penny.

The only downfall is that they offer Amazon gift cards as an option, but to me, that’s almost as good as cash!

Simply Walk for Money

The Sweatcoin app will pay you a number of points for every step you take.

I wrote about this very app in the past and found it to be an okay way to earn a few bucks. I also wrote about 10+ apps that work just like it.

Don’t expect to make a ton, but if you walk a lot throughout the day, it may be one to consider.

Wear a T-shirt and Get Paid

It is possible to get paid to wear a t-shirt for someone else,but you won’t make a ton in doing so. Maybe a few bucks. You probably won’t be as lucky as Jason Zook, a man who made over $1 million wearing t-shirts for more than 1,500+ companies.

From creating an eBay listing to being creative on Fiverr, there are many ways to make a few bucks.

I talked about the many ways you can do this in my “get paid to advertise” clothing post if you want to learn more about the many ways you can do so.

Video Games Can Make You Cash

It is possible to make money playing video games at home right now, albeit it’s not much, at least not right away.

If you want to make the big bucks, consider taking the route of a professional gamer or even consider entering a tournament if you feel you’re a master at the game.

Learn more about the many ways you can make money playing video games, no matter how great you are, in my 42+ ways to make money playing video games at home.

As you can see, there are quite a few “odd” ways to make money.

Sure, some can be fun, while some are a real head turner. Nonetheless, all of these options are 100% legal and can make you some cash.

If you want to think outside the box and earn some cash as early as today, consider a few of these options to see how much you could potentially make.

As always, I’m open to more suggestions and even criticism! You’re always welcomed to leave your thoughts in the comments below.


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37+ Odd Ways to Make Money in 2023 (2024)


How to make money fast without a job 2023? ›

100 Ways To Make Money Without a Job
  1. Take Online Surveys. Taking online surveys is one of the easiest ways to earn extra money. ...
  2. Test Websites. ...
  3. Open a High-Yield Savings Account. ...
  4. Participate In Mock Trials. ...
  5. Get Rewards for Searching. ...
  6. Become a Beta. ...
  7. Participate In Clinical Trials. ...
  8. Enter Contests.
Jun 12, 2024

How can I make additional income in 2023? ›

  1. Do you enjoy being creative? ...
  2. Selling old clothing is another way you can make extra money online. ...
  3. Becoming an online tutor is one way you can potentially turn your skills into cash. ...
  4. If you love kids, offering childcare services could be a great side gig.
Feb 25, 2024

How do beginners make money on OnlyFans? ›

Here are the top seven ways to make money on OnlyFans:
  1. Subscriptions. The most basic way for creators to monetize is through subscriptions. ...
  2. Pay-per-view content. ...
  3. Direct messaging. ...
  4. Tips. ...
  5. Promo 'shoutouts' ...
  6. Coaching. ...
  7. Livestreaming.
Jan 4, 2024

How to make $10,000 a month on OnlyFans? ›

To earn $10,000 or more on OnlyFans, you must leverage monetization tools such as subscriptions, PPVs, and tips.
  1. Get your Fan Base to at least 1,000.
  2. Start with a Slightly Higher Paid Subscription.
  3. Send Mass Messages Daily.
  4. Feature PPV Posts on your Free Account Twice a Day.
  5. Accept Custom Content Requests Whenever you can.
Mar 31, 2024

How to make $2,000 a month without a job? ›

How To Make $2,000 A Month
  1. Online Freelancing.
  2. Use Get-Paid-To Websites.
  3. Deliver Food For Money.
  4. Virtual Assistant.
  5. Start A Blog.
  6. Start A Service-Based Business.
  7. Deliver Packages For Money.
  8. Do Odd Jobs For Cash.
May 24, 2024

How can I make $500 fast without a job? ›

Make $500 Fast Selling Your Stuff
  1. Sell Unused CDs, DVDs, and Other Tech Online. Look around you. ...
  2. Sell Your Jewelry. Do you have any old jewelry that you want to get rid of? ...
  3. Sell Gently Used Clothing. Having old stuff clutter up your space is NEVER fun. ...
  4. Sell on Online Marketplaces. ...
  5. Flip Items on Social Media.

How to make $300 without a job? ›

How to Make $300 Fast: 21 Quick Financial Solutions
  1. Volunteer to work overtime or ask for it. ...
  2. Sell unused items. ...
  3. Take online surveys. ...
  4. Monetize your skills and talents. ...
  5. Drive for Uber or Lyft. ...
  6. Deliver for food apps. ...
  7. Rent out a spare room. ...
  8. Rent out your car.
Jan 9, 2024

What is the easiest side hustle from home? ›

Things like freelancing, social media marketing, answering surveys, and proofreading for other small businesses are pretty easy side jobs from home that can still turn a nice profit.

How to make quick cash in a day? ›

25+ Ways to Make Quick Money in One Day
  1. Become a rideshare driver. ...
  2. Focus on freelancing. ...
  3. Sell unused gift cards. ...
  4. Carsharing or parking spot rentals. ...
  5. Send app referrals. ...
  6. Find unclaimed money. ...
  7. Deliver groceries or take out. ...
  8. Sell your clothes online.

How can I make $1000 tonight? ›

How to make $1,000 fast
  1. Sell stuff you already own.
  2. Deliver food.
  3. Pick up a part-time job.
  4. Rent out unused space.
  5. Start freelance writing.
  6. Try affiliate marketing.
  7. Drive for a ridesharing service.
  8. Find odd jobs.
Jan 17, 2024

How can I earn $100 a day? ›

How to Make 100 Dollars A Day (Without a Job)
  1. Launch An Ecommerce Store.
  2. Become A Freelancer.
  3. Create and Sell Online Courses.
  4. Become An Influencer.
  5. Become An Uber/Lyft Driver.
  6. Online Tutoring.
  7. Become An Airbnb Host.
  8. Pet Sitting.
Jun 6, 2024

How can I make money ASAP? ›

Want to make money fast? Here are 16 legit ways to do it
  1. Find unclaimed property.
  2. Sell unused gift cards.
  3. Trade in electronics.
  4. Take surveys.
  5. Sell clothes online.
  6. Be a rideshare driver.
  7. Make deliveries.
  8. Do Taskrabbit.
6 days ago

What content makes more money on OnlyFans? ›

On OnlyFans, the most lucrative income streams include subscriptions, direct messaging, tips, and pay-per-view content. These methods provide a variety of ways for creators to monetize their interactions and content.

What is the realistic income for OnlyFans? ›

Average OnlyFans creator earns $150-180 monthly; the top 1% earn 33% of total revenue. Top earners benefit from existing audiences, niche content, high-quality materials, and aggressive marketing.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.