4.1 Programming Preliminaries | R Module 1 (2024)

  1. Look at a sentence in a language you don’t know, look carefully at the symbols, spacing and characters.
  2. Recall learning a foreign language, how you had to learn the syntax and grammar rules.
  3. Now think about English (or another language you know well) and think about the syntax and grammar rules that you take for granted.

All human languages rely on a set of rules called grammar, which describe how the language should be used to communicate.When two humans communicate with a language, they both must agree on the rules of that language.

R also has rules that must be followed in order for a human ( you ) to communicate with a computer, i.e.in order to tell the computer what to do.In human language, grammar is often fluid and evolving, and two people may have to adapt their use of the language in order to communicate.With R, the rules are fixed, and the computer “knows” them perfectly.It is up to you to learn the rules in order to make the computer do exactly what you want it to do.

Since any computer programming language will do exactly what you tell it to do,it’s important to cover some of the basic rules of the R programming languagebefore you can learn what it can do.

So let’s get started:

4.1.1 R Commands

Like most programming languages, R consists of a set of commands which form the sequence of instructions which the computer completes. You can think of commandsas the verbs of R, they are the actions the computer will take.Here is an example of a command, followed by the result.

print("hello, world!")
[1] "hello, world!"

This command is telling R to print out a message.R code usually contains more than one command, and typically each command is put on a separate line.Here are multiple commands, each on a separate line:

print("The air is fine!")print(1+1)print(4 > 5)
[1] "The air is fine!"[1] 2[1] FALSE

The first command prints another message, the second command does some math then prints the result, and the third command evaluates whether the statement is true or false and prints the result.Generally, it’s a good idea to put separate commands on separate lines, but you can put multiple commands on the same line, as long as you separate them by a semicolon.See this code for example:

[1] 2[1] 4

In this example, three commands are given on one line.The first command creates a new variable called x, the second command prints the value of x, and the third command prints the value of x squared.We see that the semicolon, ;, serves as the command termination, because it tells R where one command ends and another begins.When a line contains a single command, no semicolon is necessary at the end, but including a semicolon doesn’t have any effect either.

print("This line doesn't have a semicolon")print("This line does have a semicolon");
[1] "This line doesn't have a semicolon"[1] "This line does have a semicolon"

Including multiple semicolons (e.g.print(“hello”);;)does not work!

You’ve just seen your first example of assignment. That is,we created a thing called x , and assigned to itthe value of 1+1 using the assignment operator,<-. Formally x is called an object, butwe’ll talk more about objects and assignment later.

So far, we’ve seen that you can place one command on one line, multiple commands on multiple lines, multiple commands on one line, so you may ask: can you can place one command on multiple lines?The answer is sometimes, depending on the command, but we will not discuss this now.

At this point, we’ve introduced several new types of R commands(assigning a variable, squaring a number, etc.), and we will talk morespecifically about these later. The important part of this section ishow R code is arranged into different commands.

Lastly, commands can be “grouped together” using left and right curly braces: { and }.Here’s an example:

{ print("here's some code that's all grouped together") print(2^3 - 7) w <- "hello" print(w)}
[1] "here's some code that's all grouped together"[1] 1[1] "hello"

The above grouped code is indented so that it looks nice, but it doesn’t have to be:

{print("here's some code that's all grouped together")print(2^3 - 7)w <- "hello"print(w)}
[1] "here's some code that's all grouped together"[1] 1[1] "hello"

Indenting is an example of coding style, which areformatting decisions which don’t affect the results of the code, but aremeant to enhance readability. We’ll talk more about coding style later.In some programming languages, Python for example, white space matters.That is, code indents and other spaces change the way the code runs. InR, white space does not matter, so things like indents are usedpurely for readability.

What does it mean to “group” code?At this point there is no practical difference, each command gets executed whether or not it is grouped inside curly braces.However, code grouping will become very important later on, when we discuss control flow later.

There are several helpful shortcuts that you can use in R. If youforget to put quotes around something, you can highlight and press thequote key and it will add quotes to both sides. This works withparentheses too.

You can also use tab completion with functions and defined variables.Tab completion allows you to use longer, more descriptive variable nameswithout the additional typing time. This can save you a lot of time andreduce mistakes!

In RStudio, open a new R script and type in all the R commands fromthis section, to verify that you get the same result. It’s goodpractice!


When writing R code, you may wish to include notes which explain the code to your future self or to other humans.This can be done with comments, which are ignored by R when it is running the code.The “#” symbol initiates a comment.
Here’s an example of some comments:

# Let's define y and zy <- 8z <- y + 5 # Adding 5 to y and assigning the result to z## This is still a comment, even though we're using two #'s

Notice that it’s possible for a line to contain only a comment, or for part of a line to be a comment.R decides which part of a line is a comment by looking for the first “#”, and everything after that will be treated as a comment and ignored.

R ignores comments, but you should not! If you’re readingcode that someone else has written, it’s likely that also payingattention to their comments will greatly help you to understand whattheir code is doing. It’s also courteous to make good comments in yourown code, if only because you may have to return to your owncode in the future and re-learn what it is doing! In this book, we willuse comments to help explain the R code that you will see.

4.1.3 Blank Lines

Blank lines in R are ignored, but they can be used to organize code and enhance readability:

print("The sky is blue")# The blank line below here is ignoredprint("The grass is green")
[1] "The sky is blue"[1] "The grass is green"

4.1.4 CaSe SeNsItIvItY

In R, variables, functions, and other objects (all of which we’ll talk about later), have names.These names are case sensitive, so you must be careful when referencing an object by name.Here we create two variables and give them different values, notice how they are different from each other:

A <- 4a <- 5print(a)print(A)
[1] 5[1] 4

This may seem obvious, but case sensitivity applies to functions (which we’ll talk about later) too.We’ve been using the print function a lot in the above examples, which begins with a lower case p.There is no Print function:

Error in Print("testing"): could not find function "Print"

4.1.5 ?

One very nice thing in R is the documentation that accompanies it.Every function included in R (like print) has documentation that explains how that function works.To access the documentation, use a ? followed by the name of the function, like so:


The output of the above code chunk is not shown, because the resultof this code is best viewed in RStudio. Go to R Studio and type in?print and observe what happens!

4.1.6 ??

If you don’t remember the exact name of a function, or would like to search for general matches to a topic, then you can use ??.For example, trying ?Print produces an error, because there is not Print function (remember, R is case sensitive), so there’s no documentation to go with it.However, the following should still work:


Programmers have a sense of humor, too! Try running????print to see a small joke. Remember, comedic tastevaries!

This is a lot to remember. As you get more familiar with R, you’llbegin to memorize basic functions - and Google is always there for therest.

Want to know more about R syntax? Try typing ?Syntax inthe R console (then press Enter).

As we’ve seen, symbols and characters have specific meaning in R. Youmust be careful not to ignore things like semicolons, curly braces,parentheses, when reading R code. This takes practice!

Okay, now that we’ve covered some of the basics, it’s time to start learning how to do useful things in R!The next few sections will describe the different types of data that R can handle.

This video discusses programming preliminaries.


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4.1 Programming Preliminaries | R Module 1 (2024)


What does the semicolon mean in R? ›

We see that the semicolon, ; , serves as the command termination, because it tells R where one command ends and another begins. When a line contains a single command, no semicolon is necessary at the end, but including a semicolon doesn't have any effect either.

What are the data methods in R? ›

R's basic data structures include the vector, list, matrix, data frame, and factors. Some of these structures require that all members be of the same data type (e.g. vectors, matrices) while others permit multiple data types (e.g. lists, data frames). Objects may have attributes, such as name, dimension, and class.

What is the introduction of R package? ›

An R package is a collection of functions that are bundled together in a way that lets them be easily shared. Usually these functions are designed to work together to complete a specific task such as analysing a particular kind of data. You are probably familiar with many packages already, for example ggplot2 or data.

What does cran stand for in the context of R programming? ›

The “Comprehensive R Archive Network” ( CRAN ) is a collection of sites which carry identical material, consisting of the R distribution(s), the contributed extensions, documentation for R, and binaries.

What does ::: mean in R? ›

The triple-colon operator ::: may be seen in a few places in R code: it acts like the double-colon operator but also allows access to hidden objects. Users are more likely to use the getAnywhere() function, which searches multiple packages.

What are the 6 basic data types in R? ›

Basic Data Types
  • numeric - (10.5, 55, 787)
  • integer - (1L, 55L, 100L, where the letter "L" declares this as an integer)
  • complex - (9 + 3i, where "i" is the imaginary part)
  • character (a.k.a. string) - ("k", "R is exciting", "FALSE", "11.5")
  • logical (a.k.a. boolean) - (TRUE or FALSE)

How to call a function in R? ›

R Functions
  1. Creating a Function. To create a function, use the function() keyword: Example. ...
  2. Call a Function. To call a function, use the function name followed by parenthesis, like my_function(): Example. ...
  3. Default Parameter Value. The following example shows how to use a default parameter value.

What is the head function in R? ›

The head() function in R is used to display the first n rows present in the input data frame. In this section, we are going to get the first n rows using head() function. For this process, we are going to import a dataset 'iris' which is available in R studio by default.

What does str do in R? ›

str() function in R Language is used for compactly displaying the internal structure of a R object. It can display even the internal structure of large lists which are nested. It provides one liner output for the basic R objects letting the user know about the object and its constituents.

What is a vector in RStudio? ›

A vector is substantially a list of variables, and the simplest data structure in R. A vector consists of a collection of numbers, arithmetic expressions, logical values or character strings for example.

What is an R script? ›

An R script is simply a text file containing (almost) the same commands that you would enter on the command line of R. ( almost) refers to the fact that if you are using sink() to send the output to a file, you will have to enclose some commands in print() to get the same output as on the command line.

What does %>% mean in R? ›

The %>% operator takes the output of the expression on its left and passes it as the first argument to the function on its right. The %<>% operator does the same thing, but it also updates the value on the left side of the pipe in place.

Is R hard to learn? ›

R is considered one of the more difficult programming languages to learn due to how different its syntax is from other languages like Python and its extensive set of commands. It takes most learners without prior coding experience roughly four to six weeks to learn R.

What is == in R? ›

R has the following comparison operators: Equal, == , which returns TRUE if two values are equal. Not equal, != , which returns TRUE if two values are not equal. Less than, < , which returns TRUE if left value is less than right value.

What does a semicolon (;) do? ›

Use a semicolon to join two related independent clauses in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet). Make sure when you use the semicolon that the connection between the two independent clauses is clear without the coordinating conjunction.

What does the semicolon (;) symbol mean? ›

The semicolon ; (or semi-colon) is a symbol commonly used as orthographic punctuation. In the English language, a semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought, such as when restating the preceding idea with a different expression.

What does a semicolon do in coding? ›

Generally, semicolons are used for separating the code lines are running. Especially, some programming languages wants semicolon each line/code ends for separating running code blocks and if they aren't used, error occurs. But some others don't need semicolon and they can use it in special cases.

What is the colon symbol in R? ›

Colon operator (":") in R is a function that generates regular sequences. It is most commonly used in for loops, to index and to create a vector with increasing or decreasing sequence. It is a binary operator i.e. it takes two arguments.

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