401(k) loans: What they are & how they work (2024)

When you need to borrow money, a 401(k) loan is one of your options. A 401(k) loan allows you to borrow from the balance you’ve built up in your retirement account. There are some key advantages of 401(k) loans over other alternatives, but these loans may not be advisable unless you’ve exhausted your other options: They can be costly for your future and come with risks that are often overlooked.

What is a 401(k) loan?

If you’ve spent any time in corporate America, then you probably know what a 401(k) is: an employer-sponsored retirement plan that allows both employees and their employers to contribute toward their retirement.

A 401(k) loan is a tool that allows you to borrow from the balance you’ve built up in your retirement account. Generally, if allowed by the plan, you may borrow up to 50% of your vested balance, for a maximum loan amount of $50,000.1Empower research reveals that new loans amount to $10,778 on average, with more than half of outstanding loans (54%) held by Gen Xers.

A 401(k) loan is different from other types of loans in that you are both the lender and the borrower. The good news is it makes these loans easier to qualify for than many others. However, it also means you’re the only one at risk if you don’t repay the loan in a timely manner.

Read more: What is a 401(k)?

How do 401(k) loans work?

401(k) plans aren’t required to allow loans, but if a plan does offer one, anyone can take one out. The approval process is very different from getting a loan from a third-party lender. For example, there’s no credit check required to qualify, nor do you have to meet certain debt-to-income ratio requirements. Instead, you contact your 401(k) plan administrator and let them know that you’d like to take out a loan, along with how much you’d like to borrow.

Borrowing limits

When taking a 401(k) loan, you can generally borrow the lesser of 50% of your vested balance or $50,000.

Vesting refers to the process of how you gain ownership of your employer contributions in your account. While your employee contributions are always 100% vested immediately, some employers have a vesting schedule where matching or profit sharing contributions take a certain number of years to vest. Any employer contributions that aren’t fully vested aren’t considered a part of your 401(k) balance eligible for a loan.

While some plans may allow you to take out more than one loan from your 401(k) at a time, if you do, the amount you can borrow will be reduced. For example, if you already have a loan for $10,000 and wish to take another, then your maximum loan amount on the second loan is $40,000.

Loan repayment

401(k) loans must be repaid within five years unless your plan offers primary residence loans, in which case you have longer to pay it off. You must repay your loan in substantially level payments, which must be made at least quarterly. For example, depending on what your plan allows, you could decide to make payments quarterly, monthly, biweekly, or even weekly.

Loan interest

Regulations from the Department of Labor require that 401(k) plan loans “bear a reasonable rate of interest.”2 While there’s no set interest rate that plans must charge, the rate used is often the prime rate, meaning the rate that banks and credit unions charge the most creditworthy borrowers.

The interest on a 401(k) loan increases the amount you must repay. However, it may work out in the borrower’s favor overall.

First, the interest rate on 401(k) loans is often lower than the rate the same borrower could get on a personal loan, for example. Additionally, because you’re also the lender on the loan, the interest you pay goes back into your 401(k) balance.

Leaving your job

As we mentioned, you must repay a 401(k) loan within five years. However, that can change if you leave your job before repaying your loan. Many plans require that you repay the full loan amount immediately. Even if you don’t plan on leaving your job anytime soon, this requirement applies regardless of whether you leave your job or your employer lets you go.

Unpaid loans

If you fail to repay your loan on time, including any required interest, then the unpaid amount is considered an early distribution. The money will be treated as any other early distribution, meaning you’ll pay both income taxes and if you’re under 59 ½, a 10% early withdrawal penalty if applicable.

The opportunity cost of borrowing from your 401(k)

It’s impossible to talk about 401(k) loans without talking about their significant opportunity cost. Opportunity cost refers to the loss associated with the option you didn’t choose. In this case, it refers to what you lose out on by taking a loan from your 401(k) rather than leaving the money in the account.

When your money is in your 401(k), it’s invested and is able to potentially grow and compound. The more you have in your account — and the longer it's there — the more you may have for retirement.

By taking out a large sum from your 401(k) for up to five years, you’re missing out on potential gains you might have earned if you’d left the money in the account.

Another potential opportunity cost associated with a 401(k) loan is that of the contributions you may not be able to make while repaying your loan. Suppose you normally contribute $500 per month to your 401(k). But now you pay $250 per month toward your 401(k) loan, meaning you only have $250 left over for regular contributions.

During the five years it takes you to repay your loan, you’re cutting your contributions in half, meaning you may end up saving significantly less for retirement. This could make the difference of tens of thousands of dollars during retirement.

Pros of taking a 401(k) loan

There are several advantages of 401(k) loans, which make them worth considering for many borrowers:

  • Lower interest rates: 401(k) loans may have lower interest rates than the average borrower would be able to get on a personal loan or a credit card.
  • Interest payments benefit you: In addition to the low interest rate, any interest you pay on your 401(k) loan goes directly into your account and contributes to your retirement account balance.
  • No credit check or impact on credit score: Unlike other types of loans, there’s no credit check required for a 401(k) loan, nor does getting the loan affect your credit score.
  • Avoid penalties: A 401(k) loan is a better alternative to a withdrawal since it allows you to avoid income taxes and penalties, as well as eventually replenish your balance.

Cons of taking a 401(k) loan

Despite the benefits of a 401(k) loan compared to other types of loans, there are also some significant downsides:

  • Impact on retirement savings: A 401(k) loan reduces your investment earning potential, which may reduce the amount of money you have for retirement.
  • Repayment upon leaving your job: If you leave your job, whether by your choice or your employer’s, you may have to repay your full loan balance right away.

Read more: What to do with your 401(k) when you leave your job

  • Early withdrawal risks: If you can’t repay your loan, it will be considered a withdrawal and subject to income taxes and early withdrawal penalties if you are under age 59 1/2.
  • Potential for reduced contributions: Depending on your monthly budget, repaying your 401(k) loan may limit the amount you’re able to make in new contributions.
  • Strict loan limits: 401(k) loans are limited to 50% of your vested balance or $50,000, which may be less than you could borrow elsewhere.
  • Not always available: Retirement plans are not required to allow participants to take loans, meaning you may not even be eligible for one.

When to consider a 401(k) loan

In many cases, the downsides of 401(k) loans may outweigh the benefits and, for that reason, many financial experts recommend against them. However, there are some situations where a 401(k) loan might make sense and be your best option.

First, a 401(k) loan might be worth considering if you’re in a financial emergency and your credit doesn’t allow you to qualify for another type of loan. While it’s typically better to consider personal loans and other alternatives before 401(k) loans, other loans have credit requirements.

In some cases, a 401(k) loan may be your only option short of a payday loan or an early distribution from your retirement account. And in those cases, it’s likely better to go with the 401(k) loan.

Of course, there are also factors to consider. For example, you should only consider a 401(k) loan if you feel your job is secure. If you lose your job during your loan repayment, you could be forced to repay the entire balance or have it count as an early distribution.

Repaying a 401(k) loan

If you’ve taken out a 401(k) loan, you’ll have five years to pay it back in most cases. And if you don’t repay it on time, you’ll be stuck paying income taxes and penalties on an early distribution if you are under age 59 1/2.

Because of the potential consequences of not repaying your 401(k) loan on time, it’s important to go into this loan with a plan. Take a look at your personal finances and determine how quickly you can pay off the loan. Determine the frequency of payments — weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly — and how much you can pay each time.

Ideally, you should aim for a repayment plan that accomplishes two things:

  1. Allows you to repay your loan on time or early
  2. Allows you to continue making regular contributions to your 401(k)

Finally, consider how you’ll handle a situation where you leave your job (or are forced to leave) and must repay the full balance right away. Do you have sufficient savings to repay the loan, or will you be forced to take an early distribution? Though you may not be planning to leave your job, it’s best to have a plan just in case.

Alternatives to 401(k) loans

As we’ve mentioned, a 401(k) loan may not be the best option in many situations. Instead, here are some alternatives to consider:

Personal loans

A personal loan is a type of unsecured loan that can be used for just about anything. Personal loans have fixed interest rates and fixed monthly payments. Depending on your credit, you may be able to borrow up to $100,000 and pay it off over a term of up to seven years.3

Personal loan interest rates are primarily based on your creditworthiness. They tend to have higher interest rates than most 401(k) loans and secured loans. However, they are a more affordable alternative to most credit cards.

Because personal loans can be used for just about anything, they are a popular borrowing tool. Many people turn to them for debt consolidation, financial emergencies, and even large purchases.

Home equity loans and lines of credit

Home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) are two ways of borrowing against the equity you have in your home. These loans are often called second mortgages because they are secured by your home, just like your mortgage is.

A home equity loan is an installment loan with a fixed interest rate, similar to a personal loan. A HELOC, on the other hand, is a type of revolving credit, meaning it works more like a credit card where you can borrow from it again and again as long as you repay it.

Because home equity loans and HELOCs are secured by your home, they tend to have relatively lower interest rates. The amount you can borrow depends on how much home equity you have. Lenders generally require a combined loan-to-value ratio of 80% or less when taking out a home equity loan.4

Home equity loans and HELOCs have some key benefits, including their flexibility and lower interest rates. However, the key risk with these loans is that if you fail to repay them, you could have your home foreclosed on.

0% APR balance transfer credit card

If you need a loan to pay off credit card debt, consider a balance transfer card. Some credit cards allow you to pay 0% on balance transfers for a certain period — often anywhere from six months to two years. As long as you repay the balance in that time, you won’t pay any interest.

Unfortunately, you usually need good or excellent credit to qualify for a balance transfer credit card. Additionally, if you can’t repay the balance within the 0% introductory period, then you’ll pay the full interest rate, which is typically far higher than other types of loans. Some credit card providers may also charge a transfer fee.

Emergency fund

In some cases, a financial emergency sneaks up on you before you’ve had a chance to build up your emergency savings. However, in a perfect world, you would already have an emergency fund in place when an unplanned expense comes up.

If you don’t already have an emergency fund, now is the time to start building one before you need a loan. While there’s no magic number to have in your emergency fund, experts generally recommend between three and six months of expenses.

Read more: The real cost of loans

Debt relief options

If you’re struggling with lots of debt and can’t pay it off through your monthly payments, consider other debt relief options. There are companies and nonprofit organizations that help consumers manage their debt burden.

Your first debt relief option is debt settlement. This process often allows you to settle your debt for less than you owe. However, it can be expensive and often ends up having detrimental consequences for your credit.

Another type of debt relief is a debt management plan. In this case, a credit counseling organization helps create a debt repayment plan by speaking with your creditors and coming up with a monthly amount you can afford.

Proceed with caution when shopping around for debt relief options. The debt relief industry can be a breeding ground for scams, so it’s important to make sure you’re working with a reputable company.

Bankruptcy as a last resort

Bankruptcy is a legal process that can help consumers either discard their debt or make a plan to pay it off. In some cases, bankruptcy can help relieve a debt burden by liquidating someone’s assets and discarding their remaining debt.

While bankruptcy may seem attractive at times, it should be used as a last resort due to the significant long-term impacts it has on your credit and personal finances. Depending on the situation, a 401(k) loan is often preferable to bankruptcy.

Will your employer know?

You may be concerned about your employer knowing if you’re taking out a 401(k) loan. After all, personal finances are just that — personal — and you may not want colleagues knowing you had to borrow money from your retirement plan.

In most cases, your employer is also the plan administrator and will know that you’ve taken out a 401(k) loan. You must often go through your human resources department to arrange the loan and repayment through payroll.

The bottom line

A 401(k) loan allows you to temporarily access money that’s already yours to cover any number of financial obligations. 401(k) loans have some key advantages and disadvantages.

If you’re facing financial hardship and are considering a 401(k) loan, make sure you look at your other options first. You may find something else that works better for your situation. And if it turns out a 401(k) loan is your best option, make sure you thoroughly understand what you’re getting yourself into and that you have a plan to repay your loan as quickly as possible.

Glossary Definition

A 401(k) loan allows you to borrow from the balance you’ve built up in your retirement account. Generally, if allowed by the plan, you may borrow up to 50% of your vested balance, for a maximum loan amount of $50,000.

401(k) loans: What they are & how they work (2024)


401(k) loans: What they are & how they work? ›

Drawing from a 401(k) means you are essentially borrowing your own money with no third-party lender involved. As a result, your loan payments, including interest, go right back into your 401(k) account. Unlike other loans, 401(k) loans generally don't require a credit check and do not affect a borrower's credit scores.

How does taking a loan from a 401k work? ›

401(k) loans

With a 401(k) loan, you borrow money from your retirement savings account. Depending on what your employer's plan allows, you could take out as much as 50% of your vested account balance or $50,000, whichever is less.

Are 401k loans a good idea? ›

The ability to take out a loan helps make a 401(k) plan one of the best retirement plans, but a loan has some key disadvantages. While you'll pay yourself back, you're still removing money from your retirement account that is growing tax-free. And the less money in your plan, the less money that grows over time.

How is a 401k loan paid back? ›

Most plans allow loan repayment to be made conveniently through payroll deductions—using after-tax dollars, though, not the pretax ones funding your plan. 2 Your plan statements show credits to your loan account and your remaining principal balance, just like a regular bank loan statement.

Does interest on 401k loans go back to yourself? ›

Most 401(k) plans allow you to borrow up to 50% of your vested funds for up to five years, at low interest rates, and you're paying that interest to yourself. Before borrowing, consider that you'll have to repay the loan with after-tax dollars, and you could lose earnings on the money while it's out of the account.

Is it better to take a loan or withdrawal from a 401k? ›

Overall, you should only take on a loan from your 401(k) if you have exhausted all other funding options because taking money out of your 401(k) means you're hindering it from the most growth over time. You'll be missing out on the power of compound interest when you take money out of your retirement account.

Does a 401k loan come out of your check? ›

Typically employees pay back 401(k) loans via payroll deduction, but if they are on unpaid leave they must keep up on the payments by sending in checks.

How much does a 401k loan really cost? ›

401(k) loans vs. personal loans
401(k) loan
APRGenerally 1% to 2% over the prime rate (currently 8.50%)
Loan amount50% of your vested balance or $50,000 OR up to $10,000 if 50% of your vested balance is less than $10,000 (some plans) (whichever is less)
Loan termsUp to 5 years (longer if used for a home purchase)
3 more rows

Do 401k loans get denied? ›

You may not get approved: Those nearing retirement may be considered “higher risk” and thus denied a 401(k) loan because payments will no longer automatically come out of their paychecks.

How long does it take to get a 401k loan approved? ›

The processing time for a 401(k) loan typically ranges between one to two weeks. However, this timeline is not fixed and can vary based on the specific procedures of your plan administrator and the completeness and accuracy of your application.

What is the 12 month rule for 401k loans? ›

The total loans outstanding cannot exceed $50,000. There is a 12 month "look back" period, which means you can borrow up to 50% of your total vested balance of all accounts you owned for the last 12 months, reduced by the highest outstanding balance over this look back period.

Do you pay yourself back the interest on a 401k loan? ›

If you take a 401(k) loan, you'll pay interest to yourself. When you borrow against your 401(k), you have to pay interest on your loan. The good news is that you'll be paying that interest to yourself. Your plan administrator will determine the interest rate, which is usually based on the current prime rate.

How do I avoid 20% tax on my 401k withdrawal? ›

Deferring Social Security payments, rolling over old 401(k)s, setting up IRAs to avoid the mandatory 20% federal income tax, and keeping your capital gains taxes low are among the best strategies for reducing taxes on your 401(k) withdrawal.

What are the drawbacks of taking out a 401k loan? ›

Let's talk about the downsides.
  • You're missing out on investment growth. When you reduce the balance of your 401(k) account, you have less money growing along with potential gains in the market. ...
  • It's another monthly expense. ...
  • You're risking a balloon payment situation that could lead to expensive consequences.

Do I pay taxes on a 401k loan? ›

There would be no taxes imposed on funds that you borrow and pay back via a loan (unless you fail to pay it back, as noted below).

Is it better to pay off a 401k loan early? ›

You may also want to consider accelerating your repayment plan to get your 401(k) refunded as quickly as you can. Unlike some loans, there's no penalty for early repayment. Plus, the sooner the money is back in your account, the sooner it can start earning for you again.

Is it hard to borrow from your 401k? ›

Borrowing money from your 401(k) fund is a quick and easy way to gain access in a pinch to up to $50,000 in emergency cash. But the price of that convenience, in terms of your long-term financial well-being, means a 401(k) loan should be an option of last resort.

Can I borrow from my 401k to pay off debt? ›

In some cases, you might be able to withdraw funds from a 401(k) to pay off debt without incurring extra fees. This is true if you qualify as having an immediate and heavy financial need, and meet IRS criteria. In those circ*mstances, you could take a hardship withdrawal.

How long does it take for a 401k loan to clear? ›

The processing time for a 401(k) loan typically ranges between one to two weeks. However, this timeline is not fixed and can vary based on the specific procedures of your plan administrator and the completeness and accuracy of your application.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.