5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Invest in Real Estate | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (2024)

Last month, I had the opportunity to do some research on real estate syndication and I was looking for ways to diversify my portfolio. Before this time, I was all about stocks and bonds. I even syndicated an awesome review about diversyfund – a non traded real estate investment trust company which I ended up investing heavily into.

My research led me to Dr. Kristen Ray, the co-founder of Vital Investment Partners.

Co-Founding Partner of Vital Investment Partners, Kristen Ray, is primarily responsible for equity procurement through a deep and proprietary network of high net worth individuals. She is also responsible for maintaining investor communication and corporate marketing. Some of Ms. Ray’s additional responsibilities include forming and maintaining business partnerships, asset acquisitions, acquisition due diligence, maintaining broker relationships and fostering partnerships with other multifamily syndicators.

She has been educating me on real estate in general and more specifically about syndications. Here is the first post of the series. I believe you will benefit from learning about passive real estate investments and decide if it is for you.

Here is a recent webinar from the team to introduce you to the fundamental concept of multifamily real estate investing

Physicians are some of the hardest-working professionals out there.Between patients, pharma reps, and dealing with the business end of the practice, there’s little time left to devote to personal concerns (also known as family and fun).

If you’re a physician, finding the time (and mental energy) to dabble in a side business is probably not on your mind. But there are a few reasons why physicians should seriously consider the idea of building passive income through real estate.

One of the main reasons you should get involved in real estate is that it provides you with an opportunity to build a passive income stream outside of your practice—and here are 5 awesome things that income stream can do.

Table of Contents

5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Invest in Real Estate | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (1)

#1: Build wealth: Pay down debt and create cash flow with real estate

Most professionals in the healthcare field are saddled by enormous amounts of debt—even just a few years ago, the average medical school debt was already around $200,000. Allocating a portion of your income to pay off that debt is going to severely limit your lifestyle and the funds you need for running your practice—even if you’re making six figures.

Alleviating that burden of debt with real estate income can improve your financial life, allowing you to derive more enjoyment from the money you work hard to earn.

Cash flow is important for any business, and your practice is no different. Whether you’re looking to spruce up the waiting room, rent out a better office location, or purchase some cutting edge equipment, cash flow from rental real estate will help you take your business and practice to the next level.

If you’re concerned about taking on the additional debt of a mortgage, don’t be. Whether you’re renting out a single family home or multifamily apartments, the rent from your tenant(s) can cover the monthly cost of the mortgage and other related expenses.

#2: Reduce your tax burden with real estate.

5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Invest in Real Estate | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (2)

I am not a CPA so please consult your CPA for tax-related advice. However, I have been advised by my CPA that real estate can also become a vehicle to reduce your tax burden. If you invest in real estate, the depreciation of your property’s value can reduce your taxable income.

Real estate business expenses such as repairs, maintenance, upkeep, property management costs, and even the cost of travel associated with checking up on your properties can all help lower your taxable income.

Since physicians are often in some of the highest tax brackets, they can get slammed with punitive taxes in addition to all the other financial burdens they carry (namely, medical school debt). Owning real estate can become a vehicle for reducing your taxable income in addition to creating another income stream.

There are also other tricks of the trade that a qualified tax advisor can walk you through. For example, how to utilize the power of bonus depreciation in larger properties to reduce your tax burden.

#3: Build generational wealth with real estate.

If you’re like most professionals, you have some sort of retirement plan with a 401K or 403B set aside. Fortunately, people are living a lot longer these days which means their life post-retirement is much longer. Thus, often requiring more capital than originally thought to lead a comfortable life post-retirement.

Unfortunately, that means that even a six-figure retirement account may not be enough to cover your living expenses through two (possibly three) decades of retirement—unless you want to work until you drop dead.

At this rate, you may not have enough wealth to pass down to the next generation. By contrast, if you own a hard asset like an apartment building, mobile home park, self-storage facility or smaller rental properties, you can pass them on to your children (and in many instances, transferring property within your family is subject to some serious protection from normal taxes and fees).

#4: Enjoy life more with an additional passive income stream.

5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Invest in Real Estate | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (3)

As a physician, you know the value of hard work—probably even before the days of your residency. But wouldn’t it be nice to earn additional income while you sleep?

Hopefully, you do get to sleep these days.

Real estate—in particular, multifamily apartment complexes—are a great source of passive income. If you want to save more, decrease your working hours, retire earlier, take luxurious vacations more often, drive a nicer car, or anything else that requires additional income, building wealth through real estate can help you achieve that.

Inflation has been increasing over the last few years, and wealth-building assets like real estate can provide a hedge against the effects of the dollar’s decline.

As you can see from the following graph, while the decline of the dollar’s value drove up the consumer price index 650% over the last several decades, home prices rose in value by a whopping 1,203% over the same time span.


In other words, while your income carries less spending power over the years, your real estate (which can be converted to liquidity) can give you a hedge against inflation.

Thus, if you’re holding rental properties, inflation will increase the rent (which is good news for you). Even better is the fact that your mortgage on the property will not be impacted by inflation, in large part due to its fixed nature.

That means while your monthly mortgage payment remains the same, your cash flow will increase while the loan on the property continues to be paid down by your tenants.

In fact, this particular point makes inflation very appealing to property owners.

Passive income doesn’t have to just be about enjoying caviar and champagne on your private jet to Seychelles—it can also help take care of your family. If you don’t care about any of those luxuries, but the idea of sending your kids to college, helping them buy their first home, or giving to charitable organizations you care about sounds appealing, then the passive income stream provided by real estate can do that as well.

#5: Multifamily Real estate often outperforms the stock market

Most 9-5 professionals view the stock market as the gold standard when it comes to retirement or even passive income. After all, pretty much every single 401K or 401B is made up of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Of course, there are also alternative investments like contributing to a startup.

Multifamily real estate has outperformed the stock market for decades when adjusted for risk and inflation.

There’s been a lot of ink spilled over the topic of multifamily real estate vs. stocks, but there are several good reasons to pick multifamily real estate over equities.

While a portfolio of stocks can take several years (or decades) to yield serious growth, multifamily real estate starts paying off right way; renters need to pay rent every month—stocks only pay out quarterly (and not all stocks provide dividends).

You also have more control over your investment with multifamily real estate. Unless you purchase a controlling number of shares in a company, you have little say over how your investment will develop. By contrast, multifamily housing affords you the opportunity to make improvements on your assets.

Finally, while inflation can negatively impact your stock portfolio, as discussed above, it can only help your multifamily assets. In fact, over the last few decades, multifamily housing has carried the highest level of returns and the lowest level of risk, in comparison to other equities.

While you’re doubtlessly aware of the fact that equities like stock can fluctuate wildly from year to year (even hour to hour), real estate is comparatively stable. There will be occasional excitement and shifts in the market, but by and large, land is pretty…grounded.

Speaking of stocks, I get several questions regarding REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), which is somewhat similar to purchasing a share of stock in an income-producing commercial real estate company. Unfortunately, REITs offer very little transparency or control for investors.

A better alternative, to a REIT is a private placement real estate syndication. These syndications allow several investors to pool their capital and invest in larger projects while mitigating risks.

This form of real estate investing is extremely passive, you can elect to become a limited partner in the syndicate, which means you will get a truly passive return on your investment that can provide cash flow, tax breaks, and build your wealth…without all the hassle of board meetings, interaction with the tenants, or property management—you can just sit back and collect checks from the apartment complex, mobile home park, self storage facility, medical office building (just to name a few options).

Conclusion: You Don’t Have to Give up What You Love Doing

Becoming a real estate investor does not mean you have to give up your work as a physician. You can become a passive investor while continuing to do what you trained so hard to do.

And if you don’t like what you’re currently doing, developing a steady cash flow stream via real estate investing might be your way out of the field.

But of course, assuming that you do find the healthcare industry fulfilling, exploring real estate investing and its ability to create passive income can seriously improve the quality of your life, for all the reasons mentioned above.

Of course, as you know from working your way up in the medical profession, there’s a lot to learn. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through any kind of real estate residency to gain valuable experience—I’ve already done that for you.

If you have a competent guide to show you the ropes, you’ll make good investments and start building wealth.

Sign up for a strategy call on our website at www.vitalinvestmentpartners.com. Let’s connect and discuss your personal and financial goals, and how investing in real estate can assist you with reaching those goals.

Don’t forget to share and subscribe. Find us on Facebook and join our private group to discuss further.



I am a pulmonary and critical care doctor by day and personal finance blogger/debt slaying ninja by night.

After paying off close to $300,000 in student loan debt in less than 6 months into my real job, I started on a mission to help others achieve the same. There is no magic to this than to strap up and get it done. Some of the ways we achieved this include side hustle, budgeting, great negotiation skills, and geographical arbitrage.

When I was growing up, common knowledge in Nigeria is that there is one thing you cannot trust anyone else with, and you guessed it – your money.

Being frugal came easily to me based on my background. However, the concept of building wealth did not solidify in my mind until when I finished medical school. I wish I knew what I know now when I was 14. Still, I don’t know enough and I am constantly learning to improve my knowledge.

My goal is to reduce financial illiteracy among young professionals. I am catering to the beginners – babies and toddlers in financial literacy.

5 Reasons Why Physicians Should Invest in Real Estate | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (2024)


Why should doctors invest in real estate? ›

Doctors who invest in real estate save money on their taxes by sheltering passive income and sometimes even sheltering their W-2 income from the IRS. Writing off depreciation from the asset is a big way to save on taxes especially in multifamily properties and commercial real estate in general.

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Healthcare real estate was once considered a niche that only drew attention from those with some medical expertise. That is no longer the case. The industry's strong underlying fundamentals, positive growth trajectory, and continued resiliency make healthcare real estate attractive to investors of all kinds.

What are the three most important factors in real estate investments? ›

Home prices and home sales (overall and in your desired market) New construction. Property inventory. Mortgage rates.

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Build Equity and Wealth

As you pay down a property mortgage, you build equity—an asset that's part of your net worth. And as you build equity, you have the leverage to buy more properties and increase cash flow and wealth even more.

What are the pros and cons of being a real estate investor? ›

Investing in real estate can be a good idea if done thoughtfully and strategically. It offers the potential for steady income, capital appreciation and tax benefits. However, it's not without its challenges, including high initial costs, property management responsibilities and market risks.

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Real estate investments can offer numerous benefits, including stable cash flow, long-term appreciation, portfolio diversification, tax breaks, and the ability to leverage your funds.

What is healthcare real estate? ›

Healthcare real estate is a niche market within the larger real estate industry. Healthcare real estate or "medical real estate" describes buildings, offices, and campuses leased to members or organizations within the healthcare community.

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Financing and Affordability

Financing is a crucial aspect of real estate investing. Before making a purchase, assess your financial capacity and evaluate different financing options, such as mortgages or loans.

Is it smart to invest in healthcare? ›

Is healthcare a good sector to invest in? Healthcare represents one of the largest sectors of the major market indices. As of February 29, 2024, it was the third-largest sector in the large-cap S&P 500, 2 and the second-largest industry sector in the small-cap Russell 2000 Index.

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Allred credits a huge portion of his success to a deep understanding of the five pillars that create wealth in real estate — cash flow, market appreciation, tax benefits, principal reduction, and leverage.

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Understanding Real Estate

The physical characteristics of land include its immobility, indestructibility, and uniqueness, where each parcel of land differs geographically. Real estate encompasses the land, plus any permanent man-made additions, such as houses and other buildings.

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Profits and Property Value

Investors commonly earn a profit when they sell. However, property owners can increase their return on investment on a property by refinancing the loan at lower interest. This will lower the cost basis for the property, thus increasing the amount that they clear from it.

How does real estate investing work? ›

If you choose to be a real estate investor, you could own one or more properties, or pool your money with other investors into a fund that includes several properties. You earn money when properties in the fund are sold. You may also earn income from the rental of the property while holding the asset.

Why is real estate important to the economy? ›

Real estate affects the economy because it makes up a large portion of individual and business wealth across economic sectors. When real estate prices rise, wealth increases, so individuals and businesses are more likely to borrow and spend.

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The government provides tax incentives to promote real estate investment, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation. These tax benefits can significantly reduce your overall tax liability, leaving you with more money to reinvest.

Why the stock market is better than real estate? ›

Historically, the stock market experiences higher growth than the real estate market, making it a better way to grow your money. Stocks are more volatile than housing, making real estate a safer investment. Stock earnings are taxed as capital gains when realized. Stocks have no tangible value, whereas real estate does.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.