50 of the best funds and investment trusts: Experts reveal best ideas (2024)

We asked trusted experts to recommend the best funds and investment trusts that cover different investment sectors – and included This is Money’s selection of active and passive options too.

(The ideas in this article were given in March 2023)

An encounter with the list of 3,000 UK-based fund options on offer can be confusing

Investors are spoilt for choice when it comes to deciding on funds and investment trusts that can put their money to work.

Funds, trusts and trackers deliver the chance to invest in almost anything you can think of, almost anywhere you want to, at a low cost and with minimal effort.

Yet, with all that choice comes a tricky task. An encounter with the list of almost 3,000 UK-based fund options on offer can be very confusing, even for an experienced investor.

So we asked some trusted experts to recommend the best funds that cover different investment sectors – and also included This is Money’s selection of some passive fund options too.

To give you some investing ideas, here are 50 of the best funds.

How to use these fund ideas

This is Money's Top 50 funds and investment trusts list is designed as a starting point for your investment ideas.

Before you consider investing, it is important that you do your own research and consider how a fund, trust or tracker may fit into your existing portfolio.

You need to consider whether it is right for you as an investor - and whether it is right for the assembled team of investments that a balanced portfolio holds.

For more help understanding picking funds and asset allocation, download our free investing guide: How to be a successful investor

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Cautious or risk-averse investor

Ruffer Investment Company

Ongoing charges: 1.7%

'Ruffer targets a positive total annual return, regardless of market movements. It invests in a range of asset classes, geographies, and sectors and has large holdings in inflation-linked bonds and gold,’ says Rob Burgeman, senior investment manager at RBC Brewin Dolphin.

‘In their own words: "we try not to lose money in any 12 month period and to grow the value of our investors’ wealth over the long haul".

'If global risk assets rise sharply, this fund is very unlikely to fully participate. However, Ruffer has demonstrated over many years its ability to weather the inevitable storms that sometimes batter markets.’

Personal Assets Trust

Ongoing charges: 0.67%

‘The £1.9 billion Personal Assets Trust is a solid choice for investors looking to protect and increase (in that order) the value of their investment over the long term’ says AJ Bell’s head of investment research, Alena Kosava.

‘The trust has generated steady returns over previous years and tends to do particularly well amid challenging market conditions and souring economic sentiment – conditions experienced throughout 2022 and expected to continue into 2023 – which the trust’s experienced manager Sebastian Lyon had been concerned about for a long time.

‘With a heavy sell-off across equity markets and material repricing across the bond universe, underpinned by fears over the potential for persistently high inflation for a considerable period going forward, the defensive positioning of this trust, and in particular its exposure to inflation protecting assets such as gold and inflation-linked bonds, means it has notable appeal.

The portfolio is relatively unchanged from a year ago with around 10 per cent in gold bullion and 35 per cent in US TIPS (US index linked bonds) supporting the core exposure to high quality equities such as Unilever, Visa and Nestlé.

‘Amid bear market falls in both equities and bonds throughout 2022, the trust offered significant protection to client capital (down -3.8 per cent on the year). As a result, the trust is effective at providing investors with a multi-asset diversified portfolio and given the emphasis on capital protection, should sit well with more cautious investors.’

LF Ruffer Diversified Return

Ongoing charges: 0.93%

‘This fund fits the mould of what an absolute return fund should look to do – protect investor assets first and then grow its value, whilst retaining that focus on capital preservation in all market conditions (including in 2022),’ says FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott.

‘It’s global and completely unconstrained, allowing the managers to invest across various asset classes. The team is the first to describe the process as “dull”, but it has delivered in numerous market conditions – making it a strong consideration for any investor with a reasonably high level of risk aversion.’

Royal London Investment Grade Short Dated Credit

Ongoing charges: 0.48%

Bonds have swung back into favour and are finally offering reasonable levels of income. AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava thinks investors should consider exposure to bonds as part of a diversified exposure.

‘Keeping duration short can dampen volatility in times of market dislocations amid rising bond yields as well as offer capital protection. The fund’s investment objective is to achieve a total return over the medium term (3–5 years) by investing at least 80 per cent in investment-grade bonds. Of these, at least 70 per cent will be short-dated (bonds that will reach maturity within five years).

'Manager Paola Binns aims to outperform, after the deduction of charges, the ICE Bank of America 1-5 Year Sterling Non-Gilt Index by 0.25 per cent over rolling 3-year periods. The index focuses on shorter dated maturities relative to the broader market and is regarded as a good measure of the performance of short-dated sterling-denominated bonds, not including those issued by the UK government (gilts).

‘As base rates rose and pushed bond yields higher, the performance of long duration assets faced challenges throughout 2022. The fund’s shorter duration stance held it in good stead, with the strategy offering protection in a falling market compared to the IA £ Corporate Bond sector. The fund is well-ahead of the IA sector over the medium and longer term, and has outperformed the shorter-dated ICE benchmark. This outperformance over time has been achieved with broadly half of the volatility of the IA sector peers.

‘As yields have risen, the fund is now yielding c.3.3 per cent and has a duration of c.2.9 years, slightly above its index benchmark, which stands at 2.8 years. The portfolio is well diversified holding some 280 bonds.’

Capital Gearing Trust

Ongoing charges: 0.67%

Capital Gearing Investment Trust is defensively positioned and invests in a broad portfolio of assets, focused on preserving and building shareholders’ assets. It has been managed by Peter Spiller since 1982. The company has delivered a positive return in 39 of the last 40 years by using equities, bonds, cash and commodities. Capital Gearing’s board issues and buys back the trust’s shares to maintain a share price close to NAV.

Baillie Gifford Managed Fund

Ongoing charges:0.42%

Baillie Gifford’s Managed Fund invests around the world, predominantly in shares, with some bonds and cash. It holds about 75 per cent in equities, 20 per cent bonds and five per cent cash. The aim is for equities to provide the growth, while bonds provide balance and add to the returns. The equity exposure is broken into five regions: the UK, US, Europe, Emerging Markets and Developed Asia.

Vanguard LifeStrategy

Ongoing charges:0.22%

Tracker fund: The Vanguard LifeStrategy funds allow investors to choose their risk levels and then buys a basket of assets that suits them, across shares and bonds around the world, says This is Money editor Simon Lambert. They are cheap, simple and allow investors to move from the cautious end of the scale at 20 per cent equities, to the high risk at 100 per cent equities. Ongoing charges are just 0.22 per cent and the more cautious options would hold 40 per cent equities or less.

How to make the most of saving and investing in an Isa

There's not long left until the end of the tax year - and that means it is time to sort your Isa if you haven't already.

This year's Isa allowance runs out as the tax year ticks over on 6 April and it pays to get everything you can into the tax-free shelter for savings and investments.

But what are the important things you need to know, the tips for making the most of your Isa - and why does it matter more this year than it has done before.

On this Isa saving and investing special podcast, Georgie Frost and Simon Lambert talk all things Isas - from finding the best saving rates, to how to invest and how to boost your chance of investment success if you already have a stocks and shares Isa.

Press play to listen on the player above, or listen at Apple Podcasts, Audioboom, YouTubeand Spotify or visit our This is Money Podcast page.

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The Vanguard LifeStrategy funds allow investors to choose their risk levels and then buys a basket of assets that suits them


Allianz Strategic Bond

Ongoing charges:0.66%

Allianz Strategic Bond is a high conviction strategic bond fund ‘which is not afraid to risk,’ says FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott. ‘Manager Mike Riddell believes the market is massively overpricing how high interest rates will go. His fund has a duration of over 10. This means for every 1 per cent fall in interest rates you can expect a 10 per cent increase in capital. He is very worried about all the interest rate rises we’ve had in the past year. He believes there is a lag of about 12 months before rate hikes hit the economy. He is expecting growth to slow quickly later this year. As a result, he expects the market to start pricing in further interest rate cuts and his fund should benefit as a result.’

TwentyFour Corporate Bond

Ongoing charges: 0.34%

‘Bonds have been off-the-radar of many investors in recent years as ultra-low interest rates and central bank stimulus programmes were design to keep bond yields incredibly low, limiting their appeal as steady-eddy income generating investments. That has changed over the last year as interest rates have risen sharply and central bank bond-buying has come to an end,’ says Jason Hollands, managing director of Bestinvest.

‘My pick here is the TwentyFour Corporate Bond fund, yielding 3.6 per cent, managed by TwentyFour Asset Management, a specialist investment boutique solely focused on bond investing. This fund invests primarily invests in investment grade bonds (those issued by high quality, financially robust companies) but also has some exposure to government bonds. Around two-thirds of the fund is invested in UK bonds, but it also provides exposure to European and US issuers.’

AXA US Short Duration High Yield Bond Fund

Ongoing charges:0.75%

In the current environment, short-dated, high yield bond funds can do well and Rob Burgeman of RBC Brewin Dolphin has picked AXA US Short Duration High Yield Bond Fund. ‘This AXA US fund is a particularly interesting option among its peers, with a ‘yield to word’ - a measure of the lowest possible yield it will deliver - of 8.5 per cent. Being short dated means the managers can be far more discriminating about who they buy from and lend to. And they have the benefit of reasonable visibility over the next year or so, as opposed to their long duration peers who have to look much further ahead.’

Royal London Sterling Credit

Ongoing charges:0.53%

‘We continue to rate Royal London Sterling Credit highly as it is based on a disciplined investment process and has a strong performance track record against the market,’ says Quilter’s Richard Carter. ‘The fund is currently yielding in excess of 6 per cent for a diversified, investment-grade portfolio. We also like the Premier Miton Corporate Bond Monthly Income fund managed by Lloyd Harris and Simon Prior. It is smaller and more nimble than some other funds in the sector, held up much better than the broader market last year and is also yielding around 6 per cent.’

iShares US Dollars TIPS

Ongoing charges - 0.2%

Blackrock’s iShares funds are very popular among investors and iShares US Dollar TIPS, which invests in inflation-linked US Treasuries, is RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Rob Burgeman’s passive pick. ‘Unlike its UK equivalents, it offers a ‘positive return’, which means it will add between 1.25 per cent and 1.5 per cent on top of the US CPI rate, as opposed to -0.5 per cent less than the prevailing rate in the UK. It also largely invests in much shorter duration bonds - mostly dated between one and five years, with some between five and ten years - which should mean lower risk and lower volatility. It won’t set your pulse racing, but should provide lower risk returns over the next few years.’

Robeco Global Credits

Ongoing charges - 0.2%

Robeco Global Credits invests in investment-grade bonds globally, across a range of sectors including financials and industrials, with some exposure to government debt. ‘If we accept that inflation will peak, the dollar will weaken, and interest rates may start to come down, corporate bonds are likely to offer decent returns and will be worth holding. It provides a recovery play after the bond sell-off of 2022, and should give portfolios the ballast that bonds, in general, failed to do this year,’ says Rob Burgeman, investment manager at RBC Brewin Dolphin.

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond

Ongoing charges - 0.60%

‘Capital Group Global Corporate Bond fund offers a fairly standard institutional approach to running global investment grade capital. The fund offers a clean building block for an investor’s investment grade corporate allocation, which does not tactically allocate to high yield bonds,’ says AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava. ‘This is a key differentiator versus our competitors who could typically hold up to 20 per cent of their investment grade bond funds in high yield corporates. The fund takes little in a way of duration calls; duration is being managed inside of +/-1 year corridor relative to the index. The team supporting the fund is well resourced with an extensive analyst team running money in their respective sleeves and managed by a tried and tested framework. As the analysts only concentrate on a small number of sectors, they can be more specialised and therefore able to generate alpha through security selection, which has come through in the fund’s attribution over time.’

Vanguard Global Bond Index Fund

Ongoing charges - 0.15%

The Vanguard Global Bond Index Fund is a passive tracker that invests in around 12,000 investment-grade bonds in the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Float Adjusted and Scaled index, hedged back to sterling. Most are government bonds, and 46 per cent is weighed to the US, followed by 7.9 per cent in Japan and 6.4 per cent to France. It is a low-cost way to increase your exposure to global bonds, and the income share class pays out a quarterly dividend. The current yield is 2.2 per cent.

Artemis Income seek undervalued companies that are not only able to generate a high degree of surplus cash, but also use their cash wisely


Temple Bar Investment Trust

Ongoing charges:0.48%

‘Temple Bar is a longstanding investment trust that has been managed by Nick Purves and Ian Lance of boutique Redwheel since October 2020. The trust invests in a concentrated portfolio of circa 30 dividend-generating, quality companies with strong balance sheets that are typically in the FTSE 350 but whose shares are trading at attractive valuations relative to their intrinsic value,’ says Bestinvest’s Jason Hollans. ‘This value-focused approach typically works well in periods of higher interest rates as we are now seeing. While the portfolio is predominantly invested in UK equities, it has the flexibility to invest in selected overseas stocks too, with French oil giant Total Energies being one such example in the current top ten. The approach is very much a buy-and-hold one and the managers do not seek short term trading opportunities.’

BNY Mellon Global Income

Ongoing charges:0.79%

The BNY Mellon Global Income fund aims to grow income and capital over the longer term by investing in companies from around the world, and it’s one of Brewin Dolphin’s Rob Burgeman’s picks. ‘BNY Mellon Global Income aims to generate income over an annual period together with longer term capital growth through investing in predominantly global equities. While the UK has, traditionally, been a source of income for UK-based investors, global income has become increasingly important as a diversifier.

‘This global fund offers a far broader and deeper set of industries than is available through a domestically oriented equivalent and, at times of market stress, can also prove more defensive due to its international exposure.’

City of London Investment Trust

Ongoing charges: 0.74%

City of London Investment Trust, managed by Job Curtis, has increased its dividends for 56 years in a row, meaning it remains a popular choice for income-seeking investors. AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava says: ‘Yielding c.4.8 per cent, the £2 billion trust aims to provide long-term growth in income and capital, principally by investment in equities listed on the LSE. It has the longest track record of dividend increases of any investment trust for annual increases in dividends, since 1966. It has achieved this mainly by focusing on quality companies able to grow dividends over time.

'The board fully recognises the importance of dividend income to shareholders, with a relentless focus on consistency over time – the trust is able to hold back up to 15 per cent of its income, beefing up revenue reserves for use in challenging times when company dividend income may be cut. The trust invests mainly in UK equities with a bias towards large, multinational businesses able to grow their profits consistently over the long run.'

NinetyOne Diversified Income

Ongoing charges: 0.79%

Burgeman also picks Ninety One Diversified Income, which primarily invests in fixed income instruments including corporate and government bonds. ‘This fund aims to provide income with the opportunity for long-term capital growth and targets a 4-6 per cent annual yield, with less than half the volatility of UK equities and a focus on limiting downside risks. The portfolio is built through bottom up, fundamental analysis across its holdings and focusses on diversification by asset class behaviour relative to economic growth. Each investment is categorised into: growth, which react positively to increasing real economic growth; defensive, which react positively to declining real economic growth; or uncorrelated, assets which have variable relationships to growth and risk appetite. The aim, then, is to provide a good sustainable level of income and some potential for capital growth over the longer term.’

Schroder Oriental Income

Ongoing charges:0.98%

Schroder Oriental Income invests in Asian equities that offer long-term growth potential. FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott says: ‘Asia is one of the few regions set to grow in the next couple of years and it also has a yield close to that of the UK, so we think it is an interesting area for income investors. The manager’s experience, combined with the strength and depth of Schroders’ analyst team, is a real strength for this trust and we think it’s an excellent option for investors seeking exposure to the Asia Pacific region with both an income and a growth objective. The trust has also offered a consistent growth in dividends since launch and currently has a 4.5 per cent yield.’

Artemis Income

Ongoing charges:0.8%

Artemis Income fund mainly invests in UK equities but has the flexibility to invest abroad, should the opportunity arise. The managers, led by Adrian Frost, look for companies with strong positive cashflows and are likely to produce a good dividend yield. Interactive Investor has added the fund to its Super 60 list and say the team ‘spend a significant amount of time appraising company management and believe that management's ability to allocate capital efficiently is crucial.

‘The fund has delivered excellent relative returns over the long term. However, the strategy, in part because of its focus on cash flow, has a value bias compared with the FTSE All Share Index. While this bias towards value has acted as a headwind in recent years, it is not more pronounced than that of the average UK Equity Income peer.’

Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield

Ongoing charges:0.29%

This ETF provides investors with exposure to broad portfolio of stocks, tracking the FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield Index. The index is comprised of around 1800 large and mid-sized companies, excluding real-estate trusts, in both developed and emerging markets. Its largest weighting is to North America, which accounts for around 47%, with a quarter invested in European companies. It provides an attractive dividend yield at a low-cost, with ongoing charges at 0.29 per cent.

City of London has been managed by Job Curtis since 1991


Artemis UK Select

Ongoing charges:0.84%

‘The Artemis UK Select fund, managed by Ed Legget, is a ‘best ideas’ fund that has the flexibility to roam across the UK market and back companies whether large, medium sized or small,’ says Bestinvest’s Jason Hollands. ‘The manager looks for companies with strong growth potential, but which can be picked up on low valuations, in expectation these will be rerated by the market over time. With UK equities currently incredibly cheap compared to other markets, this is very much the ideal type of environment for a bargain-hunting fund like this. An interesting feature of this fund is that it also the flexibility to take the odd ‘short’ position – bets on shares the managers believe will fall in value – as well as backing those the managers are positive on. Currently the fund has 2 short-positions, alongside 47 holdings in companies the managers believe are attractive companies.’

SVM UK Opportunities

Ongoing charges: 0.95%

Led by Neil Veitch, SVM UK Opportunities invests in UK companies whose future growth is ‘not reflected in current market expectations’. FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott says: ‘This fund is a hidden gem in the crowded and highly competitive UK market. It is a stock-picking fund led by an extremely experienced manager who has a great track record. It has a solid process, built around fundamental equity research. Performance has been particularly impressive given the fund’s natural value tilt which has been a headwind over the past decade, only recently coming to the fore.’

Artemis UK Select, managed by Ed Legget, is a 'best ideas' fund

Jupiter UK Special Situations

Ongoing charges:0.76%

Jupiter UK Special Situations offers exposure to large cap value stocks within the UK market, with a meaningful exposure to banks and energy stocks, which remain at the top of the UK sector performance league tables so far this year,’ says AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava. ‘The ongoing war in Ukraine poses structural challenges around energy security and is likely to continue to feed into higher inflation figures. Both areas appear to continue to benefit from the current backdrop, with developed market central banks remaining committed to ensuring inflation is brought back under control as base rates continue to increase.’

Liontrust Special Situations

Ongoing charges:0.81%

Liontrust Special Situations invests in companies with ‘durable competitive advantage’ and its top 10 holdings include familiar UK names. Rob Burgeman, senior investment manager at RBC Brewin Dolphin says: ‘This fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth whilst outperforming the FTSE All Share on a compound growth basis by investing in a concentrated portfolio of UK companies, which the managers believe have a durable competitive edge. This, in turn, allows them to successfully compete at a higher than average level of profitability for longer than expected and can lead to positive share price movements. The team approach that Liontrust operates has resulted in a quality-growth bias, which defends in cyclical downturns but also shows strong upside capture in rising markets.’

JOHCM UK Dynamic

Ongoing charges: 0.68%

JOHCM UK Dynamic fund is managed by Alex Savvides and invests in a mixture of high-quality, unloved and underappreciated stocks in often out of favour areas. Matt Ennion, Fund Research Analyst, Quilter Cheviot says: ‘Savvides looks to invest in UK companies across the market capitalisation spectrum where new management teams are looking to implement strategic change to unlock hidden value within an underperforming business. This approach results in an overall investment style that biases towards value, but certainly not deep value as the manager runs the winners that develop, with patience into high quality, growth businesses.'

'The fund's long record has delivered good returns in most market environments and historically the fund has held up well in market downturns, but perhaps more notably it has performed particularly strongly in market and economic recovery making this a potentially attractive opportunity today.’

Legal & General UK Index

Ongoing charges:0.10%

Tracker fund: The Legal & General UK Index is a FTSE All Share tracker fund that follows the broad UK stock market. It has a 0.1 per cent ongoing charge, so is very cheap and is big enough to hold all the companies in the index. This is a great simple UK tracker fund for passive investing.

Vanguard FTSE UK All Share Index Fund

Ongoing charge - 0.06%

For investors who prefer passive tracker funds, Burgeman highlights the Vanguard FTSE All Share Index fund. ‘The Vanguard FTSE All Share is an index tracker fund that seeks to emulate the performance of the FTSE All Share in a very cost effective way, with a net ongoing charge of 0.06 per cent. Among its holding are the UK’s largest companies – like Shell, AstraZeneca, and Diageo, alongside names from the mid-cap FTSE 250 index across its 575 holdings,’ says RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Rob Burgeman.


Trojan Global Income

Ongoing charges:0.9%

Led by James Harries, Trojan Global Income invests in a concentrated portfolio of high-quality, global companies and they’re held for the long-term. ‘This concentrated global equity income fund has an emphasis on capital preservation and growing its dividend over time – a trait we think is useful in a higher inflationary environment,’ says FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott. ‘Like all Troy funds, the focus is on investing in high quality resilient businesses for the long term and it has historically done an excellent job of preserving capital in difficult markets – including last year.’

Fundsmith Equity

Ongoing charges:0.94%

Fundsmith Equity Fund is a mainstay of many people’s portfolios, investing in a concentrated portfolio of well-established companies. With a strong track record under industry stalwart Terry Smith, the £22.8billion Fundsmith Equity has consistently topped lists of most-bought funds and is a regular fixture on best-buy lists and is Rob Burgeman’s, of Brewin Dolphin, top choice.

‘It avoids investment into sectors perceived as being economically cyclical or which lack strong competitive advantage, such as oil and gas, resources, banking and airlines amongst others. The fund applies a stringent screening process to find high quality business that can offer a high return on invested capital, leading it to companies with an edge that is difficult to replicate, an absence of leverage, high levels of cash flow, resilience to change, and exceptional management teams. Sectors this process typical favours include consumer staples, medical supplies, franchisors, and core software companies. Given this narrow list of options, the portfolio is highly concentrated at 20-30 stocks and undertakes a very low level of turnover.’

Polar Capital Technology Trust

Ongoing charges: 0.84%

Marlborough Nano Cap manager Giles Hargreave is a seasoned stock picker with one of the best-resourced teams for UK smaller company investing. This fund was chosen by Hargreaves Lansdown’s Mark Dampier. Its Wealth 150 report says: ‘This fund is managed in a similar vein to the team's existing smaller company funds, but this is a smaller and nimbler portfolio where emphasis is placed on the UK's smallest companies. We view the fund as a superb choice for adventurous investors seeking exposure to this niche part of the market.’

Polar Capital Global Technology Fund

Ongoing charges - 1.1%

Polar Capital’s global tech fund gives exposure to the world’s leading technology companies, with a bias to small and mid-cap companies. AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava says: ‘Both Polar Capital Global Technology Fund and the close-ended Polar Capital Technology IT had a tough time last year as growth and tech stocks faced steep losses amid rising rates not seen in decades. While there remains a risk around terminal interest rates, and a potential further leg down in the valuation of tech stocks, both vehicles have fallen a long way. In the case of the trust, its discount levels continue to exceed averages. Managed by one of the largest dedicated tech teams in Europe, the managers’ theme-based approach incorporating both top down and bottom-up analysis has done reasonably well over time as the managers seek to invest in technology names globally.

GuardCap Global Equity

Ongoing charges - 0.86%

‘A lot of the best-known global fund names are heavily biased towards US mega-sized growth stocks – but these are now struggling in a world of much higher borrowing costs. Investors might therefore exercise a little more caution towards global funds in the current environment,’ says Bestinvest’s Jason Hollands. ‘The GuardCap Global Equity fund certainly isn’t a household name, but co-managers Michael Boyd and Giles Warren have been successfully managing this strategy for many years. Their approach is focused on a small number of high-quality companies with sustainable growth that can be purchased at attractive valuations. These are then held for the long-term. This more nuanced and balanced approach to global investing has worked well across a variety of market conditions.’

iShares Core MSCI World

Ongoing charges - 0.2%

The iShares Core MSCI World ETF invests around the world with a total expense ratio of just 0.2 per cent. The ETF is weighted by the market size of the world’s major stockmarkets, with the largest chunk at 67.8 per cent invested in the US. The UK makes up 4.21 per cent of the ETF and is its third biggest holding.

Rob Burgeman, investment manager at RBC Brewin Dolphin says: ‘This iShares ETF is very straightforward. It offers exposure to a basket of global equities in a very cost-effective manner, with an ongoing charge of just 0.2 per cent. Among its top holdings are the world’s biggest names, such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon, but with exposure to companies from a range of countries, ranging from Japan to Ireland.’

Fidelity Global Quality Income ETF

Ongoing shares - 0.91%

Fidelity Global Quality Income ETF is another tracker fund, which invests around the world and is weighted to Europe and the US. Just under a third of the fund is invested in companies in the Eurozone, followed by 31.6 per cent in the US and 14.5 per cent in the UK. It has a historic yield of 2.49 per cent. Rob Burgeman says: ‘Fidelity Global Quality income is another index tracking a broad basket of investments across the world, but it puts more of an emphasis on income – it currently yields 2.72 per cent. Nearly two-thirds of its exposure is to the USA and its top holdings include the likes of tech company Nvidia, consumer staples giant Proctor & Gamble, and fast-moving consumer goods group Nestle.’

L&G International Index Trust

Ongoing shares - 0.13%

Legal & General's global tracker fund gives access to companies around the world for an ongoing charge of just 0.13 per cent, but excludes the UK. That makes it a good option for global exposure for UK investors who already have plenty of home bias in their portfolios.

Vanguard LifeStrategy 80% Equity

Ongoing charges - 0.22 per cent

Vanguard LifeStrategy is a great option for an investor looking to build their portfolio’s exposure to global stocks. They are cheap and simple, allowing investors to adjust their risk level from cautious, at 20 per cent equities, to high risk at 100 per cent equities.

Within the LifeStrategy 40 per cent equity fund, 25 per cent is invested in the UK with the remaining invested overseas, in the US, Europe, Japan and a small exposure to emerging markets. Within bonds, the broad mix is 30 per cent UK and 70 per cent overseas.

Emerging Markets

FSSA Global Emerging Markets Focus

Ongoing charges:0.6%

‘This fund invests in 40-45 large and medium-sized companies in emerging markets. Manager Rasmus Nemmoe has an absolute return mindset and looks for quality companies that can demonstrate sustained and predictable growth over the long-term,’ says FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott. ‘Each holding is a quality company that can show sustained and predictable growth and the fund has a strong environmental, social and governance ethos without labelling itself as such. While relatively young, the fund has already shown a lot of potential, producing decent returns in an asset class that has been out of favour for some time.’

Aubrey Global Emerging Market Opportunities

Ongoing charges - 1.12%

The prospects for emerging markets have improved recently with China ending its strict COVID lockdowns, India heading towards elections next year and a softer US Dollar easing pressure on emerging market companies and governments that borrowed heavily in US Dollars. A Bestinvest top pick here is the Aubrey Global Emerging Market Opportunities fund, managed by veteran Asia and Emerging Market specialist Andrew Dalrymple and team at Edinburgh-based firm Aubrey Capital Management.

'This fund takes a thematic approach, focused on the rising power of emerging market consumers. Some 48% of the fund is invested in Consumer Discretionary stocks and 23% in Consumer Staples. With 42% of the portfolio in Chinese companies, it is well positioned to benefit from a rebound in consumptions as the Chinese population start spending the war chest of excess savings accumulated during the pandemic when draconian restrictions were in place.'

JPM Emerging Markets Income

Ongoing charges:0.88%

An equity income approach at the current juncture appears attractive, offering some cushioning in the form of regular dividends,’ says AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava. ‘Yielding c.4.0 per cent, the fund aims to provide a portfolio designed to achieve income while participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years). This is a credible EM income strategy with a breadth of analytical support combined with a dedicated portfolio management team focusing on the income consideration. Diversified across c.90 names, the fund offers sufficient compositional breadth, while ensuring diversity of drivers underpinning its dividend.

‘The fund is closely aligned with the closed-ended JPMorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Investment Trust listed on the LSE, with the strategy launched one year before this fund in July 2010. The trust is yielding c.3.8% and can carry up to 20% gearing, although it currently has 7.5% based on January 2023 figures. Both carry a slight underweight to China, with exposures of c.28% across both vehicles. Mexico, Hong Kong and South Africa are among the largest overweights, with India the largest underweight relative to the broader market.’

Allianz China A Shares

Ongoing charges: 1.33%

Allianz China A-Shares is an actively managed, concentrated portfolio of China A shares, which means shares of mainland China-based companies that trade on the main two Chinese exchanges. ‘2023 has, so far, been much kinder to investors in China than the previous 18 months or so. The gradual re-opening of the economy is good news for many of the companies held in the Allianz China A shares fund, given their bias towards the domestic economy,’ says RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Rob Burgeman. ‘They have the added benefit of not tending to suffer from the same level of political interference as China’s better-known tech companies.’

Morgan Stanley Asia Opportunity

Ongoing charges:0.91%

‘The Morgan Stanley Asia Opportunity fund is not one for the cautious. If you want everything that Asia offers in spades – in other words high potential returns, but the risks that come along with that – this may interest you,’ says RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Rob Burgeman. ‘More than 50 per cent of the fund is in China, with another near-20 per cent in India, while the rest is spread among Asia’s smaller nations including South Korea, Singapore, and Indonesia. If the last few years are anything to go by, anyone investing will be in store for a wild ride.’

Pacific North of South EM All Cap Equity

Ongoing charges:0.9%

‘Pacific North of South EM All Cap Equity is a good diversifier alongside many of your larger, more institutional asset manager run EM funds,’ says Carly Moorhouse, fund research analyst at Quilter Cheviot. ‘Led by two very experienced portfolio managers, this value fund has managed to outperform in many different types of environments, even during growth biased periods, due to strong stock selection particularly within the small and mid-cap space.In EM this area remains very under-researched, therefore providing active managers and bottom-up stock pickers with a very fertile hunting ground.

‘The portfolio’s exposure to companies across the market cap spectrum allows the PMs to get access to tomorrow’s leaders, particularly within the tech space. The portfolio managers incorporate a series of macro factors into their process, which has helped them to navigate the more fragile and vulnerable economies that one is led towards being a value investor in emerging markets. Despite being underweight China, this fund’s higher beta exposure within the country, consumer biased names and stocks focusing on energy independence have helped the fund keep up with the market in the rally we have seen since November last year. Finally, the portfolio’s diversified exposure across various commodities in Latin America, innovative mid-cap tech across Taiwan and South Korea, with very little by way of financials, demonstrates that this value fund is certainly a differentiated offering.’

iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index

Ongoing charges - 0.21%

The iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index is a straightforward way to build exposure to emerging markets with ongoing charges of just 0.21 per cent. It invests in around 1700 countries across emerging markets, with the largest chunk at 35 per cent invested in Chin. India makes up 15.8 per cent of the portfolio, while 5.9 per cent of the ETF is invested in Brazil. It is primarily made up of technology and financial stocks, weighted at 23.2 and 22.3 per cent, respectively.

There are some attractive opportunities to buy trusts that own high quality European companies where revenues are internationally focused rather than pure plays on the Eurozone


JPM Emerging Markets

Ongoing charges:0.83%

‘JPM Emerging Markets offers broad exposure to emerging markets, with a core allocation to China. The managers access ample analyst resource allocation towards Greater China and considerable presence on the ground,’ says AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava. ‘The fund is not tied to a benchmark and maintains exposure to companies with sustainable competitive advantages, consistent cashflow generation and strong management teams. This has worked well for the portfolio over the long term, and the managers remain confident that it is the right strategy to pursue under current market conditions. The fund currently carries a slight underweight to China, is overweight in Hong Kong and India, while carrying greater exposure towards financials, technology and consumer staples relative to the wider market.’

GAM Star Disruptive Growth

Ongoing charges - 0.89%

‘This is a global equity fund looking for companies across a variety of industries which are set to benefit from the disruption that the next wave of technological change will bring about,’ says FundCalibre’s Darius McDermott. ‘Manager Mark Hawtin has a strong background in the technology sector, and uses this to identify themes of technological change, as well as find those firms that embrace these changes at the core of their business. Technology generally has been hit hard in recent times and we think there are long term trends here that investors can now take advantage of at better prices.’

Ninety One Global Environment

Ongoing charge - 0.86%

‘This is a specialist fund that is focused on companies that the managers identify as key beneficiaries of the global drive to reduce carbon emissions,’ says Bestinvest’s Jason Hollands. ‘These typically fit within three broad categories: renewable energy, electrification, and resource efficiency. It is a highly concentrated portfolio and currently has just 24 stocks. At the regional level, while US companies account for 43% of the fund, there is also a significant exposure to Chinese companies (19.5%) which alongside the concentrated nature of the fund is a factor contributing to potential volatility. It isn’t for the feint hearted but directly taps into a major theme set to driving economic decision making for many years to come.’

Schroder Global Energy Transition

Ongoing charges - 0.95%

‘This fund's aims to offer investors actively managed exposure to companies engaged in the energy transition,’ says RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Rob Burgeman. ‘Unlike some of its peers, it will have no exposure to nuclear energy and fossil fuels – other strategies may tolerate low and decreasing exposure in companies such as Denmark’s Orsted, which has a small legacy oil and gas business. The lead portfolio manager, Mark Lacey, and his team are dedicated to the sector and have extensive experience within the entire industry, spanning environmental technology and conventional energy. In our discussions with them, we have found them to be experts in their field. The clean energy sector is dominated by small and mid-caps and we feel this fund remains quite attractive with around £710 million of assets under management.’

Fidelity China Special Situations Trust

Ongoing charges - 1.04%

‘Fidelity China Special Situations Trust offers exposure broad exposure to the opportunity China offers through this one portfolio,’ says AJ Bell’s Alena Kosava. ‘Long-standing manager Dale Nicholls focuses on providing exposure to companies benefitting from China’s consumption growth opportunity. New consumer spending power and increasing aspirations underpin many of the portfolio’s investments, alongside fast-growing industries such as the internet, e-commerce and healthcare.

‘The trust invests across an array of sectors, utilising Fidelity’s ample analyst resource. At the sector level, consumer discretionary, communication services and industrials are some of the largest exposures for the trust. The vehicle also offers exposure to A-shares and unlisted companies, sought to capitalise on emerging opportunities and trends within the domestic market as well as progress achieved by businesses ahead of any potential public listings. Both are enabled by Fidelity’s locally based ‘feet on the ground’ analyst teams, offering deep research capabilities.’

Investing online is simple, cheap and can be done from your computer, tablet or phone at a time and place that suits you.

When it comes to choosing a DIY investing platform, stocks & shares Isa or a general investing account, the range of options might seem overwhelming.

Every provider has a slightly different offering, charging more or less for trading or holding shares and giving access to a different range of stocks, funds and investment trusts.

When weighing up the right one for you, it's important to to look at the service that it offers, along with administration charges and dealing fees, plus any other extra costs.

To help you compare the best investment accounts, we've crunched the facts and pulled together a comprehensive guide to choosing the best and cheapest investing account for you.

We highlight the main players in the table below but would advise doing your own research and considering the points in our full guide linked here.

>> This is Money's full guide to the best investing platforms and Isas

Platforms featured below are independently selected by This is Money’s specialist journalists. If you open an account using links which have an asterisk, This is Money will earn an affiliate commission. We do not allow this to affect our editorial independence.

Admin charge Charges notes Fund dealing Standard share, trust, ETF dealing Regular investing Dividend reinvestment
AJ Bell* 0.25% Max £3.50 per month for shares, trusts, ETFs. £1.50 £9.95 £1.50 £1.50 per deal More details
Bestinvest* 0.40% (0.2% for ready made portfolios) Account fee cut to 0.2% for ready made investments Free £4.95 Free for funds Free for income funds More details
Charles Stanley Direct 0.35% No platform fee on shares if a trade in that month and annual max of £240 Free £11.50 n/a n/a More details
Fidelity* 0.35% on funds £7.50 per month up to £25,000 or 0.35% with regular savings plan. Max £45 per year for shares, trusts, ETFs Free £7.50 Free funds £1.50 shares, trusts ETFs £1.50 More details
Hargreaves Lansdown* 0.45% Capped at £45 for shares, trusts, ETFs Free £11.95 £1.50 1% (£1 min, £10 max) More details
Interactive Investor* £4.99 per month under £50k, £11.99 above, £10 extra for Sipp £3.99 per month back in free trading credit (does not apply to £4.99 plan) £3.99 £3.99 Free £0.99 More details
iWeb £100 one-off fee (waived until July 2024) £5 £5 n/a 2%, max £5 More details
Accounts that have some limits but attractive offers
Etoro*No Isa or SippFree Investment account offers stocks and ETFs. Beware high risk CFDs in trading accountNot availableFreen/an/aMore details
Freetrade* No investment fundsFree for Basic account, £4.99 per month for Standard with Isa£9.99 for PlusFreetrade Plus with more investments and Sipp is £9.99/month inc. Isa feeNo fundsFreen/an/aMore details
VanguardOnly Vanguard's own products0.15%Only Vanguard fundsFreeFree only Vanguard ETFsFreen/aMore details
(Source: ThisisMoney.co.uk Feb 2024. Admin % charge may be levied monthly or quarterly

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50 of the best funds and investment trusts: Experts reveal best ideas (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.