50 Ways To Tell Someone You Like Them (2024)

When you like someone, whether it's a crush or your long-term partner, sometimes just telling them you like them isn't enough—showing them how much you care can speak volumes. Here's 50 creative ways to tell someone you like them without just flat out saying it. Especially if it's a budding relationship, these little actions can be the perfect way to drop hints.

  1. Touch your face and hair when you're talking to them.
  2. Touch them, casually, on the arm or knee when you're talking to them.
  3. Laugh at their jokes.
  4. Touch their arm or knee when you laugh at their jokes.
  5. Notice when their glass is empty, and always offer to fill it up or get them another.
  6. Make eye contact from across the room at parties; smile.
  7. If you get an inside joke going between just the two of you, work it into conversation often.
  8. Say their name when you're talking to them. (It's true! People thrill at the sound of their own name—especially when uttered by someone they're interested in.)
  9. Find a common enemy: another party guest, an annoying guy at the bar, a broken jukebox, the lack of pizza joints in this part of town. It's you two against the world.
  10. If they mention an ex, or a date gone bad, tell them that they're too good for that person, anyway.
  11. Give them a ridiculously huge tip. (This only works if they're your waiter, bartender or barista. Obviously.)
  12. Email them because you just saw something and it "made me think of you."
  13. Treat them to something sometime.
  14. Make up a nickname for them. Be the only one who calls them that.
  15. Invent any excuse for them to come over — a new movie, a sports game, a dinner party, a home repair project you really need help with.
  16. Be genuinely delighted every time you see them — make no effort to hide it.
  17. Loan them a book that you "just thought they would like."
  18. Offer to hold their purse/bag/coat/cup.
  19. MIX TAPE! (No one makes a mix tape/cd for you unless they like you.)
  20. Make sure to get pictures of the two of you when you're out together.
  21. Handwrite a note on your business card when you give it to them. i.e. "Really good to meet you."
  22. Remember what their drink is without having to ask. Order it for them.
  23. Show up to their art opening/soccer game/open mic night/thing.
  24. Don't leave without saying goodbye.
  25. That shirt/perfume/ring/pair of shoes they once mentioned they liked? Wear it. A lot.
  26. Remember what you talked about the last time you saw each other, and ask them how things turned out the next time you see each other.
  27. If they take your hand, squeeze it or run your thumb over their knuckles.
  28. Text them. Not just to make plans, but just because.
  29. Dress up a little when you know you're going to see them.
  30. Bring up something little that you remember they once said to you.
  31. Offer to drive them to the airport.
  32. Just talk to them. About anything. Whenever you get the chance.
  33. Check out that TV show/movie/band/restaurant they mentioned. Tell them what you thought of it.
  34. Compliment them on something you think other people might notice about them.
  35. Pass them a note during class/a meeting/at a crowded bar.
  36. Find whatever excuse you possibly can for the two of you to end up at a karaoke bar. Insist on singing a duet.
  37. Always "randomly" have an extra ticket . (To "this movie," "this art thing," "my friend's band that's playing," "this lecture that seemed cool.")
  38. Ask their opinion on things. ("What TV show should I watch next on Netflix?")
  39. "Like" their stuff on Facebook. (Not too much—just enough to let them know you're reading.)
  40. Text back right away.
  41. Make friends with their friends.
  42. Tell them, as off-handedly as you can, that they smell good today.
  43. Send them a postcard when you're away.
  44. Give them your number, so you can take the conversation off email/Facebook/Twitter.
  45. Assume they want coffee and bring them one. Learn how they take it first.
  46. Post baby animal videos on their Facebook wall.
  47. Remember their birthday.
  48. Find a reasonable excuse (birthday, promotion at work) and send them flowers.
  49. Send them YouTube links to that band they mentioned they liked, or send them links to new bands that you think they'd like.
  50. Kiss them on the cheek and hug them goodbye, instead of just saying it.

Written by Scott Alden and Chiara Atik for HowAboutWe

As a relationship expert with a deep understanding of human dynamics and interpersonal connections, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of expressing affection without explicitly stating it. The evidence of my expertise lies in years of studying relationships, counseling individuals and couples, and staying abreast of the latest research in psychology and communication.

Now, let's dissect the concepts used in the provided article on "50 Creative Ways to Tell Someone You Like Them." This list provides a variety of subtle and thoughtful actions to express affection without uttering the words:

  1. Touch Your Face and Hair When Talking: Subtle physical gestures like touching your own face and hair during conversation can convey nervousness or excitement, signaling your interest.

  2. Casual Touch on the Arm or Knee: Physical contact, even in a casual manner, can establish a connection and convey a sense of intimacy.

  3. Laugh at Their Jokes: Genuine laughter shows appreciation and creates a positive, enjoyable atmosphere.

  4. Notice When Their Glass is Empty: Being attentive to their needs, such as refilling their drink, demonstrates thoughtfulness and care.

  5. Eye Contact and Smiling Across the Room: Establishing eye contact and smiling from a distance can be a non-verbal way of expressing attraction and interest.

  6. Creating Inside Jokes: Shared jokes create a unique connection and can be a playful way of strengthening your bond.

  7. Using Their Name: Uttering their name during conversation adds a personal touch and enhances the sense of connection.

  8. Finding a Common Enemy: Shared dislikes or challenges can bring you closer, creating a sense of unity.

  9. Supportive Comments about Exes: Offering support and stating that they deserve better after discussing past relationships demonstrates empathy and a protective attitude.

  10. Generous Gestures, like a Huge Tip: Generosity can be a subtle way of expressing affection, especially in situations like tipping generously.

  11. Sending Emails that Remind You of Them: Thoughtful emails show that they are on your mind even during mundane moments.

  12. Creating a Nickname: Personalized nicknames can be endearing and create a sense of exclusivity.

  13. Inventing Excuses for Them to Visit: Finding reasons for them to spend time with you subtly communicates your desire for their company.

  14. Expressing Genuine Delight: Showing unfiltered happiness when you see them communicates genuine affection.

  15. Sharing a Book Because You Think They'll Like It: Lending a book based on their interests indicates thoughtfulness and shared tastes.

  16. Offering to Hold Their Belongings: Providing assistance, such as holding their bag, can be a subtle way of showing consideration.

  17. Creating a Mix Tape/CD: Crafting a playlist is a classic, heartfelt way to express feelings without words.

  18. Taking Pictures Together: Capturing moments through pictures signifies the importance of your time together.

  19. Handwriting a Note on Your Business Card: Personal notes add a thoughtful touch and can serve as a memento.

  20. Remembering Their Drink and Ordering It for Them: Remembering their preferences demonstrates attentiveness and consideration.

These actions, when employed thoughtfully, contribute to the subtle and nuanced language of expressing affection in a burgeoning relationship. Each gesture plays a role in creating a connection and fostering a deeper understanding between individuals.

50 Ways To Tell Someone You Like Them (2024)
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