7 Reasons Why You Should Skip College - Ace Cash Flow (2024)

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7 Reasons Why You Should Skip College

  • Posted on February 8, 2018January 9, 2020
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And it has nothing to do with being bored out of your mind!

Now, don’t get me wrong, college can turn out good for some people, but it’s definitely NOT for everyone! Take my friend, and won’t use her name, who graduated top of her class with a master’s degree.

Fast forward 3 years:

After receiving her degree, she still does not have a job in her major. To make matters even worse, she owes over $60,000 in student loan debt. Can it get worse! Yes, it can.

7 Reasons Why You Should Skip College - Ace Cash Flow (1)

She’s a wonderful an sweet person. But she now works at a job that any person with average intelligence could’ve gotten after graduating high school. Working alongside high school students and with people who never spent the countless hours studying like she did. Oh yea, and let’s not forget, she’s gotta make those monthly payments for her student loan! How could this happen? We’ll go into that in just a bit.

Now lets use another person who took a different road than the above mentioned. The second person did not go to college. Not at all. Yet, she earns well over $7,000 per month in passive income. Now I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy to achieve. But it was done by thinking outside of the box.

She spent many hours learning how to create a profitable online business as well as figuring out how to acquire Income Generating Assets, which is the focus of this post.

Create Income Generating Asset

So, what is an Income Generating Asset? An Income Generating Asset is something that you work hard to build, or a system already created, that puts money into your bank account every month, no matter what. You can never get fired by your asset.

If you pass on, the asset will continue to pay you without skipping a beat.

To really blow your mind, most of the things I learned about finding income generating assets was taught in school. Yea, they teach you about the stock market or whatever, but they don’t really teach students how tobuild wealth.

With all that said, here are my 7 reasons you should probably skip college

1. College doesn’t teach financial education. “And a whole lot of other stuff”!

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College teaches you to be smart and get good grades like mom and dad said. You can get really smart from going to college, like really smart, you might even be on top of your class!

But unfortunately, being smart isn’t enough to make you wealthy.

There are certain vital skills you’ll need on your road to wealth.

Things like failing a lot. School never tolerates failing, yet it is the one thing that teaches us humans best. Financial education is vital for survival, and the fact that college doesn’t really teach that irks me!

Additionally, things like building a team and networking aren’t really taught in school either.

Learning to connect might be the best skillset you could ever acquire. Ever wonder why people who don’t deserve it make way more money than you? It’s because they’re connected!

Additionally, college doesn’t really teach you about the importance of a mentor.

A mentor is someone who has already achieved what you’re trying to achieve. They’ve already did the failing part and now you need to just heed their advice. People who acquire mentors usually get much further than people who try and go it alone.

2. A robot might get the job before you

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Think about how far we humans have come. Ever notice that banks now have smart ATM machines? Yup. No longer do you need to even talk to a teller in a bank.

These machines are wicked dude! And they are very efficient, they don’t need a lunch break either. Breakthroughs in technology are increasing exponentially every year.

If it takes 6 years to get a master’s degree, hopefully computers or robots won’t be efficient at your job by the time the dean hands you a master’s degree! Just saying!

3. Student Loan Debt

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Need I say more? Did you know that the US holds more than one trillion, that’s trillion with a t, in student loan debt? More debt than car loans.

More debt than mortgages or credit cards. Sounds to me like someone’s doing something fishy.

Just in case you didn’t know, the government really enjoys this. Your student loan debt is not exempt even if you file for bankruptcy protection. Crazy right?

Bankruptcy can protect ALL those other debts, but why not student loan debt?

All you’re trying to do is be educated and helpful to the society. And this is what you get in return? A $60,000 student loan debt along with your degree? I’m thinking there’s much better ways to invest that money, andI can prove it. But that’s foranother post!

4. Job Readiness in the real world.

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Want to guess what hiring managers are saying when hiring people right out of college? They’d rather not!

Many students have zero skills when it comes to working in the real world.

They might be great with numbers, excellent with computers, and can count to a million really fast, have a 4.0 GPA, but they have zero communication skills, zero networking skills, and zero Job skills!

Much of the knowledge these students have just can’t be applied to the real work being done. Hiring managers want to see a track record of success. They want to see proven experience. Unfortunately, few college grads meet this bar.

5. Available Job Opportunities.

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If you spend thousands and thousands of dollars to attend school, and four to six years of your life, you should be able to find a decent job, right?

In theory at least. Unfortunately, this is too often not the case. A recent study showed that only about 67% of graduates actually work in their chosen fields. To make things even more sticky, most students don’t earn anything near what they’d worked so hard for in school.

So, why is this? Well, one reason is my point on actual job skills. But it’s more than that. The college system was set up in good faith during the industrial age. An environment of learning real life skills and team work and preparing students for jobs in the industrial world. I hate to break it to you, but the industrial revolution is long gone, we’re now in what is called the information age.

Everything you need to learn can most likely be found with just a click of a button. A bigger question for you might be, are you equipped for this new information age? Since there is such an abundance of information out there, you’d need to know how to prioritize and categorize what you learn in this age. Mainly because much information gets outdated fast and there is really too much information to consume.

6. Could turn out to be a waste of time

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Spending four to six years in college in this day and age is like a life time. I learned so much more from my own time with self-development. As I said before, I didn’t attend college, instead I tried to build businesses during a time many of my family members said I should be focusing on college. They pushed me hard to go to school, yet I resisted.

Many of my first attempts at creating an online business really fell flat. But in the course of trying, I learned many skills that put me in the position I am today. I kept working and learning new skills while adapting to this new and changing world. Eventually, I built some really awesome businesses! If I had been stuck in school I would never have been able tocreate the passive incomestreams I created.

Being too focused on climbing the cooperate ladder is really the issue with college. Your job is in their hands. I’d prefer to have money working for me twenty-four hours a day. In fact, I’d rather own the ladder!

7. Entrepreneurship is a viable Alternative

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How about creating your own job by creating value in the market place? I’d bet it would be something you’d be good at!

School teaches us to be employees rather than entrepreneurs. It’s amazing how much debt we’re willing to take on for the promise of a good job. Upwards of $100,000 in debt in some cases. And to make matters worse, your boss can up and fire you at any time. Guest it’s time to dust off the resume!

How about trying to build a business around something you love? That’s what I did!

And before I leave. Here’s a quick note from my friend Tai Lopez.

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Is A College Degree Worth It?

There’s this old, outdated belief that if you don’t have a college degree, you won’t become successful.

A lot of people think that having a college degree makes you smarter than people who don’t, but let me tell you, those people are wrong.

Here’s the thing, you typically go to school and learn for 4 years, and then most people get out and go into a job and never really grow beyond that, but everything you learn basically becomes outdated by at least 20 percent every year.

That means every five or six years, most of what learned is irrelevant. Most jobs that require a college degree don’t have much room for moving up. You probably won’t become the CEO, and definitely not an owner.

The question is, what are you learning right now?

Learning is a lifelong endeavor. There is an old saying “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” The thing about success is that truly successful people are never satisfied, and they want to keep growing and learning. That’s what sets successful people apart.

That’s why I write these emails to you, because you’re going to need to keep learning from other people. You can never learn anything by yourself. You have to read something someone else has written, or watch videos or listen to a lecture if you want to keep expanding your knowledge base.

Now, if you want to go to college, by all means, go ahead. But you gotta remember you can never stop learning.

Stay Strong,


Have you ever been told how risky it is to build a business? Rather than a safe and secure job? Safe and secure job is an oxymoron by the way. Safe and secure doesn’t really exist in the free economy in my opinion. I tend to think that depending on a job is much more riskier than building a business. If you don’t believe me ask Robert Kiyosaki or Tony Robbins.

A famous quote from Robert Kiyosaki –We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them.

Try to focus more on your financial education and take steps towardsbecoming an entrepreneur, it might just be natural for you!

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Online Courses could be a better alternative for you

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Taking classes online could be a better choice for you. The great thing about taking courses are as follows:

  1. They are very targeted to help you achieve very specific goals.
  2. They are much cheaper than conventional schools. You don’t have to worry about going into debt to get your degree!
  3. They are usually pretty fast to finish and earn your degree
  4. Online courses tend to follow job trends much better. As many of the available jobs die out, online degrees consistently update to stay ahead of the curve.

Think about getting your online degree. It may just be the thing you were looking for!

How about creating Passive Income for the rest of your life?!

Passive income will put money into your pocket every month no matter what. It is the only true gateway to freedom. Freedom of time. Freedom of location. And freedom to be the person you really want to be without worrying about money all the freek’n time!

Leave your comment below and let us know what you think !

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7 Reasons Why You Should Skip College - Ace Cash Flow (2024)


Why should students skip college? ›

The rising costs of higher education and fears of student debt are among the reasons more young people are choosing not to attend college. Instead, they are working. Many believe it is the right decision for them.

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College is a big investment in terms of both money and time. Going to college just for the sake of going to college puts that investment at risk. If you're unsure of which career path to follow, skipping college may be the right decision.

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The benefits of free college include greater educational access for underserved students, a healthier economy, and reduced loan debt. Drawbacks include higher taxes, possible overcrowding, and the threat of quality reduction.

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You Can Earn Money Instead

If you skip college, you'll not only save money and avoid debt, but you'll also have four years to earn money instead. Whether you get a job, start a business, learn a trade, or monetize your hobby, you'll have a four-year headstart on your peers that took the college route.

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Best Excuses to Skip Class Online or In Person

Make an excuse that you're sick, have food poisoning, or are experiencing an allergic reaction. Email your professor that there's been a family or household emergency, or that you have a job interview. If you have an online class, tell them your WiFi is out.

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Issues such as anxiety, depression, and personal difficulties can greatly hinder a student's ability to focus on their studies and commit to continuing their education. This emotional stress is what 30% of students say often leads to a pause in enrollment or even a decision to drop out.

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In this regard, we offer reassurance to high school seniors who may be grappling with college-related anxieties. It's perfectly okay not to attend college. In fact, opting out of college at this moment might be the most beneficial choice you can make.

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Consequences of teen truancy include a decline in school performance, loneliness, low self-worth, increased mental health problems, potential increase in risky behaviors, and conflict between parents and teens.

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In general, studies show that the higher your education level, the more subjective life happiness you have, Richmond said. But the relationship isn't linear. “Some research says there's a period between 30 and 40 when we see the largest correlation between education and subjective life happiness,” he said.

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Is College Right for You?
Pros of Attending CollegeCons of Attending College
Higher earning potentialHigh cost
Access to more jobsOpportunity cost of time spent not working
More learning opportunitiesThe availability of high-paying, no-degree jobs
Networking opportunitiesUnderemployed college graduates
6 more rows
Jan 23, 2023

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Another argument against “why should college be free” is the idea that quality could dip. With potentially less money going into colleges and universities, schools may find it more difficult to offer top-quality education opportunities for their students.

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Providing free college can boost the economy in a number of ways. Workforces are first given advanced skills, which boosts production and competitiveness. As a result, there are more promising jobs created, and the economy grows.

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For those who forgo college, it usually means lower lifetime earnings — 75 percent less compared with those who get bachelor's degrees, according to Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce. And when the economy sours, those without degrees are more likely to lose jobs.

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Going to college will surely assist in getting a great and well-paying job, but high school graduates who did not seek university life after high school are not doomed. It just means they may have to work a little harder and will not have to worry about paying thousands of dollars back for loans.

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Most jobs don't require college degrees

It's largely up to employers to determine what education their employees need for a role. Many companies, especially those in tech, are easing up on or eliminating degree requirements . The federal government has also removed degree requirements from technical IT roles .

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No desire to continue academic studies, the field of work you wish to enter does not require college, a desire to enter the military, a lack of support from family, no financial means, poor academic performance in high school. Why do people choose to get a regular job and not to go to college or university?

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You're already working. If you already have a job, you may be wanting to lean into your current job or save money to go to school in a few years. You're exploring non-degree avenues. There are many high-paying trades that don't require a degree but may require on-the-job experience or an apprenticeship.

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It's a shift that's been fueled, in part, by a historically low unemployment rate for teenage workers as well as an uptick in wages across several sectors that don't require a college degree.

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Networking and Soft Skills: Success often depends on strong interpersonal skills, networking abilities, and emotional intelligence. These skills are not always taught directly in college, and individuals who excel in these areas may find success even without a degree.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.