7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (2024)

Table of Contents
SIMPLE MONEY RULES FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS 1. Watch Your Money 2. Create a Budget 3. Track Your Discretionary Income 4. Save More 5. Invest More 6. Earn More 7. Track Your Net Worth Final Thoughts Money What Is Bedros Keuilian’s Net Worth? How Much Does Bedros Keuilian Make Per Year? BEDROS KEUILIAN MONEY METRICS Bedros Keuilian’s Social Media Earning Power How Did Bedros Keuilian Get So Rich? Financial Success In His Own Words Key Takeaways Mindset 10 WEALTH AFFIRMATIONS THAT REALLY WORK Wealth Affirmation 1: Seize The Moment Wealth Affirmation 2: Let It Flow Wealth Affirmation 3: You Are Worthy Wealth Affirmation 4: Builder of Wealth Wealth Affirmation 5: You Are Limitless Wealth Affirmation 6: Love of Money Wealth Affirmation 7: Unwavering Courage Wealth Affirmation 8: Good As Gold Wealth Affirmation 9: Self-Discipline Attracts Opportunity Wealth Affirmation 10: You Are Open Bonus Affirmation For Wealth: You are an Action Taker Final Thoughts Money What Is Tony Robbins’ Net Worth? How Much Does Tony Robbins Make a Year? Tony Robbin’s Money Metrics Fun Facts About Tony Robbins How Did Tony Robbins Become So Successful? Key Takeaways Money What Is Jessica Alba’s Net Worth? How Much Does Jessica Alba Make a Year? Jessica Alba’s Money Metrics Jessica Alba’s Net Worth History Jessica Alba’s Social Media Earning Power Fun Facts How Did Jessica Alba Achieve Success Business Success Insights Key Takeaways Money What is Khabib Nurmagomedov’s Net Worth? How Much Does Khabib Nurmagomedov Make? Khabib Nurmagomedov Money Metrics Fun Facts: How Did Khabib Nurmagomedov Become So Successful? Build a Net Worth Like Khabib Key Takeaways Money What Is Jennifer Lopez’s Net Worth How Much Does J.LO make per year? Jennifer Lopez’s Money Metrics How Did Jennifer Lopez Become So Successful? Jennifer Lopez on Success and Staying Relevant Build a Net Worth Like J.LO Key Takeaways Money What Is John Paul DeJoria’s Net Worth? How Much Does John Paul DeJoria Make Per Year? JOHN PUAL DEJORIA MONEY METRICS John Paul DeJoria Net Worth History How Did John Paul DeJoria Get So Rich? Extra Success Insights Key Takeaways

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (1)

I started striving for financial success about 15 years ago after clawing my way out of nearly $50K in credit card debt. And during that span of time, I’ve done many things right, and many things wrong. That said, I wanted share with you some of the most powerful, yet simple money rules I followed which helped me achieve a modest level of financial success.

First things first, let’s define financial success. For most people, financial success means achieving a desirable outcome for your money and finances. Some people see achieving their first million as financial success, while to others it can mean achieving financial security, consistently growing their net worth every year, or achieving financial independence.

Regardless of the definition you lean towards, these money rules will help you become financially successful much quicker. That said, let’s dive into the most important money rules you’ll want to know to achieve financial success as soon as possible:


7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (2)

1. Watch Your Money

If you’re serious about transforming your money situation and achieving financial success, the very first thing you must do is begin watching your money more closely. You’ll have to put your investigation skills to work and dig into where your money is going every single month.

Start by looking into your credit card charges. Make a list of every charge that is a necessity, like groceries, gas, subscriptions, etc…

Then, make a list of every bill you must pay every month, so you get a better sense of where all your money is going. Pay extra attention to all your miscellaneous one-off purchases as well.

By taking this first step, you’ll become aware, and very likely alarmed with your spending habits. The great news is that once you begin watching your money more closely, and making a list of your fixed monthly costs, then you can apply this next rule more readily.

2. Create a Budget

With your newly acquired financial data, you can easily create a budget for yourself. I recommended that you take all of the fixed costs that you discovered by watching your money more closely, and then add them to a spreadsheet.

Creating a budget can be as simple as adding two columns onto a spreadsheet. Name one column expenses, and the other amount. Then, grab all of the data from the lists you made from step 1, and fill in the blanks.

Once you’ve listed out all your fixed expenses, and the standard amounts for each, your next step should be to total all of those amounts at the bottom of the page. This total amount is your monthly expenses.

This figure is now your baseline budget; meaning you should ensure that you always have enough money to pay these costs every month.

Related: Scary Financial Statistics

3. Track Your Discretionary Income

Now that you have a budget for all of your monthly expenses, you should have some money left over. If you don’t, well then you may want to see if there are any of your monthly costs or subscriptions that aren’t leading you to a stronger financial position.

If you find some, consider cutting them or downgrading cheaper options. That said, once you have some discretionary income (meaning money that is left over to spend on whatever you’d like), now you can get strategic on where you want to deploy this chunk of money.

You can choose to spend this extra money on new clothes, new toys, or whatever your heart desires, so long as you don’t spend more than you have. However, if your goal is to improve your financial situation, then your best bet is to start tracking what you’re spending your discretionary money on.

I recommend putting a chalk board or dry erase board up on a wall that you’ll be forced to see daily. Then go about placing at the top your board your starting amount, i.e. your total amount of discretionary money.

Next, make it a habit to write down every single purchase amount (this will take discipline on your part) that you make throughout the month, just after you make it. Adjust your balance as you go. And at the end of the month, whatever is left over should be committed to financial success or wealth building.

4. Save More

Once you’ve created the system above for tracking your discretionary income, you should have extra money left over each month that you can now put into savings. Your best bet is to keep placing any extra money you have into a high yield savings account.

You can save your extra money at a bank as well, but you’ll earn more money on your money if you deposit your money into a high yield savings account.

Here are a few high yield savings accounts to consider:

  • Capital One | 4.35% as of Dec 13
  • American Express | 4.30% as of Dec 13
  • Lending Club | 4.65% as of Dec 13
  • Texas Capital Bank | 5.10% as of Dec 13
  • Ever Bank | 5.15% as of Dec 13

As you start saving more money, aim to create for yourself six-month emergency fund. In other words, enough money to cover at least six months of your monthly expenses (i.e. bills, mortgages, rent, necessity expenses etc..).

5. Invest More

Once you’ve hit a savings milestone like the one mentioned above, your next best move for creating financial success will be to start putting your discretionary money into investments.

Now, it’s recommended that you check in with your financial advisor before you invest any of your hard earned money. And as a disclaimer, this is not investment advice. But, in my opinion, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea to start placing that extra money into an ETF or mutual fund that tracks the SP500.

Here are a few solid growth ETFs to consider. But of course, it’s wise to do your due diligence before investing in anything.

6. Earn More

Once you’ve got your budget under control, and a good system set up for automatic investing, the next rule you’ll want to follow finding more financial success is to become more valuable.

Why become more valuable? Because by doing so, you’ll be able to earn more. And the more you earn, assuming you keep your costs fixed, the more money you’ll have to invest.

Needless to say, the more you have to invest, the quicker you’ll be able to obtain financial security and build wealth for yourself.

So, learn more to earn more, so you can become more… financially successful.

7. Track Your Net Worth

Lastly, you’ll eventually want to begin tracking your net worth. The primary reason you’ll want to begin doing this is to measure your progress.

When you begin tracking your net worth, you can compete against yourself. You’ll be able to see the months and years that you did well, and you’ll also be able to see the months and years where you did poorly.

This information will give you the ability to see what’s working and not working for you (financially speaking) overtime. It will also give you a starting point to ask better questions about your finances.

And better questions will lead to intelligent actions, and intelligent actions will typically lead to better outcomes for you. But one of the most important reasons to track your net worth, is because experiencing progress feels good. And the more you see your net worth grow the more you’ll want to change your habits to continue or accelerate the trend.

Related: Build Your Net Worth

Final Thoughts

There you have it, 7 simple money rules you should start following today if financial success is what you seek.

Like Simon Sinek once stated, “Dream Big, Start Small, But Most of All, Start.” So, if you’re not following any of these rules, just take that first step to get your finances in order, and then move forward at your own pace.

Till your reach your aims,


Related Topics:FinancialMoneySuccess


7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (3)

Nathan Lee Morales

Founder of The STRIVE; a digital media company, publishing inspirational and financial content for big dreamers, future millionaires, and high achievers.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (4)

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7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (17)


2 days ago


March 5, 2024



7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (18)

Bedros Keuilianis a highly successful American entrepreneur, consultant, speaker, and a best-selling author. He’s also the founder of the extremely popular franchise brand ‘Fit Body Boot Camp’, and runs ‘The Bedros Keuilian Show’; an super-charged podcast that strives to inspire people to continue pursuing entrepreneurship and the American Dream. He’s also grown multiple companies to multimillion dollar brands. That said, with all of these achievements under his belt, Bedros has managed to build a sizeable fortune for himself.

So, that’s exactly what we’ll be highlighting on this page — the fortune Bedros Keuilian has managed to build for himself over the years. So, if you want to know what Bedros Keuilian’s net worth is, it’s earning power, and how he’s managed to get so rich over the years, then let’s get right into it:

What Is Bedros Keuilian’s Net Worth?

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (19)

As of 2024, Bedros Kueilian’s net worth is approximately $230 million. Most of his net worth is tied up in his business portfolio, which Forbes recently approximated at the $200 million dollar mark.[1]

Keuilian puts a lot of emphasis on money and financial freedom, as such, he’s managed to grow his net worth at a rate of 16.4% since 2020. A rate of grow that is aligned with the growth of the SP500 over the past two to three years.

How Much Does Bedros Keuilian Make Per Year?

Bedros Keuilian’s net worth and rate of growth may have you wondering exactly how much does Bedros make per year, or per month? If it does, here’s what we have for you:

According to our research, the gym industry, especially franchise gyms, have a profit margin of approximately 10%. So, considering the fact that Bedros pulls in over $200 million per year in revenue for all of his businesses, a very conservative estimate on how much he makes is roughly $20 million per year.[2]

On top of this, Bedros Kueilian’s massive net worth of $230 million could at the very least yield him an additional $9 million per year, assuming a 4% yield on the bulk of his assets (4% is a reasonable minimum annual yield to expect on investments considering historical yields of safe investments have typically fallen between the 3% to 5% range annually).

So, per our analysis, Bedros Keuilian’s estimated annual income is$29 millionper year.


Money MetricAmount
Net Worth:$230,000,000
**Earnings Per Year:$29,000,000
Per Month:$2,416,700
Per Week:$557,735
Per Day:$79,676
Per Hour:$3,319
Per Min:$55.33
Per Sec:$.92

Note:this is an app(but very possible) earnings metric for Bedros Keuilian based off the earning power of his net worth and his estimated business profit.This calculation is for entertainment purposes only. Methodology

Bedros Keuilian’s Social Media Earning Power

Bedros’s businesses are money making machines, and he could easily add to his massive income by leveraging his social media influence. Here’s how much he could charge if he wanted to, for sponsored posts on his social media platforms:

First things first, Bedros Keuilian has 944K Instagram followers, 13.5K Twitter followers, 355K Facebook followers, 596K YouTube subscribers, and 396K Tik Tok followers. As such, the grand total of social media reach is approximately 2.3 million.

Given these numbers, and knowing the approximate social media marketing rates for sponsored post, Bedros Keuilian’s social media earning power is around $20K per promoted post.

How Did Bedros Keuilian Get So Rich?

Bedros Keuilian’s road to riches is like a real-life Cinderella story. He and his family escaped from a communist country in his youth, and had to live in section 8 housing when they first arrived to America.

Bedros quickly realized that although he was in the land of opportunity, success was something that was earned, not given. After attempting to get fit in high school to find a prom date, he became a fitness enthusiast.

Bedro Keuilian became a personal trainer after graduating, but had to work a variety of jobs to make ends meet. He struggled for years, until he found a mentor.

With right guidance and some positive encouragement, Bedros started to find success in the personal training industry. So much so that he opened up his own gym. And then another, and a few more still.

Bedros made it. He discovered how to be successful in his chosen industry. That said, he eventually sold his personal training gyms, but he acquired a skill that many other fitness trainers wanted to learn about, and that was how to open, run, and succeed at running a gym. This led Bedros into coaching and consulting.

Then, in 2009, Bedros decided to start up what would eventually become one of the most successful fitness franchises in the country, ‘Fit Body Boot Camp’. Now he owns over 600 locations and growing, offers coaching and consulting for clients at $100,000 per year, per client, and runs a dozen other companies.

Financial Success In His Own Words

Bedros Keuilian is no stranger to success or sharing with others how he achieved that success. He gives away his valuable insights all the time via social media and on his popular podcast.

That said, here a few powerful words and success anecdotes that Bedros Keuilian has uttered himself that my just help you get on the right track for building your own successful and prosperous future:

“You always get what you tolerate. If you toleratemediocrity, then that’s what you’ll get.” – Bedros Keuilian Click To Tweet
“You can build yourself an empire. But first you must give up the excuses, take control of the situation, and rise to your potential.” – Bedros Keuilian Click To Tweet
“Money is not the answer to everything, but it is the answer to a lot of things.” – Bedros Keuilian Click To Tweet
“Being rich is not the ultimate goal. Creating wealth and having time freedom is.” – Bedros Keuilian Click To Tweet
“Your income will never exceed your level of personal development.” – Bedros Keuilian Click To Tweet

Related: Bedros Keuilian Quotes

If you’re interested in learned a few key financial insights that can help you eventually build a Bedros-Keuilian-sized net worth, then you’ll this video about stacking money:

Video Credit: Bedros Keuilian (Subscribe Here)

Related: Becoming a Self-Made Millionare

Key Takeaways

Here are some key Bedros Keuilian takeaways:

  • Bedros Keuilian Net Worth:$230 million
  • Annual Earnings **:$29 million
  • Social Media Followers:2.3 million
  • Social Media Earning Power: Estimated at $20K per commercial post
  • Keys to Success:Discipline, Getting Serious About Money,Leveraging His Knowledge

Bedros Keuilian’s gargantuan net worth is directly related to the amount of people he’s served and continues to serve through his businesses, books, and podcast. He is in the business of taking massive action to help people transform their lives, and he’s transformed his life and his wealth as a result.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (20)

Havin said all of that, we hope you gained some of the Bedros Keuilian financial insights you were searching for, and hopefully a bit more.

Till you reach your financial aims,


PS – If you enjoyed our Bedros Keuilian net worth profile, then you may equally enjoy learning about the net worth of other high achievers and influencers like the following:

Andy Frisella’s Net Worth | Ed Mylett’s Net Worth | Alex Hormozi’s Net Worth

**These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of Bedros Keuilian’s net worth alone assuming a 4.0% dividend yield.

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7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (21)


3 days ago


March 4, 2024



7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (22)

If you’re seeking out 10 money affirmations that really work, aka, affirmations that can actually help you build wealth in the real world, then this page is for you.

If this is your first time learning about affirmations, it’s important that you first know this, affirmations are powerful. Affirmations are powerful because they help us develop a positive mindset. And achieving success, no matter the area, requires a positive mindset.

Unfortunately though, in this day and age, we are bombarded with negative messaging on social media, mainstream media, at our jobs, and well pretty much everywhere.

And believe it or not, these negative influences lead to negative thinking, and that negative thinking can significantly impact how we see ourselves. And how we perceive ourselves will ultimately influence the actions we take, and by extension, who we become, what we achieve, and how much we earn.

So, to help you forge for yourself a stronger mindset, one that is primed to help you build the wealth you deserve and will one day have, we’re publishing these top 10 money affirmations that really work for building wealth.

Use them daily, until you realize without a shadow of a doubt that wealth is your birthright, and that your future is bright and filled with more abundance than you can even imagine. So, if you’re ready to go over some wealth affirmations that actually work, let’s dive in.


7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (23)

Wealth Affirmation 1: Seize The Moment

“I am fearless. I seize opportunities because I have the courage to apply my faith through actions.” Tweet This Affirmation

This is a powerful affirmation that will help you embody the courage needed to jump on opportunity when it shows up. Because more often than not opportunity is not seized for lack of opportunity, but rather for lack of courage to dive in when the opportunity arises.

Wealth Affirmation 2: Let It Flow

“Wealth constantly flows into my life.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affluence stems from the word affluer, which means to flow, flood or pour in. So, leveraging this affirmation is perfect for creating more abundance and wealth in your life.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (24)

Wealth Affirmation 3: You Are Worthy

“I am worthy of what I desire.” Tweet This Affirmation

One thing that keeps most people from acquiring lots of money is their mindset. Too many people feel they are undeserving because of where they came from, but our past does not equal our future. You are worthy.

Wealth Affirmation 4: Builder of Wealth

“I build cathedrals every day. My mission and purpose in life benefits the lives of many others.” Tweet This Affirmation

The more good you do for others, the more good you’ll have done unto you. The universe works in mysterious ways, and this is one of it’s biggest secrets. So, if you want millions, serve millions.

Wealth Affirmation 5: You Are Limitless

“My success grows with limitless expectations. I believe without a doubt that I will succeed at anything I want to achieve. Therefore, I do not limit my goals by fear and trepidation. I can succeed. I will succeed at anything I set my mind to.” Tweet This Affirmation

The money and wealth you acquire in life will be tied to how big or small your desire is. Big desire, big wealth, little desire, little wealth. So, think big, and eventually you’ll also acquire wealth in a big way too.

Wealth Affirmation 6: Love of Money

“I love money and money loves me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Healthy relationships are the ones that last, and if you have a bad relationship with money, it will avoid you like an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend.

So, learn to love money and think of it in a healthier and more positive way and more of it will certainly flow your way.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (25)

Wealth Affirmation 7: Unwavering Courage

“I am passionate about my goals and I convert my dreams to reality with unwavering courage.” Tweet This Affirmation

Nothing great ever came without a bit of courage, and if you are seeking great wealth, you are going to need to do some courageous things. That’s just the way it is.

So, use this wealth affirmation to create the type of courage that would make a lion jealous.

Wealth Affirmation 8: Good As Gold

“I take the good from each experience and let the rest go.” Tweet This Affirmation

Striving for money, prosperity, and a wealthy life full of abundance is going to require you to go through lots of trials and tribulations.

So, create a short memory and forget the bad that happens as you keep moving towards the good in your life.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (26)

Wealth Affirmation 9: Self-Discipline Attracts Opportunity

“I practice the virtue of self-discipline. I control my actions, thoughts and words through the development of successful habits. I eliminate wasteful habits to clear the path to success.” Tweet This Affirmation

Self-discipline is one of the most critical aspects of success. It is what millionaires claim to be the number one factor that helped them reached their lofty financial status.

So, leverage this affirmation to build your discipline, and you’ll simultaneously working on building your wealth.

Wealth Affirmation 10: You Are Open

“I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.” Tweet This Affirmation

You have to be ready for money, and open to it in order to keep it. Otherwise it will just keep coming and going. And when money does come along, it will just as easily disappear if you are not receptive to wealth.

Much like lottery winners who shortly after getting their money, waste it away. Becoming wealthy requires a wealthy mindset, and this affirmation for wealth will help solidify that as fact.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (27)

Bonus Affirmation For Wealth: You are an Action Taker

“I act when actions are needed. I am self-reliant and I use personal initiative to overcome adversity. I do today what needs to be done today.” Tweet This Affirmation

Action is the starting point of all great things. And building wealth is a biproduct of lots of intentional and focused action. So, affirm this one often, and back it up with red hot action.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, the 10 most effective affirmations of wealth that we’ve come across and have used in our daily lives. Enjoy them thoroughly and use them often.

With that said, if you really and truly want to magnetize your mind for more money and wealth, be sure to combine these 10 affirmations with this powerful collection of money mantras and these 10 money affirmations that really work: money affirmations that work instantly.

Once you do that, just have faith in their power, and in your new positive mindset. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results you get. But you’ll have to try them to see.

Till then,


PS – If you enjoyed these affirmations for wealth, then you’ll also love these other supporting resources to help you level up your money mindset, and thus your fortune:

money mindset books | prosperity mantras | millionaire mantras

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7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (28)


6 days ago


March 1, 2024



7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (29)

Tony Robbinscertainly doesn’t need much of an introduction, seeing as he is one of the world’s most prominent life strategists, motivational speakers, and author of best-selling books like Awaken The Giant Within, Unlimited Power, and Money: Master The Game. Unquestionably, he is no stranger to success or the lime light. Tony Robbins has truly made an impact in the lives of so many people including presidents, celebrities, and global influencers alike. And, with the ability to change so many people’s lives, as well as inspire a great many to unimaginable levels of success and fulfillment, comes wealth. So that’s what this article is all about, Tony Robbins’ Net Worth, and a handful of insights on how he’s managed to make so much money.

What Is Tony Robbins’ Net Worth?

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (30)

How much money? Well, Tony Robbins’ Net Worth as of 2024 is roughly $600 million.[1] This comes out to a 616,549% difference from the median net worth of the U.S citizen, which is a net worth of around $97,300.[2]

Indeed, Tony Robbins’ Net Worth is staggering, which likely has you wondering how much he earns every year to amass such wealth.

How Much Does Tony Robbins Make a Year?

Based off of our research, Tony Robbins owns multiple businesses in industries that span across hospitality, education, media production, business services, in addition to his global seminar business and his self-help products. In total, he earns money from his 31 plus businesses and his real estate investments. So how much did Tony Robbins make this year?

Well, we know he earns on average about $9 million from his popular Unleash the Power Within program. And we also know he earns a lot more money from the $5 billion in revenue that his multiple businesses produce every year.[3] But, what we don’t know, is the exact amount he has earned, as he has not made his annual earnings public.

However, how much he could earn if he decided to pay himself from the earning power of his entire net worth is a different story. So, we’ll tell you with this hypothetical money metric we’ve created based off his net worth of $600 million.

Our model projects how much money Tony Robbins could make every year if he decided to invest his entire $600 million nest egg in a handful of investments that earned him a modest 4.5% annual dividend yield. Why 4.5%? Because the historical returns on safe investments tends to fall between the 3% to 5% range.

With that said, if you’re ready for that amount, here it is. Tony Robbins could easily kick back and not work another day in his life and still earn $27 million per year.

Tony Robbin’s Money Metrics

Money MetricAmount
Net Worth:$600,000,000
**Earnings Per Year:$27,000,000
Per Month:$2,250,000
Per Week:$519, 230
Per Day:$74,175
Per Hour:$3,090
Per Min:$51
Per Sec:$0.85

Note:this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric for Tony Robbins based off of his net worth’s earning power alone. It does not include how much he potentially earns from his ongoing projects, sponsorships, social media, etc.. This calculation is for entertainment purposes only.

Fun Facts About Tony Robbins

Speaking of entertainment, here are some fun facts related to Tony Robbins social media reach and life.

  • Tony Robbins has 6 million Instagram followers, 4.38 million Facebook Followers, 1.4 million YouTube subscribers, and 3.1 million Twitter followers. This comes out to a grand total of 14.88 million social media followers.
  • Tony’s real name is actually Anthony J. Mahavorick
  • Tony Robbins ran away from home when he was just 17 years old.
  • In his own words, he states he was totally broke growing up.
  • Robbins once worked as a janitor.
  • He uses affirmations and mantras to control his thoughts and stay positive.
  • He was once diagnosed with cancer in 1994.
  • Tony Robbins’ height is 6′ 7″.
  • Tony Robbins wife is Sage Robbins.
  • He is the proud father of two children (Jairek & Jolie)

How Did Tony Robbins Become So Successful?

Tony Robbins had a rough upbringing. But, he managed to channel the financial limitations and family chaos he experienced in his youth, into a drive to never have to pinch pennies or say that he could not take care of his family. As such, his obsessive drive would lead him to first becoming a top sales person for Jim Rohn, then eventually a great high performance coach, and then finally into the great life strategist and businessman he is today.

7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (31)

For a more in depth analysis on how Tony Robbins became so successful, this Success Story is a great place to start.

Tony Robbins has had lots of success and has made lots of money, but he’s also lost a lot of it too. In fact, if you aren’t good with money, you’ll never be able to hold on to it. And fortunately for Tony Robbins, he finally figured out the money game.

Of course, he did so only after hitting rock bottom, and nearly losing most of his net worth through some failed business dealings in the past.

With that being said, here are some Tony Robbins’ best hints on money and success:

“The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more. Be more. Serve more.” – Tony Robbins Tweet Quote
“Money is nothing more than a reflection of your creativity, your capacity to focus, and your ability to add value and receive back.” – Tony Robbins Tweet Quote
“Information without execution is poverty. Remember: we’re drowning in information, but we’re starving for wisdom.” – Tony Robbins Tweet Quote

Lastly, for some of his best advice for how to start building wealth so you can retire rich, regardless of your age or generation, watch this video:

Video Credit: CNBC Make It (Subscribe to Their Channel Here)

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways from our Tony Robbins Net Worth profile:

  • Robbin’s Net Worth:$600 million
  • Annual Earnings (est.) **:$27 million
  • Social Media Followers: 14.88 million
  • Keys to Success:Adding Value to People’s Lives, Taking Action

Tony Robbin’s massive net worth is the result of his obsessive focus on adding value to others. As a business and life strategist, he’s been striving to help change people’s lives for over three decades now. And, as his net worth indicates, he’s been extremely effective at what he does.

Having said that, we hope you enjoyed this Tony Robbins Net Worth profile. But more importantly, we hope you’ve gained at at least an ounce of inspiration and a new belief that accumulating riches, building a massive net worth, or just reaching for the stars is worth the effort.

So, learn from Tony; aim high and strive to add massive value to others. And then, just be smart with the avalanches of cash that will undoubtedly come your way.

Till you reach your aims,


PS– If you enjoyed this Tony Robbins net worth page then chances are high you’ll enjoy Dean Graziosi’s net worth profile page as well. And if that doesn’t do it for you, you’ll surely find one that intrigues you in our Net Worth profilescollection of other notable high achievers,

**These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of Tony Robbin’s net worth alone assuming a 4.5% dividend yield.

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7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (32)


1 week ago


February 28, 2024



7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (33)

Jessica Albais both a famed actress and a highly successful businesswoman who has managed to dominate both fields. She began acting at an early age, and produced enough of a fortune in Hollywood by the age of 31, that she took the leap to co-found a billion-dollar empire. Since launching her household products company Honest Co. her success has continued to compound, leaving her with an enormous net worth.

So, that’s what we’ll be highlighting on this page, Jessica Alba’s net worth, her current earning power, and how much her fortune has fluctuated over the years. So, if you’re ready to talk numbers, let’s dive in:

What Is Jessica Alba’s Net Worth?

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Jessica Alba’s net worth has shifted around over the years, as a large portion of her net worth is tied to her stake in the Honest Co. In early 2021, her net worth was estimated around $340 million per Forbes.[1] But that was when her company was valued at $1.7 billion.

However, now that the Honest Co. has a market cap of around $154 million, with shares of the company being down between the $1 to $3 dollar range, Jessica Alba’s net worth has dropped dramatically. As such, Jessica Alba’s net worth as of 2024 is approximately $100 million.

Alba was on track to becoming a billionaire, but if the value of the Honest Company doesn’t change course, it make take her a little longer than expected.

How Much Does Jessica Alba Make a Year?

Jessica Alba does take a salary from her company which is around $700,000, plus a $500,000 bonus, and a $1.5 million in annual restricted stock units, which comes out to approximately $2.7 million. Yet, the total amount she pulled in recent years was approximated to $9 million if you include the bonus’s and stock awards she was paid out on.[2]

However, when you take in to account how much she earns from her side projects and current Hollywood products, the figure is more difficult to pinpoint, but likely much higher than her 2021 income, but less than the 2022 and 2023 figures some have estimated.

That said, we can still give you a conservative estimate on how much Jessica Alba makes a year in 2024 based off her net worth alone.

These money metrics will be based off her known approximated net worth of $100 million alone. So, if you’ve ever wondered how much Jessica Alba makes per day, month, or even a year, our metric below will give you a rough estimate.

To get to this number, we will assume Jessica Alba is a savvy enough investor to earn an annual 4% yield on her combined $100 million net worth ( We use 4% as it is a very reasonable return to expect, considering historical returns on safe investments have been between the 3% to 5% range[3]).

Therefore, if Alba hypothetically liquidated all of her assets and reinvested them into a handful of stocks, ETFs, or REITs with a modest 4% dividend pay out, Jessica Alba could easily be making $4 millionper year without lifting a finger.

Jessica Alba’s Money Metrics

Money MetricAmount
Net Worth:$100,000,000
**Earnings Per Year:$4,000,000
Per Month:$333,333
Per Week:$76,923
Per Day:$10,989
Per Hour:$458
Per Min:$7.62
Per Sec:$.12

Note:this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric for Jessica Alba based off of her net worth’s earning power alone. It does not include how much he potentially earns from projects, sponsorships, or social media, etc. This calculation is for entertainment purposes only.

Jessica Alba’s Net Worth History

Have you ever wondered how much Jessica Alba’s net worth has changed over the years? if so, then you’ll enjoy this net worth his graph below.

The graph shows the net worth roller coaster that Alba has been on since 2014. And even though her fortune has experienced some gargantuan fluctuations over the years, the silver lining for her at least, is that she’s still managed to grow her net worth by over 400% since 2014. Which is a growth rate most people would be happy with.

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Jessica Alba’s Social Media Earning Power

Jessica Alba has a giant social media following. Her reach is in the multimillions. And with an expansive and engaged social media network, great money making potential exists.

That said, here is Jessica’s current social media reach. She has 10 million Facebook followers, 8.6 million Twitter followers, 20.1 million Instagram followers, and 244K YouTube followers, and 8.4 million Tik Tok followers, for a grand total of 47.3 million social media followers.

As such, after calculating her reach using the current social media marketing rates, Jessica Alba’s social media earning power is roughly $400,000 per sponsored social media post.

Fun Facts

Below are few interesting fun facts about Jessica Alba that you may not have known. Enjoy!

  • Jessica Alba was once kidnapped.
  • Alba’s mother was a lifeguard and her father was in the Air Force.
  • Jessica Alba’s introduction to Hollywood was at the age of 13, but was doing commercials at 12.
  • She’s has never done a nude scene.
  • Jessica is married to Cash Warren, with whom she’s had three children.
  • She’s the youngest Hispanic American to list a company on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • At one point Alba owned over 30% of the Honest Co., but she currently owns an estimated 5% (5.6 million shares) of the company.

Related: Jessica Alba Quotes

How Did Jessica Alba Achieve Success

When Jessica Alba was younger, she did not wait for success to come to her. In fact, she went out and found her own roles in commercials and T.V. appearances. And as fate would have it, she would eventually land bigger and bigger roles on the big screen.

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Certainly, a lot of effort, focus, and hard work played a part in her success, but ultimately she achieved so much of her success because making lots of money was important to her. In short, she was deliberate about achieving success so she could avoid living from paycheck to paycheck like her parents.

She also achieved so much success because she was deliberate about savings large sums of her money as an actress, and was willing to take risks with that money to achieve her goals. And of course, the outcome of this, was her having the funds to start up her now uber-successful company, The Honest Company.

That said, most of her riches, especially at the peak of her wealth, was created from ownership in her own business.

Business Success Insights

If you’re interested in learning about the business acumen that Jessica become so successful in her business, this video does a great job providing those insights:

Video Credit: Forbes Women (Subscribe Here)

Related: Jessica Alba Success Story

Key Takeaways

Here are a handful of key takeaways from our Jessica Alba net worth page:

  • Jessica Alba Net Worth:$100 million
  • Annual Earnings **:$4 million
  • Social Media Followers:47.3 million
  • Social Media Earning Power: $400,000 per sponsored post
  • Keys to Success:Hard Work, Being Smart With Her Money, Building a Business

Jessica Alba’s sizeable net worth is directly related to her penchant for working hard and being smart with her money. Not being one to miss an opportunity, she seized her moment to build a business that matters to her and countless other moms and consumers out in the world.

So, if creating a massive net worth like Jessica Alba is something you aspire to, start hustling, keep looking for opportunities, and most importantly, start building your wealth so you can seize opportunities when they arise.

With that being said, we hope you enjoyed this Jessica Alba Net Worth page and we hope you come back soon.

“Keep hustling and following your dreams – there is more than enough room at the table for everyone.” – Jessica Alba Tweet Quote

Till then,


PS – If you enjoyed learning about the Net Worth of Jessica Alba, then you may also enjoy our Jennifer Lopez Net Worth page, or that of self-made billionaire Rihanna.

**These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of Jessica Alba’s net worth earning potential alone assuming a 4% dividend yield.

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1 week ago


February 26, 2024



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Khabib Nurmagomedovhas an estimated net worth of $45 million. Which is an impressive amount of money, even for a world renowned Russian mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter.

Of course, some may argue that because Khabib is currently the longest-reigning UFC Lightweight Champion, who has legions of UFC fans who believe is the greatest fighter in UFC history, that his fortunes should be even larger. Many sources also have him listed as the best pound-per-pound fighter across all weight classes. And with achievements like this, riches and a large net worth are well deserved.

What is Khabib Nurmagomedov’s Net Worth?

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So, if you’re looking for even more insight on Khabib Nurmagomedov’s Net Worth, you’ll find it here. That said, there other some unofficial sources that claim Nurmagomedov’s net worth to be around $100 million. And then there’s a few $40 million estimates by a handful of solid sources, including one that Celebrity Net Worth placed on his net worth back in late 2020.[1]

However, it’s important to know that we calculated the data drawn from various public sources in conjunction with the performance of the markets and the various known asset classes he’s invested in. So, our research and analysis is up-to-date. Which is why we’ve listed Khabib Nurmagomedov’s Net Worth as of 2024 at roughly $45 million.

How Much Does Khabib Nurmagomedov Make?

Most people want to know what Khabib is doing these days to make money, and how much he makes a year. So, we’ll attempt to answer the question.

That said, establishing Nurmagomedov’s 2024 earnings is even more challenging then establishing his net worth, especially since he retired in 2020. However, for the year of 2020 he was the highest paid UFC fighter, bringing in $6.09 million.[2] This amount doesn’t include money he earned from sponsorships, speaking gigs, or his other business dealings.

With that said, just because we can’t decipher how much Khabib Nurmagomedov officially makes these days, doesn’t mean we can’t estimate how much could likely make if he relied on the earning power of his net worth alone.

So, here’s how muchhe could makeif he decided to pay himself from the earning power of his entire net worth. Assuming Nurmagomedov decided to take his entire $45 million nest egg and invest it into a handful of investments yielding a combined 4.5% dividend payout (between 3 -5 % is consider to be average yield on stable investments), his annual earnings could be $2.02 million. This comes out to around $169,000 a month, which is not a bad income for early retirement.

Khabib Nurmagomedov Money Metrics

Money MetricAmount
Net Worth:$45,000,000
**Earnings Per Year:$2,025,000
Per Month:$168,750
Per Week:$38,942
Per Day:$5,563
Per Hour:$231.8
Per Min:$3.86
Per Sec:$0.06

Note:this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric for Khabib Nurmagomedov based off of his net worth’s earning power alone. It does not include his earnings from ongoing projects, sponsorships, social media, etc. This calculation is for entertainment purposes only.

Fun Facts:

  • Khabib’s Social Media Followers: Khabib Nurmagomedov has managed to pull in massive amount of social media followers over the years. And according to one source, he managed to earn over $570,000 from just one of his social media platforms when it was only half the size it is now.[3] In short, his social media platforms likely have the ability to earn him much more today.
  • So, how many social media followers does Khabib have? At the time of this article’s publication, he has approximately 42.59 million combined social media followers.
  • Khabib The Bear Wrestler: When Khabib was younger, his father would have him wrestler young bears as a method to improve his strength and confidence.
  • He Wasn’t Always a Winner: Before Khabib would hit his stride to go undefeated in the UFC, he did his fair share of losing. In fact, when he was in his early teens, he would regularly come in 5th and 6th place when he competed in local and regional competitions.

How Did Khabib Nurmagomedov Become So Successful?

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Khabib Nurmagomedov has managed to build his large net worth primarily due to his performance in the Octagon. He’s managed to also make quite a bit of money outside of the ring, but hands down, his bread and butter has been his fighting prowess.

So, how did he become so successful? Well, he decided to become the best fighter and the world, and committed to doing everything that was necessary to out perform his opponents in the ring. He mastered multiple fighting styles (wrestling, sambo, judo, etc.), and trained like his life depended on it.

After studying a handful ofhis best quotes on success, and closely observing his career andhis success journey, we can confidently say that the traits most responsible for Nurmagomedov’s success comes down to the following: Self-Discipline, Faith, Ambition.

But don’t just take our word for it, see for yourself:

“I train, eat, sleep, and repeat.” – Khabib Nurmagomedov Tweet Quote
“When Allah is with you, nobody can beat you, nobody. You have to believe this.” – Khabib Nurmagomedov Tweet Quote
“I was always striving for more. I thought to myself, “If I want to be the best in the world, it was not enough to train more than anyone in my city or Russia. I knew that somewhere on the other side of the world, in Brazil, Australia, or Ireland – there was people who trained. And we might face each other on the biggest stage sometime.” Tweet Quote

The result? The greatest light weight UFC fighting history.

Video Credit: Josh Kruse Edits (Subscribe Here)

Build a Net Worth Like Khabib

You may not be able to fight like Khabib, because well, no one can, however, you can, with time, persistence, and the right plan, build your very own massive net worth.

Here are some solid guidelines to follow if you wish to become a champion of your personal finances and start building wealth like Khabib Nurmagomedov:

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More Resources For Building Wealth:

  • How To Build Your Net Worth
  • Getting Rich With a Normal Job
  • How To Become a Millionaire

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways from our Khabib Nurmagomedov net worth profile:

  • Nurmagomedov’s Net Worth:$45 million
  • Annual Earnings (est.) **:$2.02 million
  • Twitter Followers: 2.1 million
  • Facebook Followers: 5.3 million
  • Instagram Followers: 34.2 million
  • YouTube Subscribers: 992 K
  • Total Social Media Followers: 42.59 million
  • Social Media Earning Power: $35K per sponsored post
  • Keys to Success:Time Management, Self-Discipline, Faith, Ambition

Khabib Nurmagomedov’s giant net worth is the result of his willingness to out train his opponents, which resulted in his conquering all he faced in the ring. As a modest and humble person, his earnings from fighting have been less than optimal. However, he’s earned something more important that money, an enduring legacy.

Having said that, we hope you enjoyed this Khabib Nurmagomedov net worth profile. But more importantly, we hope you’ve gained at at least an ounce of inspiration to start striving to build your own sizeable net worth. Why? Because that’s where your freedom lies.

So, learn from Khabib; aim high and aim to be best in the world at whatever it is you do, and before you know it, you’ll have rivers of cash flowing to you.

Till next time,


PS – If you enjoyed this Net Worth profile of Khabib Nurmagomedov, then you’ll enjoy some of our other net worth profiles on other G.O.A.Ts, like Cristiano Ronaldo, Elon Musk, Tom Brady, Etc….

**These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of Khabib’s net worth alone assuming a 4.5% dividend yield.

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2 weeks ago


February 22, 2024



7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (43)

Jennifer Lopez is an American actress, singer, and entrepreneur who broke into the limelight first as a dancer, then as an actress. And now she is an all-around entertainment superstar. This Bronx girl who hustled her way to the top is no stranger to hard work and hustle. In fact, her work ethic and commitment to her craft has catapulted her to being regarded as the most influential Latin performer in America. As a global icon with dozens of accolades under her belt, she’s also managed to build a sizeable and impressive net worth over the years.

So, that’s exactly what this page will be highlighting, Jennifer Lopez’s net worth and her current earning power potential. And just for good measure, we’ll also include a few additional fun facts related to her success and impressive achievements. So, let’s dive in.

What Is Jennifer Lopez’s Net Worth

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Jennifer’s disciplined approach to business, and her consistent ability to produce relevant and highly entertaining art has made her one of the wealthiest self-made women in the world.

As of 2024, her efforts have helped her amass an estimated net worth of over $400 million.[1] With the many films, music productions, shows, endorsem*nts, and business ventures, it’s not difficult to see why she’s worth so much.

How Much Does J.LO make per year?

If you’re wonder how much Jennifer Lopez makes per year, some sources have also estimated her annual earnings to be around $40 million, and as long as Jennifer continues on with her businesses and entertainment, she’ll likely to continue to make this much and more.

However, considering Jennifer’s business and projects change year to year, it is difficult to pinpoint an exact annual income for the pop-icon. Even though we can’t provide you with a rock-solid salary for J.LO we still plan on providing you with her hypothetical annual income. We’ll call it, her money metrics.

These money metrics are based off Jennifer’s known net worth of $400 million alone. So, if you’ve ever wondered how much Jennifer Lopez makes per day, per month, or even a year, our metric below will give you a rough estimate of her minimum take-home pay.

To produce these figures, we have to assume Jennifer is a savvy enough investor to earn an annual 4% yield on her combined $400 million net worth ( FYI, 4% is a reasonable return to expect, especially considering historical returns on safe investments tend to fall between the 3% to 5% range[2]). So, if Jennifer decided to retire early and she hypothetically liquidated all of her assets and invested them into a handful of stocks or REITS that guarantee her a modest 4% dividend yield, J.LO could easily be earning$16 millionevery single year.

Jennifer Lopez’s Money Metrics

Money MetricAmount
Net Worth:$400,000,000
**Earnings Per Year:$16,000,000
Per Month:$1,333,333
Per Week:$307,692
Per Day:$43,956
Per Hour:$1,831.50
Per Min:$30.52
Per Sec:$.50

Note:this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric for Jennifer Lopez based off of her net worth’s earning potential alone. It does not include how much she potentially earns from projects, sponsorships, movies, social media, etc. Again, these calculations are estimates and are for entertainment purposes only.

Fun Facts:

  • Jennifer Lopez has 195 million Instagram followers, 60 million Facebook Followers, 15.2 million YouTube subscribers, and 45.2 million Twitter followers. This brings Jennifer Lopez’s social media influence to a grand total of315.4 million social media followers.
  • Jennifer Lopez was born July 24, 1969 in New York, N.Y. U.S.A.
  • J.LO is also an author as she authored the New York Time’s best seller ‘True Love’.
  • Jennifer owns real estate in three different states; California, Florida, and New York.
  • Jennifer Lopez is a loving mother to her two children: Emme & Maximillian

How Did Jennifer Lopez Become So Successful?

Jennifer Lopez is a prime example of a person who has managed to achieve great success by trusting her gut and following her heart. She decided at a young age to follow her dreams, even though it was challenging.

Lopez took dance lessons from an early age and dreamed of fame. She got her start in film when she was just 16, gaining a small role in the film My Little Girl. But her big break into the entertainment industry came after she made the cut to become one of In Living Color’s hype dancers known as the “Fly Girls”.

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Being the ambitious Bronx girl that she was, she attempted the impossible, and made her move to become a Hollywood star. And in time, she reached her aim after starring in Jack alongside Robin Williams, however her big Hollywood break came after she snagged the lead role in the movie Selena.

Jennifer Lopez would ride this wave of fame all the way to the top. She didn’t stop with that single movie, and instead continued to pursue opportunities in other movies, in making her own music, and eventually in building her own celebrity business.

In short, J.LO hustled her way to success.

Related: Jennifer Lopez Success Story

Jennifer Lopez on Success and Staying Relevant

Here’s are two powerful success insights that J.LO has provided to us in her own words. Basically, if you want to be successful, this is her advice:

“Have Faith, Dream Big, Think Big… And Know That Anything Is Possible.”

– jennifer lopez –

Jennifer also admonishes us that while faith and big dreaming are important for achieving success, so is having the commitment to put it the hard work that is required:

“You Gotta Find Your Talent, And ThenWork Really Really Hard.”

– jennifer lopez –

Related: Jennifer Lopez Quotes

This short video does an excellent job at explaining how Jennifer Lopez continues to find success, and how she’s managed to stay relevant and inspiring for the past 20 years, which most in showbiz would admit is no small undertaking. So, sit back, relax, and take a few minutes learn more about how J.LO’s continues to find more and more success and increase her net worth year over year:

Video Credit: Variety (Subscribe Here)

Build a Net Worth Like J.LO

J.LO is certainly one of a kind, but she’s managed to build a sizeable net worth for a variety of different reasons, with her ability to produce high quality entertainment as her #1 method. But building a sizeable net worth is more than just earning lots of money, it’s also about being smart enough to keep your wealth.

With that said, if you want to know how to build and keep wealth like J.LO, here’s a useful guide for you to follow:

(Click Image to Download)

Key Takeaways

Here are some key Jennifer Lopez takeaways:

  • J.LO’s Net Worth:$400 million
  • Annual Earnings **:$16 million
  • Social Media Followers:315.4 million
  • Social Media Earning Power: Approximately $2.5 million per promoted post
  • Keys to Success:Followed Her Dreams, Hustle + Work Ethic, Leveraged Her Beauty & Talent

Jennifer Lopez’s sizeable net worth is directly related to her desire to be rich and famous, and her willingness to do whatever it takes perpetuate the public’s intrigue with her talent, beauty, businesses, and art.

With that being said, we hope you’ll take this information, and allow it to inspire you towards getting clear on the success and the wealth you want to build. And then commit to backing those dreams up with hard work and hustle just like J.LO.

Till next time,


PS – If you enjoyed this Jennifer Lopez Net Worth page, you may also enjoy learning about the net worth of fellow celebrities like Jessica Alba or Robert Downey Jr.

**These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of Jennifer Lopez’s net worth earning potential alone assuming a 4.0% dividend yield.

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2 weeks ago


February 21, 2024



7 Simple Money Rules for Financial Success - The STRIVE (48)

John Paul DeJoriais the highly successful entrepreneur and philanthropist who co-founded world-renowned brands like Paul Mitchell, Patrón, and ROKit. He’s comes along way from his humble beginnings of being a door-to-door sales men, living out of his car, and struggling to keep the bills paid. Now, he’s an inspirational businessman whom is as generous as he is rich. How rich? Well, that’s exactly what we aim to highlight in this John Paul DeJoria net worth profile page.

So, if you’ve ever wanted to know how large John Paul DeJoria’s fortune is, how much it has grown over the years, or how much his wealth can earn him on autopilot, then let’s get right into it:

What Is John Paul DeJoria’s Net Worth?

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As of 2024, John Paul DeJoria’s net worth is approximately $3 billion. His net worth has grown by roughly 7% over the past year, but has remained near the $3 billion dollar mark, give or take a billion since 2014.

How Much Does John Paul DeJoria Make Per Year?

As a business owner, John Paul DeJoria gets to decide how much he wants to pay himself every year. And with at least one of his businesses bringing in nearly a billion dollars per year in revenue, he has a large pool of cash to pull from.

Of course for tax purposes, like many businesses, he likely claims a minimized salary, and shelters most of his wealth within company.

That said, even though we don’t have John Paul DeJoria’s verifiable income, we have a good bare bones estimate of what he could make per year, not counting his active income activities.

Presupposing John Paul DeJoria moved his entire net worth into into assets that pay a minimum of a 4% yield annually on his combined $3 billion net worth (4% is a reasonable minimum annual yield considering historical returns on safe yielding investments have typically fallen between the 3% to 5% range), this is what his annual income would be: $120,000,000.


Money MetricAmount
Net Worth:$3,000,000,000
**Earnings Per Year:$120,000,000
Per Month:$10,000,000
Per Week:$2,307,710
Per Day:$329,672
Per Hour:$13,736
Per Min:$228
Per Sec:$3.81

Note:This is an estimated (but very possible) earnings metric based off the earning power of John Paul DeJoria’s net worth. It does not include how much John Paul DeJoria makes from ongoing projects, sponsorships, social media, income, etc. This calculation is for entertainment purposes only.

John Paul DeJoria Net Worth History

John Paul first made his fortune in 1989 when his Paul Mitchel brand took off. A few years later he co-founded Patrón, which he eventually sold to Bacardi for a multi-billion dollar price tag.

That said, his net worth has been around $3 billion for a handful of years, with a big dip in 2019. Fortunately, he’s since recovered since then, growing his fortune since then by roughly 20%.

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Interesting John Paul DeJoria Facts:

  • John Paul DeJoria spent a few years in foster care in his youth.
  • In his early career, DeJoria was homeless and slept out of his car for a while.
  • John Paul DeJoria currently resides in Austin, TX.
  • He married Eloise Brody and has a total of 4 children.

How Did John Paul DeJoria Get So Rich?

John Paul DeJoria has one of the most inspiring rags-to-riches stories. So, if you’re interested in reading a complete account of his story, we highly recommend you start here: John Paul DeJoria Story.

That said, here is quick breakdown of how John Paul DeJoria went about getting so rich. He struggled financially for many years. He learned how to sell when he was just a kid, and became a consummate salesmen after serving in the Navy for 2 years.

Dejoria honed his craft in sales for many years, worked in a beauty related business (Redken Laboratories) until he got fired, and then, by happenstance, met Paul Mitchel who had a phenomenal high-quality product that John Paul DeJoria knew he could easily sell.

So, he combined his knowledge of the beauty industry, his fine-tuned sales prowess, and the remarkable hair care product he discovered via Paul Mitchell, went into business with Mitchell, and then old it relentlessly to Salons across the country.

As with most businesses, success was not forthcoming at first, but after two years of hustling and resisting the urge to quit, the businesses success and popularity took off. And the rest as they say, was history.

From this point forward, John Paul DeJoria would continuously leverage his success and capital to create new businesses and grow his wealth. The end result? He became an extremely successful multibillionaire who is now committed to doing as much good as he can with his money like Andrew Carnegie.

Extra Success Insights

That said, here a few powerful words and success anecdotes that John Paul DeJoria has uttered over the years that may just help you get on the right track for building your own rich future, if that’s what you seek. Here they are:

“Always make sure your product or your service is of the highest quality you could ever make it, because you do not want to be in the selling business, you want to be in the reorder business.” – John Paul DeJoria Click To Tweet
“One of the keys to becoming successful at anything is to be prepared for a lot of rejection, and don’t let it affect you.” – John Paul DeJoria Click To Tweet
“The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people do all the things the unsuccessful people don’t want to do.” – John Paul DeJoria Click To Tweet
“Pay attention to the vital few and ignore the trivial many.” – John Paul DeJoria Click To Tweet
“Success unshared isfailure.” – John Paul DeJoria Click To Tweet

If you’re looking for even more of his inspiring and insightful words of wisdom, you can start with these John Paul DeJoria Quotes.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key John Paul DeJoria takeaways:

  • John Paul DeJoria Net Worth:$3 billion
  • Annual Earnings **:$120 million
  • Social Media Followers:13.65 million
  • Keys to Success:Trial and Error, Taking Risks,Enthusiasm, Never Giving Up

John Paul DeJoria’s impressive net worth shows that he has clearly earned every dollar he possesses. He has invested time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears to achieve the success he now enjoys.

That said, we hope you learned something new about this John Paul DeJoria and how the American Dream worked for him, and how it might work for you.

Till you reach your aims,


PS – If you enjoyed our John Paul DeJoria net worth profile, then you may equally enjoy learning about the net worth of other high achievers and billionaires like the following:

Richard Branson Net Worth | Bernard Arnault Net Worth | Elon Musk Net Worth.

**These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of John Paul DeJoria’s net worth alone assuming a 4.0% dividend yield.

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Article information

Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6436

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.