7 Ways Your Money Mindset Is Sabotaging Your Business - Return to Daydreams (2024)

Hi loves,

My favorite thing about running an online business is that it can be created in a day’s time.

It is often the result of many years on the inside though.

Daydreams, torn out pages in journals with scribbled down ideas, urges we suppressed because holy eff the idea of quitting a “stable” job to take the leap to do the thing you’ve always wanted to do is scary.

But you can make the choice and pull the trigger in seconds and create the backend of a business. A lot of us did it that way. What follows is a flurry of work. Long to do lists, social media, content calendars, etc.

The stuff a lot of people skip though is the inner work.

Entrepreneurship is about 80% mindset, and 20% practical action.

Unlike 9-5’s where you clock in, clock out, and do your job (a lot of us on auto-pilot because we’re unhappy)

Working for yourself isn’t like that.

YOU are your greatest asset.

Meaning, the childhood trauma, shi#ty money mindset, scarcity, and less than steallar self confidence come slithering out of the shadows.

So here are 7 ways your money mindset is sabotaging your business.

1. You’re Undercharging

When you price something from a place of scarcity and little belief in your work it sounds a little like this:

“My target audience could never afford this”

“No one would ever buy this at this price”

“This is only my first product so I shouldn’t charge that much”

Heres the thing, It’s never about the price.

People invest in themselves and their business every single day. No matter where you are, all around you, is millions of dollars at any given second. From the rent that has been collected at your apartment, to the money people spent just down the street at stores and restaurants.

People have the money or find a way to get it. So your job is not to obsess over your audiences’s percieved income (no matter who your audience is) and price what feels supportive and energetically satiating.

The fastest way to hate your life and business? Undercharging.

You will feel resentful, and if you have a service based biz, burnt out, exhausted, and on the verge of a breakdown because you have to take 7 clients at a time to make ends meet.

Been there, done that. It sucked.

You have to reframe how you see pricing your work and products.

Selling is sacred, and charging is necessary.

Charging opens the channel for results.

In order for the buyer to actually get the results, energy has to be exchanged.

I experimented with this when I launched my first course, Broke Bloggers Be Gone.

In the first week I offered free 1 month long email coaching on their blog with the purchase of the course. 4 people signed up and expressed their excitement about the opportunity.

Not one of them ever claimed the free coaching. Seriously, not one.

Many people have experimented with this in all kinds of ways but in the end one the conclusion was:

When you pay, you commit.

Just making the investment can uplevel someone in seconds.

Because that’s CEO sh*t. You don’t cheap out on your business. You don’t cheap out on yourself. You do what’s necessary to grow your business.

So do your part and charge what you need to charge.

Trust your audience to make the right choice for them. Trust them to figure it out.

2. You Don’t Invest

When you’re in scarcity mode, i.e. there’s never enough, you can’t make enough, money’s running out mentality, you don’t invest in the offers or buy the products you know would help you uplevel.

You don’t hire the coach, you don’t buy the course, you don’t self-host.

It’s not that to start a business you need a ton of money, but it means knowing where you need help and committing to getting that help.

Saying no because of money is bullsh*t.

That’s the entire reason I do what I do and coach women on how to use their gifts and get paid in their business and be fully expressed and live a life full of choices and space to exist in anyway they like.

Money is never about the money, it’s about the freedom.

So when we say no because of the money we “don’t have” we perpetuate this cycle.

I’m guessing the reason you started a business is because you wanted to be financially free.

So in order to get there, you’re going to have to take some risks. You’re going to have keep showing up when it looks like its not working. You’re going to have to invest when it looks like you’ve lost your mind and it doesn’t make sense for your current reality.

In order to build a life where money is no object, money has to be no effing object.

When you’re building a healthy money mindset, it is important you figure out a way to trust yourself.

Because it is safe to trust yourself.

You will make more money. Often times when we buy a course that is aligned and we feel like we just need, the ROI is 3x the price.

Investing in yourself yields the biggest return. Trust that you’re worth it because you absolutely are.

3. You Hold Back

When you’re creating freebies for your website or content for your social media, you hold back. You think to yourself: I shouldn’t be giving this away for free.

You save the “best stuff” for your paid offers and skimp out on you free content.

Scarcity 101.

People don’t buy something because of the content. They don’t care if they’ve heard it before.

You don’t need to focus on creating something new and original or whatever, you just need to focus on creating what you feel called to create.

You do not (and absolutely should not) hold back in your free content. Not the blog posts, or the Instagram captions, or Facebook. Give away all the secrets, for free, and people will still buy them.

There’s a lot of proof of this but bottomline, when you feel like you shouldn’t share all you’ve got because you think you should save it for something paid you don’t trust yourself to have better ideas.

Theres no way the one posts you share is going to be the last brilliant thing that you think of.

Brilliant ideas are always trying to come through you, they will be created over and over again, there is no shortage of them, so don’t be afraid to give them away freely.

Giving away free things does not mean you won’t be paid.

4. Your Income Is Inconsistent

When you have trauma around money, it means something, somewhere (usually from childhood) told you something crazy and untrue about money that does not support your current reality.

One of the main ways this manifest in business is big ups and downs in income.

When we feel unworthy of money, we manifest struggle and lack.

When we feel like making money takes a lot of effort to get, we struggle to earn consistent money unless we are work 60+ hours.

When we feel like money is limited, we always seem to run out of it for the things we want to do.

Inconsistent income always comes down to limiting beliefs we have about our earning potential.

Inconsistent income is not a result of being an entrepreneur. It is not a natural part of this path. That’s one of the many limiting beliefs a lot of entrepreneurs hold.

If you find that this is you, examine some of the things you think about money. Do you think money is hard to earn? Do you think money is evil? How much do you think is possible to earn at this current stage of business?

5. You Plateau

Similarily, if you find yourself stuck at one income level, it is usually something about your money story that is the cause.

Was the most someone in your family ever earned $60,000 and magically you stop just shy of earning that?

If so, theres a belief that whatever number it is, is the absolute max you can earn.

When we find ourselves stuck, it is because we are running up against our own energetic maximums.

Wherever you are, it is the most you can see yourself earning. Or the most you feel worthy of earning. Or the most you think is “realistic to earn”

You see where I’m going.

It all comes down to your belief.

It is a choice to go to the next level and earn more. Before it can ever happen physically by raising prices or creating a new product or whatever it is, it has to happen energetically.

You have to feel you are worthy of it. You have to feel safe to earn more.

If you’ve plateaued, take a look at your experience with money. What is your goal? And if you were to make that goal right now, how would it feel? Would you feel like it was a joke? Would you immediately feel unworthy? Greedy? Dig into those feelings, and find whats hiding and making it impossible to earn more.

6. You Don’t Celebrate

When your steeped into the entrepreneurial world, you forget how amazing the stuff you’re doing actually is. Like you had an idea one day, and you put aside all the human emotions like doubt, fear, and anxiety and you birthed it into the world.

A lot of us are the only people we know that have ever done this.

That is incredible.

You are incredible.

And when your money mindset sucks, and your stuck in scarcity, you save every dollar because you don’t know when the next one is coming.

Saving is healthy, wonderful, and a part of wealth building, but a lot of us do it from a fearful place.

A place that says, what if I never make any more money?

It all comes down to this feeling that there is a limitation on money.

As if you can’t call it in at will. As if you won’t crank out something else amazing that makes you more. As if you aren’t doing your part by spending it.

You have to celebrate.

Whatever it is that you wanted so bad when you couldn’t afford it, buy it.

The shoes, the purse, the bracelet, the trip.



The world will not end.

You should be doing this no matter what level you’re at.

I don’t care if you just made your first $100, celebrate.

I remember when I started doing this and I went to get a blow out. I nearly cried when I was getting my hair washed because it had been years since I had felt so pampered because I had been hustling for the past two years in a tiny apartment and saving every dollar.

I promptly booked a facial a week later.

Because #goals.

The entire reason you want the money is to feel supported by it. So allow yourself to be supported. Whether it buying a bottle of wine or buying yourself a first class plane ticket, enjoy where you are and the success you’ve had.

Because if not, you hustle and hustle and you finally reach the goal and feel nothing. You have to train yourself for the big stuff to feel like the holy crap stuff it is.

There is always more money to be made.

7. You Don’t Show Up

There are just as many of us out there who have no idea what we’re capable of as there are of us who know exactly what we’re capable of.

We’re terrified though, so we hide.

If you are afraid to earn money, it will always allude to you.

That may sound ridiculous, but so many people are terrified of their earning potential. They are terrified because they think they’re unworthy, that they will blow it all, of taxes, that something awful will happen.

This is especially true for people with a lot of trauma around money.

When we are afraid to earn, we don’t show up fully in our business, and then as a result we don’t hit our goals.

In order to show up in all of your glory, you cannot be afraid of money. You have to realize you’re going to make it, like a lot of it, and be okay with that.

Trust yourself to handle it.

Trust yourself to figure it all out.

Stop hiding.

Did you see yourself in any of these? If so, leave me a comment!

As always,

Don’t give up on your daydreams.

7 Ways Your Money Mindset Is Sabotaging Your Business - Return to Daydreams (1)
7 Ways Your Money Mindset Is Sabotaging Your Business - Return to Daydreams (2024)


What is a bad money mindset? ›

Characteristics of a bad money mindset

If you have a positive money mindset, you are more likely to be decisive and take the steps that you need to take to succeed. On the other hand, negativity breeds emotions that prevent action: Fear or intimidation. Defeatism. Procrastination.

What is a scarcity mindset with money? ›

"There's never enough money." "Money doesn't grow on trees." This limiting belief can trap you in a perpetual state of financial lack, convincing you that there will never be enough money to meet your needs.

What is money dysmorphia? ›

According to a recent study by Credit Karma, nearly one-third of Americans experience money dysmorphia. The study defined money dysmorphia as "having a distorted view of one's finances that could lead them to make poor decisions."

What is money delusion? ›

Money illusion posits that people have a tendency to view their wealth and income in nominal dollar terms, rather than recognize their real value, adjusted for inflation. Economists cite factors such as a lack of financial education and the price stickiness seen in many goods and services as triggers of money illusion.

How do rich people face scarcity? ›

Scarcity is the basic economic problem. It arises from the insufficiency of resources to satisfy people's wants. Scarcity is ubiquitous. Rich people face scarcity when they want more than they can buy, when they can't be in two places at once, and when, accordingly, they must choose among alternatives.

What is the fear of money mindset? ›

A fear of money can be caused by many things, including a lack of financial education, past financial trauma, and negative money messages you learned as a child. The first step in addressing your fear is reflecting on the root cause, either alone or with the help of a financial therapist.

What is the root cause of the scarcity mindset? ›

A very common area that people tend to feed their Scarcity Mindset is in not believing or trusting that they are able to gain the skills or resources needed to meet their goals. This is where leaning on your supporters and existing resources can be a game changer.

How to rewire your brain for abundance? ›

By repeating positive affirmations daily, you can reprogram your subconscious mind for success. Focus on affirmations that resonate with your goals, such as “I am capable and resourceful,” or “I am worthy of abundance.” Visualization is a powerful tool for rewiring your brain.

How to change your mindset from poor to rich? ›

Practice Gratitude. ... Visualize Abundance. ... Set Clear Goals. ... Create a Positive Money Mindset. ... Take Responsibility. ... Develop a Growth Mindset. ... Educate Yourself About Money.

What is a negative attitude about money? ›

Negative beliefs about money can be deeply ingrained, often stemming from childhood experiences or societal influences. Common limiting beliefs include "money is evil," "rich people are greedy," or "I'm not good with money." Identifying and challenging these beliefs is crucial for transforming your money mindset.

What is the poor people mentality about money? ›

What is a Poor Mindset? A poor mindset is a limited perspective on wealth and a belief that your situation is unchangeable. People with a poor mindset often live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to make ends meet. They may lack financial literacy and have a negative relationship with money.

Is it a bad thing to be money minded? ›

Until and unless you believe that being Money Minded is not bad, the society won't shun you for pursuing wealth or that having more money will change you. It's not going to happen for you! And you need to start being Money Minded!

What is the unhealthy money obsession? ›

Disorders associated with money worshipping include hoarding, unreasonable risk taking, pathological gambling, workaholism, overspending and compulsive buying disorder.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.