99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (2024)

Table of Contents
Save these tips on how to save money for travel for later! General tips on saving money For Travel 1. Set savings goals 2. Actually budget 3. … And track your expenses while you’re at it 4. Set up a travel account and automatically send money into it 5. Get a travel credit card 6. Dump your tips and loose change into a piggy bank 7. Become resistant to peer-pressure! 8. Get someone to hold you accountable, or someone who wants to save with you 9. Try vacation rentals instead of a hotel room How to makea little extra Money for Travel 9. Earn free online gift cards with Swagbucks. 10. Sell your stuff 11. Take up some extra side gigs 12. Rent out any spare space you have, or AirBNB when you’re out of town Saving money on food & drink 13. Cut down on the boozy nights out 14. If you must though, predrink 15. Better yet, host a boozy night in 16. Buy groceries and cook your own meals, rather than eat out all the time 17. Learn the art of the bulk cook 18. Bring lunch to school/work Saving money on shopping 19. Grocery shop somewhere cheaper 20. Plan your grocery shopping/meals around what’s on sale 21. Buy what’s in season/available locally 22. Buy items in bulk 23. Buy store brand 24. Make coupons your best friend 25. For things other than groceries, buy out of season 26. Learn the art of thrifting 27. If you must shop, wait for big sales 28. Bookworms, take advantage of the library 29. … or buy used books instead 30. Avoid impulse buys 31. Shop online Saving money on fun Activities 32. Propose cost-effective hangouts with your friends 33. Invite friends over for dinner in lieu of another meal out 34. If you must eat out, go for lunch rather than dinner 35. Enjoy movies at home, rather than at the theatre 36. For fun activities, go when it’s cheaper 37. Look on Groupon and other discount sites for fun things to do 38. Take advantage of free events happening in your community Saving money onyour lifestyle 39. Downgrade that phone plan 40. Ditch cable 41. Walk places when you’re able to 42. Cut out the takeaway coffee 43. Exercise outside or at home instead of at the gym 44. DIY gifts 45. Embrace freebies 46. Cancel your magazine subscriptions 47. Cut down on utilities use 48. Give up bad habits like smoking 49. Split subscriptions with friends/roommates 50. Sign up for rewards programs 51. Car pool more often 52. Be strategic in your birthday/holiday requests 53. Resist the temptation to upgrade your tech 54. Say bye to your landline 55. Make little changes to your diet, like Meatless Mondays 56. Practice DIY beauty 57. Look into makeup dupes 58. Paint your own nails 59. Move back home Money-saving tips to Help Save Money On Travel 60. Plan your travels in advance 61. Look into last minute deals 62. Find cheap flight deals online 63. Travel during the off-season 64. Travel to where the exchange rate is in your favour. 65. Orient your travel plans around where your money will go furthest 66. Harness the power of your connections to save $$ on accommodations 67. Stay in hostels/AirBNBs rather than hotels, or better yet – volunteer/work at a hostel in exchange for free accommodations 68. Try Couchsurfing 69. Fly carry-on only 70. Get to know budget airlines 71. Slow down and explore fewer places with your time 72. Get free apps to communicate with people from home 73. Skip the car rental 74. Opt for free walking tours, rather than paid guided tours 75. Learn how to do your own laundry while on the road 76. Take advantage of the sharing economy 77. Don’t spend money on maps – rely on offline maps for your phone instead 78. Catch public transit, rather than using taxis 79. Better yet, walk when you’re able 80. Look into ridesharing 81. Give night buses/trains a try 82. Don’t get duped by exchange places 83. Become a free WiFi jedi 84. Cook for yourself 85. Picnic! 86. If tap water is drinkable, forgo bottled water 87. Get food from markets 88. Avoid tourist traps 89. Chat with locals about good places to grab a cheap bite 90. Book a place that offers free breakfast 91. Save some leftovers for the next day, rather than stuffing yourself 92. Split costs with friends 93. Do your own research rather than relying on guidebooks 94. Do plenty of research on free activities wherever you’re visiting 95. Look for coupon codes 96. Always ask if there’s discounts 97. Look into tourist cards 98. Hitting up museums? Research free days 99. Choose a good bank that won’t charge you for bank withdrawals I hope you enjoyed this guide on how to save money fo travel! FAQs

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Wondering how to save money for travel, and not sure where to start?

Here’s the truth: saving your hard-earned dollars for that dream trip isn’t easy.

It takes a lot of sacrifice, dedication and hard work, but trust me – when you’re soaking up the sun on an exotic beach in paradise, it’ll all be worth it.

With that in mind, I’ve created a mega resource to help you out: a beastly list of 99 ways you can save money to travel the world, with plenty of helpful links to send you in the right direction.

Withtheseactionable baby steps, you can easily start racking up that cash in no time!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (1)

Save these tips on how to save money for travel for later!

Once you start saving for a trip, you’ll be very glad you did.

General tips on saving money For Travel

There are many ways to save money for a trip, so let’s go over some basic ones. If you’re not sure how to save money for travel, here are some solid, actionable ways to start.

1. Set savings goals

Set weekly or monthly savings goals to keep yourself on track!

Having these goals in mind will help you veer away from temptation, and it’ll give you boosts of motivation when you hit your targets.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (2)

2. Actually budget

Even a basic budget (e.g. only spending x amount of money on food that week) can help you spend your money more wisely.

Further reading: How to Make a Travel Fund and Budget

3. … And track your expenses while you’re at it

It’s scary how easily we can lose track of how much we’re spending.

Take note of each dime you spend and you’ll be better able to locate where all your money is going, and adjust accordingly.

There’s a lot of free apps out there for this purpose, which makes tracking a breeze.

Further reading: 12 free apps to track your spending

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (3)

4. Set up a travel account and automatically send money into it

This way, the savings are automatic and you’re not even thinking about other options for how to spend that money.

5. Get a travel credit card

Having a good travel credit card can mean racking up airmiles and rewards while spending what you’d be spending anyway!

Be sure to shop around and see if there are airline or hotel credit cards available for brands you love.

For instance,fans ofthe Marriott brandare able to reap up plenty ofsweet perks like free staysthrough using aMarriott Rewards card. Not a bad deal!

Further reading: How to pick a travel credit card

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (4)

6. Dump your tips and loose change into a piggy bank

You might laugh at this one, but I once paid for an entire weekend in Las Vegas with a piggy bank crammed with coins and 5 dollar bills.

Back in my unglamorous Starbucks barista days, the tips were rather… dire.

BUT, after 1.5 years foaming up cappucinos, I had enough for a trip in Vegas! It all adds up.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (5)

7. Become resistant to peer-pressure!

“Come on, just one drink” are the most dangerous words ever uttered!

It’s easy to get peer pressured into spending, whether it’s an innocent “but that top looks amazing on you” or guilting you into coming out for a concert.

That’s why it’s important to always have the big picture in mind, and not give into pressure from your peers.

Another thing that can help is being open and honest with the people in your life about your budget/what you’re saving up for. That way they’ll be less pushy and hopefully more understanding.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (6)

8. Get someone to hold you accountable, or someone who wants to save with you

Whether it’s a friend, family member or significant other, having someone there to police your habits can make a huge difference in you sticking to your saving plan.

Even better, grab a friend who has similar goals and you can support each other through the process.

9. Try vacation rentals instead of a hotel room

Vacation rentals cansave a lot of moneyif you travel with a group. Rentals are already usually priced lower than hotel rooms, and they usually don’t charge any additional fees for extra people.

This means you can share a nicely spaced apartment or home with friends, and cut a lot of costs.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (7)

How to makea little extra Money for Travel

Now that we’ve covered some basics on how to save money to travel, now let’s discuss how to earn some extra money for travel. It’s possible to travel with little money, but there are some fun and easy waves to save for travel that involve actually racking up more funds. Here are some.

9. Earn free online gift cards with Swagbucks.

When I first discovered Swagbucks, I almost cried.

Essentially, it’s a free online community that rewards its members with gift cards for doing things they already do online, e.g. Googling (no joke), watching videos, doing surveys and more.

Through doing certain tasks, you rack up “Swagbucks” which you can redeem for things like Amazon gift cards.

I was super into this years ago, and have earned tons of free gift cards from it. It’s easy work but adds up to awesome rewards! You can create a free account here.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (8)

10. Sell your stuff

Whether it’s at a garage sale or through Facebook, getting rid of things you no longer use can add up to tons of $$$ (and it helps you declutter too!)

Further reading: How to make money selling your old stuff

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (9)

11. Take up some extra side gigs

Tutoring, dog walking, freelancing – you name it, there’s many ways to pick up some extra work. Why not put that income directly into funding for your travels?

Check out my post on freelance travel writing jobs hiring right now if you’re interested in pursuing travel content creation!

12. Rent out any spare space you have, or AirBNB when you’re out of town

If you haven’t signed up for AirBNB, click here to get $40 CAD in travel credit when you sign up today!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (10)

Saving money on food & drink

No list of ways to save money would be complete without addressing some of our favourite vices and money suckers.

Here are some ideas on how to save up for travel by cutting costs on food and drink.

13. Cut down on the boozy nights out

My boyfriend and I share expenses when it comes to groceries and dining out.

We each put equal amounts into a ‘food fund’ and just dip into that whenever the need arises, because it’s just simpler that way.

One time, we looked down at our food fund and said “so… we can either getgroceries for a week… or go out to the bar for one night.”

This statement is sadly very accurate!

Going out is expensive, alcohol is expensive, and if saving money for travel is your goal, then cutting down on these nights out is a great way to do that.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (11)

14. If you must though, predrink

Ah, predrinking, pre-gaming, whatever you call it – it was once uni-me’s best friend, but hey, it can still be yours too!

If you don’t want to be a complete social recluse, then consider having a few drinks with friends at home before heading out for the night.

The predrink is usually my favourite part of the night anyways – you can actually hear each other and interact!

15. Better yet, host a boozy night in

As a 20-something, I understand how alcohol can be a… pretty important part of one’s social calendar.

That said, a great alternative to hitting up yet another bar or club is simply having friends over for a few drinks. This can easily cut your booze spending in half.

Further reading: 11 easy co*cktails to make at home

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (12)

16. Buy groceries and cook your own meals, rather than eat out all the time

Since moving to Munich, I’ve been cooking 95% of my meals (the food scene here isn’t quite the same as in Vancouver!) and I am absolutely shocked at how much money I’m saving.

If dining out frequently is a hobby of yours, definitely look into how you can reduce your meals out in favour of a much cheaper meal at home.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (13)

17. Learn the art of the bulk cook

Bulk cooks have changed my life.

Usually what I’ll do is I’ll create building blocks for meals at the start of the week and then Frankenstein them into whatever I’m feeling for.

Roasting a large pan of veggies and chicken breast for example can help you create salads, stir fries, pastas, you name it throughout the week. It’s all about minimizing the work for yourself so you’re not tempted to order food.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (14)

Cooking takes a lot of time and preparation, but if you’re able to set aside a few hours one day of the week to make huge batches of food, then you’ll have lunch and dinner set for the week, which makes it really easy to…

18. Bring lunch to school/work

We’re all guilty of just buying lunch because it’s more convenient, but these daily lunches can add up quickly. Bringing your own lunch from home is not just cheaper, but better for you.

Further reading: Batch cooking 101

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (15)

Saving money on shopping

Wondering how to save for a big trip? The answer is cutting costs in all aspects of your life, including shopping! So, here are some ways to save for a travel fund that involve cheaper shopping habits.

19. Grocery shop somewhere cheaper

I once knew a girl who complained constantly about being broke, yet did all her grocery shopping at Whole Foods.

There’s no shame in shopping at budget grocery stores like Aldi or Lidl! If you cook often, this one switch alone will save you tons of cash.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (16)

20. Plan your grocery shopping/meals around what’s on sale

You know those annoying flyers you usually get with your local paper?

Browse those in advance of your shopping trip (or look online) so you know what’s on sale, and create that week’s menu accordingly.

21. Buy what’s in season/available locally

In-season fruits and veggies will be cheaper than those that are out of season.

This doesn’t have to get repetitive and boring!

Rather, look at it as an opportunity to expand your culinary horizons and get inventive with new recipes.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (17)

22. Buy items in bulk

If you’ve got space, consider buying staple items like spices, rice, pasta, etc. in bulk to save 1) time and 2) precious moola.

Further reading: The ultimate guide to buying in bulk

23. Buy store brand

Oh brands – they control our lives in so many ways.

Here’s the truth though – there’s often little difference between buying generic store brand vs. big brand names. The savings though can amount to a whole lot.

24. Make coupons your best friend

I wish I had the patience and craftiness of an extreme couponer, but sadly I lack that kind of organization.

Still, you don’t have to be an extreme couponer to reap the rewards of coupons! It’s easy to find discount codes for just about anything these days (even online shops), plus physical coupons are often available at the store.

A simple trick is to Google “store + coupon (or discount code)” before you go shopping. You never know!

Further reading: Where can I find coupons?

25. For things other than groceries, buy out of season

For instance: jackets in the summer, sunglasses in the winter… look out for end-of-season sales as well.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (18)

26. Learn the art of thrifting

You don’t necessarily need to buy brand new when you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe!

Look into getting new items from second hand shops, flea markets or even off Facebook groups.

Often, the items will be unworn with the tags still on, except at a fraction of the cost!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (19)

27. If you must shop, wait for big sales

Most things eventually go on sale.

While it’s tempting to grab that pretty new dress as soon as you see it, you could probably get it for half price in a month or so. Patience is key!

For bigger ticket items (like TVs and other electronics), keep your eye out for big annual sales like Black Friday or Boxing Day.

28. Bookworms, take advantage of the library

I love a good book, but there’s no denying that they’re pricey. Instead of buying new books, why not make some trips to the local library?

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (20)

29. … or buy used books instead

Used book shops are another awesome, cheap alternative… plus they’re so much more fun to browse!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (21)

30. Avoid impulse buys

Spot a gorgeous pair of shoes that you just needto have?

Exercise that self control and wait. If you are still dying to have those shoes over a week later, then you’ll be more certain that you genuinely want them.

31. Shop online

A lot of things can be bought cheaper online through Amazon, eBay and a bunch of other websites.

Shop around online for a bit before committing to a purchase in-person – you could save loads!

Further reading: 7 items that are (often) cheaper to buy online

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (22)

Saving money on fun Activities

A lot of advice on how to save money for travel involves cutting out fun things, but that doesn’t mean you have to axe fun from your life completely. Here are some ideas on how to save money for travel that involve finding alternatives to usual “fun” activities.

This might not be fun to think about, but remember, save and travel. That’s the motivation!

32. Propose cost-effective hangouts with your friends

When my friends want to see each other, for some reason we always default to expensive activities like going out or grabbing food at a restaurant.

Why not propose cheaper activities like a walk in the park, playing sports somewhere outdoors, etc?

33. Invite friends over for dinner in lieu of another meal out

On that note, try hosting dinner parties instead of visiting yet another restaurant. Potlucks are super easy to organize, and plenty of fun too.

34. If you must eat out, go for lunch rather than dinner

Sometimes, you’ll be dying to check out that hip new restaurant, but hey, remember that lunch is usually cheaper than dinner, so if you’re gonna come give it a try, do it then.

35. Enjoy movies at home, rather than at the theatre

Movie bingeathons at home are the best.

There’s no million dollar popcorn to buy, no annoying chatterboxes kicking the back of your seat… Plus, you won’t be spending $10+ on a ticket.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (23)

36. For fun activities, go when it’s cheaper

Be more strategic about your fun! If you’re indulging in drinks, do so at Happy Hour… or say, if it’s Margarita Monday, have a cheap margarita rather than a glass of wine.

Really need to catch that new Star Wars movie (can’t blame you!)? Then go for a cheaper matinee showing or on a cheap discount day if your local cinema has them.

37. Look on Groupon and other discount sites for fun things to do

Sites like Groupon often offer super cool activities for a fraction of the cost.

Be careful though – don’t fall for the trap of just buying a bunch of Groupons ‘because they’re cheaper than normal’.

You might be spending extra because you wouldn’t have gone for that experience without the deal.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (24)

38. Take advantage of free events happening in your community

Festivals, markets, you name it – there’s always awesome, free things that are happening where you live, so take advantage of those to have some fun without breaking the bank.

Saving money onyour lifestyle

One of the most basic ways to start saving for travel is making small adjustments to your lifestyle. Remember little changes add up over time so here are some ways to save money for travel that involve altering your lifestyle.

39. Downgrade that phone plan

Phone plans and data especially can be super pricey.

Pick a cheaper phone planand instead rely more on public WiFi (or you know, disconnect a bit and enjoy life without being glued to your phone).

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (25)

40. Ditch cable

Why not make use of services like Netflix instead? After all, you don’t need cable to enjoy the best travel movies out there.

41. Walk places when you’re able to

Bonus perks of this money saving tip? Mega-toned legs.

42. Cut out the takeaway coffee

Those $2 coffees and $5 cappuccinos add up to tons of money that you could be spending on your dream holiday.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (26)

43. Exercise outside or at home instead of at the gym

Gym memberships are great, but there is plenty of exercise that you can do outside of a gym to keep you fit.

Further reading: 15 workouts you can easily do at home

44. DIY gifts

Some of the best gifts come from the heart! Here are some awesome articles to get you started on easy, cheap and thoughtful DIY gifts:

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (27)

45. Embrace freebies

It’s crazy how much stuff you’re able to get for free.

Besides samples from marketers/promoters, there are actually some people who have had success by writing to companies and simply asking for free things. No joke!

This awesome article by Tough Nickel shows how it’s possible to getscores of free products by writing letters to companies.

46. Cancel your magazine subscriptions

Read blogs and online magazines instead!

47. Cut down on utilities use

Shorter showers, turning off the lights, you name it!

These little sacrifices mean you’re just that much closer to that dream trip.

Further reading: 41 super easy ways to lower your electric bill

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (28)

48. Give up bad habits like smoking

Smoking, gambling, etc. – not only are these habits expensive to support, they’re not particularly good for you either!

49. Split subscriptions with friends/roommates

My boyfriend and I paid double for 2 Amazon Prime subscriptions for years before we realized we could have just been using one account between the two of us.

Think about common subscriptions that you and your friends use (e.g. Spotify, Netflix, YouTube Premium, etc.) and strategize how you might be able to split costs with them.

50. Sign up for rewards programs

All kinds of stores these days offer rewards programs for your loyalty and spending.

The key here is to only sign up for programs at places you would be shopping anyway, so that you’re not spending extra money just to reap up points or rewards.

Further reading: Can store loyalty programs save you money?

51. Car pool more often

Gas and taxi costs add up quickly!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (29)

52. Be strategic in your birthday/holiday requests

Instead of gifts for your birthday or for the holidays, ask for money or travel-related things you can use on your next trip.

53. Resist the temptation to upgrade your tech

Haven’t you noticed?Anytime there’s new tech products released, the things that you own will inevitably feel outdated/crappy even though they still work fine.

I know I’m guilty of always wanting the latest iPhone, but big tech purchases are so expensive (and unnecessary if what you have still works fine).

54. Say bye to your landline

You always have your mobile on you anyways!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (30)

55. Make little changes to your diet, like Meatless Mondays

This tip depends on where you live, but try to identify products that are generally more expensive (e.g. meat) and reduce them in your diet, even once or twice a week.

56. Practice DIY beauty

It’s nice to be pampered every once in a while, but spa treatments, waxing appointments, etc. all amount to a lot of money spent on things you could do on your own.

57. Look into makeup dupes

While I’m not super into makeup, I know enough to realize how freaking expensive it can be!!

The thing with high end makeup is that yes, you usually get what you pay for, but at the same time, there’s a lot of dupes out there that give you the same results for much less.

Check out this post about insanely good makeup dupes to get you started.

58. Paint your own nails

Going to a nail salon is a real luxury, but you can easily pamper yourself at home too.

Check out this post on 7 Steps to a DIY Manicure and Pedicure at Home.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (31)

59. Move back home

This is a big one, and comes at the cost of your independence (and potentially, your sanity).

That said, if you’re saving up for a really big trip and you’re due to move away in a few months anyway, there’s no shame in moving back with your parents for a month or two.

Not only do you save huge on things like rent, utilities and possibly food, it gives you a chance to reconnect with family.

Money-saving tips to Help Save Money On Travel

Alright, we’ve covered plenty of tips on how to save money for travel, but what about how to save money on travel? Here are some money saving travel tips that you need to take advantage of.

60. Plan your travels in advance

I’ve written extensively about travel hacks and tips, but honestly, some of the best money saving travel tips are the most obvious ones.

For instance, flights and hotel bookings are usually cheaper if you book well in advance.

This is also a less risky way to assure you get a good deal. I love websites like Expedia and Priceline for finding deals.

If however, you have more flexibility in your plans, then you can…

61. Look into last minute deals

This is an awesome post featuring the best sites for booking last minute travel.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (32)

62. Find cheap flight deals online

I’ve already written a lot about how to find cheap flights to Europe, but in case you’re travelling to other destinations, here are some general tips.

First off – get to know the tools at your disposal for saving money to travel the world. You can use search engines like Skyscanner to browse around and look at cheap options for flights.

Otherwise, there are also plenty of websites that do the leg work for you and post when there’s exceptional deals.

My personal favouriteis Secret Flying.

Further reading: Do a cheap flight search like a pro

63. Travel during the off-season

Cheaper and less crowds – travelling in the off-season is one the best ways to save money when travelling.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (33)

64. Travel to where the exchange rate is in your favour.

All the little bits can add up.

Likewise, you should also…

65. Orient your travel plans around where your money will go furthest

Travelling to cheaper countries means you’ll be able to travel longer, and also indulge in more cool experiences and delicious food while you’re at it.

Further reading: Top 12 cheapest travel destinations

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (34)

66. Harness the power of your connections to save $$ on accommodations

I’m not saying you should call up your ex-boyfriend’s cousin’s butcher to ask for a free couch to sleep on, but if you do happen to know friends in the place you’re staying, don’t hesitate to connect and see if there’s potential for them to host you.

You save bundles this way, and you get an awesome local guide to show you the sights. Important: Don’t forget to buy a small gift or something as a token of appreciation!

67. Stay in hostels/AirBNBs rather than hotels, or better yet – volunteer/work at a hostel in exchange for free accommodations

Hostels are cost-effective, yes but I also love them because of their social atmosphere, ideal for solo travellers.

Contrary to popular belief, hostelscanbe comfortable, clean and awesome… you just need to know how to sort the good from the bad.

Be sure to check out my guide on how to book the perfect hostel for more.

Where to find good hostels:

Europe’s Famous Hostels:an association of hostels in Europe whose members must adhere to highstandards of quality in facilities and location. Each city only has one ‘famous hostel’, so this makes it rather easy to find a good quality hostel with a solid reputation.

Hostelworld:Agreat resource forlooking up hostels all over the world, though it does involve some work to ensure that you pick a good one. Be sure to sort by rating, look at lots of reviews and cross-reference reviews with other sites like TripAdvisor as well just to make sure you’re sure about the place you’re booking!

The Hostel Girl:An awesome blog with tons of resourceson hostel life/budget travel.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (35)

As for finding work at a hostel, this isn’t actually as complicated as most people think – often times you can check into a hostel and ask if they are accepting volunteers to work/clean in exchange for a free bed.

If this kind of uncertainty isn’t your thing, email a bunch of different hostels before your arrival to see if they are hiring.

If hostels aren’t your thing, AirBNBs are an awesome alternative to hotels and are not just cheaper, but let you live more like a local! Here is a first timer’s guide to AirBNB if you’re new to it.

Click here for a $40 CAD discount on your first AirBNB experience.

Further reading: 5 steps to a 5* AirBNB Experience

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (36)

68. Try Couchsurfing

I personallyhaven’ttried it yet, but many travellers I’ve met swear by this online network, where you stay with a local free of charge.

Most of the time, your host also doubles as an awesome person who can show you around, so it’s a win-win.

If it’s your first time and you’re worried about safety, perhaps try it first with a friend, and always make sure to check reviews and references… For the most part though, I’ve heard nothing but amazing things.

Further reading: The Ultimate Guide to Couchsurfing

69. Fly carry-on only

Packing light is always a good idea, plus you avoid checked bag fees, save time at the airport and are no longer at risk of your bag getting lost.

Further reading: Carry-on only – travel in 11 pounds

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (37)

70. Get to know budget airlines

They’re not necessarily the most luxurious, but it is absolutely mindblowing sometimes how cheap you can fly with these companies!

In Europe for instance, RyanAir and Wizz Air can often get you places cheaper than a bus. Not sure where to start with budget airlines? Budget Airline Guide isa great resource.

71. Slow down and explore fewer places with your time

We often try to maximize our time abroad by hopping from destination to destination, but doing so is not only exhausting, you’re spending extra to get from place to place.

Rather than spend only a day or two in a city, try staying for longer.

This not only saves you transport costs, but makes for a more enjoyable experience overall.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (38)

72. Get free apps to communicate with people from home

Gone are the days when you need to pay for international plans and roaming!

There are a lot of helpful travel apps out there these days, even ones that cost absolutely nothing.

So, before you go, make sure you download some free apps like Whatsapp, Messenger and Viber to keep everyone at home in the loop while you’re gone.

Further reading: Top 10 apps to stay in touch while abroad

73. Skip the car rental

Cars are expensive, and parking is too.

Plus, there are loads of hidden costs associated with rental cars too.

So, unless you’re doing a big road trip, or travelling to a spot where public transit isn’t ideal, then forgo the rental car and opt for cheaper public transit instead.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (39)

74. Opt for free walking tours, rather than paid guided tours

Free walking tours are my absolute favourite. Usually the guides are fantastic, because they ask you to pay at the end what you thought the tour was worth.

This means you’re able to contribute within your means.

Important: don’t just tag along for the ride and skimp out without giving anything at all. These guys work really hard, and running away isjustuncool.

If you’re travelling in Europe, Sandeman’s New Europe tours have been consistently awesome in my books!

75. Learn how to do your own laundry while on the road

It’s surprisingly easy and a lot more convenient than trying to track down a laundromat.

Further reading: How to do laundry when traveling

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (40)

76. Take advantage of the sharing economy

The traveler’s community is an incredible one that values sharing and reciprocation.

There are a lot of incredible websites out there that connect people to share meals, rides, accommodations and more to cut costs!

Take advantage of this to not only save money, but meet awesome new people.

Further reading: The ultimate list of sharing economy services for travel

77. Don’t spend money on maps – rely on offline maps for your phone instead

Google Maps has free ‘save for offline’ options and I’m also a big fan of Maps.me, a free app that lets you download maps of locations all around the world.

Super handy for me because I get lost so often!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (41)

78. Catch public transit, rather than using taxis

This is a better way to immerse yourself in local culture as well.

79. Better yet, walk when you’re able

Walking is 100% my favourite way to explore a new place, plus you’re able to get off the beaten path and wander wherever your heart fancies, which is pretty wonderful.

I mean my blog is called “Happy to Wander” for a reason!

80. Look into ridesharing

Sites like Kangaride (Canada & US), BlaBaCar (Europe, India, South America) and HitchPlanetallow you to carpool to different locations and split the cost of gas.

This is usually cheaper than buses or trains, and you can meet new people along the way.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (42)

81. Give night buses/trains a try

Night buses or trains are definitely one of the cheapest ways to travel around Europe (and beyond).

Sure it’s not super comfortable, but you save on a night of accommodations and the fares themselves are often cheaper.

I’ve tried a handful in the past via Flixbus, and while I’ve definitely had better nights sleep, the money saved was worth it at the time.

82. Don’t get duped by exchange places

Exchanging your money to the local currency usually comes at a cost, but if you don’t do your research, you could get duped by unfavourable rates or even high commission costs.

ATMs and credit cards are usually a safer bet than using the currency exchange bureaus you see at the airport or in touristy areas, but it helps to research exchange rates and everything before you go, just so you have an idea of how much to expect.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (43)

83. Become a free WiFi jedi

Roaming charges and data plans – eugh! Avoid them by mastering the art of finding free WiFi.

Places like Starbucks and McDonalds are quite consistent for this purpose, and most major cities now have hotspots at main tourist locations. Do a little research before you head out, and you’ll be fine.

84. Cook for yourself

The beauty of staying at a hostel or AirBNB with a kitchen is that you’re not forced to eat all your meals out.

Go grocery shopping and pack sandwiches for lunch, or make a cozy dinner at home. It’s all about balance!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (44)

85. Picnic!

One of my favourite ways to experience a city is through picnicking.

Grab some goods from a market or grocery store, find a beautiful spot to sit and enjoy your cheap meal while taking in splendid views.

86. If tap water is drinkable, forgo bottled water

Buying water bottles constantly adds up, even if they’re only 1 or 2 dollars.

When tap water is drinkable, bring your own bottle and refill it on your own!

This is not just more cost-effective, it’s also great for the environment too.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (45)

87. Get food from markets

I love exploring food markets, and you can easily grab a lunch or snack here for way cheaper than a restaurant.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (46)

88. Avoid tourist traps

Tourist traps are unfortunately quite ubiquitous in more touristic locales.

Do your research beforehand so that you know which attractions and restaurants are worth your money.

89. Chat with locals about good places to grab a cheap bite

Nobody will know good/cheap places to eat better than a local. Strike up a conversation and ask for cost-effective eats in the area.

90. Book a place that offers free breakfast

If you use hotel aggregates like Booking.com, you can even sort properties based on whether or not they offer free breakfast.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (47)

91. Save some leftovers for the next day, rather than stuffing yourself

Yay, (free-ish) lunch!

92. Split costs with friends

One of the most basic backpacker lunches is to grab a big loaf of bread, a packet of salami and a hunk of cheese, then split it between a group of friends.

This is guaranteed to be one of the cheapest yet most satisfying meals you’ll ever have,

93. Do your own research rather than relying on guidebooks

Guidebooks can be helpful, but these days most of that information is available for free online.

Plus, when you start doing your own independent research, you’re more likely to find hidden gems and places more off the beaten path.

Check out my guide on how to find cool places near you for more.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (48)

94. Do plenty of research on free activities wherever you’re visiting

There’s usually a lot of cool, free activities to take advantage of in any given city.

Be sure to give ‘free things to do + destination’ a Google and see what you find.

95. Look for coupon codes

If you’re buying anything online (E.g. tickets, admissions, flights), it never hurts to hunt online for coupon codes. It takes two seconds to Google it, and then it’s instant savings.

96. Always ask if there’s discounts

There’s usually discounts for students and various other groups, even when they’re not listed.

At the city walls in Dubrovnik, a friend of mine literally paid a quarter of the full price because he had a student card (and this discount wasn’t listed anywhere on site!)

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (49)

97. Look into tourist cards

Most major tourist destinations will have tourist cards (e.g. the iAmsterdam Card) which allow you to visit their main attractions for the fixed price of one card.

Typically, they’ll have different cards set for time periods like 24h, 48h, 72hr, etc. and for the price of that card, you get free/discounted admissions to attractions, plus other perks like transportation.

If you’re a heavy sightseer and are strategic about how you use your card, this could save you tons of money.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (50)

98. Hitting up museums? Research free days

Most major museums will have days of the week or month when entrance is free. Google these free days for your next destination and save on admission fees.

99. Choose a good bank that won’t charge you for bank withdrawals

I will never forget the day that I finally decided to read over my past few months of bank statements in Germany, only to realize that my bank had been charging me 6 EUROS for each withdrawal outside of the country.

At that point, I had travelled quite a bit with it and so had accrued an angering amount of charges for legitimately nothing except accessing my own money.

Don’t make my mistake – find a bank that doesn’t charge for withdrawals or something more acceptable than what I was paying.

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (51)

I hope you enjoyed this guide on how to save money fo travel!

So there you have it, my saving superstars.Your dream trip is within reach, I promise! Just make these small changes to your life and you’ll be crushing those saving goals in no time.

Now over to you ! Let me know in the comments if I’ve missed any of your favourite money-saving tips!

99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel (2024)


99 Actionable Ways to Save Money for Travel? ›

Instead of going out to eat every night, buy your meals from local markets, or ask locals for cheap places to eat. Carry snacks at all times: Seth Kugel notes that when you're hungry in a new place, you're most likely to eat at the first restaurant you see, regardless of how much it costs.

How can I save 100 or more when traveling? ›

How to save money on travel
  1. Book flights a month or more in advance. Plane tickets are usually more expensive if you book at the last minute. ...
  2. Time your travel right. ...
  3. Compare flying and driving costs. ...
  4. Skip the rental car. ...
  5. Lower gas costs. ...
  6. Use points. ...
  7. BYO food. ...
  8. Try unconventional ways to pay less for a hotel.

How can I be frugal when traveling? ›

Instead of going out to eat every night, buy your meals from local markets, or ask locals for cheap places to eat. Carry snacks at all times: Seth Kugel notes that when you're hungry in a new place, you're most likely to eat at the first restaurant you see, regardless of how much it costs.

How to save money 100 ways? ›

100 Ways to Save Money
  1. Move bank accounts to take advantage of perks and earn more interest. ...
  2. Turn off the television. ...
  3. Stop collecting, and start selling. ...
  4. Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can. ...
  5. Make your own gifts instead of buying stuff from the store. ...
  6. Master the 30-day rule.

What is a good amount to save for travel? ›

The average vacation costs about $1,200 per person. If you're traveling as a family of 4, aim to save at least $4,800.

How can I save $5,000 in 100 days? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

Why can't I travel with more than 10000 dollars? ›

The most common scenario where traveling with over $10,000 could get you into trouble is if you don't declare it during international travel. That isn't the only risk, though. While it's technically legal to travel domestically with this kind of money, it can arouse suspicion from law enforcement.

How to save $10,000 fast? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

How to quickly save $1,000 dollars? ›

Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a lot of ideas on the subject, and here are some of the most practical ways to save your first $1,000 quickly.
  1. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  2. Bring Your Own Lunch. ...
  3. Avoid Coffee Out. ...
  4. Re-Sell Old Items. ...
  5. Shop at Cheaper Grocery Stores With Rewards Programs. ...
  6. Buy Generic. ...
  7. Join a Carpool.
Dec 28, 2023

How to dramatically save money? ›

8 ways to save money quickly
  1. Change bank accounts. ...
  2. Be strategic with your eating habits. ...
  3. Change up your insurance. ...
  4. Ask for a raise—or start job hunting. ...
  5. Consider a side hustle. ...
  6. Take advantage of a credit card that offers rewards. ...
  7. Switch up your transportation habits. ...
  8. Cancel subscriptions you don't really need or use.

What does Dave Ramsey say about traveling? ›

You want to ensure that your trip is the perfect amount of time so you don't spend more on accommodations than you should. It's important to note that you don't have to spend all your vacation time on your trip. You can take a few days at home or return to work earlier and bank that time off for a future excursion.

How much money do you realistically need to travel? ›

Just take that $20,000 and divide it by 12 months to set your monthly savings goal. You'll need to save a bit more than $1,600 each month to make that happen. Or, if you're looking to travel for 6 months, you'll need about $9,000, which means you'll need to save about $750 a month for a year to achieve your goal.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the fastest way to save 100k? ›

Five tips to help you save $100,000 faster
  1. Live below your means and cut frivolous spending. ...
  2. Be hyper-aware of every monthly expense and ruthlessly cut back to save faster. ...
  3. Pay down high-interest debts like credit cards first. ...
  4. Find the financial institution that will get you the highest interest rate.
Mar 27, 2024

What is the best way to travel with large amounts of money? ›

You shouldn't place cash in your checked luggage. This is because your bags are out of your sight and a lot more people have access to them. They also go missing much more often so it is safer to keep in your hand luggage where you can control its location and track its whereabouts much more easily.

What is the 100 day challenge for saving money? ›

It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random. After you've filled up all the envelopes, you'll have a total savings of $5,050.

How can I save extra money for vacation? ›

  1. Make a budget.
  2. Save consistently in smaller chunks.
  3. Open a high-yield savings account.
  4. Research prices well in advance.
  5. Plan your flights and travel dates strategically.
  6. Use a sign-up bonus to lower travel costs.
  7. Take advantage of holiday deals.
  8. Start thinking about currency exchange.
Aug 31, 2023

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.