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Active ingredients of ginger as potential candidates in the prevention and treatment of diseases via modulation of biological activities (2024)


Active ingredients of ginger as potential candidates in the prevention and treatment of diseases via modulation of biological activities? ›

Bioactive Components. Ginger is abundant in active constituents, such as phenolic and terpene compounds [13]. The phenolic compounds in ginger are mainly gingerols, shogaols, and paradols. In fresh ginger, gingerols are the major polyphenols, such as 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, and 10-gingerol.

What are the active ingredients of ginger as potential candidates? ›

Bioactive Components. Ginger is abundant in active constituents, such as phenolic and terpene compounds [13]. The phenolic compounds in ginger are mainly gingerols, shogaols, and paradols. In fresh ginger, gingerols are the major polyphenols, such as 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, and 10-gingerol.

What are the biological activities of ginger? ›

Ginger constituents are involved in biological activities, such as apoptosis, cell cycle/DNA damage, chromatin/epigenetic regulation, cytoskeletal regulation and adhesion, immunology and inflammation, and neuroscience, and exert their effects through specific signaling pathways associated with cell functions/mechanisms ...

What are the antimicrobial activities of ginger? ›

Results indicate that ginger contains monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, phenolic compounds, and its derivatives, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, esters, which provide a broad antimicrobial spectrum against different microorganisms and make it an interesting alternative to synthetic antimicrobials.

What diseases can ginger prevent? ›

Today, health care professionals may recommend ginger to help prevent or treat nausea and vomiting from motion sickness, pregnancy, and cancer chemotherapy. It is also used to treat mild stomach upset, to reduce pain of osteoarthritis, and may even be used in heart disease.

What are the actives in ginger? ›

Ginger also shows antimicrobial and other biological activities due gingerol and paradol, shogaols and zingerone. An important finding showed that 10% ethanolic ginger extract was found to possess antimicrobial potential against pathogens [16].

What are the potential benefits of ginger? ›

Ginger may help relieve nausea and vomiting and aid digestion . Antioxidants and other nutrients in ginger root may help prevent or treat arthritis, inflammation, and various types of infection. Ginger may also reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, and other health problems.

What are the biochemical components of ginger? ›

It is rich in various chemical constituents, including phenolic compounds, terpenes, polysaccharides, lipids, organic acids, and raw fibers. The health benefits of ginger are mainly attributed to its phenolic compounds, such as gingerols and shogaols.

What biomolecules are in ginger? ›

The biomolecules in ginger has diverse mechanisms of actions which include: (1) eicosanoid inhibition [inhibits the formation of thromboxanes, prostaglandins (prostaglandin F, prostaglandin E2, and prospaglandin D2), and leukotienes], (2) serotonin antagonism, (3) substance P release, and (4) Ca2+/ATPase modulation [ ...

What is the enzyme activity of ginger? ›

Zingibain, zingipain, or ginger protease (EC 3.4. 22.67) is a cysteine protease enzyme found in ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizomes. It catalyses the preferential cleavage of peptides with a proline residue at the P2 position. It has two distinct forms, ginger protease I (GP-I) and ginger protease II (GP-II).

What is the therapeutic activity of ginger? ›

Ginger is most commonly used medicinal plant in Asia and many other countries for combating various digestive disorders like indigestion, constipation, headache, rheumatism, cold, and cough (Bhargava et al. 2012).

Is ginger really antibacterial? ›

Keeps Your Mouth Healthy. Ginger's antibacterial power may also brighten your smile. Active compounds in ginger called gingerols keep oral bacteria from growing. These bacteria are the same ones that can cause periodontal disease, a serious gum infection.

When not to take ginger? ›

Interactions. If you take any medications regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using ginger supplements. They could interact with blood thinners and medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.

What infections does ginger cure? ›

Can help fight infections. Ginger's antimicrobial properties could make it useful for fighting bacterial and fungal infections. Laboratory studies have found it may be effective against: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), which is responsible for a range of diseases.

Can ginger prevent sickness? ›

There is no conclusive evidence to prove that ginger can stop or get rid of colds, but research suggests that it may help prevent them. Ginger can also help improve the symptoms of a cold. According to one review , there is evidence that ginger can: prevent colds.

How does ginger help the immune system? ›

Ginger is a great source of vital vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, vitamins B6 and C, and zinc. These vitamins and minerals along with ginger's antioxidant properties can help strengthen your immune system. Gingerol helps ease common cold symptoms, like muscle fatigue and sore throat.

What are the pharmacological potentials of ginger? ›

Anti-inflammatory qualities, anti-thrombotic properties, cholesterol-lowering characteristics, blood pressure-lowering properties, anti-microbial properties, anti-oxidant properties, anti-tumor properties, and hypoglycaemic activities are all medicinal properties linked with ginger.

What are the active ingredients in ginger oil? ›

Ginger oils, extracted by hydro-distillation method from three different geographical locations of India (Mizoram, Chennai and two varieties from Sikkim) had zingiberene (10.5-16.6%), ar-curcumene (2.9-9.8%), β-sesquiphellandrene (5.8-7.2%), e-citral (7.4-10.5%), z-citral (5.3-7%), o-cymene (0.9-6.5%), camphene (0.9- ...

What is the nutraceutical potential of ginger? ›

The nutritional and nutraceutical benefits of ginger are closely associated with the presence of various bioactive compounds. These bioactive compounds, reported in different studies, are classified into three classes: gingerols, volatile oils, and diarylheptanoids [14].

What kind of ingredient is ginger? ›

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), a member of the Zingiberaceae family, is a popular spice used globally especially in most of the Asian countries [9]. Chemical analysis of ginger shows that it contains over 400 different compounds.

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