Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (2024)

They say that you never really know someone until you travel with them – and I couldn’t agree more! While solo travel is amazing and very introspective, more often than not we are traveling with other people. When it comes to family members or life partners, we are used to their habits and antics. But, you don’t really know your friends until you’re stuck in a foreign country, have lost your luggage, and can’t speak the language! That’s when your true colors come out. Okay, that might be a bit excessive, but you get the point. Before their next trip, everyone can benefit rom reading this advice for traveling with friends.

Nonetheless, traveling with your friends can also be one of the best experiences you can have. Who else knows you better and can appreciate the same wonders of the world with you? You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll get red in the face. Fellow travel bloggers and I share our stories – the good, the bad, the ugly – of traveling with friends. Plus I’ll give you some inside tips about how to plan a trip with your friends.

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (1)
Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (2)

Planning a Trip with your Friends

There are a few things that come to mind when I think about planning a trip with your friends. And along with that, lots of tips that I’ve learned through experience:

You NEED to Have a Budget

The biggest thing to cause trouble in any relationship – whether with family, friends, or partners, is money. With that said, it is super important to keep a budget of all spending for your trip. There will be certain expenses like food and souvenirs that are individual, but several will be split. When I travel with friends, we usually all take turns paying for various portions of the trip so no one is ever out a big chunk of money. Then we compare how much each of us has spent and sort out the change at the end.

The easiest way to do this? Create a Google Sheet and share it between everyone. Then you can create columns for each person and what they’re purchasing.

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (3)
Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (4)

Compromise is Key

Unlike on solo trips, traveling with friends is all about compromise. It’s important to realize that you are not in charge nor the sole decision maker. That means if you’re a budget traveler (like me!) you might be spending a little more than usual to meet the needs and standards of your travel companions. This also means you’ll have to work together to determine what pieces of your trip are must-dos and which are optional. When I travel, I use a second tab in our shared spreadsheet to put the list of all possible activities, then have each person mark them as “must-do”, “maybe”, or “not interested”. That way it makes it easy to come up with an itinerary that works for everyone.

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (5)
Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (6)

You Don’t Need to Do Everything Together

Believe it or not, it’s okay if you don’t spend every single minute together with your friends. In fact, it’s healthy to have some alone time! If you’re traveling with couples, save an evening to have a date night alone with your partner. Or find a morning to go get breakfast or coffee by yourself. Being surrounded by your friends is comforting and expected, but you’ll get to experience the destination in a different light by yourself – and you’re less likely to get on each other’s nerves!

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (7)
Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (8)

Most Importantly, Have Fun!

Planning a trip with your friends requires a little extra research ahead of time, but doesn’t have to be all work and compromise. Traveling with friends is one of the BEST things you can do. You’ll get to share in some amazing and unique experiences together, and bond over your memories for years to come.

Some of my most favorite memories are from traveling with my friends. Go-karting in Tokyo, scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, seeing the northern lights in Iceland… Incredible moments that I’ll cherish forever!

Fellow Bloggers Share their Stories & Advice for Traveling with Friends

Think alike regarding the budget

Contributed by Laura from Laura No Está

Last December I traveled with one of my best friends to Venice for the weekend, it was a last minute trip that we planned less than a month before.

During that weekend we decided to explore the city by foot, with a focus on outdoor activities so not a lot of museums and plenty of canals, parks, and nice coffee places with tables on the sidewalk.

To make the most of your trip with friends you should think alike regarding the budget and the things you want to do in the place you visit. For us it was quite easy because we decided before traveling that we wanted to keep expenses low, take a free walking tour, wake up early and seize every minute of the day.

One other thing I strongly recommend before going away with your pal is to plan your day-to-day in advance. That way you can also plan to do things by yourself or how to take advantage of some free time if your friend, for example, wants to take a nap.

For me, traveling with this friend was an amazing experience, we enjoy almost the same things so all the trip was easygoing and fun.

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (9)
See more from Laura: Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (10)

Find both of your strengths

Contributed by Krystianna from Volumes and Voyages

I was lucky enough to study abroad for an entire semester with one of my best friends last year in Dublin, Ireland. It was the best decision of my life. Throughout the entire semester, we managed to visit 30+ cities together in 13 countries. We didn’t once get in a fight – we really got into a groove when it came to traveling together, and since we traveled so well together, I know that we will be close friends for life.

Our longest time traveling together was over spring break, when we had two entire weeks off. We knew we wanted to leave Ireland for a little bit to explore more of Europe, so we planned a two-week long train trip around Europe. We started in Vienna, then visited Munich, Luxembourg, Brussels, Paris, and finished the two weeks off in Barcelona. Despite things not always going our way sometimes, like the few cancelled buses and late trains, we worked extremely well together and kept each other calm and collected.

Ultimately, traveling with my friend was one of the best experiences of my life.

We have so many crazy fun memories together, that many people our age don’t even have yet. How many people get to say that they spent 2 weeks travelling around Europe with their best friend for a casual spring break? These are memories that I will forever cherish. I honestly can’t wait to go out and travel with her again!

My advice for traveling with friends is simple. You have to give each other space. You will be with each other a lot, so know that when you’re in the hotel, it’s okay to have downtime where you’re both in the same room but not doing anything together. You’re going to want your space – trust me.

You also need to learn to brush things off. Traveling can be extremely stressful. There are times when you’re going to want to freak out and get angry because of how unpredictable travel can be at times. However, you have to learn to not let it get to you and just let it go. I promise, everything will work out!

Lastly, find both of your strengths. My friend and I got into such a good groove with one another while traveling. She was great at planning out the transportation – such as the flights and trains that we would have to use to get somewhere. She was an absolute expert at directions. So, I’d let her handle that all on her own for the both of us, while I instead focused on the day to day itineraries, which I was great at puzzling together.

Having a good travel experience with a friend is 100% possible – it can even bring you guys so much closer!

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (11)
See more from Krystianna: Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (12) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (13) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (14)

Make sure to make time for yourself

Contributed by Emma from Forever Lost in Travel

I usually travel solo or with my boyfriend and only traveled with friends a couple of times. Traveling with friends is rewarding, but not everyone travels well together no matter how close you are. I mean what happens when a meticulous planner and a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants traveler set off on a month-long European adventure? I found out when I went traveling with a friend almost a decade ago.

As the planner I got to work figuring out all our travel arrangements. Except the job I gave to my friend: booking our Paris hotel. Fast forward to our 10pm arrival into Paris. Turns out she hadn’t actually confirmed the hotel. Everywhere was either booked or cost a fortune. Why? Well we just happened to arrive the week the Rugby World Cup was there. We walked the streets until after midnight looking for a room. We eventually managed to find a small hotel with space, but our friendship was briefly on thin ice.

That trip taught us both some things.

I need to relinquish control a bit more, and my friend needed to check confirmations! We laugh about it now, and we’re still great friends. But we learned what worked well was spending some time apart. Doing our own thing and giving each other some space. Being with someone 24/7 on a trip is hard work so make sure to take time for yourself.

This year I took a trip with another friend to Vietnam and I did keep this past experience in mind. We planned some activities but left other days free to book as we traveled. We both took responsibility for booking things, so I learned to share the planning. And we gave each other space when we needed it, spending time relaxing by the pool, reading our books and not scheduling everything down to the minute.

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (15)
See more from Emma: Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (16) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (17) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (18)

Do a packing check

Contributed by Allison from WOC Travel

If you are traveling with friends, the night before you leave you should call your friends and do a packing check. The group of friends I travel with consistently implemented this policy after a vacation to Jamaica that started out with a couple of slight hiccups. I went to Jamaica with 3 other ladies and we stayed at a beautiful resort, The Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton between Montego Bay and Negril in Lucea, Jamaica. Upon arriving in Montego Bay we discovered one of our friends left her wallet at home. Luckily she had her passport, but she did not have money or a secondary form of identification. Thanks to technology, she was able to electronically transfer money to us and we took it out of an ATM for her. So we solved the money issue, and we felt like her not having a secondary form of identification would be okay since she had her passport.

After clearing customs, we boarded the bus that was taking us to our resort. Once we got to the resort we had to use our passports to check-in. Unfortunately, my friend without any other form of identification could not find hers. The hotel stay was nice enough to let us all check-in anyways. When we got to our rooms it was all hands on deck to help her find her passport. Without a secondary ID it would have been much more challenging to get her to the US embassy and back to the United States after our trip. Luckily after about 45 minutes of searching, she found her passport in a small pocket in one of her bags. The rest of the trip went well; however, we always call ahead of the trip to ensure everyone has packed critical items like passport, chargers, ID, money, etc.

See more from Allison: Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (20) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (21) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (22)

Check your travel compatibility

Contributed by Lisa from The Hot Flash Packer

I like traveling with friends… with whom I’m compatible. However, there have been a couple occasions I traveled with people who were great friends and great people in my home city, but we were so different when on the road. I tend to be an active traveler – I like to get up fairly early and do lots of stuff. I love the countryside and don’t care for cities, museums, shopping, or fancy restaurants. I’m also independent, so I’m happy to venture out on my own if there’s something my friend doesn’t want to do. On one occasion, I traveled with a friend not realizing her daily routine involved sleeping in late, taking a long shower, doing her hair and make-up, then a long sit down breakfast. We were lucky if we were ready to go by 1 in the afternoon!

Another time I traveled with a different friend on a 2-week guided tour, thinking that since the tour was so busy, we wouldn’t fight over what to do. That friend absolutely hated the tour… didn’t feel like she was seeing the real country, was exhausted all the time… and made my trip absolutely miserable. On both of these occasions, I suggested separating for a day so we could both do what we preferred, but both times was shamed that I was being such a bad friend for even suggesting it. As a result, I decided (1) life is too short to travel with people who ruin your trip and (2) friends are hard to come by and I don’t want to lose any just because we don’t travel together well. As a result, I created a travel compatibility quiz. I’ve found some really good and compatible travel partners since.

See more from Lisa: Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (23) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (24) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (25)
Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (26)

Avoid the number three

Contributed by Steph from The Mediterranean Traveller

Steph – The Mediterranean Traveller

Thinking of travelling with friends? My advice is this: avoid the number three. It is not the magic number. In fact, quite the opposite. Even trios that work well at home seem to unravel on the road. There are so many decisions to be made whilst travelling that the 2-against-1 dynamic is inevitable.

One memorable summer I managed to fall out with four friends on two different trips.

A month in Thailand with two friends ended in stony silence after four weeks of budget disagreements and a screaming row at the full moon party (I’ll spare you the story about the toilet paper…). On this occasion, I was the third wheel and often ended up spending beyond what was comfortable in order to keep the harmony.

Several weeks later, I flew out to France to join a road trip with my two oldest friends. Surely this would be a peaceful and uneventful trip, right? After all, we’d known each other since we were knee height and none of us is prone to drama. Wrong! By the time I arrived, these two friends were no longer talking to each other.

It turned out their travel styles were very different. One liked early nights and solid plans, the other preferred spontaneous fun. I’m in the freestyle camp, and so naturally the early-nighter felt left out and miserable. She ended up leaving early – the car breaking down was the final straw for her.

Thankfully my friendships recovered with time and space, but I have travelled solo or in large groups ever since!

Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (27)
See more from Steph: Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (28) Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (29)

Side note from blog owner Dani – I’ve been on both sides of this and have been lucky enough to find a solid trio with my friends who regularly travel together now. It’s rare, but it can happen!

Traveling with friends – Are you ready?

Throughout my travels around the world, I’ve learned a lot about the friends I’ve traveled with – and I’ve even lost some because of it. But it’s also brought me closer to the ones I love, and I wouldn’t change that for a moment. For example, I’ve learned who is the pickiest eater, who is terrible with directions, and who is the most spontaneous. Planning a trip with friends isn’t always easy, but it’s always an incredible experience. Hopefully this advice for traveling with friends will help you to make the most of your next trip!

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  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (35)


    February 4, 2020at10:21 amReply

    One of my favorite travel friends is my dad. We are so alike and can be the most ourselves when we travel. I have had a lot of luck taking trips with friends as well.


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (36)


      February 10, 2020at11:33 pmReply

      You’re lucky! I wish I had that!


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (37)

    Keith Erskine

    February 4, 2020at6:12 pmReply

    Good article. A few years ago I did a motorcycle tour across southern Africa with a guy I’d known for a while. It started out OK, but in the end I rode from Capetown back to Pretoria solo! You’re right, you don’t really know someone until the rigors of travel set in. However, this was the exception by far. Travelled many miles over the years with great people who made the trip that much more memorable.


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (39)

    Audrey Caldwell

    February 4, 2020at10:58 pmReply

    Nice post about traveling with friends. I’ve had similar experiences and it was helpful to read stories from different travelers about what they did or didn’t do to work it out.


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (40)


      February 10, 2020at11:32 pmReply

      Glad this was helpful! It’s always reassuring to hear about other people having similar situations to your own.


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (41)

    wanders miles

    February 5, 2020at3:04 amReply

    I agree with the fact that you don’t know someone till you travel with them. I have lots of friends that I love but could not travel with, we want different things from a trip but then if they are open to doing some things separately then all good. It is always good to be aligned on the budget side of things. I’ve had some amazing trips with friends, just need to choose the right ones!


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (42)


      February 10, 2020at11:31 pmReply

      Yes, I’ve lost friends from some bad travel experiences, but I’ve also gotten so much closer to others. Just depends on the right match!


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (43)

    Sage Scott

    February 5, 2020at5:08 pmReply

    Whether you’re traveling with family or friends, I agree with your recommendation about compromise. That is soooooo the key to stress- and drama-free travels together!


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (44)


      February 10, 2020at11:31 pmReply

      Yes, and boundaries. It’s important to know what areas your partners are willing to bend on and which ones you are too.


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (45)


    February 8, 2020at4:28 pmReply

    These are great tips! We traveled for 6 months with another couple in a travel trailer and there are definitely ways to stay happy campers together 🙂


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (46)


      February 10, 2020at11:30 pmReply

      Six months together in a trailer! I applaud you for that! I don’t think I could do that with just my husband haha 😉


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (47)

    Meghan Emcee

    February 8, 2020at5:21 pmReply

    Great read, travelling with friends can be really tough. I love that you mentioned the terrible three and that it’s okay to split up at times. Thanks for sharing!


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (48)


      February 10, 2020at11:30 pmReply

      Yes, alone time is super important!


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (49)

    Megan Elliott (@LushtoBlush)

    February 8, 2020at5:55 pmReply

    This is such great advice! My partner and I recently took a trip with another couple and all of these factors came into play. It was super smooth, but the planning process was definitely different than planning a trip for just the two of us!


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (50)


      February 10, 2020at11:29 pmReply

      Yes, the planning process is SO different! And can be a cause of frustration for some people.


  • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (51)


    February 10, 2020at10:30 amReply

    These are great tips! I’ve had great travel experiences with friends, but I’ve also taken some trips that ended up ruining the friendship irreparably. It’s SO important to know if you are travel-compatible before you leave home!! I definitely agree with the rule about 3s – I don’t know why, but it always seems like two people get along and one person is left out. I’ve been on both sides of that equation, unfortunately!


    • Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (52)


      February 10, 2020at11:29 pmReply

      Yes, groups of three can be tricky! I’ve also been on both sides of bad threes, but also I’ve had some groups of three that have worked really well!


Tell me your thoughts!


    Advice for Traveling with Friends - Wanderlust on a Budget (2024)


    How do I travel with friends on different budgets? ›

    Here's how to plan a trip with friends when your budgets might differ.
    1. Pick your travel style. ...
    2. Split transactions with apps. ...
    3. Take your own transportation. ...
    4. Save by cooking group meals. ...
    5. Be OK with doing different things. ...
    6. Be upfront about your budget preferences. ...
    7. Look for group discounts.
    Jan 9, 2024

    What is the most cost-effective way to travel? ›

    How to travel on a budget: Our 9 best tips
    • Come up with a plan.
    • Travel out of season.
    • Be accommodation-savvy.
    • Pack properly.
    • Book flights in advance…
    • 6. … and be smart about how you fly.
    • Embrace public transport.
    • Don't eat away your cash.

    How do I plan a trip itinerary with friends? ›

    1. Set (and agree on) expectations. Clarifying the goal of the trip can make the planning process easier. ...
    2. Nail down dates early. ...
    3. Pick a group organizer. ...
    4. Sort out money issues right away. ...
    5. Be ready to compromise. ...
    6. Keep the itinerary flexible. ...
    7. Build in alone time. ...
    8. Cut each other slack.
    Sep 22, 2022

    Is it cheaper to travel with a friend? ›

    It's more affordable!

    Booking out an apartment or holiday home can work out as much cheaper accommodation than if you were paying for a room yourself. Many activities often become cheaper when being booked by multiple people, and car hire becomes much more affordable when shared among friends.

    Should I pay for my friend to travel with me? ›

    The decision to cover your friend's expenses is entirely up to you. But before you do, it's important to consider your own financial circ*mstances and the impact it might have on your future plans. If you can afford it, paying your friend's way can be a great way to show how much you appreciate their friendship.

    What is a reasonable travel budget? ›

    2) The average domestic trip costs about $144 per day while international trips come to about $271 per day. The major expense associated with travel and vacations is transportation. About 44% of travel funds are spent on getting to, from, and around your vacation destination.

    How to travel on a dime? ›

    Travel for free with your friend who has a lot of friends around the country and loves to “couch surf.” Research areas in other countries that are in need of a homestead sitter or farm sitter for the off-season. Travel Slowly: Those who believe time is money may often spend more on travel.

    How to budget for beginners? ›

    Follow the steps below as you set up your own, personalized budget:
    1. Make a list of your values. Write down what matters to you and then put your values in order.
    2. Set your goals.
    3. Determine your income. ...
    4. Determine your expenses. ...
    5. Create your budget. ...
    6. Pay yourself first! ...
    7. Be careful with credit cards. ...
    8. Check back periodically.

    What is the cheapest way to travel between states? ›

    Two major bus services offering routes across the United States are Flixbus and Greyhound. The extensive networks of Flixbus and Greyhound can get you almost anywhere in the United States inexpensively when compared to flying, train, or driving.

    Is it better to save money or travel? ›

    In the end, the choice is yours

    The choice between saving money (for say, a first home deposit) and seeing the world is a difficult one. There's no doubt that traversing the globe expands your horizons and provides invaluable life skills like independence, strength, resilience and self-confidence.

    What is the cheapest way to travel America? ›

    The cheapest way to travel across America depends on the mode of transportation. Generally speaking, taking the bus or the train is the most cost effective way to cover a long distance. If you plan ahead, long-distance bus companies such as Greyhound and Megabus often offer discounted fares.

    What to do on a trip with friends? ›

    Fun things to do on vacation with friends:
    1. Skiing/snowboarding.
    2. Hiking.
    3. All-inclusive resorts.
    4. Excursions.
    5. Boat tours.
    6. Wine-tasting or brewery tours.
    Mar 26, 2023

    How to enjoy a trip with friends? ›

    21 Tips to Enjoy Traveling with Friends
    1. Choose the RIGHT Friend. The first thing to consider is WHO you choose to travel with. ...
    2. Arrange Finances BEFORE you leave! ...
    3. Choose a the right size Group. ...
    4. Wants and Needs? ...
    5. Be Flexible. ...
    6. Learn to Breathe. ...
    7. Remove Communication Barriers. ...
    8. Make Your Bookings Properly.

    Is there an app for group travel? ›

    Troupe is your one stop shop to plan a group trip everyone will love. Invite friends to vote on important details like when to go, where to stay, and what to do. Now that's group travel untangled.

    How much money can you travel with per person? ›

    It's legal to travel with more than $10,000 in the United States and abroad. You have the right to travel with as much money as you want. However, during international travel, you need to report currency and monetary instruments in excess of $10,000.

    Can I pay for my friends flight? ›

    It's absolutely OK to buy an airline ticket for someone else. It's a great gift to give someone. It's also necessary for some situations.

    How do people travel and make money at the same time? ›

    Some of the most lucrative fields in freelancing are web design and development, internet research, data entry, graphic design, content writing, and translation and editing. If you want to travel the world full-time as a digital nomad, consider doing a work exchange with Worldpackers.

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    Author: Chrissy Homenick

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    Author information

    Name: Chrissy Homenick

    Birthday: 2001-10-22

    Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

    Phone: +96619177651654

    Job: Mining Representative

    Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

    Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.