Amazing Health Benefits Of Parsley Seeds (2024)

The wonders of parsley seeds are huge. From stimulating appetite to lowering blood pressure and frequent urination. The parsley seed has been mentioned several times in world history. It is often used in the culinary world, especially in Italy.

The benefits of the parsley seed are nevertheless different. It also has a number of interesting applications. To learn more, read on.

Health benefits of parsley seed

Amazing Health Benefits Of Parsley Seeds (1)


If there are germs, infections and diseases, the parsley seed is your ally. But why? Perhaps because this seed has many antimicrobial properties. In other words, this seed has some components that can kill microbes and inhibit their growth. Therefore, it can effectively provide protection against a large number of infections.

Anti-rheumatic and Anti-arthritis

Rheumatism and arthritis are two diseases that are caused by two main reasons, namely uric acid buildup in the joints and muscles, as well as clogged blood circulation. The parsleyseed has some properties that can help with both of these causes. First detoxification and purification, which is caused by the diuretic and stimulating properties it has. While a detoxifying effect accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body which purifies and refreshes the blood.


Wounds and some sensitive internal organs can become septic due to infection by microbes. The danger is greater when the wound is dirty or caused by rusty iron objects. Sepsis brings a pain accompanied by cramps, convulsions and even hydrophobia (if it develops in tetanus). The cure lies in eliminating microbes and inhibiting growth in the affected area and that's exactly what the parsley seed does. It prevents bacteria from multiplying and eliminates them.


The parsley seed is so astringent. How astringent is it? It can be used to relieve contractions in the gums (which keeps teeth stronger), muscles and skin.


The parsley seed can eliminate gas and relieve problems such as indigestion, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, chest pain, high blood pressure and even reduce the risk of heart attacks.


The parsley seed promotes the removal of toxins and other undesirable substances from the body through the urine. This makes it a detoxifier. In this way, it is possible to prevent diseases resulting from the accumulation of these undesirable substances in the body, such as rheumatism, arthritis, boils, skin diseases and many others.


The spicy aroma of the parsley seed triggers the appetite and stimulates digestion and, by increasing the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach.


This property is a contribution to the detoxifying property of this seed. It increases the frequency and the amount of urination. One may wonder how more urination can be beneficial to the body. This is one of the best ways to remove unwanted substances from the body. It eliminates unwanted water, salts and toxic substances such as uric acid, fats, contaminants and germs from the body. By eliminating toxins and uric acid, it protects against diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, boils, moles and acne. By eliminating water and fat, it helps to lose weight and relieve patients of swelling and watering.


Purification means a way to purify the blood. It happens in two ways. First, by removing unwanted substances from the blood and cleaning the blood, so that this seed serves as a detoxifier. On the other hand, by helping the oxygen to reach the tissue, which in turn, this seed presents by stimulating the blood circulation.


The parsley seed is an emmenagogue trait that makes it eligible for late menstruation. It stimulates the secretion of certain hormones such as estrogen that help to achieve this goal. This seed also relieves menstrual problems, such as abdominal cramps and pain, nausea, fatigue and discomfort. These hormones also help puberty in healthy women to keep their reproductive organs (such as the uterus).

Anti-fever agent

In addition to being a cleanser, a detoxifier and an antimicrobial at the same time, this seed is an effective antipyretic, that is, it reduces fever. Thanks to its purifying and detoxifying properties, the level of toxin is lowered in the body, which helps to get rid of many diseases, including fever, which is sometimes due to an increase in the level of toxins in the blood, because the fever is a reaction to abnormal body lift or an adverse change in the body. Then, because of its antimicrobial properties, it inhibits microbial infections, which helps to get rid of fever caused by microbial or viral actions such as influenza, yellow fever, typhus or malaria.


The parsley seed may not be so fast, but it is a good choice for regular administration in cases of chronic hypertension and it has no negative effects. If taken consistently, it helps lower blood pressure.


Having clear intestines is a pleasant sensation and those who suffer from constipation know what it is worth. Here is good news for them. The parsley seed has laxative properties and helps rid of hard and difficult movements, as well as constipation. It increases the drainage of gastric juices and facilitates the downward movement of feces to stimulate peristaltic movement in the smooth intestine.


The stimulating effects can be felt all over the body. The parsley seed stimulates nerves, neurons, blood and lymphatic circulation, digestion, excretion and immune mechanism. That's why this seed keeps the body more active, alert, energetic, strong and safe.


The parsley seed stimulates the stomach, the energy generator of our body. It calms it, ensures the proper flow of gastric juices, reduces inflammation, protects against infections and helps heal wounds and ulcers.


The parsley seed promotes the secretion of certain hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These female hormones maintain uterine health by regulating menstruation and protecting against other uterine problems, such as uterine ulcers and dryness.

Other benefits

The parsley seed is also effective in curing many other problems such as blood vessel fractures, cellulitis, sciatica, colic, hemorrhoids, amenorrhea, cystitis and loss of libido.

Parsley oil

Amazing Health Benefits Of Parsley Seeds (2)

What is parsley oil?

Parsley oil is usually extracted from the roots,seeds and parsley leaves. The seeds contain more essential oil than the leaves and roots, and the oil is either colorless or pale yellow. Parsley oil was discovered in 1890 by experts and has been used for its therapeutic effects, particularly for the health of the nerves, brain and spine. However, parsley oil should be consumed in moderation. Too much consumption can cause hypotension and deafness.

Benefits of parsley oil

Heals wounds faster

The wounds can become very soft sometimes and can affect the internal organs. This can endanger the general health and cause serious damage in the long term. A simple solution to this problem is parsley oil. It eliminates all microbes and makes the body less vulnerable to infections. Not only that, parsley oil also helps relieve the pain and cramps that people often experience when they are injured.

Detoxifies the body

Another healthy way to detox the body is using parsley oil. It contains properties that successfully remove all toxins and wastes from the body and also eliminate unwanted substances. Parsley oil is good for patients with arthritis. In addition, it makes the body less vulnerable to skin diseases and rheumatism.


Parsley oil can also be used as an aphrodisiac. If you do not have that romantic charm gone, parsley oil is a good organic solution. Regular massage and consumption help to feel the difference faster. It is also possible to add parsley oil to those who want to reduce the cellulite of their body. She will tighten the skin.


Getting menstrual can sometimes become a worse nightmare. You feel cramps, pain in the body, lethargy and less sleep. But do not worry if you have parsley oil. This oil contains a number of properties that will make you less uncomfortable during your menstrual days.


The essential oil of parsley also promotes good digestion. The wonderful and herbal scent of this oil speeds up the digestive process and increases the secretion of digestive juices in your system. This will eventually make you feel less hungry and allow faster digestion of your food.

Benefits for the skin

Parsley oil can also be used for the different benefits to the skin. If you want to keep your skin without stains, you must mix the parsley oil with tea tree oil and apple vinegar and use it as a regular toner. You can also mix the parsley oil with olive oil or almond oil. Apply to face and rinse after 30 minutes. Your skin will look fresh and smooth.

Side effects of parsley seed

The parsley seed has a moderate toxicity, especially against the liver and has some non-sensitizing effects. It also has abortion and emmenagogue properties, so it should not be used during pregnancy.


[1] : Parsley: a review of ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activities
[2] : Amazing benefits and uses of parsley and its seeds

Amazing Health Benefits Of Parsley Seeds (2024)


What are the healing properties of parsley? ›

Parsley works as a powerful natural diuretic and can help reduce bloating and blood pressure. Parsley is loaded with vitamin K, which has been linked to bone health. The vitamin supports bone growth and bone mineral density. One study on parsley found that it helped protect against osteoporosis in rats.

Does parsley heal the gut? ›

Furthermore, parsley acts as a pain reliever with anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief from gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea, while helping to strengthen the immune system.

Why is parsley seed good for your skin? ›

Parsley Oil is an antibacterial and antimicrobial oil which is often used in high end skincare products because of its calming properties and for keeping bacteria at bay - particularly for acne prone skin. Its benefits include helping reduce cellulite, stretch marks as well as bruises.

Are parsley seeds edible? ›

Description/Taste. Parsley is a leafy herb that is entirely edible from root to seed.

What does parsley do to the brain? ›

“As a source of key micronutrients for neurological health, parsley can help to enhance mental fitness, brain health, energy levels, and overall cognition,” says Dr. Naidoo.

Does parsley detox the body? ›

It is an antioxidant, which means it flushes out toxins from the body. It is rich in vitamin C, which supports the absorption of iron in the body; thus, parsley tea cures anemia. Parsley carries high levels of beta carotene, folate and vitamin B12.

Does parsley cleanse the liver? ›

parsley is a liver protectant

Parsley is considered a bitter herb. All bitter herbs stimulate the release of bile, which helps the liver detox. Parsley also produces glutathione, which naturally protects the liver from damage.

Does parsley get rid of inflammation? ›

Fights inflammation

Parsley helps because it's high in antioxidants like vitamin C, A, and E, which can help soothe inflammation. “This can help reduce the risk of arthritis, an inflammation of the joints,” says Brunilda Nazario, MD.

Does parsley burn belly fat? ›

If you are aiming for weight loss, apart from monitoring your diet and exercise routine, you should also try a combination of lemon juice and parsley. While lemon juice is a good detoxifier, when combined with parsley, it can work wonders for your weight loss regime and help in losing belly fat.

Does parsley cleanse kidneys? ›

Parsley contains an antioxidant called luteolin, which helps in flushing out toxins from the body. It is a natural diuretic herb that can cleanse the kidney. Drink a cup of parsley tea or include this herb in your salad and other dishes.

Is parsley good for anti aging? ›

Anti-Aging: The vitamin C in parsley helps in slowing down aging. It works by fighting free radicals that cause oxidative stress (30). The nutrient also helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It helps in cell repair and stimulates collagen production (30).

Do you pour boiling water on parsley seeds? ›

Parsley is slow to germinate and it can be 3-4 weeks before the seedlings poke their heads through the soil. To speed up the germination process some gardeners soak seeds overnight in regular water or pour boiling water over the seeds after sowing.

Does parsley tea increase estrogen? ›

Myristicin and apiole found in parsley help to boost the estrogen production of your body. These compounds also help to stimulate the flow during your menstrual cycle. Parsley tea is often suggested by physicians for a healthy menstrual cycle and a balanced flow of milk in feeding mothers.

Should you soak parsley seeds? ›

Soak your parsley seeds for 24 hours before planting to speed germination. Photo by Lorna King. As parsley is slow to germinate, often taking up to four weeks, soaking the seeds for 24 hours in lukewarm water will help to hasten sprouting. You may also start seeds indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost.

Do you soak parsley seeds? ›

The germination rate of parsley seeds tends to be low, so consider soaking the seeds for 1-2 hours before sowing to improve your chance of success. Sow parsley seeds 1/4 inch deep.

Is any part of parsley poisonous? ›

All parts of poison parsley, including the root, are extremely poisonous.

How long soak parsley seeds? ›

Because the seeds need to overcome a dormancy period before they will germinate, it helps to pour hot water over the seeds in a bowl and let them soak for 24-36 hours before planting. Pour off the water and drain them on a paper towel to make them easier to handle.

What does parsley do to the uterus? ›

Myristicin and apiole are two compounds found in parsley that may cause uterine contractions and even lead to miscarriage when consumed in high doses.

What herb cleans the brain? ›

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Ashwagandha, commonly called Indian ginseng or winter cherry, is one of the most prominent herbs prescribed as a brain rejuvenator for AD.

Is parsley good for arthritis? ›

Parsley is anti-inflammatory.

The herb will relieve joint pain and combat the onset of inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis (the degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone) and rheumatoid arthritis (a disease causing inflammation in the joints).

Why is parsley A Superfood? ›

Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, and a good source of folate and iron. Vitamin A is involved in immune function, vision, and reproduction. It also plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of the heart, lungs, kidneys as well as other organs.

Does parsley remove heavy metal? ›

The current results of Groups E and F showed that parsley juice has an observable protective effect against Cd accumulation especially at the low dose. This may be due to the significant effect of parsley in the excretion of heavy metals from body, an effect that was documented before [35].

Is parsley a natural antibiotic? ›

Parsley is used in cooking and medicine, and its essential oil is an effective antimicrobial agent.

Is parsley a blood purifier? ›

The high cholorophyll content in parsley is an excellent blood purifier and builder. Overall this delicate and flavorful wonder herb provides us with nature's best carotenoids and is a powerhouse of anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and flavonoids.

What herb is linked to liver damage? ›

In fact, some common herbs could cause toxic liver disease. Watch out for supplements that contain aloe vera, black cohosh, cascara, chaparral, comfrey, ephedra, or kava.

Who should not drink parsley tea? ›

Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should avoid drinking parsley tea as it can stimulate contractions and lead to miscarriage. Additionally, people with kidney stones or other kidney problems should speak to their doctor before drinking parsley tea, as it may increase the risk of complications.

Is parsley good for the bladder? ›

Parsley has a mild diuretic effect, which is supposed to help flush UTI-causing bacteria out of the urinary tract. Two case reports found that a combination of parsley tea, garlic, and cranberry extract prevented UTI recurrence in women with chronic UTIs.

Is parsley good for nerves? ›

Apigenin is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent found in parsley. This natural compound has shown promise in boosting nerve health and even preventing neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease by reducing inflammation.

What happens when you eat parsley everyday? ›

Parsley is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth as medicine, short-term. In some people, parsley can cause allergic skin reactions. Consuming very large amounts of parsley is LIKELY UNSAFE, as this can cause other side effects like “tired blood” (anemia) and liver or kidney problems.

Is parsley Good for hormones? ›

Parsley tea is commonly used as a natural remedy to treat issues related to menstruation and hormone levels. In particular, it contains the compounds myristicin and apiole, which can influence estrogen production to help balance hormones ( 18 ).

What happens if you drink parsley tea everyday? ›

Maintains Healthy Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

Parsley tea can be a natural and effective way to treat hypertension and high cholesterol. Taken regularly, this tea can lower blood pressure and protect you against chronic diseases.

How do you detox your liver and kidneys? ›

Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Eat a well-balanced diet every day. That's five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, along with fiber from vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Be sure to include protein for the enzymes that help your body detox naturally.

What foods help repair kidneys? ›

The Best Foods for Kidney Health
  • Dark leafy greens. Dark leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, chard, and collard greens are loaded with vitamins A and C, calcium, and many other important minerals. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Cranberries. ...
  • Sweet potatoes. ...
  • Olive oil. ...
  • Fatty fish. ...
  • Cabbage.

Does parsley have estrogen? ›

Exposure to phytoestrogens is mainly through diet. The estrogenic plant compounds are widespread in food, including herbs and seasonings (garlic, parsley), grains (soybeans, wheat, rice), vegetables (beans, carrots, potatoes), fruits (date, pomegranates, cherries, apples), and drinks (coffee).

What does parsley do for the face? ›

Parsley is rich in Vitamin C—a vitamin that the skin loves! Vitamin C helps the skin to produce collagen, which keeps the skin looking younger, reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Parsley also contains Vitamin K besides Vitamin C and this is good to reduce dark circles under the eyes.

How long do you boil parsley for tea? ›

Pour a cup of boiling water over the fresh parsley leaves, and give them a quick stir. Leave the water and parsley to steep for at least 5 minutes, or longer if you want a stronger cup of tea.

How deep should parsley seeds be? ›

If starting indoors, sow seeds 1cm (½”) deep, in sterilized seed starting mix, in peat pots or plug trays. Like its cousins dill and cilantro, parsley develops a taproot that does better if left undisturbed. Sow outdoors in drills 3cm (1¼”) deep, spaced 8cm (3″) apart.

Can you save parsley seeds? ›

Store the seeds in an envelope or small paper bag and write the date and type of seeds on the front. Place the parsley seeds in the envelope, and store it in a dry, cool spot until you're ready to plant them. If you don't pick the parsley flowers, your plants will self-seed.

What herb has the highest estrogen? ›

1 Herbs with high phytoestrogen content include alfalfa , hops , licorice , thyme, and verbena. 1,2 Certain herbs that are often claimed to contain phytoestrogens actually do not. These include wild yam , saw palmetto , and chasteberry .

What herb blocks estrogen? ›

Natural estrogen blockers

Wild nettle root: Nettle root or nettle leaves are often used to make prostate medication. Nettles contain compounds that act as natural estrogen blockers. Taking supplements can regulate the production of the hormone.

What herb is like estrogen? ›

Black cohosh, red clover, chaste-tree berry, dong quai, evening primrose, ginkgo, ginseng and licorice are among the most popular herbs for women experiencing problems with menopause. Some of these herbs have powerful hormone-like effects, and women should not assume herbs are harmless.

Can I plant the seeds from my parsley plant? ›

Growing Parsley Successfully from Seed

Place the dry seeds in a small dish, and cover them with very warm (110°F/43°C) water, and let sit overnight. Pour off any seeds that float, and strain the others onto a paper towel. Plant immediately, and keep moist until the seeds sprout.

Can you harvest seeds from parsley? ›

Parsley Growing and Seed Saving Tips

When seed heads have turned brown, they are ready to be harvested. Place in a paper bag and try to avoid shaking stems before they are in the bag. Extract seeds: Once seed heads are in the bag, shake lightly to extract seeds.

Does parsley grow back every year? ›

Parsley is a biennial, not a perennial. What that means is that it grows into a plant one season, and after winter's cold temperatures, it blooms, sets seeds, and dies. The better idea may be to replant in spring, letting it grow all summer and winter.

How long do parsley seeds last? ›

1 year: onions, parsnips, parsley, salsify, and spinach. 2 years: corn, peas, beans, chives, okra, dandelion. 3 years: carrots, leeks, asparagus, turnips, rutabagas.

How do you store parsley seeds? ›

Pick out any stem pieces that may be mixed in with the parsley seeds. Store seeds in an envelope or a container with a tight fitting lid. (See my post on Easy Seed Storage Ideas!) Store in a cool dry place until ready to use the following year.

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