An Effective Major Gifts Plan Template: Just 4 Simple Steps (2024)

An Effective Major Gifts Plan Template: Just 4 Simple Steps (1)

I’m regularly asked for a major gifts plan template. Over the years, I’ve worked to refine the process and make it as simple as possible. Here’s a major gift plan template broken down into 4 steps:

Major Gifts Plan Template in 4 Steps

  1. Identify the best prospective donors for your organization.
  2. Build relationships with those donors and prospective donors.
  3. Ask for a gift.
  4. Thank your donor and follow up.

It seems simple, and it is, but the steps are easier said than done. (We’ll dive into each step below.)

The tricky part is staying on track and following through. It can also be challenging to allocate the time necessary to work the plan.

Add to that the fear and trepidation often felt by fundraising staff and this simple 4-step template can become downright difficult to follow. But don’t lose hope… keep reading.

Remember, Major Gift Fundraising isn’t Deadline-Driven

One key to remember is that all fundraising takes time. Grant writing takes time. Event planning takes time. Direct mail takes time. And, major gift fundraising takes time too. If you have time for the other types of fundraising, you can make time for major gifts too.

The problem is that major gift fundraising is the only type of fundraising that isn’t deadline-driven. Grants have deadlines. So do events. Even direct mail is often driven by deadlines if you need to get something out by Giving Tuesday or before Thanksgiving.

That’s not the case with raising major gifts. No one is sitting and waiting by the phone for you to call. Therefore, consistency and staying on track are the key.

Major Gifts Plan Template – A Look at Each Step

With that in mind, as long as you remain accountable and follow the four steps outlined below in this major gifts plan template, you WILL end up raising major gifts.

Step 1: Identify the best prospective donors for your organization.

This could be easy or difficult, depending on your donor database and history of fundraising at your organization. The key is to identify the top donors, as well as the most loyal donors to you organization and then sort them by “most likely” to give a major gift.

I like to start with a small, manageable number. I recommend starting with your top 20 prospective donors and working them through your major gifts plan before moving on to others.

Step 2: Build relationships with those donors and prospective donors.

Once you have your top 20 prospective donors you will work with initially, it’s time to strategically and thoughtfully build relationships with them. This doesn’t happen by accident. You need to be intentional.

Start by developing a one-page cultivation plan for each of your top twenty donors. Make sure to include a variety of interactions, which will get them closer to making a significant gift to your organization. Be sure to include individual, face-to-face conversations with each person on your list. The goal of these meetings should be to get to know them better, including what motivates their giving. You should also work to engage the donor in your work in a meaningful way.

Step 3: Ask for a gift.

This critical, yet obvious, step is often skipped or seriously delayed by inexperienced fundraisers. That’s because most fundraisers aren’t confident about asking. They aren’t sure when to ask, or how much to ask for.

Honesty is the best policy. Tell the donor you’re not sure how much to ask for. That will diffuse some of the tension you (and they) are feeling. Let your prospective donor know what the needs of the organization are, and how their gift could really make a difference. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to ask.

The most important thing is to ask for something specific — including a specific ask amount. That will help guide the conversation.

Step 4: Thank your donor and follow up.

Regardless of what your donor says, you want to be sure to say thank you and follow up. If they say no, thank them for their time and consideration. Keep them posted on the project and future needs.

If they say yes, thank them in multiple ways over a period of time. Thanking them in the moment goes without saying. A follow up email the next day is appropriate to recap and reiterate. Then, a special thank you after the gift arrives. And again, a few months later to share how their money was used and the difference they made.

Following this Major Gifts Plan Template

As I mentioned, most of the steps in the template are simple to grasp. It’s following through and working the template that’s the challenging part.

Sometimes all you need is a little extra structure and guidance. If that sounds like what you could use to keep yourself on track, I’ve got just the thing for you (and it won’t cost a cent). Check out my Major Gifts Challenge series:

Major Gifts Challenge »

This group of posts and videos was designed to walk you through the major gifts fundraising process over a series of weeks, one step at a time.

Which step (or steps) in my major gifts plan template above give you the most pause? Let me know in the comments. I’d be happy to point out some additional posts and resources to help you along.

An Effective Major Gifts Plan Template: Just 4 Simple Steps (2024)


An Effective Major Gifts Plan Template: Just 4 Simple Steps? ›

The major gift fundraising process is broken into four distinct phases: identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship. This fundraising cycle helps you find your prospects in and beyond your community of supporters, then lead them to become dedicated major donors for your cause.

What are the steps in major gifts? ›

The major gift fundraising process is broken into four distinct phases: identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship. This fundraising cycle helps you find your prospects in and beyond your community of supporters, then lead them to become dedicated major donors for your cause.

How do I set up a major gift program? ›

Define what major gifts look like for your organization. Determine major prospects with the capacity to give in the range identified. Look first at your donor database, then start doing prospect research in the community. Create a cultivation strategy to start building relationships with your prospects.

What is an example of a major donor strategy? ›

For example, a major donor may give to your annual fund one year and then give to it again a few years later. Instead, enter into each cultivation process with the knowledge that you're in it for the long haul.

What is the major gift lifecycle? ›

There are four steps in the major gift fundraising cycle: (1) Identification; (2) Cultivation; (3) Solicitation; (4) Stewardship.

What is a major gifts campaign? ›

Major gifts are the largest donations an organization receives from a single source in a single fiscal year. There is no industry standard for how much money counts as a major gift. Each organization must look at their own donation pool and decide what it means to them.

What are the principles of major gift fundraising? ›

The right donor is defined as (a) One who has capacity to give, (b) One who wants to talk to us – i.e. is qualified, and (c) One whose passions and interests match the needs of the organization. Putting these two principles into one big “sort” results in making decisions that are a confluence of relationship and money.

What does a major gifts manager do? ›

Job Responsibilities

Setting individual goals based on donor history and potential, and then creating and delivering on individual stewardship plans for donors that include regular updates about the impact of their gift, polished publications and marketing materials, and genuine personal contact.

What is the difference between principal gifts and major gifts? ›

While major donations could be entirely cash or property, principal gifts can be a combination of those and more. One of the primary roles of a fundraiser in developing principal gift relationships is to inform the individual or corporation about all the giving options.

What is the difference between a planned gift and a major gift? ›

A such, the real difference between major gifts fundraising and planned gifts fundraising is language use. A typical major gift is immediate, solving here-and-now issues standing between a nonprofit and its mission. Planned giving focuses on the future.

Who is considered a major donor? ›

A major donor is anyone who makes political contributions totaling $10,000 or more to California state or local candidates, their controlled committees, ballot measures, other political committees or political parties within a calendar year.

How do you engage major donors? ›

10 effective donor engagement strategies
  1. Invite donors to events. ...
  2. Encourage donors to volunteer. ...
  3. Share impact. ...
  4. Call donors to express your appreciation. ...
  5. Send out surveys asking for donor feedback. ...
  6. Reach out via email. ...
  7. Get connected on social media. ...
  8. Engage board members in donor appreciation.

What are the three main elements needed for a gift? ›

Both types of gifts share three elements which must be met in order for the gift to be legally effective: donative intent (the intention of the donor to give the gift to the donee), the delivery of the gift to the donee, and the acceptance of the gift.

What are the three requirements for an effective gift? ›

Requirements. To make an effective gift inter vivos or causa mortis, the law imposes three requirements: (1) the donor must deliver a deed or object to the donee; (2) the donor must actually intend to make a gift, and (3) the donee must accept (see Figure 36.1 "Gift Requirements").

How do you calculate major gift ask amount? ›

Use the 2 / 10 Range to Determine Your Ask Amount

My general rule in this case is to ask for between two and ten times the donor's normal gift. In other words, if your donor usually gives $1,000 annually, your starting figure is going to be between $2,000 and $10,000.

How much should a major gift officer raise? ›

What I will tell you is that hiring an experienced major gifts officer is a great investment. Ultimately, they should be able to raise five, ten or even more times their salary.

How do I create a campaign gift chart? ›

Build your gift chart by starting with the top gift which should be at least 20% of your campaign goal. Then work down, increasing the number of gifts as the size of the gifts goes down. The number of gifts in the first column should increase in a rational pattern as the size of the gifts decreases.

How long does it take to secure a major gift? ›

It takes between six months and two years to secure a major gift. Scream this from the mountain tops folks. Your leadership and board need to take the pressure off of you and your team. They simply can't expect you to close major gifts quickly.

What are the 5 steps of fundraising? ›

In the article, “Fundraising 101—Fundraising Cycle,” it states there are five stages of the donor fundraising cycle, which are identification, qualification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship.

What are the three C's of fundraising? ›

All 3 legs, or, the 3 Cs of fundraising – capacity, commitment and connection should be firmly in place prior to raising money for a building renovation or endowment campaign.

Why are major gifts important? ›

Major gifts make up most of your organization's total revenue for the year. They enable a nonprofit to fund its programs, and in turn, empower it to positively impact the lives of its many beneficiaries.

Are you supposed to get your manager a gift? ›

Etiquette says that gifts at work should flow downward, not upward (meaning that your boss can give you a gift, but employees shouldn't be expected to give gifts to their managers).

What does my manager do all day? ›

Meetings, meetings, meetings. Managers are often responsible for an area of the business. This requires several meetings including operational, team 1:1s, project specific, strategic and ad-hoc. The main issue with the meetings is that they can consume so much time and leave you no time to do your deliverable work.

What is a major gifts director? ›

The Director of Major Gifts executes and manages cultivation and stewardship strategies in support of fundraising campaigns, gift planning and major gift procurement, donor relations, and annual giving.

What is the major donor threshold? ›

A major donor committee is an individual or entity (e.g., corporation, firm, business, or proprietorship) that makes one or more contributions to state or local candidates, ballot measure committees, or other committees (including political parties and PACs) totaling $10,000 or more in a calendar year.

How big is a major gift? ›

Major gifts make up close to 80% of an organization's total funding for a given year, and they come from less than 20% of the donor base. One nonprofit might consider a $1000 gift to be a major gift. For another, a large gift might be more like $250,000 or even $1 million.

Why do major donors give? ›

All these motives for giving major gifts tie back to what we said at the start. Donors want to give because their own story matters to them. They want to visualize themselves making a difference in the world that affects others. They want to identify with at least one person their gift will help.

What are major donor characteristics? ›

According to Janet Brewer, J.D., the top giving characteristics of donors, with respect to planned gifts, include being consistent in donating over time, having no children, having given the greatest amount ever donated in any one year in life, having consistency in reporting a funded trust, being female, having wealth ...

What is another name for a major donor? ›

Billionaires and others who give away millions of dollars at a time can be called philanthropic “megadonors,” a term also common for political funders with deep pockets.

What are the four pillars of donor engagement? ›

The four pillars—knowledge, strategy, culture, and emotion—can be applied in a wide variety of areas. Knowledge is essential because it lays the foundation for all of our actions with donors.

How do you make donors happy? ›

Donor Retention Best Practices to Keep Donors Giving
  1. They want to be thanked and appreciated. Thank donors warmly, sincerely, and promptly, every time, no matter the amount they gave. ...
  2. They want to feel good about their giving experience. ...
  3. They want to know how you used their money. ...
  4. They want to trust your nonprofit.
Jun 1, 2016

How do I create a donor database? ›

How to Build a Robust Donor Database
  1. Choose a Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Program. ...
  2. Create Donor Profiles. ...
  3. Standardize Data Entry. ...
  4. Inform Development Efforts. ...
  5. Report on Performance for Internal and External Stakeholders. ...
  6. Reconnect With Inactive Donors or Volunteers. ...
  7. Customize Your Asks.
Aug 6, 2019

What are the 4 rules of gifts? ›

The 4 gift rule is very simple: you get each of your children something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. Depending on your kid's age, you might ask for their input on some or all of these gifts, or you might choose them all yourself.

What are the 5 gift rules? ›

The five gift rule says that you should give five gifts to your loved ones: one for each of the following categories: something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read, and a special gift.

What is the most important element in a gift economy? ›

Instead of monetary gain, gift economies often rely on intangible rewards like a sense of contribution, community, honor or prestige.

How many donors are in a major gift portfolio? ›

Typically, a full time major gift officer has a portfolio of 75 to 125 prospects. People with other assignments besides major gifts should be assigned smaller portfolios.

How much money should a gift be? ›

Money etiquette experts suggest spending $10 to $20 for classmates while expanding the budget to $25 for close friends, $50 for relatives and upwards of $100 for your own children.

What is a gift range calculator? ›

A gift range calculator is an online tool that allows you to enter a monetary goal for your fundraising campaign, and see how many gifts you will need to raise at each level in order to meet your goal.

What is a major gift level? ›

Choosing Your Major Gift Amount

If you're still not sure, here's a good rule of thumb: An appropriate level for a major gift is an amount where approximately five percent of your donors can (and will) give at that level. It should be high enough that when you receive one, it's cause for celebration at your office.

How do you determine your major gift level? ›

The simplest way to determine a major gift level is to run a list of your top 10 donors for the last 12 months. Exclude any foundations or corporations on the list.

What should I look for in a major gift officer? ›

For fundraisers working with major donors, you need gift officers who can detect the emotions of the supporters and donors they're meeting with – while they're meeting with them. The best gift officers can detect anxiety, compassion, nervousness, empathy, and many other emotions that their prospects may be feeling.

What does director of major gifts mean? ›

The Director of Major Gifts executes and manages cultivation and stewardship strategies in support of fundraising campaigns, gift planning and major gift procurement, donor relations, and annual giving.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.