Archetypes in the Odyssey: What Are Their Unique Differences? (2024)

Archetypes in the Odyssey: What Are Their Unique Differences? (1)There are three kinds of key archetypes in the Odyssey used to illustrate various aspects of Ancient Greek civilization. These are the hero, the monster, and the need for love. Each of these three archetypes serves a purpose in the literature, and despite the fact that their definitions change, they have distinct traits. Keep on reading to discover more.

What Is the Archetype Definition in Odyssey?

Archetypes in the Odyssey consist of many kinds, but the theme of the epic novel revolves around the main hero, Odysseus, and his adventures on the journey back home to Ithaca.


The hero archetype reflects the ancient Greeks’ love of adventure and thrills. In the Odyssey, there are two types of hero character archetypes: established and initiate heroes. Usually, these are characters who have royal lineage or have a unique ability, as well as bravery.

Established Hero

In Odyssey the hero established is Odysseus, who possessed characteristics that sets him apart from all the other characters. He is from a royal family and is known for his bravery and determination. He participated and became one of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War from the prequel poem, The Iliad. He was able to survive ten years of brutal battle and another ten years of overcoming numerous obstacles on his journey back home.

Initiate Hero

Telemachus is the hero initiate. He may be incomparable to Odysseus’ characteristics, but Telemachus stepped up after being motivated and guided by Athena, who was in a disguised appearance when she met with Telemachus.
Even though he has not met his father yet, Telemachus made sure to take care of their estate, especially when his mother, Penelope, was anxious and upset. He set on an adventure of his own to find his father whom they strongly believed is still alive even if he has been missing for almost twenty years.


The monster archetypes symbolized the Greeks’ love of horror. The monster character archetype is presented as a supernatural creature that causes conflict. In the epic poem, The Odyssey, the monsters and mythological creatures served as the antagonists.
In The Odyssey, there are a total of seven mythical creatures that Odysseus encountered throughout his journey. These are Circe, Cyclopes, Calypso, the Sirens, the Lotus Eaters, Scylla, and Charybdis.
Although not all of them have monstrous features, they all have one thing in common: they represented the struggles that Odysseus must overcome for him to continue on his journey and attain his ultimate goal of coming home.

Yearning for Love

There were also love stories that demonstrated the Greeks’ emotional and passionate nature. All of the love stories also demonstrated compassion and sympathy. For instance, the love between Odysseus and Penelope showed loyalty in that even after almost 20 years of no news about Odysseus, Penelope still refused to mourn him and still believed he will be coming home.
Another story is Calypso’s selfish love for Odysseus. Although it is unrequited love, Calypso proved that she still wanted the best for Odysseus by providing everything he needed before he set sail.
Father and son love was demonstrated between Odysseus and Telemachus, who has never met his father but still loved him enough to stand in his absence and travel to Pylos and Sparta, where he was informed that his father was alive.

Archetypal Symbols in the Odyssey

There are four archetypal symbols in the Odyssey: Laertes’ shroud, Odysseus’ bow, the sea, and Ithaca. They all represent something very important to the protagonist that influences his actions and steers the story as it unfolds.
The shroud that Penelope weaves for Laertes, Odysseus’ enormous bow, the sea, and the island of Ithaca are all examples. Penelope’s cloak for her father-in-law Laertes’ eventual funeral represents her deception in dealing with the suitors.

Shroud of Laertes

Laertes is Penelope’s father-in-law. The shroud or cloak for Laertes’ eventual funeral is what Penelope weaves in the day and unravels in the night for three years. It symbolizes Penelope’s deception of her suitors as she used it to delay her remarriage as she tells her suitors that she would choose a husband when she has finished weaving it.

Bow of Odysseus

The bow represents Odysseus’ physical prowess as he was the only one capable of stringing it on his first try. The suitors were unable to do it while his son, Telemachus, had a hard time. Although Telemachus could certainly string the bow, it took him four attempts.
In a world where physical prowess is one of the most significant factors to be seen as a powerful king, the bow represents Odysseus as the man capable of ruling Ithaca and is, therefore, its rightful king.

The Sea

As the main focus of the epic is the journey of Odysseus, throughout the poem, the sea is a reoccurring symbol. It depicts the remarkable life story of a man full of challenges, triumphs, and heartbreaks.
Invoking the wrath of the sea god, Poseidon, is a major turning point in the poem. Due to Odysseus’ lack of judgment and boastful attitude, he couldn’t let go of not taking the credit for blinding the cyclops. He did not consider the possibility that the cyclops Polyphemus’ father would be enraged and would affect his only route home: the sea.
In effect, Poseidon made sure to prolong Odysseus’ journey by giving him struggles to overcome, including sending monsters to defeat him.


Ithaca represents home. It is a place where Odysseus can enjoy his being king: his wealth, his food, and most importantly, his family. Ithaca symbolizes the destination of the quest, and reaching it was achieved by overcoming a lot of struggles.
The struggles did not end when he reached his own home, but they instead started anew. Being away for 20 years with no news of him being alive, Odysseus must prove that he is who he claims he is. In addition, the presence of the aggressive suitors infiltrating his home did not make it easy for him.
He needed to disguise himself to enter his own home and gather information on how to attack and get rid of them. With the help of his son, two devoted herdsmen, and Athena’s encouragement, Odysseus was restored as king of Ithaca.

What Are the Character Archetypes in the Odyssey?

The three main archetypes in Homer’s Odyssey are the hero, monster, and yearning for love. There are also five supporting character archetypes in Homer’s Odyssey.


In the story, Athena is the character archetype for a mentor. As this goddess favors Odysseus, she guides him and helps him in his predicaments. She even disguises herself in order to interact with Telemachus and convince him to visit Pylos and Sparta where he can hear the news that his father is alive.

Damsel in distress/loyal wife

Penelope, Odysseus’ wife, has been loyal to him throughout the story. However, she was stressed when her multiple suitors of unmarried young men move into their residence and compete for her hand in marriage.


The divine antagonist in the poem is Poseidon, the god of the sea. He was enraged when Odysseus blinded his son, the cyclops Polyphemus. Because of this, Poseidon continued to throw hurdles at Odysseus by sending storms and waves and even sent monsters like Scylla and Charybdis.


Circe and Calypso were both beautiful nymphs who fell in love with Odysseus. They used their magical powers to seduce and keep Odysseus. They were both considered to be the temptress character archetype, and while they were both beautiful immortal nymphs, their intentions and treatment of Odysseus were different.
After Odysseus conquers her, Circe did everything she can to help Odysseus. She did not only turn his men back from being pigs, but she was a great lover to Odysseus, so much that even after a year of staying, his men needed to persuade him to continue their journey.
Calypso on the other hand, when she did not succeed in seducing Odysseus, proceeded to imprison him on her island. She only released him when the gods Athena and Zeus intervened.

Divine Assistance

Aside from Athena who was characterized as Odysseus’ divine mentor, he also had Hermes and Zeus as the character archetype of divine assistance. Upon Athena’s convincing, Zeus and the other Olympian gods agreed to help Odysseus by ordering his release from Calypso.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Archetype Is Odysseus in the Odyssey?

He is the main hero.

What Archetype Is Penelope in the Odyssey?

Penelope in the Odyssey is the archetype for a damsel in distress and a loyal wife.

What Archetype Is Athena in the Odyssey?

Athena in the Odyssey is the archetype of a mentor and divine assistance that guides Odysseus.


One of the most prolific adventure stories ever written is Homer’s Odyssey. It is one of the ancient works of literature that is still widely read by modern audiences simply because of the Odyssey archetypes that are present in the epic poem. Let us recap what we have learned about them.

  • Archetypes in the Odyssey: What Are Their Unique Differences? (2)Archetypes are recurring characters or circ*mstances that can be found in myths, stories, music, literature, or other forms of entertainment that bring individuals together by fostering a sense of belongingness. They are what makes the audience relate to the characters or events in the story.
  • There are three kinds of key archetypes in the Odyssey: hero, monster, and search for love.
  • The story of the poem revolves around the struggles that the main hero, Odysseus, faced on his journey back home. With this, there are also a lot of supporting character archetypes present throughout the poem.
  • These are the mentor (Athena), damsel in distress (Penelope), the villain (Poseidon and the monsters), temptress (Circe and Calypso), and divine assistance (Athena, Zeus, and Hermes).
  • Archetypal symbols include Laertes’ shroud, Odysseus’ Bow, the sea, and Ithaca.

The Odyssey, a well-known piece of literature, contains multiple archetypes heavily influenced by Greek civilization, which made it well received and applauded by anyone who came across it.

Archetypes in the Odyssey: What Are Their Unique Differences? (3)

Ancient Literature (April 6, 2024) A Sneak Peek Into the Many Different Archetypes in the Odyssey. Retrieved from

"A Sneak Peek Into the Many Different Archetypes in the Odyssey." Ancient Literature - April 6, 2024,

Ancient Literature July 7, 2022 A Sneak Peek Into the Many Different Archetypes in the Odyssey., viewed April 6, 2024,<>

Ancient Literature - A Sneak Peek Into the Many Different Archetypes in the Odyssey. [Internet]. [Accessed April 6, 2024]. Available from:

"A Sneak Peek Into the Many Different Archetypes in the Odyssey." Ancient Literature - Accessed April 6, 2024.

"A Sneak Peek Into the Many Different Archetypes in the Odyssey." Ancient Literature [Online]. Available: [Accessed: April 6, 2024]

Archetypes in the Odyssey: What Are Their Unique Differences? (2024)


Archetypes in the Odyssey: What Are Their Unique Differences? ›

The hero archetype explained the Ancient Greeks' love for thrill and adventure; Odysseus went on many thrilling adventures while on his journey. The monster archetypes represented the Greeks' love of horror; Odysseus' men have died due to the monsters and creatures.

What is the archetype of The Odyssey? ›

Perhaps more than any other work, The Odyssey is a powerful and simple ex- pression of two fundamental archetypal themes: initiation and man's search for his own identity and for meaning in life. The first of the two archetypal themes, the initiation theme, centers around the growing up of Telemachus.

What are the five archetypal symbols found in The Odyssey? ›

Final answer: 'Hero', 'villain', 'damsel in distress', 'day/night', and 'crossing the threshold' are archetypal symbols found in Homer's 'The Odyssey'. They represent key characters and elements such as Odysseus, the suitors, Penelope, times of day, and the challenges of Odysseus's journey.

What makes The Odyssey unique? ›

The use of storytelling, repetition, and structure create a revolutionary piece that still influences literature today. The poem interacts with its audience through genre, and this interactive nature is what makes The Odyssey so influential.

Which of the following character archetypes best fits the character of Odysseus? ›

Character of Odysseus Odysseus, the archetype of manliness, is the main protagonist and hero of the epic known as the “Odyssey” written by Homer. Odysseus is the embodiment of manliness because he portrays qualities of strength, intelligence, courage and leadership.

What are the three archetypes in The Odyssey? ›

Those three archetypes were: the hero/father figure archetype, the monster archetypes, and the search for love.

What makes Odysseus an archetype? ›

Explanation: The archetypal hero is one who is seen as a leader and often has a trait which defines them above all else. Odysseus was best known for his wit and cunning during the Trojan war and this earned him the name of a 'hero' (a mortal who possessed god-like powers or traits).

What are the character archetypes of Odysseus? ›

In Homer's The Odyssey numerous characters demonstrate multiple archetypes throughout the narrative, including Odysseus who acts as both a hero and a trickster. Odysseus's heroic qualities can be seen when he and his crew reach the island of the Cyclopes.

What are archetypes in Greek mythology? ›

An archetype is a universal symbolic pattern. Examples of archetypal characters are the femme fatale, the trickster, the great mother and father, and the dying god. There are archetypal stories as well. Examples are stories of great floods, virgin births, creation, paradise, the underworld, and a final apocalypse.

What archetype is Penelope in The Odyssey? ›

The last woman is Penelope, the archetype for the loyal wife. These three women are defined by their roles to men. Calypso is portrayed as the archetype for the cunning seductress.

What are the three most important themes in The Odyssey? ›

As we will discuss, there are several themes at work within The Odyssey. In literature, a theme is a main idea of a work, and it can be stated directly or indirectly, such as a subtle underlying meaning. In this epic poem, there are three major themes: hospitality, loyalty, and vengeance.

What is the biggest message of The Odyssey? ›

Quick answer: One could argue that the main message of the Odyssey is the importance of acting honorably. Homer's epic poem is an expression of the honor code of ancient Greece, by which people were expected to live.

Why was Odysseus gone for 20 years? ›

Odysseus was not able to return Home because he encountered hurricane winds on his way home. Poseidon was furious with Odysseus and hates him. This is because Odysseus blinded Poseidon's son Polyphemus the cyclops and derided his wounds.

Which archetype is most fitting for Odysseus? ›

Overall, Odysseus embodies the qualities and characteristics of a hero archetype. He demonstrates bravery, intelligence, and perseverance throughout his journey, making him a fitting representation of the hero archetype in "The Odyssey."

What hero archetype is Odysseus? ›

In these stories we find the archetype of an epic hero. Odysseus is considered an epic hero for his role as King of Ithaca, his participation in the war, and his journey home.

What is the archetype of Telemachus? ›

He stands up to Antinous, a powerful man, and proclaims that he shall find his father and bring an end to the suitors. In this way, Telemachus in Greek mythology represents the archetypal loyal son.

Is The Odyssey the archetype of the epic? ›

The Odyssey is an epic poem; a long narrative about a hero, Odysseus who displays the cultural views of Ancient Greece at the time the poem was written. Throughout The Odyssey there are several heroes, however, none of them are as prevalent as Odysseus, who demonstrates characteristics of an archetypal hero.

What is an archetype in Greek mythology? ›

An archetype is a universal symbolic pattern. Examples of archetypal characters are the femme fatale, the trickster, the great mother and father, and the dying god. There are archetypal stories as well. Examples are stories of great floods, virgin births, creation, paradise, the underworld, and a final apocalypse.

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