Are Plumerias Edible? (2024)

Large shrubs or small trees, plumerias (Plumeria spp.) grow best in the warm climates of U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12. Although plumerias need frost-free weather to grow outdoors year-round, in cooler climates they can be grown in containers and brought indoors for the winter. The aromatic flowers are traditionally used to make leis. While most parts of plumerias are toxic, the flowers are edible.

Flower Description

  1. The white flowers of West Indian jasmine (Plumeria alba) have a bright yellow center and may be up to 3 inches wide. Nosegay (Plumeria rubra) flowers may have white or yellow centers. Plumerias produce most of their waxy, funnel-shaped flowers in summer, but may also produce flowers in other seasons when the weather is balmy. Long, slender seedpods follow the blooms. The seeds may be harvested to propagate new plants. The common name for the flowers is frangipani.

Eating the Flowers

  1. Plumeria blooms may be used raw in salads, steeped into a tea, fried or as an ingredient in making candies, jellies and omelets. Recipes that call for "frangipani" or "frangipane" in the ingredients, often mean an almond paste, rather than plumeria flowers.

Handle With Care

  1. When injured, plumeria trees ooze a white latex that can be highly irritating to the skin, so wear gloves when working with the plant. If the sap gets on your skin, wash it off as soon as possible with soap and water.

Are Plumerias Edible? (2024)


What happens if you eat plumeria? ›

Poisonous characteristics

All parts of this shrub yield mildly poisonous alkaloids, which can affect those with sensitive skin. DO NOT TOUCH OR EAT flowers or any parts of this shrub as they may cause skin irritation or mild stomach pain and cramping in some people.

Are plumerias poisonous to humans? ›

Symptoms: The milky sap can be a skin irritant in sensitive individuals causing rash and blistering. Ingestion of the sap or bark can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Warning: Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

What does plumeria taste like? ›

The sap plumeria exudes can sometimes cause mild irritation and most parts of the plant are toxic if ingested, but the blooms are regarded as edible. Their sweet taste is often compared to honey, but it's important to note that consuming too many blooms can cause stomach upset and is not recommended.

Are plumeria flowers safe to eat? ›

Although plumerias need frost-free weather to grow outdoors year-round, in cooler climates they can be grown in containers and brought indoors for the winter. The aromatic flowers are traditionally used to make leis. While most parts of plumerias are toxic, the flowers are edible.

What can plumeria cure? ›

It's useful in relaxing muscles and calming nerves. Frangipani oil has even been used as an aphrodisiac. Thanks to glycosides and other constituents, plumeria is a known moisturizer and anti-inflammatory. It's often used in the natural health industry to soothe dry, cracked skin and keep it soft.

What do Hawaiians call plumeria? ›

The plumeria has long been a popular flower in the Hawaiian islands because of the large size of its flowers and the beautiful range of colors. The Hawaiian name is melia, and the scientific name is Apocynaceae.

Is plumeria a medicinal plant? ›

Plumeria rubra (L.) is a traditional folkloric medicinal herb used to treat cardiovascular disorders.

What is the rarest color of a plumeria? ›

Plumeria Black (Rarest Champa)

What is special about plumeria? ›

Plumeria flowers with their beautiful colours and fragrance symbolise natural beauty! Plumeria, which is otherwise known as Frangipani, Pagoda tree, Temple tree and West Indian Jasmine is the world's most beloved garden plant. It is a large shrub or a tree that can be grown in tropical and sub-tropical climates.

What is the difference between a frangipani and a plumeria? ›

Also known as frangipani, plumerias are popular in landscaping because of the seemingly endless variety of the color, size, and fragrance of their blossoms. The plumeria's intoxicating perfume is strongest at night, when its pollinators—moths—emerge. But when a moth investigates a fragrant blossom, it goes away hungry.

What is the white stuff that comes out of plumeria? ›

Plumeria that grow in crowded, humid or shaded conditions are susceptible to powdery mildew, a form of mold. The signature symptom of powdery mildew is white or gray powdery spots on the upper sides of plumeria leaves.

Are plumerias expensive? ›

Prices generally start at $10 for a 1-gallon common plumeria (a basic white or yellow) and can go as high as $300 or more for large trees or unusual varieties.

Is the milk from plumeria poisonous? ›

The trunk and branches of the Plumeria species have a milky latex sap that, like many other Apocynaceae, contains poisonous compounds that irritate the eyes and skin.

Can I just stick a plumeria cutting in the ground? ›

No special equipment or materials are necessary to propagate plumeria from cuttings. Simply insert the base of the cutting into the ground or a container of moist, well-draining potting soil to a depth of 3 inches.

What side do you wear the plumeria flower? ›

Women who wear the flower on the right side is signalling that she is single, while a flower on the left means that she's married or in a relationship. Use hair clips or bobby pins to secure the flower in place.

Why do people graft plumerias? ›

Plumeria are often grafted to produce new plants.

Why do people like plumerias? ›

Plumerias, we love them for their vibrantly-colored flowers with a sweet fragrance that delights the senses. People become obsessed with the plumeria plant at an early age.

Can you plant a fresh plumeria cutting? ›

When you are ready for something more unusual, or if you've seen a Plumeria you covet in a friend's garden, try your hand at making cuttings and rooting your own plants. Propagating Plumeria is pretty straightforward, even for a beginner. Spring and summer are good times to propagate Plumeria from cuttings.

Do deer eat plumeria? ›

Deer Resistance: Deer will eat leaves, flowers and damage trunks. Protect with cages or keep in fenced areas. Try deer repellent on exposed leaves and branches. Not Freeze Hardy: Some varieties of plumeria will begin to drop leaves as temperatures drop below 50 degrees.

Are plumeria male or female? ›

Plumeria Propagation

Plumeria have both female and male parts, so all plumeria which are propagated by seed are not sexually reproduced. Plumeria can produce apomictic seeds.

What is the most beautiful flower in Hawaii? ›

Plumeria. Plumeria, found everywhere in Hawaii. Few flowers remind people of Hawaii more than the ever-present plumeria, although the plants are found all over the world and are not native to Hawaii.

Is hibiscus and plumeria the same? ›

Hibiscus belongs to the mallow, or Malvacaea family, and is related to both hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) and cotton (Gossypium barbadense). Plumeria belongs to the Apocynaceae family, which includes plants as diverse as natal plum (Carissa macrocarpa) and vinca (Vinca spp.).

Is plumeria good for hair? ›

Plumeria Helps Moisturize Your Hair

The plant also contains glycosides, which bond to water molecules and hydrate the skin and hair. If you have a flaky or itchy scalp, plumeria flower extract can help your hair and skin stay moisturized and flake-free.

What is the spiritual meaning of plumeria? ›

The plumeria flower represents birth and love; spring and new beginnings. It's an extremely positive and hopeful symbol, so it's no surprise that it's extremely popular and adored. In Hawaiian culture, the plumeria can be used to symbolize a woman's romantic status when worn in the hair.

How many years does it take for a plumeria to bloom? ›

Plumeria trees grown from cuttings can take between one and three years to bloom. On the other hand, trees grown from seeds can expect flowers three years after they have been planted.

Should plumeria be cut back? ›

Pruning plumeria can help keep the tree to a smaller size and help remove dead and diseased branches. Many gardeners wonder when is the best time to prune plumerias. When pruning a healthy tree to maintain size, it is important to prune only in the winter or early spring to avoid causing damage to the blooming cycle.

Which plumeria smells the most? ›

Calcutta Star Plumeria

Considered to be one of the most fragrant of all plumeria. Very strong spicy floral scent.

What eats a plumeria? ›

In some areas, slugs and snails are plumeria plant pests. Portions of the plant stem will have been chewed away and slime trails may be visible near the plants. Damage from caterpillars will come in the form of chewed leaves and defoliation of the plant.

What happens when you cut a plumeria? ›

Expect fewer flowers the first year after plumeria pruning. However, the tree will soon rebound and bloom better than ever. Be sure to save the plumeria prunings; it's easy to root new plants from the cut branches.

What does a plumeria tattoo mean? ›

The Plumeria Tattoo Meaning is it's a symbol of creation, love, dedication, devotion beauty and aloha. Choose a tattoo from the shown list to get the cute look.

Do plumerias come back every year? ›

It can bloom year-round in warm climates. Plumeria will bloom, drop its leaves then re-grow leaves to bloom again. In colder climates, it can be grown in containers, but they must be brought inside for the cold months in areas where temperatures routinely reach freezing temperatures.

What smells like plumeria? ›

Some plumerias smell sweet or spicy, others smell like jasmine, peaches or citrus. Some of the strongest scents include honeysuckle, gardenia, lemon other scents are grape, coconut, rose, ginger and many more.

Is there a perfume that smells like plumeria? ›

Nothing evokes that tropical feeling like the serene scent of Demeter's Frangipani, also known as Plumeria, and perhaps the queen of all tropical flowers. Radiant and captivating, Frangipani is an irresistibly, timeless and enticing fragrance.

What does Epsom salt do for plumeria? ›

Plumeria plants require slightly acidic soil. Constant fertilization can raise acid levels too high, however. If this happens, add some Epsom salts to the soil to neutralize it. Adding 1-2 tbsp every month should do the trick.

How long do plumerias last after picking? ›

Know that plumerias do not last long when you pluck them off of trees. On average, they can stay fresh up to a day or two; 3 if they are really taken care of.

What to do with plumeria after flowering? ›

Prune your plumeria in the early spring.

This way, the new growth will make your plant look full and healthy. If you like, you can prune your plant after it finishes blooming, instead, but since the pruning will cause the plant to grow, it's best to do at the start of the growing season.

Can you grow plumeria as a houseplant? ›

Don't despair – you can always try growing plumeria indoors under a fluorescent light for 14 to 15 hours daily. Given that plumeria is a tropical plant, temperature is another consideration. Maintaining an indoor temperature of 65 to 80 degrees F.

Do plumerias only bloom once a year? ›

A healthy and productive plumeria usually starts blooming in early summer, which generally continues into early fall. However, some varieties grown in consistently warm climates can bloom almost year-round.

What months do plumerias bloom? ›

Plumeria require at least 6 to 8 hours of sun to produce blooms. Mature plants bloom from May through November, depending on where you live and the length of your growing season.

What happens if a dog eats a plumeria? ›

The frangipani (Plumeria genus) is a common attractive flowering plant found in gardens throughout Australia. The milky sap is irritating and chewing on or swallowing parts of the plant can result in gastrointestinal upset which may include irritation of the mouth, drooling, decreased appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Are plumerias toxic to kids? ›

Some consideration should be given to landscapes with pets and children, but this plant would not be considered to be particularly poisonous relative to other landscape plants (oleander for example). There are no recorded cases of death from exposure to or ingestion of plumeria plants.

Can dogs eat plumeria leaves? ›

What are the symptoms and risks if ingested? Frangipanis are widespread plants and mildly poisonous, ingesting leaves or flowers can irritate the digestive tract. It's the sap that's irritating and a few animals can develop rashes when they get it on their lips and from breaking a branch or leaves.

Can plumerias stay in pots? ›

Plumeria are best grown in pots here, as they require protection from temperatures below 33 degrees. Locate your Plumeria in a minimum of 6-8 hours of sun, with some shade from the afternoon sun, if necessary. A well-drained potting soil, such as Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil, is a must for these plants.

Do coffee grounds help plumerias? ›

Potting compost usually has a pH of between 6 and 8, so requires additives like coffee ground to lower the pH to plumeria's acid requirements.

Can I plant a broken plumeria branch? ›

Yes, with some care, you can replant a broken plumeria branch. Make sure the branch is dry and not rotten. If the broken end is mangled or crushed, then cut off the damaged parts so you have a clean edge. Clip off the leaves, and leave it to dry in a shady place for a few days.

What happens if you eat a plumeria flower? ›

3. The Frangipani is, in fact, poisonous, but only if you eat an entire flower will you begin to feel sick. Frangipani possesses a milky sap which is mildly poisonous.

What part of plumeria is poisonous? ›

All parts of the plumeria are considered toxic and the sap can cause a rash in sensitive people. But the alkaloids in plumerias make the plant extremely bitter and there are no definitive cases of plumeria poisoning.

Do plumerias do better in pots or ground? ›

Growing Plumeria In Pots vs Ground

Plumerias thrive in pots, and it allows you to keep them anywhere. Whether that's a sunny place in your garden, a porch, or a bright corner inside your house. It's especially great for anyone living in cooler climates, since you can easily overwinter them indoors.

Are plumerias medicinal? ›

Plumeria rubra (L.) is a traditional folkloric medicinal herb used to treat cardiovascular disorders.

Can frangipani be eaten raw? ›

It is sometimes referred to as almond cream. And, being more or less like a pie filling, frangipane is never consumed raw because it contains raw eggs.

Is frangipani the same as plumeria? ›

Frangipani is a fragrant flowering tree, also known as plumeria. The oil of the colorful flower, also known as the Hawaiian Lei flower, has been used in perfumery since the 16th century, usually as a top or heart note. The flowers from a frangipani tree are either white, yellow, pink, or multi-color.

What animal eats plumeria? ›

In some areas, slugs and snails are plumeria plant pests. Portions of the plant stem will have been chewed away and slime trails may be visible near the plants. Damage from caterpillars will come in the form of chewed leaves and defoliation of the plant.

Can you make tea from frangipani flowers? ›

The frangipani flowers can also be made into teas after being sun-dried, which is normally called the frangipani tea; and the tea has effects of curing fever, wiping out diarrhea, cleaning the lungs and detoxification.

What do frangipani flowers taste like? ›

Frangipani flower is as sweet as honey and adds a certain smoothness to your drink.

Is a frangipani tree poisonous? ›

Frangipanis are widespread plants and mildly poisonous, ingesting leaves or flowers can irritate the digestive tract. It's the sap that's irritating and a few animals can develop rashes when they get it on their lips and from breaking a branch or leaves.

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