Are Raw Brussels Sprouts Safe? Here's What the Science Says (2024)

Brussels sprouts are a small, sphere-shaped, crunchy vegetable in the Brassica genus of plants.

They grow on a stalk but are often sold already removed and in a bag, ready to prepare. Many people enjoy Brussels sprouts cooked, while others eat them chopped and raw, such as in coleslaw or a salad.

With their bitter flavor and crunchy texture, you may wonder whether you can eat uncooked Brussels sprouts.

This article reviews the safety of eating raw Brussels sprouts, how cooking changes their nutrient content, and ways to prepare them.

Are Raw Brussels Sprouts Safe? Here's What the Science Says (1)Share on Pinterest

Some people avoid eating certain legumes, grains, and vegetables unless they’ve been cooked due to concerns about antinutrients, or compounds that can inhibit the absorption of important minerals.

For instance, spinach contains oxalates, and soybeans are high in phytates. These naturally occurring compounds may block the absorption of minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron in your body. Cooking reduces antinutrients (1, 2, 3, 4).

While Brussels sprouts don’t contain some of the most common antinutrients, they do contain compounds called glucosinolates.

Glucosinolates have been found to reduce the absorption of iodine. Iodine deficiency can interfere with thyroid function and eventually lead to goiter, which is an abnormally enlarged thyroid gland (5).

While people with existing thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism may want to minimize their glucosinolate consumption, eating them as part of a well-balanced diet is low risk for most healthy people.

Plus, glucosinolates appear to offer health benefits, such as anticancer properties (6, 7).

Still, if you’re concerned about consuming glucosinolates, these are best reduced from Brassica vegetables like Brussels sprouts by boiling them. Other methods of cooking like steaming have been found to preserve the most glucosinolates (7, 8).


Brussels sprouts can be consumed raw. Unlike certain other vegetables, grains, and legumes, Brussels sprouts don’t contain some of the common antinutrients that some people avoid. Yet, their glucosinolate content can be reduced through cooking.

Eating raw Brussels sprouts is similar to eating other raw cruciferous vegetables like cabbage or broccoli and may cause similar side effects.

In addition to having a bitter flavor, raw Brussels sprouts may increase gas in some people.

They contain an indigestible fiber called raffinose, which can be tough on the stomach. When bacteria in your large intestine try to break this and other indigestible fibers down, they produce gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane (9, 10).

This may cause even more discomfort among people with existing digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as well as in those who may not be used to eating Brussels sprouts or similar vegetables.


The most common side effect of eating raw Brussels sprouts is that it may cause increased gas. This could be the most uncomfortable among people who have existing digestive conditions like IBS.

Like other greens and cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts tend to have a certain window for cooking that gives them an ideal flavor and texture.

If cooked too long, Brussels sprouts can become mushy and bitter. If they’re not cooked long enough, they can be very hard to chew and not as sweet.

A good starting place is to steam, sauté, or boil Brussels sprouts for 5–7 minutes. If roasting them in the oven, start with 20–30 minutes.

Cooking Brussels sprouts releases the enzyme myrosinase. It breaks down glucosinolates into isothiocyanates, which may have anticancer properties. Be careful though, as cooking vegetables over 284˚F (140˚C), such as when roasting, destroys glucosinolates (7, 11, 12).

Studies on cruciferous vegetables have found that water-cooking methods like boiling preserve the most antioxidants, especially carotenoids. What’s more, cooking vegetables, in general, increases their total antioxidant power (13).

Levels of water-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin C, tend to decrease when you cook vegetables using water-heavy methods like boiling. On the other hand, some studies have found that levels of vitamins E and K increase when you cook cruciferous vegetables (14).


When Brussels sprouts are cooked, they may undergo some nutrient changes. Levels of the antioxidant vitamins E and K increase during cooking, but levels of some water-soluble nutrients, such as vitamin C, decrease.

Brussels sprouts have a reputation for being disliked by children and adults alike, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Like many other vegetables, the flavor of Brussels sprouts changes depends on how you prepare them.

Raw, uncooked Brussels sprouts are best when they’re chopped or diced into small pieces. Try raw Brussels sprouts in some of these ways:

  • Salad. Mix thinly sliced Brussels sprouts into a salad with leafy greens and other raw vegetables, such as carrots, radishes, and tomatoes. Drizzle your creation with your favorite salad dressing.
  • Coleslaw. Grate or shred your whole, raw Brussels sprouts. Mix them with slaw ingredients like olive oil, vinegar, honey, brown mustard, minced garlic, almonds or pecans, and dried cranberries.
  • Sandwiches. Thinly slice your Brussels sprouts and use them as layering greens on a sandwich, as you would with spinach or lettuce, for a nice crunch.

Brussels sprouts are also delicious cooked. Wash them, trim them, and cut them into your desired shape or size. Try cooking them in some of these ways:

  • Steamed. Bring an inch of water to a boil in a pot and add a fitted steamer basket. Place Brussels sprouts in your basket, cover them, and let them steam for 5–7 minutes or until the desired tenderness is reached.
  • Sautéed. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add sliced sprouts and shake the skillet gently so they form a single layer. Heat them for about 5–7 minutes on each side and season them with a few pinches of salt, pepper, and garlic powder or lemon juice.
  • Roasted. Cut your Brussels sprouts in half and toss them in a large mixing bowl with olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and cook them for approximately 30 minutes at 400°F (204°C).
  • Boiled. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add Brussels sprouts and boil them for 10 minutes or until you can pierce them with a fork. Drain your sprouts in a colander and then season them with butter, salt, and pepper or as desired.

Brussels sprouts can be prepared in a number of ways, both raw and cooked. Whether you choose to chop them raw into a salad or sauté them as a side dish, Brussels sprouts offer a healthy and delicious addition to meals.

Brussels sprouts are a nutritious vegetable in the cruciferous family. While they’re often enjoyed cooked using methods like roasting, steaming, or boiling, you can also enjoy Brussels sprouts raw.

The most common side effect of eating raw Brussels sprouts is that they may cause gas in some people. Also, those who have hypothyroidism may want to avoid them in large amounts due to their potential iodine-inhibiting compounds.

For most people, however, the biggest determinant of whether you should eat them raw is your taste preference.

Chop them up into a salad, layer them into a sandwich, or shred them and make them into a coleslaw.

Just one thing

Try this today: Roast Brussels sprouts drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Try these as a side dish or mixed into a bowl of grains, leafy greens, roasted tofu, and seeds for a filling and healthy meal.

Are Raw Brussels Sprouts Safe? Here's What the Science Says (2024)


Can you eat Brussel sprouts raw in a salad? ›

YES! And you should! They are a member of the cruciferous vegetable family (like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower) and are perfectly fine to eat raw.

Which is healthier raw or cooked Brussel sprouts? ›

Raw Brussels sprouts gives you the most folate and vitamin C. Like broccoli, steaming Brussels sprouts releases more indole than raw (but they admittedly taste best when roasted).

Can sprouts be eaten raw? ›

Sprouts are generally consumed raw, but may also be lightly cooked before you eat them. Summary Sprouts are seeds that have been allowed to germinate into young plants. They are usually eaten raw and are available in a wide range of varieties.

What sprouts should not be eaten raw? ›

Consumption of any of the raw sprouts including alfalfa, radish, beans and clover sprouts may lead to harmful effects. Consuming raw sprouts can cause food poisoning. This may happen because for germinating the seeds for making sprouts, they need to be kept in warm and moist places.

What are the benefits of eating raw brussel sprouts? ›

Eating a lot of Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous veggies may help protect against cancers of the stomach, lungs, kidney, breast, bladder, and prostate. Crunchy veggies like Brussels sprouts may also help you stave off other health issues, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.

Is it OK to eat brussel sprouts raw? ›

Brussels sprouts are a nutritious vegetable in the cruciferous family. While they're often enjoyed cooked using methods like roasting, steaming, or boiling, you can also enjoy Brussels sprouts raw. The most common side effect of eating raw Brussels sprouts is that they may cause gas in some people.

When should you not eat brussel sprouts? ›

Brussels sprouts are spoiled if they are soft to the touch or squishy, smell like old cabbage, or they start to rot or go moldy. In other words, look for the same spoilage signs you look for in other vegetables.

Which is healthier cabbage or brussel sprouts? ›

There are also nutritional differences - cabbage has fewer calories than Brussels sprouts, but also fewer nutrients, with sprouts containing higher concentrations of vitamins A and C, Folic Acid, Potassium, Magnesium and Phosphorus.

Are Frozen brussel sprouts as healthy as fresh? ›

Just like fresh Brussels sprouts, frozen Brussels sprouts are healthy. They're rich in antioxidants, fiber, Vitamin-K, and Vitamin-C.

Are brussel sprouts good for your colon? ›

Brussels sprouts are full of fiber, hearty and perfect in the cold winter months. Even better, a diet rich in fiber-filled veggies like Brussels can help prevent colon cancer.

Should we eat sprouts raw or boiled? ›

Sprouting encourages bacteria to grow so it's best if sprouts are cooked to kill the bacteria. Secondly, raw sprouts contain irritating substances which are deactivated by cooking. Just steam or boil them in water until tender.

How do you disinfect raw sprouts? ›

Sanitize Your Sprouting Container

Be sure to properly clean whatever jar or container you are going to use to sprout your seeds. Soak it in a bowl with hot water and a splash of bleach for 2 minutes to ensure that it is free of any bacteria.

Is sprouts high risk food? ›

Are sprouts safe to eat? Raw sprouts are considered a high-risk food. Therefore, people with a low or compromised immune system should generally avoid eating raw sprouts. This is because the risks of food poisoning are much higher for these people.

Do sprouts cause inflammation? ›

The anti-inflammatory power of Brussels sprouts is tied to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This is because they contain phytonutrients, a plant nutrient that lowers inflammation and reduces cancer risk.

Are sprouts inflammatory? ›

In our study we observed a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect with the ingestion of broccoli sprouts, with a significant reduction by 38% and 59% in IL-6 and C-reactive protein concentrations, respectively.

Are brussel sprouts good for kidneys? ›

Cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are all from the cruciferous family of vegetables. They're on the alkaline side, making your diet less acidic and providing less pressure on your kidneys. Plus, they are loaded with vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and other important minerals.

Do brussel sprouts cleanse the liver? ›

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts may help increase the liver's natural detoxification enzymes, protect it from damage, and improve blood levels of liver enzymes.

Can you eat brussel sprouts everyday? ›

Is it ok to eat Brussels sprouts every day? Yes, if eaten in moderation, they are safe to eat every day. However, any dietary changes should be checked with a doctor. Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants and help to reduce oxidative stress in your cells.

What vegetable is poisonous when eaten raw? ›

Yucca. One word: Cyanide! This root vegetable, a staple of South American cuisine, is packed with vitamins and minerals. But it's also hiding a sneaky, potentially lethal ingredient.

Which vegetables should not be eaten together? ›

But there are many vegetables that are starchy in nature, such as corns, potatoes, cowpeas, black-eyed peas and water chestnuts. You should never mix them with high protein fruits and vegetables such as raisins, guava, spinach and broccoli.

Is it OK to eat broccoli raw? ›

Broccoli is healthiest when eaten raw or lightly steamed. Try adding broccoli to salads, soups and stews. Chop up broccoli into smaller pieces and take as a snack.

Can you get e coli from Brussel sprouts? ›

The warm, humid conditions needed to grow sprouts are also ideal for germs to grow. Eating raw or lightly cooked sprouts, such as alfalfa, bean, or any other sprout, may lead to food poisoning from Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria.

Why do I feel weird after eating Brussel sprouts? ›

Unfortunately, they're not always easy on the tummy. "These veggies contain an indigestible complex sugar called raffinose that is responsible for producing gas," says Cavuto. "On top of that, their soluble fiber doesn't break down until reaching the small intestine which may lead to bloating and an upset stomach." ??

Do you wash Brussel sprouts before or after you cut them? ›

To clean them, trim the ends and rinse in a large bowl of cold water. Brussels sprouts aren't an especially dirty vegetable, but any dust or sediment should float to the bottom. Transfer to a colander and pat dry before storing them in a resealable bag.

Can brussel sprouts cause inflammation? ›

A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts may reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of pro-inflammatory diseases. Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants and contain compounds that may help decrease inflammation.

Are brussel sprouts good for arteries? ›

Some of the least-popular vegetables can contribute to healthier blood vessels. New research shows broccoli and Brussels sprouts are a cut above other vegetables when it comes to a key measure of blood vessel disease.

Are brussel sprouts good for your brain? ›

1. Brain Health: Brussels sprouts deliver folate, which works with vitamin B12 - found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy - to help prevent cognitive impairment.

Do you have to wash bagged Brussel sprouts? ›

Avoid washing your Brussels sprouts until immediately before you plan to use them, as the excess moisture can cause wilting.

What is the healthiest vegetable? ›

1. Spinach. This leafy green tops the chart as one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. That's because 1 cup (30 grams) of raw spinach provides 16% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin A plus 120% of the DV for vitamin K — all for just 7 calories ( 1 ).

What vegetables should be avoided for gut health? ›

Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cabbage, have the same sugars that make beans gassy. Their high fiber can also make them hard to digest. It will be easier on your stomach if you cook them instead of eating raw.

What vegetables clean your colon? ›

Eating dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and chard is a great way to cleanse your colon. Add green to your dinner with these black bean and spinach enchiladas.

Do brussel sprouts lower blood pressure? ›

Brussels sprouts are yet another food that can help to lower your risk of stroke by lowering your blood pressure. One cup of Brussels sprouts contains roughly 350 milligrams of potassium!

How long does it take for raw sprouts to digest? ›


Cooked leafy and cruciferous vegetables such as kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and bok choy digest in around 40-50 minutes. Root vegetables like beetroot, sweet potatoes and carrot digest in 50-60 minutes.

What happens if we eat sprouts daily? ›

Increase in antioxidant levels

If you want to boost your immunity and keep several diseases at bay, soak your legumes and eat the super-healthy breakfast of sprouts. The process of soaking increases the antioxidants levels too that increases your immunity. "Antioxidants boost immunity.

How do you remove pesticides from brussel sprouts? ›

3. Clean it With Baking Soda and Water. 1-ounce baking soda to 100 ounces of water is another way to wash off pesticides. Soak produce for 12-15 minutes in the solution, and then rinse with water.

Do I need to rinse sprouts in fridge? ›


You still need to rinse your sprouts in the refrigerator. Why? Because the sprouts still grow and live, so they need water. Just remember to let the water run entirely off after each rinse.

How do you get bugs out of Brussels sprouts before cooking? ›

Or if after trimming and removing a few leaves there are still some aphids and it seems a waste to cut away more sprout to remove them, use a soft-bristle brush under a little running water to clean remaining aphids out of the crevices.

Can you eat fresh Brussel sprouts raw? ›

You will be surprised at how delicious raw brussels sprouts can be when they are combined with a tad bit of dressing to take away some of their bitterness. Brussels sprouts are part of the cruciferous vegetable family, a family of vegetables that are packed with anti-cancer and liver cleansing properties.

When should you not eat Brussel sprouts? ›

Brussels sprouts are spoiled if they are soft to the touch or squishy, smell like old cabbage, or they start to rot or go moldy. In other words, look for the same spoilage signs you look for in other vegetables.

Can Brussel sprouts be eaten cold? ›

Can you eat Brussel sprouts raw? Yes, it is completely safe to eat Brussel sprouts raw. Being a member of the cruciferous family, you can eat Brussel sprouts without cooking just like you eat cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. The only problem is that raw Brussel sprouts may be slightly bitter.

Are sprouts better raw or cooked? ›

As per experts, raw sprouts are even difficult to digest as compared to the cooked ones. Your body might not be able to absorb all the nutrients of the seeds and beans in the raw form. Cooking the sprouts slightly makes the nutrient more accessible to the body.

What happens if you eat Brussel sprouts everyday? ›

May reduce inflammation

A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts may reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of pro-inflammatory diseases. Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants and contain compounds that may help decrease inflammation.

Are Brussel sprouts good for your liver? ›

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts may help increase the liver's natural detoxification enzymes, protect it from damage, and improve blood levels of liver enzymes.

Are Frozen brussel sprouts just as good as fresh? ›

Just like fresh Brussels sprouts, frozen Brussels sprouts are healthy. They're rich in antioxidants, fiber, Vitamin-K, and Vitamin-C.

Are brussel sprouts good for a flat stomach? ›

Brussel sprouts are considered a natural weight loss food because they are high in fibre and protein and low in fat and calories. The perfect vegetable to shed tummy fat, Brussel sprouts also hold other health benefits for your nutrition.

How long are raw brussel sprouts good for in the fridge? ›

When storing Brussels sprouts whole, place them loose in a bowl and cover with a food-safe plastic wrap, like Glad® Press'n Seal® or Glad® ClingWrap. Poke a few holes in the wrap and place your bowl in the fridge. Doing this should mean your Brussels sprouts will last in the fridge for about five days.

What are the healthiest type of sprouts? ›

Edible sprouts such as alfalfa, broccoli, mung bean, and radish sprouts, are excellent sources of antioxidants, essential amino acids, and a handful of nourishing vitamins and minerals.

How do you remove bacteria from sprouts? ›

To reduce the risk of illness from sprouts

Cook sprouts thoroughly. Cooking kills the bacteria so you can enjoy them in cooked dishes. People with weakened immune systems — the elderly, children and those with compromised immune systems — should avoid eating all types of raw sprouts.

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