Auto Insurance Bad Faith in Utah (2024)

Auto Insurance Bad Faith in Utah (1)

Insurance is a risk-transfer mechanism that ensures full or partial financial compensation for the loss or damage caused by event beyond the control of the insured party. Under an insurance contract, a party (the insurer) indemnifies the other party (the insured) against a specified amount of loss, occurring from specified eventualities within a specified period, provided a fee called premium is paid. In general insurance, compensation is normally proportionate to the loss incurred.

Auto insurance is a policy purchased by vehicle owners to mitigate costs associated with getting into an auto accident. Instead of paying out of pocket for auto accidents, people pay annual premiums to an auto insurance company, the company then pays all or most of the costs associated with an auto accident or other vehicle damage. It means big profits for the companies that write the policies. The more premiums they take in and the fewer claims they pay out, the greater the profits they generate and profits are what the insurance business is all about.

Importance of buying auto insurance

•Having auto insurance is very important though many people think of it only as a grudge purchase. There is no doubt that having home insurance, life insurance or even business insurance ensures that if things ever do go wrong, you have a safety net. Auto insurance is especially important as this is the most common form of insurance taken for individuals.
•Getting good comprehensive insurance can ensure that should something go wrong, you are covered. It is impossible to predict what may go wrong and thus getting insurance protects you to a certain degree.
•Having insurance for your car equates to having peace of mind and without this peace of mind, you may be driving around over-cautiously, continuously worried about what could go wrong. There is no doubt that insurance is a grudge purchase and that people do not want to allocate their insurance if scenario happen , but sometimes things don’t go as planned.
•If you value your possessions and you have worked hard to buy a car or property and to have a means of transport, you need to insure the car. Though the extra costs every month may mean you need to budget and cut out a few luxuries, this will be well worth it in the long term. Be sure to focus on the bigger picture to ensure that no matter what happens in the future, you are prepared for it. Insurance is your safety net, so make sure it is there before you start to drive.

Understanding Your Auto Insurance Deductibles

If you have ever had full coverage on a vehicle then you may be familiar with the term ‘deductible.’ In short your deductible is the amount of money that you will have to cover in the event you are in an auto accident.

Breakdown of Auto Insurance

Auto insurance premiums vary depending on age, gender, years of driving experience, accident and moving violation history and other factors. Most states mandate that all vehicle owners purchase a minimum amount of auto insurance, but many people purchase additional insurance to further protect them. A poor driving record or the desire for more complete coverage will lead to higher premiums. However, you can reduce your premiums by agreeing to take on more risk, which means increasing your deductible. In exchange for paying a premium, the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as outlined in your policy.
Coverage includes:
•Property – damage to or theft of your car
•Liability – legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage
•Medical – costs of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses
In Utah, Policy terms are usually six- or 12-month timeframes and are renewable. An insurer will notify a customer when it’s time to renew the policy and pay another premium.
Why Auto Insurers Exist
If you’ve been laboring under the illusion that insurance companies exist to pay your damages when you’ve been injured by their insured, to protect you from liability claims filed against you, or to pay uninsured motorist claims when you’ve been injured by an uninsured or underinsured driver, being involved in a car accident may prove to be a wake-up call. Writing policies and banking the premiums is the easy part of the insurance business, but paying on claims is not what they do best.
Paying claims digs into their profits therefore , Ignoring low-balling, unreasonable blame shifting, and outright denial of valid claims are just a few of the ways that many auto insurance carriers attempt to keep those premiums safe within their coffers for the benefit of the shareholders who pay their salaries not to mention bonuses. These nefarious tactics can create problems for those who are injured by their insured, by their policy- holder who was injured by an uninsured driver, or for their policy- holder who was at fault for an injury or wrongful death accident. When an insurance carrier fails to pay a fair amount on a legitimate claim, the result can be financial disaster for the injured. If they stall, deny, and “low ball”, a claim that deserves to be settled and the case goes to trial, resulting in a verdict against their policy-holder that exceeds the value of the policy, their insured can be left responsible for the balance.
Insurance companies often get away with these tactics because so many people don’t realize that they are not powerless against the powerful corporate insurance giants. In fact, when you have been a victim of insurance company bad faith, you often have recourse and can force them to live up to their legal obligation to pay. In most cases, they will have to pay for your attorney fees on top of your damages, and in some cases, you may even be awarded punitive damages as a punishment to remind them that acting in bad faith is unlawful, immoral, and unjust.
Potential Victims of Auto Insurance Bad Faith
Potential victims of insurer bad faith include:
• Accident victims making liability claims
• Holders of no-fault insurance, where applicable
• Accident victims injured by a driver without adequate liability insurance.
• Holders of liability policies whose companies fail to settle a valid claim
• Holders of liability policies whose carriers fail to adequately defend them against claims

Auto Insurance Bad Faith

Bad faith insurance refers to an insurer’s attempt to renege on its obligations to its clients, either through refusal to pay a policy-holder’s legitimate claim or investigate and process a policy-holder’s claim within a reasonable period. Insurance companies act in bad faith when they misrepresent an insurance contract’s language to the policy-holder to avoid paying a claim. They also act in bad faith when they fail to disclose policy limitations and exclusions to policy-holders before they purchase a policy, or when they make unreasonable demands on the policy-holder to prove a covered loss.
All states require their drivers to have auto insurance or a financial responsibility equivalent in order to become a fully licensed vehicle operator. There are several levels of auto insurance coverage that you can purchase to protect both you and your vehicle. However, following an auto accident, your insurance company may refuse to pay for these contracted services. This is called insurance bad faith.
First, when you sign with an insurance company, you choose the plan that you want then pay a premium to cover this protection. Thus, you enter into a contract with your insurance provider to pay your premium in return for their financial backing should damage occur. Insurance companies are very specific about the extent of damage that they cover, and this is why you can layer different levels of coverage.

Fighting Bad Faith Insurance

State laws that specifically address bad faith practices also called unfair claims practices acts, are meant to protect customers against malicious behaviors by insurance companies. Some laws require an insurance company acting in bad faith to pay basic damages to help compensate the victim for having a claim denied, above and beyond the amount owed under the claim. This compensation covers not only out-of-pocket expenses or borrowed funds to address damage, but also missed work and attorney’s fees.

If an insurance company acts particularly egregiously, a jury may award punitive damages to the policy-holder to punish the insurance company for its wrongdoing and to discourage it from acting in bad faith with other policy-holders. If the insurance company simply makes a mistake and has not acted in bad faith, the proper remedy is only to pay the claim.
Being injured or suffering property damage is difficult enough. It’s even worse when your insurance company doesn’t live up to their end of the contract. Your insurance company is required to investigate, negotiate, and settle claims in good faith. When this duty is violated, the insurance company can be liable in court for their bad faith actions.
A common law claim requires proof that the insurer’s conduct was unreasonable and that the insurer knew or recklessly disregarded the fact that its conduct was unreasonable. A statutory claim may have a lower standard of proof, only requiring proof that a benefit to which the insured was entitled under the policy was unreasonably delayed or denied. These are;
•Unreasonable Delays
An insurance company may drag out the time it takes to investigate a claim before agreeing to pay. This tactic is done to see if the policy-holder will just give up pursuing the claim. In Utah, a deadline for an insurance company to accept or deny a claim is from 15 to 60 days.
•Failure to Conduct a Complete Investigation
Every insurance policy contains an implied duty of good faith and fair dealing. This requires an insurance company to conduct prompt and thorough investigations in to a policy-holder’s claim.
•Deceptive Practices
An insurer could fail to disclose the existence of coverage so they don’t have to pay you. Your insurance company fails to notify you of a claim filing deadline and doesn’t provide the papers necessary for you to complete your claim on time.
•Offering Less Money than a Claim Is Worth
Insurance companies can’t avoid paying a valid claim to bolster their own profits. Tactics such low-balling or offering less money than a claim is an act of bad faith.
•Misrepresenting the Law or Policy Language
Insurance companies may deliberately interpret policy language against the claimant. A part of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, insurance companies must be truthful in their statements about your policy and the law.
•Refuse to Pay a Valid Claim
Insurance companies are required by state law to only use fair claims practices. If the insurer denies a claim that should be covered by the policy, this action could qualify as bad faith. . An insurance company has committed insurance bad faith when they refuse to pay your claim, even when it is due under your policy.
•Making Threatening Statements
An insurance company should never make a threatening statement to policy-holders or third parties who are making claims. If an insurance company makes a threat, call your state insurance board or an attorney right away
Other examples of bad faith include situations in which insurance companies delay payments for a long period of time or pay you less than you are entitled to as determined in your policy. However, your insurance company refuses to pay you without telling you why and now and they refuses to respond to your demands, the legal way to do this is to file a bad faith insurance settlement claim against the insurance company. When you file an insurance claim, the insurance company must fulfill its duties by investigating your claim, making a fair deal, and providing reasonable services. If they fail to fulfill their duties as stated in the policy language and by law, you may file a lawsuit for bad faith insurance settlement practice. Specific insurance laws and requirements may vary by state and by insurance companies. Thus, be sure to check your insurance policy language to check if they failed to keep the promises made.

Get Legal Help

If any of the above situations applies to your case, you probably have a valid claim to sue the insurance company for its bad faith insurance settlement practice. Before filing a lawsuit, write a letter claiming bad faith to the insurance company. It may draw the company’s immediate attention, and the company may attempt to resolve the issue. However, if the insurance company fails to fix its bad faith insurance practice, you should consider suing the company.

Attorney for Bad Faith Insurance Claims Free Consultation

When you need legal help with a bad faith insurance claim in Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.

Auto Insurance Bad Faith in Utah (2)

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506


Auto Insurance Bad Faith in Utah (2024)


What are three ways in which an insurer can be liable for bad faith? ›

Insurance Bad Faith – Frequently Asked Questions
  • interpreting the language of the policy in an unreasonable manner;
  • unreasonably failing to reimburse the insured for the entire amount of the loss;
  • unreasonably failing to settle the lawsuit;
  • unreasonable refusal to defend a lawsuit;

Does Utah have 3rd party bad faith? ›

Under Utah law, a third party does not have the right of a bad faith cause of action against an insurer directly, due to lack of privity of contract. A bad faith claim belongs to the insured.

What is first party bad faith in Utah? ›

Insurance bad faith has two general components in Utah: first-party bad faith and third-party bad faith. First-party bad faith claims arise when your insurer fails to pay for damages you sustain when it is contractually obligated to do so.

What is good faith violation in insurance? ›

Breach of the good faith duty, which occurs when an insurance company withholds policy benefits unreasonably or without proper cause, allows for tort damages and a punitive damage claim under California law. That duty, however, only extends to first party claims, not third party claims.

Is it hard to win a bad faith claim? ›

Winning a bad faith insurance lawsuit in California is a complex process that requires expertise in state insurance laws, strategic litigation skills, and a thorough understanding of insurance practices.

Under what circ*mstances would a claim of bad faith be justified? ›

You may have a claim for bad faith when an insurance company deliberately undervalues your claim, wrongfully denies your claim, or engages in a pattern of behavior intended to limit their payout on your claim.

What might be considered evidence of an unfair claims settlement practice? ›

Acts deemed as unfair generally fit into mistreatment or alteration, timeliness issues, unreasonable requirements, and lack of due diligence. In fact, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has a model for unfair claims practice legislation that requires claims to be fairly handled.

What states have bad faith in the third party? ›

Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

What are unfair claims practices? ›

Key Takeaways. An unfair claims practice is what happens when an insurer tries to delay, avoid, or reduce the size of a claim that is due to be paid out to an insured party. Insurers that do this are trying to reduce costs or delay payments to insured parties, and are often engaging in practices that are illegal.

What are the two types of bad faith? ›

Insurance claims generally fall into two categories: first-party and third-party claims. In both types of claims, the insurer can be guilty of unjust practices such as delaying claim investigation, underpaying claims, or refusing to defend a claim without a valid reason.

What is bad faith legally? ›

Bad faith refers to dishonesty or fraud in a transaction. Depending on the exact setting, bad faith may mean a dishonest belief or purpose, untrustworthy performance of duties, neglect of fair dealing standards, or a fraudulent intent.

What are bad faith arguments? ›

When a person argues in bad faith, they intend to deceive and mislead when engaged in argument. A person can engage in bad faith arguing in many ways. One way to argue in bad faith is to knowingly use fallacies (errors in logic) to try to get the audience to accept a claim as true (or reject one as false).

How do I get rid of good faith violation? ›

One way to avoid a good faith violation is to make sure you are only trading with settled cash. Don't use unsettled funds for trading purposes if you want to avoid good faith violations. When it comes to stocks, wait until the settlement date if you decide to sell stocks after purchasing them.

How serious is a good faith violation? ›

Consequences: If you incur three good faith violations in a 12-month period in a cash account, your brokerage firm will restrict your account. This means you will only be able to buy securities if you have sufficient settled cash in the account prior to placing a trade.

What is an example of a good faith violation? ›

Near market close on Monday, Steph buys $10,500 of AAPL stock. On Tuesday afternoon, she sells AAPL stock and incurs a good faith violation. This trade is a violation because Steph sold AAPL before Monday's sale of GME stock settled and those proceeds became available to pay for the purchase of AAPL stock.

What is liable for bad faith? ›

An insurer can be liable for bad faith if the insurer failed to fulfill their obligations of good faith and fair dealing. This means if the insurer acts unfairly in processing or paying a claim, they could potentially be liable for bad faith.

What is an example of a bad faith claim? ›

Example: A policyholder submits a valid request for approval for a surgery after doctors have informed her it is necessary. 3 months later, the insurance company has yet to approve her request, or unreasonably denies the claim without a valid basis.

What is a common cause of action under bad faith? ›

Common Examples

That said, the following are examples of bad faith situations: Failure or refusal to conduct an adequate investigation into legitimate claims. Refusal to defend against claims from other parties. Unreasonable interpretation of the insurance contract.

What are the three major categories of legal liability? ›

Types of Liability
Type of LiabilityArenaPenalty
CriminalCourtFine, Community Service, Jail
AdministrativeABCFine, Suspension, Revocation
CivilLawsuitMoney Judgment

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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