Average Grocery Bill in 2022 Based on Family Size (2024)

How much should I spend on groceries? Each time I buy food the total seems to grow. Unlike housing and transportation costs, our food bills are variable. We don’t prepare the same snacks and meals every day, so our out of pocket costs are rarely similar.

Can I blame rising food prices or inflation for my growing grocery bills? At one point, beef and veal prices spiked 20.2%, eggs 10.4%, and poultry 8.6%. One week I spent $150 for a week’s worth of basic groceries. The next week I paid $50 more for similar items.

The average cost of groceries is rising 10% per month. As I stare at my grocery receipts I can’t help but wonder, “Am I spending too much on groceries?”

How Much Should I Budget for Groceries?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, (USDA), the average family spends 10.3% of their income on food. That includes 5.2% on dining out and the remaining 5.1% on groceries consumed at home.

Financial experts recommend budgeting 10-15% of your income on food, so if you earn $60,000 a year you want to budget $6,000 to $9,000 for home cooked meals. Remember, that half of that amount is often spent on dining out. Which means, a realistic budget for groceries is only 7.5% of your income. If you earn $60,000 a year, a realistic food budget would total $4,500.

I’m not sure the experts are right. With the rising cost of food expenses, food budgets will continue to grow well beyond that amount.

How Much Should I Spend on Groceries?

How much should I spend on groceries? Well, It just so happens that the U.S. Department of Agriculture answered this question for me.

Here is the average weekly grocery bill based on family size in 2022:

  • 1 Person: $84.70
  • 2 People: $156.30
  • Family of 3: $203.70
  • Family of 4: $268.80
  • Family of 5: $344.70

How Much Should I Spend on Food Each Month?

Here is the average cost of food per month based on family size in 2022:

  • 1 Person: $367.10
  • 2 People: $677.40
  • Family of 3: $883.00
  • Family of 4: $1289.50
  • Family of 5: $1468.00

Average Cost of Food Per Month in 2022

The USDA’s food plans represent a healthy diet at three different price levels: Low-cost, Moderate-cost, and Liberal. The chart below shows the average amount of money spent on food per person each month. As you can see, the figures are based on the age and gender of family members whom you feed.

Average Cost of Food Per Month in 2022
Age-Gender GroupsLow-Cost PlanModerate PlanLiberal Plan
1 year$152.30$173.10$209.70
2-3 years$161.50$193.60$235.50
4-5 years$165.90$205.60$248.40
6-8 years$234.60$282.10$330.30
9-11 years$250.90$324.60$377.60
12-13 years$291.50$363.10$425.50
14-18 years$295.40$373.90$429.80
19-50 years$292.60$367.10$447.00
51-70 years$275.90$347.80$414.30
71+ years$272.80$337.20$413.50
12-13 years$249.30$298.60$368.80
14-18 years$248.60$297.00$366.70
19-50 years$253.50$310.30$396.00
51-70 years$247.70$308.20$370.20
71+ years$245.80$303.30$363.80

How Much Should You Spend on Groceries Per Month?

How much should you spend on groceries per month? That depends on how many people are in your household. Thanks to the USDA we can figure out exactly how much the average family spends. An average grocery budget in 2022 for one person is roughly $370. The average grocery budget for a family of four is roughly $1200. Let’s break those numbers down more specifically.

Average Grocery Bill for 1 Person

Average Grocery Bill in 2022 Based on Family Size (1)

Let’s start with the average grocery bill for one person. According to the USDA, the average grocery bill for one falls somewhere between $67.50 to $103.20.

How much should a single person spend on groceries? The average cost of food per month for one person is $250 – $450 and a realistic food budget for one ranges from $200 to $450 per month.

Average Cost of Groceries Per Month for 2 in 2022

The average cost of groceries for two people between the ages of 19 and 50 is $546.10 to $843.00. A couple between the ages of 51-70 years spends slightly less. On average between $520.50 to $784.50. The average grocery bill for a family of two is $156.30.

Average Grocery Bill for a Family of 3 in 2022

The average grocery bill for a family of three in 2022 is $203.70. The average cost of food for a family of three is $712.00 to $1091.40 per month. This assumes the family includes one man and one woman between the ages of 19-50 years old and one child between the ages of 4-5 years old. Based on the USDA’s data, an average grocery budget for a family of three would be $883.00 in 2022.

Average Grocery Bill for a Family of 4 in 2022

Average Grocery Bill in 2022 Based on Family Size (2)

The average grocery bill for a family of four in 2022 is $268.80. The average cost of food for a family of four ranges from $876.10 to $1339.00 per month. That includes a family consisting of one man and one woman between the ages of 19-50 years old and two children between the ages of 4-5 and 6-8 years old.

If you have older kids expect to pay more. A family with two children between the ages of 6-8 and 9-11 will pay between $1029.00 and $1550.00 in 2022 per month for food. Based on the USDA’s data, an average grocery budget for a family of four would be $1289.50 in 2022.

Average Grocery Bill for a Family of 5 in 2022

The average grocery bill for a family of five is $344.70. The average cost of food for a family of five ranges from $1140.40 to $1797.00 per month. This assumes a family of five consists of one man and woman between the ages of 19-50 years old and three children ranging in age from 4 to 11. Again, older kids will cost you more. Based on the USDA’s data, an average grocery budget for a family of five would be $1468.00 in 2022.

Average Food Cost Per Week for 1 Person in 2022

According to the USDA, the average grocery bill for one person ranges from $67.50 to $103.20 per week in 2022.

For a more fine-grained approach to food budgeting, check out the USDA food cost chart below. The chart below shows you the average weekly costs in 2022 broken down by gender and age.

Average Cost of Food Per Week in 2022
Age-Gender GroupsLow-Cost PlanModerate-Cost PlanLiberal Plan
1 year$35.10$39.90$48.40
2-3 years$37.30$44.70$54.30
4-5 years$38.30$47.40$57.30
6-8 years$54.10$65.10$76.20
9-11 years$57.90$74.90$87.10
12-13 years$67.30$83.80$98.20
14-18 years$68.20$86.10$99.20
19-50 years$67.50$84.70$103.20
51-70 years$63.70$80.30$95.60
71+ years$63.00$77.80$95.40
12-13 years$57.50$68.90$85.10
14-18 years$57.40$68.50$84.60
19-50 years$58.50$71.60$91.40
51-70 years$57.20$71.10$85.40
71+ years$56.70$70.00$84.00

Average Food Costs Vary

How much does the average person spend on food per week or month? Clearly, there is a wide range. In some cases you might spend $40 more per week or $150 more per month than a peer of the same age.

Why is there such a broad range? There are many factors involved in food costs. If you strive for an all organic menu you’ll pay a lot more than someone that doesn’t search for all-natural labels. Vegetarian diets usually cost less than diets with high meat and poultry consumption. Prices also vary greatly based on where you live.

The USDA doesn’t break down price per state, but move.org did break down average grocery costs across the nation. The monthly costs for New Hampshire, West Virginia, South Carolina, and New York City far exceed places like South Dakota and Montana.

While you can easily find national average costs paid by your peers, it honestly depends on what you like to eat.

Grocery Budget Calculator

A custom grocery budget calculator can calculate average costs based on the age and gender of your particular family members. Use the calculator to see how your grocery budget compares to the average.

Saving Money at the Grocery Store

Average Grocery Bill in 2022 Based on Family Size (3)

Unfortunately, the USDA charts don’t consider dietary concerns, convenience foods, or preferences for organic products, which can all impact our food budgets.

I don’t think you can make an apples-to-apples comparison on food budgets, nor should you.

However, food is the third-largest household expense, so it’s an easy way for many middle and high-income earners to cut costs without feeling a hefty pinch. The average American should budget 10% to 15% of their income for groceries.

Track How Much You Spend

Before we cut expenses we must figure out how much we spend on groceries in the first place. In 2022 a year’s worth of groceries will cost the average family between $10,513 and $16,068. How much do you spend?

As I mentioned above, it’s easy to figure out how much our recurring bills cost each month. Mortgages, rent, and transportation costs typically remain steady from month-to-month, but food prices are rarely the same, so it’s time to figure out how much we spend each time we checkout of the store.

To keep track of your food expenses, keep a running tab on your refrigerator and write down how much you spend every time you return home from the grocery store.

Write the date, name of the store, and total. Remember to exclude items like cat food, kitty litter, dishwashing detergent, etc., which shouldn’t be included in food costs.

Many of us buy products other than food at the grocery store. Don’t count that stuff in your calculation.

If you use a credit card to pay for your groceries, you can log in to your account once a month to review your expenses, but this will make it more challenging to exclude non-food items from your totals. Without the receipt, you won’t know what to exclude.

How much do you spend right now? Does that number seem high, low, or just about right? Divide your current take-home pay by that amount and see what percentage of your income you are spending on food.

Once you figure out how much you spend, you can determine if you have any excess that can be trimmed.

How to Save Money on Groceries

So how can we save on groceries. How can we trim that grocery bill if it’s too high?

1. Prepare Easy Recipes

In 2001, I fell in love withRachel Ray’stelevision show 30 Minute Meals. Not only were her meals easy to make, but they didn’t contain a giant list of ingredients.

Some people love to create gourmet meals. That’s great, and all the power to them, but if you don’t feel like a super talented chef, stick to the basics.

Search for easy recipes. You don’t have to cook a gourmet meal every night. If you have young kids and need to get dinner on the table, search for the easiest recipes you can find.

There are lots of easy dinner recipes that don’t cost a lot to make. Quesadillas, grilled cheese, omelets, pancakes, egg sandwiches, frittatas, and tuna melts make that list. There is also nothing wrong with eating spaghetti with can pasta sauce.

2. Learn to cook.

After my husband and I got married, we took a cooking class at a fancy French cooking school. We learned how to sharpen knives and use them to break down a whole chicken. It’s an experience I haven’t tried since.

These days the Internet is full of step by step videos showing you exactly how to prepare meals. You can pause the video multiple times and replay it to teach yourself.

No matter what type of cuisine you love, you can find an online instructor to show you what to do. Best of all, you can find great content for free. Forget that fancy-fancy French school we went to. You can learn how to cook in your pajamas, right from the comfort of your own kitchen.

If you enjoy cooking you won’t mind cutting up vegetables and preparing your own sauces. This can be much cheaper than purchasing prepared convenience foods that do that work for you.

How much are you spending on restaurants and pick-up? When we think about our food budget, most of us think about the food we buy from the grocery store, but restaurants need to be factored into the account. One meal at a restaurant can cost as much as a week’s worth of groceries.

According to the USDA, the average American household spent 6% of after-tax income dining out last year. If you enjoy cooking you can learn to make the same meals at a fraction of the cost. Plus you can control the salt, sugar, and fat that goes into them.

3. Meal Plan

I used to figure out what I wanted to eat and then go to the store with a grocery list in hand. The problem with this approach is that you often pay full price for the ingredients you need.

You can get around this problem by learning to meal plan. Coordinate your meals with this week’s sales. Look through the sales circular, which is much easier to do online these days, and choose your meals based on weekly discounts.

If ground beef is on sale, consider making hamburgers, tacos, or spaghetti. If sausage is on sale, make a sausage potato hash, gumbo, or jambalaya for dinner. A monthly food plan helps you save money. It also makes the question, “what’s for dinner,” easier to answer.

4. Figure Out What You Like to Eat?

Figure out what meals you like to eat. Many of us like similar flavors. For example, my husband and I enjoy meals made with fruit. We love lemon chicken, dishes made with orange zest, and orange marmalade.

Most of us have ‘go-to’ flavors, particular tastes that we enjoy. We make different kinds of recipes, but we often search for meals with similar flavor profiles.

Why does this matter? It helps us use the same sets of ingredients, so we don’t have to buy new ones.

Some ingredients simply cost more than others. Spices are notoriously expensive. A tiny saffron bottle can cost $12.00, while fresh vanilla beans can cost $30 or more.

If you know what foods you enjoy, you won’t waste money buying ingredients you won’t like. Plus you’ll often have the ingredients available in your pantry.

5. Buy Goods That Fill You Up

Here’s another trick to saving money. Search for foods that fill you up.

Thanks to this pandemic, I’ve gained twenty extra pounds. My poor body hasn’t seen the inside of a gym since March. No matter how hard I try to squeeze in walks around the block or bike rides with my kids, it’s not paying off the way my beloved elliptical machine did.

To lose weight, I cut the garbage from my diet and started searching for foods that would help me feel full longer.

Protein like eggs, tuna, beans, and chicken help me do just that. Many of these foods are relatively inexpensive, but even if they cost more, you don’t need to eat as much of them to fill your rumbling belly.

6. Perform Online Price Comparisons

This pandemic has radically altered the way we purchase groceries. Use this to your advantage. Log on to various grocery websites to figure out how much ingredients cost at each store. It’s never been easier to compare prices.

Certain stores are simply cheaper than others. If you love the produce and meat department at Whole Foods buy there, but look for other ingredients at cheaper stores.

7. Sign Up For Loyalty Reward Programs

Most stores have a loyalty program. Sign up for them using your phone number to get extra discounts.

If you buy food at Whole Foods, consider signing up for the Chase Amazon Prime card, which offers 5% cashback on all purchases there. It also gives you access to lower prices online and in-store.

8. Ignore Multi-Product Pricing

Don’t be fooled by multi-product pricing. If a sale reads, “buy ten items for $10”. You don’t have to buy ten things to get that deal. You also don’t have to buy 3 for $5.00.

Buy one item, and you’ll pay just $1.67 for it. You don’t need to load the other two into your cart to get the deal.

9. Throw Brand Loyalty Out the Window

Throw brand loyalty own the window when you can. Some things taste better when you buy the brand name. For example, my kids won’t eat anything but name brand General Mills Cheerios.

But don’t pass by all store brands just because you aren’t familiar with them. Basics like butter, baking soda, baking powder, flour, and other staples won’t taste any different if you use the store brand. You can save a significant amount on seasonings and spices too.

We’ve tried various store brands and found that we like some better than the more expensive, brand name versions.

10. Swap Fresh Ingredients for Frozen Ones

Consider canned goods and frozen foods for some recipes. They have roughly the same nutritional value for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you can store these in your house and don’t have to worry if you don’t get around to eating them.

Sure canned fruit isn’t as tasty as munching on a ripe, delicious apple, but you can substitute canned or frozen vegetables in soups and stews. Using a variety of fresh and frozen vegetables also does the trick. The fresh ingredients help pep up the frozen ones.

11. Keep Stock of Your Food Supply

My dad loves ketchup. He eats it on everything, so he and my mom always take note when the ketchup bottle is running low. If he knows he’s half-way to running out, he can put it on a shopping list and start searching for a sale price.

Please don’t wait until you are out of a product to purchase it at full price. If you see a sale, buy an extra bottle and put it on the shelf.

Don’t go crazy with this approach, though. You don’t need to buy ten bottles every time. If you use this technique, don’t stop until you take inventory of what you already have in the fridge and pantry.

12. Learn to Love Leftovers

Learn to love leftovers, but here’s a trick don’t eat the same thing two times in a row.

Make a meal, eat it, then set aside the leftovers in the fridge for one day. Make something else the next night and then return to those leftovers a day later. This has been a go-to plan for my family and me. It’s tough to eat the same meal twice, but separating the days makes it much more palatable.

Use leftovers on those nights when you would be tempted to pick up food from a restaurant. Plan to cook on the night you don’t have activities, so you can heat leftovers on the night you do.

Place your leftovers eye level in the fridge rather than shoved in the back where you will forget about them.

13. Cook the Right Portions

On the flip side, don’t make extra if you won’t eat it. Learn how to portion your meals so that you eat everything in one sitting.

It seems silly but think about exactly how much protein you eat at dinner each night. Do you eat a whole chicken breast or just half of one? Do you need a 6 ounce burger or an 8 ounce one?

Figure out how much you typically eat and prepare just that amount. If you still feel hungry, make yourself a small side salad or vegetable or eat a cup of fruit after dinner to tide you over until you eat breakfast the next day.

14. Stop Wasting Food

Be aware of food waste. Pay attention to how much food you throw out each week.

Food waste is a massive problem in the United States. If an apple is bruised, cut out the bruised part and eat around it. Wash fruit when you bring it home so you’ll eat it.

Keep your fridge clean, so you know what’s inside of it.

15. Save on Spices

If you need spices that you don’t use very often head to supermarkets that allow you to buy it in tiny amounts. Whole Foods has a spice section where you can measure out exactly the amount you need and not a drop more.

If you don’t live near one, search for Asian or Indian markets. They often offer spices at a fraction of the price at a typical grocery store.

How Much Do You Spend on Food Each Month?

So, now I turn to you dear readers. How much money do you spend on food every month? How much do you spend on groceries? Do you create a monthly budget for food? Do you find your monthly food bill rising?

Average Grocery Bill in 2022 Based on Family Size (2024)


How much should a family of 4 spend on groceries 2022? ›

For a family of four in 2022, your spending on groceries should fall between $875 – $1,287 a month. You can also look at your recommended grocery spending based on a percentage of your income. Try and aim to spend no more than 15% of your take home pay on food and groceries.

How much does the average family spend on groceries a month 2022? ›

A family of four will spend about $932.20 per month. Low-cost: This plan represents food costs for the second-lowest quartile of food spending, according to the USDA. On this plan, an individual aged 19 – 50 will spend $247.40 – $285 per month.

What is average grocery bill for family of 4? ›

For a low-cost budget for a family of four, you can plan on spending $234.10 a week or between $936.40 and $1,014 a month. Moderate-cost plan. For a moderate budget for a family of four, you would spend $291.50 a week for groceries or between $1,166 and $1,263.5 a month.

How much does the average household spend on groceries 2022? ›

Next year, U.S. shoppers anticipate spending 14% more on average per month for their groceries, according to the KPMG Consumer Pulse Survey 2022 Grocery Forecast. Based on a poll of more than 1,000 consumers, the average monthly grocery spend is pegged at $611 for 2022 versus $532 in 2021, KPMG's report said.

How much should a family of 3 adults spend on groceries? ›

The average cost of food per month for one person ranges from $150 to $300, depending on age. However, these national averages vary based on where you live and the quality of your food purchases.
Monthly Grocery Budget.
1 person$251
2 people$553
3 people$722
4 people$892
2 more rows
Sep 28, 2022

How much should I be spending on groceries 2022? ›

March 2021 USDA guidelines on food cost – they streamlined the meal plan options for 2022 down to three categories. For a family of four, you're spending on groceries should fall between $590 – $1,383 a month (in 2021), which seems like a wide range; this comes to be about $136 – $319 a week.

How much should a family of 3 spend on groceries a month? ›

A family of two adults aged 19-50 and two kids aged 2-3 and 4-5 spent between $594.90 and $1,161.90. To get the average grocery bill for a family of 3, just remove the monthly food budget for 1 from the calculations. For instance, if we remove one child aged 2-3 from the frugal spending plan, the result would be $486.

How much should a family of 5 spend a month on groceries? ›

The Average Cost of Groceries Per Month

According to 2021 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average spending on food at home is $5,259 annually, or about $438 per month for U.S. households.

How much does it cost to feed a family of 5? ›

Monthly Grocery Budget Guideline for the Average American Family
Family SizeUSDA Thrifty Food Plan – Young ChildrenUSDA Thrifty Food Plan – Older Children
Grocery Budget for Family of 3$680$889
Grocery Budget for Family of 4$810$1154
Grocery Budget for Family of 5$938$1328
Grocery Budget for Family of 6$1126$1546
7 more rows
Mar 22, 2015

Can you feed a family of 4 on $50 a week? ›

$50 a week meal plan for a family of four includes a real food menu for breakfast, lunches, and dinners, plus a downloadable shopping list! It's a perfect plan for when money is tight, or use it to increase your savings. 1.

How much should a family of 2 adults spend on groceries? ›

If you're a single adult, depending on your age and sex (the USDA estimates are higher for men and lower for both women and men 71 and older), look to spend between $229 and $419 each month on groceries. For a two-adult household, the figure above will double: $458 to $838.

How much does a typical family spend on groceries per month? ›

Accessed Dec 21, 2022. . This works out to about $438 per month. Grocery spending increased 6.6% year-over-year from 2020.

How to do the 50 30 20 rule? ›

By Melissa Green | Citizens Bank Staff

One of the most common percentage-based budgets is the 50/30/20 rule. The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

How can I cut my grocery bill by 90 percent? ›

10 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill
  1. Plan Ahead. Before you plan out your menus for the week, check the store ads to see what's on sale. ...
  2. Be Savvy with Coupons. ...
  3. Buy Generic. ...
  4. Eat Healthier. ...
  5. Buy Produce In Season. ...
  6. Don't Always Buy Fresh Produce. ...
  7. Buy "Must-Go" Foods. ...
  8. Check Unit Prices.
Feb 10, 2017

Can you feed a family of 4 on $100 a week? ›

In fact, you can feed a family of 4 for less than $100 a week.

How do you feed a family of 5 for $10? ›

10 Family Dinners Under $10
  1. Quick and Easy Sloppy Joes. ...
  2. Philly Cheesesteak Pasta Skillet. ...
  3. 5-Ingredient Family-Friendly Baked Potato Soup. ...
  4. French Onion Frittata. ...
  5. Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala. ...
  6. Slow Cooker Chicken Parm Meatballs. ...
  7. One-Pot BBQ Chicken Burrito Bowls. ...
  8. Tomato Tortellini Soup.
Jun 5, 2019

How do you calculate a food budget for a family? ›

To calculate overall household grocery costs we:
  1. Adjusted food costs for each person in household. ...
  2. 1-person — add 20 percent.
  3. 2-person —add 10 percent.
  4. 3-person — add 5 percent.
  5. 4-person — no adjustment.
  6. 5- or 6-person — subtract 5 percent.
  7. 7- (or more) person— subtract 10 percent.

How much should 2 people spend on groceries 2022? ›

How much should 2 people spend on groceries 2022? Here are the USDA weekly grocery spending guidelines for households with one adult female and one adult male: Thrifty: $119.40. Low-cost: $122.90. Moderate-cost: $152.30.

Is $600 a month on groceries a lot? ›

The USDA puts the average weekly cost of food at home for a family of two at $150 a week, or $600 per month (and that's on their moderate cost food plan!). Cue the sigh of relief and feeling a little less guilt if you're eyeing your current grocery spending.

Is it cheaper to eat out or buy groceries? ›

With consumer prices at a 40-year high, savvy consumers know they have to put more work into their shopping if they want to save a buck. But when it comes to food, you'll generally save money — and enjoy better nutrition — eating at home than dining out. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc.

Is 200 a month enough for food? ›

An individual who benefits from the Federal Food Assistance Program receives an average of $200 per month. That's roughly $6.66 per day which could easily be spent on a single prepared meal – for one. Eating well on a limited budget requires thoughtful planning and cooking more meals at home from scratch.

How much does a 6 person family spend on groceries? ›

So if you are a family of six, your food budget would be $600 per month. Seriously. If you've never set a grocery budget before, these figures might seem a bit extreme or unattainable.

How do you grocery shop for a family of 5 on a budget? ›

  1. Keep an Organized Pantry and Fridge. Before you even set foot in the grocery store, effective shopping starts in your own kitchen. ...
  2. Shop Your Pantry First. ...
  3. Meal Plan. ...
  4. Make a List. ...
  5. Shop the Per-Ounce Price. ...
  6. Buy in Bulk (Selectively) ...
  7. Keep Kids Occupied With a Job. ...
  8. Shop When It's Not Busy.
Mar 7, 2022

How to spend $300 a month on groceries? ›

The Guide to Grocery Shopping For $300 a Month
  1. Keep a Running Grocery List. Keeping organized is super important for making your grocery shopping more efficient. ...
  2. Stretch your groceries as long as possible. ...
  3. Compare Prices. ...
  4. Shop At ALDI. ...
  5. Buy Meat Deeply Discounted. ...
  6. Cut Back on Meat. ...
  7. Avoid Processed Meals. ...
  8. Find Better Recipes.
Mar 5, 2017

How do you feed a family with $20? ›

Dinners Under $20
  1. The Best Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken. ...
  2. Grandma's Easy Chicken And Dumplings Recipe. ...
  3. Creamy Beef and Noodles Recipe. ...
  4. Homemade Meatloaf Recipe With Jiffy. ...
  5. Easy Lasagna Recipe. ...
  6. Slow Cooker BBQ Beef. ...
  7. Easy Slow Cooker Pot Roast. ...
  8. Slow Cooker Chicken and Spanish Rice.

What is a good salary to support a family? ›

What Is A Good Salary To Live On? Across the United States, you will need a median household income of about $57,013 per year to live comfortably in most metropolitan cities, according to Smart Asset and other statistics. This is a good salary that will help you live comfortably.

How can I feed a family of 7 for cheap? ›

  1. Shop your pantry, fridge and freezer first!
  2. Meal Plan, Meal Plan, Meal Plan, Meal Plan.
  3. Choose in-season produce.
  4. Shop at Aldi (or another discount store)
  5. Shop mostly once a month.
  6. Buy meat (and other items) in bulk.
  7. Eat meatless meals 1-2 times a week.
  8. Meat is rarely the “star” of dinner.

How can I live on $25 a week in food? ›

Here's what you can do to spend just $25 a week on groceries:
  1. Make a list of your favorite budget-friendly meals and eat those.
  2. Pack lunches for work or school instead of eating out.
  3. Make your grocery list and menu plan focused on the food that is on sale and what you already have in your kitchen.
Mar 5, 2022

How do I stretch my food budget? ›

How to Stretch Dollars at the Grocery Store
  1. Stretch time between supermarket visits.
  2. Plan ahead.
  3. Buy produce on sale and in season.
  4. Buy foods whole.
  5. Schedule prep work.
  6. Buy in bulk when possible.
  7. Make meat the accent.
  8. Make soup.

What is a reasonable weekly budget? ›

To determine a weekly allowance amount, take your discretionary spending amount each month and divide it by four. That amount will be how much you can spend each week without blowing your overall budget—while still getting to indulge in some things you want.

How much does the average middle class family spend on groceries? ›

Average Grocery Expenditures

The average 2-person family on a "moderate" budget spends $554 per month on food. The average 4-person family with 2 toddlers on a "moderate" budget spends $712 per month.

How much should groceries cost a month? ›

If teenagers are in a household one can expect to add an additional $233-$344. Averages for a family of four are based on two adults between the ages of 20-50, and two children, one aged 6-8 and one aged 9-11. The average grocery bill is $887 per month.

How do you budget for groceries in 2022? ›

How to Save Money on Groceries in 2022 (without Coupons!)
  1. Mirror Your Week of Meals on a Two-Week or 4-Week Rotation.
  2. Rethink Your Ground Beef Options.
  3. Shop Clearance FIRST, Not Last (Especially for Meats)
  4. Choose Some Frozen Veggies + Fruits Over Fresh.
  5. Find a Grocery Outlet Store.
Aug 10, 2022

How much should a family of 4 spend on food UK 2022? ›

The average monthly food bill for a family of 4 in the UK is £771; £559 of this is spent on groceries and £212 is spent on food prepared out of the house. The average weekly grocery bill for a family of 4 in the UK is £129.

What is average food cost for family of 2? ›

If you're a single adult, depending on your age and sex (the USDA estimates are higher for men and lower for both women and men 71 and older), look to spend between $229 and $419 each month on groceries. For a two-adult household, the figure above will double: $458 to $838.

How can a family of 4 save on groceries? ›

  1. Keep an Organized Pantry and Fridge. Before you even set foot in the grocery store, effective shopping starts in your own kitchen. ...
  2. Shop Your Pantry First. ...
  3. Meal Plan. ...
  4. Make a List. ...
  5. Shop the Per-Ounce Price. ...
  6. Buy in Bulk (Selectively) ...
  7. Don't Take All the Kids. ...
  8. Keep Kids Occupied With a Job.
Mar 7, 2022

How much does Dave Ramsey say to budget for groceries? ›

Try to keep your grocery budget to around 10-15% of your income. If you spend less, great job! If you spend more, this is for you!

How can I spend $30 on groceries for a week? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017

How much does the average person spend on food a month 2022? ›

In the United States, the monthly cost of feeding one person is about $342.11. The average cost of food per day per person is $11.04. These are the insights provided by NUMBEO and their overview of food and other expenditures worldwide. Their data suggests that the average cost of food per week for 1 person is $79.08.

How much does the average family of 4 spend on food on vacation? ›

Food and entertainment costs

They tend to be among the last costs travelers consider when planning a trip. The average cost of food for a family of four on vacation, per day, is $132, according to SpendMeNot. This figure does not include snacks, tips or alcohol.

How do I feed my family on 100 a week? ›

Shopping List: What You'll Need For The Entire Week
  1. 1 lb frozen ground beef.
  2. 1 lb frozen pork breakfast sausage.
  3. 2 ham steaks.
  4. 3 lb package chicken thighs.
  5. 3 dozen eggs.
  6. 16 oz package shredded cheddar cheese.
  7. 16 oz package shredded mozzarella cheese.
  8. 1 lb deli meat, your choice.
Dec 12, 2021

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.