Avoid Overspending By Following The Rule Of Half | Mad Money Monster (2024)

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Now that the holidays are behind us, I’ve been working like crazy around the house to get all of our glorious decorations tucked away for next year. That sounded really good, but in reality, I moved our decorated Christmas trees into our storage room, minus the balls 🙂 I like to work smarter, not harder. Ha! That being said, I’ve also been getting every corner of our house back to tip-top shape. Being a minimalist, it’s very difficult for me to see stuff all over the place. I’m happy to announce my mission has finally been accomplished.

The house is clean and in order, and as I put the last load of laundry into the washer today, I realized how little laundry detergent I use compared to the manufacturer’s recommendation. At that moment Irealized that I make my own rules. And the rule that saves me the most money is…The Rule of Half.

The Rule of Half is something we strictly adhere to in our Mad Money house. Companies inevitably want you to use more of their productsthan is absolutely necessary. If you use their product based on their instruction, you will need to purchase more of said products, which increases their bottom line – not yours. And since we’re in the business of increasing our own bottom line around here, we use only what we deem necessary for each product. Laundry detergent being an excellent example.

We use The Rule of Half in nearly every aspect of our lives. If Mr. MMM and I go out on a date, sometimes we will order one beer and split it. FYI – we’re not big beer drinkers. This obviously won’t work if you really enjoy a nice cold one now and then.

We will also split a soda at the movies when we go as a planned date or family outing. We definitely don’t feel deprived or thirsty doing this, after all, I can barely even wrap my hand around a small soda at our local theater. It’s safe to say that portions are totally out of control.

And I might add, a trip to the theater is never a spur-of-the-moment decision. We plan out all of our expenses – especially the fun stuff!

Case in point, last week we had planned to have a nice celebratory dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants. This had been planned for months and I had an envelope with a set amount of cash, to be used with care.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we both carefully made our selections, enjoyed our meal and time together, gave our server a hefty tip, and still headed home with a 20-spot in our pocket. #frugalwin

This frugal win was accomplished using The Rule of Half.No, we didn’t split a meal, but we did end up splitting an appetizer and dessert. As for our dinners, one person ordered the surf and turf while the other ordered a more reasonably priced dish. We also skipped drinks altogether.

Our bill was still $100, but it easily could’ve hit the $200 mark had we not controlled ourselves and shared the appetizer and dessert.We always employ this rule when we’re consciously spending money on entertainment – and everything else.

Avoid Overspending By Following The Rule Of Half | Mad Money Monster (1)

Try it for things like:

Toiletries – excluding toilet paper, of course – we’re not sickos 🙂

Cleaning Products – this one is really a no-brainer

Internet Speed – you might be surprised that the next level down isn’t noticeable at all

Cable TV –reduce your plan or eliminate it

Wine – try drinking water in a wine glass for your second round –I love this one! 🙂

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Avoid Overspending By Following The Rule Of Half | Mad Money Monster (2)

You can easily take this rule to the next level and substitute a different product or use no product whatsoever. Think: paper towels.

We rarely use paper towels. Instead, we use old worn-out clothes that we cut up for rags. Did you know some people actually buy rags? Blasphemy!

Other examples include using half the amount of milk you think you need in your cereal. C’mon, how many of you have milk leftover after you finish that delicious bowl of Fruity Pebbles? It’s okay if you’re drinking it at the end, but if you have kids and you have watched them toss it down the drain, employ The Rule of Half.

The point is that you can likelyconsume less of the products you frequently use, try a less expensive substitution, or cut it out altogether.

Do you still have cable TV? This is the perfect substitute item. We substituted Netflix, YouTube, and other free streaming services for cable and barely noticed. Read all about it here.

If you do this for items here and there throughout the year, you’ll notice a huge difference in your budget and bottom line. Speaking of yourbottom line, the one thing that has helped us keep our spending in check and motivated to eliminate our debts and continue our frugal ways is tracking our net worth.

Your net worth is simply your total assets minus your total liabilities. If you want a more in-depth look at this calculation or want to know exactly what you’re supposed to include in your assets and liabilities columns, check out this post:5 reasons you need to track your net worth to build wealth. It’s the number that keeps a pulse on your overall financial health and lets you know exactly where you stand in relation to your peers.

We use Personal Capital to track our net worth. Not only is it simple and secure, it’s also free. And we like free! Seeing our numbers in easy-to-understand, colorful charts motivates us each day.

Personal Capital. offers a user-friendly website and app with plenty of budgeting and money management toolsto meet your needs. So, if you don’t know your number yet, I highly recommend you give Personal Capital a try!

But aside from your bottom line, go ahead, plug in some numbers and see how much you’ll save over 12 months just by using half the laundry detergent you currently consume. Now, do that for everything!

Unfortunately, over-consumption has a tendency to destroy our world and our wallets. So next time you throw in a load of laundry, try The Rule of Half.

We would love to hear from you in the comments! Let us know what you cut back on to save money.

Avoid Overspending By Following The Rule Of Half | Mad Money Monster (3)

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Avoid Overspending By Following The Rule Of Half | Mad Money Monster (4)


  • I’ve realized I only actually need about a 1/4 of the toothpaste I usually use…and my boys could get away with about 1/16 of what they use! 🙂 Yeah, I think you’re spot on with this rule of half.

    • Definitely! Toiletries are a perfect example of how much we tend to overuse items. It really can be applied to almost anything. 🙂

  • Cutting out paper towels has really helped us. Other than toilet paper, it was probably the most regular household cleaning product expense.

    • Yep! It’s funny how we think we “need” these things just because “everyone” uses them and it’s standard practice. They’re not cheap, either. Kudos for cutting them out.

  • I love this! Not only does it save money but it’s better for the environment and our health 🙂

    My mom has long preached that you only need half the laundry detergent recommended on the bottle. Her argument was that, if you’re putting that much in, the washer has to get that much more out of your clothes.

    Definitely helpful to look at other things we use to see if they can be cut in half as well.

    • Your mom is a wise woman! It’s so true. Start looking at everything as something you might be able to use less of. It’s amazing how much time, energy, and money you can save.

  • Good work!

    I find that buying the really concentrated dish-washing soap and then diluting it myself also comes out to be cheaper as well.

    • Awesome tip! Thanks! I hadn’t thought of diluting laundry detergent…hmmmm. It’s fun to be part of such a financially savvy community.

  • Ordering him as much in restaurants probably in the checkbook and the waistband. One time I had a bottle of hair shampoo that stretched out over the course of a whole year. Instead of using a quarter size dab of shampoo, I used a pea sized dab. It probably would not work for a woman with long hair, but it worked out just fine for me.

    • Take it from a woman with long hair, it works! It might take a little longer to lather up, but it works! 🙂

    • I couldn’t agree with you more!

  • I love this! I also love your rag photos. I grew up in a home that turned leftover towels and tshirts into dust clothes and cleaning clothes. We skipped a lot of the rule of half and went straight for removal. With the leftovers we definitely try half.

    I rarely eat my full meal so we we’ll split things and then I’ll still end up with a lunch or dinner 🙂

    • Yep! I love splitting stuff and reusing it. Anytime I can avoid spending money on things like cleaning products, I’m all about it! I love that you split meals and still have leftovers. That’s a true testament to how much waste is all around us.

  • Great ideas here… I thought I was the only one who did water in a wine glass! It’s such a good trick – I find that the joy of drinking out of nice bar ware helps to curb the apetite for more wine! Haha – not always but sometimes. 😉

    We also do splities when we go out. My BF and I almost always split a meal. When he goes out to fast food with his sons he always gets a kids meal – the purpose is two fold to save money and calories. Of course, it doesn’t help that the boys get adult meals now!

    Last year I cut back on my electric usage by unplugging the tv/cable/wifi router each night before bed and when I leave the house. It helped me to stop using screen time in bed (I didn’t want to blow through my data) and save electricity for the 8+ hours we are sleeping plus when we are away at work. It totally made a difference!!

    • I have always heard that unplugging results in significant savings, but I never actually tried it. You gave me something to consider for 2017! As far as fast food – oh, how I love it! – when I do occasionally allow myself to indulge, it’s usually using the dollar menu or kids meal option. It’s an awesome trick. Like you said, it saves cash and calories. Win and win. You guys rock!

  • We are a “Rag Household”, too! We use rags in varying stages of use, too… They start out in the kitchen, and end up in the garage in the Car Rag bucket! A whole life, planned out and executed…

    I haven’t bought paper towels in a decade or more because I enjoy my rags to much!

    For the power saver folks – plug your nightly Unplug items into one power strip for easy disconenction in one fell swoop! I have the TV, DVD player, and Game Console all plugged into one power strip that efficiently turns them all off when we are done watching the movie… Same thing in the bedroom, above the headboard is a strip that has our phone chargers and nighttable lamps plugged into it. Upon rising, we flick that switch while we are making the bed! Quick and simple.

    I have always loved the Rule of Half for meals – as then you get a more broad variety of dinner when you and your honey order different things and then share! More fun and less cost!

    Great article! Thanks for sharing!! Happy 2017!

    • Thanks for the compliment! And thanks for sharing your unplugging story. This is something we have talked about but not implemented. You’re the second person to bring it up today in the comments. I think we’ll need to revisit it 🙂

  • Great article!! I’m definitely going to try to use rags now, versus paper towels. Those things are costly!! I think we have some old shirts waiting to be donated, that I may just cut up and reuse as rags!! What a great idea!!
    I need to do more investigating into the unplugging thing. Does that actually save electricity?
    Ha, cable!! I’m so surprised when people still have that, and I see how much that is when I get those ads from Comcast or Verizon on those phone/internet bundles!! We definitely make full use of our Netflix account!!

    • I love using old clothes for rags! You definitely need to try it.
      As far as unplugging to save on electric, this is one I haven’t personally done but I’ve heard from many people that it is a major cost-cutter.
      Cable is so ridiculous. But again, we aren’t big sports people, so we don’t miss it and we can get what we like to watch through other avenues. Three cheers for Netflix and YouTube!

  • Love it! I do some of these things too but hadn’t thought of it in a formal rule sort of way, just small habits built over time.
    Restaurant meals are always too big! And I’d prefer to try a small bit of multiple things than eat a big bowl of one thing. Sharing is definitely the way to go.
    I use less where possible, and sometimes dilute things in pump packs such as handwash etc so one pump is the perfect amount (usually by 1/4 or 1/3 as half is too funny).
    Always love hearing what others are doing and making me feel slightly more ‘normal’ 😉

    • You are definitely normal! At least you’re considered normal in the personal finance community 🙂 I’m also glad to hear I’m not the only one doing tricks like these to save cash!

  • When you mentioned toilet paper, I pictured Dwight on The Office with his machine to turn the double ply paper into single ply. HA!

    Great advice on using half. I immediately thought of shampoo – rinse and repeat. Does anyone actually wash their hair after they’ve just wash it?

    • I LOVED The Office! One ply TP – now that’s funny! Yeah, who are these people washing their hair twice. Wait! I know one – my 7-year old did it the other week. But she’s just fascinated with the fact that she can give herself her own shower these days. Oh, childhood 🙂

  • Great read! I have been trying to cut things in half for years, especially laundry detergent. I am surprised at how half as much still gets the job done.

    • Exactly! It’s such a great money saver if you apply it across the board. 🙂

  • There’s only one Mr. MMM. We all know who he is!

  • Great rule to live by! My favorite way of implementing this is with ice cream. My wife and I will always share a large cup of ice cream instead of each of us getting our own small cup. Almost half the price and you get so much more!

    • Absolutely! …especially when you’re talking Ben & Jerry’s. Those little cups are NOT one serving 🙂

  • I had a similar experience with the internet. I cut it out completely in my new apartment for a month or so. I forced myself to read more and connect with my guests rather than sit in front of a tv. After awhile I realized I do need it (or want it), and got the lowest possible speed. I figured it would always be easier to upgrade rather than to downgrade. The lowest speed ahs been working fine for me and all my devices.
    I like the less milk in the cereal idea, and I think I will apply it to creamer in my coffee. Thanks for coining this term/rule, I’ll be using it on the daily.

    • Awesome! I’m sure it’ll work out for the milk and creamer 😉 The Internet story is an interesting one. I do think we’re “sold” on “needing” the highest speed without even attempting to live on less. Good point!

  • I am reading this on my break at the neighborhood library. I do not have internet, nor cable, nor a tv, at my house. I do not eat out. There is not a restaurant in my very tiny town…lol. I do have a very cheap ($38) smart phone, where I can access the internet if I have to when I am home. I have a radio for local stations in my home. I do not have a washer, nor a dryer. I do not have a dishwasher in my very small kitchen. My house, that I purchased for $25,000 in 2014, and no, that is not a misprint, is in a very rural town, in a decidedly lower middle class part of the country. It was built in 1950 and is only 912 sq ft. After work, I read books, play on facebook, listen to the radio, play with my dog and my cat. I go to visit my grown children an hour and a half away on weekends. That is my main entertainment. I am boring….lol.

    • You are NOT boring. You are AWESOME! You need to start a blog of your own. I’m willing to bet you don’t feel deprived at all! Living on less is so much easier than anyone thinks. Kudos to you!

  • This is a GREAT idea! I am simultaneously disgusted and upset with the amount of food that gets wasted in my home. If we just halved all of our recipes or cut our portions in half then we’d be making some serious progress on the food front, which a top 3 line item in our budget. Thanks for the idea!

    • Absolutely! I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how quickly the savings add up. Please stop back and tell us about your progress!

    • Instead of cutting recipes in 1/2, you can make it batch cooking. Many meals can be made to have enough to eat the first night and freeze equal amounts for use in the coming weeks. Saves, prep and cooking time as well as money.

  • I tear my dryer sheets in 1/3 or 1/2, after using a reduced amount of detergent. 🙂
    I am a fan of sharing at restaurants or having the leftovers the next day. I have not yet gotten rid of paper towels but I go through < 1 roll a month.

    • Yes! You got it goin’ on! I forgot about the dryer sheet trick! Thanks for mentioning it 🙂

      • Are you even sure you need to use dryer sheets? I stopped using them over 15 years ago when I read what was in them. Don’t miss them at all! (I wonder how much I’ve saved not even buying them?)

        • I used to only use them during the winter. So far this winter, I haven’t used any. Things can get a little static-y from time to time, but I’m okay with that 🙂

  • I love sharing food with my husband. It helps keep us from overeating, and if we’re still hungry we can always order more. Plus, we each get to try more things and enjoy more new experiences when we share.

    • Exactly! I always say that we can always order more, but we can’t send anything back. Usually, we’re fine with splitting stuff and ‘more’ is not necessary 🙂

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  • Just wanted to say that instead of dryer sheets, u can ball up a piece of aluminum foil and throw it in with clothes in the dryer. It gets rid of the static cling in your clothes an can be reused many many times. I do this instead of dryer sheets an don’t miss them at all. I believe I read that tip on Pinterest.

    • You can use tennis balls in the dryer also one or two depending on load.

  • Good for u guys and thank u for not creating any more trash w paper towels! It is ridiculous how much waste we do in this country! I use a bar towel instead and keep my counters clean and it doubles as hand drying too. I refill my water containers too, instead of polluting our beautiful universe w plastic! We all need to stop that nonsense! I will continue to follow your blog, thanks.

  • You mentioned personalcapitol.com as a budgeting tool, do you have something similar to recommend for Canadians?

  • We turn off our hot water heater, except for an hour or ao per day. Everyone showers, dishes get washed, and it gets turned back off. Air conditerner is set for 80 degrees, heat for 68. I habe an older double wide trailer that is around 1800 square feet, and my electric bill stays inder $150, with many months just under $100.

    • Wow! That’s dedication! Nice work on the electric bill. Ours is a bit higher, but I can’t seem to be ok with being hot during the summer. Haha. Maybe one day I’ll toughen up. 🙂

  • I definitely use less shampoo than recommended, but since I have long hair, I have a trick to get the most efficacy from a tiny blob. I keep a spare empty shampoo bottle in the shower, and every time I wash my hair (which isn’t as often as they want you to believe), I shake up about a cup of hot water with my shampoo portion, and it makes it foam up and be able to get to my whole scalp, without being as damaging to my hair. I love it!


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Avoid Overspending By Following The Rule Of Half | Mad Money Monster (2024)


How do you prevent overspending? ›

Solutions for Overspending
  1. Leave your credit cards at home when you go out. In fact, leave your debit card at home too. ...
  2. Freeze your cards in a cup of water. ...
  3. Don't use your credit cards like a debit card. ...
  4. Create a Needs vs. ...
  5. Learn to shop smarter. ...
  6. Take the "impulse" out of impulse buys.

What is an example of overspending? ›

Another example of overspending is you are unable to save enough for your goals as you have too many expenses. The feeling of never having enough money, having a low balance in your bank account, and using too many credit cards, are all signs of overspending.

What are the effects of overspending? ›

However, overspending can lead to dire consequences like having to dip into savings or getting into debt. Moreover, it can sometimes create a dis-saving habit, where an individual spends more than they earn, leading to long-term financial insecurity.

What does 1 overspending lead to? ›

Unfortunately, overspending typically leads to large amounts of debt. That debt then needs to be repaid—with interest!

How to avoid spending too much money? ›

How to Stop Spending: 7 Strategies to Try
  1. Discover your “why” Curbing your spending means saying no to purchases from time to time. ...
  2. Review your spending habits. ...
  3. Redirect your behavior. ...
  4. Build a budget. ...
  5. Pay with debit or cash. ...
  6. Make the most of your mobile banking app. ...
  7. Try a no-buy.

What is the root cause of overspending? ›

Overspending can happen for different reasons, such as: You might spend to make yourself feel better. Some people describe this as feeling like a temporary high. If you experience symptoms like mania or hypomania, you might spend more money or make impulsive financial decisions.

What are three types of spending? ›

That spending can be divided into three categories: mandatory, discretionary, and interest.

How do you recover from overspending? ›

Here are six ways to regroup, recalibrate your budget and recognize the triggers to avoid future spending sprees and their credit hangover:
  1. Stop the bleeding. ...
  2. Recalibrate your budget. ...
  3. Close your shopping card. ...
  4. Eliminate triggers. ...
  5. Keep your receipts. ...
  6. Pay for your mistakes.

What do most people overspend on? ›

Most popular non-essentials by percentage who purchase them often
Clothing and shoes37%
20 more rows

What do you call a person who spends money carelessly? ›

Answer. The word closest in meaning to what you want is spendthrift. Spendthrift is a noun that means "a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way."

Is overspending a disorder? ›

For some, overspending becomes buying-shopping disorder, or compulsive shopping disorder (CSD), which is characterized by repetitive, uncontrollable spending that causes serious life difficulties.

How do I know if I am overspending? ›

Here are the six main signs.
  • You're saving less than 10% of your income. ...
  • Your credit card balances are not diminishing. ...
  • Your credit rating is lower than 600. ...
  • You don't have an emergency fund. ...
  • You've never made a budget. ...
  • You've paid overdraft fees.

Is overspending a red flag? ›

And she says that overspending is a red flag that daters should watch out for. “They're living above their means. For me, that would be a huge red flag. Now, when you're dating, some of that can be kind of cute: 'Oh, he takes me out.

How do I stop overspending? ›

  1. Shop with a goal in mind. We've all been there. ...
  2. Stop spending money at restaurants. Changing how you spend money on food is one of the easiest ways to save money. ...
  3. Resist sales. Who doesn't love a good deal? ...
  4. Swear off debt. ...
  5. Delay gratification. ...
  6. Challenge yourself to reach your new goals.
May 31, 2024

Why do people overspend money? ›

Poor planning — Are you checking with your budget? Many people know what they would like to purchase — but they don't check to see if it fits in their plan or budget. Compulsive Spending — Is your spending an addiction? People joke about "shopaholics," but true compulsive spending is a serious disease.

How do I train myself to stop spending money? ›

Here are some ideas to help you stop spending money and build healthier financial habits:
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Visualize What You're Saving For.
  3. Always Shop with a List. ...
  4. Nix the Brand Names. ...
  5. Master Meal Prep.
  6. Consider Cash for In-store Shopping. ...
  7. Remove Temptation.
  8. Hit “Pause"
Jul 10, 2024

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How do I start controlling my spending? ›

Manage spending
  1. Step 1: Map your income and spending patterns. ...
  2. Step 2: Budget for “essentials” and cut back on “extras” List. ...
  3. Step 3: Enroll in Direct Deposit and turn on activity alerts. ...
  4. Step 4: Automate with Bill Pay and never miss a payment.

How do I keep my spending down? ›

Here are some tips that could help you reduce expenses and put more of those $1 bills in your wallet.
  1. Start Tracking Your Spending Habits. ...
  2. Get on a Budget. ...
  3. Cancel Unnecessary or Unused Subscriptions. ...
  4. Reduce Electricity Use. ...
  5. Prioritize Sustainability. ...
  6. Reduce Your Housing Expenses. ...
  7. Consolidate Your Debt and Lower Interest Rates.
Jun 20, 2024

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.