Bearded Dragon Stress Marks: Signs, Causes, & How To Fix | ReptileKnowHow (2024)

Is your Beardie acting distressed? Below you’ll learn what causes stress marks in bearded dragons, signs of stress, and how to help.

You’ll learn:

  • What are the main signs of stress?
  • What are the top causes of stress?
  • How can you help calm your Beardie?
Bearded Dragon Stress Marks: Signs, Causes, & How To Fix | ReptileKnowHow (1)

Bearded dragons will usually show dark stripes or marks on its body and other behavioral signals that indicate distress. This guide will take you through the top signs of stress in beardies and how it can manifest physically. It will help you understand the possible causes of stress so you can try to address them and check if it may be an illness that needs medical attention.

What's In This Guide?

7 Signs Of Stress In Bearded Dragons

1. Stress Marks

Dark markings, oval shapes, or dark lines similar to tiger stripes on a bearded dragon’s belly is a sure indication of stress. Sometimes they can be on the dragon’s chin and limbs as well. These stress marks are common to newly acquired beardies that are still adjusting to their new surroundings.

Bearded Dragon Stress Marks: Signs, Causes, & How To Fix | ReptileKnowHow (2)

How Long Do Stress Marks Last?

Stress marks can last anywhere from a few days to as long as a month. With consistent stress, the marks can last longer. Sometimes it can just be for a few hours as your beardie experiences temperature changes (from day to night). For newly acquired beardies, these stress marks will clear as it gets used to their new home which can sometimes take a month. Make sure that your enclosure has all the proper requirements for temperature and lighting so that there are no added stressors for your new pet. Providing a hiding spot will make your dragon feel safer and help it acclimatize quicker.

2. New Dark Coloration

A darker coloration especially near its chin or beard is a typical sign of stress. However, this may also signify the start of shedding. Wait a few days and check if your beardie’s scales seem off or its tail starts to turn grey which are signs of shedding. If it does not shed, then you may need to bring it to a veterinarian.

📚 Read More >> Why Do Bearded Dragons Turn Black?

Bearded Dragon Stress Marks: Signs, Causes, & How To Fix | ReptileKnowHow (3)

3. Loss of Appetite

Bearded dragon appetite is affected by their environmental temperature so if you notice changes in appetite, it may be feeling too cold. Make sure your thermometer and hygrometer are accurate and that the basking area or warm spot of your enclosure is at 95-110°F. You can also try offering treats such as fruits, mealworms, waxworms, papaya or mangoes. If it starts to eat, then you may simply have a picky eater. However, if the temperature is fine and your dragon refuses a treat then you should take it to the vet.

4. Lower Activity Levels

A sluggish and lethargic dragon can also be a sign of stress. If you notice that your dragon has lower activity levels or is hiding for prolonged periods of time, check the temperature, lighting, and humidity of its enclosure (make sure your UVB bulbs are still efficient). You should also pay attention to its diet. Make sure that your beardie is getting adequate nutrition from a balanced diet that’s appropriate for its age. You may also want to give your beardie some supplements such as calcium powder and vitamin D.

5. Not Basking Enough

If your beardie is not basking as often, it won’t be able to get the proper heat and light it needs for good health. Monitor the temperature of your enclosure and make sure that a good gradient from the hot and cool spots is established. The basking area may not be hot enough, so check the efficiency of your basking lamp as well. Sometimes, you can try switching out the hot and cool side of the tank to force your dragon to bask. However, keep in mind that changing its surroundings too much can also cause it undue stress. Before moving things around in its tank, check that everything else such as temperature, lighting, and humidity is in order.

6. Aggressive Behavior

Aggression due to stress in beardies can be due to leftover crickets that are biting it so make sure you clear all uneaten food 15 minutes after feeding. If your dragon has cage mates, then it may be being bullied by the bigger lizard. You may also be handling your dragon less causing it to turn a bit aggressive towards you. Signs of aggression include a darkened and puffed up beard, an open mouth, and head bobbing.

7. Frantically Clawing The Sides Of Their Terrarium

If you see your dragon “glass surfing” or clawing at the sides of their tank frantically, then it may have seen its own reflection and thought that it was another dragon. Beardies can get territorial so avoid this by setting up a background to cover the three sides of your aquarium or check the placement of your lights and/or tank to avoid any reflections. You should also check that the temperature is not too high which may cause increased activity. Sometimes, this may be a sign that your beardie wants to go out and explore or simply misses being handled – this is especially true for beardies that are used to being out of their cages.

📚 Read More >> Bearded Dragon Digging Behavior

Bearded Dragon Stress Marks: Signs, Causes, & How To Fix | ReptileKnowHow (4)

5 Causes Of Stress

Bearded dragons can be stressed due to many possible causes, most of which are environmental and can be addressed easily. A well set up enclosure with the appropriate temperature, humidity, and lighting and a proper diet for your dragon will help avoid any undue stress. However, if in doubt or you notice that the stress may be due to an illness or injury, then you should definitely bring your beardie to a vet.

1. Incorrect Tank Temperature

Temperature and lighting (UVA/UVB light) are two of the most important factors that affect a lizard’s health. Bearded dragons are no different – they need a good temperature gradient in their tank to help with digestion, appetite, and body temp regulation. Make sure that you have an accurate thermometer and that your bulbs are still efficient. If you can, create a basking area with multiple levels (one very near the light and another slightly lower) so your beardie has the option to adjust according to its comfort. If the tank temperature is lower than recommended, it can cause a loss of appetite. This should be avoided especially during the growth phase. Sometimes, if your tank is on the smaller side, a good temperature gradient is not established and the temperature in your tank is either too high enough or too low for your bearded dragon’s comfort.

2. Wrong Sized Tank

Bearded dragons need plenty of space to move around and roam in. They do like exploring but hiding spots in their tank will also help make them feel safer. Small tanks can stunt the growth of juvenile dragons and lead to other diseases, causing stress. If they grow bigger, you will have to adjust their tank size so you might as well get a big tank at the start (50-55 gallons).

3. Relocation Stress

The first time you bring a beardie home, it will be stressed for sure as it adjusts to its new surroundings. The best thing to do here is to be patient with your beardie and give all the requirements it needs for a good home. You may notice darkening of the beard, loss of appetite, lack of bowel movement or runny feces, and inactivity during this period of adjustment. Relocation stress may last from a few weeks to a month. A responsible breeder will often make sure baby dragons get used to handling at a young age so their transition to new families is easier.

Quick Tips For Dealing With Relocation Stress In Bearded Dragons

To deal with relocation stress, limit handling and try not to overwhelm your new dragon even if you’re really excited about it. Reduce its sensory intake by covering a part of the tank with a towel and providing it with extra places to hide and help it feel safe. Make sure there’s no noise near its tank and that your family does not overcrowd near it too much.

Help it get used to your smell by placing an article of clothing you own in the tank and showing your palm face up in the tank a few minutes at a time to help it get used to your presence. Any time you’re reaching in from above the tank, go slow, and try not to startle your dragon. If you can, approach slightly from the side or the front so you don’t seem like a predator to your new beardie. If you need to pick it up, make sure you support its legs and tails to help it feel secure.

Food is always a good de-stressor so feed your new beardie every day making sure that no crickets are left in the tank after feeding as these can bite your beardie and cause more stress. You can also use tweezers to feed it during this adjustment period.

New beardies should never be housed with another bearded dragon as they can get territorial and resort to bullying. Bigger beardies will bully smaller ones and cause stress. They tend to take the best basking spots and food.

The best thing to do would be to leave your new beardie alone unless necessary and give it time to get acclimatized.

4. Excessive Handling

Excessive handling may also be causing your dragon undue stress. If you find it evading you or hiding immediately after handling then reduce interaction times until it feels comfortable again. Remember to fully support its legs and tail to help it feel secure during handling.

5. Loud Noises

Always approach your bearded dragon with a soft, calm tone and speak softly when approaching the tank so that it gets used to the sound of your voice. Don’t put their tank in an area with a constant source of noise like a television. Avoid putting your feeder insects in the same room since your dragon will hear them and be stressed that it can’t get to them.

Others causes of stress

  • Crickets will bite bearded dragons if left in the tank after feeding. Make sure to clear uneaten food 15 minutes after feeding and check that none are hiding in the enclosure.
  • Boredom and lack of attention may also be getting to your dragon so let it out of its enclosure to exercise or add new hiding spots or elements in your tank for it to explore.
  • A dirty enclosure can also cause stress and unwanted bacterial growth that can make your dragon sick.
  • Other pets that your dragon can see through its tank might scare and threaten it.
  • Sometimes, especially for smaller beardies, too much open space in its enclosure can stress it out since it may feel too exposed or make it harder to hunt for its food. Try adding a divider or more hiding places in your enclosure you can just take out as your dragon grows.

How Can I Calm My Bearded Dragon?

If you have a new bearded dragon then you should limit handling and be patient. Give it time to get used to its new surroundings. If you’ve had your beardie for a while then check all the possible causes listed above. The list below also gives tips on how to help calm down a stressed bearded dragon.

Prevent Boredom With Tank Decor

Bearded dragons love the opportunity to explore so new tank decor can help keep it engaged. Give your beardie branches to climb, different basking levels, faux caves to hide in, and some plants to mimic their natural habitat.

Optimize Tank Conditions

The optimal tank conditions for lizards with regards to lighting, heating, and humidity can never be emphasized enough. These are all essential to your bearded dragon’s health and should be closely monitored. Aside from these, make sure your tank has adequate space, a nice basking spot, and several hiding areas for your dragon. Water should also be provided at all times.

Proper Diet

Bearded dragons need to have the proper ratio of live food such as crickets and worms as well as vegetables during different stages of their lives. As hatchlings and juveniles, they need more protein in their diets, transitioning to more vegetables as they age. Always take out uneaten food from the tank after feeding.

Give Them A Warm Bath

A 20 minute warm bath (85-92°F) may also help but only do this if your beardie is already comfortable with handling, otherwise the bath will stress it out further. Make sure the water does not get into its eyes and nose. A warm bath will help with your beardie’s hydration and cleanliness and help calm it down.


Signs of stress in bearded dragons often manifest as dark marks on its belly. The cause is usually related to its environment so always make sure that its enclosure has all the proper requirements especially when it comes to heating and lighting. If you’ve exhausted all the possible ways to calm down your beardie and it is still showing signs of stress then you should bring it to a herp vet immediately to get checked.


Should You Be Worried About Stress Marks On Your Bearded Dragon?

Newly acquired bearded dragons will almost always develop stress marks since it will be worked up from all the extra stimulation as it gets relocated. These will usually clear from a few weeks to maybe a month as your dragon adjusts and feels more comfortable.

If your beardie has been with you for a while and it develops stress marks then check its surroundings and observe if it may be ill. Usually, these are caused by minor environmental changes that you can easily address. Just make sure that its habitat meets all the requirements to keep your bearded dragon happy.

How Long Do Stress Marks Take to Disappear?

Stress marks for new beardies usually take about a week, to sometimes, a month as it gets used to its new home. These stress marks can also appear with temperature changes from day to night and clear up shortly after morning. Some studies suggest that like chameleons, most reptiles like bearded dragons can darken their skin a bit to help it absorb more heat. If the marks persist for a long time, you should get your bearded dragon to the vet.

Why Do Baby Bearded Dragons Get Stress Marks?

Baby bearded dragons can have stress marks especially due to relocation stress as they take in all the unfamiliar sights and sounds of their new environment. Some can be due to most of the reasons that stress out older dragons listed above but some can also just appear for no reason and should disappear with age. There are reports of baby dragons being stressed out and showing stress marks in large tanks as they may feel vulnerable with all the open space. Get creative by putting a divider in your tank you can take out as your dragon grows or put hiding places to help make your dragon feel safe. Also check that the correct temperature for baby bearded dragons is met in your tank (100-110°F in the hot side and 80-90°F in the cooler side).

Further Reading

Comprehensive bearded dragon care sheet you can print (PDF):
Care Sheet – Bearded Dragon

A full and exhaustive guide to bearded dragons from taxonomy, history, behavior, breeding, and many more:
Husbandry Manual For Bearded Dragons. Reptilia: Agamidae

Explaining common myths and facts about bearded dragon care:
Myths and Facts about Bearded Dragon Care

A list of common diseases affecting bearded dragons:
Bearded Dragons – Diseases

Forum on what may stress out bearded dragons with accounts from owners:
What might stress out my bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragon Stress Marks: Signs, Causes, & How To Fix | ReptileKnowHow (2024)


How do you fix stress marks on bearded dragons? ›

Give your dragon a nice warm bath, followed by cuddles in a soft towel. Simply pause as much noise as possible to give your dragon some quiet time. Try turning off the lights until your dragon is more calm (of course you wouldn't want to leave the tank like this for too long so your dragon doesn't get too cold).

Why won t my bearded dragon stress marks go away? ›

Stress marks on bearded dragons can fade in as little as a week. But, if the cause of the stress is not removed, these markings can last much longer. You may also begin to notice other signs of stress as well as these markings.

What causes a bearded dragon to be stressed? ›

Relocation Stress

Relocation is probably the most common reason for the sudden appearance of bearded dragon stress marks. Beardies can be quite sensitive to any kind of change, so their stress could be caused by something as simple as moving the enclosure from one area of your home to another.

Why does my bearded dragon wake up with stress marks? ›

These marks are a sure indication of stress. It can be very common to bearded dragons that you have recently acquired. The stress marks may go away in a few days once it has become accustomed to its new home. Check to make sure you are offering food, water, and that the temperatures are correct within the habitat.

How do you calm a stressed lizard? ›

Blankets, newspaper and paper towels or all work well. Blankets are recommended particularly during cold weather. You can use a wet towel if your lizard requires a moist environment, or dry towels if it doesn't. This will also provide cushioning for comfort and your lizard will feel calm with something to burrow into.

Can you reverse calcium deficiency in bearded dragons? ›

In mild cases of MBD this could be as simple as adjusting your dragon's diet to include more calcium-rich foods. In moderate to severe cases, you will likely need to provide one or more of the following: Oral calcium supplements. Vitamin D3 injections.

Why does my bearded dragon stay in one spot for days? ›

Lethargic can mean that the bearded dragon doesn't move much at all, stays in one location for days and days, and acts very weak and unresponsive. A bearded dragon acting lethargic could be a serious sign of a possible health issue.

Why is my bearded dragon constantly glass surfing? ›

Glass surfing is thought to be a result of stress and a bearded dragon may be stressed for several reasons: An enclosure or tank that's too small for it can stress a bearded dragon out. Another bearded dragon, even if they're not housed together, may be interpreted as competition for a bearded dragon and cause stress.

How do you know if a lizard is stressed? ›

  1. Persistent food-seeking behaviour.
  2. Refusal to eat/drink.
  3. Hypoactivity or hyperactivity.
  4. Open-mouth breathing or panting.
  5. Flattened body posture.
  6. Head-hiding.
  7. Aggression between tank mates.
  8. Interaction with enclosure walls.

Do bearded dragons change color when stressed? ›

Overall body color changes and beard color changes may occur slowly as your bearded dragon grows, but if a sudden or temporary color change is noted, it could be due to stress, illness, or an emotion. Beardies will often darken or turn black if threatened or upset.

Why did my bearded dragon hiss at me? ›

Bearded dragons typically only hiss when they feel threatened. If your dragon is new, he may need some time to get used to the new environment and you. Your dragon may also hiss if he sees his reflection, or if you are reaching for your dragon from above.

What are the first signs of MBD in bearded dragons? ›

MBD does have some specific warning signs. These include swelling of the face, mouth and/or back legs, lethargy, and trembling limbs. In more severe cases, we may also see muscle twitching, general weakness, unusual postures, and deformities.

How do I know if my bearded dragon is agitated? ›

How Do You Know When a Bearded Dragon is Mad?
  1. Biting. This is an obvious sign that your beardie is mad, and it usually occurs when they are not happy with the way you are handling them. ...
  2. Hissing. ...
  3. Bearding (Fluffing Their Beard) ...
  4. Head Bobbing. ...
  5. Gaping (Opening Their Mouth Wide)
Feb 26, 2020

What foods are high in calcium for bearded dragons? ›

What Else Can I Give My Bearded Dragon for Calcium?
  • Read ingredients before selecting a calcium powder. ...
  • Gut load feeder insects with calcium-rich fruits and veggies such as blackberries, papaya, mustard greens, and kale.
  • A healthy diet is an important way for you to ensure your dragon is getting enough calcium.
Jul 27, 2021

How many times a week should I give my bearded dragon calcium? ›

Generally, veterinarians recommend that 2-3 times per week, you LIGHTLY sprinkle food offered to bearded dragons with a calcium powder (calcium gluconate, lactate, or carbonate) not containing vitamin D3, and an additional 2-3 times a week, you LIGHTLY sprinkle food with a calcium powder containing vitamin D3.

What happens if a lizard has too much calcium? ›

Calcium is potentially a dangerous element. Too much calcium in the body can lead to arterial sclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and too low calcium can lead to seizures (fits) and brittle bones. Calcitonin is the hormone that pushes calcium into the bones if there is too much calcium in the blood stream.

What smell does lizard hate? ›

Things like hot sauce, pepper, and cayenne emit a strong smell that deters lizards. For best results, mix a few tablespoons of your pepper of choice with a pint of warm water. Shake the mixture well and spray it in the corners of your home, and outside, along access points like doors and windows.

What do bearded dragons love the most? ›

Most bearded dragons love playing around in the water. It's a great way for them to have some fun while also getting hydrated. A large plastic storage bin that is at least twice as long as your bearded dragon makes for a perfect swimming hole. A small kiddie pool works well, too.

How often do you give a bearded dragon a bath? ›

As a general rule, bath time three times a week should be sufficient to keep your dragon clean and hydrated. If your dragon absolutely hates baths, then once a week may be a reasonable goal. If your dragon can't get enough bath time, you may want to do it more frequently, maybe even once a day.

What does a sick bearded dragon look like? ›

Sick beardies may seem weak or grumpy, and they may hide and/or stop basking. Shaking, dizziness, head tilting, and loss of balance are also red flags.

What supplements should I give my bearded dragon? ›

Baby bearded dragons need a daily dose of calcium and vitamin D3 to ensure proper growth and good bone development. Juveniles should be given supplements of calcium and vitamin D3 at least three to four meals per week, and adults should receive supplements at least once per week.

Should bearded dragons have bugs everyday? ›

Juvenile and adult Bearded Dragon diets

You only need to give your dragon insects two or three times a week, with vegetation everyday. Remember, adult Beardies don't need too many insects and animal matter otherwise they'll become obese.

Should a bearded dragons light be on all the time? ›

Turtles, tortoises, bearded dragons, iguanas, and chameleons are some common examples of reptiles that need UVB light. This helps prevent animals from developing hypocalcemia (or lack of calcium). UVB lights should be kept on during the day and turned off at night and should be used along with calcium supplements.

What do bearded dragons like in their tank? ›

Every dragon needs a basking spot, and this spot should be between 95 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Other parts of the tank should be cooler so your dragon can regulate body temperature as needed. Nighttime temperatures. At night, the entire tank should range from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why does my bearded dragon keep trying to jump off things? ›

They're stressed out

There are a number of factors, but common ones include an enclosure that is too small, improper temperatures, rearranged decorations, and a perceived threat from a reflection or another dragon nearby. Even boredom or lack of stimulation can make your dragon try to climb out of the tank.

How do you pick up a bearded dragon? ›

Slowly reach your hand in their terrarium and lift up on their chin. This will usually prompt them to start climbing onto your hand/arm. If they don't climb, you can slowly place your hands around them and place them on your hand.

What does skin rot look like on a bearded dragon? ›

Check regularly for early signs of scale rot: Skin or scales are cracked and crusty. Raised or swollen scales. Red, brown, or otherwise dark discolored skin, especially near the tail or on the abdomen.

Can MBD be reversed in bearded dragons? ›

Metabolic bone disease usually requires immediate oral calcium supplementation, rehydration with fluids, nutritional support, treatment with injectable vitamin D3, and injections of calcitonin (a drug which helps re-deposit calcium back into bearded dragons' bones).

Do bearded dragons need calcium powder every day? ›

Bearded dragons just can't live well without calcium, and supplementing is the best way to make sure they get enough. Keep your dragon happy and healthy by giving your dragon calcium powder each day, mess-free!

What does coccidia look like in bearded dragons? ›

diarrhoea with or without blood, weight loss and depression, anorexia (not eating) or vomiting after eating, or. poor growth and/or death in both young and old or unwell reptiles.

What happens if a bearded dragon has too much calcium? ›

General weakness, lethargic behavior, and constipation are all common signs that your beardie is absorbing too much calcium. There will also be a lack of mobility since the muscles and soft tissue will begin to stiffen.

Can you give too much calcium bearded dragon? ›

Although rare, Bearded dragons who are exposed to too high a level of UVB, can in turn absorb too much D3. On top of this, when they are given too much calcium powder, their muscles can then experience calcification and essentially weaken.

Why is my bearded dragon opening and closing his mouth repeatedly? ›

It's A Sign of Aggression. Bearded dragons are generally calm and docile lizards. However, if they feel threatened, angry, or afraid, they may open their mouths as part of an aggressive stance. When an animal feels threatened or afraid, it will go into a fight or flight response.

Can MBD go away? ›

The advanced cases of MBD need to be treated by a reptile vet. Treatment choice will depend on the case and the vet but may include vitamin injections, UVB exposure, and other supplemental methods. The good news is that MBD can be stopped, and your pet can live a long and happy life, even as a survivor.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.