Begriffsverwirrung vermeiden: Operativer Cashflow, Netto-Cashflow, Free Cashflow und andere: Was ist was? (2024)


Begriffsverwirrung vermeiden: Operativer Cashflow, Netto-Cashflow, Free Cashflow und andere: Was ist was? (1) Kennzahlen-Guide für Controller-Über 200 Kennzahlen aus Finanzen, Personal, Logistik, Produktion, Einkauf, Vertrieb, eCommerce und IT.
Jede Kennzahl wird in diesem Buch ausführlich erläutert. Neben der Formel wird eine Beispielrechnung aufgeführt. Für viele branchenneutrale Kennzahlen stehen Zielwerte bzw. Orientierungshilfen für eine Bewertung zur Verfügung. Für die genannten Bereiche hat die Redaktion von jeweils spezialisierte Experten als Autoren gewonnen, die auf dem jeweiligen Gebiet über umfangreiche Praxiserfahrung verfügen.
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Controller (m/w/d)

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LITEF-Produkte sind weltweit in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen im Einsatz. Unsere Lösungen und Erfahrungen bieten wir Kunden, die dynamische Vorgänge (Beschleunigungen und Drehungen) messen und regeln wollen, Lage und Kurs von Fahrzeugen ermitteln oder navigieren wollen – auf dem Land, in... Mehr Infos >>

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Was im Jahre 1705 als Schmiede begann, ist heute ein weltweit operierendes Unter­nehmen mit weit­reichender Erfahrung und großer Innovations­kraft. Täg­lich schmieden wir Pläne für äußerst robuste und intelligente Transport­lösungen im Schwerlast- und Spezial­transport – auf der Straße, offroad o... Mehr Infos >>

Controller (m/w/d) Vollzeit / Teilzeit

Das Katholische Klinikum · Koblenz Montabaur ist ein modern ausgestattetes, freigemeinnütziges Verbundkrankenhaus der Schwerpunktversorgung und Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Universität Mainz. Gesellschafter des Unternehmens sind die Barmherzigen Brüder Trier gGmbH und die Kranken­pflegegenoss... Mehr Infos >>

Manager Finance und Controlling (m/w/d)

Unser Mandant ist eine erfolgreiche und wirtschaftlich stabil wachsende Unternehmensgruppe. Sie versorgt an vielen internationalen Produktionsstätten auf mehreren Kontinenten eine große Zahl an Industriekunden im Mobilitätssektor mit innovativen und qualitativ hochwertigen Lösungen und Komponente... Mehr Infos >>

Mitarbeiter Finanzbuchhaltung in Vollzeit (m/w/d)

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Begriffsverwirrung vermeiden: Operativer Cashflow, Netto-Cashflow, Free Cashflow und andere: Was ist was? (10)

Sie sind Controller und wollen Ihre Excel oder Power-BI Kenntnisse verbessern? Dann sind unsere Excel /Power-BI Schulungen genau das Richtige für Sie! Lernen Sie, wie Sie Daten effizient analysieren, visualisieren und präsentieren können. Nutzen Sie die Vorteile von Pivot-Tabellen, Formeln, Makros und mehr. Melden Sie sich jetzt an und werden Sie zum Excel oder Power-BI Profi!

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Begriffsverwirrung vermeiden: Operativer Cashflow, Netto-Cashflow, Free Cashflow und andere: Was ist was? (14)Rollierende Liquiditätsplanung auf Wochenbasis. Mit der Excel-Vorlage „Liquiditätstool“ erstellen Sie schnell und einfach ein Bild ihrer operativen Liquiditätslage für die nächsten (bis zu 52) Wochen.. Preis 47,60EUR Mehr Infos und Download >>

Begriffsverwirrung vermeiden: Operativer Cashflow, Netto-Cashflow, Free Cashflow und andere: Was ist was? (2024)


What is the difference between free cash flow and net cash? ›

Free cash flow focuses on cash from operations minus capital expenditures. It measures how much cash is available for distributions after money invested to maintain or expand the business. Net cash flow looks at the total change in cash and cash equivalents based on all business activities.

What is total cash flow or free cash flow ____________________? ›

Free Cash Flow = Cash from Operations – CapEx

Free cash flow is one measure of a company's financial performance. It shows the cash that a company can produce after deducting the purchase of assets such as property, equipment, and other major investments from its operating cash flow.

What is operating cash flow and free cash flow? ›

Operating cash flow measures cash generated by a company's business operations. Free cash flow is the cash that a company generates from its business operations after subtracting capital expenditures. Operating cash flow tells investors whether a company has enough cash flow to pay its bills and turn a profit.

What are the three free cash flows? ›

Types of free cash flow
  • Free cash flow to the firm = Cash flow from operations - Capital expenditure.
  • Free cash flow to equity = Free cash flow to the firm + Net borrowing - Interest × (1-Tax)
  • FCF = Operating cash flow - Capital expenditures.
  • FCF = Operating income – Capital expenditure.

What is the difference between operating cash flow and net income? ›

Key Takeaways. Net Income is the result of revenues minus the expenses, taxes, and costs of goods sold (COGS). Operating cash flow is the cash generated from operations, or revenues, less operating expenses. Many investors and analysts prefer using operating cash flow as an indicator of a company's health.

What is the difference between cash flow and non-cash flow? ›

With the indirect method, cash flow is calculated by adjusting net income by adding or subtracting differences resulting from non-cash transactions. Non-cash items show up in the changes to a company's assets and liabilities on the balance sheet from one period to the next.

Is free cash flow good or bad? ›

The upshot: Positive free cash flow means you have sufficient money to invest back into the business for growth or to distribute to shareholders. Negative free cash flow could portend that you'll need to raise money to pay the rent or there's a potential for healthier competitors to outperform you in the market.

What is the difference between free cash flow and free cash flow to equity? ›

The most significant difference compared to FCFE is that FCFF considers both equity (shareholders) and debt providers. Compared to calculating the free cash flow, there is only one difference: we add the interest–corrected for the tax advantage–back to the net profit and thus get the cash flow for all investors.

Is cash flow just cash? ›

Cash flow is the net cash and cash equivalents transferred in and out of a company. Cash received represents inflows, while money spent represents outflows. A company creates value for shareholders through its ability to generate positive cash flows and maximize long-term free cash flow (FCF).

What is a good operating cash flow ratio? ›

The operating cash flow ratio represents a company's ability to pay its debts with its existing cash flows. It is determined by dividing operating cash flow by current liabilities. A ratio greater than 1.0 indicates that a company is in a strong position to pay its debts without incurring additional liabilities.

Why is EBITDA important? ›

EBITDA can be a useful tool for comparing companies subject to disparate tax treatments and capital costs, or analyzing them in situations where these are likely to change. It also omits non-cash depreciation costs that may not accurately represent future capital spending requirements.

What does operating cash flow tell you? ›

Operating cash flow (OCF) is how much cash a company generated (or consumed) from its operating activities during a period. The OCF calculation will always include the following three components: 1) net income, 2) plus non-cash expenses, and 3) minus the net increase in net working capital.

What are the three 3 major types of cash flow? ›

There are three cash flow types that companies should track and analyze to determine the liquidity and solvency of the business: cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities.

What are the three methods of cash flow? ›

The cash flow statement is the least important financial statement but is also the most transparent. The cash flow statement is broken down into three categories: operating activities, investment activities, and financing activities.

What is a good free cash flow ratio? ›

As a starting point, a Free Cash Flow ratio above 1 is considered favorable for any company. This implies that the business is generating enough cash to more than cover its operating expenses and investments, a key indicator of financial health.

What does free cash flow tell you? ›

Free cash flow indicates the amount of cash generated each year that is free and clear of all internal or external obligations. In other words, it reflects cash that the company can safely invest or distribute to shareholders.

Why use free cash flow instead of net income? ›

FCF, as compared with net income, gives a more accurate picture of a firm's financial health and is more difficult to manipulate, but it isn't perfect. Because it measures cash remaining at the end of a stated period, it can be a much "lumpier" metric than net income.

Is NPV the same as free cash flow? ›

You can find the NPV from a discounted cash flow analysis, which assesses future cash flows of a project in present-day terms by using the time value of money. A free cash flow, on the other hand, is simply a period table of revenues minus expenses.

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