Best Feeder Insects For Bearded Dragons (2024)

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Dubia Roaches Waxworms FAQs

A bearded dragon's health and wellbeing is contingent on meeting their nutritional needs, on doing this you must provide them with a diverse diet including live feeders, you can find information on the various options available to your dragon here.

There are many different things to consider when selecting the best diet for your dragon's long term health and wellbeing. The different nutritional elements that make up the various options each play a crucial role in helping your dragon thrive.

As well as the vitamins and minerals that are very important, you alsohave to consider other factors such as calcium and protein and how much of eachgoesto make up the various feeders on offer.

Although you do want to mimic the diet which Bearded Dragon's can have in the wild, we also have to take into account the fact that they aren't in the wild but captivity and their environment is different; they should never eat wild-caught bugs that you find as these can contain diseases and parasites that can hurt your dragon.

See below for more detailed information on insects for your pet Bearded Dragon.

Dubia Roaches

You will usually find Dubia Roaches first on the list for staple insects when it comes to Bearded Dragons; this is because they are an excellent source of protein, have a low-fat content, and also have a balanced range of nutrients. Not only this, but they also have several other benefits that you will not find when it comes to some other feeders.

See below for some benefits of Dubia Roaches:

    • Less to no noise, Dubia are very quiet, especially when compared with crickets.

    • Little to no smell, Dubia don't smell when appropriately kept, crickets have a strong unpleasant smell compared with Dubia.
    • They breed easily; you will often find that your Dubia breed on their own without you even trying, giving you some extra bugs to feed your dragon.
    • Cannot climb or fly, Dubia cannot climb smooth surfaces like the walls of a plastic tote or cricket keeper.
    • Easily kept and maintained, you will find it easy to keep your Dubia alive, all you need is something for them to hide in such as egg crates and something to feed them such as leftover salad from your dragon's salad to keep them alive and gut-loaded.

    Nutritional content of Dubia Roaches:

    Extra small Dubia Roaches:

    Moisture: 71.5%

    Protein: 21.4%

    Fat: 3.1%

    Ash: 1.3%

    Fiber: 2.6%

    Calcium: 700 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2600 mg/kg

    Extra-large Dubia Roaches:

    Moisture: 65.6%

    Protein: 23.4%

    Fat: 7.2%

    Ash: 1.2%

    Fiber: 2.9%

    Calcium: 800 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2600 mg/kg

    Goliath Worms (Horned/Horn Worms)

    Goliath Worms or Hornworms are another insect feeder for your Bearded Dragon, and they can be fed as a staple as they are a great source of nutrition. But should not be fed as a sole staple due to their high moisture content, they are best fed alongside another staple such as Dubia Roaches.

    One of the more prominent features of these worms is that they grow extremely fast and can grow up to four or five inches in length. Even when purchased small to start with, given the right conditions, they can grow to full size within a matter of days, so depending on the size of your dragon, you may need to feed them off quickly. They are also commonly used to boost hydration when required due to their high moisture content, but be careful because this can result in a runny stool if fed too much.

    Nutritional information for Goliath Worms:

    Moisture: 85%

    Protein: 9%

    Fat: 3.07%

    Ash: n/a

    Fiber: n/a

    Calcium: 464 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 1394 mg/kg


    Waxworms are another staple insect that you can feed your bearded dragon; they are known as having a high-fat content so they should not be fed as the sole staple but alongside a less fatty staple such as Dubia Roaches. If your dragon has a weight problem, then these should be avoided.

    If you feed too many of these to your dragon that can suffer from obesity and other related issues, you shouldn't feed any more than 2-3 per day in a mixture of other bugs to keep your dragon healthy.

    You can buy wax worms pretty easily anywhere that sells feeders for reptiles, most pet stores stock them, and they are readily available at online retailers. They are pretty easy to keep as you can just store them in the container they arrive in.

    Nutritional information for Waxworms:

    Moisture: 58.5%

    Protein: 14.1%

    Fat: 24.9%

    Ash: 0.6%

    Fiber: 3.4%

    Calcium: 243 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 1650 mg/kg


    Superworms are a great feeder insect; they are best fed along with another staple feeder as they have a slightly high-fat content. Your dragon can have ten of these per day with no problem when fed alongside another less fatty staple such as Dubia Roaches.

    Superworms are sometimes mistaken for giant mealworms but are, in fact, different, as well as being nutritionally better than mealworms. They also have a softer outer shell, known as chitin (pronounced ky-tin), which makes them easier to digest. Due to this, superworms can be fed to any age dragon as long as they are size appropriate.

    Nutritional information for superworms:

    Moisture: 57.9%

    Protein: 19.7%

    Fat: 17.7%

    Ash: 1.0%

    Fiber: 2.7%

    Calcium: 177 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2370 mg/kg


    Mealworms are another popular feeder insect for Bearded Dragons, their size varies, but they can grow up to around two inches in length. They contain a hard outer layer, which is referred to as chitin (pronounced ky-tin). This is why some people advise not to feed them to dragons as they can have a hard time digesting them; this is particularly true for young dragons.

    Mealworms should only be fed as part of a varied diet. For an adult dragon no more than five to six mealworms per day at the most, they should be avoided for younger dragons.

    Nutritional information for Mealworms:

    Moisture: 61.9%

    Protein: 18.7%

    Fat: 13.4%

    Ash: 0.9%

    Fiber: 2.5%

    Calcium: 169 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2950 mg/kg


    Crickets are a very popular feeder insect for Bearded Dragons, nutritionally they offer a good amount of protein and calcium, and they are widely available at pet stores and online retailers. You should not purchase them from bait shops as they tend to carry more parasites and diseases.

    Some of their body parts can be hard to digest for dragons, such as their hind legs, so ensure adequate hydration when feeding them.

    The negative thing about crickets is that they are notoriously hard to keep, they try and jump out of any container that you keep them in, they are noisy, they can smell very bad, and they can die very easily. They are also more likely to be carriers of parasites than other feeders like Dubia Roaches. If you are feeding crickets, you want to ensure that you are getting your Bearded Dragon a regular fecal exam every 6 months unless there are signs of parasites such as lethargy or loss of appetite. At this point, a fecal exam should be sought immediately.

    Nutritional information for crickets:

    Moisture: 77.1%

    Protein: 15.4%

    Fat: 3.3%

    Ash: 1.1%

    Fiber: 2.2%

    Calcium: 275 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2520 mg/kg

    Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Nutrigrubs)

    Black Soldier Fly Larvae are an excellent feeder insect for your Bearded Dragon, they have a lot of calcium and also a lot of protein, but they are known for their high calcium content. They make a good supplement for any dragon in need of calcium and can even take the place of a powder calcium supplement, but not one that contains D3.

    They are best used for young dragons due to their very small size, they can be troublesome as a main staple insect as their small size doesn't always pique the interest of an adult dragon, and the quantities you would need to feed them can be impractical. They are easy to keep as they can be kept in the container they came in and don't need feeding.

    Nutritional information for Black Soldier Fly Larvae:

    Moisture: 61.2%

    Protein: 17.5%

    Fat: 14%

    Ash: 3.5%

    Fiber: 3%

    Calcium: 9340 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 3560 mg/kg


    Butterworms are another worm type feeder insect, similar looking to Black Soldier Fly Larvae but bigger. They also offer high levels of protein and calcium.

    These make a good feeder because, due to their size, dragons will be more tempted to eat them.

    Nutritional information for Butterworms:

    Moisture: 60.2%

    Protein: 15.5%

    Fat: 29.4%

    Ash: 0.8%

    Fiber: 1.4%

    Calcium: 125 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2250 mg/kg


    Silkworms are another feeder insect available for Bearded Dragons, but these aren't 'very widely used. They offer an okay amount of calcium but are low in protein for your dragon and are soft-bodied so easy for them to digest.

    They can be difficult to find most of the time and are also expensive when you can find them, making them impractical to use as an everyday staple for your dragon.

    Nutritional information for silkworms:

    Moisture: 82.7%

    Protein: 9.3%

    Fat: 1.1%

    Ash: 1.1%

    Fiber: 1.1 %

    Calcium: 177 mg/kg

    Phosphorous: 2370 mg/kg

    Best Feeder Insects For Bearded Dragons (2024)


    What bugs can I feed my bearded dragon daily? ›

    Some common bugs and insects to feed your dragon include earthworms, co*ckroaches, silkworms, crickets, and roaches. Out of the list of options the most popular feeder insects are crickets and dubia roaches.

    Are crickets or superworms better for bearded dragons? ›

    Although superworms may appear to have a hard exoskeleton, they actually have a lower fiber content than crickets. This low fiber content means that reptiles and amphibians will have an easier time absorbing the nutrients they need from superworms.

    Should I feed My bearded dragon mealworms or crickets? ›

    Crickets are another popular food choice when it comes to feeding lizards. Crickets are easy to find and as nutritious as mealworms are. They are also easy to gut load and feed to bearded dragons (who readily eat them).

    What is a bearded dragons favorite food? ›

    Vegetables - Veggies should make up 25% of a young bearded dragon's food and half of an adult's. Favorites include kale, collard greens, mustard greens, zucchini and shredded carrots. Make sure to remove any vegetables that have not been eaten so they do not go bad inside their habitat.

    How many insects should I feed my bearded dragon? ›

    A typical juvenile can eat 20 to 50 insects each day. Adults will consume more greens than insects, fresh greens should be introduced daily. When using supplements such as waxworms, or Calciworms® dragons should be fed 3 to 5 worms 3 times a week.

    What fruits can I feed my bearded dragon everyday? ›

    Bearded Dragons can eat plums, peaches, figs, apples, raspberries, bananas, watermelon, cherries, pears, mangos, and papayas. While it's important to include fruit as part of your Beardie's diet, it's advisable to keep their intake to a minimum, at no more than 10% of their total daily feed.

    Can I feed my bearded dragon worms everyday? ›

    Because of this issue, it's best not to feed superworms to your dragon every day, and to dust the worms with calcium powder before feeding them to your bearded dragon. That way, at least some of the damage phosphorus could cause will be minimized. Obesity.

    What insects can bearded dragons not eat? ›

    Never feed your bearded dragon any insect that glows. This includes fireflies, lightning bugs or any worms that can glow in the dark. The chemical responsible for these insects' glow is highly toxic to bearded dragons. Avocados should also be avoided because they're also poisonous to beardies.

    What should a bearded dragon eat daily? ›

    Appropriate animal-based protein sources include grasshoppers, gut-loaded (i.e., fed nutritious food that is then passed on to the lizard) or calcium-dusted crickets and mealworms, spiders, wax worms (occasionally, as they are high fat), silk worms (occasionally), tofu, moths, slugs, and earthworms.

    Should I feed My bearded dragon crickets everyday? ›

    Bearded dragon owners should offer full-grown adult bearded dragons roughly 10 crickets per day, or 20 crickets every other day. The crickets should be offered in one feeding session per day that lasts between 10 and 15 minutes.

    Do feeder crickets carry disease? ›

    Yes and no. It depends on where the crickets come from. Furthermore, crickets aren't the only feeders that can transmit parasites — they're just as likely to get your reptile sick as any other bug.

    Are crickets or mealworms better? ›

    Around 20 students and even a biology professor tried the critter buffet in Krueger's class. “How do the mealworms compare to the crickets?” said Krueger, associate professor of anthropology. Most students seem to agree that the crickets tasted better, as they had more flavor and crunch to them. “It wasn't too bad.

    Can I feed my beardie dead crickets? ›

    You should never feed your dragon dead crickets. When a cricket dies it loses the ability to retain moisture in its body, and that moisture starts to evaporate, which takes with it a lot of the nutrients that it once had.

    What does every bearded dragon need? ›

    Bearded dragons need a vivarium that ranges from a hotter (38 to 42°C) bright end, to a cooler (22 to 26°C) shaded end. As well as this, you'll need to provide a 10 to 12 per cent fluorescent UV tube at the hot end, to stop your beardy from getting metabolic bone disease.

    What do bearded dragons like to drink? ›

    Bearded dragons of all ages should be provided a bowl containing fresh water each day. It is recommended to use a shallow water bowl to prevent your bearded dragon from falling in and possibly drowning. The water bowl should be thoroughly washed and the water replaced with fresh water.

    How many co*ckroaches should a bearded dragon eat a day? ›

    A full grown bearded dragon can eat three to five Dubia roaches over the course of two to three feedings per day. In contrast, you'll need larger quantities of Dubia roaches for baby bearded dragons. They typically eat 25 to 50 of these insects per day and can be fed multiple times each day.

    What is the best protein for a bearded dragon? ›

    The Best Bugs for Your Beardie

    Pet dragons are typically fed roaches, crickets, and worms. You'll want to choose one feeder insect to be the regular, primary source of your dragon's protein, and then supplement that with a variety of other insects for additional nutrients.

    Can bearded dragons just eat insects? ›

    All bearded dragons, regardless of age, need part of their diet to be live insects. Younger dragons need 80% live protein in their diet, while adults only need 20% live protein in their diet; your dragon will never stop needing to eat live bugs.

    How often should I bathe my bearded dragon? ›

    As a general rule, bath time three times a week should be sufficient to keep your dragon clean and hydrated. If your dragon absolutely hates baths, then once a week may be a reasonable goal. If your dragon can't get enough bath time, you may want to do it more frequently, maybe even once a day.

    Can Beardies eat bananas? ›

    Let's find out: Can bearded dragons eat bananas? The short answer: yes, they can, but only once or twice a month.

    What human food can bearded dragons eat? ›

    The following list of insects, vegetables and fruits are good choices to include in your bearded dragon's diet:
    • Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms.
    • Apples, blueberries, peaches, strawberries and watermelon.
    • Cabbage, carrots, collard greens, kale, pumpkin and sweet potato.

    What is the best time of day to feed your bearded dragon? ›

    As soon as you get your bearded dragon, no matter their age, their first feeding of the day must always be 2 hours after their lights first are turned on. Similarly, their last feeding needs to come at least two hours before the lights are turned off for the day.

    How often should you hold your beardie? ›

    Regular handling helps bearded dragons get used to people, so you should handle your beardie daily. Doing so also minimizes stress during regular care, such as bathing or tank cleaning. They are generally gentle and easy to hold.

    Should I dry my bearded dragon after a bath? ›

    Drying. Let your beardie soak for about 15 – 20 minutes. Once bath time is over, gently pat your pet dry with a soft sowel. This is very important!

    What is poisonous to bearded dragons? ›

    Never, ever feed your bearded dragon fireflies. Fireflies are extremely toxic to bearded dragons and other reptiles. You may think catching a few fireflies to feed your bearded dragon might be an easy, inexpensive treat, but be warned – fireflies can kill your beardie.

    Why won't my bearded dragon eat insects? ›

    The most common reason that a bearded dragon or other lizard will stop eating crickets is simply because they have gotten tired of crickets. If you've been feeding your pet crickets for a long time, and it's always accepted them before suddenly rejecting them, then this may be your issue.

    What fruit can bearded dragons not eat? ›

    Don't feed your bearded dragon mangos; they have too much Phosphorus for your pet to get any nutritional value from the Calcium. They also have a moderate amount of oxalates, which can lead to kidney trouble, so it's better to avoid feeding them any mangos at all!

    Do bearded dragons need vegetables daily? ›

    75-80% of an adult dragon's diet should be vegetables. If you're feeding a juvenile, a daily salad will suffice. Since bearded dragons are omnivores like humans, they need a variety.

    How many days a week should you feed a bearded dragon? ›

    Adult bearded dragons, or those older than 18 months, will need to be fed just once a day every day. Now, if you miss a day here and there it will by no means be the end of the world. But, you really should strive to feed your bearded dragon once daily.

    What kind of salad can I feed my bearded dragon? ›

    Of the popular salad lettuces, romaine offers the most nutritional value for bearded dragons and humans alike. So if you are going to feed your bearded dragon lettuce, romaine would be the best choice.

    Can bearded dragon eat scrambled eggs? ›

    Bearded dragons can safely eat scrambled eggs.

    They can also eat hard boiled eggs. Just remember these pointers: Adult bearded dragons should eat no more than half an egg at a time, max. If you're scrambling the egg, don't mix any additional ingredients with it.

    How long can a beardie go without crickets? ›

    For instance, adult beardies with extra weight to lose can go up to 2 months or longer without food, although this is far from optimal!

    Can I leave crickets in with my bearded dragon overnight? ›

    It is important that you ensure you remove all uneaten crickets from the enclosure and do not leave them in with your bearded dragon overnight.

    Can you get worms from crickets? ›

    Horsehair worms are internal parasites of crickets and other insects like grasshoppers, co*ckroaches and beetles. Horsehair worms are active and often observed during late summer or fall months. People sometimes find them after stepping on a cricket.

    Why are my crickets dying so quickly? ›

    Ammonia Buildup

    This is probably the most common killer, especially for beginning keepers. It is not enough to just provide feed and a little water for your colony, daily sanitation and great ventilation are critical components as well. A little cricket mortality is to be expected.

    Do crickets give bearded dragons parasites? ›

    Bearded Dragons can experience parasite infections, which are often a result of the insects they eat. Insects with parasites pass on the infestation when they are consumed by lizards. Crickets are typically fed to juvenile Bearded Dragons because of their high protein and fat content, which supports growth.

    Are Dubia roaches better than crickets for bearded dragons? ›

    Dubia roaches are a great option for providing animal protein to insect-eating pet lizards. They have so many advantages over crickets. Owners of bearded dragons or any other insect-eating lizard would be wise to choose dubia roaches, which are easier to care for, less smelly, and healthier for the lizard.

    Can a bearded dragon eat only mealworms? ›

    Only offer mealworms (very large mealworms are sometimes called Superworms) as a supplement to staple insects. Five to six mealworms per feeding for an adult bearded dragon should be fine.

    Are superworms better than mealworms for bearded dragons? ›

    All in all, a mealworm will give about the same sustenance a superworm will give, with little difference. However, if your reptile is a little older and wiser, superworms can give a bit more benefit without worrying about getting bit or stung by the superworm.

    What should I feed my bearded dragon daily instead of crickets? ›

    Bearded Dragons can eat a wide range of live food such as crickets, mealworms and kingworms; vegetables such as sweet potato and pepper and leafy greens such as kale and parsley . They can also eat limited amounts of fruit.

    What can I feed my bearded dragon if I run out of crickets? ›

    What Can Bearded Dragons Eat? – Help I have run out of crickets!
    Turnip GreensVegOften
    Wildcaught Bugs (Indoors or Outdoors)BugsNever
    101 more rows

    Can you overfeed a bearded dragon? ›

    The short answer is yes, you can overfeed Bearded Dragons. Before you get too worried about your adult Beardie, it's mostly a problem for babies and juveniles. Time and care in feeding is incredibly important when raising Beardies as they grow rapidly and require a lot of it during this phase.

    What greens not to feed bearded dragons? ›

    Greens To Avoid Feeding Your Bearded Dragon
    • Vegetables from gardens using chemicals or pesticides.
    • Lettuce, or any green with the word “lettuce” as part of its name.
    • Spinach.
    • Greens in chunks larger than the space between their eyes.
    • Avocadoes.

    Do Beardies need live insects? ›

    All bearded dragons, regardless of age, need part of their diet to be live insects. Younger dragons need 80% live protein in their diet, while adults only need 20% live protein in their diet; your dragon will never stop needing to eat live bugs.

    Are crickets or roaches better for bearded dragons? ›

    Dubia roaches are a great option for providing animal protein to insect-eating pet lizards. They have so many advantages over crickets. Owners of bearded dragons or any other insect-eating lizard would be wise to choose dubia roaches, which are easier to care for, less smelly, and healthier for the lizard.

    Do bearded dragons need insects? ›

    Adult bearded dragons typically need a live insect feeding once a day or once every other day.

    What is a bearded dragon's favorite toy? ›

    Cat wands and teaser toys are excellent for bearded dragons! These typically feature a dangling toy on the end of a long wand that you control. Just wave the wand in front of your beardie and watch them chase it!

    How many worms should a bearded dragon eat? ›

    Adult. Two or three superworms once or twice a week should be sufficient for your adult bearded dragon. Juvenile. A juvenile dragon who can handle the aggressiveness of the worms might be able to eat more superworms in one feeding than an adult.

    Should I feed My bearded dragon roaches everyday? ›

    Twice per day is acceptable, but your pet will grow more slowly. Make sure to have 1,050 roaches on hand per week. Juvenile Bearded Dragon (3-9 months old) = 25 - 50 medium roaches (1/2-inch nymphs) twice daily. Maturing Bearded Dragon (9+ months old) = 3-5 adult roaches (1" adults) almost daily.

    Do bearded dragons like to be watched? ›

    Bearded Dragons, or “Beardies” as some like to call them, aren't lazy pets. It's just that they are known to enjoy cuddling up with their owners while they watch TV. Another reason that Beardies have become an increasingly popular pet is because of the common (mis)conception that they are easy to take care of.

    What bugs are toxic to bearded dragons? ›

    Fireflies, lightning bugs, blinkies. Whatever you call them. the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center warns that Photinus sp. are highly toxic to lizards: It takes half of a firefly to kill a full-grown bearded dragon.

    What wild insects can bearded dragons eat? ›

    Favorite Insects

    As far as tasty insects go, you can't go wrong with black soldier fly larvae, butterworms, co*ckroaches, crickets, Dubia roaches, earthworms, locusts, redworms and superworms. These insects are safe for bearded dragons and are relatively easy to get.

    What should I not feed my bearded dragon? ›

    What not to feed Bearded Dragons? – 21 foods that can be toxic
    • Onions and Chives. Onions, raw or cooked, should not be fed to bearded dragons. ...
    • Mushrooms. Mushrooms contain high phosphorus and acidic content and can be toxic to bearded dragons among ingestion. ...
    • Leeks. ...
    • Garlic. ...
    • Rhubarb. ...
    • Avocados. ...
    • Eggplants. ...
    • Iceberg lettuce.

    What do bearded dragons like in their cage? ›

    Large rocks, easy enough to climb on or around, in the cage also allow for basking and provide a more interesting, natural environment. Bearded dragons may enjoy low, horizontal, natural branches to climb on as well. Make sure all branches are secure and won't fall onto the lizard and injure it.

    What calms a bearded dragon? ›

    A warm bath (85-92 F) will relax your beardie, as well as giving them a chance to clean and hydrate themselves. Offer food daily. Alongside their normal greens, offer food daily, even if they are disinterested. This will help the beardie to positively associate with you.

    How often should you hold your bearded dragon? ›

    Bearded dragons usually tolerate handling better than other lizards. Regular handling helps bearded dragons get used to people, so you should handle your beardie daily. Doing so also minimizes stress during regular care, such as bathing or tank cleaning.

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    Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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    Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.