Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (2024)

The Myers-Briggs tests are one of the most popular personality tests in the world. This blog post will cover the top 10 best Myers-Briggs tests that you can take right now.

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

The test attempts to assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving.

Upon completing a Myers-Briggs test, you will be given a test result that contains a four-letter test result, like “INFJ” or “ENFP”.

The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types

The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types are as follows:

  • The Strategist (INTJ)
  • The Engineer (INTP)
  • The Chief (ENTJ)
  • The Originator (ENTP)
  • The Confidant (INFJ)
  • The Dreamer (INFP)
  • The Mentor (ENFJ)
  • The Advocate (ENFP)
  • The Examiner (ISTJ)
  • The Defender (ISFJ)
  • The Overseer (ESTJ)
  • The Supporter (ESFJ)
  • The Craftsman (ISTP)
  • The Artist (ISFP)
  • The Persuader (ESTP)
  • The Entertainer (ESFP)

Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests

There are a number of different Myers-Briggs test options available online.

Whether you’re a personality test newbie or expert, you can find a test that meets your needs.

Most of the tests are free, but some websites require your name and email address in order to view your results.

Additionally, there are paid options for individuals who want an in-depth analysis of their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Like any personality test, the Myers-Briggs test may not give you a completely accurate analysis of yourself.

So it’s good to keep in mind that you may need to do some additional digging in order to validate your results.

Below is a compilation of the best Myers-Briggs personality tests available.

1. Personality Max

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (1)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 25 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: Personality Max offers one of the best, free, Myers-Briggs personality tests online.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 221 questions and takes around 25 minutes to complete.

You do not need to register or sign up to get your personalized 20-page results report.

The results report is very comprehensive and it goes beyond your personality type.

In addition to your Myers-Briggs personality type, the report also provides details in the following areas:

  • Temperament
  • Preferences
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Learning Styles
  • Brain Hemispheres
  • Personal Development Style

You can share your results with a friend using a shareable URL.

The website also features in-depth resources on the 16 personality types, multiple intelligences, learning styles, and left and right brain so you can do a deep dive into these topics after your test.

2. 16 Personalities

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (2)

Cost: Free (with options to upgrade)

Estimated Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: With over 360 million tests taken, 16 Personalities offers one of the most popular Myers-Briggs personality tests in the world.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 60 questions and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

You will obtain your personality type immediately after the test, but you also have the option to save the test results by signing up to have the results emailed to you.

In addition to your Myers-Briggs personality type, the report also provides details in the following areas:

  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Parenthood
  • Career Paths
  • Workplace Habits

If you want to dive deeper into your Myers-Briggs personality type, you can also pay for premium profiles which include an ebook and access to additional tools and assessments for one year.

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (3)

3. Human Metrics

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (4)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 10 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: Human Metric’s personality testis based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ personality type theory.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 64 questions and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

You do not need to register or sign up to get your personalized results report.

By completing this test you will:

  • Obtain your 4-letter type formula according to Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typology, along with the strengths of preferences and the description of your personality type
  • Discover careers and occupations most suitable for your personality type along with examples of educational institutions where you can get a relevant degree or training
  • Understand the communication and learning styles of your type
  • See which famous personalities share your type
  • Be able to use the results of this test as an input into the Jung Marriage Test™ to assess your compatibility with your long-term romantic partner

4. Crystal

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (5)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: Yes (For the Full Report)

Review: Crystal offers a fast Myers-Briggs test that will give you your MBTI type very quickly.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 32 questions and takes around 5 minutes to complete.

You will need to register and sign up with your email if you want to get your full results report.

The main advantage of Crystal’s Myers-Briggs test is to see how your Myers-Briggs personality type plays into other personality indicators such as the Enneagram, DISC assessment, Big Five Assessment, strengths, and values.

Once you create an account, you can see your comprehensive results of all these tests and it offers you insights on what energies you, what drains you, and your natural talents.

The Myers-Briggs report itself is more brief compared to the other tests because Crystal relies on a combination of tests when it comes to generating your personality analysis.

5. Practical Psychology

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (6)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: Yes (For the Full Report)

Review: Practical Psychology offers a quick Myers-Briggs test to find your personality type.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 100 questions and takes around 15 minutes to complete.

You will obtain your personality type immediately after the test, but you will have to sign up with your name and email if you want to receive the detailed report.

The detailed report contains more in-depth information including:

  • What job you’d find success in easily
  • Who you should be searching for in a romantic partner
  • Where you should live for happiness
  • What mental illness you are prone to
  • If you have an addictive personality
  • Your political views (See if we can guess them from your traits)
  • Your manipulation tactics (even if you don’t think you use them)

6. Truity

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (7)

Cost: Free ($19 USD to unlock the full report)

Estimated Time Required: 15 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: Truity’s test is based on the personality theory created by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs.

This test measures your preferences on Myers and Briggs’ four dimensions of personality type, as well as 23 more detailed facets of type to personalize your results.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 130 questions and takes around 15 minutes to complete.

You will obtain your personality type immediately after the test, but you will have to pay if you want to unlock the full detailed report.

The paid report contains:

  • 19 full pages of detail, with PDF download
  • Your exact scores for 23 dimensions of personality
  • Specific suggestions to make the most of your strengths
  • Top careers and targeted strategies for success at work

7. MBTI Online

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (8)

Cost: $49.95 USD (As of Feb 2020)

Estimated Time Required: 45 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: Yes (to create an account and order the test)

Review: The MBTI Online test is the official assessment developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs.

The only way you can take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment online is through one of these three options: i), ii) an MBTI Certified Practitioner administering the assessment to you directly, or iii) your organization or school administering the assessment.

By paying for this Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment, you will obtain:

  • Myers-Briggs®personality report, four-letter MBTI®type
  • Personalized courses, type comparison, and action guides
  • Lifetime access to theirdigital library

8. IDR Labs

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (9)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: IDR Labs offers you a quick, free, Myers-Briggs personality test online.

This Myers-Briggs personality test contains 44 questions and takes around 5 minutes to complete.

You do not need to register or sign up to get your results report.

The results report is straight forward by providing you with your 4-letter personality type as well as a brief description.

Besides the Myers-Briggs test, IDR Labs also provides many other personalities test on their website.

9. Keys 2 Cognition

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (10)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: Keys 2 Cognition offers a quick personality test to find your cognitive development profile including your Myers-Briggs personality type.

This Myers-Briggs test contains 48 questions and takes around 5 minutes to complete.

You will have to provide your comments, sex, age, and MBTI (if known) at the end of the test in order to get your test results.

You will obtain a detailed analysis of your cognitive development profile, Myers-Briggs personality type, and temperaments after the test.

10. John’s Personality Test

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (11)

Cost: Free

Estimated Time Required: 5 Minutes

Email Sign Up Required: No

Review: John’s Personality Test offers one of the fastest Myers-Briggs personality tests to find your personality type.

This Myers-Briggs test contains at least 25 questions and takes around 5 minutes to complete.

The system may generate additional questions if needed to better assess your type.

You have the option to skip questions that you don’t understand or don’t want to answer.

After completing the test, you will immediately receive your results. The results page will show you your top five Myers-Briggs personality types.

What is the Most Accurate Online MBTI Test?

According to users on Reddit, the most accurate MBTI test is the test offered by Keys 2 Cognition.

The reason why it’s the most accurate is that their test is not dichotomy-based.

If the result is strong it is usually correct. Even weaker results can be useful for at least narrowing down the likely types.

I hope this blog post on the best Myers-Briggs tests helped you find your personality type. Want more personality tests? Check out my blog posts on the Top 12 Best Enneagram Tests and theTop 6 Best DISC Assessments.

The Challenge of Free MBTI Tests

While the MBTI is a respected tool, the accuracy of free online tests can vary significantly. Here are some reasons why free MBTI tests may not be 100% accurate:

  1. Limited Questions: Free online tests often use a limited number of questions to determine your personality type. The MBTI’s official assessment typically consists of many more questions to provide a comprehensive analysis.
  2. Simplified Format: Online tests might oversimplify the dichotomies, leading to less accurate results. In reality, people often fall on a spectrum within each preference, and the MBTI considers these nuances.
  3. Self-Reporting: MBTI tests rely on self-reporting, which can be influenced by your mood, current circ*mstances, or personal biases. Some individuals may answer questions based on how they aspire to be rather than how they genuinely are.
  4. No Validation: Free online tests lack the validation and reliability checks performed by the official MBTI assessment. Without rigorous testing, the results may be less dependable.
  5. One-Size-Fits-All: People are complex, and a single online test may not capture the full depth of their personality. The official MBTI assessment takes into account various aspects of your personality to provide a more accurate result.

Using Free MBTI Tests Wisely

While free MBTI tests may not offer the same level of accuracy as the official assessment, they can still be valuable tools for self-reflection and personal growth. Here are some tips for using them wisely:

  1. Don’t Rely Solely on the Results: Use free tests as a starting point for self-discovery, but don’t make major life decisions solely based on the results. Take the time to understand yourself better through introspection and self-reflection.
  2. Consider Your Current State: Keep in mind that your personality can evolve over time and in different situations. The results of a single test may not capture these changes.
  3. Explore Multiple Sources: If you’re interested in your personality type, consider taking multiple free tests and comparing the results. Look for patterns and commonalities between them.
  4. Seek Professional Guidance: For a more accurate and in-depth analysis, consider consulting with a trained MBTI practitioner. They can provide a professional assessment and help you understand the nuances of your personality.

Which Myers-Briggs Test Is The Best?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a well-known personality assessment tool with multiple versions and interpretations available. Whether one version is considered the “best” depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some of the most widely recognized versions of the MBTI:

  1. Official MBTI Assessment: The official MBTI assessment, provided by the Myers & Briggs Foundation, is considered the most comprehensive and reliable. It involves a series of questions and requires a fee for administration. This version is often administered by certified practitioners and is known for its accuracy and validity.
  2. Free Online Tests: Numerous free MBTI tests are available online. These can be a quick and accessible way to get an idea of your personality type. However, their accuracy can vary widely, and they may not provide the same depth of insight as the official assessment.
  3. Step II (Form Q) Assessment: The Step II assessment is an extended version of the MBTI that offers more detailed results. It breaks down each of the four dichotomies into facets, providing a more nuanced understanding of your personality. This version is typically administered by certified practitioners.
  4. Other Personality Assessments: There are many other personality assessments available, such as the Big Five Personality Test or the Enneagram. These tests offer different perspectives on personality and may be preferred by some individuals over the MBTI.
  5. Customized Assessments: Some organizations and practitioners offer customized versions of the MBTI that are tailored to specific industries or applications. These may be preferred in certain professional contexts.

So, which MBTI test is the best? It ultimately depends on your goals and circ*mstances. If you want a reliable and comprehensive assessment, the official MBTI assessment is the gold standard. However, if you’re just looking for a general sense of your personality type, a free online test can be a good starting point. Keep in mind that the MBTI is just one tool among many for understanding personality, and the best test for you is the one that aligns with your specific needs and preferences.

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (12)

As someone deeply immersed in the realm of personality psychology and assessments, I bring to the table not just theoretical knowledge but practical insights gained through extensive exploration and analysis of various personality tests, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). I've delved into the intricacies of psychological preferences, the history of personality theory, and the application of these assessments in different contexts.

Let's break down the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): The MBTI is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to reveal psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. It categorizes individuals into four dichotomies: introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving.

  2. 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types: The MBTI yields 16 distinct personality types, each represented by a four-letter code. Examples include INFJ (The Confidant), ENTP (The Originator), and ISTP (The Craftsman).

  3. Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests:

    • Personality Max: Comprehensive, free test covering temperament, preferences, multiple intelligences, learning styles, brain hemispheres, and personal development style.
    • 16 Personalities: Popular test with strengths, weaknesses, insights into romantic relationships, friendships, parenthood, and career paths. Offers free and premium profiles.
    • Human Metrics: Based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ theory, providing a 4-letter type formula, career guidance, famous personalities sharing your type, and more.
    • Crystal: Quick test offering insights into other personality indicators like the Enneagram, DISC assessment, Big Five Assessment, strengths, and values.
    • Practical Psychology: Quick test with detailed reports on success in career, romantic partner preferences, ideal living locations, mental health tendencies, political views, and manipulation tactics.
    • Truity: Based on Myers and Briggs’ personality theory, offering a detailed report with exact scores for 23 dimensions of personality and targeted success strategies at work.
    • MBTI Online: The official MBTI assessment available online for a fee, providing a personality report, personalized courses, type comparison, and access to a digital library.
    • IDR Labs: Quick, free MBTI test offering a straightforward results report with a 4-letter personality type and brief description.
    • Keys 2 Cognition: Quick test providing a cognitive development profile, including your Myers-Briggs personality type, temperaments, and detailed analysis.
    • John’s Personality Test: Fast MBTI test offering immediate results and displaying the top five Myers-Briggs personality types.
  4. Most Accurate Online MBTI Test: According to user feedback on Reddit, Keys 2 Cognition is considered the most accurate due to its non-dichotomy-based approach, offering strong and useful results.

  5. Challenges of Free MBTI Tests:

    • Limited Questions: Free tests may use fewer questions than the official MBTI, affecting the depth of analysis.
    • Simplified Format: Online tests might oversimplify dichotomies, missing nuances present in the official assessment.
    • Self-Reporting: Relies on self-reporting, influenced by mood, circ*mstances, or biases.
    • No Validation: Lack the rigorous validation checks performed in the official MBTI assessment.
  6. Using Free MBTI Tests Wisely:

    • Don’t Rely Solely on Results: Treat free tests as starting points for self-discovery, complementing them with introspection.
    • Consider Current State: Recognize that personality can evolve, and a single test may not capture changes.
    • Explore Multiple Sources: Take multiple free tests, look for patterns, and compare results for a more comprehensive understanding.
    • Seek Professional Guidance: For a thorough analysis, consult with certified MBTI practitioners.
  7. Which Myers-Briggs Test Is the Best?

    • Official MBTI Assessment: Comprehensive and reliable, administered by certified practitioners for accurate and valid results.
    • Free Online Tests: Quick and accessible for a general sense of personality type, though accuracy can vary.
    • Step II (Form Q) Assessment: An extended version providing more detailed results by breaking down each dichotomy into facets.
    • Other Personality Assessments: Various alternatives like the Big Five Personality Test or the Enneagram, offering different perspectives.
    • Customized Assessments: Tailored versions for specific industries or applications offered by organizations and practitioners.

In conclusion, the choice of the best Myers-Briggs test depends on individual needs, preferences, and the level of depth required in understanding one's personality.

Best MBTI Tests: Top 10 Myers-Briggs Tests (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.