Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (2024)

When it’s my big day, I always make sure I say a birthday prayer for myself to reconnect with God and express my gratitude for everything He does for me.

Happy birthday wishes from friends, family, and other people make your special day memorable, but a chat with our Creator is something that cannot be replaced.

Each new birthday makes us reflect on the previous year and provides us with a fresh start and new energy.

I’m sure you’ll agree with me that such a special day is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks to the Almighty for the great gift of life.

I want to inspire you on such an important occasion to open up your heart and let God know what’s on your mind.

My beautiful collection of 120 birthday prayers gathered from various sources will help you find perfect examples you can use right now!

Keep reading to get inspired!

Contents show

Top 10 Birthday Prayers For Myself

Here are my best birthday prayers that you can use for yourself:

1. “Dear God, you are the one who carefully crafted my entire existence. You made me and you know me better than anyone else does. Father, give me the wisdom to see my potential and significance. This is what I pray for on my birthday. Amen.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (1)

2. “Dear Lord, please protect me always and keep me safe; please give me the strength to withstand temptation and help me be a better person. Happy birthday to me!”

3. “Thankful for another year. I pray that my plans, decisions, and actions are guided by my values and beliefs. I pray that my mind, body, and spirit are vibrant, healthy, and full of love. Happy birthday to me.”

4. “Please, Jesus, keep me alive and well so that I might enjoy the results of my effort. Please send your Holy Angels to guard me today and forever, Father. Amen.”

5. “A birthday is a time for celebration, and yet as I look around I see so many that are less fortunate that it causes me to pause in gratitude. On this day, I pray for abundance in all ramifications in my life. Happy birthday to me.”

6. “Gracious Lord, thank you so much for this day. Thank you for Your divine presence in my life. Lead me to the life that You have planned for me. Please keep sadness and anxieties out of my heart and mind. Bless me with a long life filled with joy, health, and prosperity. Fill my days with love and happiness. In Jesus’ name I pray.”

7. “It is another year of my life when I should recognize the goodness of God in my life. You have been a consoler and my hope. Thank you for always being with me in my life.”

8. “God, you have granted me health and happiness. Help me achieve all my goals in life. I dedicate all my wins to you, my Lord. Amen.”

9. “I know that life is like a book. With each new chapter, I learn and grow towards what you want me to be. Bless me now on this day and in the future. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

10. “Lord, may your presence surround me like the warm hands of my mother. May you be present with me throughout my birthday celebration, and may your spirit bless my life each day. Happy birthday to me!”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (2)

Inspirational Birthday Prayers For Myself

An inspirational birthday prayer for myself lets you open your heart and soul to the Creator:

1. “Dear God, today I pray for the courage to move forward in life and fulfill the destiny that You have put in front of me. Happy birthday to me!”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (3)

2. “May we come to appreciate You on a daily basis – not just during special occasions like today – for the wonderful presents You have bestowed upon us. Amen.”

3. “Today I will engage in a fast to remember You instead of honoring myself and also use the occasion to humbly plead for Your invaluable favor.”

4. “I am oblivious to what lies ahead of me, but no matter what I face in life, I beg to always prove worthy of Your protection, love, and favor.”

5. “As I reflect on the day I was welcomed into this world, all I want to say is how happy I am to have been given the valuable and precious gift of life, which is without a doubt the best birthday present I could possibly receive. I’m celebrating my birthday today!”

6. “I thank You for increasing my joy as well as my years and ask that You position me to face a long, prosperous future. Thank You, Lord.”

7. “May God grant me the health and wisdom to be a successful and happy person throughout all of my remaining years.”

8. “On this special day, O God, I humbly come before You asking for special blessings. May ill fortune never cross paths with me. May Your protection and favor always be with me.”

9. “I appreciate every day of the life You have given me, dear Father in Heaven. Please bless me with more of this priceless gift as I celebrate this great day of my life.”

10. “With each new day that You create, may my confidence in You grow stronger and greater. Thank you for giving me an answer to my prayer.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (4)

11. “Loving father, thank you for giving me the opportunity to see this day. I’m in awe of all the love and goodness you surround me with. Who am I, that you care so much for me? Even in my sin, you still see me worthy of your love. Thank you Father for the grace you have bestowed on me. From this moment forward, help me live a life that will bring honor to you Holy Name. Let me be a vessel for you and use me as an instrument to do your work. Amen.”

12. “It is during this time I remember just how much You love not only me but indeed all of us, and using my birthday authority, I ask that You grant us all long life and prosperity. Thank You, dear God, for I know You have answered this humble prayer of mine.”

13. “I always celebrate my birthday but never forget to give thanks to God for the many wonderful things I have received in life. May He bless me each day of my new year.”

14. “I wish that God will grant me many more birthdays to come that would carry a big imprint of His love and that I will continue to live long in a flow of His unending mercies so my days can be spent with more time to sing of His. Happy birthday to me!”

15. “Dear God, as I celebrate my birthday today, I pray that You continue to go ahead of me and level all the mountains in my path.”

16. “Happy birthday to me! May God continue to shelter me in His care! I know that in every day of my life there is someone up there that is looking down on me.”

17. “May God bless me on this special day of mine and may the goodwill of others shine upon me. Above all, may an abundance of peace flow in my life, Happy birthday to me!”

18. “I entreat You to heal me of whatever diseases may be plaguing my soul so that I can approach all of the coming days of my life in perfect health.”

19. “Dear God, I pray that You intercede during this special time, remove all gloominess and negativity from my world, and make this my best birthday ever.”

20. “Lord, you know the desires of my heart and I ask that you would bring new friends in my life and help me make the right decisions at work. Thank you again for this birthday Lord. May this new year be filled with your blessings.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (5)

21. “I pray to God for many ecstatic days like this one. Few people get the chance to add a new year to their calendar. Only by Your grace am I able to rejoice today. I’m wishing myself a happy birthday.”

22. “I pray that I find more happiness, contentment, and joy in all my relationships. I wish myself a happy birthday!”

23. “Dear God, thank you for this one day. Give me the strength to find what I need to be happy. Here’s to wishing myself a happy birthday.”

24. “I know I am not a perfect child, nor a perfect person. However, I believe that change always comes with time; and with each passing day, the changes will eventually alter my earthly path. Happy birthday to my wonderful self.”

25. “Loving God, thank you for every day you’ve given me and every amazing moment of it. Thank you for my life and my family. I know that this day begins a new chapter in my life. Help me to make the most of today, by doing what I thought I could never do.”

26. “Lord, today I celebrate a very special day on which my life began. It has been a roller coaster that I have enjoyed every moment of. I pray that you will protect me and keep me safe from all things bad and evil.”

27. “Lord, thank you for this special day. I pray that I experience exceptional things in positive ways this year. Happy birthday to me.”

28. “I pray for peace, happiness and all the joys life can offer. I ask that these blessings be showered upon me abundantly. I pray that I may always be at peace with myself and my family. This is my birthday prayer for myself; please bind it with the warmest love and affection to bless me with an abundant life full of hope.”

29. “Today is my birthday, I pray that my life continues to blossom and sprout with joy and humility. May the good Lord bless me abundantly as I journey through life. My wish for myself is eternal happiness and prosperity.”

30. “Dear God, today I am celebrating not only my birthday but also a new phase in life. ​I pray for your unconditional love and blessings to be with me wherever I go and whatever I do.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (6)

31. “I pray that God’s blessings flood my life and bring me great testimonies. May the favor of God locate me as I celebrate my birthday today. Amen.“

32. “Lord, you’ve given me a better life. People now see your glory in my life. I dedicate this day to you, Lord. Happy birthday to me.”

33. “I thank you, Lord, for the people that stood by me this last year. But, most especially, I thank you for blessing me with another year. Happy birthday to me!”

34. “Thank you, Lord, for all You have done for me. May the beauty of Your existence cover me today and for the rest of my life. Happy birthday to me.”

35. “As I become a year older today, I pray for God’s mercy and grace in everything I do. Amen.”

36. “Father, you are my best friend. All that I am and all that I have is because your unlimited love follows me each day of my journey. May this birthday welcome a new, beautiful year to my life, showered with your blessings. Amen.”

37. “Lord, I beg for Your forgiveness for all of my imperfections during the past year. I promise to be the person you want during this new year. Please, never stop blessing me. Happy birthday to me.”

38. “Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thank you to all the people who remembered me today. Happy wonderful birthday to me.”

Happy Birthday Prayers For My Big Day

A birthday prayer for myself is non-negotiable on this special occasion:

1. “I’d be nothing if it weren’t for Your heavenly love and blessings. Nothing should ever be able to separate me from Your love and favor. Amen.”

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2. “Dear God, on my birthday and beyond, let me walk in the security that comes from knowing who You say I am: treasured, delightful, known, and protected. Bless me today and in the coming year, amen.”

3. “Dear God, today marks my birthday, so thank you for blessing me with such a peaceful life! I am truly grateful to be able to breathe every day.”

4. “I wish myself peace, happiness, and wealth today. Thank you, God, for bestowing such wonderful blessings onto me. I wish myself a happy birthday.”

5. “ Dear God, on this special day of mine, I pray You continue to keep me, my friends, and my loved ones safe from every evil. And may my birthday bring me and my loved ones all the best things in life. Amen.”

6. “I pray for pure happiness and peace of mind as I wave goodbye to yet another blessed year from my life. Dear Lord, thank you for making me wiser and more mature!”

7. “Wishing myself the happiest birthday ever! Thank You, God, for letting me have a lovely family and celebrating my life with them! I am truly blessed!”

8. “God has been kind and merciful to me in all these years. Today, I thank him for adding another year to my life. Praying for my life to be showered by happiness in abundance!”

9. “Life itself is a beautiful gift and I cannot be more thankful to be alive, happy, and healthy! Happy Birthday to me! May God always be pleased with me.”

10. “God, I can’t thank you enough for bringing me this far in life. Thank you for blessing me with life, good health, happiness and peace of mind. I’ll forever be grateful. Happy birthday to me.”

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11. “As I grow older, I pray for incomparable wisdom in all that I set my heart to do. Amen.”

12. “God, all I ask from you on my birthday is that you give me the ability and strength to love and serve you faithfully, come what may.”

13. “I pray to God that he grants me many more joyous occasions like this. It is only by his grace that I’m living this beautiful life!”

14. “I know that today is dedicated to me, but only You are worthy of praise and can grant my grand request, which is a long and healthy life.”

15. “Father in Heaven, thank you for keeping me alive to see a new age. I pray for more joyful days like this here on earth.”

16. “As it’s my birthday, I pray, may I never stop experiencing the wonders of God in my life. Many happy returns of the day to me.”

17. “My birth was a gift from God. Thank you to the gracious almighty for continuing to bestow upon me so many years of existence. Happy Birthday to me.”

18. “As I start conquering the year before me, I pray that I’ll be strong enough to withstand any hurdle along the way and for the peace to accept the things I cannot change.”

19. “Dear God, on this great day You have freely given to me, I pray that Your divine blessings and love will follow me until the end of time.”

20. “Lord, all I ask from you on this special day of mine is that you constantly watch over me, bless me, and keep me healthy all the days of my time on earth.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (9)

21. “Divine love and mercy is all I ask you, my dear God, on my birthday. Forgive my sins and let me live my life happily. Amen!”

22. “Dear God, I want to thank You for all the great miracles. On my birthday, I ask you to purify my thoughts and show me the right way in life! Amen.”

23. “May the Almighty fill my life with endless happy moments, countless wonderful surprises, and infinite success! Amen.”

24. “Dear Jesus, you see how many people came to wish me a happy birthday. Please grant us all your mighty love and care!”

25. “Heavenly Father, I pray that You make every year of my earthly life a practice for the eternal one that I will spend with You.”

26. “May God’s grace be my shield, as I step out into this new year of my life. May I experience God anew in everything I do. Amen. Happy 42nd birthday to me.”

27. “May God be my guide now and always. As I celebrate my birthday today, may I always have reasons to love life and experience God in all my dealings. Happy birthday to me.”

28. “Heavenly Father, thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope that all my wishes will come true. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

29. “Thank you for allowing me to celebrate another birthday, dear God. I hope and pray for your endless love to guide me throughout my life.”

30. “As I add another year, oh Lord, fill me with the goodness and kindness of your strength. Amen.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (10)

31. “On this special day of mine, I just want to give thanks to the almighty God for the gift of life and happiness. I pray that He continues to bless me throughout the year.”

32. “Happy blessed birthday to me! I pray for the directions of the Lord and for better opportunities to come my way. Amen.”

33. “God, because You love me so much, I am a happy and prosperous man/woman today. I pray that You will continue to love and bless me for as long as I live. Thank you so much.”

34. “ Happy Birthday! May peace be upon me as I add another year in life and may God grant me all the desires of my heart!”

35. “Dear God, my special birthday wish is that You bless my life with Your glorious favor, for I know your resources and kindness will never end. So help me God, Amen. Happy 21st birthday to me.”

36. “On the occasion of my birthday, Lord, I pray that you change my life and turn it around positively. Amen. Happy birthday to me.”

Wonderful Happy Birthday To Me Prayers

A wonderful birthday prayer for myself can be said to celebrate both your birthday and praise our Lord!

1. “Sweet Jesus, it is my prayer that your unfathomable love may shine brightly in my life and guide my steps for the rest of my days on this planet.”

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2. “Another birthday has come and it means another day to praise you, God. Thank you for keeping me alive for another year and helping me cherish the greater things in life. I love you.”

3. “Another year has passed and I am dedicating this new beginning of my life to my God. I want to be someone He can be proud of, and I hope I am worthy of His sacrifices.”

4. “I am grateful to God for His endless blessings over me. Everything I have and all that I am are proof of His endless love over me. I bless God for this day, for giving me another year in His untold love. I am blessed to see today! And my prayers are that I will love to praise God in all I do. Happy birthday to me.”

5. “I’m thankful to my Creator for all that He has done in my life, most importantly for giving me the privilege to enjoy another birthday in good health and happiness. Thank you, God. Happy birthday to me.”

6. “No one has shown me more love, care, and mercies than You have done Oh Lord; and on my birthday today, I want to thank you for all that You have done for me and the many more wonders that You are yet to do in this world for me.”

7. “As I celebrate this exclusive day in my life, Lord, I pray that you grant me happiness, success, and good health.”

8. “Lord Jesus, I can’t thank you enough for bringing me this far in life. I might not be a billionaire, but You have blessed me with life, good health, happiness, and peace of mind. These gifts are worth more than all the money and treasures of the world. Thank you so much.”

9. “Some people look for happiness in wealth and other material things. For me, my happiness lies solely in God’s love. I pray that I receive oceans of that every second of my life.”

10. “Just as these candles wonderfully illuminate my birthday cake, may God also light the paths of all of my steps.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (12)

11. “Here’s another birthday. I don’t know what lies ahead of me. But, I know, as long as God is there, I will be protected and loved no matter what.”

12. “My journey so far in life has been amazing, and I want to thank God for that. Happy birthday to me.”

13. “My being alive and healthy today is as a result of none other than the almighty God. I’ll forever be grateful to you, God. Happy birthday to myself.”

14. “I might not be the richest person in the world or the world’s president but I have happiness, peace of mind, and most importantly the gift of life. Thank you, God, for blessing me with such priceless gifts. On my birthday, I celebrate these little but priceless things. Happy birthday to me.”

15. “Sweet Jesus, it’s my prayer that your immeasurable love will shine in my life and guide my path for as long as I live on this earth. Lord, please keep sadness away from my heart and worries from my mind. Bless me with a life of happiness, good health, and good fortune. Happy birthday to me!”

16. “I’m excited today because it’s my birthday. Today, I pray for happiness, peace, and prosperity. I know God will answer my prayers. Happy birthday to myself.”

17. “I pray to the Lord for more of an ecstatic day like today. Not many have the opportunity to have a new year added to their lives. It is only by Your grace that I can celebrate today. I wish myself a cheerful birthday.”

18. “I am very thankful and grateful to the Almighty for granting me yet another year. I pray for an abundance of grace in my world.”

19. “ Lord, thank you for giving and blessing me with this special day. I will forever praise You. I pray that You continue to give me many more days like today.”

20. “As I observe my birthday today, I pray that God will draw me nearer to Him and fill all my days with happiness and His amazing grace.”

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (13)

21. “Lord, please guide me in all that I do today and in the many days and years ahead as I celebrate my birthday.”

22. “Singing, dancing, and praising the Lord is the least that I can do to show appreciation for including yet another age to mine. I pray for more jubilant days ahead. Happy birthday to me.”

23. “Living to see yet another wonderful year is a priceless blessing. Dear God, on this special day, I cry for more priceless blessings like this.”

24. “Today is my birthday, and my heart is full of nothing but gratitude. I pray that the Lord will grant me more special days like this to praise His name.”

25. “I am a year older on this beautiful day. And it’s all possible because of Your incredible love and mercies, God. Today, I go down on my knees to thank you from the depths of my soul for blessing me so lavishly with Your choicest blessings!”

26. “I live a magical life, and I can only thank the Lord for making it possible. I pray to the Lord for more and better days to come.”

27. “Today is my birthday. And as I celebrate it, I’m thankful for the great blessing of waking up in the morning to see another day. I’m also grateful for all the good things that the good Lord has done in my life over the years, and I pray that He continues to shower my life with His precious blessings. Happy birthday to me.”

28. “It’s my special day to enjoy and may God bless me with so many more years to come and a great life to live ahead. Happy birthday to me!”

29. “Happy birthday. I keep in mind and remember that celebrating a birthday is the same as counting how many blessings you have received in life. So I am grateful, for God has truly blessed me a lot!”

30. “On this special day, I thank God for His remarkable blessings in my world and pray that He will continue to protect me from the eyes and plans of my enemies. Lord, please keep sadness away from my heart and worries from my mind. Bless me with a life of happiness, good health, and good fortune. Happy birthday to me!”

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31. “Heavenly Father, all I want for my birthday are your blessings. God, please be with me… today and on all the days of my earthly journey.”

32. “God, thank you for giving me the unique opportunity to be able to wish myself a happy birthday today in good health and happiness. I pray that You will continue to bestow blessings of health and joy on my life. Thank you.”

33. “My phenomenal Creator, you make every day of my life so wonderfully beautiful, as only You can! Without Your divine love and blessings, I’d be absolutely nothing. May nothing ever separate me from Your love and favor.”

34. “Happy Birthday to me! On this day, I celebrate life and celebrate happiness too! May God continue to bless me with so many wonderful things in life.”

35. “On my birthday, I pray for myself that my days be filled with peace, joy, and laughter all year round! Through the years, as I go on with my journey in life, may I continue to bring glory to our God! Happy Birthday to me!”

36. “Today and throughout every season, may God’s grace bring me every possible reason to smile, to enjoy and to celebrate.”

Final Thoughts

We’ve reached the end of this amazing collection!

Nothing compares to a birthday prayer for myself! Beautiful birthday wishes are beautiful no matter who they’re received from, but the one you give yourself is mose special.

However, a birthday prayer provides a unique opportunity to share your thoughts with our Lord.

You may want to express how thankful you are for His blessings, or you may want to ask for strength to cope with anything that life may bring tomorrow.

His guidance empowers you in each segment of your life and you can tell Him how grateful you are for His presence.

Life itself is the greatest give you’ve received!

Let’s celebrate it and praise the Creator who reminds us every day that life is beautiful!

Until next time!

Read next: 160+ Unique Birthday Quotes For Self To Celebrate You!

Birthday Prayer For Myself: 120 Great Ideas For Inspiration (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.